High School:
I. Sc.:
B. Sc. Hons:
M. Sc.:
St. John's High School, Agra, India
Distinction in Mathematics & Arithmetic
(Intermediate of Science) St. John's College
Agra, India ( distinction in Physics
University of Karachi, Pakistan
Mathematics, Physics, & English)
Honors in Mathematics )
University of Karachi, Pakistan
(Applied Mathematics)
D. I. C.:
Imperial College, University of London, U. K.
(Mathematical Physics)
Supervisor: Prof. A. Salam F.R.S., 1979 Nobel Laureate
Thesis: "Representation of Rotation Group and
Field Theory"
Ph.D.: University of London, U. K.
(Nuclear Physics)
Supervisor: Prof. L. R. B. Elton, F. Inst. P.,
Thesis: "Nuclear Shell and Cluster Models with
Special Reference to 6Li"
S.M. College, Karachi, Pakistan
Part-time Lecturer NED Engineering College, Karachi, Pakistan
Research Scholar University of London, U.K.
(Tate and Hall Scholar, 1960-63)
Assistant Professor Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
1969-73 Associate Professor Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
1973-1973 Professor Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
1973- Research Professor Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
1962 Summer
1967 Summer
1968 Summer
1969 Summer
1969-70 Winter
1970 Fall
1971 Spring
1972 Summer
1972-73 Winter
1973 Spring
1976 Summer
1977 Summer
1978 Summer
1978 Fall
1980 Summer
1981 Summer
1982 Summer
1983 Summer
1984 Summer
84-85 Winter.
Visiting Research Scholar Bohr Institute of Theoretical Physics,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Visiting Assistant Prof.
Visiting Assistant Prof.
Research Associate
Visiting Associate Prof.
Guest Professor
Guest Professor
Visiting Associate Prof.
Guest Scientist
Guest Scientist
Guest Scientist
Visiting Professor
Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL
University of Wyoming, Laramie,
State University of New York, Buffalo.
University of Washington, Seattle
Univ. of Frankfurt, Germany
Univ. of Darmstadt, Germany
Univ. of California, San Diego, CA
Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
PINSTECH, Islamabad, Pakistan
PINSTECH, Islamabad, Pakistan
Univ. of Mexico, Mexico City
Guest Professor
Guest Professor
Guest Professor
Guest Professor
United Nation Expert &
Consultant: Guest Prof.
Univ. of Bochum, Germany
Nucl. Research Center, Strasbourg, France
King Abdul Aziz U. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Inst. for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland
Univ. of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan and
PINSTECH, Islamabad, Pakistan
Visiting Professor Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX
United Nations Expert & Univ. of Sind, Pakistan and PCSIR,
Consultant: Guest Prof Karachi, Pakistan
Guest Professor
Visiting Professor
Islamic Univ., Islamabad, Pakistan
Natl. Inst. of Oceanography Pakistan
Bahauddin Zakariya Univ. Multan, Pakistan
1985 Summer
1986 Summer
86-87 Winter.
1987 Summer
1988 Summer
Consultant & Coor.
U. S. delegation
Visiting Professor
Guest Scientist
Visiting Professor
United Nation's Expert
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
National Inst. of Oceanography, Pakistan,
Bahaddin Zakariya Univ. Multan, Pakistan,
10th Int'l. Nathiagali College, Pakistan,
Center of Excellence in Chemistry, Pakistan
Solar Energy Center, Hyderabad, Pakistan
Middle East Technical Univ., Ankara, Turkey
Nat'l. Inst. Oceanography, Karachi, Pakistan
University Pertanian Malaysia
University Pertanian Malaysia and Center of
High Energy Physics, Lahore, Pakistan
1991 Summer
1992 Summer Guest Scientist Solar Energy Research Center, Hyderabad and Visiting Professor Center of High
1993 Summer Guest Scientist and
Energy Physics, Lahore, Pakistan
National Institute of Silicon Technology and
Ministry Science, Govt. of Pakistan
1994 Summer Visiting Professor Univ. Pertanian, Malaysia
1995 Summer Faculty Research Assoc Air Force R Lab, KAFB Albuquerque, NM
1996 Summer Faculty Research Assoc Air Force R Lab, KAFB Albuquerque, NM
1997 Summer Faculty Research Assoc Air Force R Lab, KAFB Albuquerque, NM
1997-98 Winter Visiting Professor Center of High Energy Physics, Pakistan
1998 Summer Faculty Research Assoc Air Force R Lab, KAFB Albuquerque, NM
1998-99 Winter Visiting Professor Center of High Energy Physics, Pakistan
1999 Summer Visiting Professor Iowa State University, Ames, IA
1999-00 Winter Visiting Professor
2000-01 Winter Visiting Professor
Center of High Energy Physics, Pakistan
2000 Summer Advanced Placement Consultant University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Center of High Energy Physics, Pakistan
2001 Summer
2001 Fall
2002 Spring
Summer Faculty Fellow
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Johnson Space Center, NASA, Houston
University Putra Malaysia
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo, Japan
2003 Summer
2003-04 Winter
2004 Summer
2004-05 Winter
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Center of high Energy Physics, Pakistan
Summer Faculty Fellow Johnson Space Center NASA Houston
Visiting Professor Space Sc. Dept. Punjab U. Pakistan
2005 Summer Visiting Scientist Johnson Space Center NASA Houston
2005-06 Winter HEC Foreign Professor Center of high Energy Physics & Space
- Sc. Department Punjab Univ. Pakistan
2006 Summer HEC Foreign Professor Center of high Energy Physics & Space
- Sc. Department Punjab Univ. Pakistan
2006-07 Winter HEC Foreign Professor Space Sc. & CHEP. Punjab U Pakistan
2007 Spring HEC Foreign Professor Space Sc. & CHEP Punjab U Pakistan
2007 Summer Summer Faculty Fellow Johnson Space Center NASA Houston,
2007 Fall HEC Foreign Professor Space Sc. Dept. Punjab Univ. Pakistan
2007-08 Winter HEC Foreign Professor Space Sc. Dept. Punjab Univ. Pakistan
2008 Summer HEC Foreign Professor Space Sc. & CHEP Punjab U Pakistan
2008-09 Winter HEC Foreign Professor Space Sc. & CHEP Punjab U Pakistan
2009 Summer HEC Foreign Professor COMSATS IIT, Islamabad, Pakistan
2009-10 Winter HEC Foreign Professor COMSATS IIT, Islamabad, Space Sc. Dept
- and Center of HEP, Punjab Univ. Pakistan
2010 Summer Guest Scientist Dept Sc & Tech, Peshawar, Pakistan
2011 Summer Visiting Professor COMSATS IIT, Islamabad, Pakistan
2011-12 Winter Visiting Professor COMSATS IIT, Islamabad, Pakistan
2012 Summer Visiting HEC Professor IST, Islamabad, Pakistan
2013 -
Adjunct Professor UMT, Lahore, Pakistan
Adjunct Professor COMSATS IIT, Sahiwal, Pakistan
In addition to those short-term appointments I have visited a large number of other institutions (over a hundred) for short periods to give professional talks and to hold informal discussions
Was awarded Tate and Hall Scholarship, London, UK, 1960-63
Received Humboldt Fellowship Award, Germany, 1970-71
Was awarded Texas Tech Univ. Faculty Development Leave, 1971-72,
Was awarded and held S-Contract for Oak Ridge National Lab since 1972.
Was awarded Texas Tech Univ. Faculty Development Leave, 1978-79
Received "Outstanding Research Award," College of Arts and Sciences, Texas Tech
Univ. 1985-86
Have been UNDP consultant and expert since 1981(Under this program visited and consulted U Punjab; BZ U, Multan; Sindh U, Jam Shoro; Nat. Inst. Oceanography,
Karachi; Solar Energy Research Center, Hyderabad; PCSIR, Karachi; NIST, Islamabad)
Received "Outstanding Research Award," College of Arts and Sciences, Texas Tech
1989 Al-Khwarzami Laureate: Received "Al-Khwarzami Award," American Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers, l989.
Was awarded Texas Tech Univ. Faculty Development Leave, 1989-90
Received “Texas Tech University El Paso Natural Gas Award” for outstanding research leadership, 1995-96
Was awarded Texas Tech Univ. Faculty Development Leave, 2001-2002
Was awarded Texas Tech Univ. Faculty Development Leave, 2007-2008
Was awarded Senior Fulbright Award 2009-10
Received US Flag flown on the US Capitol Building, Washington in my name 2014
Have had 51 short-term positions as guest scientist or visiting professor at other institutions within the USA and abroad.
Have visited more than 100 different research institutions (many several times), held discussions, and gave seminars around the world.
Was invited for more than 200 seminars and colloquia at various institutions in the world
Gave 10 keynote speeches and 60 invited talks at international and regional conferences.
Have served as a member of 20 organizing/advisory committees for international
Conf./Symp. Chaired several committees and organized those conferences.
Several science magazines and newspapers wrote comments and editorials on the work presented in the conferences and published in professional journals.
Obtained 120 grants including 30 travel grants for inland and abroad from state, federal,
UN and other agencies.
Member of the Editorial Board
Distinguished Honorary Editorial Advisory Board (DHEAB) Member of
Encyclopedia of life Support System (EOLSS)
Turkish Journal of Physics, Ankara, Turkey
International Journal of Physics, Lahore, Pakistan (Not publishing any more)
Quranic Horizons, Lahore, Pakistan
International journal of Energy Environment Economics, Huntington, NY
World Applied Sciences Journal (member, Consultation and Editorial Board),
Montreal, Canada
International J. of Fundamental Sci., Malaysia
International J. of Quality and Innovation, Inderscience Publishers
1. "Use of Binomial Coefficients", M. A. K. Lodhi; Proc. 9th Pakistan International Sc. Conf., 9 (1957).
2. "Representation of Rotation Group and Field Theory", M. A. K. Lodhi; D.I.C. Thesis,
Imperial College, London (1960).
3. "Nuclear Shell and Cluster Models with Special Reference to 6Li", M. A. K. Lodhi;
Ph.D. Thesis, University of London (1963).
4. "6Li Wavefunction" L. R. B. Elton and M. A. K. Lodhi; P. L. H. Reports, 1963,
Rutherford Lab., U.K.
5. "Excitation Energy for the First Excited State of 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; AAAS
Bulletin 40, 18 (1964).
6. "Configuration Missing in 6Li Wavelength"; L. R. B. Elton and M. A. K. Lodhi; Nucl.
Phys. 66, 209 (1965).
7. "Elastic Electron Scattering by 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 10,
583 (1965).
8. "Elastic Electron Scattering by 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Nucl. Phys. 80, 125 (1966).
9. "Cluster Model Wavefunction of 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc.
11, 750 (1966).
10. "Cluster Model Wavefunction of 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Nucl. Phys. A97, 449
11. "Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Rev. Mod. Phys. 39, 593
12. "Cluster Model Calculations on Electron Scattering by 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi;
Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 12, 632 (1967).
13. "Spatial Correlation of Nucleons in a Closed Shell +2 Particle System"; R. W.
Mires and M. A. K. Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 13, 872 (1968).
14. "Residual Potential in the Shell Model Wave Function of 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi,
Nucl. Phys. A121, 549 (1968).
15. "Nuclear Correlation Effect in the Shell-Model Description of Deuteron"; M. A.
K. Lodhi; Phys. Rev. 178, 1590 (1969).
16. "Single Particle Energy Levels Based on the Velocity-Dependent Potential"; M.
A. K. Lodhi; Phys. Rev. 182, 1061 (1969).
17. "Spatial Correlation in the 6Li Wavefunction"; M. A. K. Lodhi and R. W. Mires;
Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 14, 535 (1969).
18. "An Isomeric State of He"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Proceedings of Inter-national
Conference on Hypernuclear Physics, Argonne, Illinois, May 5-7, 1969, p. 896.
19. "Extra-core Nucleon Correlation Effect on the Quadrupole Transition in 6Li"; M.
A. K. Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 14, 1205 (1969).
20. "Spin-Orbit Splitting Effect on Single-Particle Energy Levels Based on Velocity
Dependent Potential"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Phys. Rev. C, 1, 365 (1970).
21. "Nucleon Correlation Effect on the Quadrupole Transition in 7He*"; M. A. K.
