TERM 1اولى اعدادى BABA LOTFY ) ( NEW HELLO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (( يجب ان تدركون انكم فى سن تكوين شخصيتكم فاعملوا بتلك النصائح تكن افضل بكثير )) -1ال تسمح للقلق والخوف بالتدخل في تركيزك الذهني حتى ال تواجه صعوبة في تحقيق أهدافك الدراسية والحياتية .فالمعلومات تدخل عن طريق الحواس إلى الدماغ وتاكد انك ستستطيع استرجاع تلك المعلومات عند اللزوم . -2أحذر رفقاء السوء وقتلة الوقت :ابحث عن صديق أو صديقين فقط من المتميّزين أكثر منك ولكن ليس بكثير حتى ال تصاب باإلحباط . -3لن تصل إلى أهدافك بعيدة المنال إال بمساعدة أناس أقوياء يتحملون المشاق ويتجاوزون الصعاب فاحرص على تلقى دروسك من هؤالء االناس . -4ال تقل كل ماتعرف ،وال تصدق كل ما تسمع ،وافعل كل ما تستطيع . -5يجب أن تؤكد لنفسك قبل البدء في الحفظ أنك مصمم على تسميع ما تحفظ ألن ذلك سيشعرك بازدياد قدرتك على التركيز وسرعة الحفظ ،فالطموح واألمان يدفعان العقل إلى العمل في حماس مهما نال الجسم من التعب. معنى للحاضر. -6إذا لم يكن لديك أمل في المستقبل حتما ً لن يكون هناك ً تتخرج فيه من الثانوية العامة وأنت متفوّ ق . جرب أن تتخيل اليوم الذي ّ ّ -7 -8االكتفاء بما هو جيد يصرفك عن التطلع إلى ما هو عظيم . -9ال تكن جبانا ً فتفقد ثقتك بذاكرتك ،احفظ وستجد مع التدريب أنك تستطيع أن تتذكر جميع ما تحفظه وال تغش مهما يكن وكن جرى . ( 01كل االنتصارات تقابلها هزيمة ،ما عدا انتصار اإلنسان على نفسه) فمن ال يخطئ ال يتعلم . -02ابتعد عن طريقه الحفظ الصم فهذه الطريقه لن تفيدك وستضيع وقتك .وحاول ان تفهم وتحل كثيرا من التدريبات فهى مقياس فهمك. ّ -03 نظم وقتك وضع جدوالً يوميا ً ،أسبوعيا ً ،شهريا ً تحدّد عليه األولويات. -04تذكر ّ أن أفضل طريقة الستثمار الوقت هي أن تبدأ اآلن - -05واخيرا معكم مدرس يتقى هللا ويراعى ضميرة بشغلة فاستغل تلك الفرصة - لتتعلم االنجليزية لتخريج جيل نافع لنفسة ولبلدة .وهللا المستعان 1 TERM 1اولى اعدادى BABA LOTFY ) ( NEW HELLO اللهم هذا مبلغ علمنا فمن أتنا بأفضل منه قبلناه فإذا كنا قد وفقنا فالتوفيق من عندك وإذا كانت األخرى فالقصور من أنفسنا نحمد هللا على األولى والثانية. 2 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) have got يمتلكtrousers brother أخbefore sister بنطلونsubject قبلcomputer اولى اعدادىTERM 1 مادة دراسيةspell يتهجى كومبيوترrepeat يكرر تليفون أختstart يبدأstudies دراساتphone favourite مفضلafter بعدmusic موسيقيnumber رقم proud فخورlunch مدونة انترنتcorrect صحيح تي شيرتvillage قرية ً جيد جيداpainting رسم إفطار متأخرgood at جيد في Egyptian big small apartment parents مصريprogram غذاءblog post برنامجt-shirt كبيرhard بجدtoo صغيرexam امتحانbrunch شقةnear قريبbus stop محطة أتوبيسsports رياضة الوالدينrain تمطرfree time وقت فراغteam فريق a.m ً صباحاdrive يقودcomplete p.m ً مساءاgrandpa الجدform preparatory student إعداديtoo طالبthink يكملlanguages استمارةWell أيضاlibrary مكتبةcousin يفكرcard كارتkind wake up يستيقظproblem مشكلةapplication get up ينهضEnglish انجليزيfirst name early مبكراArabic عربيsurname wash يغسلGeography tennis تنسGerman dinner عشاءHistory dress يرتديMaths breakfast افطارScience wear يرتديart جغرافياeverybody طلب التحاقshare لغات ً حسنا ابن عم طيب يشارك االسم األولunkind قاسي اللقبhelpful متعاون كل واحدhurt يؤذي ودودdate تاريخ تاريخbest األفضلbirth ميالد رياضياتbirthday عيد ميالدaddress عنوان ً جيد جداhappy سعيد ألمانيfriendly علومVery well فن \ رسمlaugh at 3 يضحك عليnew جديد BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) What’s your nationality? How old are you? What are you? Do you like computer studies? What’s your favourite subject? Who wakes you up every day? What time do you get up? When do you have breakfast? When do you go to school? When does the first lesson start? How often do you study English? ما جنسيتك ؟ كم عمرك؟ ما وظيفتك؟ هل تحب دراسة الكمبيوتر؟ ماهي مادتك المفضلة؟ من يوقظك كل يوم؟ ما الوقت الذي تستيقظ فيه؟ متي تتناول اإلفطار ؟ متي تذهب للمدرسة؟ متي يبدأ الرس األول؟ He She It We You They am I’m Egyptian . I’m twelve years old. I am a student? Yes , I like computer studies . My favourite subject is English. My mother wakes me up every day I get up at 6 o’clock. I have breakfast at 7.00 I go to school at 7.30 The first lesson starts at 8.00 كم مرة تذاكر إنجليزي؟I study English twice a week. Present I اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Listening Past I was is He She It was are We You They were - Ahmed : Hello everyone. My name’s Adam. My last name’s Lotfy. - I’m 6 years old. - I was born in Zagazig but now I live in Nasr City. - Last year my teacher was Mr Youssef. - The name of my teacher this year Is Mr. Mohammed Lotfy. - Answer the following questions: 1- What’s your first name? ............................................................................. 2- What’s your last name? ............................................................................. 3- Where were you born? ............................................................................. 4- When were you born? ............................................................................. 5- How old are you? ............................................................................. 6- What was the name of your teacher last year? ..................................................... 7- What is the name of your teacher this year? ..................................................... 4 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Yoko is from Japan. She has got school on five days. Her holiday is on Saturday and Sunday. Yoko speaks Japanese. Japanese writing is very difficult. Present I We got You They He She It have Yasser is from Egypt and his language is Arabic. Yasser has got school from Saturday to Thursday. Arabic is beautiful but grammar is difficult. (‘ve ) Turgut is from Turkey and he has got school from has got ( ‘s ) Monday to Friday. Turgut speaks Turkish. Some Turkish words are very long. Emma is from England and she has not got school on Saturday or Sunday. English spelling is not easy. - Answer the following questions: 1- Where’s Yoko from? ............................................................................. 2- Where’s Yasser from? ............................................................................. 3- Where’s Turgut from? ............................................................................. 4- Where’s Emma from? ............................................................................. 5- What language does Yoko speak? ............................................................................. 6- What does Yasser say about Arabic? ........................................................................ 7- Is English spelling difficult? ............................................................................. 8- What language does Turgut speak? .......................................................................... 9- Is The Japanese writing very difficult?......................................................................... 10- What language does Emma speak?......................................................................... 