comprehensive 1 model answer - RMS

Sheet No. :
Comprehensive worksheet
Model answer
Units 1, 2, 3
Supply the missing parts in the following mini dialogues:1)Ali: What is your favourite subject?
Bahaa: My favourite subject is Arabic.
2)Magdy: Who are your best friends?
Hany: My best friends are Adel and Mohsin.
3)Soha: Is there a lot of good fish in Egypt?
Dina: yes, there is.
4) Tamer: What is your favourite soup?
Ahmad: My favourite soup is molokhia.
5) Manar : Is there any water in that bottle?
Enas: no, there isn’t.
6) Hady: What would you like to eat?
Ali: I'd like falafel.
7) Adam: What's your first name?
Tom: My first name is Tom. – it’s Tom
8) Sally: What is your phone number?
Ali: It's 01147277899.
9) Soha: How often do you go to school by bus?
Dina: I aoften go to school by bus twice a week.
10) Manar: How many uncles and aunts have you got?
Enas: I have got two uncles and one aunt.
11) Hady: Where does a scientist work?
Ali: He works in a laboratory.
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Sheet No. :
Choose the correct answer:1. He (walk – walks – walked) to school every day.
2. The moon (go – went – goes) round the earth.
3. Ali often (do – does – done) his homework at six.
4. I sometimes (sweeps – sweep – swept) the floor.
5. In Egypt, it (rains – rain – rained) in winter.
6. Mr. Mohamed (teaches – teach – taught) us English.
7. I have computer (studies – internet – websites) at school.
8. I like (paint – paints -painting) in my free time.
9. Abu Bakr often talks (on – to – with) his cousin on Friday.
10. She has got Arabic (in – on – at) eleven o’clock.
11. How (many – often – tall) do you study maths? Twice a week.
12. There isn’t (some – many – any) bread in the kitchen.
13. (Are – Is – Do) there any lentils in okra?
14. There (is – are – some) a lot of good fish in Egypt.
15. My father's father is my (grandmother - grandfather – brother)
16. My father's sister is my (cousin - sister – aunt)
17. My uncle's son is my (cousin - aunt - sister)
18. My father's bother is my (aunt - cousin - uncle)
19. I'd (like - likes – liked) some fish and rice, please.
20. The weather is cold (on – in – at) winter.
21. Would you like (any – some – a lot) salad with the fish?
22. He went to school (in – at – on) foot.
23. This is my (three – third – thirty) visit to Alexandria.
24. There isn't (any – many – some) milk in the fridge.
25. Can I ask you (some – one – any) questions?
26. How much (apple – sugar – books) have you got?
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27. How (many – mush – long) sugar do you need in your tea?
28. How (many – long – much) cooking oil do you need?
29. I'm very sick. I should see a (doctor – baker – teacher).
30. Students usually do experiments in the (laboratory – office – library).
31. A (businessman - sales assistant - tour guide) works in a shop.
32. A doctor and a nurse work in a (workshop – clinic – farm).
33. I have got maths (in – at – on) Sunday.
34. They live (on – in – at) Italy.
35. She was (at – on - in) home.
36. He was born (on – in – at) 1960.
37. What (are – is – am) your favourite subject?
38. How (old – many – often) does he go to school by bus?
39. She lives (in – on – at) Cairo.
40. What are his favourite (animals – animal – animal’s)? - Dogs and Kittens.
41. We usually play tennis (at – in – on) Thursdays.
42. Does it (rains – rain – raining) in the summer?
43. He is eating (at – on – in) this moment.
44. What does Hassan usually (do – does – did) on a school day?
45. Ahmed and Mona (living – live – lives) in Cairo.
46. Where (is – do – does) Nadia work?
47. His (name – name's – names) Hussein.
48. What's Ahmed's father (called – call – calling)?
49. I (works – working – work) in a tourist company
50. Nada is married (on – with – to) Hesham.
51. Manal's brother (is – are – does) called Tamer.
52. She (speaking – speak – speaks) English.
53. A (teacher – baker – farmer) teaches pupils at school.
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54. My mother's brother is my (son – brother – uncle).