Lodhi; Phys. Rev. C, 1, 1732 (1970).
22. "Correlation Structures of 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi and R. W. Mires; Nucl. Phys.
A149, 625 (1970).
23. "Independent-Particle-Model Energy-Levels"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Jour. Phys. A:
Gen. Phys. 3, 533 (1970).
24. "Perturbation Effects and Morse Function Based on Velocity Dependent
Potential"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Phys. Rev. C, 1, 1895 (1970).
25. "Single-Particle Energy Levels and Velocity-Dependent Potentials"; B. T. Waak and M. A. K. Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 15, 1658 (1970).
26. "Dynamical Correlation in 6Li and Inelastic Electron Scattering"; M.A.K. Lodhi;
Phys. Rev. C, 2, 503 (1970).
27. "Photon as the Quantum of Light and Photoelectric Effect"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Tex.
J. Sc. 22, 417 (1971).
28. "Radiation Energy and an Atom"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Tex. J. Sc. 22, 419 (1971).
29. "Nuclear Structure of 6Li and High Energy Electron Scattering"; M. A. K.
Lodhi; Z. Naturforschung 269, 224 (1971).
30. "Inelastic Scattering of Electrons and E2 Transition in 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Z.
Physik 242, 364 (1971).
31. "Residual Potential and Nucleon Correlation Effect in the Shell Model. I. E2
Transition in 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Phys. Rev. C, 3, 2116 (1971).
32. "Single-Particle States of Superheavy Isotopes with Z = 114 Using
Velocity-Dependent Potential"; M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.
16, 1151 (1971).
33. "Electron Scattering from Nuclei and Nuclear Structure"; M.A.K. Lodhi; Tex. J.
Sc. 23, 421 (1972).
34. "The Systematic Behavior of Single-Particle Separation Energies in f-p Shell"; M.
A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 17, 578 (1972).
35. "Simple Concepts in Quantum Mechanics and Formulation of the Wave
Equation"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Tex. J. Sc. 24, 85 (1972).
36. "Nuclear Level and Sequence of Single-Particle Energies in a
Momentum-Dependent Potential"; M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak; Phys. Rev. Lett. 29,
301 (1972).
37. "Energy Calculations for 6Li with Short-Range Dynamical Correlations"; M. A.
K. Lodhi and M. N. Clinger; Proceedings of International Symposium on Few Particle
Problems in Nuclear Interaction, ed., I. Slaus, R. Haddock, S. Moszkowski, and W. H. T. van Oers. North-Holland Publishing Co. (1973) p. 987.
38. "The Systematics of Nuclear Single-Particle States"; M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T.
Waak; Bull. Amer. Soc. 17, 924 (1972).
39. "Single-Particle States of Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei in a Velocity-Dependent
Potential"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Z. Naturforschung 27a, 186 (1972).
40. "Alpha-Deuteron Cluster Model Wave Function of 6Li and its Photodisintegration
Cross Section"; K. E. Wood and M. A. K. Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 19, 526 (1974).
41. "Systematics of Nuclear Single Particle States"; M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak;
Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 431 (1974).
42. "Photodisintegration Cross Sections of 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi and M. L. Rustgi;
Proceedings, International Conference on "Few Body Problems in Nuclear and Particle
Physics," ed. R. J. Slabodrian, B. Cujec, and K. Ramvataram, Les Presses de L'universite
Laval, Quebec (1975) p. 768.
43. "Effects of Intercluster Exchange of Particles on Photonuclear Reaction in 6Li;
M. A. K. Lodhi and K. E. Wood; Proceedings of Second International Conference on
Clustering Phenomena in Nuclei, ed. D. A. Goldberg, J. B. Marion, S. J. Wallace,
USERDA, Office of Public Affairs, (1975), p.193.
44. "The Electric Dipole Absorption Operator"; M. A. K. Lodhi and K. E. Woods;
Proceedings International Conference on Effective Interaction and Operators, Vol. 1
(1975) p. 36.
45. "Solution of Bound State Problems in Nuclear Shell Model with
Momentum-Dependent Potential"; M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak; Comp. Phys. Coms.
10, 182 (1975).
46. "Comparison of Nuclear Systematics in Local and Non-local Central Potentials";
J. O. Amburgey and M. A. K. Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 20, 1185 (1975).
47. "Electron Scattering and Correlation Structure of Light Nuclei", M. A. K.
Lodhi; Proceedings International Conference on "Few-Body Problems in Nuclear and
Particle Physics, ed A. N. Mitra et al (North-Holland, 1976) p. 364.
48. "Sun and Sea for the Agro-Industrial World", M. A. K. Lodhi; Proceedings First
International Conference on "Physics in Industry" ed. E. O. Mongain and C. P. O'Toole
(Pergamon Press 1976) p. 323.
49. "Some of the Immediate Hurdles in the Advancement of Science and Technology in the Muslim World and their Remedies"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Proceedings of International
Islamic Solidarity Conference in Science and Technology.
50. "A Momentum-Dependent Potential Approximated by the Morse Function for
Studying Nuclear Systematics"; M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak; Annals of Physics 101,
1 (1976).
51. "Nuclear Short-Range Correlation and Photodisintegration of 4He"; M. A. K.
Lodhi and A. K. Ray; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 22, 612 (1977).
52. "On Primordial 354x and other Superheavy Elements"; M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T.
Waak; Phys. Lett. B71, 53 (1977).
53. "About the Short-range Correlation and the Nuclear Charge Form Factor of 4He";
M. A. K. Lodhi; Nuov. Cim. Lett. 20, 332 (1977).
54. "On the Systematics of f-p Single Particle States"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Nuov. Cim.
A43, 1 (1978).
55. "Semiempirical Formulas for Single Particle Energies of Neutrons and of
Protons"; M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak; J. Comp. Phys. 28, 65 (1978).
56. "Effect of the Short-Range Correlation on the Structure of Light Nuclei and Error
Resulting from the Approximation"; M. A. K. Lodhi, A. K. Ray and Y. W. Yen; Bull.
Amer. Phys. Soc. 23, 500 (1978).
57. "Effect of Higher Ordered Terms in the Cluster Expansion of Correlation
Function on the Structure of Light Nuclei"; M. A. K. Lodhi; 8th International Conference on Few-Body Problem, Graz, Austria,
Aug. 24-30, 1978.
58. "A Self-Consistent Process of Producing Hydrogen from Sea Water"; M. A. K.
Lodhi; Proceedings, International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, ed. N.
Veziroglu; (Hemisphere Publishing Corp.) (1978) p. 3669.
59. "A Self-Consistent Analytical Approach to Non-local Potential and the Shell
Structure of Superheavy Nuclei"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Proceedings, International Symposium on Superheavy Elements, ed. M. A. K. Lodhi (Pergamon Press) (1979) p. 296.
60. "Possible Muonic Transitions and X-Ray Spectra from Superheavy Elements"; A.
K. Ray, S. S. Wald and M. A. K. Lodhi; Proceedings, International Symposium on
Superheavy Elements, ed. M. A. K. Lodhi, (Pergamon Press) (1979) p. 442.
61. "Exact Calculations for Penetrabiltity and Prediction of the Spontaneous Fission
Half-lives of Superheavy Elements"; S. S. Wald, A. K. Ray and M. A. K. Lodhi;
Proceedings, International Symposium on Superheavy Elements, ed. M. A. K. Lodhi
(Pergamon Press, 1979) p. 467.
62. "Sea Water for Hydrogen and for Municipal Use"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Hydrogen
Energy Progess, Proceedings 3rd. World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Tokyo ed. T. N.
Veziroglu, K. Fulki and
T. Ohta (Pergamon Press, 1980) p. 1453.
63. "High Momentum Components in 6Li Wave Function and Electron Scattering",
M. A. K. Lodhi, Nuov. Cim. Lett. 30, 311 (1981).
64. "Nuclear Charge Form Factor of 6Li at High Momentum Transfer"; M.A.K.
Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 26, 567 (1981).
65. "The Effect of Configuration Interaction on (3d)5 Systems in Cubic Crystalline
Fields"; M. A. K. Lodhi and C. R. Quade; Phys. Lett. 83A, 225 (1981).
66. "Photodisintegration of Symmetric System in Shell and Resonating Group
Method"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Proceedings 9th International Conference on High Energy
Physics and Nuclear Structure (Versailles, France, 1981) p. 77.
67. "Influence of Spatial Symmetry on Sum Rule for Photodisintegration Cross
Section of 6Li"; M. A. K. Lodhi; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 26, 1129 (1981).
68. "Sum Rule for Bremsstrahlung Cross Section for 6Li in the Resonating-Group
Method", M. A. K. Lodhi and K. E. Wood, Nucl-Phys. A376, 486 (1982).
69. "Photodisintegration of 6Li in the Sum Rule Formalism", M. A. K. Lodhi and M.
L. Rustgi; Nuov. Cim. Lett. 33, 42 (1982).
70. "Symmetry Effect on Sum Rule for Bremsstrahlung Cross Section"; M. A. K.
Lodhi, Nuov. Cim. Lett. 33, 513 (1982).
71. "Bremsstrahlung Photon Cross Section for Unsymmetric System with
Resonating-Group Wave Function", M. A. K. Lodhi, Nuov. Cim. Lett. 34, 257 (1982).
72. "On the Extraction of Energy from Renewable Sources by Method Involving
Gravitation", M. A. K. Lodhi and J. O. M. Bockris, Proceeding, Australian Institute of
Physics Conference, 1982.
73. "Massive Energy Extraction from Ocean Currents"; M. A. K. Lodhi and J. O. M.
Bockris, Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Alternate Energy Sources ed. T.
N. Vezirogen (Pergamon Press 1982).
74. "Effect of Cluster Expansion on 4He Density and its Form Factor"; M. A. K.
Lodhi and A. K. Ray; Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 28, 688 (1983).
75. "Solar-Desert Chimney: A Concept and Device for Large Scale Solar Power
Production at Low Cost", M. A. K. Lodhi, Proceedings Inter- national
Symposium-Workshop on Renewable Energy Sources, ed. M. K. Bhatti et al 1983, p.219.
76. "Central Depression in the 4He Density and the Second Minimum in its Form
Factor", M. A. K. Lodhi and A. K. Ray, Proceedings, International Conference on
Nuclear Physics, (Tipografia Compositori, Bologna 1983) Vol. 1, 321.
77. "Massive Extraction of Energy from Renewable Sources involving Gravitation,
M. A. K. Lodhi, Proceedings International Conference on Science in Islamic Polity",
(Ministry of Science and Technology, Pakistan, 1983) pp. 8-24.
78. "6Li as a Two-Cluster System and its Photoabsorption Calculations", M. A. K.
Lodhi and K. E. Wald, Proceedings, Tenth International Conference on Few Body
Problems in Physics, ed. B. Zeitnitz (North Holland, 1984) Vol. 2, 281.
79. "The Physics of Nuclear Power and Weapons: Challenges", M. A. K. Lodhi,
Muslim Scientist, 13, 52 (1984).
80. "Meson Exchange Currents and Nuclear Charge Form Factor of 6Li", M.A.K.
Lodhi and R. B. Hamilton, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 29, 701 (1984).
81. "Massive Extraction of Energy from Renewable Sources involving Gravitation",
M.A.K. Lodhi, Sc., Tech. and Development, 3, 43 (1984).
82. "Role of Meson Exchange Current in the Charge Form Factor of 6Li", M. A. K.
Lodhi and R. B. Hamilton, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 646 (1985).
83. "Photonuclear Cross Section of 6Li in the Resonating Group Method", M.A.K.
Lodhi and K. E. Wald, J. Phys. G. Nucl. Phys. 11, 365 (1985).
84. "Effects of Pion Exchange Currents on the Charge Form Factor of 4He", M.A.K.
Lodhi and G. A. Umerah, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 30, 1102 (1985).
85. "The Solar Bowl Technology Transfer to Developing Nations", M.A.K. Lodhi and E.A. O'Hair, Proc. ASME Solar Energy Conf. Anaheim, CA, April 13-16, 1986, ed.
R. R. Ferber (United Engineering Center NY) p. 250-253.
86. "Sum-Rule Calculations for Photonuclear Cross Sections for Light Nuclei", M. A.
