Table of Contents Accident Investigation............................................................................................................16 Accident Investigation ........................................................................................................16 Accident Investigation: Examining the Details ....................................................................16 Close Calls and Near Misses .............................................................................................16 R.E.P.O.R.T. It! Near Miss Reporting ................................................................................16 Animals and Insects ..............................................................................................................16 Dog Bite Prevention ...........................................................................................................16 Groundskeeping Safety: Dealing with Bugs and Critters ....................................................16 Groundskeeping Safety: Dealing with Bugs and Critters ....................................................16 Killer Bees..........................................................................................................................16 Killer Bees, Wasps and Spiders .........................................................................................16 Lyme disease .....................................................................................................................16 Occupational Dog Bite Safety ............................................................................................16 Occupational Dog Bite Safety Talks ...................................................................................17 Outdoor Safety Critters and Plants .....................................................................................17 Preventing Hantavirus Disease ..........................................................................................17 Safety Now: Dog Attacks ...................................................................................................17 The Outdoorsman's Guide to Snake Safety .......................................................................17 Ticks: Disease Prevention ..................................................................................................17 Working Outdoors: Mosquitoes and Ticks ..........................................................................17 Back Safety ...........................................................................................................................17 Back in Action ....................................................................................................................17 Back Injury Prevention .......................................................................................................18 Back Protection: Defending Your Safety Zone ...................................................................18 Back Safety........................................................................................................................18 Back Safety Posture, Mechanics, Exercises ......................................................................18 Back Safety: Lift for Life .....................................................................................................18 Defending Your Safety Zone: Back Protection ...................................................................18 La Espalda: Postura, Mecanica Y Ejercico .........................................................................18 Last Straw: A Guide to Manual Material Handling ..............................................................18 Lifting .................................................................................................................................18 Lifting and Back Strain .......................................................................................................18 Manual Handling for Industry: The New Approach .............................................................18 On the Road: The Lighter Side of Lifting ............................................................................19 POWERLIFT: Lifting Training that Works ...........................................................................19 The Back Pack ...................................................................................................................19 Warehouse Material Handling 2012 ...................................................................................19 Bloodborne Pathogens ..........................................................................................................19 Bloodborne Pathogens.......................................................................................................19 Bloodborne Pathogens.......................................................................................................19 Bloodborne Pathogens Know the Risk ...............................................................................20 Bloodborne Pathogens: Always Protect Yourself ...............................................................20 Bloodborne Pathogens: Know the Risk! .............................................................................20 Bloodborne Pathogens: Universal Precautions ..................................................................20 Canal Safety ..........................................................................................................................20 Stay Out and Stay Alive .....................................................................................................20 Change Management ............................................................................................................20 Leading Yourself Through Change ....................................................................................20 New Horizons: The New Workplace ...................................................................................20 The Water Workforce Crisis ...............................................................................................21 Who Moved My Cheese? ...................................................................................................21 Chlorine .................................................................................................................................21 Chlorine Institute Emergency Kit A .....................................................................................21 Lending Library Catalog Page 1 Chlorine Institute Emergency Kit B .....................................................................................21 Chlorine Safety ..................................................................................................................21 Chlorine Safety ..................................................................................................................21 Chlorine Safety for Water and Wastewater Operators ........................................................21 East Bay MUD Incident Command System ........................................................................21 Handling Sodium Hypochlorite Safely ................................................................................21 Hazchem for Chlorine ........................................................................................................22 Simulated Release of Elemental Chlorine ..........................................................................22 Coaching ...............................................................................................................................22 Coaching for Top Performance ..........................................................................................22 How to Coach an Effective Team .......................................................................................22 The Art of Coaching in Business ........................................................................................22 The Courage to Coach .......................................................................................................22 Would I Follow Me? ...........................................................................................................22 Communication Skills ............................................................................................................22 Communicating Non-Defensively .......................................................................................22 Getting the Most Out of Your Meetings ..............................................................................22 How to Deal With Annoying People....................................................................................22 How to Resolve Conflict on the Job....................................................................................23 Life Is Short........................................................................................................................23 Media Relations: What to Do When the News is You .........................................................23 Off the Record: Insiders Techniques for Working with the Media .......................................23 Powerful Presentation Skills for Water Professionals .........................................................23 Speak Up! Commit to Give Feedback ................................................................................23 The Arts of Criticism ...........................................................................................................23 The Attitude Virus: Curing Negativity in the Workplace ......................................................24 What to do When Conflict Happens ...................................................................................24 Who Are "They" Anyway? ..................................................................................................24 Compressed Gases ...............................................................................................................24 Compressed Air Safety ......................................................................................................24 Compressed Gas Cylinders ...............................................................................................24 Compressed Gas Safety Awareness..................................................................................24 Cylinders: Container Emergencies .....................................................................................24 Handling Gas Cylinders .....................................................................................................24 Safe Handling and Storage of Compressed Gas ................................................................24 Working Safely with Compressed Gas Cylinders ...............................................................24 Confined Spaces ...................................................................................................................25 Confined Space Atmospheric Testing ................................................................................25 Confined Space Atmospheric Testing ................................................................................25 Confined Space Entry Inside Maneuvers ...........................................................................25 Confined Space Entry inside Maneuvers ...........................................................................25 Confined Space Entry: Keeping Public Employees Safe ....................................................25 Confined Space Entry-Permit Required .............................................................................25 Confined Space Hot Work ..................................................................................................25 Confined Space Hot Work ..................................................................................................25 Confined Space in Construction .........................................................................................25 Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue....................................................................................25 Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue....................................................................................25 Confined Space Rescue ....................................................................................................25 Confined Space Rescue ....................................................................................................25 Confined Space Safety ......................................................................................................25 Confined Space Ventilation ................................................................................................26 Confined Space: Risk and Responsibilities ........................................................................26 Confined Spaces and the Entry Permit System ..................................................................26 Confined Spaces: A Training Program for Employees .......................................................26 Lending Library Catalog Page 2 Confined Spaces: Deadly Spaces ......................................................................................26 Hidden Scars: Living With Loss, Surviving a Workplace Trauma .......................................26 HIGH IMPACT Life and Death Series: Confined Space Entry ............................................26 Lake Hemet MWD Confined Space Fatality .......................................................................26 Safety First: Confined Spaces ............................................................................................26 Surviving a Confined Space Rescue ..................................................................................26 The Sky is Falling...............................................................................................................27 Cranes and Hoists .................................................................................................................27 Crane Safety, Part I, the Big Reach ...................................................................................27 Crane Safety, Part II, Anatomy of a Lift ..............................................................................27 Crane Signal Person Basic Training...................................................................................27 Cranes, Hoists & Slings .....................................................................................................27 Hoists and Slings ...............................................................................................................27 Indoor Cranes: Safe Lifting Operations ..............................................................................27 Indoor Cranes: Safe Lifting Operations ..............................................................................27 Industrial Crane Safety.......................................................................................................27 Overhead Cranes: Safe Operation .....................................................................................27 Pendant Operated Underhung Hoist Safety .......................................................................28 Safety First: Indoor Crane Operation..................................................................................28 Truck Mounted Articulating Knuckle Boom Cranes ............................................................28 Customer Service ..................................................................................................................28 But I Don't Have Customers! ..............................................................................................28 Customer Service for Water Utilities...................................................................................28 Customer Service for Water Utilities Video Series ..............................................................28 Customer Service III: Working with Difficult Customers ......................................................28 Customer Service IV: Strategies for Field Representatives ................................................28 Customer Service: Difficult Customer ALERT ....................................................................29 Customer Service: The Royal Treatment ...........................................................................29 Customers With A Difference .............................................................................................29 Glad I Could Help...............................................................................................................29 On the Job: Customer Service ...........................................................................................29 So Help Me ........................................................................................................................29 The Customer is Always Dwight .........................................................................................29 The Guest ..........................................................................................................................29 The Secret: Customer Service Uncovered .........................................................................29 Discipline ...............................................................................................................................30 Discipline without Punishment............................................................................................30 Documenting Discipline II ...................................................................................................30 The Power of Positive Discipline ........................................................................................30 Discrimination ........................................................................................................................30 ADA: What Managers Should Know...................................................................................30 Ten Commandments of Communicating ............................................................................30 Without Regard ..................................................................................................................30 Diversity Training ...................................................................................................................30 "M.E.E.T. on Common Ground" Speaking Up for Respect in the Workplace ......................30 Different Like You: Appreciating Diversity in the 21st. Century ...........................................30 Diversity Food for Thought .................................................................................................30 Pigeon-Holed in the Land of Penguins ...............................................................................31 Driving Skills ..........................................................................................................................31 Backing, Parking and Intersections ....................................................................................31 Beating a Blowout ..............................................................................................................31 Crash Course: Vehicle Incident Reporting..........................................................................31 Dangerous Crossings: A Second Thought .........................................................................31 Diana's Last Message ........................................................................................................31 Distracted Driving: At What Cost? ......................................................................................31 Lending Library Catalog Page 3 Do's and Don'ts at the Gas Pump ......................................................................................31 Drive To Survive: Defensive Driving ...................................................................................31 Driven to Distraction ...........................................................................................................32 Driven To Distraction .........................................................................................................32 Driven to Distraction II ........................................................................................................32 Driver Safety: The Blindfold Effect .....................................................................................32 Driving Distractions of the Professional Driver ...................................................................32 Driving in Bad Weather ......................................................................................................32 Driving in the Rain..............................................................................................................32 Driving in Traffic: City Hazards ...........................................................................................32 Driving in Traffic: Rural Highway Hazards ..........................................................................32 Driving Safely in the Hazards of Winter ..............................................................................33 Emotional Wreck ................................................................................................................33 Icy Road Ahead .................................................................................................................33 Low Visibility and Driving ...................................................................................................33 Night Driving ......................................................................................................................33 North American Standard Commercial Vehicle ..................................................................33 Preventing Road Rage .......................................................................................................33 Road Rage and Aggressive Driving: A View from the Driver's Seat ...................................33 Seatbelts and Air Bags.......................................................................................................33 Sharing the Road ...............................................................................................................33 Straight Trucks and Vans ...................................................................................................34 The Knock on the Door ......................................................................................................34 The Ultimate Driving Challenge ..........................................................................................34 Transportation Safety .........................................................................................................34 Traveling Alone In America ................................................................................................34 Unlocking the Mystery of ABS ............................................................................................34 Utility Driver Safety Set ......................................................................................................34 Vital Choices: Drinking, Driving and Seatbelts ...................................................................34 Watch Your Load ...............................................................................................................34 Weight Shift .......................................................................................................................35 Winter Driving: When the Rules Change ............................................................................35 Drugs & Alcohol.....................................................................................................................35 Application: What Supervisors Need to Know About DOT Drug and Alcohol Rules ............35 DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing: Your Rights and Responsibilities ......................................35 Drug and Alcohol Testing: Training and Awareness ...........................................................35 Drug and Alcohol Testing: Training and Awareness ...........................................................35 I Used to Work Here ..........................................................................................................35 Jenny's Journey an Anti-Drug Program ..............................................................................35 Meth's Deadly High ............................................................................................................35 Reasonable Suspicion .......................................................................................................35 Reasonable Suspicion Testing: Training for Supervisors ...................................................36 Recognizing Drug and Alcohol Abuse ................................................................................36 Recognizing Drug and Alcohol Abuse for Managers ..........................................................36 Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Water Utilities at Risk ................................................36 Electrical Safety.....................................................................................................................36 Arc Flash Safety Awareness Video ....................................................................................36 Contractor Beware: Work Safely around Utility Lines .........................................................36 Electrical Emergencies: Proper Response .........................................................................36 Electrical Emergencies: Proper Response .........................................................................36 Electrical Grounding: A Vital Precaution .............................................................................36 Electrical Hazards ..............................................................................................................36 Electrical Hazards: Common Mistakes ...............................................................................37 Electrical Safety for First Responders ................................................................................37 Electrical Safety for the Qualified Worker ...........................................................................37 Lending Library Catalog Page 4 Electrical Safety for the Qualified Worker ...........................................................................37 Electrical Safety Illustrated .................................................................................................37 Electrical Safety: Basic Principles ......................................................................................37 Electrical Safety: Basic Principles ......................................................................................37 Electrical Safety: Beware the Bite ......................................................................................37 Electrical Safety: What Everyone Should Know .................................................................37 HIGH IMPACT Life and Death Series: Electrical Safety .....................................................37 HIGH IMPACT: Electrical Safety ........................................................................................37 HIGH IMPACT: Qualified Electrical Safety .........................................................................38 NFPA 70E: Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices ........................................................38 Safety Requirements for Electricians .................................................................................38 Shock Proof: Qualified Employee .......................................................................................38 Solving the Mystery: Static Electricity .................................................................................38 The Mark Standifer Story ...................................................................................................38 Working Safely with Electricity ...........................................................................................38 Emergency Preparations .......................................................................................................38 Anthrax Awareness ............................................................................................................38 Anthrax: Remediating the Effects of Bioterrorism ...............................................................38 Biological and Chemical Threats: Closing the Door ............................................................39 Biological Threat Safety .....................................................................................................39 Bomb Threat Procedures ...................................................................................................39 Elevated Water Storage Tanks: Safety and Security ..........................................................39 Emergency Action Plan: Crisis under Control.....................................................................39 Emergency Evacuation Procedures ...................................................................................39 Emergency Flood Fighting Techniques ..............................................................................39 Emergency Planning: The Big Picture ................................................................................39 Emergency Preparedness ..................................................................................................39 Implementing an Emergency Response Program ..............................................................39 New Horizons: Critical Infrastructure Protection .................................................................40 Planning for Disaster: Earthquakes ....................................................................................40 Planning for Disaster: Floods .............................................................................................40 Preparing for Water Main Breaks .......................................................................................40 Responding to Water Main Breaks .....................................................................................40 Safety First: Water Utility Security ......................................................................................40 Source Water Security and Protection ...............................................................................40 Special Report: Disaster Preparedness .............................................................................40 Treatment Plant Safety ......................................................................................................40 Utility Perimeter Security ....................................................................................................40 Water System Security: Chemical Protection and Security ................................................40 Water System Security: First Responders ..........................................................................41 Water Utility Security: A Video Field Guide ........................................................................41 Employment Practices ...........................................................................................................41 12 Mistakes Managers Commonly Make ...........................................................................41 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask ..................................................................................41 How Supervisors Should Appraise Employee Performance ...............................................41 Performance Management .................................................................................................41 Performance Management .................................................................................................41 The Fairness Factor: How to Manage Employee Termination ............................................41 The Fairness Factor: How to Recruit, Interview & Hire .......................................................42 Ergonomics ...........................................................................................................................42 A Primer on Field Ergonomics............................................................................................42 Computer Usage ................................................................................................................42 Ergonomic Essentials for the Office ...................................................................................42 Ergonomics at Work ...........................................................................................................42 Office Ergonomics..............................................................................................................42 Lending Library Catalog Page 5 Office Ergonomics..............................................................................................................42 Office Ergonomics Today ...................................................................................................43 Office Manual Handling: The New Approach......................................................................43 Preventing Repetitive Motion Injuries .................................................................................43 Workstation Adjustment .....................................................................................................43 Your Workstation Check-Up ...............................................................................................43 Ethics ....................................................................................................................................43 Ethics for Everyone ............................................................................................................43 Ethics: The L.O.G.I.C. of Right ...........................................................................................43 Eye Safety .............................................................................................................................43 All Washed Up: Eye Wash Showers ..................................................................................43 Don't Be a Dummy about Eye Safety .................................................................................43 Eye Protection-See the Whole Picture ...............................................................................43 In the Blink of an Eye .........................................................................................................44 Safety First: Eye Protection ................................................................................................44 Slag Injuries to the Eye ......................................................................................................44 The EYEdeology of Safety .................................................................................................44 The Horror of Losing an Eye... ...........................................................................................44 Understanding Eye Safety at Work ....................................................................................44 Fire Safety .............................................................................................................................44 Fire Extinguishers at Work .................................................................................................44 Fire Extinguishers at Work .................................................................................................44 Fire Extinguishers Your PASS to Safety ............................................................................44 Fire Extinguishers: Fire Prevention 2000 ...........................................................................44 Fire Extinguishers: How and When ....................................................................................45 Fire Extinguishers: Ready to Respond ...............................................................................45 Fire Prevention Safety........................................................................................................45 Fire Safety .........................................................................................................................45 Fire Safety for Industrial Workers .......................................................................................45 Fire Safety for Office Workers ............................................................................................45 Up in Smoke ......................................................................................................................45 First Aid .................................................................................................................................45 A Shock to the System .......................................................................................................45 First Aid .............................................................................................................................45 Seizure First Aid.................................................................................................................45 Forklift Safety ........................................................................................................................46 Forklift Construction Video Program...................................................................................46 Forklift Fundamentals.........................................................................................................46 Forklift Fundamentals: Get the Facts .................................................................................46 Forklift Handling Safety in Dangerous Situations................................................................46 Forklift Operations..............................................................................................................46 Forklift Operations: Carry the Load ....................................................................................46 Forklift Operator Safety Training ........................................................................................46 Forklift Safety Checks ........................................................................................................46 Forklift Safety Checks ........................................................................................................46 Forklift Safety Essentials ....................................................................................................46 Forklift Safety: An Operator Training Program ...................................................................46 Forklift Safety: An Operator Training Program ...................................................................46 Forklift Safety: Real Accidents, Real Stories ......................................................................47 Forklift Safety: The Triangle of Stability ..............................................................................47 Forklifts: Operator Safety ...................................................................................................47 Handle with Care: Forklift Safety Training ..........................................................................47 HIGH IMPACT: Forklift Operator Training ..........................................................................47 More High Impact: Forklift Safety .......................................................................................47 Operating a Forklift Safely ..................................................................................................47 Lending Library Catalog Page 6 Safe Forklift Operation .......................................................................................................47 Safety First: Forklift Safety .................................................................................................47 The Forklift Workshop ........................................................................................................47 Hand & Wrist Safety ..............................................................................................................48 Hand Injury Prevention: You Control It ...............................................................................48 Hand Safety: It's in Your Hands .........................................................................................48 Lessons Learned from Hand Injuries..................................................................................48 Repetitive Strain Injuries ....................................................................................................48 Working Safely With Hand and Power Tools ......................................................................48 Harass/Discrim ......................................................................................................................48 From Sex to Religion .........................................................................................................48 From Sex to Religion-Mgrs. Version...................................................................................48 Harassment for Managers: A New Look .............................................................................48 Harassment: A New Look ..................................................................................................49 Sexual Harassment Made Simple ......................................................................................49 Harassment & Discrimination ................................................................................................49 Handling a Sexual Harassment Investigation .....................................................................49 Harassment & Discrimination: Promoting Respect & Preventing Discrimination .................49 Harassment Is... .................................................................................................................49 Harassment Is... .................................................................................................................49 Harassment: The Real Scene ............................................................................................49 It's About Respect Recognizing Harassment in a Diverse Workplace ................................50 It's Not Just About Sex Anymore Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace...........50 Let's Face It: Harassment Training for Supervisors ............................................................50 Preventing Harassment: Creating a Positive Workplace ...................................................50 Preventing Retaliation in the Workplace .............................................................................50 Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees ..................................................................50 Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers and Supervisors ..........................................50 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: It's Not Enough to Know Better ..............................50 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: It's Not Enough to Know Better ..............................50 Sexual Harassment: A Commonsense Approach...............................................................51 Sexual Harassment: A Managers Guide in California .........................................................51 Sexual Harassment: Is It or Isn't It?....................................................................................51 The Right Side of the Line ..................................................................................................51 Hazard Communication .........................................................................................................51 Hazard Communication Safety Essentials..........................................................................51 Hazard Communication Training for Employees ................................................................51 Hazard Communication: A Healthy Response ...................................................................51 Hazard Communication: It's Your Right to Know ................................................................51 Hazard Communication: The Road to Safety .....................................................................52 Hazard Communication: The Road to Safety .....................................................................52 Hazard Communication: Your Key to Chemical Safety.......................................................52 Hazard Communication: Your Safety Net ...........................................................................52 Hazard Communication: Your Safety Net ...........................................................................52 MSDS: Key to Chemical Hazards ......................................................................................52 MSDS: Read it Before You Need it ....................................................................................52 MSDS: Read it Before You Need It ....................................................................................52 Safety First: Hazard Communication ..................................................................................52 U.S. Chemical Safety Board: Safety Videos 2005-2010 .....................................................52 Warning Labels and Signs: Get the Message ....................................................................53 Warning Labels and Signs: Get the Message ....................................................................53 Worker Protection Standards .............................................................................................53 Hazardous Materials..............................................................................................................53 Asbestos Awareness: Understanding the Risk ...................................................................53 Asbestos Cement Pipe Safety............................................................................................53 Lending Library Catalog Page 7 Chemical Handling Safety: The Basics ..............................................................................53 Chemical Handling Safety: The Basics ..............................................................................53 Corrosive and Irritant Chemicals ........................................................................................53 Cutting and Milling A/C Pipe...............................................................................................53 First Responder Awareness ...............................................................................................53 Hazwoper First Responder: Awareness Level ....................................................................53 Hazwoper First Responder: Awareness Level ....................................................................53 Hazwoper First Responder: Operations Level ....................................................................54 Hazwoper Training Awareness Level .................................................................................54 Hazwoper-Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.................................54 Lead's Revenge! ................................................................................................................54 Magnacide H Herbicide: Application and Safety Training ...................................................54 Pesticide Training for Agricultural Employees ....................................................................54 Properties of Class Eight Corrosives ..................................................................................54 Risk Management Program Rule: Basics for Compliance ..................................................54 Safe Work Practices for Pesticide Applications ..................................................................54 Safety First: Safe Handling of Water Treatment Chemicals ................................................55 Small Spills and Leaks .......................................................................................................55 Small Spills and Leaks .......................................................................................................55 Sodium and Calcium Hypochlorite .....................................................................................55 The Danger Within .............................................................................................................55 Working Safely with Flammable Liquids .............................................................................55 Your Guide to Home Chemical Safety/Emergency Procedures ..........................................55 Hearing Conservation ............................................................................................................55 Blueprints for Safety Hearing Conservation........................................................................55 