6- Write questions using the words in brackets: 1- Yasser was born in Cairo. ( Where ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2- Turgut comes from Turkey. ( Where ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3- Yoko speaks Japanese. ( What ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 1ST October 2015 a day in my life 7 a.m. I am a student at preparatory school . My mother wakes me up early . I wash, get dressed and eat my breakfast . I wear trousers and a school T- shirt . 7.30 a.m. My father sometimes takes me to school, but I usually go by bus . 7.45 a.m. I arrive at school. I always talk to my friends before school starts. 8.15 a.m. to 2.45 p.m. We have nine lessons a day. On Thursday we study Arabic, English, German, maths, science , social studies, art, music and computer studies. Computer studies is my favourite subject, but we don't often have it . 3.45 p.m. I get home. After lunch, I do my homework and then I watch television. I love programmes about history and geography . 9.00 p.m. I go to bed. Tomorrow is Friday . We never go to school on Fridays . What do you usually do on a school day ? How often do you do computer studies ? Write and tell us . 6 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) TELLING TIME - What is the time? Or Twelve o’clock اولى اعدادىTERM 1 الــوقـــــت - What time is it? للسؤال عن الوقت؟ quarter past twelve half past twelve quarter to one CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER (1) I have got maths [ in – at – on ] Sunday . (2) She has got Arabic [ in – on – at ] eleven o'clock . (3) It’s windy [ on – in – at ] autumn . (4) They live [ on – in – at ] Italy . (5) she was [ at – on - in ] home . (6) The weather is cold [ on – in – at ] winter . (7) She lives [ in – on – at ] Cairo . (8) He went to school [ in – at – on ] foot . (9) He is eating [ at – on – in ] this moment . (10) He was born [ on – in – at ] 1960 . DRAW THE HANDS (1) . It's quarter past ten . (2). It's haf past seven . (3).It's three o'clock exactly. (4). It's quarter to eleven. 7 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) SCHOOL SUBJECTS اولى اعدادىTERM 1 المواد الدراسية Prepositions حروف الجر (مع الساعات والمحالت واألماكن الصغيرة ومع فترات النهارat ) يأتي حرف الجر At six o'clock / At the baker's / At 10 Nasser street / at night / ( The ) ( مع الشهور والسنين واألماكن الكبيرة وفترات النهار معin ) يأتي حرف الجر In June / in 2020 / in Cairo / in the morning / ( األيام ومع التاريخ وأسماء الشوارع بدون رقمon ) يأتي حرف الجر On Saturday / on 10th June / on Ramsis street How often = How many times كم مرة لإلجابة نستخدم once مرة واحدة- twice مرتان- three times ثالثة مرات- four times أربعة مرات usually عادة- always دائما- sometimes أحيانا- never ) ابدا( فى النفى- etc ... How often do you go to the cinema? - I go to the cinema once a year. How often do you drink tea? - I always drink tea. 8 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Completing A form استكمال استمارة First name االسم االولSurname اللقب Date of birth تاريخ الميالدAddress العنوان Favourite book الكتب المفضلةTelephone number رقم التليفون - ( - ) . Supply the missing parts in the following mini- dialogues : 1- Adam : What's your first name ? Tom : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . 2- Sally : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ? Ali : It's 01147277899 . 3- Hanan : What's your date of birth ? Hagar : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . 4- Mona : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Manar : Yes, I like computer books . 9 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 F1 - Finish the following dialogue with these words dialogue with these [ wear – often – does – trousers – many ] Ali : What time (1) …………….. your brother get up ? Hassan : He gets up at seven o'clock. Ali : What does he (2) …………….. to school every day ? Hassan : He usually wears (3) …………….. and a school T-shirt. Ali : How (4) …………….. lessons does he have? Hassan : He has nine lessons a day. _ Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues : a) Soha : How often do you go to school by bus? Dina : ……………………….………………………………………. . b) Tamer : ……………………………….….…..……………………… ? Ahmad : We never go to school on Fridays . Read the following , then answer the questions : Hello! My name is Ahmed Elyamany. I'm a student at preparatory school. My mother wakes me up early. At seven o'clock, I wash, get dressed and eat breakfast. I wear trousers and a school T-shirt. I always go to school on foot. I have nine lessons a day. On Wednesday, we study Arabic, English, religion maths, science, and computer studies. At three forty-five, I get home. At nine o'clock, I go to bed. A) Answer the following questions : 1- What does Ahmad wear to school? 2- Does Ahmad go to school by bus? 3- How many lessons does Ahmad have? B) Choose the correct answer : 4- Ahmad's ………………………….… always wakes him up. a) father b) mother 5- Ahmad gets home at ………..….. . a) 3:45 b) 4:45 10 c) sister c) 2:45 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 _ Finish the following dialogue with these words : [ phone – book – surname – name – address ] Teacher : What's your first (1) …………….. ? Rania : It's Rania. Teacher : What's your (2) …………….. ? Rania : It’s El-Hawary. Teacher : What's your (3) …………….. ? Rania : 103 Ahmad Saleh Street. Alexandria. Teacher : What's your (4) …………….. number? Rania : It's 109466563. _ Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues : a) Hani : How do you spell your surname? Waleed : ……………………….………………………………………. . b) Hagar : ……………………………….….…..……………………… ? Walaa : My friends are Noha, Mona and Esraa. _ Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : 1- I like ……………. football in my free time. a) play b) plays c) playing 2- We ……………. at seven o'clock for school. a) get up b) wear c) laugh 3- Baher ……………. often take the bus to school. a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't 4- My ……………. is Hala Sabri. a) surname b) name c) book 5- How do you spell your …………….? - T- A - N - T - A . a) surname b) address c) name 6- Munir and Nabil are my best ……………. . a) languages b) sports c) friends 7- My sister ……………. to university every morning. a) go b) goes c) going 8- He speaks English very well. He often talks to his cousin in …………. . a) English b) German c) England 11 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 The Present simple Tense زمن المضارع البسيط ) s + يتكون المضارع البسيط من الفعل في ) المصدر ( أو ) المصدر )I – You – We – They) يتكون المضارع البسيط من الفعل في المصدر مع الجمع ومع الضمائر. ( I – We – You – They – Students ) go to school at 7.30 a.m . - I go to school by car every day. Animals eat grass الحيوانات تأكل العشب We learn English at school. Cows give us milk. البقر يعطينا اللبن ( He – She – It (- (مع المفرد ومع الضمائرs ) ويضاف للفعل. Ex: - He drinks tea every morning. Sara goes to school by bus ( He – She – It – Usama ) runs fast The cat eats fish. ( es ) ( نضيف لهاs – ss – sh –ch - o – x - z ) األفعال المنتهية بالحروف اآلتية