The Village of Weston Council April 15, 2013 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jason Worthen at 7pm, followed by the pledge of allegiance. Roll call: Mr. Jeff Helberg, Mrs. Tammy McClellan, Mr. Mark Sheffer, Mr. James Repolesk, and Mr. Shad Kendall were all present. The minutes from the previous meeting (4/1/13) were reviewed and approved as read. Visitors in attendance (observing): Rob Myerholtz, Danelle Langley, Greg Stevens, & Jeremy Schroeder. ------------------------Mr. Sheffer moved to approve the payment register, seconded by Mrs. McClellan, all in favor, passed. (Chk #’s 44656-44686, totaling $15,904.74) The resolution to amend the current Village zoning ordinance regarding the definition of Livestock and procedure for the allowance of certain livestock in residential areas received the second reading. The Mayor read the current livestock definition, and then read the proposed change. Mr. Repolesk brought up the articles that he had emailed out to council about what other towns are doing on this, pointing out that Toledo allows up to 5 chickens for eating. He also talked about how they issue permits, and if we did this, we would have the option not to renew someone’s if they were not in compliance with noise and cleanliness provisions. The Mayor reminded everyone that we’re only dealing with 4-H regulations at this point, and have not moved beyond that. The Fiscal Officer presented a draft of the summer community letter for council to review, and asked for help with folding and stuffing the letters. The Mayor asked again about re-doing our Village logo, but council agreed that it looks good and would like to leave it as is. ------------------------Committee Reports: Mr. Helberg reported on the 4/15/13 Street/Sidewalk committee meeting. They went over the street quotes that the Administrator had received from Rutter & Dudley; they’re still waiting on 2 others to come in before they make any sort of proposal to council. Looking at our budget, they’re going to concentrate mostly on the main routes in/through town. When we get the school property, we may need to patch up the asphalt with cold patch. They discussed getting rid of the grass strip on the west side of Main Street. The Administrator will get an estimate on getting this concreted-in (maybe with decorative stamping). Mr. Sheffer stated that at the Mayor’s conference, the Economic Development Team stressed the importance of sidewalks to economic development. Mrs. McClellan briefly reported on the 4/4/13 Cemetery Board meeting, stating that their new mower is in and tree irrigation bags (for the tree memorial garden) have been purchased. Mr. Sheffer scheduled the next Finance Committee meeting for May 6 th at 6pm. Mr. Sheffer suggested that we get rid of the welcome sign at Kiel/Weston Road, as it seems to be a target for vandals. No decision was made. Mr. Repolesk reported on the 4/2/13 Rec Board meeting: Brittany Hurst has filled the vacant seat, and still needs to be sworn in. They’re waiting until later this summer to install the new park equipment (when baseball is over). Mr. Repolesk gave them info on the anti-graffiti spray that he’d like us use on the new equipment. The Administrator was asked to find out if something like this would work on our welcome signs. They agreed to remove the sandbox at Merrill Park, and possibly the horseshoe pits also. K & K will be donating the time and labor to pour the bleacher pads at the little diamond. They would like for them to be publicly thanked for this. Glenn would like to put shade structures over the dugouts at the small diamond. They may be able to get the labor for free, but they aren’t sure if they have enough to cover the materials. They took down the scoreboard at the large diamonds (didn’t work). Although the land lab area was not salvaged in the school demo, they still want to involve the Boy Scouts somehow in caring for the area. The next meeting was tentatively set for May 7 th. The Mayor told him to make sure they know that they can’t do anything with the school property without coming to council. We don’t have possession yet, but when we do, we’ll go by a Master Plan. Mr. Kendall reported that he’s been working with the Weston Alumni on doing a memorial wall for the school property. It would be similar to what was put up in Grand Rapids. The group has a reunion next month, at which they will discuss this. They’re hoping they can get enough in donations to cover the whole cost. The Administrator will find out if the demo crew was able to keep