Hearing Conservation ........................................................................................................55 Hearing Conservation and Safety ......................................................................................55 Hearing Conservation Training for Employees ...................................................................55 Hearing Loss Prevention: Employee Training ....................................................................56 Hearing Protection: It Makes Sense ...................................................................................56 Hearing Protection: Sounds Good To Me ...........................................................................56 Hearing Protection-Safe in 8 ..............................................................................................56 Heat Stress ...........................................................................................................................56 Beat the Heat: Preventing and Treating Heat Disorders .....................................................56 Heat Stress ........................................................................................................................56 Heat Stress ........................................................................................................................56 Heat Stress ........................................................................................................................56 Heat Stress: Don't Lose Your Cool.....................................................................................56 Heat Stress: Preventative Measures ..................................................................................57 Heat Stress: Staying Healthy, Working Safely ....................................................................57 Heat Stress: The Facts ......................................................................................................57 Safety First: Seasonal Safety .............................................................................................57 Sun Safety for Outdoor Workers ........................................................................................57 Understanding & Preventing Heat-Related Illnesses ..........................................................57 Water. Rest. Shade. The Work Can't Get Done Without Them ..........................................57 Working Safely In Hot Environments ..................................................................................57 Heavy Equipment ..................................................................................................................58 Aerial Lift Safety .................................................................................................................58 Aerial Platform ...................................................................................................................58 Backhoe Operations for Public Workers .............................................................................58 Backhoe Safety ..................................................................................................................58 Bucket Truck Safety ...........................................................................................................58 C-Series Excavator (Under 40 Tons) .................................................................................58 Dump Truck Safety ............................................................................................................58 Fundamentals of Excavator Operation ...............................................................................58 Lending Library Catalog Page 8 Hand Signals for Construction Equipment ..........................................................................59 Hand Signals for Excavators and Backhoes.......................................................................59 How to Properly Interpret a Load Chart ..............................................................................59 Hydro-Vacuum Truck Safety ..............................................................................................59 John Deere General Safety Videos ....................................................................................59 Loader-Backhoe Operator Safety .......................................................................................59 Lockout/Tagout of Construction Equipment........................................................................59 On Again, Off Again: A Guide to Mounting and Dismounting Heavy Equipment .................60 Pre Trip Inspection: A Circle of Safety................................................................................60 Proper Operation and Maintenance of Demolition Attachments .........................................60 Rigging and Lifting with Mobile Construction Equipment ....................................................60 Rigging Operations ............................................................................................................60 Rigging Operations ............................................................................................................60 Road Crew Safety Practices for Road Construction and Paving Crews .............................60 Roller Compactor ...............................................................................................................60 Roller Compactor Safety ....................................................................................................60 Rolling Towers: Mobile Scaffold Safety ..............................................................................60 Safe Operation of Scissor and Boom Lifts ..........................................................................60 Safety First: Heavy Equipment Yard Practices ...................................................................61 Safety First: Pipe Handling for Field Crew ..........................................................................61 Safety Training for Repair Technicians ..............................................................................61 Transport Trailer Safety .....................................................................................................61 Transporting Construction Equipment ................................................................................61 Transporting Construction Equipment ................................................................................61 Trucks, Vans and Other Delivery Vehicles .........................................................................61 Utility Excavation: Backhoe Safety .....................................................................................61 Walk Around Inspection: Backhoe .....................................................................................61 Hiring .....................................................................................................................................61 HR Orientation for Employees ............................................................................................61 Legal and Effective Interviewing II: The Right Questions....................................................62 More Than a Gut Feeling III ...............................................................................................62 Housekeeping .......................................................................................................................62 Custodian's Guide to On-The-Job Safety ...........................................................................62 Falling Objects ...................................................................................................................62 Good Housekeeping is Good Safety ..................................................................................62 Good Housekeeping: Keeping Your Workplace Safe .........................................................62 Housekeeping ....................................................................................................................62 Housekeeping ....................................................................................................................62 Stored Energy: The Hidden Hazard ...................................................................................62 Laboratory Safety ..................................................................................................................62 Chemical Safety in the Laboratory .....................................................................................62 Safety First: Laboratory Safety ...........................................................................................63 Lockout & Tagout ..................................................................................................................63 HIGH IMPACT: Life and Death Series Lockout Tagout ......................................................63 HIGH IMPACT: Lockout/Tagout Safety ..............................................................................63 Locking Out and Tagging Out Accidents ............................................................................63 Lockout/Tagout Controlling the Beast ................................................................................63 Lockout/Tagout It Would Have Saved His Life ...................................................................63 Lockout/Tagout Safety for Authorized Employees ..............................................................63 Lockout/Tagout: An Open and Shut Case ..........................................................................63 Lockout/Tagout: Controlling the Beast ...............................................................................63 Lockout/Tagout: It Would Have Saved His Life ..................................................................63 Lockout/Tagout: Lightening in a Bottle ...............................................................................64 Lockout/Tagout: Lightning in a Bottle .................................................................................64 Lockout/Tagout: Training for Employees ............................................................................64 Lending Library Catalog Page 9 Machine and Equipment Safety .........................................................................................64 Machine and Equipment Safety .........................................................................................64 SHATTERED: The Jeff Walters Story ................................................................................64 SHATTERED: The Jeff Walters Story (Concise Version) ...................................................64 Tag, you're It! .....................................................................................................................65 Machinery Safety ...................................................................................................................65 "Lifting It Right" ..................................................................................................................65 Brush Chipper Operation & Maintenance ...........................................................................65 HIGH IMPACT: Metal Working Safety ................................................................................65 Machine Guarding Hazards ...............................................................................................65 Machine Guarding Safety ...................................................................................................65 Machine Safety Guards......................................................................................................65 Maintenance ..........................................................................................................................65 AWWA Field Guide: Service Meters...................................................................................65 Being Prepared Procedures for Fire Hydrant Maintenance ................................................65 Conducting Flow Tests.......................................................................................................65 Direct Tapping of PVC Pressure Pipe ................................................................................66 HIGH IMPACT: Maintenance Safety ..................................................................................66 Maintaining and Replacing Fire Hydrants ...........................................................................66 On the Job: Leak Detection ................................................................................................66 On the Job: Sampling ........................................................................................................66 Pipe Profile Series: Concrete Pressure Pipe ......................................................................66 Pipe Profile Series: Ductile Iron Pipe..................................................................................66 Pipe Profile Series: PE Pipe ...............................................................................................66 Pipe Profile Series: PVC Pipe ............................................................................................66 Pipe Profile Series: Steel Pipe ...........................................................................................67 Water Distribution Operator Training: Hydrants ..................................................................67 Water Supply Operations: Flushing and Cleaning ..............................................................67 Management & Supervision...................................................................................................67 After All, You're the Supervisor ..........................................................................................67 Delegating for Diehards .....................................................................................................67 Exercises in Leadership Skills ............................................................................................67 The Human Touch: Performance Appraisal II ....................................................................67 Mgmt/Supervision ..................................................................................................................67 Love' Em or Lose' Em: Employee Retention ......................................................................67 The Power of Positive Discipline ........................................................................................68 Motivation ..............................................................................................................................68 40 HOURS: Invest in Yourself ............................................................................................68 Continuous Motivation........................................................................................................68 Encouraging the Heart .......................................................................................................68 Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships .............................................................68 What You are is Where You Were When...Again ...............................................................68 Occupational Health ..............................................................................................................68 Preventing Skin Cancer .....................................................................................................68 Slip, Slop and Slap.............................................................................................................68 The Skin Game ..................................................................................................................68 Office Safety ..........................................................................................................................69 Office Safety Basics ...........................................................................................................69 Office Safety: It's A Jungle in There ...................................................................................69 Understanding Safety in the Office .....................................................................................69 Perform. Appraisals ...............................................................................................................69 Care and Candor: Making Performance Appraisals Work ..................................................69 Legal and Effective Performance Appraisals ......................................................................69 Performance Appraisals: Getting Results ...........................................................................69 Performance Appraisals: Getting Results ...........................................................................69 Lending Library Catalog Page 10 The Continuous Performance Appraisal: Coaching is the Key ...........................................69 The Fairness Factor: How to Manage Performance & Discipline ........................................69 PPE .......................................................................................................................................70 Chemical Protective Clothing .............................................................................................70 Foot Protection ..................................................................................................................70 HIGH IMPACT: Personal Protective Equipment .................................................................70 More High Impact: Personal Protective Equipment ............................................................70 Personal Protective Equipment Reality in the Public Sector ...............................................70 Personal Protective Equipment: An Assessment and Training Program ............................70 Personal Protective Equipment: Employee Module: Simple Things ...................................70 Personal Protective Equipment: Supervisor Training in Hazard Assessment .....................70 PPE Essentials ..................................................................................................................71 Real Life Personal Protective Equipment ...........................................................................71 Real Life Personal Protective Equipment ...........................................................................71 Safely On Your Feet ..........................................................................................................71 Public Agencies .....................................................................................................................71 Anatomy of a Public Meeting..............................................................................................71 How to Avoid Litigation: The Brown Act .............................................................................71 Parliamentary Procedure Made Simple: The Basics ..........................................................71 Special Districts: By the People, for the People..................................................................71 The Complete Brown Act Video Workshop ........................................................................71 Boating Inland Water Ways ................................................................................................72 Cold Water Boot Camp ......................................................................................................72 Sports Field Safety: A Video Guide ....................................................................................72 Vacation Safety: Play it Safe ..............................................................................................72 Respiratory Protec. ................................................................................................................72 Another World Respiratory Protection ................................................................................72 Another World Respiratory Protection ................................................................................72 Disposable Respirators: Exposure Control .........................................................................72 Disposable Respirators: Exposure Control .........................................................................72 Four Elements of Respiratory Protection ............................................................................72 Respiratory Protection........................................................................................................72 Respiratory Protection........................................................................................................72 Respiratory Protection: A Breath of Fresh Air .....................................................................72 Safety First: Respirator Safety ...........................................................................................73 The Respiratory Protection Program: Employee Training ...................................................73 Safety ....................................................................................................................................73 What Would You Say? .......................................................................................................73 Safety Account. .....................................................................................................................73 Attitude Awareness ............................................................................................................73 HIGH IMPACT: Safety Awareness .....................................................................................73 Holiday Safety ....................................................................................................................73 I Chose to Look the Other Way ..........................................................................................73 It Only Takes a Second II ...................................................................................................73 It Only Takes a Second: Discussion Version ......................................................................73 It's Up to Me .......................................................................................................................74 Just a Second Ago: The Brad Livingston Story ..................................................................74 Knock it Off ........................................................................................................................74 On Any Given Day .............................................................................................................74 On the Job: Meter Reading ................................................................................................74 One Will Die: The John Martin Story ..................................................................................74 Safety Awareness ..............................................................................................................74 Safety Awareness for Seasonal Employees .......................................................................74 Safety is Your Responsibility ..............................................................................................75 Safety Made Simple for Parents and Children ....................................................................75 Lending Library Catalog Page 11 Safety's Most Wanted ........................................................................................................75 Stop and Think ...................................................................................................................75 The Best of Charlie ............................................................................................................75 The Charlie Morecraft Story ...............................................................................................75 The Kevin Bailey Story .......................................................................................................75 The Line of Fire ..................................................................................................................75 The Meeting Opener Collection-Volume I...........................................................................75 Thinking Twice Can Save Your Life ...................................................................................76 Safety Programs....................................................................................................................76 Don't Be a Dummy About Industrial Safety (New Employees) ............................................76 Headaches for Vandals ......................................................................................................76 Maintaining Your Safety .....................................................................................................76 Maintaining Your Safety (Concise Version) ........................................................................76 Practical Inspection ............................................................................................................77 Promises, Promises Concise Version ................................................................................77 Safety Basics for Water Utilities III .....................................................................................77 Safety Basics II: Twelve More Building Blocks of Safety ....................................................77 Safety Basics: Twelve Building Blocks of Safety ................................................................77 Safety First: Night Work .....................................................................................................77 Safety First: Night Work .....................................................................................................77 Safety First: Safety and Security Practices for Contractors ................................................77 Safety Made Simple: The ABC's of Work Zone Safety .......................................................77 Safety Meetings: Give'em What They Want .......................................................................77 Safety Programs ................................................................................................................78 Successful Safety Committees: They're No Accident .........................................................78 Water and Sewer Treatment Plant Safety ..........................................................................78 Water System Security: Distribution System Protection .....................................................78 Water System Security: SCADA and Cyber Protection ......................................................78 Water System Security: Utility Perimeter Security ..............................................................78 Slips, Trips & Falls .................................................................................................................78 Climbing Pro II ...................................................................................................................78 Fall Arrest Systems ............................................................................................................78 Fall Protection Systems .....................................................................................................78 Fall Protection: Preparation, Application and Safety ...........................................................78 Five Steps to Ladder Safety ...............................................................................................79 Height Safety Essentials ....................................................................................................79 HIGH IMPACT: Fall Prevention ..........................................................................................79 DVD ......................................................................................................................................79 Ladder Safety ....................................................................................................................79 VHS .......................................................................................................................................79 Safety First: Elevated Surfaces and Fall Protection ............................................................79 Slips, Trips and Falls ..........................................................................................................79 Slips, Trips and Falls: Stranger Than Friction .....................................................................79 Stairways and Ladders.......................................................................................................79 Stairways and Ladders: The First Step ..............................................................................79 What You Need to Know About Stairways and Ladders .....................................................79 Spanish Language ................................................................................................................80 Spanish - Defensive Driving: A Crash Course ...................................................................80 Spanish - Reducing Your Risks in the Crash......................................................................80 Spanish version of PPE: Real, Real-Life ............................................................................80 Stress ....................................................................................................................................80 Dealing with Stress ............................................................................................................80 Fear and Stress in the Workplace: Managing the Global Challenge ...................................80 Stress Management ...........................................................................................................80 Stress Management: A Practical Approach ........................................................................80 Lending Library Catalog Page 12 Teamwork .............................................................................................................................80 Between You and Me: Solving Conflict ..............................................................................80 FISH! .................................................................................................................................80 FISH! STICKS ....................................................................................................................81 Generations in the Workplace ............................................................................................81 Gung Ho! ...........................................................................................................................81 Lance Armstrong: Who Says We Can't Do It? ....................................................................81 Managing Four Generations in the Workplace ...................................................................81 TEAMWORK: What's Trust Got to Do with It? ....................................................................81 The Unified Team: Resolving Conflict and Restoring Team Unity ......................................81 Time Management.................................................................................................................81 Time Challenged ................................................................................................................81 Tool & Equipment Safety .......................................................................................................82 Caution: Battery on Board ..................................................................................................82 Chainsaw Maintenance ......................................................................................................82 Chainsaw Safety Basics: An Expert's Perspective .............................................................82 Chainsaw Safety, Maintenance and Cutting Techniques Series .........................................82 Chainsaw Use in Trees ......................................................................................................82 Cut-Off Machine Safety, Maintenance and Operation ........................................................82 Felling Techniques .............................................................................................................82 Fueling a Machine..............................................................................................................82 Knife Safety in the Workplace ............................................................................................82 Landscaping Equipment: Safety and Maintenance .............................................................83 Lawnmower Safety ............................................................................................................83 Limbing and Bucking ..........................................................................................................83 Notches, Hinges and Back Cuts.........................................................................................83 Powered Hand Tool Safety: Handle With Care ..................................................................83 Recommended Practices for the Use of Industrial Vacuum Equipment ..............................83 Safety Starts Here..............................................................................................................83 Safety Training for Repair Technicians ..............................................................................83 Shock Hazards: Power Tools .............................................................................................83 Shortcut to Disaster Part I ..................................................................................................84 Shortcut to Disaster Part II .................................................................................................84 Tree Trimming Safety: Avoiding the Hazards Through Proper Training ..............................84 Valve Crew Safety .............................................................................................................84 Valve Safety.......................................................................................................................84 What a Grind......................................................................................................................84 Traffic Control ........................................................................................................................84 "What's Wrong With This Work Zone" ................................................................................84 "What's Wrong With This Work Zone" Part II......................................................................84 Flagger Safety ...................................................................................................................84 Flagger Safety ...................................................................................................................84 Flagging: You're the Director ..............................................................................................85 Moving Operations/Maintenance Safety .............................................................................85 Roadway Worker Safety-In the Zone .................................................................................85 Traffic Control Through Work Zones ..................................................................................85 Work Area Protection: A Control for Safety ........................................................................85 Work Zone Safety for Construction and Utility Employees .................................................85 Work Zone Safety for Construction and Utility Employees .................................................85 Training .................................................................................................................................85 Facilitate ............................................................................................................................85 How to Make a Video .........................................................................................................85 Secrets to Success: How to Prepare for Operator Certification ..........................................85 Training Video .......................................................................................................................86 Sexual Harassment with Catherine Crier ...........................................................................86 Lending Library Catalog Page 13 Trenching & Shoring ..............................................................................................................86 Cave-In Response .............................................................................................................86 CAVE-IN! Trenching and Shoring Safety ...........................................................................86 Cave-In! Trenching and Shoring Safety .............................................................................86 Competent Person, Guide to Trenching and Excavation ....................................................86 On the Job: Trenching and Excavation ..............................................................................86 The Competent Person and Soils Testing ..........................................................................86 The Five S's of Excavation Safety ......................................................................................86 Trench Box Installation.......................................................................................................86 Trench Emergency.............................................................................................................86 Trench Emergency.............................................................................................................87 Trench Safety: Don't Dig Your Own Grave .........................................................................87 Trenching & Excavation Safety: The Scott May Story ........................................................87 Trenching and Shoring .......................................................................................................87 Trenching and Shoring Operations.....................................................................................87 Trenching and Shoring: Meeting The Requirements ..........................................................87 Trenching Safety Part I ......................................................................................................87 Trenching Safety Part II .....................................................................................................87 Underground Safety ..............................................................................................................87 "Make sure you know...What's down below!" .....................................................................87 Basic Locating Skills ..........................................................................................................87 Basic Locating Theory........................................................................................................88 Call 811 Before You Dig.....................................................................................................88 Damage Investigation: Field Investigation Techniques .......................................................88 Digging Dangers Collection: IX-XII .....................................................................................88 Digging Dangers I-IV ..........................................................................................................88 Digging Dangers VI: Underground Lines, Above Ground Disasters....................................88 Digging Dangers V-VIII ......................................................................................................88 Digging Dangers XIV: Underground Traps .........................................................................89 Digging Dangers XIX: Judgment Day .................................................................................89 Digging Dangers XV: Digger Nightmares Continued ..........................................................89 Digging Dangers XVI: Excavation Tragedies ......................................................................89 Digging Dangers XVII: Boom! ............................................................................................89 Digging Dangers XVIII:Disaster Prevention ........................................................................89 Get the Dirt Damage Prevention Awareness ......................................................................90 Introduction to Pipe & Cable Locating ................................................................................90 Know What's Below-Call Before You Dig ...........................................................................90 Locating Best Practices......................................................................................................90 Seeing Is Believing: Safely Exposing Buried Utilities ..........................................................90 Underground Safety: Hazardous Materials Safety..............................................................90 Water.....................................................................................................................................90 A River for All: The Life of the San Joaquin ........................................................................90 Beyond Drought: Factors Affecting California's Water Supply ............................................90 Cadillac Desert ..................................................................................................................90 California's Water System ..................................................................................................91 Cleaning Water the Natural Way ........................................................................................91 Climate Change .................................................................................................................91 Conjunctive Use: A Comprehensive Approach to Water ....................................................91 Cross-Connections: Follow the Flow ..................................................................................91 Desalting Water .................................................................................................................91 Farm Water: Growing More with Every Drop ......................................................................91 GIS for Water Utilities.........................................................................................................91 Groundwater Banking: California's Water Savings Account ...............................................92 Groundwater Quality: Managing the Resources .................................................................92 Hold On to Your Dirt ...........................................................................................................92 Lending Library Catalog Page 14 Hold on to Your Dirt and Keep it Clean ..............................................................................92 Living with Nature ..............................................................................................................92 Maintaining Water Quality in the Distribution System .........................................................92 Protecting Against Floods ..................................................................................................92 Regional Solutions for Local Needs ...................................................................................92 Reliable Coliform Sampling for Water Utilities ....................................................................93 Sacramento Valley: Working Together Pays Off ................................................................93 Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta ................................................................................93 Storing Water .....................................................................................................................93 Storm Water: I Can Make a Difference ...............................................................................93 Stormwater Management ...................................................................................................93 Tap Water: The Drink of Choice .........................................................................................93 Tightening the Water Belt ...................................................................................................93 To Conquer the Inland Sea ................................................................................................94 Understanding the Cryptosporidium Challenge ..................................................................94 Using AWWA Standards ....................................................................................................94 Using Water Wisely............................................................................................................94 Water and Energy: A Powerful Connection ........................................................................94 Water Efficient Gardens in Full Bloom ................................................................................94 Water Main Disinfection and Dechlorination .......................................................................94 Water Recycling Imitates Nature ........................................................................................94 Water Supply Operations Series ........................................................................................94 Water Supply Operations: Coagulation, Flocculation, and Sedimentation ..........................94 Water Supply Reliability through Innovation .......................................................................95 What's New on the Colorado River? ..................................................................................95 Working Together for Safe Water .......................................................................................95 Water Treatment ...................................................................................................................95 Operator Chemistry Made Easy .........................................................................................95 Welding & Cutting ..................................................................................................................95 HIGH IMPACT: Welding Safety..........................................................................................95 Oxyfuel Gas Cutting: The Sure Cut ....................................................................................95 Safety First: Hot Work ........................................................................................................95 Welding and Cutting Safety I ..............................................................................................95 Welding and Cutting Safety II .............................................................................................95 Welding Safety: Safe Work with Hotwork ...........................................................................96 Welding: Safe Work with Hotwork ......................................................................................96 All About Fluids ..................................................................................................................96 Fatigue Management Essentials ........................................................................................96 Health and Hygiene Essentials for the Office .....................................................................96 Poison Oak & Ivy Training ..................................................................................................96 Preventing the Spread of Contagious Illness......................................................................96 The Science of Sleep .........................................................................................................96 Return to Work for Employees ...........................................................................................96 Return to Work for Supervisors ..........................................................................................96 Taking Control: The Workers' Compensation Return to Work Connection .........................97 Managing High Risk Situations ..........................................................................................97 Public Building Safety: It's Everyone's Concern .................................................................97 Utilities at Risk ...................................................................................................................97 Winning Workforce: Violence in the Workplace ..................................................................97 Workplace Violence: First Line of Defense .........................................................................98 Workplace Violence: the Early Warning Signs for Employees ............................................98 Workplace Violence: the Early Warning Signs-Manager's Version .....................................98 Lending Library Catalog Page 15 Accident Investigation Groundskeeping Safety: Dealing with Bugs and Critters Accident Investigation Coastal, 16 minutes 030.09.1E, Copyright 1999 This program is designed especially for public works, utility, and government employees who work outdoors. Viewers will find important information on avoiding bites and stings from bees, wasps, spiders and snakes as well as problems associated with poisonous plants. This video also contains basic first aid information on the treatment of outdoor emergencies. Aurora Pictures, 12 minutes 010.05.1, Copyright 2005 This video provides an excellent overview of the steps involved in an accident investigation. Accident Investigation: Examining the Details Summit Training Resources, 18 minutes 010.06.1, Copyright 2009 When an accident occurs it may seem that the reasons are obvious, but the reality is the cause of an accident is almost always more complicated than it first appears. This program will train anyone involved how to figure out exactly why an accident occurred. Successfully implementing accident investigations can help put into motion changes that will help achieve a safer workplace for everyone in the future. This program can be viewed in English or Spanish, and has subtitles. Close Calls and Near Misses ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 010.04.1, Copyright 2000 This video reviews the value of reporting and investigating close calls and near misses. An investigation can uncover contributing factors that can cause serious accidents and injuries. R.E.P.O.R.T. It! Near Miss Reporting CoreMedia, 13 minutes 010.03.1, Copyright 2000 This video explains the merits of reporting and investigating near miss accidents. A "near miss" is an occurrence that does not involve bodily injury or property damage. Important safety issues can be resolved by reporting and investigating near misses. Animals and Insects Dog Bite Prevention Digital-2000, 11 minutes 030.01.1, Copyright 2006 Dog bites have been recognized as the number one injury for meter readers, mail carriers, and residential service employees. This DVD details the techniques for recognizing problem animals as well as confrontation avoidance. Lending Library Catalog Groundskeeping Safety: Dealing with Bugs and Critters Coastal, A1, Copyright 1999 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Killer Bees Trainum Safety Solutions, 13 minutes 030.11.1, Copyright 1998 This is a concise video describing the precautions to take when you are working around bees, or if you come upon a hive or swarm in the field. The video will dispel myths and discuss the nature and behavior of European and killer bees. Killer Bees, Wasps and Spiders Long Island Productions, 36 minutes 030.05.1, Copyright 1996 The focus of this program is learning how to prevent bee stings, wasp stings, and spider bites. Viewers will learn how to prevent stings and bites as well as what to do if stung or bitten. Lyme disease Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 030.12.1Q, Copyright 1999 Lyme disease is a potentially serious illness transmitted through the bite of a tick. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of Lyme disease and prevent it. Occupational Dog Bite Safety Bulli Ray, 17 minutes 030.07.1, Copyright 2002 This DVD is packed full of very useful information for training employees to work safely around the dogs they will encounter. The information is from years of working with field services and employees it covers all questions and concerns you may have in a short amount of time. A few of subjects covered are; canine behavior, site Page 16 evaluations, the difference between submissive and dominate dogs, self protection, and self protection devices. Occupational Dog Bite Safety Talks Bulli Ray, 60 minutes 030.18.1, Copyright 2005 This DVD has 12 different topics on dog bite safety. Each topic can be viewed separately by clicking on a topic. The following topics included are: 1. Site evaluation 2. Entering the yard 3. Approaching the front door 4. Inside the home 5. Interacting with the customer 6. Fence and barrier syndrome 7. Reading canine body posture 8. You're in the yard but can't get out 9. Man stopper breeds 10. Self-defense from an individual dog 11. Self-defense from a pack of dogs 12 What to do when you've been bitten Outdoor Safety Critters and Plants Safety Shorts, 7 minutes 030.03.1Q, Copyright 1992 This video provides viewers with a brief look at some of the hazards that workers face in the great outdoors. Topics include poisonous plants, insects, snakes and animals found in the wild. Preventing Hantavirus Disease CDC, 26 minutes 030.13.1, Copyright 1994 Preventing Hantavirus Disease is an excellent video from the Centers for Disease Control. It discusses the symptoms of Hantavirus infections, how the disease is transmitted, risk factors, and the type of treatment used. Most importantly, there is a discussion on how to prevent being infected. Safety Now: Dog Attacks AWWA, 26 minutes 030.10.1, Copyright 2000 This video discusses what utility workers should do when entering property with dogs. The video stresses the fact that there is no one rule applicable to all dogs. You will learn what to look for, how you should behave, and what to do if you are attacked. The Outdoorsman's Guide to Snake Safety Burmusic Productions, 20 minutes 030.04.1, Copyright 2004 Lending Library Catalog Did you know there are only four types of venomous snakes in the United States? This video will help educate you on which snakes to look out for, how to identify them, avoidance tips, and what to do if you are ever bitten by a venomous snake in the wild. A slithering-fun video that provides you with the answers to help ensure your safety in the wild and possibly even saves you life! Ticks: Disease Prevention Long Island Productions, 16 minutes 030.06.1, Copyright 1993 This program discusses the diseases carried by ticks and how they can infect a person. Symptoms of these diseases are covered and, more importantly, how to protect one from ticks and prevent being bitten. Working Outdoors: Mosquitoes and Ticks Coastal, 14 minutes 030.02.1, Copyright 2010 Before your employees go outdoors, protect them from mosquito and tick bites that can cause Lyme disease, Encephalitis and West Nile Virus. Buzz outdoor workers with proven methods for avoiding the dangerous bites and detecting early warning signs of these potentially debilitating diseases. The program also outlines: basic PPE, where mosquitoes breed, how to prevent tick bites and early signs of infection. Back Safety Back in Action Coastal, 20 minutes 040.06.1, Copyright 2010 Follow six co-workers as they attempt to make an office documentary on the importance of back safety. Help improve awareness and cultivate individual responsibility when it comes to back safety issues in general industry. This program covers basic anatomy of the back, warning signs of potential injury, risk factors, and most importantly, preventative measures. Show your employees how proper lifting techniques and a pro-active health regimen can go a long way toward maintaining a properly aligned spine, a strong core and better quality of life. In turn, these could help reduce costs in the future to individuals and your organization. Page 17 Back Injury Prevention American Training Resources, 15 minutes 040.03.1, Copyright 1999 "Back Injury Prevention" focuses on the techniques that can be used to avoid back injuries in the office, shop, and field environments. The following elements are covered in this 15-minute presentation: exercises that ease discomfort and strengthen the back, lifting preparation and practices, ergonomics and back posture, the benefit of mechanical lifting, the advantages and disadvantages of team lifting. Back Protection: Defending Your Safety Zone Coastal, B1, Copyright 1997 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Back Safety National Safety Compliance, 12 minutes 040.02.1, Copyright 2007 We tend to take our backs for granted until we are in pain. Statistics show that such strains are the most common among workers. Back problems are costly. This includes taking off precious work time. This DVD address the major areas needed to comply with the OSHA standard including structure of the back, common back problems, proper lifting techniques, proper posture and maintaining a healthy back. Back Safety Posture, Mechanics, Exercises Coastal, B2, Copyright 2000 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Back Safety: Lift for Life Summit Training Source, 15 minutes 040.07.1F, Copyright 2009 Many of the causes of back injury can be prevented by teaching employees to follow proper lifting techniques and the basics of back safety. Help prevent incidents, accidents, and associated costs of back injury by educating employees with this engaging program. This program covers: common back injuries, proper posture, reducing the hazard, accessing the lift, lifting safely and other risk factors. This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish with subtitles. Lending Library Catalog Defending Your Safety Zone: Back Protection Coastal, 19 minutes 040.16.1EQF, Copyright 1997 This video explains back basics, the mechanics of how the body works. It discusses different degrees of safety by the safety zone, at-risk zone, and sports analogy. The video also covers lifting safety, grip power, mechanical advantage, and the importance of maintaining flexibility. La Espalda: Postura, Mecanica Y Ejercico Coastal, B3, Copyright 2000 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Last Straw: A Guide to Manual Material Handling PriMedia, 18 minutes 040.04.1FQ, Copyright 1993 This video demonstrates how back injuries can affect a person's life and the importance of using correct procedures to minimize the risk of injury. It also explains the anatomy of the back, demonstrates proper lifting and material handling techniques to be used at work and home. Lifting J.J. Keller, 12 minutes 190.05.1F, Copyright 1998 This video discusses how improper lifting can take its toll over time, especially on the lower back. Topics covered include how to limit lifting, the importance of stretching and good posture, proper lifting techniques, and examples of how not to lift. Lifting and Back Strain AWWA, 14 minutes 190.11.1, Copyright 2000 This video focuses on controlling ergonomic exposures for utility workers in the field. It addresses ergonomic hazards related to getting in and out of equipment and trucks, working in trenches, shoveling, lifting manhole and vault covers, and reading meters. It also reviews the importance of stretching and exercising. Manual Handling for Industry: The New Approach Vocam, 18 minutes 040.09.1, Copyright 2002 This program contains new information on Page 18 risk analysis and assessing the load, in compliance with the latest guidelines. The program also includes an explanation of how the back works. Correct lifting technique is explained with a detailed stepby-step demonstration. Many injuries can be avoided if personnel are aware of correct manual handling techniques. On the Road: The Lighter Side of Lifting minutes each This series of short programs hits the highlights of sitting, standing, lifting, stretching and ergonomics. Back in Step: The Road to Recovery From Back Pain, 40 minutes This video helps injured employees recognize their role in the recovery process and the things that they can do to speed recovery and minimize reoccurrence. Prevention Plus, 21 minutes 040.05.1F, Copyright 1994 This entertaining video takes a look at lifting in the real world. Realistic lifting scenarios help viewers learn techniques for successful lifts in a variety of difficult situations. Warehouse Material Handling 2012 POWERLIFT: Lifting Training that Works ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 040.08.1E, Copyright 2009 Most of us have been trained to lift objects with the traditional "bend your knees and keep your back straight" technique, but it just doesn't work. Dr. Schaefer has recognized the flaws of the conventional lifting technique and developed a safe, easier and stronger lifting position: the powerlift. This technique keeps the back in a powerful and safe posture while an object is being lifted. This program explains the five lifting techniques that have been derived from the powerlift position so viewers can move materials safely in practically every situation. These techniques are being incorporated in the JPIA's Field and Office Ergonomic Training classes, and are a must see for the entire staff. The Back Pack Aurora Pictures, 040.01.1, Copyright 2000 The Back Pack DVD provides programs on safe lifting, back injury prevention and recovery from back injuries. It includes: A Bit About Backs-3 modules, 15 minutes each Learn the basics of back care. On the Road: The Lighter Side of Lifting, 18 minutes Learn ways to lift better in a variety of work environments. Stretching Out at Work, 12 minutes This video demonstrates stretching and warm-up exercises on the job. Take 5 for Health and Safety-5 modules, 8 Lending Library Catalog Vocam, 19 minutes 040.10.1, Copyright 2011 Unsafe material handling is the most common cause of work related injuries in the US. These injuries cause personal suffering and loss of income, and also cost businesses and national economies. Injuries that arise from hazardous material handling are commonly known as musculoskeletal disorders or MSDs. These injuries can also be described as Musculoskeletal Injuries, or MSI's. Any worker can be affected, yet MSDs can be prevented by assessing the work tasks, consulting with colleagues, putting in place preventive measures, and checking that these measures stay effective. Bloodborne Pathogens Bloodborne Pathogens Medic First Aid, 20 minutes 050.05.1, Copyright 2002 Bloodborne Pathogens is a video-based, instructor-guided course meeting requirements for training occupationallyexposed employees. The video focuses on bloodborne diseases, especially HIV and Hepatitis B, the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment, and the requirements of an Exposure Control Plan. Bloodborne Pathogens American Training Resources, 11 minutes 050.04.1, Copyright 1999 Whether you work in transportation, manufacturing, retail, government, emergency services or any other occupation; one day you will have to deal with a situation that involves potentially Page 19 infected blood. The decisions you make and the actions you take could literally make the difference between life and death. pathogens and how to reduce the risk of exposure. This program can be viewed in English or Spanish, and has subtitles. Bloodborne Pathogens Know the Risk Canal Safety Coastal, 19 minutes 050.02.1FE, Copyright 1998 This video discusses the potentially infectious materials, risks in the workplace, transmission of bloodborne diseases, common misconceptions about transmission, prevention of exposures, precautions you can take, and what to do in the event of exposure. Stay Out and Stay Alive Bloodborne Pathogens: Always Protect Yourself , 16 min. 050.06.1, Copyright 2011 This program is designed to educate your employees on how to protect themselves from bloodborne pathogens. The training video presents the circumstances of an exposure situation from three perspectives: the victim, the responder and the co-worker. Each tells their story and how it relates to how the viewer needs to protect them self any time they are potentially exposed to an incident involving blood. Your employees will learn: * What Bloodborne Pathogens are and how they are transmitted * Information on Universal Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment * Proper work practices for cleanup and exposure response Bloodborne Pathogens: Know the Risk! Coastal, B4, Copyright 1998 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Bloodborne Pathogens: Universal Precautions Summit Training Source, Inc., 15 minutes 050.01.1, Copyright 2009 This program uses real life scenarios, onsite footage, and high-end animation to provide employees with the knowledge and training necessary to protect themselves and their co-workers. No matter the occupation, the risk of encountering bloodborne pathogens is present. Teach your workers the hazards of bloodborne Lending Library Catalog Solano Irrigation District, 22 minutes 060.01.1, Copyright 1994 Solano Irrigation District has produced this video for use by the Dixon School District. This is a canal safety program for elementary school children. The video shows the dangers of canals and illustrates the power of fast moving water. This is a bilingual presentation shown in English with Spanish translations. Change Management Leading Yourself Through Change LifePath, 23 minutes 700.03.1F, Copyright 2006 This video-based workshop equips individuals with a proven personal change process they can use, and share with others to become change resilient, able to adapt rapidly to any change with courage and confidence. New Horizons: The New Workplace , 22 min. 700.04.1, Copyright 2011 This is a thoughtful new DVD for water utility managers and human resource executives that takes you into the changes and challenges facing water utility human resources departments across North America. In this thought-provoking program, utility CEOs and human resources directors, regulators, and professionals of different ages, races, and genders each bring their own perspectives on workplace issues. These leaders talk openly about such issues as, What water utilities must do to stay competitive and attract top people. Whether a "glass ceiling" still exists for women and minorities. Why the old "who you know" mindset is being replaced by a "what you can bring to the party" paradigm. Why workplace flexibility is becoming a "make-or-break" issue for employees. If your management team, employees, and community leaders aren't talking about what these changes are and how they will affect your core business of protecting public Page 20 health, you need to begin. New Horizons: The New Workplace can help provoke thoughtful dialog among your utility's management and employees. The Water Workforce Crisis , 16 min. 700.02.1, Copyright 2011 For the next 20 years, the retirement of the baby boomers-North America's largest and most experienced worker segment-will drain water utilities of senior-level employees in every area of operations and management. Utilities will lose at a record rate their most knowledgeable, veteran executives, managers, supervisors, engineers, operators, technicians, accountants, IT specialists, and HR administrators. The Water Workforce Crisis can help water utility managers who want to do something now. The video frames the issues that water utilities and local governments are talking about, including succession planning, capturing institutional knowledge, incentives to keep employees who may retire, recruiting new generations, offering training to fill skill gaps and job sharing. The video will help spark ideas and solutions for your water utility. Who Moved My Cheese? CRM Learning, 13 minutes 700.01.1F, Copyright 2003 This entertaining presentation is a look at how four different characters deal with unexpected change. Participants will learn how to laugh at themselves, overcome obstacles such as fear and comfort as they prepare for what's ahead, and see change as an adventure where something better awaits them. This is in a cartoon format. Chlorine Chlorine Institute Emergency Kit A Chlorine Institute, 15 minutes 070.02.1F, Copyright 1996 This production from the Chlorine Institute illustrates the steps and equipment necessary to control leaks in 100 and 150 pound chlorine gas cylinders. Chlorine Institute Emergency Kit B Chlorine Institute, 14 minutes 070.03.1F, Copyright 1988 This slide presentation on video illustrates Lending Library Catalog how to stop leaks from valves, fusible plugs and sidewalls on one-ton chlorine containers. Chlorine Safety Digital-2000, 19 minutes 070.01.1, Copyright 2009 The danger of chlorine is well documented, yet dozens of employees are injured each year by this deadly gas. This program explains the risks and hazards of chlorine as well as safe use and leak procedures. Chlorine Safety AWWA, 22 minutes 070.08.1, Copyright 2000 This video takes recollections of an actual gaseous chlorine release from a WTP and analyzes what happen. It then goes on to cover basic facts about chlorine, the importance of employee training, and proper use of equipment. It also describes how to transport, store, and inspect chlorine cylinders. Chlorine Safety for Water and Wastewater Operators The Chlorine Institute, 29 minutes 070.05.1F, Copyright 1999 This video covers the physical and chemical properties of liquid and gaseous chlorine, the health effects of chlorine, and introduces the use of personal protective equipment. The transportation, storage, and a safe handling of ton and 150 lb. cylinders are reviewed, including proper connection and disconnection. East Bay MUD Incident Command System East Bay MUD, 10 minutes 070.04.1, Copyright 1994 This video shows how East Bay MUD's incident command structure works during chlorine release drill. The video stresses external agency coordination and relates this to the requirements of SB 1841, which requires public agencies to follow the ICS structure when responding to emergencies. Handling Sodium Hypochlorite Safely The Chlorine Institute, Inc., 22 minutes 070.09.1, Copyright 1998 This video briefly covers the chemical and physical properties of sodium hypochlorite, personal protective clothing and equipment, first aid procedures, safe handling, storage of the material, spill containment and cleanup. The video is intended to provide Page 21 supplemental information to the Material Safety Data Sheet, provided by suppliers and Chlorine Institute pamphlet #97. Hazchem for Chlorine Emergency Film Group, 25 minutes 070.06.1, Copyright 1989 This video discusses what happens when chlorine cylinders/containers are exposed to fire, how to identify the presence of chlorine, the types of protective clothing for mitigation activities, methods of vapor detection, use of the Chlorine Institute Emergency A & B Kits, health hazards and chlorine container design. Simulated Release of Elemental Chlorine JPIA, 15 minutes 070.07.1, Copyright 1992 Viewers will watch as Rainbow MWD and Fallbrook PUD emergency response teams take action to stop a simulated release of gaseous chlorine. This program looks at the equipment, requirements and processes required under the HAZWOPER Standard to safely and effectively respond to a gaseous chlorine release. Coaching Coaching for Top Performance American Management Association, 26 minutes 180.15.1, Copyright 1994 This video will provide managers with the skills needed to assess themselves, and those who work for them. How to Coach an Effective Team , 1 hour, 20 minutes 480.02.1, Copyright 2006 Forming an effective team is only half of the solution. You need the right person to lead it. This captivating interactive DVD will help to develop strong coaching skills in your leaders by helping them: Learn to think more like a coach and less like a manager to motivate and inspire your team members. Use communication skills to keep everyone open, working together and moving forward. Identify and eliminate obstacles to your team's success 480.13.1F, Copyright 2000 Historically, the term coaching is most often associated with the sports world. The starting premise for this video is that successful coaching occurs on a regular basis in a variety of settings. The video interviews seven successful individuals from different professions about how they define successful coaching, and what it takes to be a successful coach. The Courage to Coach VisionPoint, 19 minutes 180.26.1F, Copyright 2004 The Courage to Coach directly addresses the single biggest fear of mangers-how to coach an employee when the employee doesn't want to be coached. This program presents a no-nonsense, proven four-step method for coaching that can be used in any employee performance situation. Would I Follow Me? American Media, 18 minutes 480.12.1F, Copyright 2003 The video demonstrates one leader's behavior and the results in two different situations; first as a newly appointed leader, and then five years later after he has learned a few lessons about leadership. We see him move back and forth between two time periods, making unintended mistakes in the first one and successfully correcting them in the second. Communication Skills Communicating Non-Defensively CRM Learning, 20 minutes 080.18.1F, Copyright 1994 This video shows that all of us must be responsible for how we deliver and receive messages, as well as the symptoms and consequences of inappropriate defensiveness. Getting the Most Out of Your Meetings Communication Briefing, 15 minutes 080.02.1, Copyright 1993 The video provides tips for keeping meetings focused, to the point, and effective. It includes ideas for running effective meetings, whom to choose for a meeting leader, and the six vital steps to take when calling a meeting. The Art of Coaching in Business How to Deal With Annoying People American Media, 20 minutes , 49 Minutes Lending Library Catalog Page 22 080.04.1, Copyright 2011 learn how to identify social style so you can adapt to get along with anyone at work or at home. You'll discover why you get along with some people and butt heads with others. This DVD will help you improve your conflict resolution skills and deal with all those annoying people out there! Some of the topics covered on this DVD include: -Why we Have Conflict -Dealing with our Expectations -What our Behavior Communicates to Others -Understanding the Analytical -Understanding the Driver -Understanding the Amiable -Understanding the Expressive -Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Style -How to Identify Your Style -Things You Do That Annoy Others -How to Adapt to Get Along with Anyone -How Each Style Approaches Projects Off the Record: Insiders Techniques for Working with the Media How to Resolve Conflict on the Job Core Media, 10 minutes 080.16.1F, Copyright 2001 This video will help employees overcome their fear and anxiety. They will learn how to give safety-related feedback to those around them. Communication Briefing, 16 minutes 080.05.1, Copyright 1994 This video demonstrates techniques for resolving on-the-job conflict and achieving workplace goals. The interpersonal communication skills learned in this video will help co-workers reach consensus and resolve conflict. Life Is Short Coastal, 7 minutes 080.14.1F, Copyright 1998 This motivational video shows a manager who is too busy to effectively communicate or listen to co-workers. See how one telephone call changes his attitude, and how he interacts with his co-workers after the call. This video has no dialogue, and can be used for a meeting opener, training, or management development. Media Relations: What to Do When the News is You Coastal, 25 minutes 080.08.1, Copyright 2006 Viewers will learn what types of information to release, the proper way to handle an interview, why choosing a spokesperson is important, strategies for building positive relationships with the media an how to avoid negative publicity. Lending Library Catalog AWWA, 29 minutes 080.10.1, Copyright 1995 This video is designed to assist agencies in creating positive relationships with the media. Viewers will learn how to plan and conduct news conferences and interviews as well as provide the media with important information during emergencies. Powerful Presentation Skills for Water Professionals AWWA, 27 minutes 080.11.1E, Copyright 1994 This video is designed to give water professionals tips on how to make good technical presentations. It shows how to find your own presentation style and ways to meet the audience's expectations. These tips will help you become better public speakers when giving technical presentations. Speak Up! Commit to Give Feedback The Arts of Criticism Includes a Study Guide, 21 minutes 080.06.1, Copyright 2006 This communication DVD will teach viewers how to give-and take-criticism in ways that benefit the individuals involved, as well as your organization. In this communication DVD, you'll learn: " When to criticize and when not to. " The Guiding Rule of criticism. " The 3-step formula for successful criticism. " How to keep your criticism on track and yourself under control. " The 4-A formula for controlling your emotions when being criticized. " How to assume a position of strength when being criticized. We all need criticism. It's a part of learning. Use this communication DVD to establish a spirit of cooperation and growth, and create a more effective organization. Page 23 The Attitude Virus: Curing Negativity in the Workplace gas cylinders. The program complies with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.350. CRM Learning, 21 minutes 080.20.1F, Copyright 1997 Bad attitudes in the workplace can spread like a virus and infect everyone in the whole organization. Help employees learn to spot unproductive attitudes in themselves and others, and counteract them with positive behavior. Compressed Gas Safety Awareness What to do When Conflict Happens CRM Learning, 21 minutes 080.19.1F, Copyright 2007 This program acknowledges that it's difficult to confront someone who is behaving in a way that is disruptive, unprofessional or self-serving. It presents a simple 4-step approach that helps individuals collect their thoughts and initiate resolution in the most productive way possible. Clarify the issue. Address the problem. Listen to the other side. Manage your way to resolution. Who Are "They" Anyway? Coastal, 18 minutes 090.07.1, Copyright 2008 Compressed gases have many uses, but can be dangerous if handled improperly. This program focuses on the special skills and training that are essential to the proper handling of these gases. You will learn about classifications and labeling, flammable, non-flammable and toxic gases, handling cylinders and valves. Cylinders: Container Emergencies Emergency Film Group, 27 minutes 090.05.1, Copyright 2002 This video is intended for training emergency responders on the hazards of compressed gas cylinders. It covers the design of gas cylinders and valves, describes the gases that may be contained, proper handling techniques, and emergency response to leaking cylinders and fires. Workplace Publishing, 12 minutes 080.03.1F, Copyright 2006 This program is designed to help you and your organizations make the shift from looking for "them" to blame to realizing that there is no "them" and beginning to accept personal accountability. This will help everyone in the organization understand that personal responsibility is a choice. Handling Gas Cylinders Compressed Gases Compressed Gas Assoc., 27 minutes 090.03.1FQ, Copyright 1992 This video training program is designed to serve as a guide to the safe handling and storage of compressed gas in containers. This program covers the roles of the manufacturer, the shipper and the user in handling compressed gases in containers. Compressed Air Safety ERI Safety Videos, 15 minutes 090.01.1F, Copyright 2001 This video illustrates the many uses of compressed air in the workplace. It explains the danger of not using compressed air properly or safely, how to protect yourself, and the proper procedures for using it. Also covered is basic maintenance of tools and air hoses. Compressed Gas Cylinders Summit Training Source, 16 minutes 090.08.1F, Copyright 2010 From the moment your employees witness the devastating effects of a compressed gas cylinder crashing through an eight-inch cement block wall, they'll have an increased awareness and respect for compressed gas cylinders. The video footage is relevant to all workers who handle and work around Lending Library Catalog Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 090.02.1Q, Copyright 1990 Although potentially dangerous, many workers often ignore safety around gas cylinders. This video outlines the dangers of these "gas torpedoes". Safe Handling and Storage of Compressed Gas Working Safely with Compressed Gas Cylinders Core Media, 15 minutes 090.04.1F, Copyright 1995 The video teaches the principals of compression, the dangers associated with compressed gases, hazard labels and warning signs, moving and handling cylinders, proper storage practices, regulators, leaks, and personal protective equipment. Please note, soapy water is not recommended to check for leaks on oxidizers such as oxygen and chlorine. Page 24 Confined Spaces Confined Space Atmospheric Testing Coastal, C1, Copyright 1992 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Confined Space Atmospheric Testing Coastal, 17 minutes 100.01.E, Copyright 2007 This DVD discusses confined space atmospheric hazards, testing procedures and equipment calibration prodedures Confined Space Entry Inside Maneuvers Coastal, C2, Copyright 1997 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Confined Space Entry inside Maneuvers Coastal, 23 minutes 100.08.1E, Copyright 1997 This video presents a comprehensive treatment of the steps necessary to perform a safe confined space entry. Using a submarine setting, the video goes through the important points to consider in making a safe entry as well as Cal/OSHA requirements. Confined Space Entry: Keeping Public Employees Safe Coastal, 15 minutes 100.24.1, Copyright 2008 There is no shortage of potential hazards when working in a confined space. Use this program to train your public employees to work safely in these dangerous spaces and keep your organization OSHA compliant. This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish Confined Space Entry-Permit Required Coastal, C3, Copyright 1990 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Confined Space Hot Work Coastal, C4, Copyright 1992 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Lending Library Catalog Confined Space Hot Work Coastal, 20 minutes 100.02.1E, Copyright 1992 This video provides an overview of general confined space entry procedures. It also includes a discussion of the special precautions necessary when performing hotwork or welding inside of a confined space. The video reviews the hotwork permit, safety equipment, and fire watches. Confined Space in Construction NUCCA, 19 minutes 100.10.1, Copyright 2006 This DVD was shot on actual job sites across the country; it can be used as a complement to confined space training. In addition to a description of what constitutes a "confined space", the topics covered include: regulation and permits, training, atmospheric testing, PPE, ventilation methods and much more. Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue Coastal, 20 minutes 100.03.1E, Copyright 1993 This video provides viewers with important information about self-rescue and non-entry rescue techniques. This program emphasizes the importance of teamwork, practice and doing the job right. Confined Space Non-Entry Rescue Coastal, C5, Copyright 1993 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Confined Space Rescue Coastal, C6, Copyright 1991 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Confined Space Rescue Coastal, 31 minutes 100.05.1E, Copyright 1991 This video addresses worker orientation, OSHA rescue requirements, rescue techniques, rescue team development and psychological aspects of rescue. It also includes a discussion of technical rescue including the use of ropes and mechanical advantage systems. Confined Space Safety American Training Resources, 16 minutes 100.23.1, Copyright 2002 This video is designed to make viewers aware of confined space hazards and the Page 25 steps that must be taken to prevent these hazards from contributing to injuries and deaths. This modular styled program features blocks of instruction followed by a review. Confined Space Ventilation Coastal, C7, Copyright 1992 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Confined Space: Risk and Responsibilities Wumbus, 20 minutes 100.04.1, Copyright 2008 Confined spaces are responsible for many deaths every year due to lack of training. This DVD teaches employees the risks and responsibilities when working in confined spaces. Topics include: Observers role, awareness of different potentially hazardous chemicals, and maintaining your role. Confined Spaces and the Entry Permit System Aurora Pictures, 15 minutes 100.07.1, Copyright 2002 This video is a good refresher for employees who have experience entering confined spaces and have received formal confined space awareness training. Topics include the definition of a confined space, the written confined space entry program, the difference between permit and nonpermit required spaces, confined space hazards and the entry permit system. Confined Spaces: A Training Program for Employees Long Island Productions, 20 minutes 100.14.1, Copyright 2000 The program gives definitions and examples of a confined space with a focus on hazards, how a permit operates like a checklist, how the individual confined space dictates control of hazards, atmospheric monitoring, ventilation, duties of workers, and how to deal with outside contractors. Confined Spaces: Deadly Spaces WorkSafe BC, 13 minutes 100.15.1, Copyright 1991 This DVD is designed for municipal workers, and illustrates the basic rules for working in confined spaces. Hidden Scars: Living With Loss, Surviving a Workplace Trauma NIOSH, 25 minutes 100.18.1, Copyright 2001 This video is an account of a fatal rock burst accident that happened in 1994. Don Caparelli and his partner were buried in solid rock for over three hours. Don was rescued and tells his story for the first time. This is a very moving story of the true cost of injuries in the workplace. HIGH IMPACT Life and Death Series: Confined Space Entry Long Island Productions, 21 minutes 100.11.1, Copyright 2000 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. Using a dramatic re-creation of actual confined space emergency, viewers will witness the rescue through the eyes of the rescue team. Topics covered in this video include: the importance following permit requirements, rescue team availability, air testing and monitoring, and other hazards associated with confined spaces. Lake Hemet MWD Confined Space Fatality Twentynine Palms Fire Department, 8 minutes 100.12.1, Copyright 2000 This video is an excerpt from a Riverside County Fire Department training tape. Interviews are conducted with the firefighters who responded to a confined space incident involving an employee of the Lake Hemet Municipal Water District. The employee entered a well without proper confined space procedures and lost his life in the process. Safety First: Confined Spaces AWWA, 9 minutes 100.06.1, Copyright 2002 Confined spaces can become dangerous or even life-threatening in several ways. This video teaches employees the importance of following an entry permit system, how to identify a confined space and its possible dangers, proper ventilation techniques, and personal protective equipment. Surviving a Confined Space Rescue ACWA/JPIA, 8 minutes 100.13.1, Copyright 2001 This video emphasizes the importance of Lending Library Catalog Page 26 developing a well thought out rescue plan. Its purpose is to convince employees, supervisors, mangers, and board members of the need to dedicate time and resources to save the lives of entrants and rescuers. It includes appearances by employees from Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, Otay Water District, and Kern County Water Agency. The Sky is Falling NIOSH, 38 minutes 100.17.1, Copyright 2004 This DVD features the story of ace reporter Gerald Rivers who is sent to the West to investigate stories of falling sky. As each of Gerald's theories are debunked we learn about high wall safety in surface mining. Everything from slope stability to proper behavior around large mobile equipment, Gerald learns it all. Cranes and Hoists Crane Safety, Part I, the Big Reach Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 120.01.1Q, Copyright 1991 Every person who works near or with cranes should understand the basic safety rules. This video provides a basic overview of safety rules applicable to any crane use. Crane Safety, Part II, Anatomy of a Lift Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 120.02.1Q, Copyright 1991 Cranes are the workhorse of the construction industry. This dramatic video dissects a crane accident and offers safety tips on how it could have been prevented. Crane Signal Person Basic Training Aurora Pictures, 18 minutes 120.08.1, Copyright 2011 Crane Signal Person Basic Training is an important resource to help crane signal people and crane operators learn the 20 standardized hand signals as described in ASME B30.5 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926. This program presents: A general overview of crane operations and limitations Clear demonstrations of the 20 standard crane hand signals An explanation of correct voice signal communication Guidelines for using non-standard and new signals Lending Library Catalog Basic safety practices for a crane signal person Cranes, Hoists & Slings Vocam, 17 minutes 120.11.1, Copyright 2006 Crane and hoist operation is a complex task. A single mistake could damage property and cause serious injury. This program is intended for crane and hoist operators, supervisors and any personnel working in the vicinity of cranes or hoists. Hoists and Slings Summit Training Source, 12 minutes 120.06.1F, Copyright 2010 This program trains workers on proper sling inspection, selection and use to prevent material lifting accidents at your site. It covers a wide range of uses for hoists and slings in different industries. Types of hoists featured include: hand operated; air or electric powered wire rope; electric chain operated; and vacuum powered. Indoor Cranes: Safe Lifting Operations Coastal, 19 minutes 120.03.1E, Copyright 1991 This video focuses on shop-operated hoisting equipment. It is designed specifically for training individuals who operate cranes and other hoisting equipment as a secondary job function. The program provides information on safe operation of several types of cranes including jib, monorails, gantry, and bridge cranes. Indoor Cranes: Safe Lifting Operations Coastal, C8, Copyright 1991 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Industrial Crane Safety ERI Safety Videos, 20 minutes 120.09.1, Copyright 2007 This video demonstrates the safe work practices and precautions necessary to keep these employees and their co-workers out of harms way while cranes and hoists are being rigged or operated. Overhead Cranes: Safe Operation Industrial Training Systems, 20 minutes 120.04.1, Copyright 1994 This video provides an overview of safe Page 27 crane operation. Information covered in this program includes training and physical requirements for crane operators, how to calculate the weight of a load, and how to conduct daily inspections and operation checks. Pendant Operated Underhung Hoist Safety NorAm Productions, 16 minutes 120.05.1, Copyright 1998 This video will give your operators valuable insight to underhung hoist safety by guiding them systematically though a daily inspection, as well as demonstrating numerous safe operator practices. Safety First: Indoor Crane Operation AWWA Products, 14 Minutes 120.07.1, Copyright 2004 You will understand the design and operation of indoor cranes with the help of this video. See proper rigging and lifting techniques in action. Understand how to balance a load and make sure it is safe to lift. Learn standard hand signals for communication between the crane operator and the rigger. Watch special techniques for safely lifting chlorine containers. Truck Mounted Articulating Knuckle Boom Cranes Digital-2000, 14 minutes 120.12.1, Copyright 2008 The truck mounted articulating knuckle boom crane is the most versatile piece of lifting equipment in any fleet. They are used to handle, deliver and pickup a variety of loads. The program talks about the safety considerations associated with this equipment, and it teaches workers how to avoid an accident. Statistics state that in the past poorly trained operators have been at the root of far too many crane accidents industry wide. Customer Service But I Don't Have Customers! American Media Incorporated, 21 minutes 130.18.1, Copyright 1994 This video teaches your employees the steps and techniques for defining their internal customers and how to serve them appropriately. By asking questions, listening and keeping their word, your employees can create a positive and productive working environment, which will reflect on your Lending Library Catalog external customers as well. Customer Service for Water Utilities AWWA, 15 minutes 130.02.1, Copyright 1993 This video program is ideal for all employees who have contact with the public. Using real-life scenarios, viewers learn techniques, tips and strategies for delivering good customer services. Customer Service for Water Utilities Video Series AWWA, 18 minutes 130.19.1, Copyright 2008 Water and wastewater utilities are now emphasizing customer service as a vitally important function. These training videos show the right ways (and the wrong ways) to handle customer service. This DVD contains five videos: Customer Service for Water Utilities The basics of water utility customer service for new employees. 15 minutes Customer Service-A Team Effort Using a team approach for higher levels of customer service. 13 minutes Customer Service-Working with Difficult Customers Techniques for maintaining a positive outcome to potentially negative encounters. 20 minutes Customer Service-Strategies for Field Representatives Customer service techniques for field crews. 13 minutes Customer Services-Internal Customer Service How to improve working relationships among employees. 