DATE: JANUARY 11, 2011

Hollister Heat Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting Minutes
LOCATION: YMCA, 351 Tres Pinos Road, Suite A-201, Hollister, CA 95023
I. Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Hollister Heat Board of Directors was held at the YMCA located at 351
Tres Pinos Road, Hollister, CA. The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:01pm on
January 10, 2012 with George Ramirez, President, presiding, and Jennifer Bagley, secretary.
Members Present: George Ramirez, Dave Super, Lupe Leija, Brittany Homen, Shaun Zink, Bill
Baer, Keith Woeste. Anthony Hazen, Michael Montoya
Members Absent:
Kaycee Day
Guests Present:
Margarita Gaitan
II. Membership Address
Margarita Gaitan expressed interest in serving on the Hollister Heat Board as a snack bar
coordinator. She asked for the demands of the position and after it was explained that the
demands were fairly heavy – from someone needed during every game, to overseeing inventory and
Moved by Dave Super that Margarita Gaitan be appointed to the Hollister Heat board as a Snack
Bar Coordinator, Keith Woeste seconded, motion carried.
III. Approval of Minutes from December Regular Meeting
Jennifer Bagley mentioned that two corrections to the December minutes were needed: Item VIII.
Heat Fun Night Update. The vote to cancel Heat Fun Night was moved by Dave Super and
seconded by M.J. Miguelgorry.
IV. Player Registration - Lupe
Lupe Leija reported that 212 players were registered as of that day. Last year there were 230
registrants at the same time. Bill Baer presented a power point breaking down the number of
registered players in certain age brackets (power point attached). The power point also reviewed the
answers to the supplemental questions in the new registration form, primarily concerning summer
recreation. The goal will be to convert the people who said no to summer recreation to yes. We will
probably have to rely on coaches to encourage the players to continue through the summer. The
question of the location of the summer recreation (ie. In another district) was largely a moot point to
those who answered the question. However, we would lose the people who said they would not play
Hollister Heat Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting Minutes
if the only option was to play in another area. That isn’t feasible. A large challenge of the summer
recreation season was that younger girls did not feel comfortable playing with older girls. 55 people
answered that they would be interested in playing summer travel ball. Concerns in not playing wre
the cost and the inability to travel, two issues that we should be able to resolve.
Lupe Leija continued by reporting that, as of the meeting, 40 girls had not yet paid. This means our
budget is approximately $4000 short of where we need to be, especially since uniforms have to be
ordered right after tryouts. This places the Heat in an uncomfortable position. Age distribution is
cyclical and this year we appear to have lost a number of former-majors players to the High School.
The final cuts from the High School are not until March. Last year we had 8 rookie teams, 6 A
teams, 6 AA teams, 4 AAA teams, and 4 major’s teams, but we’ve lost 3 out of 4 majors coaches as
their daughters have aged out of the program.
V. Financial Report - Shaun
Shaun Zink apologized for having left copies of the financial reports at home. The financial report is
attached. Revenue was $6395, expenses were $3272.74, leaving a profit of $3, 122.26. The
revenue seems low due to the float between the merchant account and the bank account. Shaun
Zink was able to get into the PO Box. It turned out there was no problem at all, he just had the
incorrect box number. The January invoices were passed around and he reported he had Dave’s
check for the equipment.
Shaun Zink also reported that he was in contact with Grace & Associates. Their minimum charge
for an audit is $8,000, but the estimated it would cost us $10,000 - $12,000 to perform an audit.
As such, and as our revenue is generally under $100,000, Grace & Associates recommended we did
not perform an audit, but should estimate our revenue. We have some time, but will lose our tax
exempt status at the third unfiled tax return. Legally, we must verify to the best of our ability the
amount that was stolen, but due to the cost, the best of our ability may not mean doing an audit.
Especially as we immediately reported the theft to the proper authorities; the investigation with the
police department is almost finished. We do not have financial insurance to cover the missing
funds, nor does our insurance cover us if individual board members are sued. However, the lawyer
and the accountant both said that we should do the best that we can. There is a potential for a
lawsuit, but it is NOT required. Lupe Leija agreed to check with her friend, a lawyer, again to make
sure we’re doing our due diligence. As the price for the audit was so high, even if the Board had
approved the funds for one, Shaun Zink decided to reverify with the board as to the course of action
they wanted to take. He will not start the taxes until a decision on the audit has been made. The
cost of each tax return will be $540. Once the taxes have been filed, we will likely get a letter from
the IRS stating we owe approximately $15,000 in fees. However, these fees are waived the vast
majority of the time, when the tax preparer explains the circumstances to the IRS.
