Unit 10 - Seven Idiomas

World Link Intro – Answer Key
Unit 1
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. teacher 2. address 3. male 4. female 5. first name 6. last
name 7. room 8. phone number 9. class
B. 1. Last name 2. First name 3. Female 4. address 5. Teacher
6. Room 7. First name 8. Last name
9. phone number 10. class 12. room
2. Conversation Workout
A. 1. 1, 3, 2, 4 2. 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 3. 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 B. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. g 2. e 3. c 4. a 5. f 6. b 7. d
B. 1. No, they aren’t. They are teachers. 2. Yes, it is. 3. Yes,
he is. 4. No, it isn’t. It’s Pilar. 5. No, it isn’t. It’s 689-2381.
6.No, I’m not. I’m a ___. 7. Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s ___.
C. 1. four seven two oh three one eight 2. nine eight seven six
three oh 3. three three two four five six two five 4. Answers will
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. a. Female b. Actor c. Artist d. Singer e. Athlete
B. Answers will vary.
2. Reading & Writing
B. 1. No, it isn’t. 2. Yes, they are. 3. Yes, it is. 4. No, it isn’t. 5.
Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
C. 1. Pete 2. Frank 3. Joe 4. Debbie 5. Terrie 6. Maggie
D. 1. is 2. calls 3. He’s 4. His 5. address 6. athlete E. Answers
will vary.
Unit 2
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. b 2. j 3. e 4. d 5. h 6. f 7. a 8. c 9. g 10. i
B. 1. Japan 2. Japanese 3. Mexico 4. Mexico City 5. London 6.
British 7. Taiwan 8. Taipei 9. France
10. French 11. the U.S.A. 12. Washington, DC 13. Kuala Lumpur
14. Malaysian 15. (South) Korea 16. Korean
2. Conversation Workout
A. 1. from, I’m, Australia, isn’t 2. are you from, Is that the, of
France, it is 3. Where are you from? I’m from Toronto. Is that the
capital of Canada? No, it isn’t. Ottawa is the capital. 4. Where
are you from? I’m from Rio de Janeiro. Is that the capital of
Brazil? No, it isn’t. Brasilia is the capital. 5. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. d 2. g 3. e 4. b 5. a 6. h 7. f 8. c
B. 1. Who is the teacher? 2. Where is he from? 3. Where is
Taipei? 4. Who is with you? 5. Where are you from?
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. Answers will vary.
B. Answers will vary.
2. Reading & Writing
A. 1. New York 2. Brasilia 3. Oxford 4. Rome
B. Answers will vary.
C. capatal capital, spaicous spacious, modren
restarants restaurants, cleen clean, beutiful beautiful
D. Answers will vary.
Unit 3
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. computer 2. answering machine 3. books 4. pens 5. picture
6. note pad
1. umbrella 2. keys 3. pen 4. CD player 5. cell phone 6. purse
B. Answers will vary.
2. Conversation Workout
A. 1.B:No problem. 2.A:Is this your dictionary? 3.A:Thanks for
the gift. 4.A. Excuse me. Are these your keys? 5.A:Thanks so
much. 6.A:Is this your cell phone?
B. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1.postcards 2.countries 3.stereos 4.cell phones 5. shops
6.dictionaries 7.watches 8.TVs 9.bridges 10.capitals
B. a TV, a city, a purse, a teacher, a camera
an actor, an umbrella, an ID card, an exercise, an athlete
pictures, books, restaurants, glasses, friends
C. 1. What’s that? It’s a backpack. 2.What are these? They’re
keys. 3.What’s this? It’s a watch. 4. What’s that? It’s an
umbrella. 5. What are those? They’re books.
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. This is an old VCR. 2. These are expensive sunglasses. 3.
This is a lightweight computer. 4. This is a compact camera.