18 minutes Customer Service III: Working with Difficult Customers AWWA, 20 minutes 130.04.1, Copyright 1995 This video program looks at strategies for dealing with difficult customers. Viewers will learn techniques for dealing with the concerned, disconnected, irate and abusive customer. This video tape is a must-see for any employee who has contact with the public. Customer Service IV: Strategies for Field Representatives AWWA, 13 minutes 130.08.1, Copyright 1997 This American Water Works (AWWA) Page 28 production focuses on customer service strategies for the field representative. Viewers will learn techniques to help promote effective and positive communication with customers. service problems that can frustrate both customers and employees. The video provides solutions to these problems that satisfy everyone: the customer, the organization and the employee. Customer Service: Difficult Customer ALERT The Customer is Always Dwight Coastal, 22 minutes 130.07.1, Copyright 1999 This video details a simple process, which takes an unpleasant situation and turns it into a positive interaction. Employees will learn how to quickly diffuse angry customers. Customer Service: The Royal Treatment Coastal, 19 minutes 130.15.1, Copyright 1999 This video covers the five rules of exceptional customer service and demonstrates to employees how easy it can be to make guests feel like royalty. Customers With A Difference CRM Learning, 16 minutes 130.20.1F, Copyright 2010 Encourage your telephone customer service agents to take up the challenge and stretch their comfort zone when dealing with customers who have a different cultural background or first language. Glad I Could Help TrainingABC, 21 minutes 130.11.1F, Copyright 2002 This video illustrates to employees how to respond positively in difficult customer service situations. Employees will see the most common internal and external customer service situations, both over the phone and face-to-face. On the Job: Customer Service AWWA, 11 minutes 130.17.1, Copyright 2000 Customer service is the front line of your utility. How they handle customers and complaints determine the public's perception of your utility for better or worse. This video looks at what it takes to deliver outstanding customer service everyday. So Help Me AIM Learning Group Inc., 21 minutes 130.16.1F, Copyright 1989 Achieving 100 percent quality the first time, every time requires everyone in the process treating the next person in the line as an internal customer. Discover process management, the approach explored by Dwight in this vital program, you'll learn that quality at work leads to a quality product. The Guest American Media, 14 minutes 130.09.1F, Copyright 1999 The success of your agency depends on the level of service that it delivers to your customers. This video demonstrates in a clear and convincing manner, that no matter how larger or small the agency, it usually comes down to one employee serving on customer one day at a time. The Secret: Customer Service Uncovered , 15 minutes 130.01.1, Copyright 2004 With scenes from three different settings technical support, banking and retail, this dramatic training program examines and provides solutions to common service problems that test the patience and resolve of your service personnel. Discover the common element - the secret of customer service - explored through the following tips: How to be honest, tactful and empathetic How to build customer relationships How to prevent customers from walking away with a problem How to find your motivation, How to put yourself in your customer's shoes, How to keep your word, How to be honest, How to never let a customer leave with a problem, How to make every customer feel comfortable and build relationships. How to make even the most difficult customers feel welcomed and come back Video Visions, 16 minutes 130.03.1, Copyright 2005 This video illustrates realistic customer Lending Library Catalog Page 29 Discipline Ten Commandments of Communicating Discipline without Punishment AMI, 26 minutes 020.02.1Q, Copyright 1994 Communicating effectively with people with disabilities takes more than good intentions, Through the use of realistic scenarios, viewers will learn effective techniques for improving communication with people with disabilities. CRM Learning, 20 minutes 480.14.1F, Copyright 2005 This film shows the right way to use discipline. People don't change their attitudes and personalities, but they can change their behavior, and that's what a discipline problem really is: a behavior problem. This video shows first how to get the individual to admit there is a problem and then how to get that individual to solve the problem. Documenting Discipline II Coastal, 17 minutes 480.16.1, Copyright 2006 Give your mangers a fair and consistent way to deal with negative employee behaviors with this new program. It covers facts, objectives, solutions, actions, incidence diaries, disciplinary action memos, and progressive discipline. Learning to properly document disciplinary measure will help your managers avoid going to court, win lawsuits that cannot be avoided, develop better employees, and become better managers. The Power of Positive Discipline Kantola Productions, 21 minutes 180.14.1, Copyright 2009 As a Manger, part of your job is helping the people you supervise to satisfy job requirements. Employees who fail to meet expectations not only reduce the productivity of your work group but also hinder their ability to advance, and possibly even risk their jobs. Positive, progressive discipline provides a solid basis to improve the situation. Discrimination ADA: What Managers Should Know OmniTrain, 15 minutes 020.01.1, Copyright 1994 This video contains good basic information, but not current for California law. This video is designed to provide managers with a general introduction to the ADA requirements under Title 1-Employment. This is applicable to districts with fifteen or more employees and mandates that employers may not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities. Lending Library Catalog Without Regard , 25 minutes 600.15.1, Copyright 2002 Without Regard to Race, Religion, Sex, National Origin, Age or Disability....... features ten short personal stories that explore the different types of actions and behaviors that can lead to an discrimination claim. Participants also learn that by following six simple and unarguable principles - Respect, Integrity, Honesty, Trust, Responsibility and Citizenship, discrimination can be stopped Diversity Training "M.E.E.T. on Common Ground" Speaking Up for Respect in the Workplace Vision Point, 23 minutes 590.04.1F, Copyright 2003 Through six realistic vignettes, this program teaches your employees how to recognize and respond to any situation professionally and with respect. The program leaves participants with an easy-to-grasp, four-step model to foster greater understanding and communication within your organization. Different Like You: Appreciating Diversity in the 21st. Century Video Learning, 20 minutes 590.03.1FEQ, Copyright 2001 This video is a down-to-earth look at the real issues of diversity in the 21st century. It takes a look at old ideals and thoughts of what diversity was in the workplace, and brings into focus the changing workplace and the need to appreciate the uniqueness of everyone. Diversity Food for Thought Coastal, 20 minutes 590.02.1, Copyright 2000 This program will help each employee build skills to work more effectively with diverse Page 30 groups. The video explains how to evaluate current belief systems and expose biases that act as barriers in our working relationships. Participants will enhance their communication skills and learn to respect everyone differences. Pigeon-Holed in the Land of Penguins CRM Learning, 10 minutes 590.05.1F, Copyright 2000 This entertaining video will help viewers' use their personal experiences to explore the cost of stereotyping, and can be used as a follow-up to A Peacock in the Land of Penguins. See how perceptions can negatively impact productivity in the workplace. This program is a cartoon. Driving Skills Backing, Parking and Intersections Wumbus, 18 minutes 150.07.1, Copyright 2010 Backing, parking and driving through intersections are three extremely vulnerable moments for a driver and all demand the proper knowledge, skill and attention to navigate safely. This presentation will show how to prevent the usual hazards that present themselves when backing, parking and at intersections through driving safety tips dealing with stopping distances, distractions while driving, fixing bad driving habits and other vehicle safety tips like not following too closely. Instruction will be provided on minimizing distractions, handling blind spots and preventing accidents through safe driving and awareness. Beating a Blowout hazardous materials leaks, placing warning triangles, and obtaining first aid and medical treatment Dangerous Crossings: A Second Thought AAA Michigan, 16 minutes 150.31.1, Copyright 1994 This video shows the tragic consequences that can result when people fail to yield at railroad crossings. The viewer will learn that using caution at all railroad crossings and complying with existing laws may save their life. Diana's Last Message National Safety Council, 10 minutes 150.60.1, Copyright 2000 Engineers who reconstructed Diana's crash show how, had she been wearing a seat belt, she might have survived the crash. It also provides testimony from collision victims who tell how their choices about safety belt use impacted their lives. Distracted Driving: At What Cost? American Training Resources, 14 minutes 150.05.1F, Copyright 2004 This program is designed to raise a driver's awareness of the potentially tragic consequences of driving while distracted. Driver distraction is a factor in up to 50% of vehicle crashes. A wide variety of distracting devices, such as cell phones, radios, CD players, fax machines, navigation systems, and entertainment centers, are in today's fast-paced life creating pressure to conduct other tasks while driving. You will learn a course of action to prevent distractions and help keep attention focused on driving. Do's and Don'ts at the Gas Pump Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 150.48.1Q, Copyright 2004 When a tire blows, proper action by the driver can prevent a more serious accident. This short video outlines the simple but important rules to follow when a blow out occurs. Purdue University, 10 minutes 150.63.1FQ, Copyright 2004 This video contains information on what static electricity is and how it can affect refueling a vehicle. It shows how to handle, store, and dispose of gasoline safely. It includes guidelines on vehicle refueling and gasoline storage. Crash Course: Vehicle Incident Reporting Drive To Survive: Defensive Driving Aurora Pictures, 16 minutes 150.03.1, Copyright 2005 This video goes into detail on what procedures to follow if you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, from minor to major accidents. It includes dealing with Lending Library Catalog Drunk Busters of America, 23 minutes 150.64.1FQ, Copyright 2002 This video is to be used for one-hour defensive driver new employee orientation. It is a self-study module utilizing the video and written study materials. Defensive Driving outlines critical defensive driving Page 31 skills, such as visual search and hazard detection, proper space cushioning and blending safely. Driven to Distraction Dateline NBC, 31 minutes 150.54.1, Copyright 2001 Dateline NBC, in partnership with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, put distracted drivers to the test. Using 12 volunteer drivers, a closed course, and 19 cameras located throughout the car and track, this test shows how dangerous it can be to drive while doing things such as talking, reading, taking notes, eating, and changing CD's. Driven To Distraction Coastal, 20 minutes 150.15.1, Copyright 2007 Driving distractions cause crashes. This program will point out exactly how dangerous distraction in the car can be. The main character is the embodiment of distractions such as cell phones, food and drink, make-up, briefcases and many more. He delights in distracting drivers and causing accidents from fender-benders to fatal crashes. After watching this, you and your employees will be far more focused behind the wheel. Driven to Distraction II , 20 minutes 150.55.1, Copyright 2010 Nearly 6,000 people died in 2008 from fatal crashes involving distracted drivers, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Distracted driving continues to be an epidemic on our roads. Help raise awareness of this dangerous practice among your employees with this high-impact training DVD. Once, again, the Distraction Demon rides along with various drivers egging them on to give in to the myriad of distractions tempting today's drivers. " Cell phone use " Talking to passengers " Reaching into laptop case " GPS " Chatting, texting, tweeting " MP3 players " Personal grooming " Eating and drinking Driver Safety: The Blindfold Effect American Training Resources, 17 minutes 150.56.1F, Copyright 1997 Anticipate, adjust, assume nothing-without applying these three tactics, a driver might as well be blindfolded. This interactive video applies these tactics to scenarios that address safe procedures for following distance, backing, and intersections. Driving Distractions of the Professional Driver Wumbus, 15 minutes 150.04.1F, Copyright 2010 This distracted driving training video will help to improve safety among those who drive your fleet. In this presentation on how professional drivers can prepare for safe driving, drivers will learn how to refine their driving skills while on the road. The material covered in this driving safety training video displays the host of possible distractions professional drivers face and how to avoid them. Safety practices like pre-trip planning, knowing how to handle unexpected inclement weather and handling everyday driving hazards on the job are just a few of the practices covered. Driving in Bad Weather AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 9 minutes 150.24.1, Copyright 1994 This video discusses techniques to improve safety while driving in adverse conditions such as rain, snow, ice, fog, and smoke. It stresses the importance of slowing down in such conditions. This program also provides tips on vehicle maintenance. Driving in the Rain Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 150.61.1Q, Copyright 2003 Decreased visibility and slippery roads can make driving in the rain hazardous even at moderate speeds. Knowing some basic safety tips can help save your life. Driving in Traffic: City Hazards Drunk Busters of America, 19 minutes 150.66.1FQ, Copyright 2002 This video is to be used with the defensive driver new employee orientation self study program. Driving in Traffic: Rural Highway Hazards Drunk Busters of America, 23 minutes 150.67.1FQ, Copyright 2002 Lending Library Catalog Page 32 This video is to be used with the defensive driver new employee orientation self study program. addresses night driving, tunnels and blinding spray from passing vehicles. Driving Safely in the Hazards of Winter AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 9 minutes 150.23.1, Copyright 1994 The effects of darkness on vision and night driving tips and habits are the focus of this program. Wumbus, 12 minutes 150.01.1, Copyright 2009 Winter weather driving is full of treacherous hazards including, ice, poor visibility, winds, snow, rain, and more. Each weather condition and the risks involved with driving in each specific condition are discussed. Viewers will learn how to prevent unsafe incidents, starting with awareness, and how to generally stay safe despite the imminent dangers that every driver must face in the cold months Emotional Wreck Coastal, 23 minutes 150.02.1, Copyright 2009 Aggressive driving is responsible for 1,500 deaths each year. Give your employees this eye-opening look at what constitutes aggressive driving, what contributes to it and how one driver's acts can cause a "domino effect" of bad decisions that may lead to tragedy. You and your employees will watch as the four main characters are egged on by the narrator who is riding shotgun or in the backseat with each of them. They unwittingly play right into his hands by getting impatient, allowing distractions, being aggressive, driving to "win" and ignoring the rules and other cars on the road. Watch with horror as he brings one scenario to a tragic end. Icy Road Ahead AIMS Multimedia, 23 minutes 150.50.1, Copyright 1992 This video was filmed at the Ice Driving School in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It discuses the two most important components of safe winter driving-your car and you. The video looks at equipment, the importance of traction and grip, and proper body and hand position. Low Visibility and Driving National Safety Council, 15 minutes 150.06.1, Copyright 1993 This video is designed for all types of drivers. It discusses problems caused by weather, such as fog, snow, rain and bright sun, and other factors not usually covered in the basic defensive driver course. It also Lending Library Catalog Night Driving North American Standard Commercial Vehicle Idaho State Police, 26 minutes 150.44.1, Copyright 1998 This is a training tape for law enforcement who conducts vehicle inspections in accordance with North American Standard Inspection protocol. The video provides detailed information about how the officers conduct the inspection and specifically what is inspected. Preventing Road Rage AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 20 minutes 150.40.1, Copyright 1998 This educational video addresses the increasing problem of violent aggressive driving or "road rage". Viewers will learn how to avoid offending other drivers, manage their own anger and disengage from an angry encounter. Road Rage and Aggressive Driving: A View from the Driver's Seat Buckley Productions, 20 minutes 150.42.1, Copyright 2001 This timely program looks at road rage and aggressive driving from the driver's perspective. Viewers will learn what to do if they are the object of an enraged driver and how to avoid becoming enraged themselves. Seatbelts and Air Bags Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 150.62.1Q, Copyright 1992 This short 5 minute video reinforces the need to wear seat belts to provide effective safety protection for vehicle occupants. Sharing the Road AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 7 minutes 150.21.2, Copyright 1994 Helps motorist understand the special concerns and dangers faced by pedestrians, truck drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and ambulance drivers Page 33 Straight Trucks and Vans J.J. Keller, 12 minutes and 30 minutes 150.51.1, Copyright 1998 The first video is entitled Straight Trucks and Vans - Driving Techniques. It addresses the basic issues that straight truck and van drivers need to be aware of in the daily execution of their jobs. The video provides a discussion of vehicle control. Included is accident procedures and basic information on pre-and post-trip inspections. The second video is entitled Straight Trucks and Vans- Inspections. This video shows a step-by-step nine point exterior inspection. It also discusses what to check inside the cab. The Knock on the Door Aurora Pictures, 6 minutes 150.16.1, Copyright 2007 The Knock at the Door recounts the tragic true story of 23 year-old Phil Cummings, who was killed by an alcohol impaired driver. The story, as told by Phil's father, presents a powerful reminder about the dangers of drinking and driving. It also reinforces the message that driving brings with it a great deal of responsibility. The Ultimate Driving Challenge Buckley Productions, 30 minutes 150.41.1, Copyright 1994 This video puts the audience in the driver's seat to test their reactions to 20 specific driving situations. These challenging questions cover a variety of situations and information, including weather, emergency vehicles, and railroad crossings, road signs, passing vehicles, motor cycles, safety equipment and traffic rules. The video features three re-enactments from police files of women who were victims on the road while alone. Unlocking the Mystery of ABS AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 16 minutes 150.33.1, Copyright 2000 This video explains how ABS works and provides examples of how ABS differs from conventional brakes, with special advice about steering. Utility Driver Safety Set AWWA, 15 minutes 150.57.1, Copyright 2002 Help employees avoid driving accidents. This DVD includes three driver safety programs: Program 1: Snow and Ice. Winter driving techniques are demonstrated by the Bridgestone Winter Driving School of Colorado. Included are common mistakes, tires and traction, braking, steering out of trouble, and handling heavy trucks. 20 minutes. Program 2: Road Rage and Dangerous Drivers. Give employees techniques to help them stay in control and avoid problems when encountering (or experiencing) road rage, and aggressive or careless drivers. 15 minutes. Program 3: Road Rules. When they are driving utility vehicles, employees must follow common safe driving rules. This program covers defensive driving, vehicle safety checks, and accident avoidance for large vehicles. 15 minutes. Transportation Safety Vital Choices: Drinking, Driving and Seatbelts Employers Association, Inc., 150.68.1, Copyright 2007 Through a grant from federal OSHA this DVD has available six different training modules on transportation safety. These Power Point modules contain information on a wide variety of transportation safety concerns, including a learning exercise at the end of the modules. American Training Resources, 18 minutes 150.08.1F, Copyright 2003 This dramatic video is in the form of a presentation to a workplace safety meeting by a state trooper and an innocent victim of a DUI accident. The telling of their tragic personal stories will have a lasting impact on drivers before they make risky choices while driving. Traveling Alone In America Watch Your Load National Safety Council, 31 minutes 150.59.1, Copyright 1998 Whether traveling to and from work or cross-country, being educated about personal safety can greatly reduce a traveler's risk when precautions are taken. Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 150.12.1Q, Copyright 1993 Loose items inside a vehicle can be deadly projectiles in an accident or sudden stop. This video illustrates unrestrained cargo dangers and how to avoid them. Lending Library Catalog Page 34 Weight Shift Idaho State Police, 10 minutes 150.43.1, Copyright 1998 This video shows actual skid test to emphasize the effects that a vehicle's weight and speed have on the brake systems of a commercial motor vehicle. Winter Driving: When the Rules Change Aurora Pictures, 15 minutes 150.09.1, Copyright 2011 This attention grabbing video dramatically illustrates the importance of adjusting our driving techniques when winter rolls around. Aurora's "famous" Larry character also appears in this video making one winter driving mistake after another; mistakes we can all learn from. Also included is a powerful interview with a woman who was involved in fatal wintertime crash - an event that changed her life forever. The video addresses: Vehicle preparation for winter Adjusting schedules for winter driving conditions Maintaining good visibility Winter driving techniques, including intersections, cornering, skid control, braking and slowing down Winter survival supplies and techniques Drugs & Alcohol Application: What Supervisors Need to Know About DOT Drug and Alcohol Rules Buckley Productions, 60 minutes 440.16.1E, Copyright 1995 This video re-creates real life scenarios of employee confrontations. Its purpose is to provide an illustration of how to effectively confront employees using the key concept of construction confrontation. DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing: Your Rights and Responsibilities , 19 minutes 440.03.1, Copyright 2009 Ease the worries and assuage the doubts of your employees about drug and alcohol testing. This DVD explains how and when the tests are conducted, what employees can expect, what they should do, what the MRO is for and how the test facilitators will go about the process. Using this information, you can prepare your Lending Library Catalog employees and inform them of their rights and responsibilities. Drug and Alcohol Testing: Training and Awareness J.J. Keller, 19 minutes 440.17.1FE, Copyright 2001 Part 382 of the Department of Transportation regulations on drug and alcohol testing require that all drivers who operate vehicles requiring a commercial driver's license be provided with the educational materials explaining the regulation and the employer's drug and alcohol policies and procedures. This training video provides information that will help agencies meet the training requirements. Drug and Alcohol Testing: Training and Awareness J.J. Keller, D7, Copyright 2001 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. I Used to Work Here Idaho State Police, 17 minutes 440.10.1, Copyright 1991 This program is a discussion-starter for confronting drugs in the workplace and is appropriate for supervisor drug & alcohol training. Jenny's Journey an Anti-Drug Program Pure Entertainment, 11 minutes 440.12.1F, Copyright 2000 This true story of a young woman will stress the realities of peer pressure and the world of drugs, and makes people aware of their own choices, and the consequences for their actions. Meth's Deadly High A&E Home Video, 50 minutes 440.05.1, Copyright 1997 Caution: This video is graphic and contains strong language. This important program focuses on the problems associated with the increasing use of methamphetamine. Law enforcement, medical professionals and users detail the devastating consequences of methamphetamine use. Reasonable Suspicion Buckley Productions, Inc., 18 minutes 440.06.1, Copyright 1996 Substance abuse in the workplace is the Page 35 focus of this program. Mangers and supervisors will find the information in this program important and helpful when dealing with these sensitive workplace issues Reasonable Suspicion Testing: Training for Supervisors J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc., 2 hours 440.15.1F, Copyright 2003 This video will help supervisors understand the purpose and procedures for reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing while the focus in on Department of Transportation (DOT) drivers, the principles of reasonable suspicion, apply to all employees as part of an agencies drug free workplace program. Recognizing Drug and Alcohol Abuse Coastal, 19 minutes 440.04.1, Copyright 1995 This video program will help supervisors recognize alcoholism and illegal drug use in the workplace. The video includes information on the following topics: physical appearance, behavior, job performance, enabling, denial and drug testing. It may be used to supplement DOT Supervisor training. Recognizing Drug and Alcohol Abuse for Managers Coastal, 20 minutes 440.14.1, Copyright 2004 Do you know an alcoholic or an illegal drug addict? Chances are good that you do, chances are good that you work with one, too. This important video program will help supervisors and managers recognize alcoholism and drug abuse in the workplace and give them ways to deal with it. Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Water Utilities at Risk AWWA, 22 minutes 440.13.1, Copyright 2002 Supervisors have the responsibility to be prepared to identify and handle substance abuse situations when they arise. This video reviews substance abuse warning signs, the importance of policy review, the reasonable suspicion process, and the different types of substance abuse tests that can be conducted. Electrical Safety Arc Flash Safety Awareness Video Coastal, 18 minutes 160.07.1, Copyright 2006 Lending Library Catalog Teach your workers how to stay safe while keeping their co-workers and the workplace safe as well with the information in this program drawn from NFPA 70E. This program covers the three hazards encountered by those who work with or near electricity - electrical shock, arc flash and arc blast. Contractor Beware: Work Safely around Utility Lines Pacific Gas & Electric, 34 minutes 160.17.1F, Copyright 2006 This DVD has two segments on the disk. The first segment is Contractor Beware and the second is Working Safely around Utility Lines. You will learn tips whether you operate heavy equipment or use handheld tools, when you work around power lines and natural gas pipelines. Electrical Emergencies: Proper Response Coastal, 13 minutes 160.01.1FEQ, Copyright 2000 The first seconds after an electrical emergency are critical. This important video program will help prepare employees to deal with an electrical emergency. Viewers will learn about the effects and levels of shock, first aid procedures, and correct response to electrical fires. Electrical Emergencies: Proper Response Coastal, E1, Copyright 2000 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Electrical Grounding: A Vital Precaution Coastal, 13 minutes 160.04.1, Copyright 1995 Every year electrical accidents kill people performing maintenance in high-voltage, high power situations. This video will help employees understand how proper grounding techniques can save their lives. Electrical Hazards Tel-A-Train, 5 minutes 160.02.1FQ, Copyright 1994 This video discusses the hazards and precautions to be observed when working around electrical equipment, including low current devices. This video reviews the need to regularly inspect and appropriately maintain electrical equipment. Page 36 Electrical Hazards: Common Mistakes Tel-A-Train, 6 minutes 160.03.1F, Copyright 1994 This video discusses shock, fire and explosion and the importance of maintaining an electrical safety program. It emphasizes the need for identifying electrical equipment in case it needs to be shut down quickly. Electrical Safety for First Responders Southern California Edison, 45 minutes 160.05.1, Copyright 2011 The basic information in this safety awareness guide is designed to help first responders identify hazardous situations, assess the related dangers and make informed decisions to avoid injury. Electrical Safety for the Qualified Worker Coastal, 18 minutes 160.14.1E, Copyright 2004 This video will teach the proper methods and precautions to avoid electrical shock; serious burns and arc flash accidents. Topics covered include: correct PPE, Lockout/tagout procedures, NFPA 70E and Arc Flash hazard analysis. Electrical Safety for the Qualified Worker Coastal, E4, Copyright 2004 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Electrical Safety Illustrated The Training Network, 17 minutes 160.15.1, Copyright 2000 This informative video is great for orientation and retraining. Show your employees how the currents of electricity flow through circuits and the body. Discussed in the video is arc blasts, fires and explosions, plus electric shock and effects, resistance. Electrical Safety: Basic Principles Coastal, E2, Copyright 2000 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Electrical Safety: Basic Principles Coastal, 15 minutes 160.11.1FEQ, Copyright 2000 The video illustrates basic principles of electricity, safe electrical work practices and Lending Library Catalog procedures, how to respond to electrical emergencies, electrical paths, and circuit protection. Electrical Safety: Beware the Bite Coastal, 20 minutes 160.10.1FEQ, Copyright 1994 This program has been designed to follow OSHA standard 1910.399 for electrical terms. The video covers safe procedures for refresher training, new employee orientation training, and fist-aid training. The video covers the basics of electrical safety in the workplace. Electrical Safety: What Everyone Should Know ERI Safety Videos, 17 minutes 160.08.1, Copyright 2011 When it comes to electricity, some hazards are pretty obvious. Then there are electrical hazards that we don't recognize or we choose to ignore until someone gets a painful or fatal shock. This program is intended for everyone in your organization who uses electricity on or off the job, and presents important electrical safety information that everyone needs to know, including these three important issues: how electricity works, what happens when the human body and electricity meet, and what we can do to make sure we're always using electricity safely. HIGH IMPACT Life and Death Series: Electrical Safety ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 160.09.1, Copyright 1999 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. Training topics covered include; recognition of electrical hazards, the use of GFI's, the importance of inspecting power tools and cords and the importance of proper grounding. HIGH IMPACT: Electrical Safety ERI Safety Videos, 18 minutes 160.06.1, Copyright 1993 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences; this video will help viewers understand the importance of using safe electrical work practices. This program focuses on the use of proper lockout/tagout procedures, verification of de-energized circuits, establishing proper clearance distances, and how certain types of Page 37 equipment may actually become electrical conductors. HIGH IMPACT: Qualified Electrical Safety American Training Resources, 20 minutes 160.16.1, Copyright 2004 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. This video explains the difference between "qualified" and "unqualified" electrical workers. It reviews common mistakes and myths regarding electrical work. It offers viewers guidelines for safe work practices and personal protection equipment. The video shows real life cases of workers injured or killed. NFPA 70E: Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices American Training Resources, 24 minutes 160.20.1, Copyright 2009 This program explains the safe electrical work practices required of the latest NFPA regulation while showing arc flash explosions, incident reenactments and fire retardant clothing tests to convince electrical workers of the need to follow these critical safe work practices. Topics include safe electrical work conditions, energized electrical work permits, approach boundaries, the incident energy level, the arc flash protection boundary and hazard risk categories. Safety Requirements for Electricians NFPA 70, 20 minutes 160.18.1F, Copyright 2007 Every day in the United States, at least one person dies from electrocution on the job. Each year, thousands of workers are treated in emergency rooms and burn centers. Teach electrical engineers, electricians, and maintenance crews, and anyone exposed to electrical hazards, the energy control best practices for OSHA compliance with the DVD. You'll reduce injuries, liability, and operating costs by providing expert training whenever you need it. Shock Proof: Qualified Employee Summit Training Source, Inc., 16 minutes 160.19.1, Copyright 2009 This program features scenes from a wide variety of workplace settings, making it relevant to all types of workers. This program differs from other electrical safety Lending Library Catalog programs available because it covers a wide variety of important topics and complies not only with OSHA standards, but also NFPA guidelines. This program can be viewed in English or Spanish, and has subtitles. Solving the Mystery: Static Electricity Coastal, E5, Copyright 1989 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. The Mark Standifer Story ERI Safety Videos, 11 minutes 160.13.1, Copyright 2004 This is a dramatic narrative of an accident due to improper precautions working on high voltage electrical equipment. It describes injuries resulting from an electrical fault and resulting arc blast causing 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 40% of the injured party's body. The video shows how this could have been prevented by use of proper personal protective equipment and flame retardant clothing. Working Safely with Electricity NFPA, 17 minutes 160.12.1F, Copyright 2000 This program will identify the general hazards of electricity, how to create an electrically safe work condition, the four approach boundaries for personnel safety, lockout/tagout procedures, and personal protective equipment for working on or near live conductors. Emergency Preparations Anthrax Awareness Coastal, 13 minutes 170.14.1, Copyright 2001 This program will help answer basic questions about anthrax while also dispelling excess fears. The video will discuss the following topics: what is anthrax and how it is transmitted, symptoms and treatments, what to do in case of exposure, the anthrax vaccine, and suspicious packages and letters. Anthrax: Remediating the Effects of Bioterrorism Environmental Response Team, 24 minutes 170.26.1, Copyright 2008 This video covers the response and cleanPage 38 up decisions for the anthrax contamination in Florida, New York, and Washington, DC. Sampling, decontamination, and future research for this type of bioterrorism are discussed. Biological and Chemical Threats: Closing the Door Coastal, 17 minutes 170.18.1, Copyright 2002 This video identifies six biological agents of highest priority: chemical agents, preventive measures for industry, water as a source of chemical or biological attack preventing contamination, vulnerability assessment and planning, and what to do in the event of attack or accidental release. Biological Threat Safety CHP, 27 minutes 170.15.1, Copyright 2001 The California Highway Patrol has provided training to all state employees outlining the necessary precautions and procedures to take for any possible biological or chemical threat. This is a tape of one of those training sessions. It includes information on anthrax and answers the following questions: what is it, who can get it, and how is it transmitted? It also provides viewers with tips on what might constitute suspicious activity and steps to follow if you find something suspicious. Bomb Threat Procedures Long Island Productions Inc., 19 minutes 170.23.1, Copyright 1997 This video provides critical information that your employees must know in case of a bomb threat. Train employees on what to look for and how to react to a bomb threats. Elevated Water Storage Tanks: Safety and Security AWWA, 15 minutes 170.16.1, Copyright 2001 Water tanks are unique in that they are often some distance from water treatment and operations centers. Security measures must ensure these isolated facilities are protected 24 hours a day. This video reviews a basic security checklist and procedures to follow to enhance the security of water tanks. Emergency Action Plan: Crisis under Control Coastal, 16 minutes 170.17.1, Copyright 2001 Lending Library Catalog This video discusses the importance of having an emergency action plan. Items covered include types of crises and the basics of a plan as well as evacuation, assembly, check-in, drills, and personal accountability on the part of all employees. Emergency Evacuation Procedures Kantola Productions, 9 minutes 170.09.1, Copyright 2010 The information in this video covers the need for all employees to know their alarm procedures and immediate response actions. Also covered is the importance of following company procedures for securing work areas, assisting personnel, following evacuation routes, and meeting at predesignated assembly points. Emergency Flood Fighting Techniques California Department of Water Resources, 17 minutes 170.01.1F, Copyright 1996 This video produced by the California Department of Water Resources provides viewers with techniques for sand bagging, controlling boils and providing wave wash protection. Emergency Planning: The Big Picture AWWA, 28 minutes 170.02.1, Copyright 1995 The video uses four actual emergency planning cases - the 1992 Hurricane Andrew, the 1993 Midwest floods, the 1993 Milwaukee waterborne disease outbreak, and the 1994 Northridge earthquake. It reviews what parts of these emergency plans worked, what parts didn't and what should have been done differently. Emergency Preparedness Primedia Workplace Learning, 6 minutes 170.03.1F, Copyright 1994 This program reviews how to get ready for natural and man-made disasters, discusses emergency action plans and reviews chemical spills, flood and earthquake emergencies. Implementing an Emergency Response Program CIRSA, 17 minutes 170.04.1F, Copyright 1992 This video is designed to train district managers in design and implementation of an appropriate Incident Response Program. Incidents include any type of unusual Page 39 occurrence from relatively minor line breaks to major events such as earthquakes, hazardous materials spills and interruption in utility services. New Horizons: Critical Infrastructure Protection AWWA, 26 minutes 170.12.1, Copyright 2001 This video begins with visuals of the twin towers destruction. Water utilities must look at their facilities to prepare for vandalism, attacks, and terrorism. Utilities must conduct vulnerability assessments and determine what areas need to be secured-both physically and cybernetic-in order to reduce risk and counter terrorism. Planning for Disaster: Earthquakes Coastal, 8 minutes 170.05.1, Copyright 1995 This video show how to prepare, respond and recover from and earthquake and the importance of a local emergency response plan. Planning for Disaster: Floods Coastal, 8 minutes 170.06.1, Copyright 1995 This video shows how an organization can respond and recover from a flood through preparedness, response and recovery. It discusses the importance of planning, backup power, working with emergency personnel and an emergency evacuation plan. Preparing for Water Main Breaks AWWA, 20 minutes 170.07.1, Copyright 1997 The importance of being prepared for a water main break is the focus of this AWWA video. The program will provide viewers with the information they need to minimize water damage, reduce traffic tie-ups and lessen the impact on customers affected by the break. Responding to Water Main Breaks AWWA, 15 minutes 170.08.2, Copyright 1997 When a main break is reported, your agency needs to be ready to act. This AWWA video documents one water utility's response to a main break and emphasizes why having the right team and the right tools is critical to a successful response. 170.11.1, Copyright 1998 Water utilities often design their facilities to blend in with the local community; therefore aesthetics must be combined with security. This video focuses on areas vulnerable to attack and the security measures to address in order to protect them. It also addresses employee and vendor background checks and how to handle bomb threats. Source Water Security and Protection AWWA, 16 minutes 170.20.1, Copyright 2002 This video addresses the challenges of protecting source water. The new era of world terrorism requires that water operators protect source water not only from traditional environmental impacts, but also from actions of criminals who may attempt to use contaminants to taint the water supply or disrupt the treatment process at its source. Special Report: Disaster Preparedness Coastal, 15 minutes 170.10.1, Copyright 2001 This video provides an overview of disaster preparedness planning, with emphasis on fire response actions and fire drills. General guidance concerning potential mail bombs is also provided. Treatment Plant Safety Digital-2000, 14 minutes 170.27.1, Copyright 2008 This orientation program was designed to help train treatment plant workers in the dangers of the day-to-day work at a water treatment plant. Workers experience the dangers of working in or around pumps, electricity, laboratories, and chemicals. This video explains the special safety concerns of operators, technicians, and maintenance personnel. Utility Perimeter Security AWWA, 17 minutes 170.22.1, Copyright 2002 This video is intended to help employees understand the importance of perimeter security in an overall plan of security. Perimeter security is intended to prevent theft, vandalism, and sabotage by deterring or defeating an adversary. Safety First: Water Utility Security Water System Security: Chemical Protection and Security AWWA, 15 minutes AWWA, 17 minutes Lending Library Catalog Page 40 170.21.1, Copyright 2002 This video will assist water providers in reviewing their procedures when chemicals are transported, stored, and used at their facilities. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Plus many more! Water System Security: First Responders AWWA, 16 minutes 170.24.1, Copyright 2005 This video describes how first responders to a water emergency-water utility personnel, police, fire, etc.-communicate and coordinate with each other, using the crisis management structure set out under the National Incident Management System. CRM Learning, 27 minutes 180.10.1F, Copyright 2007 Today's leaders face tremendous pressure to solve problems, achieve goals, manage change and improve productivity. But leadership doesn't have to be so stressful. This program illustrates how solutions can easily present themselves when leaders ask team members the right questions and trust that "the answers are in the room." Water Utility Security: A Video Field Guide How Supervisors Should Appraise Employee Performance AWWA, 28 minutes 170.19.1, Copyright 2002 This video is intended for the water utility industry to meet the security challenges presented in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Steps in establishing an Emergency Response Plan include: assess current conditions, determine goals and objectives, develop the plan, allocate appropriate resources, implement the plan, and assess the plan periodically and modify, if necessary. Kantola Productions, 23 minutes 180.29.1, Copyright 2003 In this video, you'll see all-too-common scenarios showing lost opportunities: a review that quickly becomes confrontational; a manager who hasn't done the necessary groundwork; and a supervisor who simply hands over the review sheet, offering no additional feedback. Employment Practices 12 Mistakes Managers Commonly Make , 23 minutes 180.21.1, Copyright 2010 Using examples from everyday life, 12 Mistakes Managers Commonly Make walks managers through the rights and wrongs of dealing with workplace situations. Attorney developed and reviewed, it offers potential solutions to improve your management teams' effectiveness and legal compliance. Explains how employment laws affect everyday management Illustrates common scenarios to demonstrate how a manger's words and actions can violate the law Includes useful tips on being an effective leader Video Covers: All major federal employment laws: Title VII of the Civil Right Act Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Age Discrimination in Employment Act Lending Library Catalog 5 Questions Every Leader Must Ask Performance Management AIMS Media, 26 minutes 180.16.1F, Copyright 1993 Through a series of vignettes, this program illustrates how employers should define, develop, and appraise performance on a regular basis; rather then rely on an annual review for communicating expectations. Three basic steps provide the foundation needed to coach and direct employees' efforts. Performance Management , 30 Minutes 180.18.1, Copyright 2011 Get the best out of your employees with this instructive training program that demonstrates the importance of managing employee performance. Through real-life scenarios, the experts give advice on how to set performance objectives and best practices for conducting appraisals that protect both manager and company from legal liability. The Fairness Factor: How to Manage Employee Termination CRM Learning, 20 minutes 180.05.1F, Copyright 1998 The purpose of this training program is to Page 41 help you get through the legal minefield of terminating employees in a way that is easy to remember, simple to implement and at the same time, fair for them. By learning to consider the five questions of the Fairness Factor in your discipline and termination actions, you can help keep the process legal and fair, and possibly avoid a lawsuit The Fairness Factor: How to Recruit, Interview & Hire CRM Learning, 20 minutes 180.04.1F, Copyright 1998 As a manager, the last thing you want to think about when hiring new employees is potential legal issues. Yet, we all know that lawsuits can result from poor hiring practices. The purpose of this DVD is to help you get through the legal minefield of hiring in a way that is easy to remember, simple to implement and at the same time, fair for all applicants. This program will give you easy do's and don'ts to follow including five important questions to ask yourself along the way, called the Fairness Factor questions. Ergonomics A Primer on Field Ergonomics , 18 min. 190.15.1F, Copyright 2011 This program It was written by JPIA staff and utilizes actual footage from several JPIA member districts. This ACWA/JPIA presentation has been developed to raise your awareness about the most common field injuries and provide training on how to prevent them. This program will help you understand the hazards for specific jobs so you will be able to perform these tasks without injury to yourselves and others. Topics include physically preparing for work; lifting and handling loads; manholes and vaults; meters; jackhammers; valve operations; shoveling; working around vehicles and tools and safety equipment. Also includes a Leader's Guide, powerpoint presentation, quiz with answers and the video script. Great for use at a tailgate briefing or with more in-depth ergonomic discussions. Computer Usage J. J. Keller & Associate, Inc., 10 minutes Lending Library Catalog 190.14.1F, Copyright 1998 Cumulative trauma injuries, such a carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and some forms of back pain can result from awkward postures of the hands, wrists, legs, feet, neck and back during seated work. Many people utilize only a select group of muscles for the entire day, causing receptive motion injury and other cumulative trauma. Ergonomic Essentials for the Office Vocam, 18 minutes 190.06.1, Copyright 2009 his video provides a good overview of office ergonomic principles. It reviews a number of case studies and details for adjusting chair, monitor, mouse, phone, desk and keyboard. This video also provides some good exercises that can be done at the desk. This DVD can be viewed with English subtitles. Ergonomics at Work AWWA, 15 minutes each program 190.10.1, Copyright 2000 Ergonomics, the science of designing and arranging work spaces and equipment for both efficiency and safety, is the subject of this three-program DVD. Program 1: Office Ergonomics covers workstations, chairs, desks, computers, and wrist supports. Program 2: Lifting and Back Strain explains correct lifting technique and back supports. Program 3: Laboratory Ergonomics discusses use of microscopes, computers, and work habits to improve efficiency and reduce fatigue in the lab. Concise, practical, and loaded with information, this will help all of your employees work more safely and comfortably. Office Ergonomics 3M, 28 minutes 190.07.1, Copyright 1995 The video discusses basic principles of good posture and how to use techniques to adjust the environment to the worker. It also explains the cumulative trauma disorder through physiological processes. Office Ergonomics AWWA, 14 minutes 190.13.1, Copyright 2000 Ergonomics is the science of fitting the task to the worker. This video focuses on how to control ergonomic exposures for office workers. It reviews the signs and symptoms of ergonomic related injuries and then Page 42 provides guidelines for setting up appropriate workstations for office employees. It also reviews safe lifting procedures for office workers. Office Ergonomics Today Summit Training Source, 17 minutes 190.08.1F, Copyright 2009 This program was filmed with the nation's leading office furniture manufacturer and ergonomic office designer; it shows a broad range of office situations and computer use that all your workers can relate to. The techniques and best safety practices demonstrated will teach your workers the causes of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) and motivate them to follow safe work procedures to reduce their exposure to risk factors. Office Manual Handling: The New Approach Vocam, 17 minutes 190.01.1, Copyright 2002 Back structure and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are explained and methods for identifying, assessing and controlling manual handling risks related to MSD are covered. Case studies with solutions applicable to typical office manual handling problems are used to illustrate correct manual handling procedures. Correct manual handling is vital to eliminate long term health problems when manual handling practices are not carried out correctly. Preventing Repetitive Motion Injuries , E15, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Workstation Adjustment J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc., 8 minutes 190.12.1F, Copyright 2004 Some workstations can promote awkward postures. It's important to encourage employees to listen to their bodies. Pain, numbness and tingling could signal a large problem, one that may be solved by simply making adjustments to the workstation or making adjustments to work habits. Your Workstation Check-Up , E16, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Lending Library Catalog Ethics Ethics for Everyone CRM Learning, 14 minutes 180.30.1F, Copyright 2003 This video illustrates the plain fact that, on many levels, we have lost sight of the fundamental concept of right and wrong, that we seem all too willing to cut corners, to do whatever it takes to 'close the deal' and get ahead. More than that, this training program offers do-able, long-term solutions. Ethics: The L.O.G.I.C. of Right Coastal, 22 minutes 630.01.1, Copyright 2009 It's not always easy to make the right decision when confronted with ethical dilemmas. Will your employees make the right decision? An employee receives a gift from a company that your organization is negotiating a contract with .A fellow worker asked to punch the time card of a colleague who is running late. Another employee is asked to reveal confidential information for the sake of profit and expediency. What would they do? We all face ethical decisions in the workplace, and in many cases the answer isn't black or white. This program will help your employees make the legal and ethical decision-no matter how difficult. Eye Safety All Washed Up: Eye Wash Showers Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 200.11.1, Copyright 1992 This short video demonstrates the need for proper eye protection. It provides a good explanation of placement and use of emergency showers and emergency eyewash equipment. Don't Be a Dummy about Eye Safety ERI Safety Videos, 13 minutes 200.10.1F, Copyright 2000 In this video workplace "dummies" make several visits to the nurse's station after suffering severe eye injuries. These injuries occurred because they forgot to wear the proper protective equipment. The video stresses the responsibility of each individual to wear the appropriate eyewear. Eye Protection-See the Whole Picture , E17, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox Page 43 meeting. In the Blink of an Eye Prevent Blindness America, 11 minutes 200.08.1F, Copyright 1996 This to-the-point video will help viewers understand the importance of choosing and wearing appropriate eye protection. Workers who have experienced eye injuries will tell their stories and how the eye protection choices they made changed their lives. Safety First: Eye Protection AWWA, 16 minutes 200.12.1, Copyright 2003 This video illustrates the hazards commonly encountered in the water industry. The video shows how to properly select and use protective eye wear to minimize exposures. It also discusses MSDS and emergency eye care including emergency eyewashes and first aid care. graphic safety training eye video depicts the devastating loss of an eye while teaching the importance of proper PPE training. Understanding Eye Safety at Work Vocam, 18 minutes 200.13.1, Copyright 2006 Thousands of workers suffer eye injuries in the workplace each year. Following proper procedures and wearing the correct PPE can easily help prevent many of these accidents. This 18-minute training video covers all aspects of eye safety for employees. WARNING: This program contains graphic re-enactments of accidents that may offend some viewers. Fire Safety Fire Extinguishers at Work Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 200.07.1Q, Copyright 1990 When thrown into the eye, even the smallest particle can do great harm. This video reminds workers of the need for proper eye protection. NFPA, 17 minutes 210.09.1, Copyright 2002 This is an excellent video that will outline the types of fire extinguishers and how extinguishing agents work. The video shows the basic steps of extinguisher operation using the P.A.S.S. technique. The video will show how fire may be extinguished, plus the potential hazards associated with combustibles. The EYEdeology of Safety Fire Extinguishers at Work ACCO, 25 minutes 200.09.1, Copyright 2004 Eye injuries or irritations are a common work-related injury. However, they are easily prevented by the use of personal protective equipment. This video reviews the characteristics and proper selection of primary and secondary eye protection: glasses, goggles, face shields and welding helmets. It explains what activities and environments require the use of eye protection. It also examines the common causes of eye injuries and explains the steps to prevent them as well as simple first aid measures to use when injuries do occur. NFPA, F1, Copyright 2002 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Slag Injuries to the Eye The Horror of Losing an Eye... Wumbus, 14 minutes 200.01.1, Copyright 2010 WARNING!!! The graphic nature of this DVD may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. 