ACUTE and CHRONIC INFLAMMATION GENERAL FEATURES of INFLAMMATION: INFLAMMATION: - Complex reaction to injurious agents (microbes , damaged & necrotic cells) - Consists of Vascular responses (unique feature of inflammation leading to accumulation of fluid and leukocytes in extravascular tissues),migration and activation of leukocytes and systemic reactions - Mechanisms to get rid of these injurious agents include ENTRAPMENT and PHAGOCYTOSIS of offending agents by Hemacytes and neutralization of noxious stimuli through hypertrophy of the host cell or its organelles. - Inflammatory response is closely intertwined with process of REPAIR - Serves to destroy, dilute, or wall off injurious agents and triggers series of events that try to heal and reconstitute damaged tissue (repair begins during early phases of inflammation and reaches completion after injurious influence has been neutralized). - a protective response (goal of which is to rid organism of initial cause (toxins and microbes) and consequences (necrotic cells and tissues) of injury 1 - Absence of Inflammation would let infections go unchecked and never heal – might remain permanent lesions, though inflammation and repair maybe potentially harmful - underlie common chronic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, lung fibrosis, hypersensitivity reactions to insect bites, drugs, and toxins) - Repair by fibrosis – leads to disfiguring scars or fibrous bands that may cause intestinal obstruction or limit mobility of joints - ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS are significant that would control the harmful sequelae of inflammation but not interfere with its beneficial effects - consists of two main components: 1. Vascular Reaction 2. Cellular Reaction Tissues and cells involved includes * Fluids * Plasma Proteins * Circulating cells (neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes, basophils, platelets) * Blood Vessels, 2 * Cellular (mast cells, fibroblasts, resident macrophage, lymphocytes) * Extracellular constituents of connective tissue(collagen, elastin, fibronectin, laminin , non-fibrillar collagen, proteoglycans). - divided in ACUTE and CHRONIC INFLAMMATION ACUTE INFLAMMATION: - rapid in onset - relatively of short duration(lasting for minutes, hours or few days) - main characteristic : exudation of fluid and plasma proteins(edema) - emigration of leukocytes (predominantly neutrophils). - Rapid response to injurious agents that serves to deliver mediators of host defense – LEUKOCYTES and PLASMA PROTEINS - 3 MAJOR COMPONENTS : 1. Vascular Caliber Alterations (leading to increase blood flow) 3 2. Structural Changes in Microvasculature (permit plasma proteins and leukocytes to leave circulation) 3. Emigration of Leukocytes, their accumulation in the site of injury and its activation to eliminate offending agent. EXUDATION: Escape of fluid, proteins and blood cells from vascular system to interstitial tissue and body cavities. EXUDATE : Anti-inflammatory extravascular fluid with High protein concentration Cellular debris Sp. Gr - > 1.020 - Implies significant alteration n the normal permeability of small vessels in the area of injury TRANSUDATE : Fluid with low protein content (albumin) Sp.Gr - <1.020 - essentially an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma resulting from osmotic or hydrostatic imbalance across vessel wall without increase in vascular permeability. EDEMA : Excess of fluid in the interstitial or serous cavities (exudate or transudate) PUS : a purulent exudates/inflammatory exudates filled with leukocytes 4 (neutrophils), dead cell, debris, microbes STIMULI for ACUTE INFLAMMATION: - INFECTIONS (bacterial, viral, parasitic) & microbial toxins - TRAUMA (blunt and penetrating) - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL AGENTS (thermal injury / frostbite, irradiation, environmental chemicals) - TISSUE NECROSIS - FOREIGN BODIES (splinters, dirt, sutures) - IMMUNE REACTIONS (hypersensitivity reactions) CHARACTERISTIC REACTIONS of ACUTE INFLAMMATION: VASCULAR CHANGES A. Changes in Vascular Flow and Caliber 1. Vasodilation: - Earliest manifestation - Follows transient constriction of arterioles - Initially involves arterioles then opening of new capillary beds - Increase blood flow causing heat and redness - induce by action of several mediators (histamine, nitric oxide) - Increase permeability of microvasculature – outpouring of protein rich fluid into the extravascular 5 tissues- Loss of fluid results in red cell concentration in small vessels – increased viscocity of blood - slower blood flow (STASIS) - with STASIS , leukocytes (neutrophils) accumulate and stick along vascular endothelium – migrate through vascular wall – interstitial tissue 2. Increased Vascular Permeability (Vascular Leakage) - Hallmark of Acute Inflammation - Escape of protein-rich fluid (exudate) into extravascular tissue - Loss of protein from the plasma reduces intravascular osmotic pressure of interstitial fluid. Increase hydrostatic pressure due to increase blood flow through vessels leads to outflow of fluid and accumulation in the interstitial tissue – INCREASE of EXTRAVASCULAR FLUID ---EDEMA Mechanisms through which endothelium become LEAKY in inflammation : Formation of Endothelial Gaps in venules : - most common mechanism of vascular leakage (elicited by histamine, bradykinin , leukotrienes, neuropeptide substance P) 6 - occurs rapidly after exposure to mediator and is reversible and short lived - known as IMMEDIATE TRANSIENT RESPONSE - affects venules 20-60 um diameter (leaving capillaries and arterioles unaffected). - Gaps in venular endothelium are largely intracellular - Cytokines (Interleukin-1, Tumor Necrosis Factor, Interferon-y) also increase vascular permeability – inducing structural reorganization of cytoskeleton where endothelial cells retract from one another. Direct Endothelial Injury resulting in Endothelial Cell Necrosis and detachment - usually encountered in necrotizing injuries due to endothelial damage - Adherent endothelial neutrophils also injure endothelial cells - Leakage starts immediately after injury and sustained at high level until damaged vessels are thrombosed or repaired (IMMEDIATE SUSTAINED RESPONSE) 7 - All levels of the microcirculation are affected includes venules, capillaries, arterioles. - Endothelial detachment associated with platelet adhesion and thrombosis. Delayed Prolonged Leakage - Begins after a delay of 2-12 hours, lasts for several hours or days and involves venules and capillaries - Leakage is caused by mild to moderate thermal injury, x-radiation, UV radiation, certain bacterial toxin - Late-appearing sunburn is a delayed reaction - Result from direct effect of the injurious agent leading to delayed endothelial cell damage or the effect of cytokines causing endothelial retraction Leukocyte-Mediated Endothelial Injury - Leukocytes adhere to endothelium and activated in the process, releasing toxic oxygen species and proteolytic enzymes causing endothelial injury or detachment resulting in increase permeability. 