5. This is a large TV. 6. These are excellent CDs.
B. 1. excellent 2. bad 3. lightweight 4. cheap 5. small/compact
2. Reading & Writing
A. 1. DVD player 2. Cell phone 3. TV 4. Answering machine
B. 1. F: The BS24i is big. 2. F: The GabbX is lightweight. 3. T 4.
F: The TalkMate07 is new. 5. T
C. 1. camera 2. product 3. heavy 4. expensive 5. excellent
D. Answers will vary.
Unit 4
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. listening 2. studying 3. singing 4. playing 5. eating 6.
cooking 7. reading 8. exercising 9. watching and exercising
10. sleeping
B. 1. studying 2. reading 3. listening 4. eating/cooking 5. playing
6. cooking/eating 7. watching
2. Conversation Workout
A. 1. e 2. c 3. d 4. f 5. h 6. g 7. a 8. b
B. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. Carlos is writing an e-mail. 2. They’re listening to CDs. 3.
Susan is talking on her cell phone. 4. We’re eating pizza.
5. Min-Chul is watching his new DVD.
B. 1. He isn’t sleeping. 2. I’m not singing. 3. We aren’t watching
TV. 4. You aren’t studying hard. 5. Sally isn’t talking to her
C. 1. Is John playing tennis? 2. Is she listening to music? 3. Are
Mr. and Mrs. Sosa exercising? 4. Are you watching a movie?
5. Are we learning English?
World Link Intro – Answer Key
D. 1. He’s answering letters. 2. Yes, he is. 3. She’s talking to new
customers. 4. They’re meeting with Mr. Pak. 5. No, he isn’t. He’s
writing reports. 6. Ahmed is (answering the phones). 7. No, she
isn't. 8. Olivia is working at the computer.
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. writing 2. math 3. science 4. history 5. literature 6. English
7. art 8. business 9. cooking 10. music
B. Answers will vary.
2. Reading & Writing
B. Karl Miller/North American Studies/U.S. history, American
literature, and English/ listening to music; Abdullah Ali/Egyptian/
two business classes and math/playing basketball; Rosangela
Dias/Brazilian/art/art/yoga; Miho Yamaguchi/Japanese/computer
science/English/playing tennis.*
C. 1. sitting 2. drinking 3. eating 4. traveling 5. visiting 6.
shopping 7. sleeping 8. studying
D. Answers will vary.
*not all editions include the items in red
Unit 5
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. breakfast 2. eat, drink 3. lunch 4. sandwich, soda 5. dinner
6. dessert 7. junk food
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary.
2. Conversation Workout
A. 1. Are you hungry?/Yes, I am. Do you like Chinese food?/Yes,
I love it./Let’s go to China Garden. They have great food./Okay,
let’s go there. 2. Let’s go to Pizza Paradise for dinner./Well, I
don’t really like pizza./That’s okay. They have Italian chicken and
pasta too./Sounds good! 3. I’m hungry!/I’m hungry too. Let’s
have dinner./Do you like steak?/Yes, I like it a lot./Then let’s go
to Texas Steak House.
B. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. have 2. speaks 3. do 4. go 5. drinks 6. studies
B. 1. I don’t eat breakfast every day. 2. Carmen doesn’t speak
Japanese. 3. We don’t like tests. 4. Young-Mi doesn’t drink
coffee. 5. Mike and Jim don’t smoke. 6. You don’t sleep in class.
C. Answers will vary.
Unit 6
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. Male: grandfather, husband, son, father, brother, nephew;
Female: wife, sister, daughter, niece, aunt, mother; Female or
male: cousin, parent, child.
B. 1. f 2. e 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d
C. Answers will vary.
2. Conversation Workout
A. 1. Is this your family? 2. Yes, these are my parents. 3. What
are their names? 4. My father’s name is Paul and my mother’s
name is Sally. 5. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 6. I have
one sister and two brothers./I have two brothers and one sister.
7. What are your brothers’ names? 8. Their names are Jason
and Matt. 9. What’s your sister’s name? 10. Her name is Lisa.
B. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. the Paks’ 2. Charles’s 3. The Paks’ 4. Shelly’s 5. Charles’s
6. Shelly’s
B. 1. James’s, Kayla’s 2. Jeff’s, Kayla’s 3. Annie’s, James’s,
Sarah’s 4. Carol’s, Annie’s, Kayla’s
C. 1. His house is small. 2. Her name is Akiko. 3. His parents are
divorced. 4. Their names are Cathy and Wendy. 5. I’m his
cousin. 6. This is his car.