90% of all eye injuries could have been prevented. Teach your employees not to take healthy eyes for granted through the use of proper eye protection safety. This Lending Library Catalog Fire Extinguishers Your PASS to Safety Coastal, 9 minutes 210.12.1, Copyright 2004 This video describes the elements that comprise the chain reaction leading to fire. The classes of fires and means to control and combat such fires through various types of fire extinguishers is explained and demonstrated. This DVD-ROM includes a printable leaders guide, quiz for employees, and Power Point presentation to facilitate instruction in fire extinguisher selection and use. Fire Extinguishers: Fire Prevention 2000 Long Island Productions, 17 minutes 210.07.1, Copyright 2000 This program describes the different types of extinguishers and how they work. The viewer will get an understanding of how to Page 44 use extinguishers properly, how to inspect them, where they should be located, and proper maintenance schedules. Fire basics with fire prevention tips are also discussed in the video. hazardous materials, static electricity, the emergency action plan, evacuation procedures, fire extinguishers and treating fire-related injuries. Fire Extinguishers: How and When Aurora Pictures, 16.5 min. 210.13.1, Copyright 2011 While office workers often don't think much about the potential for fire while performing their jobs, there are more than 1,000 fires in office environments each year. This program discusses how to eliminate the factors that contribute to the ignition of fires and how to respond if a fire were to break out. Topics include good housekeeping, controlling electrical fire hazards, emergency action plans, evacuation procedures, classes of fire and their extinguishing agents, the importance of using the appropriate fire extinguisher, using the PASS system to extinguish a fire and treating fire-related injuries. American Training Resources, 15 minutes 210.10.1F, Copyright 2001 Workplace fires can be catastrophic because of the number of people who can be affected and the types of materials stored on the job site. This program stresses to viewers the importance of making the right decisions when a fire breaks out. Fire Extinguishers: Ready to Respond Aurora Pictures, 14 minutes 210.11.1, Copyright 2007 This program will teach your employees how to calmly and effectively deal with fires and correctly use a fire extinguisher. Fire Safety for Office Workers Fire Prevention Safety Up in Smoke Long Island Productions, 21 minutes 210.08.1, Copyright 2000 This video provides a good overview of fire prevention and fire safety. Items addressed include: causes of fires, prevention tips, what to do if you discover a fire, how to identify types of fires, how to choose and use the correct type of fire extinguisher and basic evacuation procedures. Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 210.05.1Q, Copyright 1992 When handled improperly, flammable liquids can spell disaster. This video illustrates some common mistakes and explains proper handling of common shop flammable liquids. First Aid Fire Safety A Shock to the System , F2, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Safety Shorts, 7 minutes 220.01.1Q, Copyright 1993 This video focuses on shock that often accompanies a serious injury. The symptoms of shock and proper treatment are covered in this program. Fire Safety for Industrial Workers , 19 min. 210.14.1, Copyright 2011 Due to the hazardous and flammable materials often used or stored at industrial facilities, fires at these locations can have disastrous consequences. In fact, 3,000 workers are injured and another 150 die each year in industrial fires. The good news is that almost all workplace fires can be prevented. That's the purpose of this program: to show the safe work practices employees should follow to reduce the risk of a workplace fire and to review things that should be done if a fire should break out. Topics include five classes of fire, good housekeeping, handling and storing Lending Library Catalog First Aid National Safety Council, 42 minutes 220.02.1, Copyright 2001 This video is an excellent follow-up and review after initial CPR/first aid training. The video teaches the reviewer how to differentiate between serious and simple first aid, and handle a variety of real life emergencies. Seizure First Aid Epilepsy Foundation, 12 minutes 220.03.1, Copyright 2008 Seizures are common events. They are caused by sudden, temporary changes in the electrical functioning of the brain. They Page 45 can take many forms and may be produced by a number of medical conditions, including epilepsy. This DVD combines footage of real seizures with re-enactments to demonstrate safe first aid procedures. In addition, people with epilepsy talk about how they would like friends, family and the general public to react when seizures occur. Forklift Safety Forklift Construction Video Program Mancomm, 12 minutes 230.10.1FE, Copyright 2004 The four-video set covers each OSHA regulation, including training, operation, loading, pre-operation inspection, and refueling/recharging of forklifts. Forklift Fundamentals Coastal, 18 minutes 230.05.1E, Copyright 2008 This video will provide viewers with facts about forklift design, control and instrumentation. This program also focuses on the importance of performing pre-trip inspections. Forklift Fundamentals: Get the Facts Coastal, F4, Copyright 1997 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Forklift Handling Safety in Dangerous Situations Coastal, 15 minutes 230.07.1, Copyright 1999 Topics covered in this program include: working safely around slippery surfaces, congested traffic and pedestrian areas, the dangers of cluttered areas and narrow aisles, how to cross speed bumps, working with inside trailers, the two most common deadly accidents and general forklift safety rules. Forklift Operations Coastal, F5, Copyright 1997 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Forklift Operations: Carry the Load Coastal, 19 minutes 230.04.1E, Copyright 1997 This program focuses on many issues that professional forklift operator's face. Topics covered include, surface conditions, load stability, stacking and un-stacking and Lending Library Catalog traffic. Forklift Operator Safety Training , F6, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Forklift Safety Checks NUS Training, F7, Copyright 1993 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Forklift Safety Checks NUS Training, 12 minutes 230.01.1F, Copyright 1993 This discusses pre-start inspection and preventative maintenance. Beginning with the pre-start inspection, the program covers the power system, major structural components and safety features. The program specifically warns about dangers associated with connecting and recharging batteries for electrical forklifts. Forklift Safety Essentials Vocam, 26 minutes 230.14.1, Copyright 2006 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. A forklift is a powerful and safe tool when used well by a trained operator. However, forklift safety is often not well understood by many operators and this can increase the risk of accidents. Every year pedestrians and operators are killed and injured as a result of unsafe forklift operation. Topics covered are: checking for safety, the operating environment, forklift attachments, refueling and recharging, traveling and traffic controls, lifting and moving loads, and parking the forklift. Forklift Safety: An Operator Training Program J.J. Keller, F8, Copyright 1999 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Forklift Safety: An Operator Training Program J.J. Keller, 25 minutes 230.08.1FE, Copyright 1999 This video provides an overview of the forklift safety standard. It is meant to supplement an in-house forklift operatortraining program. The facilitator guide and course preparation guide outlines a program Page 46 for teaching employees to safety operate forklifts on the job site. It also has an employee acknowledgement form to place in their training file. informative video covers forklift inspections, stability concerns, safe operating procedures, and the loading of trucks and trailers. Forklift Safety: Real Accidents, Real Stories HIGH IMPACT: Forklift Operator Training Wumbus, 12 minutes 230.17.1, Copyright 2009 Viewers will hear thought-provoking stories of real forklift incidents and the far-reaching effects such incidents can have. In the midst of these stories, the video will discuss preventing injuries, accidents and, property damage during the use of forklifts. After hearing the real stories presented, employees will see the impact of how ignoring general forklift safety and awareness procedures as well as OSHA standards can be fatal. ERI Safety Videos, 18 minutes 230.06.1, Copyright 1998 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. Through the use of graphic forklift accident reenactments, viewers will be reminded about the important of safe forklift operations. Forklift Safety: The Triangle of Stability Wumbus, 10 minutes 230.16.1, Copyright 2009 This training presentation educates forklift operators on how to safely maneuver their vehicles. It focuses on all aspects of forklift stability, including the stability triangle, working with different surfaces, carrying loads properly, proper braking techniques, preventing property damage, and how to move through any environment safely. Also, easy-to remember tips for safe everyday use of forklifts will be offered. After watching this presentation, operators will know what to be aware of when they operate their forklift, and how to avoid dangers in their working environments. Forklifts: Operator Safety American Training Resources, 20 minutes 230.11.1F, Copyright 2004 This video provides viewers with the basic information they need to know regarding the three areas of forklift safety: how a forklift operates; how to safely lift, carry and place a load; and following the rules of the road. This video covers both a sit-down and stand-up forklift. Handle with Care: Forklift Safety Training Aurora Pictures, 21 minutes 230.13.1, Copyright 2008 This video will educate your employees on the most common type of equipment-the sit down, counter balanced forklift. This Lending Library Catalog More High Impact: Forklift Safety American Training Resources, 20 minutes 230.12.1F, Copyright 2004 This video shows viewers that a commitment to forklift safety is the key to maintaining an injury-free workplace or even saving ones life. Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature. Operating a Forklift Safely , F9, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Safe Forklift Operation NUS Training, 15 minutes 230.03.1, Copyright 1993 The program uses the concept of the "stability triangle" and illustrates why the center of gravity must remain within the triangle and how to keep it there. This also addresses safety aspects of pallet and load condition, lifting a load, moving and transporting a load and stacking a load. Safety First: Forklift Safety AWWA, 14 minutes 230.09.1, Copyright 2002 Common forklift accidents are discussed in this video. Since 1999, forklift operators need training and evaluation at least every 3 years. This video discusses vehicle inspection, and explanation of stability and the load center, proper loading, driving and unloading procedures, and other general safety tips. The Forklift Workshop J.J. Keller, 37 minutes 230.15.1FE, Copyright 2010 Page 47 This DVD is a new innovative approach to educating forklift operators, new and veteran on proper forklift safety procedures, as required by OSHA's 29 CFR Section 1910.178(I). You will watch proper forklift techniques in action. The training covers forklift basics, inspecting your forklift, picking up a load, traveling with a load, placing a load, working in a truck, trailer or railcar, charging and refueling, and much more. features reenactments of workplace hand injury scenarios to teach valuable safety lessons about protecting our hands in every situation where hazards exist. Viewers will see the traumatic consequences of becoming distracted, using improper gloves, wearing jewelry around moving machinery, failing to pay attention to our work and attempting job tasks we are not qualified to perform. Hand & Wrist Safety Repetitive Strain Injuries Hand Injury Prevention: You Control It Aurora Pictures, 12 minutes 240.08.1, Copyright 2010 A hand injury occurs in the workplace every 32-seconds. Though they usually do not grab the headlines are not fatal in nature, over 16 million individuals seek emergency care each year for hand injuries. This program educates your employees on the different types of hand injuries that can occur, how to recognize common hazards found in the workplace and preventive measures to take to protect their hands. Hand Safety: It's in Your Hands Coastal, 15 minutes 240.02.1, Copyright 2006 Pinched. Burned. Irritated. Cut. Sliced. These are just some ways hands can be injured. Get a firm grip on hand safety and prevent these accidents. Avoid the two types of hazards - machine and chemical and understand the factors that determine the ideal PPE for a job. Make sure that employees know the glove types as well: leather, fabric and insulating gloves - when they are used and how they are to be checked, inspected and cared for. This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish. Lessons Learned from Hand Injuries American Training Resources, 19 minutes 240.01.1, Copyright 2010 From our earliest moments, we use our hands to learn, to explore and to interact with the world around us, and now as working adults, our hands continue to be "out front," touching, grasping, pushing, pulling and lifting our way through work and through life. Unfortunately, being "out front" can also mean being placed in danger, and sometimes things go wrong. This program Lending Library Catalog Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 240.06.1Q, Copyright 1990 Repetitive strain injuries are an ever increasing occupational hazard. This video demonstrates ways to prevent these injuries. Working Safely With Hand and Power Tools ERI Safety Videos, 17 minutes 240.07.1, Copyright 2004 This video covers the basic principles for using hand and power tools. Some of the topics covered are how to organize tools, choosing the right tool for the job, the kinds of tools and how to use them. The video also covers tool safety. Harass/Discrim From Sex to Religion , 23 minutes TR.HD.002, Copyright 2010 Employee Version INSTRUCTORS ONLY NOT FOR MEMBER CHECKOUT From Sex to Religion-Mgrs. Version , 23 minutes TR.HD.001, Copyright 2010 Manager's Version FOR INSTRUCTORS ONLY NOT FOR MEMBER CHECKOUT Harassment for Managers: A New Look , 22 minutes TR.HD.004, Copyright 2010 Harassment for Managers: A New Look examines the recent forms of harassment and shows how supervisors can and should prevent, identify and respond effectively to Page 48 such phenomena. A vital training update and a reliable compliance guide, the program uses vivid re-enactments to discuss: victims, alleged harassers and potential witnesses. Quid pro quo, tangible employment action, and hostile environment Bullying and digital harassment Humor, third-party harassment and agediscrimination Recognizing the impact of harassment and identifying warning signs Managers' responsibilities and obligations The need to train and communicate policies Handling complaints seriously and effectively Conducting investigations fairly Interviewing protocols and enforcement. Includes comprehensive leader's guide and PowerPoint Presentation on CD-ROM Vision Point, 14 minutes 600.18.1, Copyright 2001 Do your managers know they are legally responsible for addressing harassment and discrimination situations in their workplaces? This program brings them upto-speed fast using straightforward language and real-world examples. Managers gain the knowledge, tools and insights they need to protect themselves and their organizations from lawsuits and regulatory actions. Harassment: A New Look , 19 minutes TR.HD.003, Copyright 2010 Employee Version FOR INSTRUCTORS ONLY NOT FOR MEMBER CHECKOUT Sexual Harassment Made Simple , 6 minutes TR.SH.003, Copyright 2011 This program covers: Quid Pro Quo Harassment, Hostile Workplace Harassment, Reasonable Person Standard, Prevention Techniques, Consequences for harassers, Social Networking Sites, Sexting, Verbal Behaviors, Physical Behaviors, Pregnancy Jokes and Comments and more. Harassment & Discrimination Handling a Sexual Harassment Investigation Aurora Pictures, 19 minutes 600.14.1, Copyright 2005 This program discusses a company's legal responsibility to prevent and deal with sexual harassment incidents, policies and procedures that should be followed when investigation allegations of sexual harassment and how to interview apparent Lending Library Catalog Harassment & Discrimination: Promoting Respect & Preventing Discrimination Harassment Is... Coastal, H2, Copyright 2005 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Harassment Is... Coastal, 18 minutes 600.09.1E, Copyright 2005 Harassment represents one of the most destructive workplace issues faced by public and private employers today. In addition to sexual harassment there are liability issues associated with harassment based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, disability, age and other characteristics protected by law. This video will raise awareness regarding harassment and explain the do's and don'ts of creating a respectful work environment for everyone.This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish Harassment: The Real Scene Coastal, 27 minutes 600.06.1, Copyright 2008 Get up close and personal with harassment and see how destructive they can be. This DVD depicts various harassment scenarios that do occur in the workplace: scorning an Indian woman for her accent and mocking a man for his mental disorder. And that's just to name a few. The program presents other examples and shares practical insights and cautionary advice for each. The program can be view in English and Spanish. Included is a PowerPoint presentation and printable leader's guide. Page 49 It's About Respect Recognizing Harassment in a Diverse Workplace unwelcome behavior to show viewers what types of behavior constitute harassment. Coastal, 21 minutes 600.08.1, Copyright 2002 The video will help employees learn how to: define harassment, identify the various types and forms of harassment, understand the financial and hard-to-measure costs of harassment, follow practical guidelines to prevent harassment, respond if they witness or become victims to harassment. Preventing Retaliation in the Workplace It's Not Just About Sex Anymore Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace Vision Point, 22 minutes 600.19.1, Copyright 2007 This program will help you minimize increasing risk to your organization. Use this program to ensure your managers, supervisors and team leaders fully understand their roles and responsibilities when it comes to preventing retaliation and creating a culture of integrity, compliance and trust. Vision Point, 20 minutes 600.01.1F, Copyright 2002 This video breaks new ground by addressing behaviors that include: making fun of an overweight co-worker, age discrimination in a technological era, subtle harassment of foreign-born individuals or those practicing non-mainstream religions, attempts to convert others to a particular religion, harassment of pregnant women, and intolerance towards people who exhibit mental illness. Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees Let's Face It: Harassment Training for Supervisors Aurora Pictures, 15 minutes 600.13.1F, Copyright 2005 This video looks at behaviors and actions that can constitute sexual harassment, discusses why managers and supervisors must pay particular attention to what they say and do and examines how to recognize sexual harassment in the workplace. Coastal, 18 minutes 600.20.1, Copyright 2007 In todays diverse and relaxed work environments, the issue of harassment has never been more poignant. This program concisely identifies management's roles in identifying harassment, communicating policies, documenting training, handling a complaint, investigating promptly, and responding appropriately. Included are a leader's guide and PowerPoint Presentation and can be viewed in English or Spanish. Preventing Harassment: Creating a Positive Workplace , 21 minutes 600.21.1, Copyright 2001 Workplace harassment can damage relationships and destroy lines of communication among employees. This program discusses various types of workplace harassment and how this unwelcome behavior affects the work environment. It also explains what you should do if you are a victim or an observer of disrespectful conduct. Featured are a variety of scenarios where workers exhibit Lending Library Catalog Aurora Pictures, 16 minutes 600.12.1F, Copyright 2005 This video discusses various forms of sexual harassment, explains how to avoid inadvertently sexually harassing someone and reviews the procedures employees should follow if they feel that they or a coworker are being harassed. Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers and Supervisors Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: It's Not Enough to Know Better Vivid Edge, 25 minutes 600.16.1, Copyright 2004 Managers Version Persons in management positions are held to a higher legal standard in sexual harassment cases. This DVD provides the education guidance and authority to help managers rise to the challenge of preventing, recognizing and reporting sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: It's Not Enough to Know Better Vivid Edge, 25 minutes 600.17.1, Copyright 2004 Employee's Version Employees are every organization's first line of defense against sexual harassment. This video will help clearly define sexual Page 50 harassment to your employees, and empower them to act when they recognize inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Sexual Harassment: A Commonsense Approach , 32 minutes TR.SH.002, Copyright 2006 Manager's Version For instructor's only - Not For Member Checkout Sexual Harassment: A Managers Guide in California Coastal, 26 minutes 600.03.1, Copyright 2005 This video guides managers through the sexual harassment investigative process including interviewing the complainant, alleged harasser and witnesses. By equipping managers with the knowledge they need to prevent and respond to harassment situations, it helps to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual Harassment: Is It or Isn't It? American Media, 20 minutes 600.07.3F, Copyright 2000 This video provides a practical solution when delivering sexual harassment awareness and prevention training to a mixed group of office personnel and manufacturing employees. The video offers a stop and discuss video format that alternates between office and manufacturing settings, providing illustrative vignettes that may or may not be perceived as sexual harassment-and the actions to take against them. The Right Side of the Line VisionPoint, 22 minutes 600.10.1F, Copyright 2005 This video contains six video vignettes that address situations that are unprofessional, prohibited by policy and unlawful. Through these vignettes, employees learn what to do and how to respond if they are victims of, or witnesses to, any form of harassment or discrimination. Hazard Communication Hazard Communication Safety Essentials Vocam, 26 minutes 250.40.1, Copyright 2009 Hazardous materials and substances are common in many workplaces. Unsafe Lending Library Catalog contact with them can result in injuries both minor and major, both temporary and permanent. But what is a hazardous substance or material? How do you identify them? And what measures can you take to protect yourself? If you understand and take care in the handling and storage of hazardous substances, accidents can be avoided. Hazard Communication Training for Employees American Training Resources, 17 minutes 250.03.1F, Copyright 2009 This program explains how employees can work safely with chemicals by understanding the key elements of your organization's Hazard Communication Program. In our jobs, we may work with chemicals that are hazardous, but we don't have to place ourselves in dangers. When armed with proper training and access to a chemical's hazard information, each of us has the ability to work with or handle these chemicals in a safe manner. Hazard Communication: A Healthy Response Coastal, 19 minutes 250.14.1, Copyright 1989 The video discusses the importance of knowing a chemicals hazard and recognizing its potential danger. The video covers identification of hazardous chemicals, reading warning labels, MSDS, the necessity of having a written hazard communication program, and employee training. Hazard Communication: It's Your Right to Know Wumbus, 22 minutes 250.04.1, Copyright 2010 When working in the presence of hazardous substances, employees have the right to know what hazardous materials they are around and what their particular hazards are. This is usually accomplished through hazard communication training and MSDS training. A range of relevant hazard communication information is covered in this OSHA online training presentation including what your `right to know` is as an employee, an overview of the different categories of hazardous substances, all about the label hazardous materials need to display, proper hazardous chemical storage Page 51 procedures, how to remain in compliance with OSHA hazard communication standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 and an excellent introduction to OSHA safety standards in approved labeling requirements, including: MSDS, NFPA and HMIS labeling formats. Hazard Communication: Your Safety Net Hazard Communication: The Road to Safety MSDS: Key to Chemical Hazards Coastal, 16 minutes 250.17.1FEQ, Copyright 1995 This program is designed to educate employees on the importance and benefits of properly recognizing and safely working with hazardous materials. Also explained during the video are the various physical and health hazards, how to use warning labels and MSDS's properly. Hazard Communication: The Road to Safety Coastal, H6, Copyright 1995 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Hazard Communication: Your Key to Chemical Safety ERI Safety Videos, 15 minutes 250.42.1, Copyright 2009 Despite years of hazard communication training, employees often ignore the hazards of chemicals in the workplace. This program takes a fresh approach to this topic and gives practical information on the use of chemicals to answer the following four questions: 1) What am I working with? 2) Can it hurt me? 3) How do I protect myself? 4) What do I do if something goes wrong? The use of the new Global Harmonization System to communicate chemical hazards on manufacturers' labels is also discussed. Topics include information on manufacturers' labels, MSDS's, organizing work materials into hazard categories, safe use & storage of chemicals and PPE/protective clothing. Hazard Communication: Your Safety Net Coastal, 16 minutes 250.13.1E, Copyright 1998 If your employees are working with chemicals, hazard communication is their safety net. This program focuses on the essentials necessary to safely work with chemicals. Learn how to control chemical hazards, MSDS, and warning labels. Lending Library Catalog Coastal, H7, Copyright 1998 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Core Media, 18 minutes 250.08.1, Copyright 1993 This video will help districts meet the training requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard, including the content and use of material safety data sheets. MSDS: Read it Before You Need it Coastal, 20 minutes 250.16.1E, Copyright 2004 The video will show how MSDS formats have been standardized. Employers must provide an MSDS for each hazardous material used in the workplace. Learn how MSDS sheets must be read and understood before emergencies occur. The DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish. MSDS: Read it Before You Need It Coastal, H8, Copyright 1993 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Safety First: Hazard Communication AWWA, 13 minutes 250.01.1, Copyright 2001 This video provides everything you need to know about developing a customized Hazard Communications Program for your company or water utility that meets OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard. It explains the five parts of a Hazard Communication Program: chemical inventory, container labeling, material safety data sheets, employee training, and written procedures. U.S. Chemical Safety Board: Safety Videos 2005-2010 U.S. Chemical Safety Board, 15 minutes 250.06.1, Copyright 2010 This two-DVD Collection contains all Chemical Safety Board videos released between December 2005 and June 2010. The programs will inform industry, workers, and the public about the causes of chemical accidents and recommended practices to prevent them. Page 52 Warning Labels and Signs: Get the Message Coastal, 16 minutes 250.15.1E, Copyright 1996 In this video employees will learn to identify various types of signs and tags, and understand what they mean in the workplace. Warning Labels and Signs: Get the Message Coastal, H9, Copyright 1996 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Worker Protection Standards Environmental Response Team Video, 23 minutes 250.39.1, Copyright 2008 When Superfund was reauthorized in 1986, The EPA was required to develop a set of regulations for protecting worker safety. This video describes this regulation (HAZWOPER) and presents details of the regulation's requirements. Hazardous Materials Asbestos Awareness: Understanding the Risk Coastal, 19 minutes 250.37.1, Copyright 2010 The video program provides an introduction to asbestos and the risk involved in exposure. You will learn about the three forms of asbestos, adverse health effects, where asbestos can be found, hazard communication, personal protection, and housekeeping requirements. Asbestos Cement Pipe Safety Digital-2000, 19 minutes 250.41.1, Copyright 2010 This video details the risks, hazards and safe methods for working with asbestos/cement pipe. Chemical Handling Safety: The Basics Coastal, 20 minutes 250.11.1E, Copyright 2003 As dangerous as some chemicals are, you can handle them safely by knowing what you are working with, how to handle them and what to do in an emergency. This program covers the basics of chemical handling, hazard identification, personal Lending Library Catalog protection, and emergency response. Chemical Handling Safety: The Basics Coastal, H10, Copyright 2003 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Corrosive and Irritant Chemicals Long Island Productions, 11 minutes 250.29.1, Copyright 1990 Corrosives and irritants can be common chemicals in a wide range of settings. The video will demonstrate how to work safety with these chemicals, and what to do in case they are spilled or come into contact with an individual. Cutting and Milling A/C Pipe Digital 2000, 7 minutes 250.32.1, Copyright 2002 This video discusses the recommended safety procedures for working with A/C pipe. Included is a review of the proper tools, procedures, and personal protective equipment to be used. It stresses the use of wet cutting methods. First Responder Awareness Emergency Film Group, 22 minutes 250.26.1F, Copyright 2000 This video teaches the responsibilities of individuals who are the first to arrive on the scene of a hazardous materials incident. By depicting potential emergency situations, it teaches how to use caution around hazardous materials, how to size up the situation, the importance of calling for help, and how to secure the area to protect others. Hazwoper First Responder: Awareness Level Coastal, 15 minutes 250.33.1EQ, Copyright 2002 This video defines hazwoper levels, the types of hazardous substances and their associated risks, what can happen in an emergency because of hazardous substances, how to recognize and identify hazardous substances, the worker's role in their facility's Emergency Response Plan, and how to summon additional resources when needed. Hazwoper First Responder: Awareness Level Coastal, H13, Copyright 2002 Page 53 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Hazwoper First Responder: Operations Level Coastal, H16, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Hazwoper Training Awareness Level Coastal, 20 minutes 250.28.1E, Copyright 1996 This video outlines the information needed for personnel who are first on the scene at a hazardous materials incident. The focus of the video is to raise the awareness level of these individuals so they will be able to recognize a hazmat incident, protect themselves and others, and initiate the notification of emergency response personnel. Hazwoper-Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Coastal, H17, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Lead's Revenge! California Department of Public Health, 17 minutes 250.09.1, Copyright 2009 This creative and informative video is intended to make construction employers and workers, especially painters, aware that lead poisoning on the job is still a serious health threat for them and their families. The DVD uses a "novella" format for both English and Spanish speakers, without the use of subtitles. Mixing factual information with humor, the video has several key messages in an engaging way: Lead dust is an invisible danger that can transfer easily from a worker/employer to a child. Routine blood lead tests for workers/employers at risk and family members at risk are important. Containing, controlling and cleaning up lead paint dust are part of a lead-safe painting and construction job, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. The video also touches on the danger of ladder falls and safe use of ladders. Magnacide H Herbicide: Application and Safety Training Baker Petrolite Corp., 32 minutes Lending Library Catalog 250.31.1, Copyright 2007 This updated DVD details the application, safe handling procedures, and hazards of Magnacide H aquatic herbicide. This is a must for training employees prior to handling or application of Magnacide H. Pesticide Training for Agricultural Employees Digital-2000, 29 minutes 250.05.1, Copyright 2011 Pesticide Training For Agricultural Employees - This video will show general pesticide safety practices and give information to help you feel more confident around pesticides. The last portion of this video pertains to pesticide handlers, so if you are not a handler you may end the video at that point. Topics covered in this safety video include: pesticide basics, where can pesticides be found and how do I avoid them, how to protect yourself, why it's important to protect yourself, what do I do if I get sick at work?, decontamination area, pesticide information, the pesticide label, personal protective equipment (PPE), respirators, transporting pesticides, storing pesticides, mixing and loading pesticides, cleaning pesticide containers, applying pesticides, heat stress, cleaning up, decontamination area. Properties of Class Eight Corrosives Idaho State Police, 12 minutes 250.24.1, Copyright 1997 Problems with acid and caustic spills? When is using water a bad idea? Learn some specifics about corrosives. Risk Management Program Rule: Basics for Compliance AWWA, 28 minutes 250.19.1, Copyright 1999 This American Water Works Association video provides basic information for water utilities impacted by federal Risk Management Program Rule. This program focuses on the requirements of the regulation and the steps that water utilities need to take to ensure compliance. Safe Work Practices for Pesticide Applications Long Island Productions, 20 minutes 250.30.1, Copyright 1995 This video explains the procedures and equipment required to handle pesticides and herbicide safely. Topics discussed in Page 54 the video include personal protective equipment, mixing and handling procedures, pesticide application, equipment cleanup, and emergency procedures. of flammable vapors, control of ignition sources, and proper emergency response actions. Safety First: Safe Handling of Water Treatment Chemicals American Red Cross, 22 minutes 250.35.1E, Copyright 1994 This video has information on chemicals that you use in the home and how to protect yourself from them if exposed. It also tells what steps to take if there is a major chemical emergency in your community. AWWA, 18 minutes 250.27.1, Copyright 1999 This video teaches which chemicals are dangerous and what we can do to protect ourselves. The video covers 17 of the most commonly used chemicals in water treatment. Employees will learn the health effects of each chemical and how the chemical is ingested into the body. They will also learn the types of protective clothing and equipment needed to safely work around each chemical. Small Spills and Leaks Coastal, 18 minutes 250.10.1E, Copyright 1994 Controlling small spills and leaks is the focus of this program. The essential procedures all employees should know if a leak occurs on their shift are covered in this video. Small Spills and Leaks Coastal, H15, Copyright 1994 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Sodium and Calcium Hypochlorite Digital-2000, 12 minutes 250.25.1, Copyright 2008 This safety video program discusses some of the dangers of sodium and calcium exposure. This program discusses safe work practices, exposure limits, safety regulations, as well as proper PPE. The Danger Within Idaho State Police, 17 minutes 250.23.1, Copyright 1988 This program examines some of the common factors that can lead to hazardous materials cargo tank accidents. This video is appropriate for Class A tanker drivers. Working Safely with Flammable Liquids NFPA, 14 Minutes 250.34.1F, Copyright 2001 This is an excellent video that covers the safe transportation, storage, and use of flammable liquids. It discusses the hazards Lending Library Catalog Your Guide to Home Chemical Safety/Emergency Procedures Hearing Conservation Blueprints for Safety Hearing Conservation , H18, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Hearing Conservation Industrial Training, Inc., 25 minutes 260.01.1F, Copyright 1990 This video is applicable to situations where employees are subject to a comprehensive hearing conservation program as required by Cal/OSHA due to actual or potential noise over-exposure. This video discusses the health effects of excessive noise levels, sound measuring procedures, and the various elements of a hearing conservation program, including hearing test, types of hearing protection devices and the OSHA Noise Standard. Hearing Conservation and Safety Long Island Productions, 25 minutes 260.04.1, Copyright 2000 Here is a video that will assist in developing a Hearing Conservation Program to meet OSHA requirements. Employees will be given information that will explain how the ear and system of hearing is constructed and how it functions. Employees will understand the potential affects of hearing damage, have a good knowledge of common causes of hearing injury and loss, and learn what good hearing safety practices are. Hearing Conservation Training for Employees ERI Safety Videos, 15 minutes 260.08.1, Copyright 2008 This video discusses how a hearing conservation program protects employees Page 55 from noise. It reviews how noise can damage the ear and outline the three key elements of a hearing conservation program: Noise assessment Employee training; and Audiometric training It also provides a discussion on various types of hearing protection and how to use each type. Hearing Loss Prevention: Employee Training Heat Stress Beat the Heat: Preventing and Treating Heat Disorders Coastal, 17 minutes 270.04.1EQ, Copyright 1995 This program provides viewers with an overview of the following heat stress-related topics: thermoregulation, minor heat-stress disorders, major heat-stress disorders, heat stroke, ways to control heat stress and accidents due to heat stress. Long Island Productions, 5 minutes 260.05.1, Copyright 2000 This video will demonstrate how to select and use basic personal protective hearing equipment. Heat Stress Hearing Protection: It Makes Sense Heat Stress Coastal, 22 minutes 260.02.1, Copyright 2004 You won't know that you're losing the ability to hear until you already have. It is a silent and gradual process, caused by consistent and prolonged exposure to abnormal noise levels. Halt hearing impairment through a combination of monitoring procedures, engineered noise reduction controls and PPE basics, including use, maintenance and disposal of earmuffs and earplugs. Hearing Protection: Sounds Good To Me Coastal, 14 minutes 260.06.1F, Copyright 2000 This video features country music legend Charlie Daniels and covers the importance of proper hearing protection. It discusses the effect noise has on the human ear, personal protective equipment, and controlling harmful noise. Hearing Protection-Safe in 8 Coastal, 8 minutes 260.03.1, Copyright 2005 Mute the dangers of ear-related accidents. Protect your employees with this program, which discusses sound intensity and duration, ear structure, types of hearing damage, classes of earplugs and hearing protection guidelines. Lending Library Catalog Coastal, H21, Copyright 1998 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. American Training Resources, 17 minutes 270.09.1, Copyright 2003 Whether you work in a hot environment or you're outside on one of those "dog days of summer", this program shows viewers how to recognize and respond to various heatrelated problems. Featured are several scenarios with some of the physical symptoms and appropriate first aid procedures for each illness. Heat Stress Summitt Training Source, Inc., 13 minutes 270.06.1F, Copyright 2009 Each year, thousands of workers are overcome by heat stress. If one of your workers falls victim to heat stroke, recognizing the symptoms and taking quick corrective action is vital to minimize the negative health effects - and possibly save a life. This program covers: how the body handles heat; types of heat-related disorders; preventive measures; recognizing symptoms; and helping co-workers suffering from heat stress. This DVD can be view in English and Spanish with Subtitles. Heat Stress: Don't Lose Your Cool Coastal, 14 minutes 270.05.1FE, Copyright 2001 This video covers thermoregulation. Minor heat stress disorders such as, heat rash, sunburn, and mineral loss, are contrasted with major heat stress disorders such as heat cramps, and heat exhaustion. The video shows how to control heat stress and how accidents are caused in hot environments. Page 56 Heat Stress: Preventative Measures Summit Training Source, Inc., 15 minutes 270.10.1, Copyright 2009 Heat kills an average of 500 people in the United States each year and is often overlooked as a root cause of injuries and death in the workplace. It is not just workers performing jobs outdoors under the sun who are at risk, but those working indoors around boilers, steel, and many manufacturing processes as well. This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish, and also contains subtitles. Heat Stress: Staying Healthy, Working Safely Wumbus, 14 minutes 270.02.1, Copyright 2007 This DVD clearly defines heat stress and highlights the dangers of working in environments where heat can cause serious injury. It addresses proper clothing, hydration, and work habits that workers need to stay healthy and work safely in the heat. It also shows how to identify, prevent and treat the three basic types of heat illnesses. Heat Stress: The Facts Safety Source, 17 minutes 270.11.1, Copyright 2010 More Illnesses are surfacing from employees working in abnormally high temperatures, such as in a hot warehouse or warm assembly environment. This program discusses heat stroke, heat stress, fainting, and precautions to take. Safety First: Seasonal Safety , 14 minutes 270.03.1, Copyright 2010 Utility field employees may work in weather ranging from unbearably hot to freezing cold. This video teaches employees how to protect themselves from heat stress illness, heat exhaustion, dehydration, hypothermia, and frostbite. 