55. I have got English (in – on – at) quarter past ten.
56. Tamer (play – playing – plays) football every day.
57. (What – Where – When) time do you have maths on Monday?
58. How (old – often – many) do you watch TV?
59. Salma (has – is – have) not got school on Friday.
60. What (do – doing – does) he make?
61. What subjects (has – have – do) you got on Thursday?
62. Sara (draw – is drawing – draws) a picture every week.
63. My first name (am – was – is) Ahmed.
64. Ahmed wants to visit (her – his – their) uncle's farm.
65. I (am – is - are) thirteen years old.
66. Where (was – are – were) you born?
67. They write about (his – their – our) school days.
68. How old (is – are – was) you?
69. He is from Egypt and his (language - nationality – country) is Egyptian.
70. I (have – am – do) from Cairo.
71. Emma is from England. She speaks (English – Arabic – Turkish).
72. (How – Why – What) is your favourite subject?
73. Arabic is a beautiful (game – subject – sport).
Put the adverb of frequency on the right place:
1. He often listens to the radio. (often)
2. They sometimes read a book. (sometimes)
4. Tom is very friendly. (usually)
5. I sometimes take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
6. Remy is often hungry. (Often)
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Write questions using the words in brackets :
1- I arrive at school at 7:45. (When) When do you arrive?
2- I never go to school by bus. (How often) How often do you go to school by bus?
3-Amal always studies hard for her exams. (Does) Does Amal study hard for exams?
1- An accountant works with money. (Who) Who works with money?
2- My brother is called Safy. (What) What does your brother called?
3- My aunt works in a hospital. (Where) Where does your aunt work?
Answer the following questions:
1- What’s your first name? My first name is Ali. It’s Ali.
2- What’s your last name? My last name is Mahmoud. It’s Mahmoud.
3- Where were you born? I was born on 15.10.2000.
4- When were you born? I was born in Port Said.
5- How old are you? I’m thirteen.
6- What was the name of your teacher last year? She was called Kholoud.
7- What is the name of your teacher this year? She’s called Maha.
Finish the following dialogue with these words
1) (phone – book – surname – name – address)
Teacher: What's your first (1) name?
Rania: It's Rania.
Teacher: What's your (2) surname?
Rania: It’s El-Hawary.
Teacher: What's your (3) address?
Rania: 103 Ahmad Saleh Street. Alexandria.
Teacher: What's your (4) phone number?
Rania: It's 109466563.
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2) (it – When – born – What – your)
Noura: What is your first name?
Salma: My first name is Salma.
Noura: What is your last name?
Salma: It is Helmy.
Noura: Where were you born?
Salma: I was born in Alexandria.
4) (fixes – garage – does – is – Where)
Ahmed: What is your brother’s job?
Amr : He is a mechanic.
Ahmed: Where does he work?
Amr: He works in a garage.
What does he do?
Amr: He fixes cars.
5) (uncle – son – daughter – sister – cousin)
Soha: Who's your (1) cousin?
Adel: He's the child of my (2) uncle or aunt. Who's your aunt?
Soha: She's my mother or father's (3) sister. Who's your sister?
Adel: She's my mother and father's (4) daughter.
Read the following, then answer the questions :
Hello! My name is John. I'm from England. I have an Egyptian pen friend called Marwan. I'm
reading his e-mail now about food in Egypt. He tells me about a very popular dish called Koshari.
There isn't any meat in it, but there are lentils in it. It also includes rice, pasta, fried onions and
tomato sauce on the top. I think it’s a very delicious dish. I want to try it.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What’s the name of John's pen friend?
John's pen friend is called Marwan.
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2- Is there any meat in koshari?
No, there isn’t.
B) Choose the correct answer
4- The underlined word it refers to _________________________.
a) meat
b) Koshari
c) Molokhia
5- John is ________________________________.
a) German
b) Egyptian
c) English
In London and New York, there are areas that people call "Little Egypt". You can buy Egyptian
foods, such as falafel at many shops and restaurants there. You can also find ful medames in many
countries. Broad beans have a long history in Egypt. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt loved them. People
cook the beans for breakfast. Today, people still use the fourth- century recipe to cook ful medames.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where can you find "Little Egypt "?
