Running Head: ABORTION

Running Head: ABORTION
Should Abortion Be Legal?
Megan Hansen
English 1010
November 28, 2010
Should Abortion Be Legal?
One topic in society that many people don't want to really talk about is if abortion should
be legal or not. Abortion is defined as termination of pregnancy by miscarriage or by choice.
Since a miscarriage is involuntary, the debate is over voluntary abortion. Whether the
availability of abortion is an important right for women to have. Abortions are more common
than most people think. More than one out of three women in the United States have an abortion
by the time they are forty-five years old (Facts on induced, 2010). An abortion should typically
happen in the first twenty weeks of pregnancy or what is called the first trimester. After twentyone weeks gestation it is a late term abortion or also known as "partial-birth abortion." This type
isn't very common because the woman has to deliver the fetal head and is then the fetus is
aborted from there.
There are two ways a woman can have an abortion in the United States. There is an inclinic abortion or an abortion pill. The abortion pill has to be taken very early in pregnancy to
work. This is not the morning after pill. The morning after pill has to be taken no later than five
days after intercourse. The abortion pill can be use nine weeks after the first day of the last
menstrual period of the woman. The abortion pill is very safe and effective but can cost
anywhere from $300-$600 (The abortion pill, 2010). The in-clinic abortion has two different
methods to have an abortion. One is known as aspiration, which is where they use a vacuum and
is the most common way to have an abortion. This method can only be done up to sixteen weeks
gestation. The other method is called a D&E or dilation and evacuation. This literally means
you dilate the cervix and evacuate the contents of the uterus. This happens in thirteen to twenty
weeks gestation(In-clinic abortion procedures, 2010). This method is what they do when a
woman has a miscarriage and part or all of the fetus is still in the uterus. These methods are very
effective and safe if done by a professional. They can cost between $300-$900.
Before 1973 abortions were illegal except in a case to save a woman's life. In 1973 a
pregnant single woman challenged the constitutionality of the abortion laws. The supreme court
ruled that the laws violate the fourteenth amendment which is supposed to protect the right to
privacy against state action (Robinson, 2008). Now there are laws to reduce free access to
abortions and require counseling before the abortion, require underage women to obtain parental
permission, and ban from doing partial-birth abortions unless the woman's health or life is at risk.
Women say there are three reasons for having an abortion. One is that having a baby
would interfere with work or school, they can't afford the baby, or they don't want to be a single
parent. Eighty percent of abortions are performed on single women under the age of twenty-five.
About eighty-eight percent of abortions happen before the thirteenth week of pregnancy. More
than fifty-four percent of women who had abortions were using contraception at the time they
became pregnant (U.S. abortion statistics, 2010).
Many who are against abortion say that abortion is a form of murder and demeans the
value of life. That having an abortion eliminates a future citizen from their legal rights of life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (Messerli, 2010). Just because they can't speak doesn't mean
they don't have rights. There is other birth control methods and if abortion isn't available then
people wouldn't be so careless when it came to contraception. There are many people who can't
have children so why not give them up for adoption to someone who can take care of them.
Having an abortion causes psychological damage to the woman. Many are depressed or regret
the decision later in life. Some women also do selective abortion with genetic testing. If there
are genetic abnormalities or if they don't fit the description they want of the child then they abort
and this is discrimination. Abortion also eliminates potential society contributions from future
human beings like doctors, scientists, athletes, or presidents. Many who choose abortion are too
young and immature to make those kinds of decisions.
People who are for abortion say it is not murder. Abortions happen in the first trimester
where a fetus is dependent on the mother to survive and cannot survive outside of her womb. A
fetus doesn't become a real human being until it's physically delivered from a womb. If a fetus is
defined as a human because of the potential for life then the same goes for a sperm or an egg. So
birth control would be considered murder as well. Personhood at conception is a religious belief
not a provable biological fact (Abortion: the choice that kills, 2010). If abortion is murder and is
defined as voluntary or involuntary termination of a fetus then a miscarriage would be
considered murder as well. A woman does not choose to have a miscarriage but it is in the same
category for abortion, but there isn't any talk about that being murder. A woman's right to
choose what to do with her body is a fundamental right. Abortion is not used as a form of
contraception because most people who have abortion were already using a form of birth control
and it didn't work. By saying that a woman can't have an abortion is taking away her right to
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So why take away her rights when she is already a
citizen to give it to a fetus who isn't yet a citizen.
By making abortion illegal the government is introducing a slippery slope to give control
to someone else over a woman's body (Legal abortion: arguments pro &con, 2010). It's taking
away personal freedom. This would also lead to back alley abortions where they are being done
unsanitary and by unlicensed people. Women would also look for other ways to get rid of the
pregnancy and will be subject to dangerous situations. Adoption is not an alternative to abortion
because it's still a woman's choice to give up their child. Adoption can be just as emotionally
damaging as an abortion. In a case of rape or incest, forcing a woman who got pregnant in that
violent act can cause harm to her. One brief mistake someone makes in their life can take away
many things in their future and trap them for life. Pressure to have sex at an early age is very
high in society. Someone shouldn't be penalized for life for one mistake they make.