K. Lodhi, G. A. Umerah, and R. B. Hamilton, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 31, 816 (1986).
87. "The Effect of D-Wave Component on the Charge Form Factor of 4He", M.A.K.
Lodhi and G.A. Umerah, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 31, 1006 (1986).
88. "Short Range Correlation and D-State Effect on Photonuclear Cross-Section in
4He", M. A. K. Lodhi and G. A. Umerah, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 32, 1182 (1987).
89. "Electric Dipole Sum-Rule and Short Range Correlation in 6Li", M.A.K. Lodhi and R. B. Hamilton, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 32, 1182 (1987).
90. "Thermal Collection and Storage of Solar Energy", M. A. K. Lodhi, Silicon
Technology Development, ed. A. Mufti and T. N. Veziroglu, J1-56 (1987).
91. "Hydrogen Production from Renewable Sources of Energy", M. A. K. Lodhi, Int'l
J. Hydrogen Energy, 12, 461 (1987).
92. "Hydrogen City", M. A. K. Lodhi, Int'l. J. Hydrogen Energy, 12, 1136 (1987).
93. "Power Potential from Ocean Current for Hydrogen Production", M. A. K. Lodhi,
Int'l. J. of Hydrogen Energy, 13, 151 (1988).
94. "Some Thoughts and Observation on Scientific Miracles", M. A. K. Lodhi, Sc. &
Tech. in the Islamic World, 6, 63 (1988).
95. "Charge Form Factor of 4He and D-Wave Contribution", M. A. K. Lodhi and G.
A. Umerah, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 33, 1131 (1988).
96. "Medical Physics", M. A. K. Lodhi, Proc. Donald J. Arnold Symposium on
Medical Physics, Lubbock, TX, Tx. J. Sc. 40, 117 (1988).
97. "Energy Transport Through Ocean Currents", M. A. K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys.
Soc. 33, 1336 (1988).
98. "Some Anomalous Behavior of Light at Large Incident Angle and Possible
Explanation", M. R. Trahan, M. A. K. Lodhi and E. A. O'Hair, Bull. Amer. Phys. 33,
1344 (1988).
99. "Estimation of the Dynamic Range of the Reticon Detector System at the Dry Ice
Temperature", A. Y. Abokor and M. A. K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 33, 1344
100. "Effect of Short-Range Correlation on the Charge Distribution of Nuclei with A =
3", M. A. K. Lodhi and J. R. Culhane, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 33, 1344 (1988).
101. "The First Order Effect of Short Range Correlation on the Charge Distribution of
4He", M. A. K. Lodhi and P. M. Giancana, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 33, 1344 (1988).
102. "Correlation Effect on the Shape of 6Li", M. A. K. Lodhi and P. M. Giancana,
Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., 33, 1472 (1988).
103. "Effects of Pion-exchange Currents and Short-range Correlation on the Charge
Form Factor of 4He", M. A. K. Lodhi and G. A. Umerah, Nuov. Cim. 100A, 598 (l988).
104. "How Safe is the Storing of Liquid Hydrogen", M. A. K. Lodhi and R.M. Mires,
Int'l. J. Hydrogen Energy, l4, 35 (l989). l05. "Short Range Form of the Charge Distribution of 4He and its Charge Form
Factor", M.A.K. Lodhi,
A.K. Ray, and C. Yalcin, Nuov. Cim., l0lA, 155 (l989).
l06. "A Propose Solar Bowl Electric Power Plant for Pakistan", E.A. O'Hair, M. A. K.
Lodhi, and W. P. Van, Alternate Energy Sources l987 VIII, Vol. 2, Solar Energy
Fundamentals and Applications, ed. T.N. Veziroglu (Hemisphere Publishing Corp., N.Y.) pp.165-172 (1989).
107. "Storing Hydrogen and an Accidental Explosion", R.W. Mires and M.A.K. Lodhi,
Proc. 8th Miami Int'l. Conf. on Alternate Energy Sources VIII, Vol. 2 Research and
Development, ed. T.N. Veziroglu (Hemisphere Publishing Corp., N.Y)., pp.637-641(1989).
108. "Reclamation of Land, Energy, and Water through Solar Ponds in Water-logged and Saline Areas", M. A. K. Lodhi, Sc. & Tech. in the Islamic World 7,1 (1989).
109. "Solar Pond Potential on the High Plains of Texas and New Mexico", M. A. K.
Lodhi, Tex. J. Sc. 41, 155 (1989).
110. "Collection and Storage of Solar Energy", M. A. K. Lodhi, Int'l. J. Hydrogen
Energy 14, 379 (1989).
111. "A Step Towards Reevaluating the Attitude of a Scientist" (editorial), M. A.
K.Lodhi, Proc. Workshop on Attitudes and Practices in Science and Technology ed. M.
A. K. Lodhi (IIIT Press, Herndon, Va) pp. 1-3 (1989).
112. "The Making of a Scientist", Proc. Workshop on Attitude and Practice in Science and Technology, ed. M. A. K. Lodhi, (IIIT Press, Herndon, Va) pp. 141-152 (1989).
113. "Shape Deformation and Transition Width of 6Li", M. A. K. Lodhi and P. M.
Giancana, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 34, 1140 (1989).
114. "Fabrication of Solar Reflective Panels", M. A. K. Lodhi, E. A. O'Hair, Saifuddin
Shaikh and Bobby Green, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 34, 1512 (1989).
115. "Self Consistent Hartree-Fock Calculation for 4He", M. A. K. Lodhi and R.B.
Hamilton, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 34, 1513 (1989).
116. "The Effect of Parity and Isopin Mixing on Quadrupole Moment of 6Li", M. A.
K. Lodhi and P. M. Giancana, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 34, 1513 (1989).
117. "PP Elastic Scattering at Superhigh Energies", Fazal-e-Aleem Mohammed
Saleem and M. A. K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 34, 1514 (1989).
118. "A Solar Bowl Design, Cost and Efficiency Proposed on and near Equator", M.
A. K. Lodhi,
M.Y. Sulaiman and S. Ibrahim, Proc. 9th Miami Int'l. Congress on Energy and
(ed T.N. Veziroglu) 22 (1989).
119. "Utilization of Offshore Brine, Produced with Crude Oil as By-product, for
Harnessing Solar Energy", M. A. K. Lodhi, S. Ibrahim, M.Y. Sulaiman, ibid, 75 (1989).
120. "Harnessing of Slow Moving River Current to Produce Electricity for Remote
Area", S. Ibrahim,
M. A. K. Lodhi, and M.Y. Sulaiman, ibid, 171 (1989).
121. "Indoor Air Pollution in Rural Households", A.Z. Abidin and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid, 400 (1989).
122. "Ambient Air Quality Trends in the Klang Valley, Malaysia", M. A. K. Lodhi and
A.Z. Abidin, ibid, 410 (1989).
123. "Solar Pond Feasibility for Low Cost Energy and Water Production", M.A.K.
Lodhi, Tex. J. Sc. 42, 91 (1990).
124. "Quark Clustering Phenomenon in Nuclear Form Factors", M. A. K. Lodhi. Proc.
Conf. Nuclear Sc. & Tech. Bangi, Malaysia, pp 11-22, (1990).
125. "Short Range Form of Charge Distribution of 6Li and Transitions", M.A.K.
Lodhi, P. M. Giancana, M. Y. Sulaiman and A. B. Ishaq, ibid, pp 311-328, (1990).
126. "Charge Form Factor of 6Li in the Quark Degrees of Freedom", A.Y. Abokor and
M. A. K. Lodhi, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, 104 (1990).
127. "Energy Research in Malaysia":, (Guest Article), Forum, 5, 4-6 (1990).
128. "Science Research Activity in the Contemporary World and Muslims'
Contribution", J. of Islamic Thought and Scientific Creativity, 1, (1990).
129. "Multiquark Configuration and the Second Minimum in the Form Factor of
3,4He", M. A. K. Lodhi and A.Y. Abokor, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 36, 93 (1991).
1 3 0 . " A n a l y s i s o f t h e L o w
E n e r g y ¿ - p 6 � ¿ n E x p e r i m e n t a l
D a t a T a k e n i n t h e L i g h t o f
C o n t e m p o r a r y T h e o r i e s " , B . M .
B r o o k s , M . A . K . L o d h i , T . J .
B l a k , L . D . I s e n h o w e r , D . W .
L a n e , M . E . S a d l e r , J . D .
B o w m a n , D . H . F i t z g e r a l d ,
B u l l . A m e r . P h y s . S o c . 3 6 ,
1 7 0 0 ( 1 9 9 1 ) .
1 3 1. "Quark Cluster Configurations and Their Respective Sizes", A.Y. Abokor and M.A.K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 36, 1700 (1991).
132. "A Solar Bowl Electric Power Plant for Normal Solar Flux", M.A.K. Lodhi, M.Y.
Sulaiman and S. Ibrahim, Energy and Environmental Progress; Solar Energy
Applications, 1B, 247-254 (1991).
133. "A Proposed Solar Pond Power Plant Using Offshore Brine", M.A.K. Lodhi, S.
Ibrahim and M.Y. Sulaiman, ibid, 263-271 (1991).
134. "Harnessing of Slow Moving River Current to Produce Electricity for Remote
Area", S. Ibrahim, M.A.K. Lodhi and M.Y. Sulaiman, Energy and Environmental
Progress; Indirect Solar, 1C, 227-237 (1991).
135. "Fluctuations in Air Pollution in Metropolitan Kuala Lumpur", M.A.K. Lodhi and
A.Z. Abidin, Energy and Environmental Progress: Environment and Energy, 1F, 261-270
136. "Comparison of Indoor Air Pollutants Produced by Burning Gas and Firewood",
A.Z. Abidin and M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid, 271-278 (1991).
137. "Prospect of Energy Production from Ocean Currents along Pakistan Shoreline",
M.A.K. Lodhi,
Sc. and Tech. in the Islamic World, 9, 1 (1991).
138. "Solar Thermal Potential in Pakistan: Collection, Storage and Application",
M.A.K. Lodhi, Sc. & Tech. in the Islamic World, 9, 57 (1991).
139. "Charge Form Factor of 4He with the presence of N(1520) Baryon in its Ground
State with Quark Degrees of Freedom", M.A.K. Lodhi and A.Y. Abokor, Proc. 13th Int'l.
Conf. on Few Body Problems in Physics, ed. I.R. Afnan and R.T. Cahill (1992).
140. "Short-range Correlation in the Six-body Wave Function of 6Li", M.A.K. Lodhi,
P.M. Giancana and M.Y. Sulaiman, ibid (1992).
141. "The D-Wave Contribution to Charge Form Factor of 4He", M.A.K. Lodhi, G.A.
Umerah and M.Y. Sulaiman, Tr. J. Phys. 16, 39 (1992).
142. "Helio-aero-gravity Electric Power Production at Low Cost", M.A.K. Lodhi and
M.Y. Sulaiman, Renewable Energy, 2, 183 (1992).
143. "Estimation of the Quark Cluster Sizes in the Wave Function of Light Nuclei", A.
Y. Abokor and M. A. K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 37, 1165 (1992).
144. "Contribution due to Hadron and Quark Interference Terms to the Form Factor of
4He in HQH Model", M.A.K. Lodhi and A.Y. Abokor, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 37, 1165
145. "Multiquark Configuration Effect on Nuclear Charge Form Factors in
Hadron-Quark Hybrid Model", M. A. K. Lodhi, A. Y. Abokor and M. Y. Sulaiman,
Nuov. Cim. A 105, 1257 (1992).
146. "Six-Body Correlated Wave Function of 6Li@, M.A.K. Lodhi, P.M. Giancana and M.Y. Sulaiman, J. Fiz, Mayaysia, 13, 29 (1992).
147. "Improvement of Charge Form Factor of 3He due to N(1520) in the HQH
Model", M. A. K. Lodhi and A. Y. Abokor, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 37, 1906 (1992).