8 - This injury is largely restricted to vascular sites (venules, pulmonary and glomerular capillaries) Increase Transcytosis Across Endothelial Cytoplasm - Transcytosis occurs across channels consisting of clusters of interconnected, uncoated vesicles and vacuoles – VESICULOVACOULAR ORGANELLE - VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) cause vascular leakage by increasing number and size of channels - Increase permeability is induce y histamine and most chemical mediators Leakage from New Blood vessels - During repair, endothelial cells proliferate and form new blood vessels (ANGIOGENESIS) - New vessel sprouts remain leaky till endothelial cells mature & form intercellular junctions - VEGF also increase vascular permeability - Endothelial cells in foci of angiogenesis have increase density of receptors for vasoactive mediators (histamine, 9 substance P, & VEGF) – these account for the EDEMA characteristic of healing following inflammation In Summary , Acute Inflammation’s fluid loss from vessels with increased permeability occurs in distinct phases : 1. Immediate Transient Response – lasting 30 minutes or less, mediated by Histamines and Leukotrienes 2. Delayed response starting 2 hours lasting for 8 hours mediated by kinins, & complement products 3. Prolonged response is most noticeable after direct injury (e.g Burns). CELLULAR EVENTS : Leukocyte Extravasation & Phagocytosis (Critical Function of inflammation is the delivery of leukocytes in the site of injury & its activation for their functions in host defense) (leukocytes ingest offending agents, kill bacteria, microbes, rid of necrotic tissues and foreign substances) (Leukocytes may also induce tissue damage and in prolonged inflammation it can also destroy normal host tissues aside from microbes and necrotic debris) 10 SEQUENCE of EVENTS of LEUKOCYTIC JOURNEY to INTERSTITIAL TISSUE (EXTRAVASATION) A. (Lumen) Margination, Rolling, Adhesion to Endothelium In inflammation, Vascular endothelium is activated permitting leukocytes exit form the blood vessels B. Transmigration across endothelium(DIAPEDESIS) C. Migration in interstitial Tissues toward a chemotactic stimulus I. LEUKOCYTE ADHESION & TRANSMIGRATION - Regulated largely by binding of complementary adhesion molecules on the leukocyte & endothelial surfaces and chemical mediatorschemoattractants and cytokines - Adhesion Receptors include : (SELECTINS, IMMUNOGLOBULINS, INTEGRINS , MUCIN-LIKE GLYCOPROTEINS) SELECTINS : Extracellular N-terminal domain related to lectins : E-selectin – CD62E also known as ELAM-1 confined to endothelium, 11 P-selectin – CD62P also known GMP140 or PAGDEM present in endothelium & platelets L-selectin – CD621 expressed on most leukocyte types IMMUNOGLOBULIN FAMILY MOLECULES Includes 2 endothelial adhesion molecules: ICAM – Intercellular Adhesion Molecule VCAM – Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule Both serve as Ligands for integrins found on Leukocytes INTEGRINS Transmembrane heterodimeric glycoproteins made up of a & B chains, binds to ligands on endothelial cells, leukocytes and extracellular matrix MUCIN-LIKE GLYCOPROTEINS Heparan Sulfate serves as ligands for Leukocyte adhesion molecules (CD44)found in the extracellular matrix cell surface Multistep process of Leukocytic recruitment to sites of injury and infection 12 Induction of Adhesion Molecules on Endothelial Cells - Mediators include histamine, thrombin, platelet activating factor – stimulates redistribution of P-selectins from normal intracellular stores in granules (weibel-palades bodies) to the cell surface. - Tissue macrophages, mast cells, endothelial cells respond to injurious agents by secreting the cytokines TNF, IL-1 & Chemokines. - TNF and IL-1 act on endothelial cells of postcapillary venules adjacent to the infection - TNF & IL-1 also induce endothelial expression of ligands for integrins mainly VCAM & ICAM-1 - Chemokines produced at the site of injury enter blood vessels bind to endothelial cell heparin sulfate glycosaminoglycans (proteoglycans) in high concentrations on the endothelial surface. - Chemokines act on rolling leukocytes and activates it Migration of the Leukocytes through the Endothelium(Transmigration or Diapedesis) 13 - Chemokines act on the adherent leukocytes and stimulate cells to migrate on interendothelial spaces towards the site of injury or infection - Leukocyte diapedesis(similar to increased vascular permeability) occurs predominantly in the venules (except in lungs). - Leukocytes are retarded in their journey by the continuous venular basement membrane then eventually pierces the BM by secreting collagenases, then leucocytes rapidly accumulate where they are needed. - Once leukocytes enter the extravascular connective tissue, they adhere to the extracellular matrix by B1 integrins and CD44 binding to matrix proteins where they are now retained at the site till needed. Clinical Genetic Deficiencies in Leukocyte Adhesion Proteins Characterized by : - impaired leukocyte adhesion - recurrent bacterial infection Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1(LAD1) - Patients have defect in biosynthesis of B2 chain shared by the LFA-1 and Mac-1 integrins 14 Leucocyte adhesion deficiency type 2 (LAD2) - caused by the absence of Sialyl-Lewis X, fucose-containing ligand for E selectin due to a defect in fucosyl transferase-enzyme that attaches fucose moieties to protein backbones. Type of emigrating leukocyte varies with age of inflammatory response and type of stimulus. In most of acute inflammation, neutrophils predominate in the inflammatory infiltrate during the 1st 6-24 hours then replaced by monocytes in 24-48 hours - neutrophils are more numerous in the blood - they respond rapidly to chemokines, - attached firmly to adhesion molecules that rapidly induced on endothelial cells such as P & E selectins). - after entering tissues, neutrophils are short-lived and undergo apoptosis, disappear in 24-48 hours (monocytes survived longer) - exception noted in Pseudomonas infection where neutrophils predominate over 2-4 days, 15 - viral infections, lymphocytes are 1st cells to arrive - hypersensisitivity reactions, eosinophilic granulocytes are the main cell type II . CHEMOTAXIS - Leukocytes emigrate in tissues toward site of injury - Locomotion oriented along a chemical gradient - Granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes respond ot chemotactic stimuli with varying rates of speed - Both exogenous and endogenous substance act as chemoattractants - - EXOGENOUS AGENTS (bacterial products, peptides with N-formylmethionine terminal amino acid) ENDOGENOUS CHEMOATTRACTANTS (chemical mediators such as 1. Components of complement system (particularly C5a) 2. Products of the lipooxygenase pathway (mainly leukotriene B4LTB4) 3. Cytokines (particularly chemokine family e.g IL-8) 16 How does leukocyte sense chemotactic agents and how do these substances induce directed cell movement : - All chemotactic agents mentioned bind to specific 7 transmembrane Gprotein-coupled receptors (GCPRs) on the surface of leukocytes - Signals initiated from these receptors result in recruitment of Gproteins and activation of effector molecules including PHOSPHOLIPASE C (PLCy), PHOSPHOINOSITOL-3 KINASE PROTEIN TYROSINE KINASES - GTPases include Polymerization of actin resulting in increased amounts of polymerized actin at leading edge of cell - Leukocyte moves by extending filopodia in the direction of extension - Actin reorganization occur at trailing edge of cell - Actin-regulating proteins (filamin, gelsolin,profiling, calmodulin) interact with actin and myosin in the filopodium to produce contraction III. LEUKOCYTE ACTIVATION - Microbes, necrotic cell products, antigen-antibody complexes, cytokines 17 induces leukocyte response (leukocyte defense function) - Functional Responses induce on leukocyte activation : Production of arachidonic Acid metabolites from phospholipids as a result of Phospholipase A2 by increased intracellular calcium Degranulation & Secretion of lysozomal enzymes & activation of the oxidative burst Secretion of Cytokines – amplify & regulate inflammatory reactions. Activated macrophages-chief source of cytokines involved in inflammation (includes also mast cells and other leukocytes) Modulation of Leukocyte Adhesion Molecules – diff cytokines cause increased enbdothelial expression of adhesion molecules & increased avidity of leukocyte integrinsallowing firm adhesion of activated neutrophils to endothelium Leukocyte surface receptors involved in their activation: - Toll-like receptors function to activate leukocyte in response to 18 different types and components of microbes - play essential roles in cellular responses to bacterial lipolysaccharides (LPS, endotoxin), bacterial proteoglycans, unmethylated CpG nucleotides (all found in bacteria), double-stranded RNA(produced by viruses) - Different 7-transmembrane G-protein- coupled receptor - recognized microbes and mediators produced in response to infections and tissue injury - have a conserved structure with 7 transmembrane a-helical domains, found in neutrophils, macrophages, & are specific for diverse ligand - recognized short peptides containing N-formylmethionyl residues, chemokines, chemotactic breakdown products (C5a & lipid mediators of inflammation, platelet activating factor, prostaglandin