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. 1. married 2. single 3. divorced 4. stepfather 5. large 6.
children 7. parents
B. 1. married 2. large 3. single 4. stepfather 5. parents 6.
divorced 7. children
C. 1. seventy-seven 2. three hundred eighty 3. forty-six 4. five
hundred twenty-five 5. three thousand two hundred 6. six
hundred four 7. nine thousand thirty 8. five thousand two
hundred eighty
2. Reading & Writing
A. Answers will vary.
B. 1. stepmother 2. husband 3. son 4. father 5. half-brother
C. 1. two thousand two 2. nineteen seventy-nine 3. nineteen
ninety-six 4. nineteen eighty-seven 5. Answers will vary.
D. 1. Michael’s 2. Michael’s 3. Cameron’s 4. Kirk’s 5. Diana’s 6.
Michael’s 7. Diana’s
E. Answers will vary.
Unit 7
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. 1. tomato 2. glass 3. gift 4. London 5. soup 6. steak 7. Taiwan
8. sushi
B. 1. garlic 2. sushi 3. coffee 4. junk food 5. hot dogs 6. pasta
C. Answers will vary.
2. Reading & Writing
A. 1. Onion Soup 2. Tomato Salad 3. Italian Sandwich
B. 1. eat 2. don’t smoke 3. don’t drink 4. exercise 5. play 6. don’t
eat 7. love 8. sleep 9. take 10. is 11. doesn’t take 12. smokes 13.
doesn’t exercise 14. doesn’t eat 15. eats 16. studies 17. sleeps
C. Answers will vary.
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. 6:45 2. 1:30 3. 12:00 (a.m.) 4. 10:15 5. 3:30 6. 3:45 7. 5:00
8. 9:05
B. 1. b 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. d 6. c 7. h 8. g
C. midnight, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night
D. Answers will vary.
2. Conversation Workout
A. Suggested answers: 1. Let’s see the new Terminator movie.
2. Let’s go swimming. 3. Let’s have coffee at Café Colombia.
4. Let’s go shopping at Metro Shopping Center. 5. Let’s watch
The Evening News at 7:00.
B. Suggested answers: 1. I don’t really want to watch that. 2. I
don’t really like tennis. 3. I don’t really like Liza Naylor.
World Link Intro – Answer Key
4. I don’t really like pizza. 5. I don’t really want to go shopping.
C. Suggested answers: 1. Let’s go to the new Chinese
restaurant./Hmm . . . I don’t really like Chinese food./They also
have Japanese food./Okay, that sounds good! 2. Let’s play
basketball./I don’t really like basketball./Then let’s play
soccer./Okay, sounds good!
D. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6.
B. 1. on, at, in 2. in 3. at, in 4. On, at 5. on 6. at, on
C. Suggested answers: 1. She works on Monday and
Wednesday. 2. She works on Tuesday afternoon. 3. She works
on Saturday. 4. He works in the evening. 5. He works on
Thursday afternoon. 6. He works in the afternoon.
D. 1. What day is today? 2. When is your English class? 3. What
day was yesterday? 4. What day is tomorrow?
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. 1. shopping 2. the movies 3. with friends 4. at the gym 5.
family 6. a trip
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. What do you do on the weekends? 2. Who do you live
with? 3. When do you have class? 4. What do you have for
lunch? 5. Where do you go to school? 6. What do you study?
2. Reading & Writing
A. 1. Where do you live? 2. Who do you live with? 3. What do
you do in your free time? 4. What do you do in the evening?
5. What do you do on Saturday? 6. When do you relax?
B. 1. F: Wade relaxes on Sunday. 2. F: Wade doesn’t play tennis
with his girlfriend. 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F: He lives with his dog.
C. 1. in 2. at 3. On 4. at 5. on 6. In 7. In 8. on
D. Answers will vary.
Unit 8
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. May 2. March 3. June 4. July 5. August 6. November 7.