cross crosses / teach teaches / go goes / push pushes / box boxes study studies / carry carries ( ies ) ( وقبلها حرف ساكن نحولها اليy)األفعال المنتهية بـ ) االستخدام ( المضارع البسيط يعبر عن عادة متكررة او حقائق دائمة :يعبرالمضارع البسيط عن عادات و يستخدم مع الكلمات اآلتية always دائماusually عادةevery كلoften غالبا Sometimes أحياناOccasionally ً أحياناever من قبلnever أبدا Ex: - I usually go to school on foot.. * ملحوظة* ظروف التكرار تأتى قبل الفعل االساسى He is always late for school. (v. to be) * أو بعد . Sara sometimes studies English Amira is usually clever. What’s your favourite subject? My favourite subject is English. When does your mother wake you up? She wakes me up at 6.30. . When do you study English?. I study English at 8.00 p.m . . – يستخدم حينما نتحدث عن الحقائق2 The sun rises in the east . Birds fly and fish swim . It rains in the winter. Water turns into ice in the freezer. . – يمكن استخدام المضارع البسيط حينما نتكلم عن جدول مواعيد3 The flight to Vienna leaves on Monday . We arrive in Luxor at 7.30. The train leaves the station at 8.30. When does school start? ( علي الفاعلdo / does ) في السؤال نقدم الفعل المساعد ♣ He works hard . Does he work hard ? ♣ They work hard Do they work hard ? - I / You / We / They ( do ) He / she / it ( does ) does not / don't وفي النفي نستخدم He / She / it doesn't run fast. I / We / You / They don’t come to school late. 12 TERM 1اولى اعدادى BABA LOTFY ) ( NEW HELLO FORMالشكل \ التركيب \ التكوين (2) . USAGEاالستخــــــــــدام -1 -2 (3) KEY WORDSالكلمات الدالة على الزمن (4) . NEGATIVEالنفى ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUESTION االستفهام (5) . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 1- Choose the correct answer : 1- Wael………..English well . a) speak b) speaks c) speaking 2- Hoda …………….many school subjects . a) study b) studying c) studies 3- Sue ………….absent today . a) is b) was c)were 4- The sun ……………in the morning . a) will rise b) rose c) rises 5- My father ………………a hotel manager . a) is b) were c) are 6- We don’t go to school …………. Friday. a. on b. in c. at 7- ……….. was your brother born? – In 1990 a. What b. When c. Where 8- Arabic and Turkish are …………….. . a. names b. languages c. countries 9- My mother is …… now. a. cook b. cooks c. cooking 10- Tom ………… school on five days. a. had b. have got c. has got 11- There are seven days in a ………….. . a. week b. month c. year 12- I met my friend ………. six o’clock yesterday. a. at b. on c. in 2- Choose the correct answer : Choose the correct answer from a , b or c 1- What ……………. your favourite subject? a) are b) is c) am 2- How ……….. does he go to school by bus? – He never goes to school by bus. a) old b) many c) often 14 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 3- What are his favourite ……………. ? - Dogs and Kittens. a) animals b) animal c) animal's 4- We usually play tennis ……………. Thursdays. a) at b) in c) on 5- Does it ……………. in the summer? a) rains b) rain c) raining 6- I always watch ……………. with my friends. a) DVDs b) lunch c) exams 7- My father ……………. takes me to school, but I usually go by bus. a) never b) always c) sometimes 8- What does Hassan usually ……………. on a school day? a) do b) does c) did 3_ Write questions using the words in brackets : 1- I arrive at school at 7:45 . ( When ) 2- I never go to school by bus . ( How often ) 3-Amal always studies hard for her exams . ( Does ) 4_ Read and correct the underlined words : 1- We always play tennis at Fridays. 2- It always rains in Egypt in the summer . 3- How many do you have history and geography? _ Look at the picture and write three more sentences : 5- Choose the correct answer : Choose the correct answer from a , b or c 1 – Ahmed and Mona (living – live – lives) in Cairo . 2 – Where (is – do – does ) Nadia work ? 3 – His (name – name's – names) Hussein . 4 – What's Ahmed's father (called – call – calling) ? 5 – I (works – working – work) in a tourist company 6 – Nada is married (on – with – to) Hesham . 7 – Manal's brother (is – are – does) called Tamer . 8 – She (speaking – speak – speaks) English . 9 – A ( teacher – baker – farmer ) teaches pupils at school . 10 – my mother's brother is my ( son – brother – uncle ) . 15 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 1 - Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( see - should - Why - When – too ) Soha : ........................... didn't you go to school last week, Mona? Mona : I was ....................................... ill to go to school. Soha : Did you .................................. a doctor? Mona : Yes, of course. He said I had a very bad cold. Soha : I think you ............................... have more rest.راحة 2 - Finish the following dialogue with these words: Samira : What’s your favourite subject? Amira : ............................................................... . Sara : ................................................................................ ? Reem : I go to the library once a week. 2- Choose the correct answer : 1 - I have got English ( in – on – at ) quarter past ten . 2 – Tamer ( play – playing – plays ) football every day . 3 – ( What – Where – When ) time do you have maths on Monday ? 4 – How ( old – often – many ) do you watch TV? . 5 – Salma ( has – is – have ) not got school on Friday . 6 – What ( do – doing – does ) he make? 7 – What subjects ( has – have – do ) you got on Thursday ? 8 – Sara ( draw – is drawing – draws ) a picture every week. 9 – Last year , the name of my teacher ( am – is – was ) Mr Ali . 10 – Noura is a pupil . ( Our – His – Her ) holiday is on Friday . 11 – My first name ( am – was – is ) Ahmed . 12 – Ahmed wants to visit ( her – his – their ) uncle's farm . 13 – I ( am – is - are ) thirteen years old . 14 – Where ( was – are – were ) you born ? 15 – They write about ( his – their – our ) school days . 16– How old ( is – are – was ) you ? 17 – He is from Egypt and his ( language - nationality – country ) is Egyptian . 18 – I ( have – am – do ) from Cairo . 19 – Emma is from England . She speaks ( English – Arabic – Turkish) . 20 – ( How – Why – What ) is your favourite subject? 21 – Arabic is a beautiful ( game – subject – sport ) . 16 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 _ Finish the following dialogue with these words : [ it – When – born – What – your ] Noura : - - - - - - - - - is your first name ? Salma : My first name is Salma . Noura : What is - - - - - - - - last name ? Salma : - - - - - - - is Helmy . Noura : Where were you - - - - - - - - - ? Salma : I was born in Alexandria . Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues : 1- Tamer : What subject do you like? Adel : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2- Soha : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? Yoko : I 'm twelve years old . _ Read the following , then answer the questions : Amal is a new student in Lycee El Horya prep school in Alexandria. Amal isn't happy. She doesn't know any students in class. The old students decide to help her . They are always kind and friendly to her. Now she likes her new school and has new friends. A) Answer the following questions : 1- Why isn't Amal happy? 