E, and LTB). - N-formylmethionine allows neutrophils to detect & respond to bacterial proteins - Binding of ligands such as microbial products & chemokines, 19 to the G-proteins-coupled receptors induces migration of cells from blood through the endothelium & production of microbicidal substances by activation of respiratory burst. - Receptor associated Gproteins in resting cell from stable inactive complex containing Guanosine Diphosphate (GDP) bound to Ga subunits. - Receptor occupied by ligand results in exchange of GTP for GDP. - GTP bound form of G-protein activated cellular enzymes that includes Isoform of Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C – functioning to degrade inositol phospholipids to increase Intracellular Calcium & activate protein kinase C. - The G-proteins stimulate cytoskeletal changes resulting in increase cell motility - Phagocytes express Receptors for Cytokines Produced during Immune Responses - INTERFERON-Y (most important of & major macrophage 20 activating cytokines) secreted by Natural Killer cells during innate immune responses & by antigenactivated T lymphocytes during adaptive immune responses - Receptors for Opsonins promote phagocytosis of microbes coated with various proteins and deliver signals that activate phagocytes OPSONIZATION- coating a particle such as microbe for phagocytosis , OPSONINS are substances that do this & include Antibodies, Complement Proteins & Lectins - IgG Antibodies – most efficient opsonizing particle (specific opsonins) & recognized by high affinity Fcy receptor of phagocytes - Complement system (complement protein 3) are also potent opsonins that bind to microbes & phagocytes expressing a receptor-Complement Receptor 1. These complement fragments are produced when it is activated by the Classical (antibody dependent) or the alternative (antibody independent) pathway. 21 - Plasma proteins, fibronectin, Mannose binding lectins, fibrinogens and C-reactive proteins can coat microbes recongnized by phagocytic receptors. IV. PHAGOCYTOSIS - Responsible for eliminating injurious elements - STEPS involved in phagocytosis: 1. Recognition & Attachment of Particle to be Ingested by Neutrophils 2. Engulfment, with Formation of Phagocytic Vacoule 3. Killing or Degradation of ingested material Recognition & Attachment: Mannose & Scavenger receptors function to bind & ingest microbes MANNOSE Receptor – macrophage lectin that binds terminal mannose & fucose residues of glycoproteins & glycolipids - these sugars are part of the molecules found in microbial cell 22 walls & therefore it recognizes microbes and not host cells SCAVENGER Receptor – bind and mediate endocytosis of oxidized or acetylated low-density lipoprotein particles. Macrophage SR binds variety of microbes for phagocytosis Engulfment : - during engulfment , extensions of the cytoplasm (pseudopods) flow around the particle to be engulfed resulting to complete enclosure of the particle within a phagosome - Membrane of this phagocytic vacuole fuses with limiting membrane of lysosomal granule discharging contents into phagolysosome. Neutrophils and monocytes then become progressively degranulated Killing and Degradation: - ultimate step in the elimination of infectious and necrotic elements thru degradation within the neutrophils and macrophages - microbial killing is accomplished by oxygen-dependent mechanisms 23 - Phagocytosis stimulates burst in oxygen consumption, glycogenolysis, increase glucose oxidation thru hexose monophosphate shunt & production of Reactive Oxygen Intermediates (ROI). - ROI are produced within the lysosome where ingested substance are segregated & cell’s own organelle’s are protected from the harmful effect of the ROI’s. - Bacterial killing occurring by Oxygen-independent mechanism through action of leukocytes substances that includes : * bactericidal permeability increasing protein, a cationic granule-associated protein causing phospholipase activation, phospholipids degradation, & increase permeability in the outer membrane of microorganisms ; * lysozyme – hydrolyzes muramic acid N-acetyl-glucosamine bond found in glycopeptide coat of all bacteria * lactoferrin – iron-binding protein in specific granules major basic protein – cationic protein of eosinophils cytotoxic to many parasites 24 * defensins – cationic arginine-rich granule peptide cytotoxic to microbes. V. RELEASE of LEUKOCYTE PRODUCTS & LEUKOCYTE-INDUCE TISSUE INJURY - during activation and phagocytosis, leukocytes release microbicidal products within phagolysosome & extracellular space. - Lysosomal enzymes – most important substance in neutrophils & macrophages present in the granules of ROI’s & products of arachidonic acid metabolism(includes prostaglandins & leukotrienes) - these products are capable of endothelial injury & tissue damage amplifying effects of initial injurious agent - products of monocytes /macrophages may have additional potentially harmful products & if persistent & unchecked, leukocyte infiltrate itself becomes injurious and leukocyte-dependent tissue injury underlies acute & chronic human diseases. 25 - Regulated secretion of lysosomal proteins is a peculiarity of leukocytes and other hemopoietic cells considering that most secretory cells, proteins are secreted and not stored within lysosomes - Lysosomal granules are secreted by leukocytes into the extracellular area & release may occur if phagocytic vacuole remains open to the outside prior to complete closure of the phagolysosome - If cells are exposed to potentially ingestible materials (immune complexes deposited on immovable flat surface, e.g glomerular BM), attachment of leukocytes to the immune complexes cannot be phagocytosed & these enzymes are released into the medium (frustrated phagocytosis) ( see Table 2-2: Clinical Examples of Leukocyte-induced injury) - Cytotoxic release occur after phagocytosis of potentially membranolytic substance (urate crystals) damaging phagolysosomal membrane - Proteins in certain granules particularly that of neutrophils may be directly secreted by exocytosis - After phagocytosis , neutrophils rapidly undergo apoptotic cell death and are ingested by macrophages. 26 VI. DEFECTS in LEUKOCYTE FUNCTION (see table 2-3 for examples of diseases) - Leukocytes play a central role in host defense - Defects in leukocyte functions, both genetic & acquired, lead to increase vulnerability to Infections - Impairment of leukocyte functionfrom adherence to vascular endothelium to microbicidal activity, existence of clinical genetic deficiencies are all identified. Defects in Leukocyte Adhesion - Genetic deficiencies in Leukocyte Adhesion Molecules (LAD types 1 & 2) is characterized by recurrent infections, impaired would healing. Defects in Phagolysosome Function Chediak-Higashi Syndrome: - Autosomal recessive condition characterized by neutropenia, defective degranulation & delayed microbial killing 27 - There is reduced transfer of lysosomal enzymes to phagocytic vacuole in phagocytes(causing susceptibility to infections) & abnormalities in melanocytes (causing albinism), cells of the nervous system (nerve defects) & platelets(bleeding disorders) - Secretion of granule proteins by cytotoxic T cells is also affected accounting for part of the immunodeficiency seen in this disorder. Defects in Microbicidal Activity Chronic Granulomatous Disease – render patients susceptible to recurrent bacterial infection - results from inherited defects in the genes encoding several NADPH oxidase generating superoxide. - Most common variants are Xlinked defect in one of the plasma membrane-bound components (gp91phox) & autosomal recessive defects in the genes encoding 2 of the cytoplasmic components (p47phox & p67phox) 28 Bone Marrow Depression: - Most frequent cause of leukocyte defect leading to reduced production of leukocytes - Seen following cancer chemotherapies & marrow space compromised by bone tumor metastases - Resident cells in tissues serving important functions in initiating acute inflammation. Mast cells - react to physical trauma, breakdown products of complement, microbial products, & neuropeptides. - cells release histamine, leukotrienes, enzymes and cytokines(TNF, IL-1) Tissue Macrophages – recognized microbial products & secrete most of cytokines in acute inflammation - cells are stationed in tissues to rapidly recognized potentially injurious stimuli & initiate host defense reaction 29 TERMINATION of the ACUTE INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE - Acute inflammatory response needs to be tightly controlled to minimized damage - Inflammation declines because its mediators have short half lives, degraded after their release, produced in quick bursts only as long as the stimulus persists - Process also triggers stop signals serve to actively terminate the reaction which includes: switch in the production of proinflammatory leukotrienes to antiinflammatory lipoxins from arachidonic acid liberation of anti-inflammatory cytokine transforming growth factor-B (TGF-B), from macrophages * other cells neural impulses (cholinergic discharge) that inhibit TNF production in macrophages CHEMICAL MEDIATORS of INFLAMMATION 1. Vasoactive Amines (Histamine/Serotonin) 2. Plasma Proteins (Complement system, kinin system, clotting system) 30 3. Arachidonic Acid Metabolites (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, lipocins) 4. Platelet-Activating Factor 5. Cytokines & Chemokines 6. Nitric Oxide 7. Lysosomal Constituents of leukocytes 8. Oxygen-derived free radicals 9. Neuropeptides Principles & Highlights of Major Chemical Mediators - Mediators originate either from plasma or cells Plasma-derive mediators (complement proteins, kinins) Cell-derived mediators (histamine in mast cell granules) or synthesized de novo (prostaglandins, cytokines) in response to a stimulus Major cellular sources (platelets, enturophils, monocytes/macrophages, mast cells) & mesenchymal cells (endothelium, smooth muscle, fibroblasts) - Production of active mediators is triggered by microbial products or by host proteins (proteins of the complement, kinin, coagulation systems activated by microbes & damaged tissues) 31 - Most mediators initially bind to specific receptors on target cells. Some have direct enzymatic activity (lysosomal proteases), or mediate oxidative damage (reactive oxygen & nitrogen intermediates). - One mediator can stimulate release of other mediators by target cells themselves. They provide amplifying mechanisms. - Mediators can act on one or few target cell type - Once activated & released from the cell, most mediators are: short-lived, quickly decay (arachidonic acid metabolites) inactivated by enzymes (kininase inactivates bradykinin), scavenged (antioxidants scavenged toxic oxygen metabolites), inhibited (complement regulatory proteins break & degrade activated complement components) - Most mediators have potential to cause harmful effects I. VASOACTIVE AMINES 32 - Histamine & Serotonin : preformed stores in cells & first mediators to be released during inflammation Histamine: - widely distributed in tissues - richest source being the mast cells present in connective tissue and blood vessels - found also in blood basophils & platelets - released by mast cells in response to variety of stimuli such as 1. Physical injury (trauma, cold, heat) 2. Immune reactions involving binding of antibodies to mast cells 3. Fragments of complement called Anaphylatoxins (C3a & C5a) 4. histamine-releasing proteins derived from leukocytes 5. Neuropeptides (substance P) 6. Cytokines (IL-1 & IL-8) - causes dilation of arterioles & increase permeability of venules (constricts large arteries) - principal mediator of immediate transient phase of increased vascular permeability causing venular gaps 33 - acts on microcirculation binding to H1 receptors on endothelial cells Serotonin : - 5-hydroxytryptamine - preformed vasoactive mediator similar to histamine - present in platelets & enterochromaffin cells - its released from platelets is stimulated when platelets aggregate after in contact with collagen, thrombin, adenosine diphosphate(ADP), antigenantibody complexes II. PLASMA PROTEINS A. Complement System - Consists of 20 component proteins found in greatest concentration in plasma - Functions in both innate & adaptive immunity for microbial defense - A number of complement component are detailed that cause increase vascular permeability, chemotaxis & opsonization 34 - Complement protein are present as inactive forms in plasma & numbered from C1 to C9, C3(most abundant component) - Many are activated to become proteolytic enzymes degrading other complement proteins - Cleavage of C3 occur in one of three ways: Classical Pathway – triggered by fixation of C1 to antibody (IgM of IgG) combined with antigen Alternative Pathway –triggered by microbial surface molecules (endotoxin or LPS), complex polysaccharides , cobra venom, in the absence of antibody Lectin Pathway – plasma mannose-binding lectin binds to carbohydrates on microbes and activates C1 - Whichever pathway is involved in the early steps of complement pathway, it all leads to the formation of an active enzyme – C3 CONVERTASE ---split into C3a (released) & C3b covalently attached to cell or molecule where complement is being activated & binds to previously generated fragments forming C5 convertase - cleaved to release C5a. Remaining C5b bonds the 35 late components (C6-C9) ---- forming MEMBRANE ATTACK COMPLEX (MAC). - Functional Categories of complement system : 1. Cell Lysis by MAC 2. Effects of proteolytic complement fragments Vascular Phenomena - C3a, C5a & C4a – split products of complement components stimulating release of HISTAMINE from MAST CELLS – increasing vascular permeability & cause vasodilation. They are then called ANAPHYLATOXINS – similar to mediators involved in anaphylactic reactions Leukocyte adhesion, chemotaxis, & activation - C5a – powerful chemotactic agent for neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils Phagocytosis - C3b & cleavage product iC3b (inactive C3b) when fixed to bacterial cell wall, acts as OPSONINS & favor phagocytosis by neutrophils and macrophage bearing cell surface receptors for C3b 36 - C3 & C5 – most important inflammatory mediators - can be activated by several proteolytic enzymes present within the inflammatory exudates that includes plasmin & lysosomal enzymes released from neutrophils - Activation of complement is tightly controlled by Cell-associated & Circulating regulatory proteins. - Presence of these inhibitors in host cell membrane protects host from inappropriate damage during protective reactions against microbes B. Kinin System - Generates vasoactive peptides from plasma proteins called Kininogens by proteases known as Kallikreins. - Activation of KS results in release of Bradykinin – increases vascular permeability cause contraction of smooth muscle, vascular dilation, pain when injected into the skin * Effects similar to that of Histamine - Triggered by activation of Factor 12 (Hageman factor) upon contact with collagen and BM 37 - Prekallikrein (fragment of factor 12a) is produced & converts plasma prekallikrein into active formKALLIKREIN – cleaves a plasmaglycoprotein precursor HMW kininogens – to produce Bradykinin (HMW kininogen that acts as cofactor or catalyst in the activation of Hageman factor). - Potent activator of Hageman Factor allowing autocatalytic amplification of initial stimulus - Has Chemotactic activity & directly converts C5 to chemoattractant product C5a. - Bradykinin – short-lived & quickly inactivated by Kininase C. Clotting System - Interrelated with inflammation - Divided into two(2) pathways that culminates in the activation of THROMBIN - Intrinsic clotting pathway is a series of plasma proteins activated by Hageman Factor (protein synthesized by the liver circulating in inactive form until it encounters collagen or BM or 38 activated platelets-as occurs at the site of endothelial injury) - Protease thrombin provides main link between coagulation system & inflammation - Activation of clotting system results in activation of THOMBIN (factor 2a) from precursor PROTHROMBIN (factor 2) - THROMBIN – enzyme that cleaves circulating soluble fibrinogen to generate an insoluble fibrin clot and is the major coagulation protease. - binds with receptors called Protease-activated receptors (PAF) since they bind multiple trypsin-like serine proteases in addition