Whether or not abortions become legal, it will always be part of society. The deciding
factor is different for different people. To some one abortion may be a traumatic experience but
to some one else being forced to have the child or give them up for adoption is traumatic. It's
impossible to make a set of rules for all to follow (Pros and cons of abortion, 2010). It all should
depend on the approach of the woman and what she thinks is best for herself and her situation.
Although some people say abortion is murder and it should be illegal, it goes against a woman's
civil right to privacy and control over her own body.
There are many solutions to help make abortion more acceptable in society. One could
be to improve birth control then there would never be a need for abortion. Or even having more
sex education in schools to push for abstinence. The birth control market has all methods at
ninety-nine percent effective and they say that is as good as it's going to get. Or even going as
far as banning abortion where a baby can survive outside of the womb by c-section. But in the
same sense a pro-life's perfect scenario would be perfect contraception and babies would only be
conceived when they are wanted (Green, 2010). Realistically that is never going to happen.
Science is what can tell you when a fetus can survive outside of the womb not religion. Though
most people base their opinion on what they think or get taught by religion not what science
Another solution could be more in depth than one they are working on already. Have
abortion be legal but have a process a woman has to go through to reach that decision. First of
all it would need to be in the first trimester. Then they would need to go to counseling to talk to
someone about why they are choosing abortion and if they can handle it emotionally. To see if
it's due to home life, rape, incest, too young, or medical issues. That they emotionally cannot
handle giving their baby up for adoption or don't even want to carry the baby to term to give it
up. To make sure they were using contraception to prevent pregnancy not just using abortion for
a birth control method. Also that they can pay for the procedure out of pocket since insurance
won't cover it and to not use the tax dollars for people who don't support abortion. In the same
sense many people don't like the way their tax dollars are spent but they still have to pay them.
Overall just make sure this is the decision the woman wants and is well enough to handle it.
Another would be to allow abortion only in the first trimester. To ban and not allow
partial-birth abortions since they have to deliver the fetus and actually murder it. This would end
the part where abortion is actually murder. A fetus has no brain structure or nerve cell
connections where they can think or feel or survive on their own until they are thirty weeks
gestation (Should abortion be legal, 2010). A woman is not very far along when she finds out
she is pregnant. She has plenty of time to decide what she wants to do with the pregnancy during
the first trimester. There would be no need for her to wait till after the first trimester to decide
for abortion and do a late term abortion. If they want to have abortion then there should be a
time limit as to how long they should take to decide to end the controversy of abortion being
If abortion became illegal then women's health would suffer and the death rate would
soar. Women would be forced to break the law to get medical care. In any case someone's
choice to do something to their body should not be limited by the government or religion
(Lowen, 2010). Abortion is a fundamental right to women whether someone disagrees with it or
not. If someone disagrees with something then they don't have to make that choice for
themselves. No one can tell a woman what to do with her body. There is no scientific proof to
show that personhood begins at conception or to label abortion as murder. A baby should come
into this wanted. A baby is an important decision that requires responsible planning and
preparation. One simple mistake shouldn't trap someone for life because other people's belief is
different. The director of the center of liberty, Louise Melling said:
We know that women have abortions for many reasons. Even if we disagree on the issue
of abortion, we can agree that these are private personal decisions we all must be able to
make based on our own circumstances, beliefs, and values. We should respect and
support a woman and her family as they face the life-altering decision of whether to have
a child. It is neither my place nor the government's place to make such an important life
decision for someone else. We all care about life and about doing our best for the people
we love. When we bring children into the world we want them to have the opportunity to
live a good life. And we want to build a better future for our children and our
grandchildren. Abortion and reproductive freedom more broadly defined are important
pieces of ensuring this common dream. To obtain a better future, we each must be free to
make profoundly personal decisions about our reproductive lives without unwarranted
government intrusion. As with all freedoms, there are limits. But a government that
respects the personal integrity of its people both interferes in these essentially private
decisions as little as possible and helps ensure that everyone has the opportunity to make
these decisions responsibly (Top pro and con quotes, 2010).
Abortion: the choice that kills. (2010, November 12). Retrieved November 12, 2010, from
Abortion Web site:
Facts on induced abortion in the united states. (2010, May). Retrieved November 16, 2010.
from Guttmacher institute Web site:
Green, R. (2010, November 11). Abortion. Retrieved November 11, 2010, from Canadian
mind products Web site:
In-clinic abortion procedures. (2010). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from Planned parenthood
Web site:
Legal abortion: arguments pro & con. (2010, November 12). Retrieved November 12, 2010,
from Choice matters Web site:
Lewis, J. (2010, November 12). Abortion history. Retrieved November 12, 2010, from abortion history Web site:
Lowen, L. (2010, November 12). Ten arguments for abortion and against abortion. Retrieved
November 12, 2010, from women's issues Web site:
Messerli, J. (2010, May 4). Should abortion be banned (except in special circumstances like
saving the mother's life)? Retrieved November 12, 2010, from Web
Pros and cons of abortion. (2010, November 11). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from Web site:
Pros and cons of abortion. (2010, November 11). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from Healthdirectories Web site:
Robinson, B. (2008, January 31). Major U.S. laws concerning abortion. Retrieved November
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Should abortion be legal? (2010, November 4). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from Web site:
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Top pro & con quotes. (2010, June 21). Retrieved November 11, 2010, from Web
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