Anne Frank Study Guide Short Answer 1. What is one theme from

Anne Frank Study Guide
Short Answer
What is one theme from the play? Describe.
What is one symbol from the play? Describe.
How do the flashbacks impact the play? Explain.
What are some major external / internal conflicts in the play?
What were Anne's feeling toward Peter?
Why did Mr. Dussel not like Anne?
How did Anne's mood toward the Annex change from the beginning to the end?
When Anne realized that Peter might have to leave because his father stole food, how did she react? Why did she react this
9. Who was the last person to enter the Annex?
10. Why did Anne get yelled at by Mrs. Van Daan?
11. What was Peter's attitude toward Anne in the beginning of the play?
12. Why did Anne act so cruelly toward her mom?
13. Why did they bring Mr. Dussel into the Annex?
14. What was the reason that Mr. Frank brought Anne a diary?
15. What was a main conflict of the play?
16. Describe the relationship between the Franks and the Van Daan's.
17. How did it affect the group when American troops landed in France?
18. According to the play, how did the Franks get caught by the Nazis?
19. When did Mrs. Frank finally “lose it”?
20. What changed the mood in the Annex after the argument?
21. Name all of the characters that lived in the Annex.
22. If Mr. Van Daan had starved to death while in the Annex, how do you think it would have impacted the story?
23. What was the Secret Annex like?
24. What is Anne's mood around Peter?
25. What was Peter going to do with his Star of David?
26. How does the mood of the story affect the dialogue?
27. Why couldn't Anne burn her Star of David?
28. Why did Anne envy Margot?
29. How did Anne change during the play?
30. Did Anne and Peter solve their differences? How?
31. Why do you think Mrs. Frank flirts so much with Mr. Frank?
32. What was the last thing that Mr. Frank read from Anne's diary?
33. What happened to Peter's cat?
34. How long were the Franks in the Annex before they were caught?
35. What did Anne call her father? What did he call her?
36. Why was Mr. Dussel surprised that Anne gave him a gift during Hanukkah?
37. What were Anne's parents' names?
38. Which camp did Anne go to?
39. What is the Secret Annex stairway hidden behind?
40. Why did they pay the warehouse man so much money?
41. Why did Mr. Van Daan sell Mrs. Van Daan's favorite fur coat?
42. How did Anne feel about the call up notice?
43. Why does Peter call Anne Mrs. Quack Quack?
44. What weren't they allowed to do during the day at the Annex? Why?
45. Why does Mother yell at Anne?
46. Who does Anne write to in her diary?
47. What is in the box of items that Mr. Frank brings to Anne?
48. How old was Anne when she died?
49. How did Anne die?
50. What horrible things did Anne do to her roommate?
51. Why did the Jews need to hide from the Nazis?
52. Why do you think that Peter and Anne have conflict at the beginning of the play?
53. Was Anne and Peter's relationship static or dynamic? Explain.
54. How did Anne spill milk on Mrs. Van Daan's coat?
55. What is the name of the company Mr. Frank works for?
56. Why does Mrs. Van Daan keep the best food for Mr. Van Daan?
1. Mrs. Van Daan flirted with Mr. Frank.
2. The fate of Anne and her mother is known at the end of the play.
3. Peter started to like Anne at the end of the play.
4. Anne was disliked by everyone in the Annex at the beginning of the play.
5. Anne shared a room with her parents.
6. The play was based on a true story.
7. Peter's cat was named Mouschi.
8. Peter's cat was a girl.
9. Anne was 16 when she went to the Annex.
10. Anne spilled milk on Mrs. Van Daan's fur jacket.
11. Anne was very talkative in school.
12. Mr. Frank survived the Holocaust.
13. Anne got Mr. Dussel cigarettes for Hannukah.
14. Anne believes everyone is good at heart.
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