INTRODUCTION TO MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY PSYC 350 Summer, 2011 Koc University Instructor: Raquel Delevi, Ph.D.,MFTI, CFLE Email: Class time: 9.30-11.20am MTWTh Class place: ENG B16 Office no: SOS 274 Best way to contact me: Via email COURSE DESCRIPTION: This purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to marriage and family therapy and systems theory. Selected family therapy frameworks including structural, intergenerational (Bowenian), solution focused, experiential, and narrative theories will be presented. Techniques and skills necessary to assess, conceptualize, and establish therapeutic rapport with families will be practiced through role plays and case analyses. OBJECTIVES As a result of the completion of this course, students will be able to: Apply systemic perspective in understanding and assessing family dynamics. Identify basic concepts and techniques of established models of family therapy. Demonstrate skills pertinent to family therapy. Examine their family experiences better through genogram construction and interpretation. Identify family dynamics and effectively work with families. LEARNING FORMAT Lecture, small group interaction, role plays, case study reviews, genogram construction, and reading. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS Nichols, M. P. (2010). Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods (9th Ed.), Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. GRADES AND ASSIGNMENTS Students will be awarded a point total from their performance in these areas: 1. Attendance 10 points 2. Family Genogram (10) and Reaction Paper (15) 25 points 3. In class assignments/case study discussions/Quizzes 15 points 4. Therapist interview and personal reaction paper 20 points 5. Group Project-Specific Population Presentation 40 points 6. 1 midterm (50 points) and 1 final (50 points) 100 points TOTAL POSSIBLE 200 points COURSE SPECIFICS 1. ATTENDANCE Attendance will be taken daily by a sign in sheet. It is your responsibility to sign the attendance sheet daily. If you forget to sign the attendance sheet you will not be counted as present for that class. PUNCTUALITY IS IMPORTANT FOR ME. If you expect me to be in class on time, I expect the same from you. When you come in late, it distracts me, and it is disrespectful for your other classmates who make a point of being punctual. Furthermore, it is not fair to give the late comers full attendance points because they are not in class for the whole class period. Therefore, please understand my sensitivity in this matter and DO NOT COME TO CLASS LATE AT ALL. Your attendance grade will be calculated at the end of the session when 10 days of attendance are randomly selected and your presence or absence on these days is determined. Absences are excused only when documentation of illness, loss of family member, or religious holiday is presented to the instructor within 2 days of the absence. The days indicated on the excuse will be accepted as verification of the excused absence. In the case that you miss an exam due to an unforeseen event or illness, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor within 1 day (24 hours) before or after the scheduled exam date; documentation will be required. If you are aware that you will miss an exam due to an excused scheduled event (funeral, athletic event, religious holiday), the instructor must be notified as soon as possible before the event and another time will be arranged to take the exam. Scheduled events do not include unexcused absences such as weddings, vacations, or early departures. 2. FAMILY GENOGRAM AND PERSONAL REACTION PAPER You will read instructions about how to construct your family genogram on . You will turn in your genogram and a narrative about your reaction paper. These will be graded separately. You might also be asked to share your family genogram in a class discussion. Guidelines: 1. Construct a three-generation genogram of your family with Genopro software. (If you are or were married, do not include your present or former spouse’s family of origin.) 2. This software is free but only works on PC computers, not on MAC computers. If you would like, you can use separate colors to underscore different family patterns and issues. This will make the genogram more clear and help in the interpretative process. 3. An interpretation of your family genogram. Use the interpretative format described in the text below to help you identify and highlight significant family patterns and other intergenerational issues in your genogram (physical abuse, cut offs, conflicts etc.) You are also responsible to discuss how you have seen and/or hope to see these patterns redeemed. Please include at least one paragraph about how this assignment made you feel. 4. The formatting must include the following: Minimum of 5 pages typed, including a cover page with your name, title of paper, date, class, and section number (this means there needs to be 4 typed page for content at least, and one cover page in addition to that) Double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins on all four sides Need to be submitted as a hard copy, in class. **If you would like to know more about genograms, you can use the following resource: McGoldrick, M., Gerson, R., & Petry, S. (2008). Genograms: Assessment and intervention (3rd ed.), New York: W. W. Norton. 3. IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS/CASE STUDY DISCUSSIONS/QUIZZES Case studies will help us apply our knowledge of therapies on specific cases. We will either discuss these as a class, or in groups. You will get points for participation, level of engagement, and your knowledge of therapies discussed. There might also be pop-quizzes in regards to therapies or case studies that we are covering. 4. THERAPIST INTERVIEW AND PERSONAL REACTION PAPER You will find and conduct an in-depth interview with a professional marriage and family therapist. You will go into the interview with pre-determined questions and take notes during the interview, which you will hand in with a 5 page critique of the experience. The purpose of this assignment is for you to get an understanding of what a typical marriage and family therapist in Turkey is experiencing professionally. I will provide you with sample questions you can ask during the interview. Please make sure to include all of the questions you ask during your interview, the answers, and your personal reactions. This paper is due on 7/21 5. GROUP PROJECT For this assignment, you will be working with 2 or 3 of your classmates. You will be randomly assigned to your group. I will post a list of the groups on KUAIS by the end of our third class. This project will involve a 30-45 min. in class presentation on “therapy with a specific population or a specific issue” and a handbook that you will prepare as a group. You will educate the class on ‘your population/topic’. Also be prepared to answer questions on the topic. Please see the instructions for your group project. 6. EXAMS/TEST POLICY It is expected that students take the exams on the scheduled dates and times. Students will be allowed to take a make-up examination if they provide documentation illustrating that they had an excused absence. Absences are excused only when documentation of illness, loss of family member, or religious holiday is presented to the instructor within 2 days of the absence. No other reasons (such as planned travel, oversleeping, etc.) will be accepted for make-up exams. If the student does not take the mid-term exam within one week of the scheduled exam date, 25 points per day, beginning on the 8th day, will be deducted from the students exam score. Also, please note these two important points: If you arrive tardy to an exam, and a peer has already completed the exam and left the classroom, you will not be permitted to take the exam. Make-up exams will most likely to be in essay format. Expectations for Assignments All assignments should be typed and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Assignments should follow all guidelines outlined on the assignment instructions. Points will be deducted if these expectations are not met. All assignments are to be turned in during class on the day they are due, unless specified otherwise on the assignment sheet. Assignments will be accepted early if you have an excuse. Failure to turn assignments in early or during class will result in loss of points. Five points will be deducted for each business day (Monday through Friday) the assignment is late unless otherwise specified on this syllabus or assignment sheet. GRADING In conjunction with university policy, students will be graded on the plus/minus grading system. There are no grades of A+, F + or F-, the following categories are established. Letter Grade Percentage % Points A 92-100 184-200 A- 90-91 180-183 B+ 88-89 176-179 B 82-87 164-175 B- 80-81 160-163 C+ 78-79 156-159 C 72-77 144-155 C- 70-71 140-143 D+ 68-69 136-139 D 62-67 124-135 D- 60-61 120-123 F 59 and below 119 and below Tentative Class schedule* *Class schedule is tentative and is subject to change based on instructor’s assessment of class needs Date: Topic: 6/27 Introduction to course; syllabus review Assignment: Intro to Marriage and Family Therapy 6/28 MFT History and major concepts Ch. 1 & 4 6/29 Fundamental concepts Ch. 4 6/30 Family therapy process and techniques Ch. 3 7/4 Bowen family systems theory Ch. 5 7/5 Genogram construction and interpretation Additional reading: and read the following links on the right hand side: 1) Genogram symbols 2) Genogram rules 3) Family relationships 4) Emotional relationships 5) Social relationships 7/6 Structural family therapy Ch. 7 7/7 Experiential family therapy Ch. 8 Family Genogram and Reaction Paper are due IN CLASS 7/11 Cognitive-Behavior Family therapy Ch. 10 7/12 MIDTERM MIDTERM 7/13 Solution Focused Therapy Ch. 12 7/14 Narrative Therapy Ch. 13 7/18 Common Factors in MFT Additional reading 7/19 Working with children and play therapy 7/20 Common issues working with couples 7/21 Common issues in therapy Ch. 15 Interview assignment due 7/25 In-class group presentations 7/26 In-class group presentations 7/27 Final Exam Final Exam 7/28 Wrap up Have a great rest of the summer!