We can find “Little Egypt” In London and New York.
2- Where can you buy Egyptian foods?
You can buy Egyptian foods, such as falafel at many shops and restaurants
B) Choose the correct answer:
3- People cook beans for _________________________.
a) lunch
b) breakfast
c) dinner
4- People still use the _________________________ recipe to cook ful medames.
a) fourth-century
b) fifth-century
c) second-century
Hello! My name is Ahmed Elyamany. I'm a student at preparatory school. My mother wakes me
up early. At seven o'clock, I wash, get dressed and eat breakfast. I wear trousers and a school T-shirt. I
always go to school on foot. I have nine lessons a day. On Wednesday, we study Arabic, English,
religion maths, science, and computer studies. At three forty-five, I get home. At nine o'clock, I go to
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A) Answer the following questions:
1- What does Ahmad wear to school?
He wears trousers and a school T-shirt
2- Does Ahmad go to school by bus?
No, he always goes to school on foot.
3- How many lessons does Ahmad have?
He has nine lessons a day.
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Ahmad's _________________________ always wakes him up.
a) father
b) mother
c) sister
5- Ahmad gets home at _________________________.
a) 3:45
b) 4:45
c) 2:45
Here are some more famous Egyptian dishes. Kofta is meat, onions and herbs. We sometimes
eat it with bread and yoghurt. Ful medames is broad beans, lemon, onions and tomatoes. People
sometimes eat it for breakfast. Lentil soup has yellow lentils, onions, potatoes and carrots. We often
eat it with lemon.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What are the main ingredients of kofta?
The main ingredients of kofta are meat, onions and herbs.
2- What are the main ingredients of lentil soup?
Lentil soup has yellow lentils, onions, potatoes and carrots.
3- What are the main ingredients of ful medames?
Ful medames is broad beans, lemon, onions and tomatoes.
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- We sometimes eat kofta with _________________________.
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a) bread and yoghurt
b) lemon
c) carrots
5- We can make lentil soup with _________________________.
a) black lentil
b) yellow lentil
c) green lentil
Read and correct the underlined words:
1. There aren’t any vegetables in molokhia soup.
2. Molokhia soups is good for you.
3. Many people likes Koshari.
4. Salma don’t like nuts and dates.
5. There're some bread next to the cheese.
6. We always play tennis at Fridays.
7. How many do you have history and geography?
8. Arabic is my favourite sport.
9. She don't like fish.
10. What's your late name?
11. I'd like any chicken, rice and salad.
12. Does your brother likes soup?
13. What is the main ingredients of lentil soup?
14. Hassan would likes to have falafel.
15. He didn't have some money.
16. There're some rice in the bag.
17. We have not some pens.
18. How much books do you need?
19. I don't want some oranges.
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Sheet No. :
Punctuate the following sentence :
1- hatem s studying to be a doctor He is at university [Hatem is studying to be a doctor. He is at
2- my fathers father is my grandfather [My father’s father is my grandfather.]
3- how often does he go to school [How often does he go to school?]
4- what tome is it [What time is it?]
5- its five oclock [It’s five o’clock.]
6- Arabic is my favourite subject [Arabic is my favourite subject.]
7- i like tea coffee soup and fruits [I like tea, coffee, soup and fruits.]
Look at the picture and write three more
sentences :
(The words in the box may help you.)
tomatoes and carrots - delicious - lemon
Lentils soup is a popular dish in Egypt.
I like lentils soup. It’s very delicious.
The ingredients are so easy. It’s a very famous Egyptian food.
get up – go to school - subjects
I’m a student in a preparatory school.
I get up at 6.00 o’clock everyday. I go to school on foot.
I have got nine subjects every day.
cook – kitchen - restaurant
I’m a chef.
I like to cook food. I know too many recipes and ingredients.
I always work in kitchens at hotel and restaurants.
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delicious – countries - restaurants
Egyptian food is very popular.
It’s very famous all over the world. You can find it in many
Countries. It’s very delicious and tasty.
I’m a mechanic.
I like my job. I can fix cars and repair engines. I work in a garage.
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