to thrombin - PAF (7 transmembrane G proteincoupled receptors) expressed on platelets, endothelial & smooth mucles cells. - Engagement of these receptors by proteases, particularly thrombin, triggers responses that induce inflammation that includes : 1. Mobilization of P selectin 2. Production of chemokines 3. Endothelial adhesion molecules for leukocyte integrins 4. Induction of cyclooxygenase-2, 39 5. Production of prostaglandins, production of PAF & nitric oxide 6. Changes in endothelial shape - These promote recruitment of leukocytes & many other inflammatory reactions - At the same time that factor 12a is inducing clotting, it can also activate fibrinolytic system. I counter- balance clotting by cleaving fibrin, solubilizing fibrin clot - Fibrinolytic system contributes to the vascular phenomena of inflammation - Plasminogen activator (released from endothelium & leukocytes) cleaves plasminogen (plasma protein that binds to evolving fibrin clot to generate Plasmin which is important in : * Lysing fibrin clots also cleaves C3 to produce C3 fragments. * It also degrades fibrin to fibrin split products having permeability-inducing properties. * It also activate Hageman factor that trigger multiple cascades amplifying the response How Plasma proteases are activated by kinin, complement, & clotting systems : 40 Most important are the Bradykinin, C3a & C5a (mediators of increased vascularity), C5a (mediator of chemotaxis), Thrombin (has effects on endothelial cells) C3a & C5a generated by 1. Immunologic Reactions involving antibodies(classical pathway) 2. Activation of alternative or lectin complement pathways by microbes in the absence of antibodies 3. Agents not directly related to immune responses such as plasma, kallikrein, and serine proteases found in tissues Activated Hageman Factor (factor 12a) initiates 4 systems involved inflammatory response: 1. Kinin system –producing vasoactive kinins 2. Clotting system – induces formation of thrombin, fibrinopeptides & factor 10 3. Fibrinolytic system – producing plasmin & degrades fibrin 41 4. Complement system – produces anaphylatoxins Coagulation & Inflammation are tightly linked. Acute inflammation, by activating or damaging the endothelium, can trigger coagulation & induce thrombus formation III. ARACHIDONIC ACID METABOLITES: PROSTAGLANDINS, LEUKOTRIENES & LIPOXINS - Lipid mediators known as Autocoids or local short-ranged hormones, formed rapidly, exert their effects locally, and either decay spontaneously or destroyed enzymatically - AA- 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid derived from dietary sources or by conversion from the essential fatty acid linoleic acid. - Normally esterified in membrane phospholipids and released through the action of cellular phospholipases, activated by mechanical, chemical & physical stimuli. - AA metabolites – also called EICOSANOIDS – synthesized by two major classes of enzymes 42 1. Cyclooxygenases (prostaglandins & thromboxanes) 2. Lipooxygenases (leukotrienes & lipoxins) EICOSANOIDS - can mediate every step of inflammation & can be found in inflammatory exudates - Its synthesis is increased at sites of inflammation. CYCLOOXYGENASE PATHWAY - Initiated by 2 different enzymes (COX-1 & COX-2) leading to generation of Prostaglandins (divided into series based on structural features – PGD, PGE, PGF, PGG, & PGH) - Most important ones in inflammation are PGE2, PGD2, PGF2a, PGI2 (prostacyclin), TxA (thromboxane) - Some of these enzymes have restricted tissue distribution like platelets containing enzyme thromboxane synthetase & hence TxA is the major product in these cells. - TxA2 – potent platelet aggregating agent & vasoconstrictor is itself unstable & rapidly converted to its inactive form TxB2 43 - Vascular endothelium lacks thromboxane synthetase leading to formation of Prostacyclin-PGI2 - Prostacyclin – vasodilator - potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation - potentiates permeabilityincreasing & chemotactic effects of other mediators - Thromboxane-prostacyclin imbalance has been implicated as an early event in thrombus formation in coronary & cerebral blood vessels - Prostaglandins – involved in the pathogenesis of pain & fever in inflammation PGE2 – Hyperalgesic that makes skin hypersensitive to painful stimuli Causes marked increased in pain produced by intradermal injection of suboptimal concentrations of histamine & bradykinin involved in cytokineinduce fever during infections PGD2 – Major metabolite of cyclooxygenase pathway in mast cells and along with PGE2 & PGF2a, causes vasodilation, increase postcapillary venule permeability potentiating edema formation COX-1 - responsible for the production of prostaglandins that are 44 involved in inflammation but also serve a homeostatic function ( fluid & electrolye balance in the kidneys, cytoprotection in the GIT). COX-2 - stimulated the production of the prostaglandins involved in inflammatory reactions. LIPOOXYGENASE PATHWAY - initial products generated by 3 different lipooxygenases present in only few cell types. - 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) is the predominant enzyme in neutrophils. - 5-HETE the main product is chemotactic for neutrophils & convereted to LEUKOTRIENES (LTB)potent chemotactic agent & activator of neutrophilic functional responses (aggregation & adhesion of leukocytes to venular endothelium, generation of oxygen free radicals & release of lysosomal enzymes). - Cysteinyl-containing leukotrienes C4, D4 & E4 (LTC4, LTD4, & LTE4) causes Bronchoconstriction Bronchospasm Increase Vascular Permeability LIPOXINS 45 - Bioactive products generated from AA & transcellular biosynthetic mechanisms - Leukocytes(neutrophils) produce intermediates in lipoxin synthesis & converted to lipoxins by platelets interacting with leukocytes. - Lipoxin A4 & B4(LXA4, LXB4) – are generated by the action of platelet 12 lipooxygenase on neutrophil derived LTA4 - Cell-cell contact enhances transcellular metabolism & blocking adhesion inhibits lipoxin production - Principal action of lipoxins are to inhibit leukocyte recruitment & cellular components of inflammation - They inhibit neutrophil chemotaxis & adhesion to endothelium RESOLVINS - AA-derived mediators that inhibit leukocyte recruitment & activation, in part by inhibiting production of cytokines - Thus the anti-inflammatory activity of aspirin is due to its ability to inhibit 46 cyclooxygenases & to stimulate the production of resolvins CYCLOOXYGENASE INHIBITORS - include aspirin & NSAIDS (indomethacin) - inhibits prostaglandin synthesis BROAD SPECTRUM INHIBITORS - include glucocorticoids - anti-inflammatory agents acts by downregulating expression of specific target genes-including genes encoding COX-2, Phospholipases A2, proinflammatory cytokines(IL-1 & TNF), & Nitric Oxide synthase IV. PLATELET-ACTIVATING FACTOR (PAF) - Bioactive phospholipid-derived mediator - Factor derived from antigen-stimulated, IgE-sensitized basophils causing platelet aggregation - Platelets, basophils, mast cells, neutrophils, monocytes/macrophage & endothelial cells elaborate PAF 47 - In addition to platelet stimulation, it causes vasoconstriction & bronchoconstriction & at low concentrations, it induces vasodilation & increased venular permeability - Also causes increased leukocyte adhesion to endothelium, chemotaxis, degranulation, & oxidative burst - Can elicit most of the cardinal features of inflammation - Boosts the synthesis of other mediators particularly eicosanoids, by leukocytes & other cells V. CYTOKINES & CHEMOKINES - Proteins produced principally by activated lymphocytes & macrophages, but also endothelium, epithelium & connective tissue cells - Long known to be involved in cellular immune responses, & play important roles in acute & chronic inflammation Tumor Necrosis Factor & Interleukin-1 - Two major cytokines that mediate inflammation - Produced mainly by activated macrophages 48 - Cytokine resembling TNF (lymphotoxin) is produced by activated T lymphocytes. - Secretion of both is stimulated by endotoxin & microbial products, immune complexes, physical injury & other inflammatory stimuli. - Their most important action in inflammation are their effects in