148. "Hadron - Quark Hybrid structure of Nuclear Form Factor of 4He and the
Prediction of the Presence of
N (1520)" M.A.K. Lodhi and A.Y. Abokor, Bull-Amer. Phys. Soc. 38, 1063 (1993)
149. "Quark Cluster Probabilities in 3He Nucleus and its Form Factor", M.A.K. Lodhi,
A.Y. Abokor, R.B. Hamilton and S.A. Khan, Bull, Amer. Phys. Soc. 38, 1667 (1993)
150. "A Realistic Wave Function of 6Li and its Binding Energy," R.B. Hamilton, S.A.
Khan and M.A.K. Lodhi, Bull, Amer. Phys. Soc. 38, 1668 (1993)
151. "The Effect of Tensor Potential on 4He Energy," S.A. Khan, R.B. Hamilton and
M.A.K. Lodhi, Bull, Amer. Phys. Soc. 38, 1669 (1993)
152. "Hartree-Fock-Moshinsky Calculations for Nonconservation of Parity and Isospin in 4He", A. Azlan M. Yasir and M.A.K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc.
153. "The Admixture of D-state in the Ground State of 4He and the Presence of N
(1520)", M.A.K. Lodhi, A.Y. Abokor and A.A.M. Yasir, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 38, 1684
154. "Effect of Odd Parity in the Ground State of 4He", A.A.M. Yasir and M.A.K.
Lodhi, ibid.
155. "Advanced Energy Sources", M.A.K. Lodhi, Magill's Survey of Science: Applied
Science, Salem Press, Inc., Pasadena, CA (1993) pp. 835-841
156. "Solar Power Plants", M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid, pp. 2368-2375
157. "Windfarms", M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid, pp. 2854-2860
158. "The Comparison of Effects due to Meson Exchange Current and D-wave on
Charge Form Factor of 4He", M.A.K. Lodhi, G.A. Umerah and M.Y. Sulaiman, Tr. J.
Phys. 18, 782 (1994)
159. "Recent Developments and Challenges for Future in Photovoltaics", M.A.K.
Lodhi, Technology Window 6, No. 6, 12-23 (1994)
160. "Principle of Naming Stars", M.A.K. Lodhi, Islamic Thought & Sc. Creativity 5,
59 (1994)
161. "A Fixed Mirror Solar Thermal Power Plant", M.Y. Sulaiman, M.A. Wahab, S.
Ibrahim, A.A.M. Yasir and M.A.K. Lodhi, Sc. & Tech. in the Islamic World, 13 , 3
162. “An Artificial Incemination: AIH and A1D,” Saeed Akhter and, M.A.K. Lodhi,
Proc., Int’l Conf. On Sc in Islamic Polity, COMSTECH, Islamabad, 128-134, (1995)
163. ‘A Contemporary Science and the Muslim World,” ibid 346-354 (1995).
164. "A Hybrid System of Solar Photolvoltaic, Thermal and Hydrogen; A Future
Trend", M.A.K. Lodhi, International J-Hydrogen Energy, 20 , 471 (1995).
165. “A Solar Pond in Alkaline Lake and Oil Well Regions, “M.A.K. Lodhi, Energy
Conversion and Management, 37 , 1677-1694 (1996)
166. “A Cascading of Two Energy Converting Devices for Space Power, “M.A.K.
Lodhi, Michael Schuller, and Paul Hansgen, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. (to be published).
167. ”The Pion Double Charge Exchange Cross Section of Calcium Isotopes,” M.O.
Elghossain, M. A. K. Lodhi, and W.R. Gibbs, ibid.
168. “A Nuclear Charge Form Factor of 3 He with Configuration Mixing, “ S.A. Khan, and M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
169. A Quark Exchange Model for Nucleon and Nuclear Structure@, W.C. Yerger, and M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
170. A Relativistic Modification to Elastic Electron-Nuclear Scattering at High
Momentum Transfer@, P.J. Nichols, and M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
171. “A Mathematical Modeling For A Thermionic-AMTEC Cascade System,”
M.A.K. Lodhi, Michael Schuller, and Paul Hansgen, Proc. Space Technology &
Application Int’l. Forum, Part 3 (APS Press NY), 1285-1290 (1996)
172. Design and Uses of International Space Station,” M.A.K. Lodhi, USA in Space,
(Salem Press, Pasadena CA, 1996) 270-273
173. “Development of International Space Station,” M.A.K. Lodhi, USA in Space,
(Salem Press, Pasadena CA, 1996) 274-278
174. “Living and Working in the International Space Station,” M.A.K. Lodhi, USA in
Space, (Salem Press, Pasadena CA, 1996) 279-283
175. “US Contribution to the international Space Station,” M.A.K. Lodhi, USA in
Space, (Salem Press, Pasadena CA, 1996) 288-291
176. “ Configuration Mixing in He Nuclides and Charge Form Factors, ” S. A. Khan and
M.A.K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 41 (1996) 942.
177. “A Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Hybrid System for Future,” M.A.K. Lodhi, Proc
,World Renewable Energy Congress, Denver, CO (1996).
178. “Rethinking Values and Attitudes in Science and Technology,” M.A.K. Lodhi,
Proc. Int’l.Conf. On Values and Attituddes in Sc. & Tech.Vol. 1, Malaysia, (1996) 66-75.
179. “The Pion Double Charge Exchange in Point-like And finite range-like Pion-
Nucleon Interaction,” M. O. EL-Ghossain and M.A.K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc.
41 (1996) 1161
180. “The Charge Form Factor of 4 He and its first excitation Energy,” S. A. Khan and
M. A. K. Lodhi,‘ Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 41 (1996) 1161
181. “ How does Quark Degree of Freedom help Understand Nuclear Structure, ” M. A.
K. Lodhi, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc.1996.
182. “ Double Charge Exchange Reaction 18( 18 Ne at 164 MeV, ” M.A.K. Lodhi
, M.N.Nuseirat and W.R.Gibbs, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 1996.
183. “ Photovoltic and Solar Thermal Hybrid for High Energy and Low Cost, Proc.4th
Intn’l Symp. on New Energy (1997) 87 - 100
184 “ Pollutant Emission from Fossil Fuel Use in Kuala Lumper and Daanaques,”
M.A.K. Lodhi , A.Z.Abidin and M.Y.Sulaiman , Energy Conversion and Management ,
38 , 213-216 (1997)
185 “ Photovoltaic and Hydrogen Future Energy Option , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , ibid 38 ,
1991 (1997)
186 “ Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Hybrid for High Energy and Low Cost , ”
M.A.K. Lodhi , Proc. 4th Int’l . Sympos New Energy pp 87-100 (1997)
187. “ Theoritical Basis of B c
Spectra , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , A. Abd El - Hady and J.P.Vary,
Proc. Workshop, on Theoritical Nuclear / Particle Physics: Opportunities for International
Interdisciplinary Research, Ames, Iowa, May 22 - 23 , 1998
188. “ What Issues could be addressed further in the next Conference and of what form ,
” M.A.K. Lodhi and J.P.Vary, ibid
189 “ B c
Mesons Spectroscopy , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , A. Abd El - Hady and J.P.Vary,
Bull. Amer. Phys Soc., 43 ( 1998) 1567
190. “ Pion - nucleus Scattering , ” Mutazz Nuseirat, M.A.K. Lodhi and R.W.Gibbs ,
Amer. Phys Soc., 43 ( 1998) 1591
191. “ Energy Dependence pf Pion Double Charge Exchange , ” Mutazz Nuseirat,
M.A.K. Lodhi , M.O.El - Ghossain, R.W.Gibbs and W.B.Kaufmann, Bull. Amer. Phys
Soc., 43 ( 1998) 1591
192. “ Our Understanding of the origin of Time , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , Proc. Ninth Annual
International Forum on New Science , Fort Collins, CO , October 29 - November 1 , 1998
193. “ The Origin of Time: Science and Pseudo Science , ” M.A.K. Lodhi ,Proc. Ninth
Annual International Forum on New Science , Fort Collins, CO , October 29 - November
1 , 1998
194 “ Image Processing , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , Appliedd Science ( Salem Press, Pasadena)
3095 - 3102 (1998)
195 “ Photo-electricity , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , Appliedd Science ( Salem Press, Pasadena)
3192 - 3198 (1998)
196 “ Rigid- body Dynamics, ” M.A.K. Lodhi , Appliedd Science ( Salem Press,
Pasadena) 3106 - 3112 (1998)
197 “ Antisense RNA , ” M.A.K. Lodhi and Sundus A. Lodhi , Life Science ( Salem
Press, Pasadena ) 2809 - 2816 (1998)
198 “ Mutation,” ” M.A.K. Lodhi and Sundus A. Lodhi, Life Science ( Salem Press,
Pasadena , CA ) 3034 - 3040 (1998 )
199 “ Pion - nucleus Scattering, ” Mutazz Nuseirat , M.A.K. Lodhi and R.W.Gibbs,
Phys.Rev. C, 58 , 314 - 319 (1998)
200 “ Energy Dependence of Pion Double Charge Exchange , ” Mutazz Nuseirat ,
M.A.K. Lodhi and R.W.Gibbs, M.O. El - Ghossain and W. B. Kaufmann, Phys.Rev. C,
58 , 2292 - 2302 (1998)
201 “ Eyes and Visual Disorder , ” M.A.K. Lodhi, ( Salem Press, Pasadena , CA ) 274 -
278 (1998 )
202 “ Alternative Fuels , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues, (
Salem Press, Pasadena , CA ) 34 - 38 (1998 )
203 “ Bc Mesons in a Bethe - Salpeter Model , ” A. Abedd El - Hady, M.A.K. Lodhi and
J.P.Vary , Phys.Rev. D, 59 , 094001 - 1 (1999)
204 “ Indoor Air Pollutants Produced from Fossil Fuel and Bio-mass , ” M.A.K. Lodhi and A. Zain - al -Abdin, Energy Conversion and Management , 40 , 243 - 248 (1999)
205 “ Application of Helio - aero - gravity Concepts in Producing Energy and
Supressing Pollution,” M.A.K. Lodhi , Energy Conversion and Management , 40 , 407 -
421 (1999)
206 “ Performance Parameters of Material Studies for AMTEC Cell , ” M.A.K. Lodhi and A. Daloglu , J.Power Sources 85 , 203 - 211 (2000)
207 “Spectroscopy and Lifetime of Mesons with Bottom and Charm Quarks,” M.A.K.
Lodhi,A.A. EL-Hady, and J.P. Vary, Few-Body Systems Suppl. 12 , 214-222 (2000)
208 “ Effect of Geometric Variation on AMETC Cell Heat Losses,” M.A.K. Lodhi and
A. Daloglu , J.Power Sources, 91 , 99-106 (2000)
209.” Future Energy Sources and Their Exploitation: a Case Study of Malaysia,” M.A.K.
Lodhi, IJEEE, 10 ,107-122, (2000)
210. "Energy Availability and Environmental Protection from Brine Produced in
Offshore Oil Industry", M. A. K. Lodhi, IJEEE.
10 , 131-138 (2000)
211. “Solar Systm’s Age,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Earth Sc. ed. James A. Wordhead, Salem
Press, Pasadena, CA, ISBN 0-89356-000-6 (2000) 2594-99
212 “ Design and Material Variation for an Improved Power Output of AMTEC Cell , ”
M.A.K. Lodhi and A. Ddaloglu , J. .Power Sources, 93 , 32-41 (2001)
213 “ Time - dependent BASE Performance and Power degradation in AMTEC Cell , ”
M.A.K. Lodhi , P.Vijayaraghavan and A. Daloglu, J. .Power Sources, 93 ,42 (2001)
214 “ Effect of Radiation Shield on Pressure Losses and Power Output of
AMTEC Cell , ” M.A.K. Lodhi and A. Daloglu, J. .Power Source, 93 , 259 (2001)
215. “ Hydrogen from Renewable an Consumable Non-fossle Sources,” M. A. K. Lodhi,
Proceedings, Workshop on New Trends and Breakthroughs in Hydrogen Energy, Istanbul,
Turkey, April 2 - 5, 2001, pp 25 - 37
216. “ Simulation and Analysis of Time-dependent Degradation Behavior of AMTEC,”
M.A.K. Lodhi, P.Vijayaraghavan and A. Daloglu, J .Power Sources, 96 , 343 – 351,
217. “ Role of Electrodes in Power degradation of AMTEC: their Analysis and
Simulation,” M.A.K. Lodhi and M. S. Chowdhry, J Power Sources, 96 , 369 – 375 (2001)
218. “Characteristics of Electrode Materials and their Lifetime Modeling for AMTEC,’
M.A.K. Lodhi and M. S. Chowdhry, J Power Sources 103 , 18 – 24, (2001)
219 “An Overview of Advanced Space/Terrestrial Power Generation Device: AMTEC, “.
