Ternopil State Technical University Physics III Fall 2010 Course Syllabus Course Overview In the final part of the physics course a quantum physics, which is a modern theory of natural phenomena, is introduced to a student. Using principles of quantum theory as basis, a variety of optical phenomena, internal structure and properties of matter (including modern semiconductor-based devices), nuclear transmutations, multitude of elementary particles explored by high-energy physics, are considered. To imrove analytical skills and develop a creative approach the problem solving sessions will be arranged, complementary to laboratory sessions in optics and condenced matter lab. Course goals By the end of the 3st semester every student will/should be familiar with basic principles of modern physics. Fundamental of optical technologies, solid state physics&technology, nuclear phenomena are covered by this part of the physics course. Recommended Textbooks: “Fundamentals of Physics” by D.Halliday, R.Resnick and J.Walker. “Light and Matter” by Benjamin Crowell, www.lightandmatter.com “Calculus Based Physics” by Jeffrey W.Schnick, creativecommons.org Course WebPage: http://www.tu.edu.te.ua/kafedra/physics/phys_PK3.htm Course Structure Мodule 1 – Optics Units 1 2 3 Geometrical optics Wave optics Quantum optics Total (hrs): Lectures 2 3 3 8 Academic hours* Problem Laboratory solving 2 4 3 4 3 4 8 12 Independent work 10 14 12 36 Мodule 2 – Condensed matter physics. Nuclear physics Units 1 2 3 Quantum theory Solid state physics Nuclear physics Total (hrs): Lectures 3 3 4 10 Academic hours* Problem Laboratory solving 3 2 2 3 2 8 4 Independent work 18 14 17 49 *Every lecture, class or laboratory work lasts 1 hour and 20 min what is equal to two academic hours 3 semester Lectures Laboratory sessions Problem solving Total workload (academic hours) Independent work - 18 - 16 - 16 - 50 - 85 2.1. Lectures Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Geometrical optics laws. Dispersion of light in a matter. Prism spectrograph. Absorption of light. Coherent and monochromatic light. Interference patterns. Interferometers. Diffraction of light. Huygens-Fresnel principle. Fresnel zones. Diffraction on a single slit. Diffraction grating. Resolvability of optical devices. Polarization of light. Polarization by reflection. Birefringence and Nicol prism. Induced optical anisotropy. Thermal sources of light. Kirghoff’s law. Energy distribution in black body radiation spectrum. Quantum hypothesis. Stefan-Boltzmann and Win laws. Optical pyrometry. Photoelectric effect. Short-wave limit for Х-radiation. Photons. Luminous pressure. Corpuscular-wave dualism for radiation. Wave properties of matter. Heisenberg inequaities. Wave function and Schroedinger equation. The simplest problems of quantum mechanics. Hydrogen atom in quantum mechanics. Electron spin. Pauli principle and distribution of electrons in atomic shells. Molecular spectra. Absorption, spontaneous and induced radiation. Lasers. Chemical bonding and internal structure of solids. Fundamentals of quantum theory of specific heat. Phonons. Energy bands in crystals and classification of solids on metals, semiconductors and insulators. Electrons in metals. Fermi level. Explanation of superconductivity. Intrinsic and extrinsic conductivity of semiconductors. Photo-induced conductivity. Contact phenomena. Internal structure of an atomic nucleus. Mess defect and binding energy. Nuclear forces. Models of nuclear physics. Radioactivity. Decay law. Ionizing radiation detection. Interaction of ionizing radiation with matter. Hours 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14. Nuclear reactions. Reactor designs. Environmental issues. 15. Modern views on the Universe structure. Course conclusions. 1 1 2.2. Problem solving Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Geometrical optics Wave optics Quantum optics Wave properties of particles Quantum mechanics Fundamentals of quantum theory of solids Radioactivity. Interaction of radiation with matter. Nuclear reactions. Hours 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.3. Laboratory sessions 1. Introductory session: safety measures, optical measurements. Experimental techniques and optical appliances. (2 hrs.) 2. Team work on demo-assignment. (2 hrs.) 3. Work on individual assignments (14 hrs.) Subject of laboratory experiment Acronym 1. Determination of refraction coefficients of liquind by refractometer. Lab 62 2. Study of luminous field and characteristics of a lightbulb. Lab 63 3. Determination of sugar concentration in water solution by polarimeter. Lab 64 4. Determination of wavelength using Newton rings Lab 65 5. Determination of wavelength by diffraction grating Lab 66 6. Determination of Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Lab 67 7. Study of hydrogen atom emission spectrum. Lab 68 8. 9. Study of voltage-current characteristic and saturation current of emission phototube Determination of Planck constant by phototube method. Lab 69 Lab 70 10. Determinstion of spectral sensitivity of semiconducting photocell. Lab 71 11. Study of photoelectric properties of photoresistor. Lab 72 12. Study of temperature dependence of a semiconductor resistivity. Lab 73 13. Study of gamma absorption of a matter using the Geiger counter. Lab 74