the endothelium, leukocytes & fibroblasts - They induce synthesis of endothelial adhesion molecules & chemical mediators (includes cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, eicosanoids & nitric oxide - TNF induces priming of neutrophils leading to augmented responses of cells to other mediators - Induce systemic acute phase reactants associated with infection or injury Features of the systemic responses include Fever Loss of apetite Slow-wave sleep Release of neutrophils into circulation Release of corticotropins & corticosteroids 49 With regard to TNF, hemodynamic effects of septic shock: Hypotension Decreased vascular resistance Increased heart rate Decreased blood pH - TNF also regulates body mass by promoting lipid & protein mobilization & by suppressing appetite - Sustained production of TNF contributes to Cachexia (weight loss & anorexia that accompanies infections & neoplastic diseases) Chemokines - proteins that act primarily as chemoattractants for specific types of leukocytes - Classified into four (4) major groups accdg to cysteine residue arrangement 1. C-X-C chemokines (alpha chemokine) - act primarily on neutrophil - IL-8 is common in this group - It is secreted by activated macrophages, endothelial cells - causes activation & chemotaxis of neutrophils - most important inducers are microbial products & IL-1 & TNF 50 2. C-C chemokines (Beta Chemokines) - include monocyte chemoattractant protein, eotaxin, macrophage inflammatory protein-1a and RANTES - attracts monocytes, eosinophils, basophils & lymphocytes 3. C Chemokines (gamma chemokine) - relatively specific for lymphocytes 4. CX3C Chemokine - contains 3 aminoi acid between cysteines. - exist in two(2) forms – a.Cell surface-bound protein induced on endothelial cells by inflammatory cytokines & promote adhesion of monocyte & T cells b. Soluble form- derived by proteolysis of the membrane bound protein that has potent chemoattractant activity for same cells - Chemokines stimulate leukocyte recruitment in inflammation & control the normal migration of cells through tissues - Chemokines are transiently produced n response to inflammatory stimuli & promote the recruitment of leukocytes to the sites of inflammation 51 NITRIC OXIDE - Pleiotropic mediator of inflammation released from endothelial cells causing vasodilation by relaxing smooth muscle cell - Known as Endothelium-derived relaxing factor - Soluble gas produced by endothelial cells & macrophage & some neurons of the brain - Plays important role in vascular & cellular components of inflammatory responses - Potent vasodilator by virtue of its actions on the vascular smooth muscle - Reduces platelet aggregation & adhesion - Inhibits mast cell-induced inflammation - Serves as endogenous regulator of leukocyte recruitment - Production of NO is an endogenous compensatory mechanism reducing inflammatory responses. - Its derivatives are microbicidal & mediator of host defense against infection 52 Lysosomal Constituents of Leukocytes - Neutrophils & Monocytes contain lysosomal granules that contribute to inflammatory response - Two (2) Main Types of granules 1. Specific (Secondary) Granules: Smaller granules that contain Lysozyme, collagenase, gelatinase, lactoferrin,plasminogen activator, histaminase & alkaline phosphatase. 2. Large Azurophil (Primary) granules: contain myeloperoxidase, bactericidal factors (lysozymes, defensins), acid hydrolases, neutral proteases(elastase, cathepsin G, non-specific collagenases, proteinases) - Both types of granules empty into phagocyttic vacuoles that formed around engulfed material - Granule contents released into the extracellular space - Specific granules secreted extracellularly & with lower concentration of agonists - More destructive azurophil granules release their contents within the phagosome & require high levels of agonists for release extracellularly 53 Functions of different granule enzymes: Acid Proteases – degrade bacteria & debris within the phagolysosomes Neutral Proteases – capable of degrading various extracelular components. Can attack collagen, BM, fibrin, elastin & cartilage, resulting in tissue destruction that accompanies inflammation Neutrophil elastase – degrade virulence factors of bacteria combating bacteria infection Acid hydrolases, collagenases, elastase, phospholipase & plasminogen activator – Active enzymes in chronic inflammatory reactions With the destructive effects of lysosomal enzymes, if initial effects of leukocytic infiltration left unchecked, it can further potentiate increase vascular permeability & tissue damage Antiproteases in serum & fluid serves to check harmful effects of proteases Alpha-1 Antitrypsin - major inhibitor of neutrophil elastase - Deficiency may lead to sustained action of leukocyte proteases Macroglobulin – another antiprotease found in serum & fluids 54 Oxygen-Derived Free Radicals - released extracellularly from leukocytes after exposure to microbes, chemokines, immune complexes or after phagocytic challenge. - Produced by activation of the NADPH oxidative system - Major species produced within the cells 1. Superoxide anion (O2) 2. Hydrogen peroxide (H202) 3. Hydroxyl radical (OH) - Extracellular release of these mediators increase expression of chemokines, cytokines, & endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule eliciting cascade of inflammatory response - Physiologic function of these reactive oxygen intermediates is to destroy phagocytosed microbes Release of these potent mediators can be damaging to host cells causing: 1. Endothelial cell damage with increase vascular permeability 2. Inactivation of antiproteases (a1antitrypsin)leading to unopposed protease activity resulting to increase ECM destruction. 55 3. Injury to other cell types (parenchymal cells, RBC’s). - Antioxidant mechanisms produced by serum & tissue fluids serve to protect against potentially harmful oxygen-derived radicals: Includes: 1. Ceruloplasmin (copper containing serum protein) 2. Transferrin (iron free fraction of serum) 3. Superoxide Dismutase 4. Catalase (detoxifies H2O2) 5. Glutathione Peroxidase (powerful H2O2 detoxifier) Neuropeptides - similar to vasoactive amines & eicosanoids - play a role in the initiation & propagation of inflammatory reponse - Peptides Substance P & Neurokinin produced in the CNS & PNS Substance P : Prominent in Lung & GIT Functions: - Transmission of pain signals, - Regulation of Blood Pressure, - Stimulation of secretion of endocrine cells - Increase Vascular Permeability 56 OUTCOMES of ACUTE INFLAMMATION 1. Complete Resolution - all inflammatory reaction, after neutralizing & eliminating injurious stimulus , end with restoration of site of inflammation to normal (known as resolution) - Resolution involves: - neutralization or spontaneous decay of chemical mediators - return to normal vascular permeability - cessation of leukocytic infiltration - death (by apoptosis) of neutrophils - removal of edema fluid and protein, leukocytes, foreign agents & necrotic debris form site 2. Healing by Connective Tissue Replacement (Fibrosis) - occurs after substantial tissue destruction when inflammatory injury involves tissues incapable o regeneration when there is abundant fibrin exudation when fibrinous exudates in tissue or serous cavities (pleura & 57 peritoneum) cannot be cleared, connective tissue grows into the area of exudates—converting to mass of fibrous tissue (organization) 3. Progression of the tissue response to Chronic Inflammation MORPHOLOGIC PATTERNS of ACUTE INFLAMMATION - All acute inflammatory reactions are characterized by Vascular changes & leukocyte infiltration, severity of its reaction & its specific cause, particular tissue & site involved introduced morphologic variations in basic patterns SEROUS INFLAMMATION - Marked by the outpouring of thin fluid derived from either the plasma or secretions of mesothelial cells lining the peritoneal, pleural & pericardial cavities (effusion). - Skin blister form burn or viral infection represents large accumulation of serous fluid within or beneath the skin epidermis FIBRINOUS INFLAMMATION - with severe injuries & greater vascular permeability, larger molecules (fibrinogen) pass vascular barrier & 58 form fibrin deposited in extracellular space - Fibrinous exudates develops when vascular leaks are large enough - Fibrinous exudate is characteristic of inflammation in the lining of body cavities (meninges, pericardium & pleura). - Histologically fibrin appears as eosinophilic meshwork of threads as an amorphous coagulum - Fibrinous exudates may be removed by fibrinolysis & clearing of other ddebris by macrophages - Process of resolution may restore normal tissue structure but if fibrin is not removed, may stimulate growth of fibroblasts & blood vessels---Scarring - Conversion of fibrinous exudates to scar tissue (organization) within the pericardial sac leads to fibrous thickening of the pericardium & epicardium & development of fibrous strands reducing and obliterating pericardial space. 