M.A.K. Lodhi, P.Vijayaraghavan and A. Daloglu, J. Power Sources, 103 , 25 –33 (2001)
220. . “Relativistic Meson Spectrum from the Reduced Bethe-Salpeter Equation,” N.
Redington an M. A. K. Lodhi, , Bulletin Amer. Phys. Soc., Spring Supplemental 46, 4
221. “Lifetime of the B c
Meson Calculated from a Trial Wave Function obtained from
Bethe-Salpeter Equation,” R. Lombardini an M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid
222. “B c
Absorption by Comoving Nucleons,” R. Marshall and M. A. K.. Lodhi, ibid,
223. “Theoretical Feasibility Study of Some Typical Accelerator Driven Nuclear
Reactors,” Mike Shubov and M. A. K. Lodhi, , Bulletin Amer. Phys. Soc. Spring
Supplemental 46, 5 (2001)
224. “ Power Loss of AMTEC, an Advanced Power Generation Cell,” M. A. K. Lodhi, P.
Vijiayaraghavan and M. S. Chowdhury, Bulletin Amer. Phys. Soc. Spring Supplemental
46, 5 (2001)
225. “ Ancient Egyptian Astronomical Calendar,” P. Marshall and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid,5
226. “Commercialization of AMTEC as an Efficient Means of Power Generation for
Space and Terrestrial Purposes,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Proceedings, Keynote Address 2 nd
World Engineering Congress, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 22 – 25, 2002, pp 46-54
“ Bc absorption by co-moving nucleons in a hot and dense medium,” Rian Marshall and M. A. K. Lodhi, Bulletin Amer. Phys. Soc.
48 , 28 (2003)
228. “Helio-hydro and helio-thermal production of hydrogen,” M. A. K. Lodhi,
International J. Hydrogen Energy, 29, 1099 (2004)
229. “Temperature-dependent grain growth model for AMTEC electrodes,” M. A. K.
Lodhi, S. C. Soon and M. Mohibullah, J. Power Sources, 135, 304 (2004)
230, “Solar Modulation of Inner Trapped Belt Radiation Flux as a Function of
Atmospheric Density,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Abel B. Diaz and Thomas L. Wilson, Radiation
Measurements, 39 , 391 (2005)
231. “A New Perspective of Trapped Radiation Belts in Planetary Atmosphere,” A.
Diaz,T. L. Wilson and M. A. K. Lodhi, Lunar and Planetary Sc`. 36 , 1197 (2005)
232. “ B c
absorption cross sections by mesons,” Rian Marshall and M. A. K. Lodhi,
Bulletin Amer. Phys. Soc.
50 , 58 (2005)
233. “ Influence of Interstellar Neutrals as an Atmosphere on Charged Particle Flux in the Heliosphere,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Thomas Wilson and Abel Diaz, Bulletin Amer. Phys.
50 , 72 (2005)
“ Form-factor dependence of Bc absorption cross section by nucleons,” M. A.
K. Lodhi and Rian Marshall Bulletin Amer. Phys. Soc.
50 , 181 (2005)
“Optimization of the TIEC/AMTEC cascade cell for high efficiency,” M. A. K.
Lodhi and V. R. Malka, J. Power Sources 156 , 685 (2006)
“Use of waste heat of TIEC as the power source for AMTEC,” M. A. K. Lodhi and A Mustafa, J. Power Sources 158 ,740 (2006)
“B c
Suppression in Quark-Gluon Plasma in Heavy Ion Collisions,” M. A. K.
Lodhi and Rian Marshall, Proceedings IX International Conference on Nucleus
Nucleus Collisions, 2006, 89
“Effect of thermospheric neutral density upon inner trapped-belt proton flux,”
Thomas L. Wilson, M. A. K. Lodhi and Abel Diaz, Space Weather, 5 , S07001
“ A Simple Five-Dimensional Wave Equation for a Dirac Particle,” N.
Redington and M. A. K. Lodhi, J. math. Phys.
4 8 , 022303, (2007)
“Hadronic Absorption Cross Sections of B c
Meson,” M. A. K. Lodhi and Rian
Marshall, Nucl. Phys. A, 790 , 223c-227c (2007)
“The Grain Size Effect on Thermo- chemical Properties of AMTEC,” M. A. K.
Lodhi and Justin B. Briggs, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 2 , 469-477 (2007)
“Temperature Effect on Lifetimes of AMTEC Electrodes,” M. A. K. Lodhi and
Justin B. Briggs, J. Power Sources , 168, 537-545 (2007)
“Accelerator driven thermal nuclear reactors,” M. A. K. Lodhi and Mike
Shubov, Ann. Nucl. Energy, 35, 1125-1130 (2008)
“Alkali Metal Thermal to Electric Energy Convertor,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Invited ,
Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Vol.
4 , 334-346 (2009)
“Accelerator Driven Breeder Reactor,” M. A. K. Lodhi and Mike Shubov, Ann.
Nucl. Energy, 36 , 837-843 (2009)
“Electrostatic focusing of directly heated linear filament gun using EGUN,”
Munawar Iqbal, M. A. K. Lodhi, Zahid Majeed and Dimitri Batani, Nucl.
Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 644, 1-4 (2011)
“Hadronic absorption cross sections of B c
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Shaheen Irfan, Phys Rev C 84 , 034901 (2011)
“B c
absorption cross sections by rho mesons,” Faisal Akram and M. A. K.
Lodhi, Phys Rev C 84, 064912 (2011)
“Assessment of Urban Sprawl of Islamabad Metropolitan Area using Multisensor and Multi-temporal Satellite Data,” Mohsin Jamil Butt, Ahmad Waqas,
Muhammad Farooq Iqbal, Gull Muhammad and M. A. K. Lodhi, Arabian J. science and Engineering, 37, 101-114(2012)
“Design modification in rotor blade of turbo molecular pump,” Munawar Iqbal,
Abdul Wasy, Dimitry Batani, Haris Rashid and M. A. K. Lodhi, Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 678, 88-90 (2012)
“B c
absorption cross sections by nucleons,” Faisal Akram and M. A. K. Lodhi,
Nuclear Physics A 877, 95–106(2012)
“Thermal analysis of the long line source electron gun,” M. Iqbal, A. Wasy and
M. A. K. Lodhi, Rev of Scientific Instruments 84, 056113 (2013)
“Photonics from Al-Haitham to Optoelectronics of AMTEC,” M. A. K. Lodhi, J
Computer and Communications 1 , 72-77 (2013)
“Power generation and pollution suppression by alkali metal thermo electric convertor (AMTEC),” M. A. K. Lodhi, [INVITED ARTICLE] for the Jubilee
Scientific 15th anniversary issue of] International Scientific Journal for
Alternative Energy and Environment, ISJEE No.21 (161) (2014) 43-50, doi:10.15518/isjaee.2014.21.002
“Optimization of Power of AMTEC,” M. A. K. Lodhi a* and Nadeem Ahmad b ,
Journal of Power, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2014.11.049, (2015) pp. 644 - 649
“Improvement of Power Output of AMTEC by Selecting the Appropriate
Materials under Various Conditions, Javed Sami and M. A. K. Lodhi, J.
Fundamental Sc . to be published
"Elastic Charge Form Factor of 6 Li in Hadron-Quark Hybrid Model", M.A.K.
Lodhi and A.Y. Abokor, in preparation
1. Lectures on Nuclear Physics, M. A. K. Lodhi, author (PINSTECH, Rawalpindi,
Pakistan, 1973).
2. Proceedings, International Symposium on Super-heavy Elements, Abstract
Volume, M. A. K. Lodhi, Editor and contributing author (Texas Tech Press, Lubbock,
Texas, 1978).
3. Super-heavy Elements, M. A. K. Lodhi, Editor and contributing author
(Pergamon Press, New York, 1979).
4. Attitudes and Practices in Science and Technology, M. A. K. Lodhi, Editor and contributing author. (IIIT, Herndon, VA, 1989)
Bold-print numbers represent invited and/or keynote lectures
1. "Use of Binomial Coefficients," M. A. K. Lodhi, Proc. 9th Pakistan International
Sc. Conf., Peshawar, Pakistan, March 1957.
2. "Excitation Energy for the First Excited State of 6Li," M. A. K. Lodhi, AAAS
Meeting, Lubbock, Texas, March 1964.
3. "Elastic Electron Scattering by 6Li," M. A. K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting,
New York, June, 1965.
4. "Cluster Model Wave Function of 6Li," M. A. K. Lodhi, Joint Meeting Amer.
Phys. Soc., Canadian Phys. Soc. and Mexican Phys. Soc., Aug. 1966.
5. "Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction of 6Li," M. A. K. Lodhi, International Conf. on
Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, Gainesville, Florida, March, 1967.
6. "Cluster Model Calculations on Electron Scattering by 6Li," M. A. K. Lodhi,
Joint Meeting Amer. Phys. Soc., Canadian Phys. Soc. and Mexican Phys. Soc., Toronto,
Canada, June, 1967.
7. "Spatial Correlation of Nucleons in a Closed Shell +2 Particle System," R. W.
Mires and M. A. K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Los Alamos, New Mexico, June,
8. "Spatial Correlation in the 6Li Wave Function," M.A.K. Lodhi and R.W. Mires,
Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Washington, D. C., April, 1969.
9. "An Isomeric State of 7He*," M. A. K. Lodhi, Conference on Hyper-nuclear
Physics, Argonne, Illinois, May, 1969.
10. "Extra-Core Nucleon Correlation Effect on the Quadrupole Transition in 6Li," M.
A. K. Lodhi, D N P Conf., Boulder, Colorado, November, 1969.
11. "Correlated Wave Function of 6Li and Inelastic Scattering of Electrons," M. A. K.
Lodhi, Joint Meeting Amer. Phys. Soc., Canadian Phys. Soc. and Mexican Phys. Soc.,
Winnipeg, Canada, June, 1970.
12. "Single-Particle Energy Levels and Velocity-Dependent Potentials," B. T. Waak and M. A. K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc., D N P Conf., Houston, Texas, October, 1970.
13. "Single-Particle States of Super-heavy Isotopes with Z = 114 Using
Velocity-dependent Potential," M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak, Am. Phys. Soc. D N P
Conf., Tucson, Arizona, November, 1971.
14. "The Systematic Behavior of Single-Particle Separation Energies in f-p Shell," M.
A. K. Lodhi and B. T. Waak, Am. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Washington, DC, April, 1972.
15. "Energy Calculations for 6Li with Short Range Dynamical Correlation," M. A. K.
Lodhi and M. N. Clinger, International Symposium on Few Particle Problems in Nuclear
Interaction, Los Angeles, August, 1972.
16. "The Systematics of Nuclear Single-Particle States," M. A. K. Lodhi and B. T.
Waak, D N P Conf., Amer. Phys. Soc., Seattle, Washington, November, 1972.
17. "Alpha-Deuteron Cluster Model Wave Function of 6Li and its Photodisintegration Cross Sections," K. E. Wood and M. A. K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc.
Meeting, Washington, D. C., April, 1974.
18. "Photo-disintegration Cross Sections of 6Li," M.A.K. Lodhi and M. L. Rustgi,
International Conference on "Few Body Problems in Nuclear and Particle Physics,"
Laval, Quebec, Canada, August, 1974.
19. "Effects of Inter-cluster Exchange of Particles on Photo-nuclear Reaction in 6Li,"
M. A. K. Lodhi and K. E. Wood, Second International Conference on Clustering
Phenomena in Nuclei, College Park, Maryland, April, 1975.
20. "The Electric Dipole Absorption Operator," M. A. K. Lodhi and K. E. Wood,
International Conference on Effective Interaction and Operators, Tucson, Arizona, June,
21. "Comparison of Nuclear Systematics in Local and Non-Local Central Potentials,"
J. O. Amburgey and M. A. K. Lodhi, D N P Conf., Amer. Phys. Soc., Austin, Texas,
October, 1975.