February 8. April 9. September 10. January 11. October
12. December
B. February sixteenth, August twenty-third, November ninth,
October first, April fifteenth, July second, June twenty-fourth,
March eighteenth.
C. Answers will vary
2. Conversation Workout
A. 5, 4, 1, 3, 6, 2; 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
B. Suggested answers: 1. What’s the date today?/It’s July
sixteenth./Today is my Grandma’s birthday!/Let’s call and say
“Happy Birthday!”/Okay. How old is she?/She’s seventy-three. 2.
What’s the date today?/It’s July nineteenth./Today is Jason’s
birthday!/ Let’s call and say “Happy Birthday!”/Okay. How old is
he?/He’s six.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. in 2. in 3. on 4. on 5. in 6. on 7. on 8. in 9. in 10. on
B. 1. Our vacation is in the summer. 2. Our party is on New
Year’s Day. 3. Schools are closed on National Day. 4. His
birthday is in the winter. 5. My father was born in 1950. 6.
Christmas is on December 25th.
5. My father was born in 1950. 6. Christmas is on December 25.
C. 1. C 2. I: in Wednesday – on Wednesday 3. I: on the winter –
in the winter 4. I: on April – in April 5. I: at 1927 – in 1927 6. C
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. 1. give gifts 2. spend time with relatives 3. decorate their
home 4. make wishes 5. wear special costumes 6. go to a
parade 7. clean the house 8. cook special foods
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. long 2. from, to 3. long 4. for 5. from, to 6. for 7. long 8.
from, to
2. Reading & Writing
A. 1. c 2. b 3. a
B. 1. Paulo Amaral/Brazil/Carnival 2. Korea/Chusok/She sees all
her cousins. 3. Karin Schmidt/Germany/She loves their
traditional Christmas tree.
C. 1. holliday holiday 2. Nationnal National 3. deocrate decorate
4. flaggs flags 5. specal special 6. paredes parades 7. waer wear
8. traditonal traditional 9. favoret favorite
D. Answers will vary.
Unit 9
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. get up 2. go to bed 3. do homework 4. go to school 5. get
home 6. take a shower 7. get dressed 8. check e-mail
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. day 2. get up 3. dressed 4. have/eat 5. check 6. go 7. do 8.
in 9. home 10. watch 11. take 12. go to bed
2. Conversation Workout
A. 1. Great! 2. Good. 3. Not bad. 4. Okay, I guess. 5. It could be
better. 6. Not so good. 7. Don’t ask!
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. Max often drinks coffee. 2. Max and Toshi always eat
breakfast. 3. Anna is usually a good student. 4. Toshi and Anna
never drink coffee. 5. Anna and Max are sometimes late for
class. 6. Jane never eats breakfast. 7. Jane is seldom late for
class. 8. Toshi often gets up early.
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary.
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. 1. common 2. bill 3. pay 4. similar 5. date 6. different 7. match
B. 1. Who 2. Where 3. Who 4. Where 5. What 6. Where 7. Who
8. What
C. 1. Where do you go after class? 2. What do you eat for lunch?
3. Who speaks English very well? 4. Where do you go to school?
5. What do you do on Sunday?
2. Reading & Writing
B. 1. Eliana lives in Brazil. 2. She works in an office. 3. She lives
in Miami. 4. Catherine works in a restaurant. 5. Her hobbies are
music, cartoons, and shopping. 6. Becky likes sports. 7. Eliana is
a good match for Catherine. They both like reading and music.
C. Name: Min Song-Gyu/e-mail: songgyu@han.com/Age: 20
Hometown: Seoul, Korea/ Hobbies: music, basketball, drawing/
World Link Intro – Answer Key
Daily life: Monday to Friday: study at Central University; Saturday
and Sunday: work in a dance club
D. Answers will vary.
Unit 10
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. dining room 2. kitchen 3. bathroom 4. bedroom 5. living
room 6. yard 7. garage
B. Suggested answers: bedroom: chair, mirror, dresser, bed,
lamp, rug; kitchen: table, microwave, stove, refrigerator, sink;
living room: table, sofa, chair, lamp, TV, rug; bathroom: toilet,
sink, mirror, shower
C. Answers will vary.
2. Conversation Workout
A. this is/it’s/That’s/are there/There’s/Is there/there’s
B. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. Is there/No, there isn’t. 2. Is there/Yes, there is. 3. Are
there/Yes, there are. 4. Is there/Yes, there is. 5. Is there/No,
there isn’t. 6. Are there/No, there aren’t.