VI. Approval of Spring Managers
Hollister Heat Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Dave Super presented a list of verified managers:
Dalia Velasquez Gaytan
David McMullen
George Ramirez
Richard Herrera
Rookies, AA
Octavio Barocio
Ruben Gaitan
David Super
Erica Robledo Dickens
AA, Rookies
Keith Woeste
Rey Martinez
Roy Iler
Phillip Lowes
Rob Nino
Sherry Platero
Michael Montoya
Dave Super reported he had no concerns with the current list, however there is a shortage of A
managers. Some of the managers are willing to manage two divisions. To get enough managers he
will need the approximate number of teams that we’ll be able to field in each division. Our current
forecast is below the curve of last year. This will require more recruitment, probably at the middle
school level. John Young from the High School apparently reported there will be no cuts so we
should not rely on those players. We need 3 more majors managers and the girls to play for those
Moved by Keith Woeste that the Hollister Heat accept the list of managers for the Spring Recreation
season, Dave Super seconded, motion carried.
VII. Approval of Spring Umpires
Hollister Heat Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Michael Montoya reported that he had contacted Curtis Armstrong, Travis Armstrong, Chuck
Florez, Rich Silva, and Kevin Burley. Michael Montoya is also getting certified to act as a back-up
umpire in case another umpire isn’t available. More umpire equipment is required and as Dave
Super is well within his equipment budget, the equipment will be purchased. The umpire gear
needs to be ASA certified and uniform. There are also other people to act as ‘floating’ umpires.
Moved by Dave Super that the Hollister Heat accept the list of umpires for the Spring Recreation
season, Jennifer Bagley seconded, motion carried.
VIII. Tryouts
George Ramirez reported that the start time of the tryouts would be moved to 10am due to frost
delay. He requested that the Board be there by 9am, and hoped that girls would start arriving at
9:30am. Board members need to be there to register new players and to make objective evaluations
of players. They are also necessary for crowd/girl control. Registration will be performed manually
and we should heavily encourage people to come out to these tryouts due to the good possibility
that there will be rain at the following tryouts. Girls are permitted to tryout twice.
IX. Opening Ceremonies
As M.J. Miguelgorry was absent, George wanted to verify that she was up to date on her duties for
the Opening Ceremonies. Had pins been purchased yet? And does she know the sources and
suppliers? Bill Baer mentioned that it would be a fairly straightforward event. She only had to call
the DJ to switch the dates. M.J. will need to order 325 pins and purchase the materials for the felt
banners. Tanille Ramirez will sing the national anthem and George Ramirez will verify that the
honor guard will be in attendance.
X. Fundraising/Sponsors
Brittany Homen and Becky Mattos reported that last year we had 28 sponsors and we will be trying
to get them to sponsor teams again this year. Jennifer Bagley fixed the sponsor letter and Corinna
gave them all the info she had, so letters will be going out this week. Sponsorship costs $285 per
team. Some sponsors, such as Lhoist, Rosendin, and Hazel Hawkins, are automatic sponsors of
teams due to their generous donations. Hazel Hawkins will, once again, donate first aid kits.
Brittany and Becky asked for the Board members to give them the information of anyone who might
be interested in sponsoring. They have also confirmed the apple sales with DeBrito.
XI. Fields Report
Keith Woeste reported the he had met with Al Brookshire, purchased fertilizer and weed killer.
Keith Woeste and Ruben Gaitan fertilized the fields and made sure the sprinklers were working so
the fields would be ready in time for tryouts. They need new zipties for the signs and need to repair
the bleachers at Heat 2 due to vandalism. They are fairly sure that they can fix them and project
Hollister Heat Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting Minutes
that they will only need new brackets to do so. The shed needs to be gone through to take
inventory and the trees need trimming. Lhoist can give them only 10 bags of (chalk?) at a time.