22. "Electron Scattering and Correlation Structure of Light Nuclei," M. A. K. Lodhi,
International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Nuclear and Particle Physics, Delhi,
India, December, 1975.
23. "Sun and Sea for the Agro-Industrial World," M. A. K. Lodhi, First International
Conference on Physics in Industry, Dublin, Ireland, March, 1976.
24 . "Some of the Immediate Hurdles in the Advancement of Science and Technology in the Muslim World and Their Remedies," M. A. K. Lodhi, International Islamic
Solidarity Conference in Science and Technology, Riyad, Saudi Arabia, March, 1976.
25. "Nuclear Short Range Correlation and Photo-disintegration of 4He," M. A. K.
Lodhi and A. K. Ray, Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Washington, D. C., April, 1977.
26. "A Self-Consistent Process of Producing Hydrogen from Sea Water," M. A. K.
Lodhi, International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami Beach, Florida,
December, 1977.
27 . "A Self-Consistent Analytical Approach to Non-local Potential and the Shell
Structure of Super-heavy Nuclei," M. A. K. Lodhi, International Symposium on Superheavy Elements, Lubbock, Texas, March, 1978.
28 . "Possible Muonic Transitions and X Ray Spectra from Super-heavy Elements," A.
K. Ray, S. S. Wald, and M. A. K. Lodhi, International Symposium on Super-heavy
Elements, Lubbock, Texas, March, 1978.
29 . "Exact Calculation for Penetrability and Prediction of the Spontaneous Fission
Half-lives of Super-heavy Elements," S. S. Wald, A. K. Ray and M. A. K. Lodhi,
International Symposium on Super-heavy Elements, Lubbock, Texas, March, 1978.
30. "Effect of the Short-- Range Correlation on the Structure of Light Nuclei and
Errors Resulting from the Approximation," M. A. K. Lodhi, A. K. Ray and Y. W. Yen,
Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Washington, D.C., April, 1978.
31 . "Present Status of Super-heavy Elements," M. A. K. Lodhi, 3rd International
Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Nathiagali, Pakistan, July, 1978.
32 . "Correlation Structure of Light Nuclei," M. A. K. Lodhi, 3rd International
Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Nathiagali, Pakistan, July, 1978.
33. "Effect of Higher Ordered Terms in the Cluster Expansion of Correlation
Function on the Structure of Light Nuclei", M. A. K. Lodhi, 8th International Conference on Few-Body Problem, Graz, Austria, August, 1978.
34 . "Present Status of Super-heavy Elements," M. A. K. Lodhi, International
Symposium on Physics, Dacca, Bengladesh, January, 1979, (invited) .
35 . "Review and Prospects of Superheavy Elements," 5th International Summer
College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Nathiagali, Pakistan, June, 1980. (invited)
36 . "Sea Water for Hydrogen and for Municipal Use" 3rd World Hydrogen Energy
Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June, 1980. (invited)
37. "Nuclear Charge Form Factor of 6Li at High Momentum Transfer," Amer. Phys.
Soc. Meeting, Baltimore, April, 1981.
38. "Photo-disintegration of Unsymmetric System in Shell and Resonating Group
Method", 9th International Conference on High Energy, Phys. and Nucl. Structure,
Versailles, France, July, 1981.
39. "Influence of Special Symmetry on Sum Rule for Photo-disintegration Cross
Section of 6Li", D N P Conference, Amer. Phys. Soc. Asilomar, California, Oct., 1981.
40 . "The Physics of Nuclear Power/Weapons: Challenges", International Convocation on The Threat of Nuclear War, Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A., November, 1981. (invited)
41 . "On the Extraction of Energy from Renewable Sources by Methods Involving
Gravitation", M. A. K. Lodhi and J. O'M. Bockris, Australian Institute of Physics
Conference, Canbra, Australia, August 23-26, 1982 (invited)
42 . "Massive Energy Extraction from Ocean Currents", M. A. K. Lodhi, 5th Miami
International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami, December 13-15, 1982.
43 . "Solar-Desert Chimney: A Concept and Device for Large Scale Solar Power
Production at Low Cost," M. A. K. Lodhi, International Symposium, Workshop on
Renewable Energy Sources, Lahore, Pakistan, March 18-22, 1983. (invited)
44. "Effect of Cluster Expansion on 4He Density and its Form Factor," Amer. Phys.
Soc. Conf., Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., April 18-21, 1983.
45. "6Li as a Two-Cluster System and Photo-absorption Calculations," M. A. K.
Lodhi and K. E. Wald, Tenth International Conference on Few-Body Problems in
Physics, Karlsruhe, W. Germany, August 21-27, 1983.
46. "Central Depression in the 4He Density and the Second Minimum in its Form
Factor," M. A. K. Lodhi and A. K. Ray, International Conference on Nuclear Physics,
Florence, Italy, August 29 -September 3, 1983.
47 . "Massive Extraction of Energy from Renewable Sources Involving Gravitation,"
M. A. K. Lodhi, Invited Lecture, Int'l. Conf. on Sc. in Islamic Polity, Islamabad,
Pakistan, Nov. 19-24, 1983 (invited)
48. "Meson Exchange Currents and Nuclear Charge Form Factor of 6Li," M. A. K.
Lodhi and R. B. Hamilton, Amer. Phys. Soc. Conf., Washington, D. C., April 23-26,
49 . "Extraction of Energy from Currents and Helio-hydro-gravity along Pakistan
Coast," Featured Lecture, M. A. K. Lodhi, National Institute of Oceanography Seminar on Ocean Energy, Karachi, Pakistan, June 25, 1984. (invited and keynote)
50 . "Solar Energy and its Prospects in Pakistan," Featured Lecture, M. A. K. Lodhi,
"Seminar on Renewable Sources of Energy with Special Reference to Pakistan,
Bahauddin Zakriya University, Multan, Pakistan, January 16, 1985.
(invited and keynote)
51. "Effect of Pion Exchange Currents on the Charge Form Factor of 4He," M. A. K.
Lodhi and G. A. Umerah, Amer. Phys. Soc. Tex. Sec. Conf., Houston, March 8-9, 1985.
52 . "Renewable Sources of Energy as Hydrogen Production Source," Invited
Lecture, M. A. K. Lodhi, Beijing International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy System,
Beijing, China, May 7-11, 1985. (invited)
53 . "Hydrogen City," Invited Lecture, M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid. (invited)
54 . "Large Scale Power Generation at Low Cost from Some Renewable Sources of
Energy," Invited Lecture, M. A. K. Lodhi, 10th Nathiagali International Summer College n Physics and Contemporary Needs, June 26 -July 15, 1985. (invited)
55 . "Nuclear Structure: From Shell Model to Meson Exchange Currents," Invited
Lecture, M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid. (invited)
56 . "Light Nuclei and Meson Exchange Currents," Invited Lecture, M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid. (invited)
57 . "Energy Extraction from Coastal Areas of Pakistan,", M. A. K. Lodhi,
Symposium on Marine Resources of Pakistan and their Economic Potential, Karachi,
Pakistan, July 4, 1985. (Invited Lecture)
58 . "Reassessment of University Research," M. A. K. Lodhi and O. D. Hensley,
Symp. on Methodology of Research and Islamic Thought, IIIT, Washington, D.C., Oct.
25-27, 1985.
59. "The Effect of D-Wave Components on the Charge Form Factor of 4He," M. A.
K. Lodhi and G. A. Umerah, Amer. Phys. Soc. Texas Section Conf., College Station,
Tex., Nov. 8-9, 1985.
60. "Short Range Correlation and D-State Effect on Photo-nuclear Cross Section in
4He," M. A. K. Lodhi and G. A. Umerah, Amer. Phys. Soc. Tex. Sec. Conf., Dallas,
Tex., April 4-5, 1986.
61. "Electric Dipole Sum Rule and Short Range Correlation in 6Li," M. A. K. Lodhi and R. B. Hamilton, Amer. Phys. Soc. Tex. Sec. Conf., Dallas, Tex., April 4-5, 1986.
62. "The Solar Bowl Technology Transfer to Developing Nations," M. A. K. Lodhi and E. A. O'Hair, ASME Solar Energy Conf., Anaheim, Cal., April 13-16, 1986.
63. "Sum Rule Calculation for Photonuclear Cross Sections for Light Nuclei," M. A.
K. Lodhi, G. A. Umerah and R. B. Hamilton, Amer. Phys. Soc. Conf., Washington, D.
C., April 28 -May 1, 1986.
64. "Meson Exchange Effect on the Form Factors of Light Nuclei," Gordon Research
Conf., Tilton, N. H., July 7-11, 1986.
65. "Energy Transport Through Ocean Currents," M. A. K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc.
Tex. Sec. Conf., Nacogdoches, Tex., Nov. 7-8, 1986.
66. "The Density Function of Long-Range Intermolecular Forces", M. Yasir, Amer.
Phys. Soc. Tex. Sec. Conf, Nacogdoches, Tex., Nov. 7-8, 1986.
67 . "The Making of a Scientist" Workshop on Attitude and Practice in Science and
Technology, M. A. K. Lodhi, Washington, Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 1987. (invited)
68. "Charge Form Factor of 4He and D-Wave Contribution," M. A. K. Lodhi and G.
A. Umerah, American Phys. Soc. Conf., Abilene, TX, Mar. 6-7, 1987.
"Medical Physics: a Benefit to Mankind," M. A. K. Lodhi, Donald J. Arnold
Symposium on Medical Physics, Lubbock, TX, Mar. 26, 1987. (invited)
70 . "Thermal Collection and Storage of Solar Energy," M. A. K. Lodhi, Int'l. Symp
& Workshop on "Silicon Technology Development, Islamabad, Pakistan, June 14-18,
71 . "Attitude of a Scientist in Practicing the Science," M. A. K. Lodhi, The 2nd Int'l
Seminar on Science, Karachi, Pakistan, June 17, 1987.
72 . "Energy Prospects in Pakistan," M. A. K. Lodhi, The Keynote Speech in Seminar on Energy Prospects in Pakistan, Hyderabad, Pakistan, June 20, 1987.
(invited and keynote)
73 "Short-range Correlation and Meson Exchange Currents in Light Nuclei," M. A.
K. Lodhi, Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Univ. of Texas/Austin, Sept. 18, 1987.
74. "Research Activity in Science," M. A. K. Lodhi, Int'l. Conf. on Science with
Future Perspective, Makka, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 11-15, 1987 (invited)
75. "Some Thoughts on Scientific Miracles," M. A. K. Lodhi, Int'l Conf. on Scientific
Miracles, Islamabad, Pakistan, Oct. 18-21, 1987.
76. "Effect of Short-Range Correlation on the Charge Distribution of Nuclei with A =
3," M. A. K. Lodhi and J. R. Culhane, Amer. Phys. Soc. (TX Sec) Conf. Kingsville, TX,
Nov. 6-7, 1987.
77. "The First Order Effect of Short Range Correlation on the Charge Distribution of
4He," M. A. K. Lodhi and P. M. Giancana, ibid.
78. "Some Anomalous Behavior of Light at Large Incident Angle and Possible
Explanation," M. R. Trahan, M. A. K. Lodhi and E. A. O'Hair, ibid.
79. "Estimation of the Dynamic Range of the Reticon Detector System at the Dry Ice
Temperature," A. Y. Abokor and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid.
80 . "Proposed Solar Bowl Electric Power Plant for Pakistan," E. A. O'Hair, M. A. K.
Lodhi and W. P. Vann, 8th Miami Int'l. Conf. on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami
Beach, FL, Dec. 14-16, 1987 (invited)
81 . "Safety Clues for Storing Hydrogen Obtained from an Accident Explosion," R.
W. Mires and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid. (invited)
82 . "Reflection Pattern and Energy Loss at Wide Incident Angles of Solar Radiation from Large Solar Bowl Type Collector," M. A. K. Lodhi, E. A. O'Hair and M. R. Trahan, ibid.
83. "Correlation Effect on the Shape of 6Li," M. A. K. Lodhi and P. M. Giancana,
Amer. Phys. Soc. (Tex. Sec.) Conf., Austin, TX, March 3-4, 1988.