2- How do the students help her? 3- What's the name of Amal's new school? B) Choose the correct answer : 4- Amal lives in ………………………….… . a) Alexandria b) Cairo 5- The students are always ………..….. to her. a) unfriendly b) unkind c) Tanta c) kind Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : 1- I am - - - - - - - - - - - to be Egyptian a) interested b) proud c) eating 2- My favourite school subject - - - - - - computer studies. a) are b) has c) is 17 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 3- German is a beautiful school - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a) game b) subject c) toy 4- What's the name - - - - - your teacher this year ? a) in b) on c) of 5- How do you ---------------- your name? a) spell b) speak c) eat 6- We never - - - - - - - - - - - other people a) help b) hurt c) hear 7- Students don’t go to school --------- Fridays a) in b) at c) on 8- I like -------------- in my free time. a) painting b) painted c ) to painting Correct the mistake: 1- Arabic is my favourite sport 2- 2-She don't like fish 3- 3- What's your late name? Look at the picture and write five more sentences about ( yourself ) I usually get up at 7-00 ( wash – breakfast – school ) 18 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 1- Choose the correct answer: 1-He usually gets --------------- at six o'clock. a- up b- on c- in 2-There are --------------- days in a week. a- seven b- eight c- nine 3-There are sixty --------------- in a minute. a- days b- hours c- seconds 4-It's --------------- o'clock. a- fifty b- fifth c- five 5-There are four --------------- in a year. a- days b- seasons c- hours 6-Monday is the --------------- day of the week. a- third b- first c- second 7-Last ---------------, I was in primary six. a- night b- year c- month 8-Saturday is the --------------- day of the week. a- third b- first c- second (2) Read and correct the underlined words: 1-She'll have lunch on 3 o'clock. 2-It's half and three now, 3-Monday is the three day of the week. 5-It's half post seven. 6-It's half to two . 7- What is the line ? It's seven o'clock. 8-I don't go to work at Saturday morning. 9-I went to Banha in Friday. 10-Can you say me the time, please? 11- I was born in 22nd June 1976. 19 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 TERM 1اولى اعدادى BABA LOTFY ) ( NEW HELLO اللهم هذا مبلغ علمنا فمن أتنا بأفضل منه قبلناه فإذا كنا قد وفقنا فالتوفيق من عندك وإذا كانت األخرى فالقصور من أنفسنا نحمد هللا على األولى والثانية. 20 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) family عائلةmedicine دواءchef tree شجرةarchitect مهندس معماريcook design يصممa carpenter buildings مبانيa garage bridge كوبريa scientist a dam سدuniversity farmer نجارfamous ورشةtourist عالم فالحa library countryside الريفa clinic grow يزرعa housewife guide يمكث يطهىHow كيف مشهورwho من سائحfather أب مرشدmother ام حالقuncle عم \ خال مكتبةtoday اليومaunt عمة\خالة عيادةMiss أنسةson ابن ربة منزلcafe بطاطسinterview مقابلةteach crops محاصيلhusband زوجstay an engineer مهندسexam Proud of فخور بـgrandfather doctor طباخIs called جامعةbarber potatoes member اولى اعدادىTERM 1 امتحانtree الجدperson مقهيpractise يعلمeach يمارس كل يقيمjob وظيفة شجرةwork عمل شخصfarm مزرعة فردgrandmother الجدةplan يخططsell يبيع طبيبgrandparents أجدادshow يعرضbuy يشتري hospital مستشفيrestaurant مطعمoffice مكتبvillage قرية examine يفحصdaughter ابنةstill مازالmoney فلوس patient مريضat the moment في هذه اللحظة 21 a farm مزرعةwife زوجة BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 5 November My family at work! My grandparents live in the countryside. I am very proud of my grandparents, my grandfather is a farmer. He always gets up very early because there are lots of jobs to do on the farm. Now he is growing potatoes. We live in the city. My father works in an office. He is an architect. He designs new buildings. At the moment he is designing a new library. My mother is a doctor. She usually works at the hospital. She isn’t working at the hospital today. She is helping sick people in a village. My sister, Manal, is 20. She goes to university. She wants to be a teacher. My brother, Magdy, is studying for his exams at the moment. He wants to be a doctor. I am still at school. I want to be an engineer. I want to build new bridges, dams and roads. 22 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 READ AND LEARN 1-My father works in an office. 2-I'm very proud of my grandparents. 3-My mother is a doctor. 4-I'm still at school 5-( Architects ) design new buildings. 6-( Doctors ) help sick people. They work in a hospital. 7-( Teachers ) help children. They work in a school. 8-( Engineers) help to build roads, dams and bridges. 9-( Farmers ) usually get up early. 10-They work with animals. They grow vegetables. Language notes. Question السؤال Answer الإجابة Where does the mechanic work? أين يعمل الميكانيكي؟He works in a garage. What does the mechanic do? ماذا يفعل الميكانيكي؟He fixes cars? He repairs cars. Where does the farmer work? أين يعمل الفالح؟He works in the field. What does the farmer do? ماذا يعمل الفالح؟He keeps animals and grow What does the architect do? crops. ماذا يعمل المهندس ؟He designs buildings. Where does a doctor work? أين يعمل الطبيب؟He works in the hospital. What does a doctor do? ماذا يعمل الطبيب؟He examines patients. What’s your father’s job? ما وظيفة والدك؟He is a farmer. What’s your sister’s called? Are you married or single? ما اسم أختك؟She is called Nancy. هل انت متزوج ام اعزب؟I’m single. Have you got brothers? هل لك اخوة؟Yes, I have got two brothers 23 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 '(مع اإلنسان والحيوان لبيان ان ما قبلها يملك ما بعدهاs ) نستخدم My father's brother is my uncle My mother's mother is my grandmother . The telephone is in the secretary's office مكتب السكرتيرة I buy meat at the butcher's محل الجزار We buy bread at the baker's المخبز Mr Hesham is sitting in the teachers' room ( ( نضع ( ' ) فقطs ) بعد الاسم الجمع المنتهي بـ Cats' eyes are green My cousins' mother is my aunt . Whose mobile is it ? It’s Amr’s mobile ( Whose ) نسال عن الملكية بـ Have got / Has got = I have got a bike = I have a bike Have you got a mobile ? have / has يمتلك He has got a car = He has a car Does she have new friends ? architect - engineer architect - Architects design new buildings. engineer - Engineers help to build roads, dams and bridges. because - to - because : He usually gets up very early because there are lots of jobs to do on the farm. to + INF. ) - I want to be a teacher to help children learn. drive ( someone ) to ( place ) - My father usually drives my mother to the hospital. 24 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 1 – The ( scientist – doctor – teacher ) works in the hospital. 