They can no longer give us pallets due to liability issues. George Ramirez agreed to pick them up.
30-40 bags of chalk are needed per year and we only have 3, it will require a few trips to pick up the
rest. They need yellow rope and paint to cover up graffiti as well. Field Beautification days will be
on the 18th and 28th of February. Keith will be in contact with potential volunteers.
XII. Open Agenda
Jennifer Bagley requested the times for the Draft on Sunday, January 29th, so she could reserve the
YMCA. The YMCA will be needed from 9am to 3pm. Majors draft will occur at 9am, AAA draft will
occur at 10am, and AA draft will occur from 1 – 2pm.
The issue was raised that the Heat needs policies and procedures for running the Snack Bar. It
used to be that 2 people counted the revenue every day, then handed it to the Treasurer, who
verified the amount and then deposited it. George Ramirez appointed Anthony Hazen, Margarita
Gaitan, Kaycee Day, and Shaun Zink to the Snack Bar Policies & Procedures Committee.
Dave Super requested verification on when we would receive first aid kits. Brittany reported
we would get them tat the end of February.
Shaun Zink asked if we should reimburse to the people who paid the correct amount for
registration as a few people paid less. The Board agreed that this was a mistake and that the
people who paid more would not receive a $10 refund. He also asked if he should be keeping
track of the Travel Ball account and was informed that it was not necessary, that was the
duty of the Travel Ball Coordinator. However, some accounting for those funds should be
made. There is still an issue of a random Merchant Account. It can be closed at no cost due
to their being no transactions. The Sage merchant account cannot be split from the card
reader lease.
The prospect of passing out flyers was discussed. Bill Baer has made a flyer which he will
email to Becky. Becky agreed to pass those out at the middle school level. There was
discussion on how to get more kindergartners enrolled for the Rookie level. Margarita agreed
to pass out flyers at Cerra Vista and Keith Woeste agreed to pass out flyers at Ladd Lane.
Jennifer Bagley reported that she was talking to HESD about the prospect of the flat rate for
field reservations, but was concerned about possible conflicts with the YMCA and the issue of
her own conflict of interest. She feels that the issue will likely have to go in front of the
School Board for approval. Jennifer Bagley also raised the issue of officially removing the
Treasurer as a signer on the bank accounts as it is not necessary to perform the duties.
Hollister Heat Board of Directors
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Moved by Jennifer Bagley that the Hollister Heat Treasurer not have signing abilities on the
bank accounts, Anthony Hazen seconded, motion carried.
Becky Mattos reported that she was talking to Big 5 about raffle prizes.
Brittany Homen requested Helmet sizes for the raffle prizes.
Dave Super reported that the meeting to distribute fields would be on the 16th; he has
verified Spring Grove and Tres Pinos (although Tres Pinos is not a popular field for practice),
and he will be meeting with Sacred Heart soon. Tina from the Recreation Department is
working with HSD to verify pricing as HESD is charging for fields use. We are still trying to
negotiate a flat rate for the fields. Jennifer Bagley suggested that the Hollister Heat Board
may have to present directly to the HESD School Board of Trustees and should try to get it
added as an agenda item at the next meeting. The Heat requires 48 hours per week of
practice fields. At 5 hours per field that means we need 10 fields, the Recreation department
usually gives us 7.
Bill Baer reported that he had written a draft email to encourage people to attend the first
tryouts, the text sent out to all board members was unintentional. He also asked about the
volunteers who had marked ‘Contact Me’ in the registration form. A system to coordinate
who reaches out to these volunteers needs to be decided on. It was agreed that the Snack
Bar was the highest priority. Margarita Gaitan will be the Volunteer Coordinator.
George Ramirez asked if we should change our next meeting, which is currently scheduled
for Valentine’s Day, to the 13th of February. Moved by Becky Mattos that we move our
February meeting to the 13th of February, Jennifer Bagley seconded, motion carried.
Moved by Keith Woeste that the January 10, 2011 meeting of the Hollister Heat Board of Directors
should be adjourned, Lupe Leija seconded, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:01pm.
Next Meeting: February 13, 2012
Time: 7:00PM
Location: YMCA-351 Tres Pinos Road, Suite A-201, Hollister, CA 95023