84. "Fabrication of Solar Reflective Panels", M. A. K. Lodhi, Bobby Green,
Saifuddin Shaikh, and E. A. O'Hair, Amer. Phys. Soc. Tex. Sec. Conf., Lubbock, TX,
Nov. 4-5, 1988.
85. "Self Consistent Hartree-Fock Calculations for 4He", M. A. K. Lodhi and R. B.
Hamilton, ibid.
86. "The Effect of Parity and Isospin Mixing on Quadrupole Moment of 6Li", M. A.
K. Lodhi and P. M. Giancana, ibid.
87. "PP Elastic Scattering at Super high Energies", F. Aleem, M. Saleem, and M. A.
K. Lodhi, ibid.
88. "Shape Deformation and Transition Width of 6Li", M. A. K. Lodhi and P. M.
Giancana, Am. Phys. Soc. Conf. Washington, D.C. May l-4, l989.
89 . "Idealization of Natural and Applied Sciences: What and How", M. A. K. Lodhi,
Int'l. Symp. on The Dimensions and Dynamics of the International Islamic Univ., Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug. 10-14, 1989. (invited)
90 . "Hydrogen Production and Renewable Sources of Energy," M. A. K. Lodhi,
National Thermal Science and Engineering Conf., Malaysian Sc. & Tech. Congress,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug. 14-19, 1989. (invited)
91. "Charge Form Factor of 6Li in the Quark Degrees of Freedom," A. Y. Abokor and M. A. K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc. (Tex. Sec) Conf., San Antonio, TX, Oct. 20-21,
92. "A Solar Bowl Design, Cost and Efficiency Proposed on and Near Equator," M.
A. K. Lodhi, M. Y. Sulaiman and S. Ibrahim, 9th Miami Int'l Congress on Energy and
Environment, Miami Beach, Florida, Dec. 22-24, 1989.
93. "Utilization of Offshore Brine Produced with Crede Oil as By-product for
Harnessing of Solar Energy," M. A. K. Lodhi, S. Ibrahim and M. Y. Sulaiman, ibid.
94. "Harnessing of Slow Moving River Current to Produce Electricity for Remote
Area," S. Ibrahim, M. A. K. Lodhi and M. Y. Sulaiman, ibid.
95. "Indoor Air Pollution in Rural Households," A. Z. Abidin and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid.
96. "Ambient Air Quality Trends in the Klang Valley, Malaysia," M. A. K. Lodhi and
A. Z. Abidin, ibid.
97 . "Quark Clustering Phenomenon in Nuclear Form Factors," M. A. K. Lodhi.
Nuclear Sc. & Tech. Conf., Bangi, Malaysia, Feb. 20-21, 1990. ( Invited and keynote)
98. "Short Range Form of Charge Distribution of 6Li and Transition", M. A. K.
Lodhi, P. M. Giancana, M. Y. Sulaiman and A. B. Ishak, Nuclear Sc. & Tech. Conf.,
Bangi, Malaysia, Feb. 20-21, 1990.
99. "Short Range Form of Charge Distribution of 6Li and Transitions," M. A. K.
Lodhi, P. M. Giancana, M. Y. Sulaiman and A. B. Ishaq, ibid.
100. "Analysis of the Low Energy pi sup - pi `n Experimental Data in the Light of
Contemporary Theories", B.M. Brooks, M.A.K. Lodhi, T.J. Black, L.D. Isenhower, D.W.
Lane, M.E. Sadler, J.D. Bowman, and D.H. Fitzgerald, Amer. Phys. Soc. (Tex.Sec.)
Conf., Texas City, TX, Nov. 9-10, 1990.
101. "Quark Cluster Configurations and Their Respective Sizes in Nuclei", A. Y.
Abokor and M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
102. "Multi-quark Configurations and the Second Minimum in the Form Factor of
3,4He", M. A. K. Lodhi and A. Y. Abokor, Amer. Phys. Soc. Conf., San Antonio, TX,
Jan. 24-25, 1991.
103. "Charge Form Factor of 3He in Hadron Quark Hybrid Model", M.A.K. Lodhi and
A.Y. Abokor, Amer. Asso. Adv. Sc. 67th Annual Conf., Lubbock, TX, May 15-18, 1991.
104. "Contribution due to Hadron and Quark Interference Terms to the Form Factor of
3He in HQH Model", M. A. K. Lodhi and A. Y. Abokor, Amer. Phys. Soc. Conf.,
Denton, TX, Nov. 1-2, 1991.
105. "Estimation of Quark Cluster Sizes in the Wave Function of Light Nuclei", A. Y.
Abokor and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid.
106. "Improvement of Charge Form Factor of 3He due to N(1520) in the HQH
Model", M. A. K. Lodhi and A. Y. Abokor, American Phys. Soc. Conf., San Marcos,
TX, March 1992.
107 . "Pros and Cons of Large Hydro Power Plants and Damps", Seminar on "large
Dam on Sind at Kalabagh -Technical Options and Their Impact," Karachi, Pakistan, June
27-28, 1992. (invited)
108. "Quark Cluster Probabilities in 3He Nucleus and its Factor", M.A.K. Lodhi, A.Y.
Abokor, R.B. Hamilton and S.A. Khan, Amer. Phys. Soc. Conf., Houston, TX, Nov. 7-8,
109. "A Realistic Wave Function of 6Li and Its Binding Energy", R.B. Hamilton, S.A.
Khan and M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
110. "The Effect of Tensor Potential on 4He Energy", S.A. Khan, R.B. Hamilton, and
M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
111. "Hartree-Fock-Moshinsky Calculations for Non-conservation of Parity and
Isospin in 4He", A.A.M. Yasir and M.A.K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc. Conf., Edinburg,
TX, March 12-13, 1993.
112 . "Need and Development of Photo-voltaic Fundamentals", M.A.K. Lodhi, 2nd Int'l
Symp. & Workshop on Silicon Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, May 1993 (invited)
1 13 . "Recent Trends in Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Hybrid System", M.A.K.
Lodhi, ibid (invited)
114. "The Admixture of D- State in the Ground State of 4He and the presence of
N(1520)", M.A.K. Lodhi, A.Y. Abokor, A. A. Yasir and S.A. Khan, Amer. Phys. Soc.
Conf., College Station, TX, Oct. 1993
115. "Effect of Odd Parity in the Ground State of 4He", A.A.M. Yasir and M.A.K.
Lodhi, ibid
116 . "Role of Solar Thermal Power in the Promotion of the Production of Electrical
Energy", M.A.K. Lodhi, Seminar on Ways and Means for Promoting the Electricl Power
Production, Pakistan Natl Center, Hyderabad, Pakistan, June, 1994 (invited)
117 . "Energy Perspective for Future", M.A.K. Lodhi, 20th Conf. of Assoc. of Muslim
Scientists and Engineers, SUNY/Binghampton, NY, Oct. 1994 (invited)
118 . “Artificial Insemination: AIH and AID, “Akhtar Saeed and M.A.K. Lodhi,
International Conference on Science in Islamic Polity, Islamabad, Pakistan, March 1995.
119 . “Contemporary Science and the Muslim World, “M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid. (invited)
120 “Integrated Science Course for Sc. andd non-Sc. Majors,” M.A. K. Loodhi, Texas
Consor. Semanar, Houstn, TX, August, 1995, (invited)
121 . “Cascading of Two Energy Converting Devices for Space Power, “ M.A.K.Lodhi,
Michael Schuller, and Paul Hansgen, Amer. Phys. Soc. Conf., Lubbock, TX, Oct. 1995.
122. “The Pion Double Charge Exchange Cross Section of Calcium Isotopes, “M.O.
Elghossain, M.A.K. Lodhi, and W.R. Gibbs, ibid.
123. “ Nuclear Charge Form Factor of 3He with Configuration Mixing, “S.A. Khan, and M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
124. “Quark Exchange Model for Nucleon and Nuclear Structure,” W.C. Yerger, and
M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
125. “ Relativistic Modifications to Eleastic Electron-Nuclear Scattering at High
Momentum Transfer, P.J. Nichols, and M.A.K. Lodhi, ibid.
126 . “ Mathematical Modeling For A Thermionic-AMTEC Cascade System,” M.A.K.
Lodhi, Michael Schuller, and Paul Hansgen, Space Technology & Application Intn’l.
Forum, Albuquerque, NM, January, 1996.
127. “ The Pion Double Charge Exchange in Point - Like and Finite Range - like Pion
& Nuclear Reaction , ” M.O. ElGhossain and and M.A.K. Lodhi, TX Sec. Amer. Phys.
Soc. Meeting, Abilene TX , March 1996.
128. “ The Charge form Factors of Helium and its First Excitation Energy , ” S.A.Khan and M.A.K. Lodhi, TX Sec. Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Abilene TX , March 1996.
129. “ Hardon - Quark Hybrid Model for the Structure of Light Nuclei , ” M.A.K. Lodhi,
TX Sec. Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Abilene, TX , March 1996.
130. “ Configuration Mixing in He Nuclides and Charge Form Factors , ” S.A.Khan and
M.A.K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc. Indianaplis, IN, Contributed May 1996.
131 . “ A Solar Photo-voltaic and Thermal Hybrid Sysrem for Future , ” M.A.K. Lodhi
,World Renewable Energy Congress, Denver, CO, Contributed June 1996.
“ Rethinking Values and Attitudes in Science and Technology , ” M.A.K. Lodhi
Int’l.Conf.. On Values and Attituddes in Sc. & Tech., Malaysia , Contributed Sept. 1996.
133 . “ How does Quark Degree of Freedom help Understand Nuclear Structure , ”
M.A.K. Lodhi , TX Sec. Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Arlington,TX , October 1996.
134. “ Double Charge Exchange Reaction 18 ( 18 Ne at 164 MeV , ” M.A.K.
Lodhi , M.N.Nuseirat and W.R.Gibbs, TX Sec. Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Arlington ,
TX , October 1996.
135. “ Photo-valtic andd Solar Thermal Hybrid for High Energy and Low Cost,
Published in the Proceeding New Energy 1997, pp 87 - 100
136 . “ Theoretical Basis of Bc Spectra , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , A. Abd El - Hady and
J.P.Vary, Workshop, on Theoretical Nuclear / Particle Physics: Opportunities for
International Interdisciplinary Research, Ames, Iowa, May 22 - 23 , 1998 ( Invited )
“ What Issues could be addressed further in the next Conference and of what form ,
” M.A.K. Lodhi and J.P.Vary, Workshop, on Theoretical Nuclear / Particle Physics:
Opportunities for International Interdisciplinary Research, Ames, Iowa, May 22 - 23 ,
1998 ( Invited )
138 . “ Bringing the Sky of all Time into the Classroom , ” M.A.K. Lodhi and A.F.Sill ,
Vision of the Future Distance Learning for the 21st Century, Lubbock, TX October 20 -
22 1998 (invited)
139 “ Bc Mesons Spectroscopy , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , A. Abd El - Hady and J.P.Vary,
Amer. Phys Soc., DNP Div. Meeting Santa Fe, NM , October 28 - 31 1998
140. “ Pion - nucleus Scattering , ” Mutazz Nuseirat, M.A.K. Lodhi and R.W.Gibbs ,
Amer. Phys Soc., DNP Div. Meeting Santa Fe, NM , October 28 - 31 1998
141. “ Energy Dependence pf Pion Double Charge Exchange , ” Mutazz Nuseirat,
M.A.K. Lodhi , M.O.El - Ghossain, R.W.Gibbs and W.B.Kaufmann, Amer. Phys Soc.,
DNP Div. Meeting Santa Fe, NM , October 28 - 31 1998
142 . “ Our Understanding f the origin of Time , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , Ninth Annual
International Forum on New Science , Fort Collins, CO , October 29 - November 1 , 1998
( Invited and Keynote )
143 . “ The Origin of Time : Science and Pseudo Science , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , Ninth
Annual International Forum on New Science , Fort Collins, CO , October 29 - November
1 , 1998 ( Invited Workshop )
“ Relativistic Model of a Two - quark Bound Systems: Bc Mesons Spectroscopy , ”
” M.A.K. Lodhi , 1999 Few Body Gordon Research Conference: Dynamics of
Simple Systems in Chemistry and Physics, Salve Regina University, New Port,
RI, July 11 - 16,1999 (Invited )
145 . “ Spectroscopy of Meson with Bottom and Charm Quarks , ” M.A.K. Lodhi , A.