2 – The architect ( designs – writes – plays ) buildings 3 – My first name ( am – was – is ) Ahmed . 4 – Tamer wants to visit his ( uncle's – uncle – uncles ) farm . 5 – I ( am – is -are ) thirteen years old . 6 – Where ( was – are – were ) you born ? 7 – They write about ( his – their – our ) school days . 8- The doctor helps ( sick – lazy – naughty ) people. 9-I want to ( am – be – are ) an engineer. 10- My father’s father is my ( grandmother – father – grandfather) 11- Mr Ahmed and Mrs Ahmed are husband and ( sister – wife – daughter) 12- What are your parents ( do – does – doing ) now? 13- Mohammed is married ( to – with – for ) Nada. 14-Ahmed’s father is ( call – calling – called ) Hesham. 15- A ( baker – mechanic – tour guide ) works in a tourist company. 16-A ( barber - baker – butcher ) cuts air 17-The scientist works in a ( workshop – lab – garage ) Read and match 1 2 3 4 5 A mechanic An accountant A chef A tour guide A scientist a b c d e f cooks in a restaurant works with money repairs cars cuts hair works in a lab shows people famous places Write questions using words in brackets: 1- A barber cuts hair . ( what ) 2- A tour guide works in a tourist company. ( Where ) 3- This is my father’s car. ( whose ) 25 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 1-Supply the missing words in this dialogue: ( fixes – garage – does – is – Where) Ahmed: What-------------- your brother’s job? Amr : He is a mechanic. Ahmed:----------------does he work? Amr: He works in a -----------------------What does he do? Amr :He --------cars. 2-Complete these mini-dialogues. A: ---------------------------------------------B:My sister is a nurse. D: Have you got any brothers? F: ---------------------------------------------------- Read and match 1 2 3 4 5 An architect She is helping My grandfather My father works My grandparents live a b c d e f in the countryside is a farmer He designs new buildings At the moment in an office sick people in a village 3- Choose the correct answer: 1- I have ( get – got – getting ) English at quarter past ten . 2 – Tamer is ( kicking – kicks – not kick ) a ball . 3 – ( What – Where – When ) time do you have maths on Monday ? 4 – The boys ( am - is - are ) playing football . 5 – Salma ( has – is – have ) not got school on Friday . 6 – What are you ( do – doing – does ) ? 7 – The mechanic works in a ( hospital – garage – school) 8 – Look ! she ( draw – is drawing – drew ) a picture . 26 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) فاعل+ am is are + الفعل + اولى اعدادىTERM 1 ing . ( إلى الفعل الذى ينتهى بحرف ساكن مسبوق بحرف متحرك فإنه يتم تكرار الحرف األخيرing ) الحظ أنه عند إضافة- sit run swim يجلسsitting يجرىrunning يسبحswimming يجلس اآلن يجرى اآلن يسبح اآلن : ( e ) ( فإنه يتم حذفe ) ( إلى الفعل الذى ينتهى بحرفing ) الحظ أنه عند إضافةride write يركبriding يكتبwriting يركب اآلن يكتب اآلن what + v. to be + s. + doing ? : للسؤال عما يحدث في صورة معينة- What is he doing? - He is running. - What is she doing? - She is playing 1- Complete: 1- The old men are ……………………......…….. 2- The boy is ……………………………........….….. 3- The policeman is ………………….........…….. 4- The two boys are …………………........….….. 5- The two girls are …………………......…….….. 2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues : Fady : What are you doing? Ali : ……………………………………………….………. Hanaa: ………………………………………………………..? Heba : I'm cooking lunch. 27 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 (الشكل \ التركيب \ التكوين1). FORM (االستخــــــــــدام2) . USAGE .................................................. ............................................................................................................................ I'm wearing the coat as it is cold . -1 .............................................................................................................................................................................. I'm going to the cinema tonight . 2 want – prefer – like – love – hate – belong – have – see – hear believe – mean – understand – forget – remember – seem . These shoes belong to me . ( not are belonging to me ) ( الكلمات الدالة على الزمن3) KEY WORDS (النفى4) . NEGATIVE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (االستفهام5) . QUESTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He is reading . Is he reading ? What is he reading ? 28 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialouges:1. Ahmed asks Heba where she is going. Ahmed : Where are you going tomorrow? Heba : ………………………………………………. 2. A is asking B about what he is doing. A : ……………………………………………….? B : I'm reading a letter. Read and match:(A) (B) 1. The man with the stick is a. b. c. d. e. f. 2. Someone is collecting 3. Soha is doing 4. The girl is playing 5. The car isn’t working. our old table and chairs. walking towards the bank. with her toys. her homework now. to Cairo next month. We need to buy another one. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :1. They ……………… computer games now a) play b) are playing c) playing d) played 2. Look! He …………….. a horse. a) are riding b) rides c) riding d) is riding 3. Rana …………….. lunch at the moment. a) cooks b) cooked c) is cooking d) are cooking 4. Tomorrow she ……………… a radio to listen to the news. a) buying b) buys c) was buying d) is buying 5. We ……………… to London tomorrow. a) travel b) are travelling c) have travelled d) travelled 6. She ……………… to Aswan next Friday. 29 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) a) is travelling b) was travelling c) travels 7. Where are the Zakis ………………? a) go b) gone c) going 8. My friend is ……………… my computer. a) ironing b) watering c) washing اولى اعدادىTERM 1 d) travelled d) went d) repairing Write questions using the words in brackets:1. Yes, they are going to the cinema tomorrow. ………………………………….………….....……………. 2. We are going to the circus. 3. 4. 5. ………………………………….………….....……………. Next month, I’m taking my final exams. ………………………………….………….....……………. Nadia and Soha are watching a film on TV. ………………………………….………….....……………. Marwa is studying English at the moment. ………………………………….………….....……………. (Are) (Where) (When) (Who) (What) Read and correct the underlined words:1. We are came here today. (……………..) 2. Is Hassan go to the market? (……………..) 3. My mother isn’t changed our curtains today. (……………..) 4. We’re watch a cartoon about a lion. (……………..) 5. Salma reads a story now. (……………..) 6. Is Hosam listen to music at the moment? (……………..) 7. Children are playing computer games yesterday. (……………..) 30 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Finish the following dialogue with these words : [ uncle – son – daughter – sister – cousin ] Soha : Let's play a nice game, Adel. Adel : Ok. I agree. Soha : Who's your (1) …………….. ? Adel : He's the child of my (2) …………….. or aunt. Soha : Congratulations. Your turn. Adel : Who's your aunt? Soha : She's my mother or father's (3) …………….. . Adel : Congratulations. Your turn. Soha : Who's your sister? Adel : She's my mother and father's (4) …………….. . Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues : a) Manar : How many uncles and aunts have you got? Enas : ……………………….………………………………………. . b) Hady : ……………………………….….…..……………………… ? Ali : He works in a laboratory. Read Read the following , then answer the questions : Omar is a student in a prep school . He is twelve years old . He goes to school on foot because it isn’t far from his house . His father is a teacher of English and his mother is a scientist . He has got one sister called Salma . She is in primary five . Omar’s family spends the summer holiday in Alexandria . In the morning , they all go to the sea . They sometimes go to Manshia in the evening . A) Answer the following questions : 1- Where does Omar spend the summer holiday ? 2- How does Omar go to school ?) Choose the correct answer : 3- Omar’s mother works in a ……………….. . a) school b) lab c) theatre 4- The underlined word “ He ” refers to ……………….. . a) Omar's friend b) Omar's father c) Omar 5- The school is ……………….. Omar’s house . 31 BABA LOTFY a) near ( NEW HELLO ) b) far from اولى اعدادىTERM 1 c) opposite Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : 1- A …..…………… works in a laboratory. a) scientist b) mechanic c) tour guide 2- …..…………… your father's name ? - He is called Khaled. a) What's b) Where's c) Who's 3- A husband of your mother is your …..……………. a) brother b) son c) father 4- What are your ………..….. names? - Their names are Mourad, Ali and Ahmad. a) uncle's b) uncles' c) uncles 5- I go to the …..…………… to cut my hair . a) mechanic b) accountant c) barber 6- Your brother is your mother and father's …..…………… . a) daughter b) aunt c) son 7- I've got a sister, but I …..…………… got any brothers. a) not have b) have not c) has not 8- …..…………… father is not working . He has got a headache. a) Amira b) Amiras' c) Amira's Write questions using the words in brackets : 1- An accountant works with money. ( Who ) 2- My brother is called Safy. ( What ) 3- My aunt works in a hospital. ( Where ) Read and correct the underlined words : 1- Your husband is the father of your mother or father. 2- Your cousin is the child of your grandmother or grandfather. 3- Your sister is your mother and father's son. 4- Your aunt is your mother or father's cousin. 5- Your mother or father's brother is your grandfather. 6- A barber works with money. 7- A chef cook food in a restaurant. 8- A tour guide showing people famous places. Look at the picture and write three more sentences : ( The words in the box may help you . ) mechanic - repairs - famous This is uncle Magdy ………………………..… …………………………..……………………….. ……………………………..…………………….. ………………………………………….……….. 32 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 FINISH THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUE WITH THESE WOR DS : [ When – job – What – called – doctor ] A : What’s your father’s -----------------? B: My father’s called Ali. A: What’s his ------------? B: He is ----------------------- . A: ----------------------does he work ? B: He works in the hospital . SUPPLY THE MISSING PA RTS IN THE FOLLOWING TWO MINI DIALOGUES : A) Ahmed : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -? Amr : He fixes cars B) Ola : How old is your mother ? Hind : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Read the following , then answer the questions : My name is Ibrahim. I have two brothers called Youssef and Salah. Youssef is older than me and Salah is younger than me. I don’t have any sisters. Kamal is my father and my mother is called Lamia. My uncle is my mother's brother. He's called Fawzi. His wife is called Amira. They have a baby girl called Mona. My grandparents live next door. My grandfather is called Badrawi and my grandmother is called Hekmat. A) Answer the following questions : 1- Where's his grandfather live? 2- What's the name of his uncle? 3- How many uncles has Ibrahim got? B) Choose the correct answer : 4- His uncle is his mother's ………………………….… . a) sister b) cousin c) brother 5- His grandmother is called ………..….. . a) Lamia b) Hekmat c) Mona _ Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : 1- This is Sara's aunt. ……………. name is Samira. a) His b) Her c) Their 2- What does she usually ……………. on Monday morning? a) does b) doing c) do 33 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 3- How many ……………. have you got? a) cousins b) cousin c) cousin's 4- What are you ……………. now? a) doing b) do c) does 5- I want to be an architect to ……………. new buildings. a) practise b) design c) cut 6- The girls usually practise the piano. Today they ……………. TV. a) watch b) watches c) are watching 7- ……………. shows people famous places. a) A doctor b) A scientist c) A tour guide 8- Hisham usually ………… to school by bus. Today he is going by taxi. a) goes b) go c) going _ Read and correct the underlined words : 1- Nouran father is a doctor. 2- What are their job ? 3- Hisham studies now. _ Look at the picture and write FIVE more sentences : ( The words in the box may help you . ) Samy - lives - works This is Hisham's uncle . ………………..…… Punctuate the following sentence : hatem s studying to be a doctor He is at university 34 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 1-Choose the correct answer from a,b or c: 1-My aunt is my mother's ---------------. a- cousin b- grandmother c- sister 2-My mother’s husband is my ---------------. a- father b- uncle c- brother 3-She is his father’s sister. She is his -----------. a- mother b- aunt c- cousin 4-My father's son is my ---------------. a- brother b- uncle c- cousin 5-My mother’s father is my ---------------. a- grandfather b- grandmother c- grandson 6-My aunt is my father’s ---------------. a- uncle b- sister c- mother 7-My friend's -------------- is called Ahmed. a- aunt b- sister c- cousin 8-Shady is my uncle's son. He is my -----------. a- brother b- sister c- cousin 9-My father's or mother's daughter is my ---. a- grandfather b- uncle 35 c- sister BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 1-A ------------- is a person who sells medicine. a- teacher b- baker c- chemist 2-I'm very sick. I should see a ---------------. a- teacher b- baker c- doctor 3-Students usually do experiments in the ------. a- laboratory b- office c- library 4-A --------------- works in a shop. a- businessman b- sales assistant c- tour guide 5-My mother went to the -----to buy our needs. a- market b- station c- museum 6-We buy bread at the ---------------. a- baker's b- chemist's c- grocer's 7-We buy sugar and sweets at the --------------. a- baker’s b- chemist’s c- grocer’s 8- A doctor and a nurse work in a ----------. a- workshop b- clinic c- farm 9-I need some meat, I should go to the --------. a- chemist's b- baker's c- butcher's 10-People usually put litter in ---------------. a- bins b- pins c- pens 11-Yesterday, I went to a -to have a cup of tea. a- café b- cinema c- clinic 12-The library is opposite the sports ------------. a- hall b- hole c- hill 13-The tourists ate lunch at a Bedouin ---------. a- city b- country c- village 36 TERM 1اولى اعدادى BABA LOTFY ) ( NEW HELLO اللهم هذا مبلغ علمنا فمن أتنا بأفضل منه قبلناه فإذا كنا قد وفقنا فالتوفيق من عندك وإذا كانت األخرى فالقصور من أنفسنا نحمد هللا على األولى والثانية. 