59 SUPPURATIVE or PURULENT INFLAMMATION - Characterized by production of large amount of pus or purulent exudates consisting of neutrophils, necrotic cells & edema fluid - Bacteria (staphylococci) produce localized suppuration referred to as pyogenic/pus-forming bacteria - Common example is Acute Appendicitis - Abscess – localized collections of purulent inflammatory tissue caused by suppuration buried in a tissue, an organ or confined space - Produced by deep seeding of pyogenic bacteria into a tissue - Have a central region appearing as mass of necrotic leukocytes & tissue cells - there usually is a zone of neutrophils around this necrotic focus & vascular dilation with parenchymal & fibroblastic proliferation occur (beginning of repair) - abscess maybe walled off & ultimately replaced by connective tissue 60 ULCERS - local defect, or excavation , of the surface of an organ produced by sloughing (shedding) of inflammatory necrotic tissue - can occur when tissue necrosis & resultant inflammation exist on or near a surface - commonly encountered in 1. Inflammatory necrosis on the mucosa of mouthn stomach, intestines or GUT 2. Subcutaneous inflammation of the lower extremities (older persons) having circulatory disturbances predisposing to extensive necrosis - Best exemplified by peptic ulcer of the stomach & duodenum where acute & chronic inflammation coexist - In acute stage, intense neutrophilic infiltration & vascular dilatation in the margins of defect noted - With chronicity – margins and base of ulcer develops fibroblastic proliferation, scarring & accumulation of lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells 61 SUMMARY of ACUTE INFLAMMATION 1. Host encounter injurious agent (infectious microbe/dead cells) 2. Phagocytes from tissues get rid of these agents 3. Phagocytes / host cells react to presence of foreign substance by liberating cytokines & other inflammatory mediators 4. These mediators act on endothelial cells & promote efflux of plasma & recruits circulating leukocytes to the site of injury 5. Activated leukocytes removed offending agent by phagocytosis 6. If agent is eliminated & anti-inflammatory mechanisms become active – process subsides 7. If agent not immendiately eliminated ---CHRONIC INFLAMMATION 62 CHRONIC INFLAMMATION: - inflammation of prolonged duration (weeks or months) - active inflammation , tissue destruction and attempts at repair are proceeding spontaneously - frequently begins insidiously as low grade, smoldering, often asymptomatic response (cause of tissue damage in most common disabling human diseases – rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, TB and chronic lung diseases). CAUSES of CHRONIC INFLAMMATION : - Arises in the following settings : Persistent infections by microorganisms (TB bacilli, treponema pallidum, viruses, fungi, parasites) of low toxicity & could evoke immune reaction called Delayed Type Hypersensitivity & sometimes take a specific pattern called Granulomatous Reaction Prolonged exposure to potentially toxic agents-Exogenous (e.g. nondegradable particulate, silica, when inhaled for prolonged 63 periods results in inflammatory lung disease – silicosis) Endogenous (Atherosclerosis – chronic inflammatory process of the arterial wall induced by endogenous toxic plasma lipid components) Autoimmunity : immune reactions developing gainst individual’s own tissues – autoimmune disorders. - autoantigens evoke self perpetuating immune reaction resulting in chronic tissue damage & inflammation MORPHOLOGIC FEATURES: - Infiltration of mononuclear cells (macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells) - Tissue destruction – induced by persistent offending agent or inflammatory cells - Attempts at healing by connective tissue replacement of damaged tissue (accomplished by small vessel proliferation-angiogenesis, and fibrosis). MONONUCLEAR CELL INFILTATION - Macrophage is the dominant cellular player & one component of the 64 mononuclear phagocyte system (reticuloendothelial system) Consists of closely related cells of Bone marrow origin – includes blood monocytes and tissuemacrophages Diffusely scattered in connective tissue or in the liver (kuppfer cells), spleen & lymph nodes(sinus histiocytes) and lungs (alveolar macrophages). Arise from common precursor in the bone marrow - -- blood monocytes – migrate in tissues – differentiates into Macrophages. Monocytes (half life of 1 day) Tissue macrophages (half life of several months to years) - Monocytes emigrate early into exytravascular tissues early in acute inflammation & its extravasation is similarly governed by factors in neutrophil emigration (adhesion molecules & chemical mediators with chemotactic and activating properties) - When it reach the tissue, transformed into a larger phagocytic cell – MACROPHAGE, activated by several stimuli (cytokines-IFN-y), secreted by Tlymphocytes & NK cells, & bacterial endotoxins. 65 - Activation results in increased cell size, levels of lysosomal enzymes, more active metabolism, greater ability to phagocytose, & kill ingested microbes - Activated macrophages secrete variety of biologically active products & if unchecked result in tissue injury & fibrosis (characteristic of chronic inflammation). - Short lived inflammation, if irritant is eliminated, macrophages eventually disappear through either dying off or lymphatics & lymph nodes) Mechanisms by which macrophage accumulation persists in Chronic Inflammation: 1. Recruitment of monocytes from the circulation -resulting from adhesion molecules and chemotactic factors - similar to recruitment of neutrophils - Chemotactic stimuli includes chemokines produced by activated macrophages, lymphocytes & other cell types. 2. Local proliferation of Macrophages after emigration from the bloodstream 66 3. Immobilization of Macrophage within the site of inflammation caused by certain cytokines and oxidized lipids Products of activated macrophages serve to eliminate injurious agents (microbes) to initiate process of repair & responsible for much of the tissue injury. Some of these products are toxic to microbes and host cells (reactive oxygen & nitrogen intermediates) extracellular matrix (proteases) cause influx of other cell types (cytokines chemotactic factors) cause fibroblast proliferation, collagen deposition & angiogenesis These mediators makes macrophages powerful allies in the body’s defenses against unwanted debris but similar arsenals are used to induce considerable tissue destruction when inappropriately activated making tissue destruction as one of the hallmarks of Chronic Inflammation 67 Variety of substances may also contribute to tissue damage - Necrotic tissue perpetuate inflammatory cascade through activation of kinin, coagulation, complement, & fibrinolytic systems, release of mediators from leukocytes responding to necrotic tissue - Other cells in Chronic Inflammation : Lymphocytes - mobilized in both antibody mediated & cell mediated immune reactions - Antigen stimulated lymphocytes (T & B) use adhesion molecule pairs (integrins & their ligands) & chemokines to migrate to inflammatory site - Cytokines from activated macrophages mainly TNF, IL-1 & chemokines promote leukocyte recruitment - Lymphocytes & Macrophages interact bidirectionally for chronic inflammatory response - Macrophage display antigens to T-cells & produce membrane molecules & cytokines (IL-12) that stimulate T-cell