the capstone intact. Mr. Kendall stated that the Safety Committee will meet next on April 23 rd at 7pm at the Fire Hall. The Mayor will check to see when we’ll meet again with the Sheriff. ------------------------The Mayor asked what we should/could do with the stuff inside the bus garage. He’d like to have an auction or an open sale; once we get possession, we’ll have to see what’s left and whether it would be worthwhile to try and sell it. The Fiscal Officer will check on the rules related to something like this, and find out if we’d have to put anything up for bid. The Mayor asked what we wanted to do for downtown flowers this year. Sarah will plant the box by the flagpole (after Mother’s Day), and we still have all 7 pots to fill from last year. The Mayor asked everyone to turn in their bank petitions by the end of the week. The full trash cans at the parks were discussed. The Administrator said that Paul’s Refuse is supposed to change these once week; he was asked to keep an eye on it. Port-a-pots were also mentioned, as the one at Old Schoolhouse Park has already been tipped over this year. The Administrator was directed to get 3 pieces of fence and make an enclosed area. The Mayor will let the Rec Board know we’re going to do this, but we won’t take the cost out of their budget. The Mayor talked about the Mayor’s Summit he recently attended: Lots of information was given on how to save money on utilities, such as rebates offered by Toledo Edison/First Energy on the purchase of new appliances (since it’s more effective for everyone to reduce usage and save kWh). Information on this will be put in the community letter. He thought we could consider replacing the fridge in the Maintenance Building, and maybe the heat and A/C at the Village Hall. He also thought we should look at changing from Halogen to LED bulbs, since these last about 20 years and would save us money over time. HB5, related to municipal income tax uniformity, was discussed in detail. Several of its provisions stand to be detrimental to local governments, and will our tax reduce revenues even further. He would like for us to do a resolution to oppose HB5, as many others have already. This will be ready for the next meeting. TMACOG was also in attendance, with lots of valuable information on economic development. Mr. Sheffer noted that in the past, we voted not to renew our membership, but it may be beneficial to do so now. Sarah will see if we can join for the remainder of the year. TMACOG will be holding a training on 5/31 (on economic development) if anyone would like to attend. The Mayor plans to set up a meeting with the WCEDC to talk about business ideas, getting a bank in town, etc. Mr. Kendall suggested that they also discuss compiling a list of those willing to sell their properties to incoming businesses. The Mayor informed council that the NWWSD will be having an Open House/re-dedication service on Sunday, April 21st from 1p-4p. They’ll have tours, food, and door prizes. The Mayor announced that the Wood County Commissioners will be holding a town hall meeting here, before our second meeting in September. ------------------------At 8:27pm, Mrs. McClellan moved to go into executive session to discuss the filling of the open council seat (candidates: Stevens, Schroeder, Blandy, and Langley). As Mr. Myerholtz was leaving, he insisted that council isn’t allowed to go into closed session for this reason, since councilmen are not employees of the Village. Not knowing for sure whether or not this was true, council decided to go back into open session. Mrs. McClellan made the motion (at 8:28pm), seconded by Mr. Repolesk, all were in favor. Mrs. McClellan moved to open the floor for nominations, seconded by Mr. Helberg, all in favor, passed. Mrs. McClellan nominated Dawn Blandy and Mr. Sheffer nominated Greg Stevens. No other nominations were made. Mr. Sheffer moved to close the floor for nominations, seconded by Mrs. McClellan, all were in favor. A roll call vote was taken- Mr. Helberg- Blandy; Mrs. McClellanBlandy; Mr. Sheffer- Stevens; Mr. Repolesk- Blandy; and Mr. Kendall- Blandy. Mrs. Blandy was appointed to the open seat. She will be sworn in by the Mayor at or before the next meeting. The Mayor thanked all of the other candidates, and reminded them that they can run this fall, at which time 4 seats will be up for election. ------------------------No further business was brought before council. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm. Sarah Schroeder, Village Fiscal Officer Jason Worthen, Mayor