37 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) bread خبزhealthy dates بلحwaiter نادلdear عزيزيlist قائمة lamb لحم ضانrestaurant مطعمlemon ليمونtea شاي lentils عدسchicken مفرد أرزcook يطهىfresh طازجplural جمع مكرونةdessert حلوياتsweets حلويsome بعض بندقpay يدفعspices salad سالطةmeat لحمةbeans soup شوربةkoshari لذيذpopular famous for include كشريbest محبوبwishes أي فولThere is يوجد للمفرد أفضلThere are يوجد للجمع أمنياتokra بامية طعامjuice عصيرonions بصل يشملmain رئيسيeggs بيضcoffee قهوة طماطمingredients molokhia ملوخيةthe top sauce توابلany مشهور ـdish tomatoes national قائمة طعام سمكsingular nuts delicious صالح لـmenu دجاجةfish rice pasta صحيgood for اولى اعدادىTERM 1 عناصرcentury قوميinternational صلصةmedames قرنmixture القمةfalafel فالفلenjoy دوليdukkah دقة مدمسrecipe What’s your favourite طعام أي شيء Answers ماهو طعامك المفضلKoshari is my food? Where does the chef يتمتع food وصفةanything Questions خليط ؟ favourite food أين يعمل الطباخ؟He works in a work? restaurant. What does the chef do? ماذا يفعل الطباخ؟He cooks food What do the Egyptian ماذا يحب ان يشربThey like drinking like drinking? المصريون؟tea. 38 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Read Salma's email. What food does Salma's aunt always cook for her ? To : jana@exaple.com SUBJECT: Egyptian food Dear Jean, Egypt is famous for many things including its delicious food! Do you like soup? My favourite soup is molokhia. It’s a kind of vegetables soup and it’s very healthy. Koshari is a very popular dish. There isn’t any meat in it, but there are lentils. The other main ingredients are rice and pasta. There aren’t any tomatoes in this dish, but it is delicious with some tomato sauce on the top. I love meat. My favourite food is lamb. I like to eat it with some salad and some bread. There is a lot of good fish in Egypt. When we visit my family in Alexandria, my aunt always cooks fresh fish. There are lots of sweets, too. Many have got nuts and dates in them. They are delicious! Best wishes, Salma 39 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 FAMOUS – FAMOUS FOR famous : A tour guide shows people famous places. famous for : Egypt is famous for many things, including its delicious food . would like { would like = want } { would like to = want to } would you like ………… ? = do you want ………….. ? What would you like to have ?. drink- food What would you like to have , Dina ? I’d like to have some orange juice , please . - What would you like to eat? = What do you want to eat? - I would like some chicken. = I want some chicken. - Would you like something to drink? = Do you want something to drink? Likes & Dislikes Do you like ……… ? - Yes, I do. \ No, I don't. Does your brother like soup? - Yes, he does. \ No, he doesn't. The comma ( , ) I'd like some chicken, rice, salad and bread. - There is water, tea, milk and orange juice. - Yes, he does. - No, he doesn't. - Where do you go every morning, Ahmed? - Dina, can you wash the dishes, please? 40 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Finish the following dialogue with these words : [ any – are – Is – isn’t – some – There – aren't ] Mother : Look! There's an English dish on the menu. Nouran : Is there (1) …………….. meat in it? Mother : Yes, there's lamb in it and there (2) ………… also vegetables. (3) …………….. are onions, carrots and potatoes. Nouran : (4) …………….. there any cheese in it? Mother : No, there (5) …………….. any cheese in it, but it is delicious with (6) …………….. cheese on the top. Nouran : OK, let’s try it. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues : a) Soha : Is there a lot of good fish in Egypt? Dina : ……………………….………………………………………. . b) Tamer : ……………………………….….…..……………………… ? Ahmad : My favourite soup is molokhia. Read the following , then answer the questions : Hello! My name is John. I'm from England. I have an Egyptian pen friend called Marwan. I'm reading his e-mail now about food in Egypt. He tells me about a very popular dish called Koshari. There isn't any meat in it, but there are lentils in it. It also includes rice, pasta, fried onions and tomato sauce on the top. I think it’s a very delicious dish . I want to try it. A) Answer the following questions : 1- What’s the name of John's pen friend ? 2- Is there any meat in koshari ? 3- What are the main ingredients of koshari ? B) Choose the correct answer : 4- The underlined word it refers to ………………………….… . a) meat b) Koshari c) Molokhia 5- John is ………..….. . a) German b) Egyptian c) English Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : 1- Molokhia soup is good ……………. you. a) to b) for 41 c) at BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 2- There isn’t ……………. bread in the kitchen . a) some b) many c) any 3- ……………. there any lentils in okra? a) Are b) Is c) Do 4- There ……………. a lot of good fish in Egypt . a) is b) are c) some 5- Molokhia is a kind of ……………. soup. a) lentils b) meat c) vegetables 6- Koshari is delicious with ……………. tomato sauce on the top. a) any b) some c) many 7- There's an English ……………. on the menu. a) fish b) dish c) fresh 8- The main ingredients of Koshari are …………………. . a) rice and pasta b) salad and bread c) nuts and dates Read and correct the underlined words : 1- There aren’t any vegetables in molokhia soup. 2- Molokhia soups is good for you. 3- Many people likes Koshari. 4- Salma don’t like nuts and dates. 5- There're some bread next to the cheese. Look at the picture and write FIVE more sentences : ( The words in the box may help you . ) meat - ingredients - tomato sauce Koshari is a delicious dish in Egypt. ………………………………………….…….. ………………………………………….…….. ………………………………………..……….. Punctuate the following sentence : do you like soup mounir there isn t any meat in it but it is delicious 42 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 <<<< <<<< <<<< <<<< <<<< <<<< <<<< Finish the following dialogue with these words : [ I'd like – Would you – I'd – would – like ] waiter : What (1) …..…………… you like to eat? Ahmad : (2) …..…………… like some chicken, please. waiter : (3) …..…………… like a drink? Adel : Yes, please. (4) …..…………… some water. waiter : OK, Sir. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues a) Manar : Is there any water in that bottle? Enas : ……………………….………………………………………. . b) Hady : ……………………………….….…..……………………… ? Ali : I'd like falafel. Read the following , then answer the questions : In London and New York, there are areas that people call " Little Egypt" . You can buy Egyptian foods, such as falafel at many shops and restaurants there. You can also find ful medames in many countries.Broad beans have a long history in Egypt. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt loved them . People cook the beans for breakfast. Today, people still use the fourth- century recipe to cook ful medames. A) Answer the following questions : 1- Where can you find " Little Egypt " ? 2- Where can you buy Egyptian foods? 4- What does the word them refer to? B) Choose the correct answer : 3- People cook beans for ……………….. . a) lunch b) breakfast c) dinner 4- People still use the ……………….. recipe to cook ful medames. a) fourth-century b) fifth-century c) second-century 43 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : 1- I'd ……………….. some fish and rice, please. a) like b) likes c) liked 2- Would you like ……………….. salad with the fish? a) any b) some c) a lot 3- When do people sometimes eat ………………..? - For breakfast. a) chicken b) fish c) ful medames 4- What do you like to eat and drink ……………….. a restaurant? a) on b) with c) at 5- We often eat ……………….. with lentil yellow soup. a) lemon b) kofta c) carrots 6- I like falafel , but I ……………….. like soup. a) not b) don’t c) doesn’t 7- Hassan ……………….. like coffee, but he likes tea. a) don’t b) not c) doesn’t 8- There ……………….. water, tea and orange juice. a) are b) is c) am Read and correct the underlined words : 1- I'd like any chicken, rice and salad. 2- Does your brother likes soup? 3- What is the main ingredients of lentil soup? 5- Hassan would likes to have falafel. 6Look at the picture and write three more sentences : ( The words in the box may help you . ) tomatoes and carrots - delicious - lemon Lentils soup is a popular dish in Egypt. ………………………………..……………………….. ………………………………………….…………….. ………………………………………….……………. 44 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Countable nouns : ___ ___&_ ا ____ ا ء (They are nouns which can be counted . ) ( one , two , three … ) boy – girl – book – apple – machine – town – city – cat medal – night – day – year – century – question – friend . some ( a , an ) -Would you like an apple ? ( ……. one apple ….. ? ) -There are three books on the desk . I can see some boys playing at the park . ( There is \ isn't ) ) There is a tomato. There isn't an apple. ( There are \ aren't ) ) There are three shops in the street. There aren't vegetables in the fridge. Uncountable nouns : (They are nouns which can’t be counted . ) oil – water – juice – flour – salt – sugar – rice – money soup – pasta – time – salad – music There isn’t any money on the table. I like to eat some salad and some bread . ( There is \ isn't ) ) There is pasta in koshari. There isn't lamb in koshari. some : Would you like some juice ? There are some students in the class . There aren't any sweets there . Is there any tomato sauce in molokhia soup? 45 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 Finish the following dialogue with these words : [ some – would – any – drink – juice ] Waiter : Good afternoon. What (1) …..…………… you like to eat? Kareem : I'd like (2) …..…………… fish and rice please. Waiter : Would you like some salad with the fish? Kareem : Yes, please. Salad is good for me. Waiter : Would you like to (3) …..……………? Kareem : Yes, please. Have you got any orange (4) …..…………… ? Waiter : Orange juice? Yes, of course. Kareem : Thank you. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues a) Mona : Where can you buy dukkah outside Egypt? Sahar : …………………………………………………. b) Salma : ………………………………………………… ? Alaa : Pasta, black lentils , rice and tomato sauce on the top. Read the following , then answer the questions : Here are some more famous Egyptian dishes. Kofta is meat , onions and herbs. We sometimes eat it with bread and yoghurt. Ful medames is broad beans, lemon, onions and tomatoes. People sometimes eat it for breakfast. Lentil soup has yellow lentils, onions , potatoes and carrots. We often eat it with lemon. A) Answer the following questions : 1- What are the main ingredients of kofta? 2- What are the main ingredients of lentil soup? 3- What are the main ingredients of ful medames? 46 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) اولى اعدادىTERM 1 B) Choose the correct answer : 4- We sometimes eat kofta with ……………….… . a) bread and yoghurt b) lemon c) carrots 5- We can make lentil soup with ……………….… . a) black lentil b) yellow lentil c) green lentil Choose the correct answer from a , b or c : 1- You can ……………….… ful medames in many countries. a) finds b) find c) found 2- ……………….… there any meat in lentil soup? a) Are b) Do c) Is 3- Orange juice? OK. Let’s ……………….… it. a) try b) eat c) use 4- There aren’t ……………….… tomatoes at the market. a) a b) any c) some 5- Why are some parts of New York and London ……….……… "Little Egypt" ? a) call b) calls c) called 6- I like falafel, ……………….… I don’t like soup. a) but b) and c) so 7- The Egyptian spice …………….… dukkah, is now popular in Australia. a) areas b) herbs c) mixture 8- Pasta, lentils and rice are main ingredients of ……………….… . a) kofta b) koshari c) falafel Read and correct the underlined words : 1- There are some bread on the table. 2- There is some shops in this street. 3- Can I have any water, please?. 4- Hany wood like to have falafel. Look at the picture and write three more sentences : ( The words in the box may help you . ) long history - big pots - breakfast You can find ful medames in many countries ……… …………………………………………………………….. 47 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 1-Friday is the -------------- day of the week. a- third b- first c- last 2-How --------------- rice do you want? a- many b- long c- much 3-There are --------------- people in the match. a- too much b- too many c- too enough 4-This is my --------------- visit to Alexandria. a- three b- third c- thirty 5-There isn't --------------- milk in the fridge. a- some b- many c- any 6-Can I ask you --------------- questions ? a- some b- one c- any 7-When she was out, she ate ---meat sandwich. a- some b- a c- any 8-How much --------------- have you got ? a- books b- sugar c- apple 9-How ----------sugar do you need in your tea? a- many b- much c- long 10-Can I ask you --------------- question? a- some b- a c- any 11-How -------------- cooking oil do you need? a- many b- long c- much -Read and correct the underlined words: 1. He didn't have some money. 2. There're some rice in the bag. 3. We have not some pens. 4. How much books do you need? 5. I don't want some oranges. 48 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 49 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 50 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 51 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 52 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 53 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 54 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) 55 اولى اعدادىTERM 1 BABA LOTFY ( NEW HELLO ) Punctuate 56 اولى اعدادىTERM 1