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. How many people are there in your family? 2. How many
pages are there in this book? 3. How many students are there in
your class? 4. How many windows are there in your bedroom? 5.
How many units are there in this book?
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. 1. h 2. e 3. f 4. j 5. g 6. a 7. b 8. i 9. d 10. c
B. 1. in a dormitory 2. with a host family 3. with my family
C. 1. for 2. for 3. about 4. at 5. with 6. to 7. to
2. Reading & Writing
B. a dining room: D; a yard: A, C; two bedrooms: A, C, D; two
bathrooms: A, C; a big kitchen: C; C is the best. It has two
bedrooms, two bathrooms, a big kitchen, and a yard.
C. For rent: Small apartment in a nice new building. There’s a
living room, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom. It has a
beautiful balcony with flowers.
D. Answers will vary.
Unit 11
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. 1. a. dress b. coat c. boots 2. a. shorts b. T-shirt c. sandals 3.
a. jeans b. sneakers c. T-shirt d. jacket 4. a. skirt
b. blouse c. sweater d. high heels 5. a. suit b. tie c. shirt
B. Answers will vary.
2. Conversation Workout
A. Answers will vary.
B. 1. Excuse/Yes/How,is/jacket 2. Excuse me/How much
C. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. one hundred thirty-five, five hundred fifteen, seven hundred
nine, one thousand six hundred, three thousand, eleven
thousand eight hundred ten, twenty-five thousand
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. two hundred thirty-five dollars 2. five hundred thirty-seven
dollars 3. two hundred sixty-two dollars 4. four hundred thirty-six
dollars 5. I don’t know.*
*not all editions include the items in red
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. 1. Her dress is long. She has a gold necklace. She’s wearing
formal clothing. Her ring is beautiful. Her bracelet is gold.
2. She’s wearing a hat. She has new sunglasses. She’s wearing
a short skirt. Her clothing is casual.
B. 1. a 2. a 3. X 4. an 5. X 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. X 10. a 11. X 12. a 13.
X 14. a 15. an 16. X
C. 1. C 2. I: homeworks - homework 3. C 4. I: computers computer 5. I: a meat - meat 6. I: are - is 7. C 8. I: are - is
2. Reading & Writing
A. 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. a 5. d
B. 1. X 2. a 3. a 4. X 5. a 6. X 7. X 8. a 9. X
C. Answers will vary.
Unit 12
Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary Workout
A. Across: 2. nurse 4. actor 7. dancer 9. fashion designer 11.
doctor 12. singer 13. writer; Down: 1. businessman
3. race-car driver 5. painter 6. dentist 8. waitress 10. inventor
2. Conversation Workout
A. 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. g 5. b 6. a 7. f
B. What’s your name?/Where do you work?/I work at Chang’s
Driving School./What do you do?/I’m a driving instructor./Do you
like your job?/What are your students like?
C. Answers will vary.
3. Language Workout
A. 1. He’s lazy. 2. She’s serious. 3. He’s hardworking. 4. He’s
shy. 5. She’s smart. 6. She’s outgoing. 7. He’s creative.
B. Answers will vary.
Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary & Language Workout
A. noun: job, resume, company, skill; verb: teach, make, speak,
write; adverb: quickly, easily, badly, well
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary.
D. Answers will vary.
E. what, can you/can, little/Can you/can, little bit/can’t, well,
Can/can cry
2. Reading & Writing
A. Can you speak Spanish? Can you play any instruments? Can
you ski?
B. sing: yes; speak French: a little; play tennis: yes; ski: no; play
the piano: yes; speak English: yes; play soccer: yes; play the
violin: a little
C. I’m, live, speak, can, love, play, can’t, do
D. Answers will vary.