responses 68 - Activated T lymphocyte produce cytokines (IFN-y)-major activator of macrophage Plasma Cells - Develop from B Lymphocytes & produce antibody-directed either against persistent antigen in the inflammatory site or altered tissue components - May assume morphologic features of lymphoid organs (lymph nodes) . Eosinophils - Abundant in immune reactions mediated by IgE & in parasitic infections - Eotaxin – chemokine important for eosinophilic recruitment - Have granules that contain major basic protein toxic to parasites but also cause lysis of epithelial cells (can control parasitic infection but contribute also to tissue damage in immune reaction) Mast Cells - widely distributed in connective tissues - participate in both acute & persistent inflammatory reactions 69 - express in their surface the receptors binding the Fc portion of IgE antibody. - In acute reactions, IgE antibodies bound to cells Fc receptors specifically to recognize antigen & cells degranulate & release mediators (histamine & products of arachidonic acid oxidation). - This type of response occur during anaphylactic reactions to foods, venom, drugs, frequently with catastrophic results - Present in chronic inflammatory reaction producing cytokines that contribute to fibrosis GRANULOMATOUS INFLAMMATION : - pattern of chronic inflammatory reaction characterized by focal accumulation of activated macrophages, developing an epithelioid appearance. - Encountered in immunologically mediated infectious 7 non-infectious conditions - Tuberculosis is the prototype of Granulomatous diseases sarcoidosis cat-scratch 70 lymphogranuloma inguinale leprosy syphilis mycotic infections reaction to irritant lipids - Granuloma – focus of chronic inflammation consisting of aggregation of macrophages, transformed into epitheliallike cells surrounded by mononuclear leukocytes( lymphocytes & occasional plasma cells) - Frequently epithelioid cells fused to form Giant Cells in the granuloma – containing several nuclei, 20 or more, (Langhan’s-type Giant Cell). - Two types of granuloma : Foreign Body Granulomas incited by inert foreign bodies but do not incite specific inflammatory or immune response Immune Granulomas caused by insoluble particles (microbes) capable of inducing cellmediated immune response - produce granulomas when inciting agent is poorly degradable or particulate - macrophages then engulfed the foreign material & present to T lymphocytes for their activation - The T cells then produce cytokines (IL-2) activating other T 71 cells, & IFN-y important in activating macrophages transforming them to epithelioid cells & multinucleated giant cells. - The prototype of Immune granuloma is that caused by bacillus of TB The granuloma is referred to as Tubercle characterized by presence of central caseous necrosis. LYMPHATICS in INFLAMMATION - System of lymphatics & lymph nodes filters & polices extravascular fluid - With mononuclear phagocyte system, it represents secondary line of defense when local inflammatory reaction fails to contain & neutralize microbes. - (Lymphatics) are delicate channels lined by continuous thin endothelium with loose overlapping cell junctions, scant basement membrane with no muscular support - Lymph flow is increased & helps drain the edema fluid from extravascular space. - Leukocytes and cell debris also find their way to lymphs 72 - Severe injuries, drainage may also transport offending agent (chemical or microbial). - Lymphangitis - lymphatics secondarily inflamed as Lymphadenitis inflammed draining lymph nodes - Nodal enlargement – caused by hyperplasia of the phagocytic cells lining the sinuses of LN’s (reactive/inflammatory lymphadenitis). - Bacteremia – severe infections that gain access to the vascular circulation where liver, spleen & bone marrow constitute next line of defense. SYSTEMIC EFFECTS of INFLAMMATION - Acute Phase Response / Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome - Systemic changes associated with inflammation in patients with infections - Reactions to cytokines stimulated by bacterial products such as LPS & other inflammatory stimuli FEVER - Most prominent manifestation when inflammation is associated with infection - Produced in response to substances ( PYROGENS) that act by stimulating 73 prostaglandins synthesis in the vascular & perivascular cells of hypothalamus - Bacterial products- LPS (exogenous pyrogens) stimulates leukocytes to release cytokines (IL-1 & TNF endogenous pyrogens) that increase enzymes (cyclooxygenases) converting AA to prostaglandins - Hypothalamus : Prostaglandins-PGE2 stimulate production of neutrotransmitters (cyclic AMP) functions to reset temperature set point at higher level - NSAIDS & aspirin reduced fever by inhibiting cyclooxygenase blocking prostaglandin synthesis ACUTE-PHASE PROTEINS - Plasma proteins synthesized in the liver whre its concentration increased hundred-fold in response to inflammatory stimuli - Three proteins known are C-reactive protein (CRP) Fibrinogen, Serum Amyloid A protein (SAA) - CRP & SAA bind to bacterial cell walls, act as opsonins & fix complement 74 - Bind also to chromatin aiding in clearing necrotic cell nuclei - Rise in fibrinogen causes erythrocytes to form stacks (rouleaux) that sediment rapidly at unit gravity that individual erythrocytes thus the basis for ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) test for systemic inflammatory response - Elevated levels of CRP used as marker for increased risk of myocardial infarction in patients with Coronary Artery Diseases - Inflammation involving atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries predisposes to thrombosis & infarction and thus CRP is produced during inflammation. LEUKOCYTOSIS - Common feature of inflammatory reaction especially those induced by bacterial infection - Leukocyte count may reach 15 to 20T cells/ul. - Extreme elevations referred to as leukemoid reactions (similar to counts obtained in leukemia) - Occurs due to accelerated release of cells from the bone marrow postmitotic 75 reserve pool(caused by cytokines IL-1 & TNF), associated with rise of more immature neutrophils in blood (shift to the left) - Prolonged infection induces proliferation of precursors in bone marrow cause by increase production of colony stimulating factors (CSF) - Neutrophilia – increased in blood neutrophil count (bacterial infection) - Lymphocytosis – absolute increase in numbers of lymphocytes (viral infections-infectious mononucleosis,, mumps, german measles) - Eosinophilia – absolute increase in the number of eosinophils (bronchial asthma, parasitic infections). - Leukopenia encountered in infections overwhelmed patients with disseminated cancers or rampant TB, also with certain infections (typhoid fever). Other manifestations of acute phase response - increase pulse & blood pressure - decrease sweating - rigors (shivering), chills, anorexia, somnolence, malaise Severe Bacterial infections (sepsis) 76 - large amounts of organisms & LPS in the blood stimulate production of enormous quantities of several cytokines-TNF & IL-1 - High levels of TNF may cause DIC (disseminated Intravascular Coagulation - Thrombosis results from 2 simultaneous reactions - LPS & TNF induce tissue factor expression on endothelial cells initiating coagulation - same agents inhibit natural anticoagulation mechanisms by decreasing expression of tissue factor pathway inhibitor & endothelial cell thrombomodulin - Cytokines cause liver injury & impaired liver function resulting in failure to maintain normal glucose levels-lack of gluconeogenesis from stored glycogen - Overproduction of NO by cytokineactivated cardiac myocytes & vascular smooth muscle cells lead to heart failure & loss of perfusion pressure resulting in hemodynamic shock - Clinical Triad of DIC, hypoglycemia & CV failure leads to Septic Shock. 77 CONSEQUENCES of DEFECTIVE or EXCESSIVE INFLAMMATION Defective Inflammation - results in susceptibility to infections & delayed healing of wounds & tissue damage Excessive Inflammation - basis of many categories of human diseases - well established in allergies & autoimmune diseases – where immune responses develop against normally tolerated self-antigens 78 79 80 81 82 83