14 minutes Sun Safety for Outdoor Workers California Department of Health Services, 13 minutes 270.08.1F, Copyright 2000 Outdoor workers need protection from solar assault! This video provides educational materials for teaching why and how outdoor Lending Library Catalog workers should decrease unprotected exposure to sunlight. Understanding & Preventing HeatRelated Illnesses , 16 Minutes 270.13.1, Copyright 2011 As the temperature rises this summer and we continue to perform our regular job duties, the potential for heat-related illnesses increases dramatically. Collectively known as heat stress, these illnesses are serious and can even cause death in some cases. Your employees must be vigilant in their efforts to prevent them. Illnesses include heat cramps, heat rash, heat syncope and the potentially fatal heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which account for over 400 worker deaths each year. How the human body responds to hot conditions. What the symptoms of various heat-related illnesses are and how they should be treated. The process of becoming acclimated to hot environments. What precautions employees and companies can take to prevent heat stress such as the use of the buddy system. Preventing heat stress at indoor facilities. Specialized clothing and protective devices for working in hot conditions. Water. Rest. Shade. The Work Can't Get Done Without Them , 9 minutes 270.14.1, Copyright 2010 This video teaches workers about the dangers of working in the heat, how to prevent heat illness and responsibilities of employers. It features workers from, agriculture, construction and landscape work. Includes: Spanish, Mixteco, Punjabi and Hmong speaking workers. Audio options are available in these four languages. Does not fulfill all employer training requirements found in the Cal/OSHA requirement, but can be used as part of the training employers must provide to workers. Working Safely In Hot Environments ERI Safety Videos, 15 minutes Page 57 270.07.1, Copyright 2002 This video discusses the types, causes, and warning signs of heat stress with an emphasis on prevention. It is very effective in demonstrating the effects of different types of heat stress. fall-arrest systems, setting up at work sites, working in the bucket. Bucket trucks make jobs at high elevations easier, but if they are not operated safely major accidents can occur. Heavy Equipment John Deere, 32 minutes 280.04.1, Copyright 2002 This DVD video is designed as a supplement to the operator's manual. It is divided into three main sections plus an introduction that you can watch individually or all together. The introduction gives you an overview of the content found in this program and its purpose. The first main section looks at the pre-start walk-around and daily service on the machine. The second main section looks at the operator's station with its controls and safety systems. The third main section examines some safety tips when operating the machine. Aerial Lift Safety Environwin Software Inc., 11 minutes 280.21.1, Copyright 2001 This video demonstrates proper donning procedures for body harnesses. It discusses the importance of regular equipment inspection, as well as other safety issues related to the use of aerial lifts. Aerial Platform , H22, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Backhoe Operations for Public Workers Digital-2000, 15 minutes 280.03.1, Copyright 2008 This DVD is designed to remind backhoe operators about the hazards and safety precautions necessary to adhere to when operating this complex piece of equipment. Covered are many scenarios such as working on the job site, watching out for other co-workers, working near power lines, watching out for pinch points, properly setting the supports, and no riders on the equipment. Backhoe Safety Zomar Productions, 18 minutes 280.09.1, Copyright 2000 The video covers wearing proper personal protective equipment, pre-start checks, loading, driving to, and site preparation, safe site operation including set-up, stability, spoils piles, overhead electrical lines, work zones and traffic control. The video demonstrates safe lifting procedures and proper shut down procedures. Bucket Truck Safety Aurora Pictures, 13 minutes 280.34.1, Copyright 2009 This Training DVD covers critical material your bucket/boom operators need to stay safe, including: truck inspection and maintenance, the most common bucket truck hazards, fundamental precautions, Lending Library Catalog C-Series Excavator (Under 40 Tons) Dump Truck Safety Digital-2000, 10 minutes 280.35.1, Copyright 2008 Dump trucks are complicated and expensive pieces of equipment where untrained drivers can certainly be a liability. This video covers pre-startup procedures, brake systems, dumping techniques, and general safety while operating the unit. Fundamentals of Excavator Operation Onsite Productions, 12 minutes 280.37.1, Copyright 2005 The Fundamentals of Excavator Operation is a new 5 part set of videos that provide a valuable resource for all excavator operators as well as instructional programs. This series of videos will benefit both new and experienced operators of excavators by showing safe, efficient and productive applications along with various techniques to enhance or improve the safe operation of excavators. The videos work together to offer a complete range of basic operating techniques. They were produced by qualified instructors with a combined operating and instructional training experience of 47 years. Video #1 The Excavator This video serves as an introduction to excavators. It begins by identifying the various parts and components of the machine. Maintenance concerns of Page 58 excavators are covered in detail as well preop inspection. Video #2 Trench Digging Digging trenches is the most common work task expected of excavators, and this video does an excellent job of covering common trenching procedures. Video #3 Trench Servicing and Backfilling This video shows bedding procedures that are common to utility installation, and how they are performed. Video #4 Loading Haul Units Loading trucks is one of the most common tasks that an excavator operator will face. This video covers the man aspects of this procedure that will ensure success for future operators. Video #5 Benching and Sloping Benching is a cut and fill process that is fundamental for performing many basic excavator operations. It is used in attaining a proper machine setup as well as pioneering roads. This video covers this fundamental of excavator operation so that operators can apply these principles to their own job. Hand Signals for Construction Equipment Vista Training Inc., 10 minutes 280.01.1, Copyright 1999 This video illustrates the use of hand signals, primarily for backhoes and excavators. Each signal is show in real life scenarios. Hand Signals for Excavators and Backhoes John Deere, 10 minutes 280.24.1, Copyright 2000 The correct use of hand signals on a job site can prevent accidents or even save a life. This program looks at hand signals and how they can protect workers in potentially dangerous situations. How to Properly Interpret a Load Chart Crane Institute of America, Inc., 25 minutes 280.18.1, Copyright 1995 This video was produced to ensure complete understanding of your crane's lifting capacities. Comprehensive classroom and field applications are examined, and operators learn proven methods to precisely calculate the safety of any lift. Lending Library Catalog Hydro-Vacuum Truck Safety Digital-2000, 13 minutes 280.39.1, Copyright 2011 The vacuum or hydro-vacuum truck is like no other piece of modern equipment. There is a number of ways to be injured while working around this equipment. Topics included in this safety video are: potential hazards, history, awareness and training, your responsibility, utility excavation, personal protective equipment (PPE), and pressure relief safety valves and safety switches. John Deere General Safety Videos John Deere, 18-24 minutes 280.29.1, Copyright 1995 This DVD contains four safety videos of general interest to equipment operators in different industries such as construction, agriculture and logging. The videos show the consequences of poor training, inattention, poor maintenance and bad decision-making while operating heavy equipment. Some of the scenarios are graphic and some of the interviews and discussions are emotionally charged. Looking Back (18 minutes) Split Seconds, Split Lives (23 minutes) It Always Happens to the Other Guy (23 minutes) Round Trip to Danger (24 minutes) Loader-Backhoe Operator Safety Equipment Training Resources, 20 minutes 280.36.1, Copyright 2009 Operator Safety is designed specifically for operators. The video covers the most common mistakes and accidents involving these machines, as well as loading, transporting, utility dangers and rollover accidents. Lockout/Tagout of Construction Equipment John Deere, 24 minutes 280.30.1, Copyright 1998 Accidental start-up of construction equipment during repair is an ever-present danger. This video puts the implementation of a lockout and tagout procedure in perspective with an easy to follow process. Everyone will work more safely by following a few simple procedures to isolate equipment from accidental start-up or movement during repairs or service. Page 59 On Again, Off Again: A Guide to Mounting and Dismounting Heavy Equipment ACCO, 19 minutes 280.32.1, Copyright 2004 The JPIA's Workers' Compensation Program has incurred numerous lossesincluding a fatality-where members' employees were injured while mounting or dismounting heavy equipment such as graders, backhoes and dump trucks. 90% of all such injuries happen to experienced operators. These injuries are preventable. This video reviews the 8 basic steps for safely mounting and dismounting heavy equipment and vehicles, including maintaining 3 points of contact, facing the equipment and the "belt buckle rule" for maintaining balance. Pre Trip Inspection: A Circle of Safety Wumbus, 14 minutes 280.05.1, Copyright 2008 The presentation discusses the importance of pre-trip inspections as a necessary part of every work day before a vehicle is in operation. Covers the reasons behind each point of inspection and how the inspection can make a driver`s day easier and safer before it even begins. The DVD stresses the importance of an inspection so that each driver can take responsibility for knowing their own vehicle and keeping their own safety in check. Proper Operation and Maintenance of Demolition Attachments John Deere, 17 minutes 280.27.1, Copyright 1997 This program shows and demonstrates the proper operation and maintenance of popular demolition attachments such as hydraulic breakers and sheers. Rigging and Lifting with Mobile Construction Equipment Vista, 27 minutes 280.06.1, Copyright 1997 Helping employees develop safe rigging and lifting practices is the focus of this video. This program is designed to provide employees with information on rigging and lifting basics. Rigging Operations Coastal, 25 minutes 280.16.1E, Copyright 2004 This video provides a general overview of Lending Library Catalog crane lift and rigging operations. Elements include rigging plan, load characteristics, equipment requirements, environmental factors, rigging inspection, lift preparation and safety, and sling care and use. Rigging Operations Coastal, H11, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Road Crew Safety Practices for Road Construction and Paving Crews John Deere, 23 minutes 280.28.1, Copyright 1998 Many serious and fatal accidents in road construction and paving work are caused by other machines on the job site. This video addresses the dangers and the safety practices to help avoid those deadly accidents. Roller Compactor Association of Equipment Manufactures, H25, Copyright 2002 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Roller Compactor Safety Vista Training, 54 minutes 280.15.1, Copyright 1996 The video contains information on: foreword, following a safety program, prepare for safe operation, start safely, work safely, park and shut down safely, load and unload a machine safely, transporting safely, perform maintenance, and special situations. Rolling Towers: Mobile Scaffold Safety The Training Network, 12 minutes 280.23.1, Copyright 1997 This video covers the advantages, hazards and limitations of mobile scaffold safety and what precautions are necessary to keep the work environment safe. You will learn how to use mobile scaffolding on flat/solid surfaces, how to properly assemble scaffolding; height ratio, load rating and outrigging, and much more. Safe Operation of Scissor and Boom Lifts Aurora Pictures, 19 minutes 280.22.1, Copyright 2006 This video discusses the procedures lift operators must follow to prevent accidents, such as electrocution, falls, crushed body Page 60 parts, and tip-over's. Topics also included are factors that affect stability, preoperational inspection, protecting against falls from platforms and safe driving procedures. and unloading techniques; correct tie-down points, equipment and procedures; tips for safe transport in varying traffic, road and weather conditions; and interviews with professional equipment haulers. Safety First: Heavy Equipment Yard Practices Transporting Construction Equipment AWWA, 16 minutes 280.19.1, Copyright 2005 Topics covered in this DVD are personal protective equipment. You will learn techniques for manually lifting, pushing, pulling, and reaching to avoid back strain and other injuries, forklift operation, mobile and static overhead crane operation. Stacking and storing materials. NUCA, 34 minutes 280.33.1, Copyright 2007 This DVD visually illustrates the Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulation 49 CFR, Part 393 as it applies to the transport of construction equipment. Safety First: Pipe Handling for Field Crew Wumbus, 16 minutes 280.38.1, Copyright 2009 The DVD teaches drivers how to safely operate delivery vehicles before, during and after a delivery. Topics covered include pretrip inspections, proper backing, and turning, braking and stopping procedures. Driving techniques for vehicles carrying loads and/or passengers in various weather and road conditions are demonstrated. Awareness, practicality and common sense are emphasized. AWWA, 14 minutes 280.20.1, Copyright 2005 Topics covered are personal protective equipment, blocking, slings, straps, and cables used to support and secure the load on the truck. Safely using guide ropes to help balance and control long or awkward materials and unloading safety procedures. Safety Training for Repair Technicians John Deere, 21 minutes 280.31.1, Copyright 1996 There are three common types of injuries that occur in a shop environment: eye, hand and back injuries. This program builds awareness about shop safety and how to avoid these costly injuries. Transport Trailer Safety Vista, 24 minutes 280.12.1, Copyright 1996 The video addresses loading, unloading, tie down and transportation aspects of moving items such as backhoes, forklifts, excavators and other heavy constructiontype equipment. This is an excellent resource for members that haul heavy equipment on trailers to worksites. Trucks, Vans and Other Delivery Vehicles Utility Excavation: Backhoe Safety AWWA, 10 minutes 280.13.1, Copyright 2002 This video covers topics such as: use of proper personal protective equipment, worksite preparation, traffic control, underground utilities, and proper training. The video finishes with safety tips for use of the loading bucket and backhoe. Walk Around Inspection: Backhoe Aurora Pictures, 15 minutes 280.08.1, Copyright 2006 This video is about how to perform a thorough and accurate pre-shift inspection. The equipment is broken down into four quadrants to ensure accuracy and consistency for every inspection. Transporting Construction Equipment Hiring John Deere, 37 minutes 280.26.1, Copyright 2007 The important point of transporting construction and forestry equipment are covered in this program. Based on the North American Cargo Securement Standards, these points include: trailers; safe loading J.J. Keller, 25 minutes 180.20.1F, Copyright 2002 This training program is designed to give new employees a good first impression of how they will fit into an organization, what policies and procedures apply to them, and Lending Library Catalog HR Orientation for Employees Page 61 who to go to for help. Legal and Effective Interviewing II: The Right Questions Coastal, 14 minutes 180.01.1EF, Copyright 2001 This video program provides a thorough practical approach to training supervisors and managers in this vital aspect of employment, and covers such topics as setting the interview tone, the general interview format, listening techniques, and more. More Than a Gut Feeling III CRM Learning, 32 minutes 180.17.1F, Copyright 1989 This video teaches participants that the best predictor of a job applicant's future work is their past work behavior. By applying the behavioral approach to interviewing, participants learn to refrain from judging a candidate based on intuition, and instead on probing, open-ended questions to evaluate their past work behavior. Housekeeping Custodian's Guide to On-The-Job Safety The Idea Bank, 25 minutes 330.01.1Q, Copyright 1991 This video is useful for districts that employ janitors and custodians. It addresses specific occupational safety and health hazards that custodians might be exposed to including power tools, chemical spills, back injuries and electrical shock. The video shows how to detect hazards that could cause on-the-job injuries. Falling Objects Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 300.01.1Q, Copyright 1993 Designed for toolbox safety meetings, this video covers the steps necessary to see that one does not fall victim to falling objects. It addresses good housekeeping, keeping track of equipment, and learning how to protect yourself from overhead hazards. Good Housekeeping is Good Safety Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 300.04.1Q, Copyright 2004 This video offers a review of the safety and productivity benefits of good housekeeping in the shop, warehouse, and construction environments. Lending Library Catalog Good Housekeeping: Keeping Your Workplace Safe Wumbus, 12 minutes 300.07.1, Copyright 2009 This program discusses why good housekeeping is important in the workplace. It presents the topic in three sections: Keeping your workspace safe; the dangers of poor housekeeping; and Take Action: Awareness and Prevention. Housekeeping Summit Training, 6 minutes 300.03.1Q, Copyright 1990 This video presents the hazards of poor housekeeping and ways to prevent injuries and property damage. It discusses fire safety and slips, trips, and falls. Housekeeping Aurora Pictures, 11 minutes 300.06.1, Copyright 2003 The importance of keeping your facility neat and clean is often overlooked. This program reinforces the importance of proper housekeeping methods and illustrates the multiple benefits of keeping your work site in order from increasing safety, to being prepared for emergencies, to improving your image, to better utilizing your space. Stored Energy: The Hidden Hazard Aurora Pictures, 18 minutes 300.05.1, Copyright 2007 The video addresses the sheer weight, the potential energy, of things such as loaded pallets, heavy equipment, cables, doors and bulk material, when these things move or fall, they release that stored energy and create deadly hazards. This video increases our awareness of stored energy hazards and helps us become more observant of them in our surroundings. Laboratory Safety Chemical Safety in the Laboratory Tel-A-Train, 22 minutes 250.02.1F, Copyright 1992 This discusses both safety and health issues associated with laboratory operations. This includes handling of compressed gas cylinders, laboratory fume hoods, use of eyewash and emergency showers and chemical safety. This video is somewhat technical, making it suitable for laboratory staff. Page 62 Safety First: Laboratory Safety AWWA, 18 minutes 570.01.1, Copyright 1999 This video teaches the five major areas of laboratory safety: handling and storing chemicals; personal protective equipment; lab safety features; equipment used in water quality labs; and safe laboratory procedures. Employees learn a wealth of information contained in the Material Safety Data Sheets for commercially made chemicals. Employees will also learn safety procedures for reagents and solutions made in the lab. Lockout & Tagout HIGH IMPACT: Life and Death Series Lockout Tagout ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 310.09.1F, Copyright 1999 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. This hard-hitting video helps refocus the lifesaving power of Lockout/Tagout. This program addresses the topics of training and authorization, recognition of energy sources, and how overconfidence and complacency lead to tragic lockout mistakes. HIGH IMPACT: Lockout/Tagout Safety ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 310.01.1F, Copyright 1996 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. The incidents in this graphic video will make lockout believers of your staff. The eight incidents reviewed in this video highlight common mistakes which can lead to serious accidents. Locking Out and Tagging Out Accidents U.S. Health Works, 13 minutes 310.04.1, Copyright 1990 This provides a comprehensive review of lockout/tagout procedures. Use of this resource will provide the necessary information to develop an effective lockout/tagout program. Lockout/Tagout Controlling the Beast Coastal, L3, Copyright 1994 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Lending Library Catalog Lockout/Tagout It Would Have Saved His Life Aurora Pictures, 20 minutes 310.07.1, Copyright 2008 This program immediately grabs the viewer's attention with the true story of a man killed in a workplace mishap that would have been prevented by lockout/tagout. The video provides a comprehensive overview of the following information: The purpose of lockout/tagout Employee roles and responsibilities The purpose and contents of an Energy Control Plan Lockout/Tagout Safety for Authorized Employees Wumbus, 16 minutes 310.14.1, Copyright 2011 Proper lockout tagout procedures are essential to maintaining a safe work environment. This lockout tagout training video is designed for anyone that would ever work on or around heavy machinery. It covers the different types of machinery to be locked out, and goes over proper tagging procedures. The employees that are authorized to cut off an energy source will learn much from this film or at the very least will witness a comprehensive loto procedures refresher in this video. Lockout/Tagout: An Open and Shut Case Coastal, 14 minutes 310.08.1E, Copyright 1998 This program provides viewers with information about lockout/tagout procedures, regulations, and safety considerations. Lockout/Tagout: Controlling the Beast Coastal, 20 minutes 310.10.1FEQ, Copyright 2007 This video is designed in accordance with OSHA standards to educate employees on the importance and benefits of locking and tagging out properly. The video was designed with natural stopping points to permit discussion during viewing. This video has the option to view in English or Spanish. Lockout/Tagout: It Would Have Saved His Life ERI Safety Videos, 18 minutes 310.11.1, Copyright 2009 Workers who are injured on the job from Page 63 exposure to hazardous energy lose an average of 24 workdays for recuperation. But the most important numbers of all, are the over 50,000 injuries and the 120 or more deaths that are prevented each year by workers following proper lockout/tagout procedures. This program immediately grabs the viewer's attention with the true story of a man killed in a workplace mishap that would have been prevented by lockout/tagout. The procedures that would have saved his life are then discussed in detail. Lockout/Tagout: Lightening in a Bottle Coastal, L1, Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Lockout/Tagout: Lightning in a Bottle Coastal, 19 minutes 310.02.1E, Copyright 2006 Fatal injuries occur in workplaces when hazardous energy is released and lockout/tagout procedures are not in place. Don't let that happen in your workplace. Use this vital program to train your workers on the proper lockout/tagout procedures Lockout/Tagout: Training for Employees American Training Resources, 16 minutes 310.03.1, Copyright 2008 Energy-It's a part of our lives every day. Being around energy is an every day part of our lives, and an important part of our workplace operations. High pressure steam, electricity, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, even the force of gravity are common forms of energy used to power our machines, and processes. While energy is obviously useful, it can also be dangerous. Understanding how to properly control hazardous energy is one of the keys to workplace safety. This program reviews the procedures used to control this energy, commonly known as lockout/tagout. Topics include types of energy sources, the energy control plan, situations requiring lockout/tagout, lockout/tagout devices, energy control procedures and special lockout situations. Machine and Equipment Safety Bureau of Businesss Practice, Lending Library Catalog L4, Copyright 1990 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Machine and Equipment Safety Bureau of Business Practice, 13 minutes 310.05.1E, Copyright 1990 This video is geared toward shop operations. It discusses machine guarding and zero mechanical state conditions relating to lockout/tagout procedures. SHATTERED: The Jeff Walters Story ERI Safety Videos, 17 minutes 310.12.1, Copyright 2010 Jeff Walters, a young newlywed, was most interested in earning the respect of his coworkers than being concerned for his own safety. He saw a broken limit switch on a 19-foot elevated conveyor as his opportunity to impress his co-workers with his abilities and willingness to do whatever it takes to get a job done. After climbing the conveyor without doing a lockout or wearing fall protection, Jeff fell 19 feet to a concrete floor when the conveyor started unexpectedly. In this program, Jeff talks about his poor decisions that day and how they continue to impact him and his family. This program teaches the critical safety lesson that risk-taking is never worth it and that any supposed reward of a shortcut is only a myth. SHATTERED: The Jeff Walters Story (Concise Version) ERI Safety Videos, 10 minutes 310.13.1, Copyright 2010 This program combines testimonials, a live presentation and reenactments to teach important safety lessons! Jeff Walters, a young newlywed, was more interested in earning the respect of his co-workers than being concerned for his own safety. He saw a broken limit switch on a 19-foot elevated conveyor as his opportunity to impress his co-workers with his abilities and willingness to do whatever it takes to get a job done. After climbing the conveyor without doing a lockout or wearing fall protection, Jeff fell 19 feet to a concrete floor when the conveyor started unexpectedly. In this program, Jeff talks about his poor decisions that day and how they continue to impact him and his family. This program teaches the critical safety lesson that risk-taking is never worth it and that any supposed reward of a Page 64 shortcut is only a facade. Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 310.06.1Q, Copyright 1990 Shutting down and locking out machinery prior to making repairs is an important safety procedure. This video hauntingly emphasizes the necessity of following lockout/tagout procedures on electrical equipment. these machines are, their movement and operation can create extreme hazards. In this program you will learn about potential machine hazard areas and how they are controlled and/or eliminated, the importance of properly using, installing and maintaining fixed and adjustable machine guards. The various types of safety devices that are used for added protection. Why machine guards and safety devices must not be defeated, bypassed or removed. Machinery Safety Machine Guarding Safety Tag, you're It! "Lifting It Right" The Automotive Lift Institue, Inc., 24 minutes 320.05.1FE, Copyright 2006 Operating an automotive lift is serious business. A technician cannot effectively repair a vehicle unless he has had extensive training. The same attention to training should be given to lift operation. This DVD is intended as a training aid in teaching the correct way to lift vehicles without causing injury or property damage. Brush Chipper Operation & Maintenance Tree Care Industry Association, 16 minutes 320.04.1, Copyright 2000 This video covers preventive maintenance checks; towing; setting up for chipping; dragging, stacking, and feeding brush; and field maintenance. HIGH IMPACT: Metal Working Safety ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 320.01.1F, Copyright 1996 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. The ten accidents re-enacted in this video show how common mistakes can produce serious injuries and deaths. The issues illustrated in this video include: understanding machine actions and hazards, the importance of training, correct selection and use of personal protective equipment, and why short cuts don't pay. Machine Guarding Hazards American Training Resources, 14 minutes 320.06.1, Copyright 2010 In today's work environments, many machines are used to make our jobs easier, safer and more productive. Various types of equipment can bend, punch, press and perform countless operations. As useful as Lending Library Catalog Long Island Productions, 19 minutes 320.03.1, Copyright 1999 This video provides a review of the science of machine guarding, in a machine shop and wood shop settings. The program reviews the different types of guards and how they are used to protect employees from injury. Machine Safety Guards Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 320.02.1Q, Copyright 1990 Machine guards protect the worker from dangerous moving machine parts. This video explains how machine guards work and offers safety tips to keep in mind. Maintenance AWWA Field Guide: Service Meters AWWA, 19 minutes 330.09.1, Copyright 2011 This DVD field guide for water operators explains the various service meter types and sizes for measuring and recording customer water volume. It provides instruction in meter installation, testing, maintenance, and record keeping of residential service meters. Being Prepared Procedures for Fire Hydrant Maintenance AWWA, 33 minutes 330.15.1, Copyright 1993 This video reviews identification of hydrant types, safety for maintenance crews, inspection practices for new and existing hydrants, routing maintenance and repair of hydrants, a review of record keeping practices and hydrant flushing and cleaning procedures. Conducting Flow Tests AWWA, 13 minutes 330.16.1, Copyright 1993 Page 65 This video examines hydrant flow test terminology, equipment needs, hydrant test planning requirements, and field procedures for flow testing, test precautions, safety and how to determine available flows. Direct Tapping of PVC Pressure Pipe Uni-Bell Pipe Association, 13 minutes 470.12.1, Copyright 2000 This video will show the proper methods of cutting a tap, the different types of taps, working in weather, and the tools needed. It also reviews the use of proper procedures such as wearing safety equipment, working with a crew member, having a quick exit from the hole available, and knowing where the valves are to isolate the line. HIGH IMPACT: Maintenance Safety ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 330.02.1F, Copyright 1995 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. This video demonstrates the "three truths" that form a solid foundation for personal safety for maintenance workers. Maintaining and Replacing Fire Hydrants AWWA, 20 minutes 330.22.1, Copyright 2006 Water distribution operators will learn the most current industry-approved practices for fire hydrant maintenance, installation, and repair with this training DVD. The DVD illustrates procedures found in the AWWA manual Installation, Field Testing, and Maintenance of Fire Hydrants (M17) fourth edition. M17 has been peer-reviewed and approved by the AWWA Standards Committee on Fire Hydrants. On the Job: Leak Detection AWWA, 15 minutes 330.14.1, Copyright 2001 Leak detection helps utilities maintain control over water loss, respond more effectively to main breaks, and protect against contamination in finished water. Employees receive basic training in this important aspect of distribution system maintenance with this video On the Job: Sampling AWWA, 11 minutes 330.13.1, Copyright 2000 In this essential video, operators learn about the critical role of water quality monitoring practices in protecting the public health. Lending Library Catalog This informative video look at everything involved in sampling. Pipe Profile Series: Concrete Pressure Pipe AWWA, 18 minutes 330.17.1, Copyright 2008 There are four basic types of concrete pressure pipe covered in Concrete Pressure Pipe: prestressed concrete cylinder pipe, reinforced concrete steel cylinder pipe, reinforced concrete non-cylinder pipe and bar-wrapped cylinder pipe. The DVD illustrates the characteristics of concrete pressure pipe used in water supply. Pipe Profile Series: Ductile Iron Pipe AWWA, 21 minutes 330.18.1, Copyright 2008 Ductile-iron pipe has all of the good qualities of gray cast iron pipe plus additional strength and "ductility", which is the ability to deform without cracking. Ductile-iron piping systems have great versatility when combined with the diversity of fittings, valves, hydrants, encasements, linings, gaskets and specials with more than 15,000 variations of fitting patterns currently available. The DVD illustrates the characteristics of ductile-iron pipe used in water supply. Pipe Profile Series: PE Pipe AWWA, 18 minutes 330.19.1, Copyright 2008 PE is a thermoplastic polymer that can be softened and formed into useful shapes by the application of heat and pressure. The interest in PE has grown particularly for its corrosion and leakage resistance, low installation cost and for rehabilitation and where open cut installation is prohibitive or disruptive. PE's flexibility and resilience also makes it popular for use in earthquake zones or areas where soils can shift; as it is installed in continuous thermally-fused lengths. The DVD illustrates the characteristics of PE pipe used in water supply. Pipe Profile Series: PVC Pipe AWWA, 22 minutes 330.20.1, Copyright 2008 The primary characteristics that have made PVC popular in distribution systems are cost and corrosion resistance. PVC pipe is not damaged by aggressive waters or corrosive soils. Consequently, no lining, coating, Page 66 cathodic protection or plastic encasement is required on PVC and PVCO pipes. Due to the absence of corrosion, coupled with a smooth pipe wall, there is no internal tuberculation and minimal interior pipe wall residue in PVC pipe. The DVD illustrates the characteristics of PVC pipe used in water supply. Pipe Profile Series: Steel Pipe AWWA, 17 minutes 330.21.1, Copyright 2008 Steel has great strength and resists water hammer and surge. Steel pipe has the ability to yield or deflect under a load while resisting it (bend without breaking) making it suitable for placement under streets and highways. Steel often performs under difficult conditions such as stresses that come from uneven bedding, misalignment and changes in temperature. The DVD illustrates the characteristics of steel pipe used in water supply. Water Distribution Operator Training: Hydrants AWWA, 13 minutes 330.03.1, Copyright 2006 This DVD explains the importance of maintaining fire hydrant reliability for fire fighting. Other uses are also described, including distribution pipe flushing, flow testing, and filling water tank truck. Operators learn why hydrant use must be monitored and controlled by water utility to maintain security and safety; the different types of wet-barrel and dry-barrel fire hydrants and their operation; typical hydrant design, hydrant part names, and breakaway designs; use of hydrant wrenches, correct procedure for opening and closing hydrants; location and use of auxiliary valves; hydrant inspection, pressure-and-leak testing, placement, installation, maintenance, and repairs; hydrant color-coding, safety and security devices, and record keeping. Water Supply Operations: Flushing and Cleaning AWWA, 20 minutes 330.12.1, Copyright 2006 This program trains water operators in equipment and procedures for flushing and cleaning water mains. It explains the reasons for pipe flushing, flushing methods, scheduling and record keeping, public notification, swabs, pigs, scrapers, Lending Library Catalog chlorination, dechlorination, and safety procedures. Management & Supervision After All, You're the Supervisor CRM Learning, 20 minutes and 17 minutes 480.11.1F, Copyright 2002 Get the big picture on the supervisors' role from a supervisor's perspective. This program thoroughly demonstrates the essential skills a supervisor must possess, shows how to avoid common pitfalls, and models the desired attitudes of an effective supervisor. Delegating for Diehards CRM Learning, 20 minutes 480.20.1F, Copyright 1998 You will learn that good delegation requires trust-on the part of both the delegator and the delegatee-and detailed information sharing from start to finish. Employees will accomplish more in less time, improve their communication and management skills, and help your organization reach new heights of excellence. Exercises in Leadership Skills American Training Resources, 17 minutes 480.18.1F, Copyright 1991 This program contains three interactive skillbuilding exercises, which are presented in such a way as to give managers the opportunity to analyze and practice leadership skills: Essential leadership skills, such as: patience, creativity and flexibility, the ability to observe and listen carefully, and know when to take charge and when to hold back. The Human Touch: Performance Appraisal II Coastal, 24 minutes 480.08.1F, Copyright 2005 This program provides the "how to," stepby-step elements of a successful performance appraisal. Help your managers understand that performance appraisal doesn't begin and end in the annual review. It is an ongoing process of performance monitoring and motivating that benefits everyone. Mgmt/Supervision Love' Em or Lose' Em: Employee Retention Coastal, 22 minutes Page 67 480.01.1F, Copyright 2005 Apply this program's 26 A-Z strategies to keep your organization's top-caliber talent. After all, they are the heart and soul of your operations; the stars that you cannot afford to lose. This program, one of the most powerful employee retention tools, features employee retention experts Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans, authors of the book Love' Em or Lose' Em: Getting Good People to Stay and presents three main topics, how to keep your star employees, hidden costs of replacing departing employees, and a-z of employee retention. The DVD includes interactive training sessions and Power Point slides that can be used when presenting this topic to a group. The book "Love' Em or Lose' Em" is checked out with this DVD and can be used to create tips and ideas around employee retention. This video is filled with practical ideas for helping others believe in themselves, celebrate their uniqueness, and discover their own value. Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships American Media, 21 minutes 180.23.1F, Copyright 2002 This program will show managers and employees how they can better connect to build stronger and more productive relationships. The video stresses building trust, accentuating the positive, and redirecting the energy. What You are is Where You Were When...Again , 21 minutes TR.Mgmt.001, Copyright 2000 FOR INSTRUCTOR USE ONLY Coastal, 67 minutes 180.02.1F, Copyright 2005 This DVD presents a framework for understanding and working with all different types of people. It addresses assumptions about race, religion, age, gender and will help you develop strategies to deal with your homegrown prejudices and acceptance of others. NOT FOR MEMBER CHECKOUT. Occupational Health Motivation Preventing Skin Cancer 40 HOURS: Invest in Yourself Educational Video Network, 24 minutes 340.03.1, Copyright 2004 Learn about the various kinds of skin cancer and see how you can protect yourself from a deadly disease. You will learn about the characteristics of the most common types of skin cancer, and why exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer. It also teaches who is most susceptible to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. The Power of Positive Discipline Coastal, 20 minutes 180.25.1, Copyright 2004 This important program will inspire employees to maximize their workdays and to take more ownership of their job satisfaction. A shift in attitude and perspective is the first critical step to improving the work experience. This video provides a great jump-start to all levels of employees in every work environment. Continuous Motivation Coastal, 23 minutes 180.13.1, Copyright 1997 In this funny and informative program, a frustrated manager is up against a tight deadline. But his team doesn't have the motivation they need to do the job correctly, or on time. Help arrives through the magical Harry Anderson, who takes the manager through a clear; step-by-step process that will work in any organization. Encouraging the Heart CRM Learning, 20 minutes 180.19.1F, Copyright 2000 Lending Library Catalog Slip, Slop and Slap Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 340.04.1Q, Copyright 1991 This video discusses the dangers of over exposure to the sun and the development of skin cancer. This video short shows basic precautions to take when working outdoors. The Skin Game Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 340.01.1Q, Copyright 1990 Skin problems account for 75% or all job related diseases. This parody of a live TV football broadcast humorously illustrates basic procedures in preventing skin problems. Page 68 Office Safety Legal and Effective Performance Appraisals Office Safety Basics Coastal, 29 minutes 180.06.1, Copyright 1995 Documenting evaluations, communicating performance expectations and involving employees in the evaluation process is the focus of this program. Wumbus, 8 minutes 350.03.1, Copyright 2010 This short 8 minute film touches on many office safety subjects, including some lesser known hazards. It covers many situations that could lead to a slip or a trip, such as an open drawer or a spill. It also touches on lifting and ergonomic safety, as well as knowing the emergency exits in case of a fire. Office Safety: It's A Jungle in There Coastal, 19 minutes 350.02.1, Copyright 2008 Every year, about six million people get hurt at work. And more than 400,000 are just like your employees...they work in offices loaded with hidden and tricky dangers. This program shows how to cope with the risks so that your workers can negotiate their way safely around the dangerous jungle that is the office. Understanding Safety in the Office Vocam, 21 minutes 350.01.1, Copyright 2007 Potential hazards in the office can be avoided by taking simple precautions. If you think office work is completely safe, think again. Every year thousands of office workers are involved in incidents and accidents that result in long term injuries. Poor health and safety practices can increase costs and decrease your organizations productivity. Perform. Appraisals Care and Candor: Making Performance Appraisals Work Coastal, 18 minutes 180.11.1, Copyright 2006 When managers use care, candor and collaboration during a performance appraisal, they empower employees to succeed. Strengthen your relationships with your employees and improve company productivity with this program, which outlines the rule of intention and attention, SMART goals and two-way communication principles. This program can be viewed in English or Spanish. Lending Library Catalog Performance Appraisals: Getting Results Kantola Productions, 18 minutes 180.28.1F, Copyright 2003 In this video, you'll follow two story lines. One involves a small business, taking steps to formalize a review process for the first time. The other presents a large corporation attempting to energize an existing system. Watch as two very different managers prepare for challenging review meetingsand see them apply skills that defuse tension and achieve the desired results. Performance Appraisals: Getting Results Kantola Productions, 18 minutes 180.09.1, Copyright 2003 How do you handle the high performer when it comes to his or her performance appraisal, and how do you handle the low performer? These questions, and more, are addressed in this program. The DVD will help to improve the skills of managers and supervisors conducting performance reviews. It provides appropriate tools for those doing appraisals. Learn to help protect your organization through fair and documented review practices. The Continuous Performance Appraisal: Coaching is the Key Coastal, 21 minutes 180.12.1, Copyright 1995 With an appraisal looming, a frustrated manager finds himself at the end of his rope. Help arrives from the magical (and funny!) Harry Anderson, who takes the manager through the tree steps of the Continuous Performance Appraisal process, preparation, the appraisal meeting and follow-through. The Fairness Factor: How to Manage Performance & Discipline CRM Learning, 20 minutes 180.03.1F, Copyright 1998 For many managers, conducting performance appraisals ranks somewhere Page 69 up there with a root canal. Unfortunately, the cost of neglecting regular evaluations or avoiding disciplinary actions is high. Neglecting to provide feedback can lead to many problems within organizations - for high performers and non-performers. This DVD introduces five questions to ask when conducting any type of performance discussions - they are called the Fairness Factor questions. PPE Chemical Protective Clothing Emergency Film Group, 29 minutes 360.02.1F, Copyright 1992 This reviews the NFPA and EPA levels of protective clothing (levels A-C) and their components, how to inspect and test garments, the dangers of heat stress while wearing chemical protective clothing, decontamination, donning and doffing procedures, proper storage and maintenance of garments. Foot Protection American Training Resources, 12 minutes 360.13.1, Copyright 2002 This video focuses on how injuries can happen to unprotected feet. It covers the types of foot protection, what is adequate for certain work activities and situations, and how protective footwear is constructed and tested. HIGH IMPACT: Personal Protective Equipment ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 360.09.1F, Copyright 1999 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. This video features eight accident reenactments that will show viewers the tragic consequences of not wearing proper personal protective equipment in all required situations. More High Impact: Personal Protective Equipment American Training Resources, 18 minutes 360.04.1, Copyright 2006 This video shows viewers that a commitment to electrical safety is the key to maintaining an injury-free workplace or even saving one's life. Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic Lending Library Catalog nature. Personal Protective Equipment Reality in the Public Sector , 19 minutes 360.07.1, Copyright 2007 Trends may come and go, but safety will not. All the time, everytime, public sector employees must wear their PPE. They face a lot of risks and must be prepared. Otherwise, the results can only be tragic. Give them a first-hand look at the consequences of not wearing PPE, through a worker's recounting of his accident. Stress the importance of using protective equipment. It covers: Wearing the right PPE for the job The importance of PPE Employer's and employee's responsibility Care and maintenance Different types of PPE. Personal Protective Equipment: An Assessment and Training Program J.J. Keller & Assoc., 19 minutes 360.12.1F, Copyright 2000 This video provides a very comprehensive program. The video will cover the requirements of the PPE standard including eye and face protection, head protection, hand and foot protection, respiratory protection, and hearing conservation training. Personal Protective Equipment: Employee Module: Simple Things Safety Training Systems, 7 minutes 360.05.1, Copyright 1992 This video is designed to motivate employees to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) on the job. This video is designed to motivate the general workforce towards wearing PPE for their own good and that of their family and friends. It is designed to reinforce PPE awareness in the workforce. Personal Protective Equipment: Supervisor Training in Hazard Assessment Core Media, 12 minutes 360.06.1F, Copyright 1991 This video is designed to train supervisors how to perform a workplace hazard assessment to select appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Workplace Page 70 hazard assessments for selecting PPE, and training in their use are required by Cal/OSHA. orderly way with informed discussion. PPE Essentials Kronkick, Moskovitz, 120 minutes 370.02.1, Copyright 1996 Through a mock board meeting, many important issues of the Brown Act are presented. Subjects covered included what constitutes a meeting, special meetings, adding items to a posted agenda, public comment, writing an adequate agenda description, noticing public meetings, closed sessions, rules governing employee discipline and dismissal, rules governing labor negotiations, announcing in open session actions taken in closed session, and meeting outside of jurisdictional boundaries. Vocam, 24 minutes 360.03.1, Copyright 2008 The failure of employees to wear PPE, use PPE properly and use compatible PPE results in accidents and fatalities that cost companies millions per year. If employees understand and follow the principles of PPE safety, the risk of serious injuries can be greatly reduced. This 24-minute video provides training to help educate new employees and refresh existing employees on proper PPE care and use. WARNING: This program contains graphic reenactments of accidents that may offend some viewers. Real Life Personal Protective Equipment Coastal, P3, Copyright 1997 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Real Life Personal Protective Equipment Coastal, 15 minutes 360.08.1E, Copyright 1997 Using reality based scenarios; this program demonstrates the importance of selecting and using proper personal protective equipment. Viewers also see what can happen when equipment is either not used or used inappropriately. Safely On Your Feet Aurora Pictures, 12 minutes 360.01.1, Copyright 2001 This video stresses the importance of matching your footwear to the potential hazards of the job. It clearly illustrates the importance of safety features such as toe protection, traction, and support. Many work environments and potential hazards are illustrated. Public Agencies Anatomy of a Public Meeting Local Government Institute, 85 minutes 370.01.1E, Copyright 1995 This video is a resource for staff and directors with responsibilities for public meetings. It provides ideas on how to run efficient meetings that build consensus in an Lending Library Catalog How to Avoid Litigation: The Brown Act Parliamentary Procedure Made Simple: The Basics Robert McConnell Productions, 80 minutes 370.05.1, Copyright 1994 This video is for everyone who belongs to an organization and needs to know the basics of parliamentary procedure. It makes Roberts Rules of Order easy to understand. Included is a meeting conducted from beginning to end according to Robert's Rules. Special Districts: By the People, for the People ACWA, 10 minutes 370.03.1, Copyright 1993 This video provides an overview of various special districts, including water, park and recreation, fire protection, hospitals, sewer and library districts. It shows how city and county governmental services are augmented by special districts. The Complete Brown Act Video Workshop Local Government Institute, 2 hours 370.04.1E, Copyright 1995 The program reviews the following: how to call and notice regular, special, adjourned and emergency meetings, rules for notices and reporting on closed sessions, how to write agendas that comply with the law; when you can meet outside your district, when you can act on an agenda item and when you can't, what committees are covered, when you must allow public comment and when you can limit it, how to deal with unruly crowds, and when meeting Page 71 facilities are legal and not legal. clean and store respirators. Boating Inland Water Ways Another World Respiratory Protection Bennet Marine, 50 minutes 380.12.1, Copyright 2004 In the United States, there are more than 30,000 miles of inland navigable waterways. In addition, there are numerous isolated rivers and thousands of lakes suitable for small boat recreation and exploration. Learn the rules, navigation and seamanship for inland lakes, rivers and canals. Cold Water Boot Camp National Water Safety Congress, 10 minutes 380.14.1, Copyright 2008 Cold Water Boot Camp USA takes eight hardy volunteers from across America and puts them into cold water to learn what really happens. The volunteers personally experience the three effects of Cold Water Immersion-cold shock, Cold incapacitation and even hypothermia. Sports Field Safety: A Video Guide Idea Bank, 20 minutes 380.04.1EQ, Copyright 1989 Reduce athlete and spectator injuries on your public sports fields. Injury-prevention guidelines are provided for baseball, football, soccer, as well as track and field facilities. Vacation Safety: Play it Safe Coastal, 11 minutes 380.13.1, Copyright 2006 Vacations are fun, but if they are not planned with safety in mind, they can end up in disaster. But with some sensible tips, you and your employees can rest, relax and indulge even more as you savor the outdoors. You will learn about securing your home, planning a safe car trip, what to watch out for at airports and personal safety. This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish. Respiratory Protec. Another World Respiratory Protection Coastal, 22 minutes 390.04.1FEQ, Copyright 1995 This video program will provide viewers with information on atmospheric hazards, respirator type, and selection, medical evaluations and fit testing. In addition, viewers will learn how to properly inspect, Lending Library Catalog Coastal, R1, Copyright 1995 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Disposable Respirators: Exposure Control Coastal, R2, Copyright 2002 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Disposable Respirators: Exposure Control Coastal, 11 minutes 390.09.1EQ, Copyright 2002 This video covers respirator exposure control including the different types of respirators, how to select the appropriate respirator, limitations of respirators, how to inspect and maintain respirators, the importance of fit testing, and the difference between qualitative and quantitative tests. Four Elements of Respiratory Protection 3-M, 11 minutes 390.01.1, Copyright 1992 This video reviews four important elements of respiratory protection: understanding air contaminants, identifying workplace hazards, selecting proper respirators, and training on respirator use. This is designed for training employees who wear respirators as an extra precaution or because control measures to reduce airborne contaminant levels. Respiratory Protection J.J. Keller, R3, Copyright 1998 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Respiratory Protection J.J. Keller, 20 minutes 390.10.1FE, Copyright 1998 The program will cover when respirators are needed, the importance of respiratory protection, and selection of a respirator, medical evaluations, fit testing, maintenance, and storage. Respiratory Protection: A Breath of Fresh Air Coastal, Page 72 R4, Copyright 1998 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Safety First: Respirator Safety AWWA, 15 minutes 390.08.1, Copyright 2001 This AWWA video outlines the need for a written Respiratory Protection Program when working conditions dictate the need for respiratory protection. Types of respirators are discussed along with proper use, medical evaluation, and fit testing. The Respiratory Protection Program: Employee Training ERI Safety Videos, 16 minutes 390.02.1, Copyright 2007 This video shows employees how to protect themselves from respiratory hazards. Topics include employee medical evaluation, respirator selection and assignment protection factors, various types of respirators, hazards of IDLH atmospheres, qualitative and quantitative fit tests, user seal checks and cleaning and storage of respirators. Safety What Would You Say? , 16 minutes 400.25.1, Copyright 2010 This powerful program illustrates how to effectively communicate with our co-workers when we see them behaving unsafely. Featured are three potentially hazardous workplace incidents in which workers confront co-workers about their unsafe behavior. In each incident, examples of poor communication are demonstrated. Effective communication techniques are then exhibited that help correct the unsafe behavior. •The importance of staying positive when talking to co-workers about safety issues. •The significance of showing that you are concerned about the safety of co-workers. •Why you should explain hazards and their specific consequences. •Why you should be specific with your observations and suggestions Safety Account. Attitude Awareness Safety Training Systems, 27 minutes Lending Library Catalog 400.01.1, Copyright 1987 This program will introduce you to four employees. You will see how their attitude affects their behavior; how it contributes to an accident; and how, in the end, they recognize the responsibility they each hold for their own actions. HIGH IMPACT: Safety Awareness ERI Safety Videos, 18 minutes 400.03.1, Copyright 1996 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. This dynamic video uses accident recreations to illustrate common employee safety errors. This video will make your employees aware of the most common safety hazards and show them the pain. Holiday Safety American Training Resources, 23 minutes 400.24.1F, Copyright 2003 In this program EMT/firefighter Martin Lesperance discusses the safety precautions that people must take to prevent injuries and deaths during the winter holidays. He recalls true stories of emergencies he has attended to make the point that injuries don't take holidays. I Chose to Look the Other Way ERI Safety Videos, 12 minutes 400.15.1, Copyright 2002 This is a sobering look at why we are all responsible for each other's safety and the consequences if we don't. The video emphasizes the importance of safety attitudes and adherence to established procedures. It Only Takes a Second II Aurora Pictures, 5 minutes 400.04.1, Copyright 2008 This video features all new footage of mistakes and bad choices we all too often make. Viewers won't forget the powerful accident re-enactments and dramatic consequences illustrated in this motivational video. It's a great meeting opener for any safety topic! This program makes you think safety. It Only Takes a Second: Discussion Version Aurora Pictures, 25 minutes 400.20.1, Copyright 2005 This video shows 18 safety mishaps involving: driver safety; personal protective Page 73 equipment; slips, trips and falls; machine guarding and hazards; safe operating procedures for forklifts, ladders and powered lifts. The safety mishaps are designed to stimulate discussion and participation. It is useful for new employee orientation and general safety awareness. experiences from their military careers involving "knock it off" and "keep off the grass," Odie and Wes teach essential lessons that can be applied to any work environment. It's Up to Me Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 400.05.1Q, Copyright 1990 Accidents can happen at any time, often without warning. This video presents eye opening statistics and the benefits of regular safety meetings. ERI Safety Videos, 14 minutes 400.16.1, Copyright 2003 The video uses testimonials and situations to demonstrate that safety is everyone's responsibility. Taking short cuts may take a life. Just a Second Ago: The Brad Livingston Story American Training Resources, 21 minutes 400.18.1, Copyright 2009 Do you need a motivational video to enhance your organization's safety culture? If so, this DVD is for you. When Brad Livingston decided to violate procedures, participate in a shortcut and condone the unsafe actions of a co-worker, his world was literally blown apart in a matter of seconds. To prevent others from making the same mistakes he did, Brad motivates his audience to maintain a proper safety perspective and helps them truly understand why they must work safely every day. Your facility's safety culture will improve when workers hear the lessons shared by Brad Livingston! Knock it Off American Training Resources, 16 minutes 400.09.1, Copyright 2010 Jeff "Odie" Espenship is a United States Air Force A-10 Warthog fighter pilot and international airline pilot. As a popular motivational speaker, Odie uses his unique experiences to connect with audiences and explain how to work safely in a high-risk and sometimes dangerous environment. Odie is also the founder and owner of Target Leadership, an organization dedicated to teaching safety leadership and creating a positive safety culture. In this program, Odie discusses the concept of calling a "knock it off" immediately when recognizing dangerous behavior, while his friend and fellow fighter pilot Wes Sharp encourages viewers to speak up and tell co-workers to "keep off the grass" when they witness an unsafe act. While recalling personal Lending Library Catalog On Any Given Day On the Job: Meter Reading AWWA, 13 minutes 400.07.1, Copyright 2000 This video reviews meter reading exposures such as driving, physical demands, weather, dogs, snakes, and spiders, and provides information and how to best deal with these exposures. The video also provides tips for relating to customers and the general public encountered in the field. One Will Die: The John Martin Story American Training Resources, 20 minutes 400.21.1, Copyright 2005 The choices we make each day can have a huge impact on others and ourselves. Something as simple as using a piece of protective equipment, or refusing to go along with an unsafe co-worker, can literally prevent tragedy. John Martin's story is an unforgettable illustration of the horrific injuries and life-changing consequences that can result when we make unsafe choices. Safety Awareness Vocam, 18 minutes 400.02.1, Copyright 2008 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. This video is appropriate for all field and shop personnel. It is interactive in delivery. Each of the topics covered can be used by themselves of all together. This makes up for a very effective training session. The following topics are included: Common hazards Hierarchy of risk controls Hazard identification; and Case studies Safety Awareness for Seasonal Employees CIRSA, 23 minutes Page 74 400.11.1, Copyright 1993 This program is designed to assist agencies in providing a basic safety orientation for temporary and/or seasonal employees. This video includes the topics of electrical, hazardous materials, lifting and driving safety. Safety is Your Responsibility Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 400.06.1Q, Copyright 1990 Safety begins with the right attitude. This video illustrates the importance of keeping safety in mind while on the job and keeping personal matters at home. Safety Made Simple for Parents and Children Sentry Associates, Inc., 25 minutes 400.19.1, Copyright 2003 This video is designed as an instructor's guide to give children and parents a "tactical edge" in staying safe from dangerous people. The techniques are taught in a noncombative format that emphasizes creating an opportunity to escape an attacker or abductor. Safety's Most Wanted American Training Resources, 16 minutes 400.23.1, Copyright 2006 This video, loosely based on America's Most Wanted, profiles the injury masterminds stalking the workplace and home. Interviews with "uncorrected hazard", "shortcut" and their evil cousin "complacency" illustrate how these dangers affect people, regardless of where they are. Stop and Think Aurora Pictures, 5 minutes 400.17.1, Copyright 2004 This video has re-enactments in a variety of work settings, whether its distractions, being in a hurry, or just not paying attention, we can all relate to the causes of these mishaps. Stop and Think carries a message that is simple, yet important to our safety: sometimes all it takes to prevent an injury is for each of us to take a moment to stop and think. The Best of Charlie Phoenix Safety Management, Inc., 10 minutes 400.10.1, Copyright 2010 In "The Best of Charlie" Charlie Morecraft addresses employees by using the same mindset that they may be in ("Accidents Lending Library Catalog don't happen to me...they happen to other people"). Charlie will leave workers on the edge of their seat as he explains exactly why following safety procedures is important in everyday life. He shows that an accident doesn't only affect the victim, but will affect everyone associated with the victimincluding their loved ones, employer, and friends. Once employees get to know and "Remember Charlie", they will remember why safety procedures are required and why it is important to follow them. The Charlie Morecraft Story Emergency Film Group, 20 minutes 400.12.1, Copyright 1989 As a worker in a chemical plant, Charlie Morecraft didn't always consider safety a top priority. This compelling video provides viewers with an opportunity to hear Charlie Morecraft tell the story of the workplace accident that changed his life forever and why safety needs to be everyone's priority. The Kevin Bailey Story ERI Safety Videos, 20 minutes 400.14.1F, Copyright 2001 A true story that documents the devastating consequences of poor safety practices. The video features live interviews with Kevin Bailey, his family, EMT personnel, and his physician about his traumatic accident and the ordeal and suffering that followed it. Kevin shares his story to save others from the suffering he and his family endured. The Line of Fire ERI Safety Videos, 13 minutes 400.22.1, Copyright 2005 The line separating safety and danger is sometimes quite small, so employees must do all that they can to avoid crossing that line. This video discusses workplace hazards, and outlines the general principles that can help employees prevent these hazards from causing serious injuries and deaths. The Meeting Opener CollectionVolume I ERI Safety Videos, 4 to 7 minutes each 400.13.1, Copyright 2008 Five meeting openers on one DVD Will You Be Here Tomorrow? This eye-opening meeting opener will capture your employees' attention and show them just how easily workplace injuries can happen. Featured are 10 accident Page 75 reenactments along with actual worker testimony to set the tone for your next safety meeting. Length: 4 minutes The Widow Maker This dramatic meeting opener focuses on the saga of John Spencer, a maintenance worker dedicated to safety. In fact, he had just won the monthly safety award at his plant. Unfortunately, John was killed at work before receiving the award after taking a shortcut. His widow makes an emotional plea to his co-workers to always work safely when she accepts the award on his behalf. Length: 7 minutes Think About This! The graphic accidents reenacted in the program will force your employees to think about the personal consequences of unsafe acts and how those actions also affect the lives of their loved ones. Length: 4 minutes Thank You Everyone needs positive reinforcement. In this unique presentation, friends and family members say "thank you" to employees who have helped keep their loved ones safe by correcting hazards, speaking up about unsafe acts and participating in the company's safety program. Length: 4 minutes Better Late Than Never This compelling meeting opener show how taking a shortcut to save time can have devastating consequences for you and your loved ones. Every Saturday, Ted missed his son Brad's little league baseball games because he had to work. When Brad's team made it to the championship game, Ted promised Brad he'd be there. On the day of the game, Ted had to decide whether to bypass a series of safety rules during a maintenance procedure so he could get to the game on time or follow the rules and arrive late. Viewers will see how the right choice allowed Ted to see Brad play and how the wrong choice cost him his life. Length: 5 minutes Thinking Twice Can Save Your Life ERI Safety Videos, 18 minutes 400.08.1F, Copyright 1993 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. This dramatic video will make safety a personal priority for your employees by demonstrating the importance of proper lock-out/tag-out, the Lending Library Catalog severe consequences of making safety mistakes and the importance of wearing personal protective equipment. Safety Programs Don't Be a Dummy About Industrial Safety (New Employees) ERI Safety Video, 19 minutes 580.01.1F, Copyright 2000 This video features live-action dummies that interact with real workers. The video covers specific training subjects essential for new employees, while stressing the importance of a good safety attitude. Topics include safety responsibilities, working with machines, lockout/tagout, electrical safety, power tools, warning signs, chemical safety, and good housekeeping. Headaches for Vandals Vista Training Inc., 11 minutes 410.18.1, Copyright 2002 Construction job sites are a common target for vandals. Equipment is parked in remote locations and building materials and tools are easily targets for vandals. A great set of tips and techniques and products/services to help you reduce or even stop vandalism. Maintaining Your Safety ERI Safety Videos, 20 minutes 410.22.1, Copyright 2010 Maintenance workers maintain all aspects of operations and equipment. They are such an important part of the process that they feel pressure to get all repairs done fast! In this program, maintenance workers learn how to overcome pressure and redouble their efforts to always follow safe work procedures. Also featured are reenactments of common maintenance incidents, testimonials and examples of safe work practices. In addition to developing and maintaining a good safety attitude, other topics include job hazard analysis, lockout/tagout, ladder safety, aerial lifts, fall protection, using tools properly and electrical safety. Maintaining Your Safety (Concise Version) ERI Safety Videos, 10 minutes 410.23.1, Copyright 2010 Maintenance workers maintain all aspects of operations and equipment. They are such an important part of the process that they Page 76 feel pressure to get all repairs done fast! In this program, maintenance workers learn how to overcome pressure and redouble their efforts to always follow safe work procedures. Also featured are reenactments of common maintenance incidents, testimonials and examples of safe work practices. In addition to developing and maintaining a good safety attitude, other topics include job hazard analysis, lockout/tagout, ladder safety, aerial lifts, fall protection, using tools properly and electrical safety. This video takes an A-Z look at safety basics in water utilities. Agencies may find this video helpful as a supplement to new employee safety training or as a refresher for more seasoned employees. Practical Inspection The DVD covers such topics as work site lighting, traffic control, high-visibility clothing, and safety precautions around open filter beds and remote water tanks. Aurora Platinum Award Winner. DNV Loss Control Management, 4 Hours 410.01.F, Copyright 2000 This four video series offers a realistic look at the inspection process from start to finish. This video will help supervisors and employees conduct effective inspections and design a planned inspection program. Promises, Promises Concise Version ERI Safety Video, 14 minutes 410.11.1, Copyright 2004 This video will let the viewers see how the choices and decisions we make about personal safety both on and off the job impact our ability to keep promises that we have made to our friends, loved ones and ourselves. Safety Basics for Water Utilities III AWWA, 28 minutes 410.06.1, Copyright 2000 This video provides a foundation of safety knowledge for operations and field employees. The video covers twelve new safety topics: ladder safety, foot protection, call before you dig, flagging, shift work, summer heat, hand tool safety, body mechanics, machine guarding, fall protection, barricading, and winter safety. Safety Basics II: Twelve More Building Blocks of Safety AWWA, 24 minutes 410.05.1, Copyright 1998 This video program covers twelve major areas of water utility safety. Viewers will find information on topics including office safety, slips, trips and falls, laboratory safety, ergonomics and back and lifting safety. Safety Basics: Twelve Building Blocks of Safety AWWA, 28 minutes 410.02.1, Copyright 1997 Lending Library Catalog Safety First: Night Work , 15 minutes 410.14.2, Copyright 2005 Night shift workers can be exposed to additional dangers as they work outdoors. Help them stay safe with this important video training. ALSO AVAILABLE ON VHS 410.14.1 Safety First: Night Work AWWA, 15 minutes 410.14.1, Copyright 2002 Night shift workers can be exposed to additional dangers as they work outdoors. Help them stay safe with this important video training. It covers such topics as work site lighting, traffic control, high-visibility clothing, and safety precautions around open filter beds and remote water tanks. Safety First: Safety and Security Practices for Contractors AWWA, 17 minutes 410.16.1, Copyright 2005 Water utility managers need to make sure that outside contractors understand and will follow utility safety and security policies and procedures. This video discusses safety communications between utility management and outside contractors. Safety Made Simple: The ABC's of Work Zone Safety American Traffic Safety Services, 13 minutes 410.10.1, Copyright 2000 This video discusses how to ensure a safe work zone, and the ABC's of safetyawareness, visibility, and communication. The video contains good practical visuals that are easy to follow. Safety Meetings: Give'em What They Want Coastal, 16 minutes Page 77 410.08.1, Copyright 2000 This video demonstrates how to get the most out of safety meetings. The techniques shown can also help an organization develop a pro-active safety culture. The video is geared toward mangers, supervisors, and safety personnel. water and wastewater utilities. A cyberspace assault could disable a municipal water supply without anyone physically touching any part of the system, or it could interfere with a water utility's ability to recover from a physical attack on the infrastructure. Safety Programs Water System Security: Utility Perimeter Security Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 410.03.1Q, Copyright 1990 Employers spend millions of dollars each year on safety programs. This video reminds both employers and employees to share an equal responsibility to make sure the programs work. Successful Safety Committees: They're No Accident Business & Legal Reports, 15 minutes 410.17.1, Copyright 1999 This video will teach each individual how to play an important role in keeping your organization safe, foster the teamwork, and help them understand why they are uniquely suited to prevent tragic accidents and prevent unnecessary safety problems. Water and Sewer Treatment Plant Safety Long Island Productions, 17 minutes 410.09.1, Copyright 1995 Water and wastewater treatment plants may contain a variety of hazards. This video provides an overview of safety considerations for treatment plants. The video covers: housekeeping, hand tool safety and maintenance, compressed air safety, ladder safety, fall protection, hazard communication, and chlorine safety. Water System Security: Distribution System Protection AWWA, 25 minutes 410.12.1, Copyright 2003 This is an enlightening video for water distribution providers on ways to secure their system from tampering or attack. The video covers key strategies on how to identify system vulnerability. It also tells how to establish and implement a planned security system. Water System Security: SCADA and Cyber Protection AWWA, 17 minutes 410.20.1, Copyright 2004 This video takes an introductory look at the many questions of computer security for Lending Library Catalog AWWA, 17 minutes 410.21.1, Copyright 2002 This video provides a practical overview on tightening utility perimeter security. Coverage includes fencing, signs, landscaping, razor wire, locks, chains, hardware, alarms, television monitors, cameras, and law enforcement and visitor identification procedures. Slips, Trips & Falls Climbing Pro II Werner, 20 minutes 420.14.1, Copyright 2004 This program is about ladder safety. The two principal causes of ladder related injuries are using the wrong ladder for the job and misusing or abusing climbing equipment. This video will help you understand how to choose the right ladder for the job and learn how to use ladders more safely. The first part of the program reviews the four key elements of ladder selection. The second part contains illustrated ladder use safety guidelines. Fall Arrest Systems American Training Resources, 18 minutes 420.13.1, Copyright 2004 This video provides an overview of the elements of a fall arrest system, the proper use of such systems, and the dangers of improper application of fall arrest equipment. Fall Protection Systems Core Media, 20 minutes 420.02.1F, Copyright 1992 This video will assist districts in providing their employees with fall protection training. Fall Protection: Preparation, Application and Safety Wumbs, 19 minutes 420.01.1, Copyright 2011 Eighty-five percent of on-the-job falls result in lost work time, and even a short fall can cause serious injury or even death. This fall Page 78 protection program teaches what you need to know about fall protection safety when working from any height. The fall protection training is highlighted further by an overview of fall protection equipment such as harnesses, lanyards, and d-rings. Five Steps to Ladder Safety Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 420.12.1Q, Copyright 2004 This is an excellent safety short video to use for a toolbox meeting. This video covers five key points of basic ladder safety to follow to prevent falls. A quiz accompanies the video and can be used to reinforce the points made in the video. Height Safety Essentials Vocam, 21 minutes 420.15.1, Copyright 2006 The DVD provides a basic overview of fall prevention measures using case studies and dramatizations to address the following: Fall hazards Control measures Scaffold safety Fall arrest systems Ladder safety Elevated platforms This presentation provides a good review for all operations employees and supervisory personnel. HIGH IMPACT: Fall Prevention ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 420.03.1F, Copyright 1997 WARNING! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. The accidents shown serve as reminders about shortcuts and other common safety mistakes that lead to death and injury. It covers the topics of ladder safety, improper forklift use, housekeeping, aerial lifts, harnesses and recognizing hazards VHS Safety First: Elevated Surfaces and Fall Protection AWWA, 13 minutes 420.04.1, Copyright 2001 This video addresses large storage tanks and towers as well as other elevated surfaces. It also covers construction projects and controlled access zones. Three areas are stressed: work environment hazards, equipment use and maintenance, and work procedures. Slips, Trips and Falls Long Island Productions, 14 minutes 420.06.1, Copyright 1991 A very convincing approach to safety- the science of slips, trips and falls. This video covers: Gravity, friction and momentum; dangers of carelessness and speed, housekeeping, ladder safety and safety shoes. Slips, Trips and Falls: Stranger Than Friction Wumbus, 18 minutes 420.16.1, Copyright 2009 This program covers slips, trips and falls at work and at home. It stresses to be alert to potential hazards including checking equipment such as ladders and having proper foot ware. Stairways and Ladders Coastal, S3, Copyright 1991 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Stairways and Ladders: The First Step Ladder Safety Coastal, 18 minutes 420.07.1E, Copyright 1991 This video will help viewers understand the importance of using stairways and ladders safely. Viewers will learn how to inspect, set-up and use ladders properly. Long Island Productions, 18 minutes 420.09.1, Copyright 1992 This video will cover basic ladder safety including selection of the right ladder for the job, inspection of equipment, correct use and placement, preparation prior to the climb or descent, and correct methods of making a safe climb and working from a ladder. J.J. Keller, 17 minutes 420.10.1, Copyright 2002 This video is a concise review of the types and characteristics of portable ladders and temporary stairways and their use. Viewers will learn the types of accidents that occur with ladders and stairways, inspection DVD Lending Library Catalog What You Need to Know About Stairways and Ladders Page 79 procedures, and procedures for their safe use. Fear and Stress in the Workplace: Managing the Global Challenge Spanish Language Coastal, 23 minutes 430.01.1, Copyright 2001 In most cases, fear can be a healthy emotion, however, when fear escalates into anxiety, it can have adverse effects on our ability to carry out our daily functions. This video provides crucial tips for coping with new fears and concerns, and maintaining productivity in the face of danger. Spanish - Defensive Driving: A Crash Course Coastal, 17 minutes 150.46.1, Copyright 1996 This video discusses how to be a defensive driver, recognize hazards, and stay alert. It covers planning your route before starting a trip, and being prepared by inspecting your vehicle inside and out. It covers seatbelts, airbags, maintaining control, and keeping calm while driving. Spanish - Reducing Your Risks in the Crash Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 10 minutes 150.47.1, Copyright 1999 This video shows how to reduce your risks in a crash, by making sure everyone in the vehicle is effectively restrained. The video uses test footage of what happens during crashes to show how to get the most from occupant restraints. Spanish version of PPE: Real, RealLife Coastal, 15 minutes 360.10.1, Copyright 1999 Graphic depictions demonstrate the importance of the 3 A's: Awareness, Attitude, and Action. A useful reminder for even seasoned employees, the video discusses the proper use of personal protective equipment for the head, hearing, eyes and face, hands and feet. Stress Dealing with Stress Coastal, 16 minutes 430.02.1, Copyright 2008 It cannot be stressed enough: feeling strong and well-rested makes your employees not only happy but also efficient. This program will help both you and your employees gain ways to minimize stress, relax more and achieve company goals with more ease. The program highlights the stressful scenarios unique to industrial environments. You will learn about industrial and office scenes, physical signs of stress, counteracting stress, and working with your body, diet, exercise, attitude and behavior. Lending Library Catalog Stress Management Wumbus, 20 minutes 430.03.1, Copyright 2011 This could be the most important film that you watch. Stress can factor in to any conceivable problem that happens at work and proper identification and handling of stress and various stressors is of paramount importance. Stress Management: A Practical Approach Buckley Productions, 20 minutes 430.06.1F, Copyright 1997 This video follows the stress-coping challenges of several people and shows how they cope with those challenges. This program focuses on the importance of reducing and managing stress and the consequences that chronic stress can create. Teamwork Between You and Me: Solving Conflict Coastal, 28 minutes 130.13.1, Copyright 2001 This video uses believable, realistic roleplays to help employees embrace teamwork and solve their own conflicts without management intervention. FISH! CRM Learning, 17 minutes 130.10.2F, Copyright 1998 The video is about the Pike Place Fish Market where the energy is so infectious, business people spend their lunch hour just watching the action and absorbing the energy. By changing the attitude they bring to their work, the fishmongers have created a totally different environment and a new philosophy of work. Page 80 FISH! STICKS Charthouse Learning, 17 minutes 130.12.1F, Copyright 1999 This video is a continuation of the popular FISH video and offers practical ideas on making an organization's "vision" stick. By using the three points in the film, Commit, Be it, Coach It, your organization can make sure its vision sticks. Generations in the Workplace Novations Training Solutions, Inc., 30 minutes 180.31.1F, Copyright 2003 This video looks at some of the factors creating these generational differences and some of the conflicts they are likely to cause. It provides solutions and practical tools that help narrow the generation gap and capitalize on the skills, knowledge and organizational styles that each generation brings to the job. Gung Ho! American Media, 29 minutes 180.22.1F, Copyright 2002 The program shows how to motivate employees by getting them to understand their contribution to the "big picture", how to gain employee commitment by establishing shared goals, and how to generate enthusiasm by recognizing progress and results. Lance Armstrong: Who Says We Can't Do It? CRM Learning, 20 minutes 080.15.1F, Copyright 2002 This video will explore Lance Armstrong's journey and the four key factors that contributed to his success: setting goals, strategy, teamwork, and leadership. The program's overall message is motivational and discusses overcoming obstacles to achieve victory. Managing Four Generations in the Workplace Learning Communications, 25 minutes 180.07.1, Copyright 2009 For the first time in history, there are four generations in the workplace at the same time. Each of these age groups has different expectations and different demands, and employers who cannot recognize these will lose their best employees and see their workplaces in turmoil. In this scenariobased program, Cam Marston helps Lending Library Catalog supervisors and managers learn the techniques needed to handle crossgenerational communications problems, avoid conflict, and maximize performance. This program will teach you how to "GenFlex" or move into another generation's comfort zone. Do you remember the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" The golden rule would be great if we were all the same generation. But because people are different they need to be treated differently. This is the basis for what we call Gen-Flexing, operating in another generation's world. Treat them as they want to be treated. Gen-Flex out your comfort zone into theirs. Program One: Learning How to Glen-Flex is 14 minutes. Program Two: Solving Five Difficult Problems is 11 minutes. TEAMWORK: What's Trust Got to Do with It? Video Visions, Inc., 19 minutes 480.22.1, Copyright 2004 This program follows a team which is stuck and unable to move forward on a crucial project. One team member, Walter, is especially frustrated, blaming the other team members for the lack of progress. His office co-worker, Sean, suggests that the underlying problem may be a lack of trust. He guides Walter though the building blocks of trust: openness, credibility and respect. This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish. The Unified Team: Resolving Conflict and Restoring Team Unity Media Partners, 22 minutes 480.19.1F, Copyright 2002 This video will provide team leaders with step-by-step examples of how to solve team conflict on three levels: back stabbing and blaming, teasing and belittling, and open feuding. Time Management Time Challenged CRM Learning, 20 minutes 610.01.1, Copyright 2009 Welcome to the world of Kent Johnson, a stressed supervisor who frantically moves from deadline to deadline, falling short more often than not. As Kent works through his productivity dilemmas with a support group Page 81 of recovering "time-challenged" individuals, viewers get a good look at what it takes to overcome the obstacles to effective time management. At the core of this training is the premise that we all get the same 24 hours a day, but how we use those hours greatly impacts our success or failure. thorough training. Although video tapes are no substitute for hands-on instruction, this video is a great addition to any training curriculum. You will learn the basics of chainsaw safety and use in an easy-tounderstand field application format. Tool & Equipment Safety International Society of Arboriculture, 19 minutes 470.21.1F, Copyright 1998 Safe and efficient use of chainsaws requires thorough training. Although video tapes are no substitute for hands-on instruction, this video is a great addition to any training curriculum. You will learn the basics of chainsaw safety and use in an easy-tounderstand field application format. Caution: Battery on Board Prevent Blindness America, 8 minutes 470.09.1F, Copyright 1994 This program is designed to provide motorists with information about battery safety. Included are step-by-step instruction on how to jump-start a disabled vehicle and important first aid information for treating battery related injuries. Chainsaw Maintenance International Society of Arboriculture, 46 minutes 470.18.1F, Copyright 1998 Safe and efficient use of chainsaws requires thorough training. Although video tapes are no substitute for hands-on instruction, this video is a great addition to any training curriculum. You will learn the basics of chainsaw safety and use in an easy-tounderstand field application format. Chainsaw Safety Basics: An Expert's Perspective Wumbus, 14 minutes 470.01.1, Copyright 2011 Public works and other occupations often use chain saws in tree trimming, landscaping maintenance, brush control, and home use. There are many risks involved requiring proper instructions on safe procedures. This DVD includes instruction on how to use the proper daily safety precautions during use of cut off saws on the job. Covers use of proper PPE and machine guarding, outlines safety procedure from pre-use inspection all the way to shutdown. Gives viewers the information they need to know for each operator to remain responsible for their own safety by following safe operating practices. Chainsaw Safety, Maintenance and Cutting Techniques Series International Society of Arboriculture, 43 minutes 470.16.1F, Copyright 1998 Safe and efficient use of chainsaws requires Lending Library Catalog Chainsaw Use in Trees Cut-Off Machine Safety, Maintenance and Operation STIHL, 45 minutes 470.22.1, Copyright 2007 This training DVD is not only for the new user, but also for the seasoned veteran. It is designed to help train users of all handheld cut-off machines to properly operate the equipment in a safe manner. Felling Techniques International Society of Arboriculture, 18 minutes 470.20.1F, Copyright 1998 Safe and efficient use of chainsaws requires thorough training. Although video tapes are no substitute for hands-on instruction, this video is a great addition to any training curriculum. You will learn the basics of chainsaw safety and use in an easy-tounderstand field application format. Fueling a Machine Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 470.10.1Q, Copyright 1990 Many industrial worksites use portable gasoline or diesel powered compressors, which occasionally must be refueled. Although a simple procedure, refueling these machines can be quite dangerous if the rules of safety are not followed closely. Graphic depictions of the consequences of mishandling volatile fuels are used to remind workers that creativity in the workplace is no substitute for safety. Knife Safety in the Workplace ERI Safety Video, 16 minutes 470.13.1, Copyright 2004 This video covers knife safety thoroughly by Page 82 instructing viewers on the hazards of using knifes, and how to use knifes safely, and how to maintain blades of knifes. The video would be a good training tool for either a new employee or a seasoned employee. hand tools are shown in use in different job settings. Training is outlined along the lines of "avoid, protect and defend." Employees will see the benefits of working safely with powered hand tools - on and off the job. Landscaping Equipment: Safety and Maintenance Recommended Practices for the Use of Industrial Vacuum Equipment Wumbus, 15 minutes 470.25.1, Copyright 2009 This program covers the general safety rules to follow when operating mowers, cutters, knives, trimmers, and weed eaters. Also covers safety when dealing with chemicals and hazardous materials associated with this industry. WaterJet Technology Association, 32 minutes 470.24.1, Copyright 2009 This DVD was prepared to develop recommended practices for the use of industrial vacuum equipment. Topics included are injury potential, seeking medical attention, damage, explosion, types of trucks, getting started, pre-job preparations, working safely, job completion, loading and off loading, equipment maintenance, and regulations and certifications. Lawnmower Safety Tel-A-Train, 6 minutes 470.03.1F, Copyright 1994 Discussed in this video is the need for wearing proper protective clothing; inspection of the mowing area for debris; and maintenance and operation procedures. This is good for grounds-keeping personnel and for individuals who do home landscaping. Limbing and Bucking International Society of Arboriculture, 17 minutes 470.17.1F, Copyright 1998 Safe and efficient use of chainsaws requires thorough training. Although video tapes are no substitute for hands-on instruction, this video is a great addition to any training curriculum. You will learn the basics of chainsaw safety and use in an easy-tounderstand field application format. Notches, Hinges and Back Cuts International Society of Arboriculture, 30 minutes 470.19.1F, Copyright 1998 Safe and efficient use of chainsaws requires thorough training. Although video tapes are no substitute for hands-on instruction, this video is a great addition to any training curriculum. You will learn the basics of chainsaw safety and use in an easy-tounderstand field application format. Powered Hand Tool Safety: Handle With Care Coastal, 20 minutes 470.04.1, Copyright 2009 This video encourages viewers to consider the many dangers that can be part of using powered hand tools. A variety of powered Lending Library Catalog Safety Starts Here Stanley Proto, 30 minutes 470.05.1, Copyright 2005 Everyone who works with tools for a living knows a person or two who could be described as a "Shortcut Jones", someone who will use a cheater bar on a wrench handle or a ratchet instead of a hammer, just to save a trip back to the tool drawer. Each year, those kinds of safety shortcuts result in unnecessary tool and equipment damage and thousands of work-related injuries. This safety program was created as a reminder that no matter how great your tools are, you must use them correctly and safely or risk having a few adventures of your own. Safety Training for Repair Technicians Vista, 22 minutes 470.06.1, Copyright 2007 Nearly 65 percent of repair technician personal injuries involve hands, eyes or backs. This video examines all types of repair related accidents, and shows effective ways to prevent them. It will help you stay within budget and control your insurance cost. Shock Hazards: Power Tools Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 470.07.1Q, Copyright 1990 Improperly used or maintained, power tools can injure or kill. This video looks at ways to prevent electrical shock from power tools. Page 83 Shortcut to Disaster Part I valves. Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 470.14.1, Copyright 2004 When using chainsaws, safety begins by being prepared. Hapless Hal humorously looks at proper clothing and procedures prior to using a chainsaw. What a Grind Shortcut to Disaster Part II Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 470.15.1, Copyright 2004 Chainsaw, when properly used, can be invaluable tools, Hapless Hal demonstrates safe procedures in using a chainsaw. Tree Trimming Safety: Avoiding the Hazards Through Proper Training WUMBUS Corporation, 18 Min. 470.26.1, Copyright 2010 Avoid the costly and dangerous hazards that generally accompany tree trimming by using this phenomenal tree trimming safety video that provides insights into situations such as making sure that there is a job briefing prior to, and a safety program tailored for each job. Other tree trimming tips covered include the unique PPE that tree trimmers must wear, the minimum number of employees to a tree trimming team (and their specific jobs) as well as general chainsaw safety training including a proper pre-use inspection. Valve Crew Safety Digital-2000, 10 minutes 470.23.1, Copyright 2008 This DVD describes the different types of valves and associated hazards. It reviews use of PPE and safety measures. Included are special emphasis on ergonomics; avoiding awkward postures and demonstrating proper lifting techniques.There is program footage with scenes of water operations. The content is applicable to any industrial environment utilizing valves and pipes such as water and wastewater utilities. Valve Safety Summit Training, 15 minutes 470.11.1, Copyright 2001 This video provides an overview of how to safely use valves and how to recognize their potential hazards. The program covers the following: recognizing different types of valves, identifying common valve hazards, step-by-step valve risk assessment, and best safety practices for working with Lending Library Catalog Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 470.08.1Q, Copyright 1992 Grinding wheels, used throughout industry, are real workhorses. In this video, key points include proper setting up and grinder usage-with a special test for detecting a damaged wheel. Traffic Control "What's Wrong With This Work Zone" VDOT, 23 minutes 490.06.1, Copyright 2007 This video depicts two improperly installed work zones (a lane closure operation and a flagging operation) as a motorist would see them, and challenges the viewers to see how many "violations" they can find. The violations are then discussed, and the same operations viewed again with the work zones properly installed. "What's Wrong With This Work Zone" Part II VDOT, 18 minutes 490.07.1, Copyright 2007 This video depicts an improperly installed work zone on a limited access highway as a motorist would see it, and challenges the viewers to see how many "violations" they can find. The violations are then discussed, and the same operation viewed again with the work zones properly installed. Flagger Safety J.J. Keller, 10 minutes 490.05.1, Copyright 2001 This video focuses primarily on flagger safety with a small overview of work zones. The video illustrates and discusses minimum flagger requirements including: employer responsibilities, personal protective equipment, tools of the trade, and basic flagging procedures. The video is summarized with a discussion of standard operating procedures. Flagger Safety Digital-2000, 15 minutes 490.09.1, Copyright 2010 Flagger Safety - The Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones is the basic standard that provides guidance for flagger conduct, skills, and the science they use. Some states may have varying guidelines and Page 84 regulations, but most state programs are based upon this manual and regulation. As a flagger, you must remember that your job is the most important one on the crew as the lives of all individuals in the work space depend on you and your decisions. Flagging: You're the Director Coastal, 17 minutes 490.01.1, Copyright 1994 This video is designed to help train district employees who are responsible for traffic control flagging. It demonstrates the do's and don'ts of flagging and discusses how to protect workers if things go wrong. Moving Operations/Maintenance Safety IDOT, 13 minutes 490.08.1, Copyright 2007 For moving operations, your traffic control needs to be portable. That means you are not going to have the protection you have on bigger, longer jobs. This video looks at typical moving operations from least dangerous to most dangerous, and also, many everyday maintenance operations. Roadway Worker Safety-In the Zone Coastal, 20 minutes 490.10.1, Copyright 2008 This DVD provides a good overview of the many hazards of construction operations of many kinds, but particularly of the hazards found when working alongside roadways. The job-related hazards include trenching, electrical, falls, noise, heavy equipment, and traffic. Safe work practices and personal protective equipment requirements are reviewed. The DVD would be very useful as a pre-job safety meeting hazard review. This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish. Traffic Control Through Work Zones Zomar, Inc., 21 minutes 490.04.1, Copyright 1991 This video reviews the use and installation of appropriate equipment such as warning signs and channelizing tools. It also discusses basic flagging techniques. The video presents an example of a curb lane closure to demonstrate proper traffic control procedures. Lending Library Catalog Work Area Protection: A Control for Safety AWWA, 18 minutes 490.03.1, Copyright 1993 This video addresses traffic control when doing water utility work near or on public roads or highways. It discusses managing the worksite and traffic areas, and reviews a checklist for performing traffic control before, during and when the project is complete. Work Zone Safety for Construction and Utility Employees J.J. Keller, T3, Copyright 2001 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Work Zone Safety for Construction and Utility Employees J.J. Keller, 22 minutes 490.02.1F, Copyright 2001 This is a combination video and hands-on training program that may be used by water districts to prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities that may be caused by improper and unsafe activities in work zones. The major topics include: work zone traffic control, training, machinery and equipment, and required personal protective equipment. Training Facilitate Video Learning, 26 minutes 500.03.1F, Copyright 1999 This video will show how to ask the right kind of questions to boost productive meeting participation. Learn how to take control of meeting discussions, and keep it going in the right direction. Learn the different types of thinking styles, and how to become a better listener. How to Make a Video Idaho State Police, 15 minutes 500.04.1, Copyright 1994 "Fiskell & Deebert" will show you the ropes of putting together a video that will train and entertain. Secrets to Success: How to Prepare for Operator Certification AWWA, 21 minutes 500.02.1, Copyright 1993 This video will show how to learn and understand the required technical Page 85 information necessary to pass the Certification test. It will also show how to take the test, test structure, types of questions, and strategies for multiple-choice exams. Training Video Sexual Harassment with Catherine Crier , 20 minutes TR.SH.001, Copyright 2004 A man accused of sexual harassment by a co-worker discusses the financial, professional and personal anguish he experienced. Trenching & Shoring Cave-In Response Zomar Productions, 24 minutes 510.06.1, Copyright 2000 This video simulates cave-in response and demonstrates how to respond to cave-ins safely. It covers reporting cave-ins, approaching the site, and what to look for in successfully locating and removing victims. It stresses planning, training, and use of the proper equipment. The video covers precautions to protect rescuers by use of ground pads, air monitoring, and ventilation, installing shoring, and how to remove victims. CAVE-IN! Trenching and Shoring Safety Coastal, 18 minutes 510.08.1E, Copyright 2004 Learn how to protect yourself at an excavation site. The video will cover classification of soil types, trench protective systems, atmospheric hazards, and safety practices for excavation work. This video will give a good overall prospective and precautions. This DVD can be viewed in English or Spanish. Cave-In! Trenching and Shoring Safety Coastal, T4, Copyright 1999 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Competent Person, Guide to Trenching and Excavation Engineering & Utility Contractors Assoc., 24 minutes 510.01.1, Copyright 1991 Lending Library Catalog This video and the training guide will provide agencies with information to help understand and implement CAL/OSHA trenching and excavation standards. Information contained in this program includes: general requirements, soil classification and testing, and protective systems. On the Job: Trenching and Excavation AWWA, 11 minutes 510.10.1, Copyright 2001 This video covers the basics of trenching and excavation with proper use of equipment, personal protective equipment, shoring equipment, and traffic control. The video also focuses on water line placement and water break repairs. The Competent Person and Soils Testing Zomar, Inc., 27 minutes 510.07.1, Copyright 1992 Describes the knowledge it takes to be a competent person for soils testing for excavation work. The competent person must be able to recognize conditions, predict hazards, and have the authority to stop work. The video covers soil classification and how to identify class A, B, and C soil types. It illustrates types of soil testing techniques including visual and manual tests. The Five S's of Excavation Safety AWWA, 11 minutes 510.02.1, Copyright 1990 This American Water Works Association video addresses soil types, sloping and shoring, and how to deal with trenching emergencies. Trench Box Installation Coastal, 15 minutes 510.15.1, Copyright 2006 When it comes to trench construction, safety standards cannot be neglected, lest they lead to accidents, OSHA fines and even deaths. This program offers a reliable safety guide on trench boxes and other equipment, dealing with safe selection and the installation and removal of trench shields and boxes. Trench Emergency Coastal, T5, Copyright 1993 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox Page 86 meeting. Trench Emergency Coastal, 18 minutes 510.03.1E, Copyright 1993 This video addresses soil types, sloping and shoring, and deals with trenching emergencies. Trench Safety: Don't Dig Your Own Grave AWWA, 20 minutes 510.09.1, Copyright 1998 This AWWA Sponsored video provides graphic real-life scenarios that illustrate the dangers of working in or near trenches and excavations that have not been shored, benched, or sloped properly. Trenching & Excavation Safety: The Scott May Story ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 510.13.1, Copyright 2009 Trenching and excavation work, it's the starting point of most construction projects. Before you dig, there's a lot you need to know, because the risks, just like the weight of the soil, are too great to take a chance. This type of work is dangerous, with more than 100 workers killed in trench accidents each year. So if you work in a trench or excavation, no matter what your job, you need to know the safety requirements and that's the purpose of this program. Discussed are the safety rules for trenching operations and when they apply as well as to share the lessons learned from the story of Scott May, a young worker who was killed in a tragic excavation accident. Trenching and Shoring explains the safety rules, requirements, procedures, and emergency procedures. Trenching and Shoring: Meeting The Requirements Wumbus, 13 minutes 510.16.1, Copyright 2010 Trenching and shoring are essential tools during any excavation. This in-depth video focuses on OSHA-regulated safety measures and covers on protection from hazards with water accumulation and hazardous atmospheres, and the design of support, shield, and other protective systems. Trenching Safety Part I Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 510.04.1Q, Copyright 2001 The primary hazard of a trench is a cave-in, which could crush or suffocate the worker. Part I of this video covers these important safety areas: Safety checklists for a trenching job, worker's safety gear, "spoil", site protection, and emergency procedures. Trenching Safety Part II Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 510.05.1Q, Copyright 1990 The fatality rate for trenching work is estimated to be 112% greater than the rate for general construction work. This video covers the use of trench sloping; shoring and shields to guard against cave-ins; weather; heavy loads; and trench inspections. Underground Safety "Make sure you know...What's down below!" NUS Training, 12 minutes 510.11.1, Copyright 1992 This video illustrates the general guidelines for trenching and shoring. The OSHA protective system guides are reviewed with an emphasis on timber shoring, and covers subsidence, tension cracks, and soil classification. The video also includes a discussion on protective clothing, and the hazards of large equipment and traffic near the trench. NPL, 10 minutes 110.21.1, Copyright 2008 An animated "Gopher Gus" helps promote mark out and underground utility safe practices. This DVD covers best practices, mark out colors, and the dangers associated with trenching and horizontal boring. What to do when a utility line is damaged while excavating is also discussed. Trenching and Shoring Operations Excavation Safety, 25 minutes 110.03.1, Copyright 2010 This program expands on the information provided in the "Basic Locating Theory" video, offering practical tips on how to get the most out of your locating set in field Digital-2000, 12 minutes 510.12.1, Copyright 1999 This video meets trenching and shoring requirements for those persons assigned the job of trenching and shoring. It also Lending Library Catalog Basic Locating Skills Page 87 applications. Topics include basic trouble shooting and recognizing signal distortion. Basic Locating Theory Excavation Safety University, 25 minutes 110.02.1, Copyright 2010 This program explains how and why electromagnetic locating works in terms the layman can understand. Covered topics include the transmitter and receiver as well as signal frequency and methods of connection. Call 811 Before You Dig Williams Gas Pipeline, 7 minutes 110.07.1, Copyright 2010 This DVD is a must-see for kids 8 to 11 years old. Join Michael and Jenny as their afternoon is transformed by the discovery of a mysterious bronze spyglass and arrival of an eccentric and entertaining pirate! Using the treasure map as a guide, Michael and Jenny are led on journey full of magic and intrigue, as they learn about calling 811 before digging, and the importance of underground utilities. This DVD can be used as part of an outreach program or conservation education program. Damage Investigation: Field Investigation Techniques , 110.23.1, Copyright 2009 Learn how to properly document damages using proven photographic, interview, and investigative procedures. Conducting a thorough investigation will help ensure that responsible parties are clearly defined. Digging Dangers Collection: IX-XII Underground Focus, 37 minutes 110.17.1, Copyright 2008 Digging Dangers IX: Fire, Water, and Fiber The infamous Indianapolis gas explosion that damaged or destroyed 86 homes, and killed one resident is illustrated in this video. Digging Dangers X: Deadly Surprises This video covers 12 accidents involving excavator damage to underground lines within a 12-month period. Digging Dangers XI: Hidden Hazards This video covers some of the worst accidents of 1999, including a gas explosion that killed three people. Digging Dangers XII: Tragic Encounters This video features nine accidents that happen in the year 2000. Lending Library Catalog Digging Dangers I-IV Underground Focus, 57 minutes 110.12.1, Digging Dangers I: Operator interviews and use of Markings. Includes on-site interviews with equipment operators describing their worse accidents and how they might be avoided. Demonstrates how signs, flags, paint and marking tape are use to alert excavators to the presence of underground lines. Digging Dangers II: Vacuum Excavation, directional boring, accident footage. Viewers like the demonstrations of vacuum excavating and directional boring also includes actual footage from a tragic accident where a road grader operator was killed when he stuck a gas pipeline, plus several other fatal accidents. Digging Dangers III: Anatomy of an Accident. This program has been described by many viewers as the best safety video they've ever seen. This DVD features a contractor whose crew was involved in an accident that killed three people. His insights are incredible. Digging Dangers IV: Accident Avalanche. Dramatizes the magnitude of the incredible number of accidents involving damage to underground lines by excavators. Digging Dangers VI: Underground Lines, Above Ground Disasters Underground Focus Magazine, 15 minutes 110.01.1, Copyright 1995 Helping employees understand the dangers associated with underground utilities and the importance of contacting Underground Service Alert is the goal of this video. This video focuses on the potential dangers posed by underground gas utilities. Digging Dangers V-VIII Underground Focus, 57 minutes 110.18.1, Copyright 2008 Digging Dangers V: Taking the Offensive This 15 minutes video gives excavators steps they can take to avoid damaging underground lines. It specifically focuses on what excavators should do when digging around marked lines. Digging Dangers VI: Underground Lines, Above Ground Disasters This 15 minutes video features the Edison NJ and Allentown PA pipeline accidents that sparked Congressional pipeline safety Page 88 action. Accidents in Madison NE and Green Rive WY are also covered. Diagrams are used to help viewers see exactly what caused the accidents and how they could have been avoided. Digging Dangers VII: Hits and Misses A directional boring accident that damaged or destroyed 86 homes in Westminster MD is covered in this 15 minutes video. Also covered is a major phone cable cut in Odessa TX and a sewer collapse in Minnetonka MN. New technology to help excavate more safely is presented in the form of a soft trencher vacuum excavator that is faster than a backhoe in some applications. Better understanding of the capabilities and limitations of locating instruments is another benefit of this video. Digging Dangers VIII: Accident Ambush This 12 minute video covers two cases of excavator damage to water mains and three cases involving gas lines. A water main hit that flooded downtown Buffalo NY consists of footage that was shot by the contractor involved. Digging Dangers XIV: Underground Traps Underground Focus, 12 minutes 110.14.1, Digging Dangers XIV features excavation accidents which occurred during 2002 in Tennessee, Colorado, California, Oklahoma, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Canada. Included is an accident near Edmonton, Alberta, where an elderly couple was killed in a gas explosion after the man drove a steel stake through his home's gas service line while building a retaining wall. A 1997 Indianapolis accident is revisited, which involved a 20-inch gas pipeline that was damaged by a directional bore. One person was killed and 80 homes either destroyed when the escaping gas ignited. The fire footage is spectacular. Digging Dangers XIX: Judgment Day Underground Focus, 15 minutes 110.20.1, Copyright 2008 This is the newest DVD in the Digging Dangers series. This DVD features accidents from 2007. The series explores the issue of the responsibilities all stakeholders share during excavation and how those responsibilities relate to business ethics. Lending Library Catalog Digging Dangers XV: Digger Nightmares Continued Underground Focus, 15 minutes 110.15.1, Accidents occurring during 2003 are covered by this DVD. The worst accident depicted killed seven people when a strip mall in Toronto was leveled by a gas explosion after the mall's unmarked service line was damaged by an excavator. This video also revisits a 1988 accident in Attleboro MA. The families of two city workers killed in a gas explosion there received the highest cash settlement in Massachusetts history. Digging Dangers XVI: Excavation Tragedies Underground Focus Magazine, 21 minutes 110.08.1, Copyright 2005 This video covers some of the worst excavation accidents of 2004. Viewers see an on-the-scene portrayal of a backhoe hitting a jet fuel line in Walnut Creek, California, that killed five workers. You will see other explosions that killed people and injured them during the viewing of this video caused by careless digging. Digging Dangers XVII: Boom! Underground Focus, 15 minutes 110.19.1, Copyright 2008 This DVD underlines the importance of safety when dealing with the aftermath of underground utility damages. Highlighted are excavation accidents occurring from late 2004 through the end of 2005. These accidents will help construction workers, utility personnel and first-responders understand the first hand effect of not following safety precautions, particularly when faced with leaking gas. Digging Dangers XVIII:Disaster Prevention Underground Focus, 20 minutes 110.16.1, Copyright 2008 This video features accidents from the last four months of 2005 and the first seven months of 2006. Discussion covers the difference between preventing damage and preventing a disaster. Learn how the response to an accident can cause resolution or havoc. This program stresses the importance of a well planned and orchestrated response to a digging accident. Page 89 Get the Dirt Damage Prevention Awareness Dig Safely, 10 minutes 110.10.1, Copyright 2000 The Dig Safely process ensures the timely completion of projects without injury, service interruption, or creating environmental hazards. The use of the Dig Safely process can help protect you, your crews and others from the potential dangers of damaging buried utility lines. It includes four-steps to help ensure safe digging near underground facilities. Introduction to Pipe & Cable Locating Schonstedt Instrument Compnay, 22 minutes 110.04.1, Copyright 2008 This informative instructional video takes you through all the steps of underground locating; Location methods covered include direct connection, induction and passive. Included are tips and tricks from locating experts in the field. The DVD also contains diagrams and still photos that can be copied for staff training. Know What's Below-Call Before You Dig DigAlert, 13 minutes 110.09.1, Copyright 2007 The law says you must call before you dig in the ground for any reason! Beneath the surface of the ground, hidden from view, are gas lines, cable lines, and other subterranean facilities. If you don't know exactly where they are your digging could cause severe damage, service disruption, even an explosion! This DVD will help you become aware of the laws and what you should do. Locating Best Practices Excavation Safety University, 40 minutes 110.22.1, Copyright 2009 All aspects of the industry Best Practices will be covered in this DVD. You will learn how locating technology works as well as the basic steps to successfully locate pipelines and cables. Seeing Is Believing: Safely Exposing Buried Utilities Vista Smart Training, 30 minutes 110.05.1, Copyright 2001 This video provides information on ways to safely work around existing utilities. It includes a discussion of the planning phase Lending Library Catalog in addition to working with the locating service, ways to expose utilities more quickly and safely, what to do when you encounter the unexpected, trenchless technology, and what to do if a utility is damaged. Underground Safety: Hazardous Materials Safety Underground Contractors Assoc., 10 minutes 110.06.1, Copyright 1993 This toolbox safety video is designed to provide a quick overview of hazardous materials commonly found on underground construction sites. This provides a field construction perspective to hazard communication issues. Caution: Contains brief depictions of graphic injuries to the eyes, hands and feet. Water A River for All: The Life of the San Joaquin California Farm Water Coalition, 22 minutes 520.40.1, Copyright 2007 This video explores the history of water development in California and how decisions made in the 19th Century and beyond played a role in the water system we have today. Decisions on the restoration of the San Joaquin River will no doubt affect the people who rely on it for their livelihoods. While the effort to return salmon to the river has wide ranging support, much still must be done to achieve a balanced solution for all. Beyond Drought: Factors Affecting California's Water Supply ACWA, 30 minutes 520.31.1, Copyright 2007 This segment of California's Water focuses on a recent crisis involving a threatened Delta fish as an example of how factors other than precipitation come into play. Other challenges include drought and climate change. The show reminds us that our water system is interconnected. Cadillac Desert PBS, 4 hours, 30 minutes 520.01.1, Copyright 1997 This four part series chronicles the struggle for water in the Modern American West. Part I: Mullholland's Dream describes how William Mullholland delivered a river to Los Page 90 Angeles. Part 2: An American Nile charts the history of the Colorado River. Part 3: The Mercy of Nature illustrates the role that politics has played in the ebb and flow of water. Part 4: Last Oasis takes viewers abroad to investigate a new era of water scarcity. California's Water System ACWA, 30 minutes 520.25.1, Copyright 2007 This segment of California's Water focuses on the state's vast water supply network and its importance to our economy, environment and lifestyle. It takes viewers on a tour of key facilities and explores the role local and regional water management efforts play in meeting California's water needs. Cleaning Water the Natural Way ACWA, 30 minutes 520.30.1, Copyright 2007 This segment of California's Water explores how wetlands serve as nature's own water filtration systems. A visit to the San Joaquin Marsh in Irvine offers a first-hand look at the unique ability of wetland areas to remove pollutants from urban runoff and protect sensitive bays and beach. Climate Change ACWA, 30 minutes 520.18.1, Copyright 2006 This segment focuses on climate change and its potential impacts on our water supply system. The segment takes viewers high into the Sierra for a first-hand look at the snow pack and how climate change may affect its important role as a natural water reservoir. It also traces the journey our water takes from the mountains to rivers and streams, and ultimately into man-made reservoirs such as Folsom Lake as part of our elaborate water supply system. Conjunctive Use: A Comprehensive Approach to Water Water Education Foundation, 11 minutes 520.12.1, Copyright 1999 This program simplifies an often misunderstood concept: conjunctive use coordinating surface water and groundwater supplies, which are often managed as separate resources. Conjunctive use has the potential of maximizing water use efficiency, water supply protection and water conservation for communities Lending Library Catalog throughout California. Cross-Connections: Follow the Flow NETA, 19 minutes 520.13.2, Copyright 2000 This video is a take-off on the television program Dragnet; it emphasizes the importance of plant sanitary surveys for control of cross-connections. Items covered in the video include: connections between potable water lines and process water, connection to pumps, hose bibs, backflow prevention assemblies, and crossconnection control program. Desalting Water ACWA, 30 minutes 520.23.1, Copyright 2006 This program focuses on ocean desalination and the potential role it may play in the state's water portfolio. Viewers will tour a desalination plant to understand how salt is removed from seawater as well as brackish groundwater and learn how some agencies are pursuing desalination as a way to "drought-proof" their communities and reduce their dependence on imported water. Farm Water: Growing More with Every Drop ACWA, 30 minutes 520.33.1, Copyright 2008 This segment takes a look at new technologies and practices that are allowing agricultural water users to grow more with less water. Huell starts at California State University, Fresno's Water and Energy Technology Incubator to get the latest on water-efficiency technology, and then finishes with a visit to Patterson Irrigation District, where new projects are under way to re-use water, save energy and improve water quality in the nearby San Joaquin River. GIS for Water Utilities AWWA, 24 minutes 520.43.1, Copyright 2009 It's estimated that approximately 80 percent of all asset information is geographically referenced. Many utilities have converted their paper maps to electronic formats so they can be used by a GIS--a powerful computer-based information management system designed to work with data referenced by geographic coordinates. A GIS allows utility operators and managers to determine where their assets are located, Page 91 for example, the location of valves, water mains, hydrants, and meters. A GIS also lets users update, analyze, and display information about those assets. As a result, a GIS can reveal important information that leads to better decision making. Groundwater Banking: California's Water Savings Account ACWA, 30 minutes 520.34.1, Copyright 2008 This segment takes a close look at groundwater banking and its role in managing California's water resources. Huell visits two locations - the Kern Water Bank near Bakersfield and United Water Conservation District's groundwater recharge facilities in Ventura County - to learn why groundwater baking is California's water savings account. Groundwater Quality: Managing the Resources Water Education Foundation, 16 minutes 520.11.1, Copyright 1999 Groundwater basins are out of sight under the earth so it is difficult to gauge what's happening with water volume, flow and quality. When problems turn up at the earth's surface, it is sometimes too late to rescue the aquifer below. This program provides valuable and vital information about how to better use and protect our precious groundwater supplies. Hold On to Your Dirt Association of Bay Area Governments, 20 minutes 520.15.1, Copyright 2002 This video describes the environmental impacts of uncontrolled erosion from construction projects, documents proper installations of the most commonly used control practices, and contains lively interviews with site managers, contractors, builders and government staff. Hold on to Your Dirt and Keep it Clean Association of Bay Area Governments, 20 minutes each program 520.16.1, Copyright 2002 This DVD has two programs on it. Hold on to your Dirt and Keep it Clean. Hold onto to Your Dirt: This DVd describes the environmental impacts of uncontrolled erosion from construction projects, documents proper Lending Library Catalog installations of the most commonly used control practices, and contains lively interviews with site managers, contractors, builders and government staff. Keep it Clean: This DVD picks up where "Hold On to Your Dirt" leaves off, after mass grading and site stabilization. The highly effective BMPs recommended in are designed to prevent water pollution from construction-related activities, such as painting, stucco, concrete washout facilities and saw-cutting. Living with Nature ACWA, 30 minutes 520.38.1, Copyright 2008 This DVD focuses on innovative approaches to restoring habitat and addressing invasive species. Huell visits two Northern California locations, Butte Creek and Clear Lake, to view majestic spring-run Chinook salmon in a restored stretch of habitat and see what water agencies and wildlife officials are doing to keep destructive quagga mussels out of lake and reservoirs. Maintaining Water Quality in the Distribution System AWWA, 2 hours 45 minutes 520.10.1, Copyright 1998 This AWWA production highlights the importance of maintaining water quality in the distribution system. Topics covered include disinfection consideration, bio films, operational maintenance and a panel discussion. Protecting Against Floods ACWA, 30 minutes 520.28.1, Copyright 2007 This segment of California's Water focuses on floods and what local agencies are doing to protect people and property. Viewers will get a look at three examples of modern flood control efforts and learn how some agencies are improving flood protection for their communities, while also enhancing habitat for wildlife. Regional Solutions for Local Needs ACWA, 30 minutes 520.29.1, Copyright 2007 Local water agencies are joining forces and forming partnerships to solve regional and local water challenges. Through collaborative efforts known as integrated regional water management plans, local Page 92 water agencies are working to diversify their water supplies, improve water quality and reliability, and increase flexibility to better cope with droughts floods, and other uncertain future conditions. Reliable Coliform Sampling for Water Utilities AWWA, 16 minutes 520.36.1, Copyright 2008 Improper sampling is one of the most common errors in water quality analysis. This video gives operators approved, stepby-step procedures for taking water samples for coliform testing. Particular attention is paid to the all-important step of selecting sampling sites. The procedures shown comply with the Total Coliform Rule and the Safe Drinking Water Act. This video will help your utility avoid false test results and violations, while it helps you maintain public confidence in the quality of the water supply. Sacramento Valley: Working Together Pays Off ACWA, 30 minutes 520.24.1, Copyright 2007 This segment of California's Water focuses on cooperative efforts in the Sacramento Valley. Viewers will get a look at fish passage improvements, groundwater storage and other programs and other projects under way in the metropolitan Sacramento area and the agricultural region to the north. quality and meet environmental needs. Storm Water: I Can Make a Difference Coastal, 15 minutes 520.26.1, Copyright 2003 This video describes contaminants found in storm water runoff and other devastating effects of storm water runoff, and shows how the government and private industry can work together to clean it up, before the problems set in. Stormwater Management Summit Training Source, 12 minutes 520.46.1, Copyright 2010 Stormwater Management program creates an awareness of the contributing causes of stormwater pollution and teaches best practices, such as equipment maintenance, proper storage, disposal, and handling of substances, and good housekeeping practices to stay in compliance and keep our environment clean. Using dynamic footage and vivid graphics, this program addresses: What is stormwater? The impacts of stormwater pollution Stormwater program regulations Best management practices Tap Water: The Drink of Choice Storing Water ACWA, 30 minutes 520.44.1, Copyright 2009 California water agencies deliver some of the safest drinking water in the world. In fact, local water agencies have invested millions of dollars in treatment systems and watershed protection programs to ensure the highest quality water for Californians. That commitment is the focus of this segment of California's Water, in which Huell visits a five-star restaurant in Berkeley serving tap water exclusively to its customers, tour Los Vaqueros Reservoir, a water quality storage facility in Brentwood, and explores the sophisticated treatment facilities at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. ACWA, 30 minutes 520.22.1, Copyright 2006 This segment focuses on surface water reservoirs and the multiple roles these manmade structures play. The segment takes viewers to Shasta Dam, the state's largest reservoir, and looks at newer storage projects that are helping to improve water ACWA, 30 minutes 520.39.1, Copyright 2008 In this segment of California's Water, Huell visits the City of Long Beach to learn about its proactive approach to this new water ethic. The city was the first community to adopt mandatory water conservation since Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta ACWA, 30 minutes 520.17.1, Copyright 2006 This segment of California's water focuses on the delta and the aging levees that protect farmland, communities and critical infrastructure. The segment takes viewers on a boat tour of the delta for a close look at this unique and vulnerable landscape, a discussion of its history and what it means to California. Lending Library Catalog Tightening the Water Belt Page 93 the last statewide drought in 1986-1992 To Conquer the Inland Sea KCRA, 45 minutes 520.03.1, Copyright 1996 This KCRA Television production chronicles the history of flood control in Northern California. Understanding the Cryptosporidium Challenge AWWA, 16 minutes 520.05.1F, Copyright 1994 This video discusses the issues surrounding cryptosporidium. Various utility and health officials explain, in everyday language, what the parasite is, what the effects of ingestion are, the difficulty in detection, preventative measures to take, and how to deal with a cryptosporidiosous outbreak. Using AWWA Standards AWWA, 12 minutes 520.06.1, Copyright 1992 This informative program provides viewers with a how-to when it comes to using AWWA Standards. Using Water Wisely ACWA, 30 minutes 520.19.1, Copyright 2006 This segment takes an on-the-ground look at what water agencies are doing to encourage wise water use at home, parks and businesses. From high-tech irrigation controllers to household appliances and fixtures to low-tech, low-cost, water-saving practices, the segment highlights some of the many efforts that are allowing California to meet the needs of growing communities without increasing the amount of water consumed. Water and Energy: A Powerful Connection ACWA, 30 minutes 520.37.1, Copyright 2008 In this Episode of California's Water, Huell travels to opposite ends of the state to see how two agencies-Sonoma County Water Agency and the Inland Empire Utilities Agency-are doing their part to reduce grid energy consumption by converting sunlight and cow manure into usable energy. Water Efficient Gardens in Full Bloom ACWA, 30 minutes 520.32.1, Copyright 2007 This video highlights award-winning gardens designed to show how Californians Lending Library Catalog can enjoy lovely landscapes while conserving water. Gardens developed by water agencies in Northern and Southern California offer a first-hand look at what residents can learn about our water system and water wise gardening. Water Main Disinfection and Dechlorination AWWA, 14 minutes 520.41.1, Copyright 2005 New water main, repaired water main, and in-ground pipe that has been contaminated by cross-contamination or backflow, must be disinfected before being put into service. This video visually demonstrates the process described in AWWA Standard C651.05, Disinfecting Water Mains. Viewers learn: why water mains must be disinfected; how to protect water pipe from becoming contaminated while in storage, in transport, and during installation; how to disinfect water mains using chlorine; how to remove excess chorine from the water supply (dechlorinated) prior to putting the pipe into service; and how to dispose of the highly chlorinated discharge. Water Recycling Imitates Nature ACWA, 30 minutes 520.27.1, Copyright 2007 This segment of California's Water focuses on water recycling and the important role it plays in meeting the state's water needs. Viewers will get a look at some current uses of recycled water and learn how local agencies from north to south are maximizing this key water supply tool in the coming years. Water Supply Operations Series AWWA, 17 minutes 520.07.1, Copyright 1995 This video discusses how a source protection program can protect your agency's water supply. It describes whom needs a source protection plan, why it's so important and what steps are needed to make one work. This video is designed for members that draw well water from local surface or ground sources. Water Supply Operations: Coagulation, Flocculation, and Sedimentation AWWA, 21 minutes 520.42.1, Copyright 2005 The most common method of removing Page 94 turbidity from source water during drinking water treatment is a combination of coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation, followed by filtration. This DVD explains and demonstrates coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation processes to treatment operators and students. It defines the three treatment processes, gives a step-by-step guide for what to expect at each stage of treatment, and explains how to optimize each process for maximum effectiveness and minimum cost. Water Supply Reliability through Innovation ACWA, 30 minutes 520.45.1, Copyright 2010 This DVD focuses on the innovative and diverse ways San Diego-area water agencies are increasing their local water supplies and reducing their dependence on imported water. Huell Howser visits the San Vicente Dam, which is being raised to more than double the current storage capacity of the reservoir behind it; checks out a local desalination plant removing the salt from groundwater; and explores how wastewater is being recycled into clean drinking water. What's New on the Colorado River? ACWA, 30 minutes 520.21.1, Copyright 2006 This segment looks at the canals and aqueducts that bring Colorado River water to Southern California and highlights the California 4.4 plan, a major initiative to help the state live within its legal allotment of 4.4 million acre-feet of Colorado River water each year. Working Together for Safe Water University of Southern California, 15 minutes 520.09.1, Copyright 1989 This video provides viewers with an introduction to the basic concepts of backflow and cross-connection control. Water Treatment Operator Chemistry Made Easy AWWA, 47 minutes 620.01.1, Copyright 2009 This video teaches basic water treatment chemistry. It is an ideal training tool for novice water treatment operators and an excellent reference on the job. Lending Library Catalog Welding & Cutting HIGH IMPACT: Welding Safety ERI Safety Videos, 19 minutes 530.03.1F, Copyright 1997 WARNING!!! The graphic nature of this video may not make it suitable for all viewing audiences. This realistic video program focuses on common welding hazards and the consequences of not following important welding safety practices. Oxyfuel Gas Cutting: The Sure Cut Coastal, 13 minutes 530.05.1, Copyright 2007 This video describes how to take a safe approach to the cutting process. It provides a review of the types of torches, the oxygen and acetylene cylinders, and rules to follow with regulators. The video also provides good information on hookup procedures, ventilation, and proper cylinder storage. Safety First: Hot Work AWWA, 15 minutes 530.06.1, Copyright 2002 This video illustrates what hot work is, the hazard involved, and how to prevent accidents and injuries. The video describes the proper conditions for conducting hot work and further addresses ventilation, screens, housekeeping, electrical circuits, and combustible materials. Fire watch responsibilities are described. Welding and Cutting Safety I Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 530.01.1Q, Copyright 1992 The welding torch is one of the most dangerous pieces of equipment around any job site. Proper use and care of this tool can lead to a lifetime of good results and safety. But, neglect can lead to disfigurement or even death. A thorough safety inspection of this piece of equipment should be performed with each use. Welding and Cutting Safety II Safety Shorts, 5 minutes 530.02.1Q, Copyright 1992 When you use a welding tool, you must be aware of all the safety measures that should be implemented before, during and after its use. This video outlines proper procedures for the safe assembly, operation and storage of welding torch heads. Page 95 Welding Safety: Safe Work with Hotwork Coastal, W1, Copyright 2000 Ideal to use by themselves for a toolbox meeting. Welding: Safe Work with Hotwork , 18 minutes 530.04.1, Copyright 2010 In hotwork operations, safety is a burning issue. But through this program, you can cool down the risks and torch the dangers. It details various types of welding and corresponding vital precautions. Personal hazards Hazardous fumes and substances Equipment safety All About Fluids Lowfat Lifeline, 14 minutes 540.17.1, Copyright 1998 This video emphasizes the importance of this over looked nutrient. You will learn why you need fluid, how much you need and different ways of getting the recommended daily allowance. This video covers critical body functions, heat control, weight loss and fad diets, water-rich food, hard versus soft water, bottled water, sports drinks, alcohol and more. Fatigue Management Essentials Vocam, 18 minutes 540.16.1, Copyright 2008 When managed well, shift work can bring about major improvements in productivity and job satisfaction. This training program will ensure personnel learn the steps they can take to reduce the safety risks of fatigue while on the job and decrease the risk of costly lost time incidents. Health and Hygiene Essentials for the Office Vocam, 19 minutes 540.03.1F, Copyright 2005 Health and hygiene in the office means preserving and promoting the health of both you and your co-workers. The consequences of poor health and hygiene practices in the office can result in the spread of infectious diseases and increased sick days for personnel. Poison Oak & Ivy Training Tec Laboratories, 11 minutes Lending Library Catalog 540.09.1, Copyright 2008 This video makes plant identification, prevention and treatment of poison oak and ivy easy to understand and simple to put into action. The suggestions for preventing a rash, early identification and treatment of symptoms will help reduce worker lost time and misery. Preventing the Spread of Contagious Illness American Training Resources, 20 minutes 540.21.1, Copyright 2009 This DVD includes information about seasonal flu, avian flu, SARS and MRSA in addition to swine flu, it explains the origins and symptoms of these illnesses as well as the general hygiene and prevention measures required to prevent spreading and contracting all contagious illnesses. The program stresses prevention and the personal responsibility required to avoid spreading an illness or infection. Other topics include decontaminating work areas, special MRSA precautions, responding to a potential infection, medical diagnosis and treatment of contagious illnesses, measures to take at home once you are infected and how to prepare for and respond to a pandemic of an illness. The Science of Sleep 60 Minutes, 30 minutes 540.08.1, Copyright 2008 Why do we sleep? Lesley Stahl visits sleep labs to find out, and learns that sleep is as essential to our health as nutrition and exercise, in fact, scientists are seeing a link between lack of sleep and serious health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Return to Work for Employees Milt Wright & Associates, Inc, 16 minutes 550.01.1, Copyright 1997 This video is a companion to "Return to Work for Supervisors". It will dramatically demonstrate how a change in attitude can revitalize not only an injured employee, but also the entire organization. This video is intended to overcome employees' objections and assist employees in learning. Return to Work for Supervisors Milt Wright & Associates, Inc., 16 minutes 550.03.1, Copyright 1997 This video is a follow-up to "Taking Control the Workers' Compensation Return to Work Page 96 Connection". It will assist supervisors to understand that early return to work benefits everyone-workers, supervisors, and the company. This video is part of a set and should be used in conjunction with "Return to Work for Employees". This video is intended to overcome supervisor objections and assist supervisors in learning. Taking Control: The Workers' Compensation Return to Work Connection Milt Wright and Associates, 27 Minutes 550.02.1F, Copyright 1993 This video is designed for workers' compensation program administrators, and human resource and risk managers. The video demonstrates, through practical and realistic approaches, how managers and supervisors can take steps to facilitate a good employer/employee relationship during a workers' compensation case to facilitate return to work and make it a winwin situation. Managing High Risk Situations American Training Resources, 18 minutes 560.07.1F, Copyright 2001 Managing high-risk situations takes more than just awareness and policies which prohibit them. Employees and managers must be able to recognize and contain situations before they escalate into violent events. Five realistic scenarios are rolled out with a chance to pause the video and have the viewers discuss the appropriate resolutions, as well as any preventive actions that could have been taken, and then solutions to the vignettes are presented. Public Building Safety: It's Everyone's Concern Coastal, 17 minutes 560.06.1FQ, Copyright 2002 This video discusses the causes and different types of violence and other security risks when working in a public building, or simply dealing with the public. It also suggests different types and levels of security measures that may be used. A large portion of the program addresses how to prevent and diffuse violent situations that occur with visitors, intruders, and disgruntled customers. Utilities at Risk AWWA, 20 minutes Lending Library Catalog 560.04.1, Copyright 2002 Like other organizations, water and wastewater utilities of all sizes face the triple threat of substance abuse, sexual harassment and violence in the workplace. This DVD will cover these subjects. Substance Abuse More than 70% of drug users and 85% of heavy alcohol users currently are in the workforce, which means chances are good your utility has already been affected. This hard-hitting video can help your utility take the first step to creating a safer, more productive workplace. You'll learn the warning signs and the costs of ignoring abuse. More importantly, you'll learn how to create a "Zero Tolerance" program that can help you protect your employees and the public from the consequences of untreated substance abuse. 15 minutes. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment on the job leads to low morale and difficult working conditions. It can be very costly to your water utility in terms of dollars, lost hours, and loss of good workers. Specially produced for water utilities, this video shows employees and employers what sexual harassment is, how the victim and the accused should deal with it, and what the employer must do to prevent it. Realistic scenarios illustrate common types of sexual harassment situations on the job. 20 minutes. Violence in the Workplace Created especially for employees, supervisors, and managers of water utilities, this informative video teaches the realities of workplace violence. No workplace is immune to violence; nationally 20 people a week are murdered on the job. Utility staff members need to know how to effectively handle confrontational situations. Watch realistic, powerfully acted scenarios of violent incidents that have actually occurred at water utilities. Learn about common warning signs and develop appropriate management policies. Winning Workforce: Violence in the Workplace , Unknown TR.WPV.001, Copyright 2005 FOR INSTRUCTORS ONLY NOT FOR MEMBER CHECKOUT •Helps you train your employees on Page 97 sensitive issues that may: ?Affect productivity ?Create a hostile work environment ?Pose a legal threat to your organization •Ready-to-use training covers: ?Different forms of violence ?Warning signs of potential violence ?What to do if a violent - or potentially violent - situation arises ?The benefits of a non-hostile work environment •Ready-to-use training program includes several components •Closed-captioned for the hearing impaired attention to the warning signs and responding with quick, decisive action. Workplace Violence: First Line of Defense Coastal, 30 minutes 560.01.1, Copyright 2007 As the second leading cause of workplace death, violence represents a challenge to employers, who must be prepared to respond and manage these incidents. This program uses an interview with a convicted perpetrator as well as a compelling dramatization to communicate the impact of the problem. Workplace Violence: the Early Warning Signs for Employees Kantola Productions, 17 minutes 560.03.1, Copyright 2010 Workplace violence is an issue that can affect any organization, of any size, in any industry. This training video takes on this important topic without sensationalizing, but by approaching the subject directly and honestly. This DVD details the ten distinct warning signs that could foretell violence. It emphasizes the need for employees to speak up and get help if they notice anything that causes concern. Workplace Violence: the Early Warning Signs-Manager's Version Kantola Productions, 24 minutes 560.02.1, Copyright 2010 Workplace violence, it can happen in any size organization, in any industry. We read about it in the news often enough that it seems to be a fairly common threat. Fortunately, these tragedies are rare considering the millions of people who go to work every day without incident. And since much in now known about such attacks, the vast majority can be prevented by paying Lending Library Catalog Page 98