Abd El - Hady and J.P.Vary, Asia Pacific Conference on Few - Body Problems in
Physics, Tokyo, Japan, August 23 - 28, 1999 (Invited)
146. “ Power Loss of AMTEC, an Advanced Power Generation Cell,” M. A. K. Lodhi, P.
Vijiayaraghavan and M. S. Chowdhury, Amer. Phys. Soc. TX Section Meeting,
Huntsville, TX, March 1-3, 2001
147. “Relativistic Meson Spectrum from thee Reduced Bethe-Salpeter Equation,” N.
Redington and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid
148. “Lifetime of the B c
Meson Calculated from a Trial Wave Function obtained from
Bethe-Salpeter Equation,” R. Lombardini an M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid
149. “B c
Absorption by Comoving Nucleons,” R. Marshall and M. A. K.. Lodhi, ibid
150. “Theoretical Feasibility Study of Some Typical Accelerator Driven Nuclear
Reactors,” Mike Shubov and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid
151. “ Ancient Egyptian Astronomical Calendar,” P. Marshall and M. A. K. Lodhi, ibid
152 . “ Hydrogen from Renewable an Consumable Non-fossil Sources,” M. A. K. Lodhi,
Workshop on New Trends and Breakthroughs in Hydrogen Energy, Istanbul,
Turkey, April 2 – 5, 2001 (invited)
153 . “An Integrated Approach to the Use of Renewable Sources of Energy and Devices:
Vision 2020,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Annual Conference on the Advancement of
Science and Technology, Vision 2020,Bangladesh Academy of Science, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, January 5 –7, 2002 (invited)
154.“AMTEC as an Efficient Means of Power Generation for Space and Terrestrial
Purposes,” M. A. K. Lodhi, 4 th Asian Science and Congress, Kuala Lumur, Malaysia,
April 25 – 27, 2002 (invited)
155.“Commercialization of AMTEC as an Efficient Means of Power Generation for
Space and Terrestrial Purposes,” M. A. K. Lodhi, 2 nd World Engineering Congress,
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July 22 – 25, 2002 (keynote).
156. “Values for Technological Development,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Seminar on Islamic
Values in Engineering Practices, International Islamic University, Malaysia, August
12, 2002 (keynote).
157.“Helio-hydrogen System: Production, Storage, Distribution, Delivery and Usage,”
M. A. K. Lodhi, Solar, Hydrogen Workshop, University Putra Malaysia, August 20,
2002 (keynote)
158.“Design parameters for an efficient accelerated driven thermal nuclear reactor,” Mike
Shubov and M. A. K. Lodhi,” TSAPS Meeting, Lubbock October 23-25, 2003
159. “Role of form factor in Bc absorption cross section by hadron,” Rian Marshall and
M. A. K. Lodhi, TSAPS Meeting, Lubbock, TX, October 23-25, 2003, ( invited).
160. “Heavy Meson Spectra from geometric algebra,” Norman H. Reddington and M.
A. K. Lodhi, TS-APS Meeting, Lubbock, TX, October 23-25, 2003,
161.“ Bc absorption by co-moving nucleons in a hot and dense medium,” Rian
Marshall and M. A. K. Lodhi, DNP-APS Meeting, Tucson AZ October 30-
November 1, 2003,
“ A New Perspective of Trapped Radiation Belts in Planetary Atmosphere,” A.
Diaz,T. L. Wilson and M. A. K. Lodhi, Lunar and Planetary SC. Meeting,
Houston, TX, (2005)
163. “ Bc absorption cross sections by mesons,” Rian Marshall and M. A. K. Lodhi,
Joint Meeting of Amer. Phys. Soc. (Nuclear Phys Div) and Japan Phys. Soc,
Maui, HI, September (2005)
164. “ Influence of Interstellar Neutrals as an Atmosphere on Charged Particle Flux in the Heliosphere,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Thomas Wilson and Abel Diaz, Joint
Meeting of Amer. Phys. Soc. (Nuclear Phys Div) and Japan Phys. Soc, Maui, HI,
September (2005)
165. “ Form-factor dependence of Bc absorption cross section by nucleons,” M. A.
K. Lodhi and Rian Marshall, Joint Meeting of Amer. Phys. Soc. (Nuclear Phys
Div) and Japan Phys. Soc, Maui, HI, September (2005)
166. “A Simple Five-Dimensional Wave Equation for a Dirac particle,” N. Redington and M. A. K. Lodhi, Amer. Phys. Soc. Meeting, Dallas, TX, April (2006)
167. “Hadronic Absorption Cross Sections of B c
Meson,” M. A. K. Lodhi and Rian
Marshall. 18 th Intern IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics,
Santos, Brazil, August, (2006)
Suppression in Quark-Gluon Plasma in Heavy Ion Collisions, ,” M. A. K.
Lodhi and Rian Marshall. IX Intern Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August, (2006)
169. “A New Line Representing Meson Massas and Angular Momenta: An Alternate
Approach to Regge Lines,” Norman Redington and M. A. K. Lodhi, TS Amer.
Phys. Soc. Meeting, Arlington, TX, October, (2006)
170. “The History of Lunar Calendar and Prediction of New Moon Sighting,” M, A,
K, Lodhi, Book Launching Seminar of Hijra Calendar of P. S. Puriwal, Lahore
January 31, 2007 (invited for keynote)
171. “Advanced Space Power Generation and AMTEC,” Javed Sami and M. A. K.
Lodhi, Regional Annual Fundamental Science Seminar, Skudai, Malaysia, May
28-29 2007
172. “Cosmic Ray Flux in the Presence of a Neutral Background,” Thomas L.
Wilson, M. A. K. Lodhi and Abel B. Diaz, 30 th International Cosmic Ray
Conference, Marida, Yucatan, Mexico, July 28-29, 2007
173. “Efficiency and Accelerator Driven Thermal Thorium Nuclear Reactor,” M, A,
K, Lodhi and Mike Shubov, APS Texas Section Meeting, El Paso TX October
17-18, 2008
174.Comparative Study of the Passive Safety and the Safety Injection System under
Loss of Coolant Accident, Tahir M, I. R. Chughtai and M.A.K Lodhi, APS Texas
Section Meeting, Stevensville, TX, April 2009
175.“Performance of nano-scale electrodes of AMTEC,” M.A.K. Lodhi, 34 th
International Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Pakistan,
June 22 July 4, 2009 ( invited )
176.“Integrated Approach to Renewable Sources/Devices of Energy and
Environmental Impact,” International Conference on Environmentally
Sustainable Development, Abbot Abad, Pakistan August 16-18, 2009 (keynote)
177.“The Solar Modulation Impact on Satellite Orbit and Space Communication,” M.
A. K. Lodhi, International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering,
Islamabad, August 18-20, 2009 (keynote)
178.“Advanced Space Satellite Power Generation and Management,” Javed Sami,
International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering, Islamabad,
August 18-20, 2009
179.“Earth’s Satellite Region Link to Solar Activity,”Jahanzeb Qureshi
Lodhi ,
, and M. A. K.
International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering,
Islamabad, August 18-20, 2009
180.“The Solar Modulation Effect on the Earth’s ionosphere,” Kamran Mukhtar and
M. A. K. Lodhi, International Conference on Aerospace Science and
Engineering, Islamabad, August 18-20, 2009
181.“Space born remote sensing of snow depth in the UK,” Mohsin J. Butt and M. A.
K. Lodhi, International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering,
Islamabad, August 18-20, 2009
182.“Land Cover Classification of Islamabad Region using Remote Sensing of
Landsat Spatial-temporal Images, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal, M. A. K. Lodhi and
Mohsin Jamil Butt, International Conference on Aerospace Science and
Engineering, Islamabad, August 18-20, 2009
183.“Landsat Satellite Imageries for Spectral Albedo Estimation over Glaciers in
Pakistan, Ahmad Waqas, M. A. K. Lodhi and Mohsin Jamil Butt, International
Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering, Islamabad, August 18-20,
184.“Discrete Character of Meson Masses,” M.A.K. Lodhi and Norman Redington,
APS Texas Section Meeting, San Marcos, TX October 22-24, 2009
185. “The nanoscale grain size of materials of electrodes of AMTEC and its longevity,” M.A.K. Lodhi and Javed Sami, APS Texas Section Meeting, San
Marcos, TX October 22-24, 2009
186.“ The effect of sunspots cycle on satellite orbit,” M A K . Lodhi, APS Texas Section
Meeting, San Antonio, TX October 21-23, 2010
187.“B c absorption cross sections by nucleons,” Sonaina Undleeb and M. A. K.
Lodhi, APS Texas Section Meeting, Commerce, TX, October 2011
188.“B c absorption cross sections by pions,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Faisal Akram, Shaheen
Irfan and Sonaina Undleeb APS Texas Section Meeting, Commerce, TX, October
189.“ Reliability Factor in Deep Space Power Generation,” M. A. K. Lodhi, Second
International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering, Islamabad,
December, 28-30, 2011 (keynote)
“Ionospheric F2 Saturation Effect ans Solar Zenith Angle,” Kamran Mukhtar,
M. A. K. Lodhi and Muhammad Ayub, Second International Conference on
Aerospace Science and Engineering, Islamabad, December 28-30, 2011
191.“Influence of b-flavored hadron exchange on Bc absorption by nucleons,”
Sunaina Undleeb, M. A. K.Lodhi and Faisal Akram, APS Texas Section Meeting,
San Angelo, TX, March 22-24, 2012
192.“Strangeness Enhancement in Heavy Ion Collision,” M. A. K. Lodhi and Faisal
Akram, APS meeting, Atlanta, GA, March 31- April 4, 2012
193.“The universe within Few Microseconds of Big Bang: Quark-Gluon Plasma (A
Micro Bang),” M. A K. Lodhi, Workshop on the Frontiers of Physics and Space
Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, August 31- September 1, 2012 ( invited)
194. “Solar Modulation and the Earth’s Atmosphere Effects on:
Satellite Drag
Cosmic Ray and Inner Trapped-belt Proton Flux
Orbital Debris.” M. A K. Lodhi, Workshop on the Frontiers of Physics and
Space Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, August 31- September 1, 2012
( invited)
195.“Power Generation for Deep Space Exploration and its Terrestrial Application,”
M. A K. Lodhi, Workshop on the Frontiers of Physics and Space Technology,
Islamabad, Pakistan, August 31- September 1, 2012 ( invited)
196. “Solar Modulation and Its Effect on the Earth’s Atmosphere,” M. A K. Lodhi,
Workshop on the Frontiers of Physics and Space Technology, Islamabad,
Pakistan, September 8, 2012 ( invited)
197. “World wide Energy Crisis and Alternate Energy Sources,” M. A K. Lodhi,
Workshop on the Frontiers of Physics and Space Technology, Islamabad,
Pakistan, September 8, 2012 ( invited)
198. “Solar Chimney and Heliostat Power Plant,” M. A K. Lodhi, BIT”s 2 nd Low
Carbon Earth Summit-2012, Guangzhu, Balyun, China, October 19-22, 2012
( invited)
“Advantages and uses of AMTEC,” M. A. K. Lodhi, APS Texas Section
Meeting, Lubbock, TX, October 25-27, 2012
200. “Quark-Gluon Plasma: History and Prospect,” M. A. K. Lodhi, 5 th International
Meeting on Particles and Fields, Centre for High Energy Physics, University of
The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, March 25-28, 2013 ( Invited)
201. “Bc absorption cross sections by mesons in heavy ion collision,” M. A. K. Lodhi and Faisal Akram, American Physical Society Meeting (DNP sponsored) Denver,
CO, USA, April, 2013
202. “Semi empirical formulae for nuclear single particle energies,” Abdulaziz Al
Mogeeth and M. A. K. Lodhi, American Physical Society (TS) Meeting,
Brownsville, TX, USA October,10-12, 2013
203.“Photonics from Al-Haitham to Optoelectronics of AMTEC ,” [ Invited Keynote speech] M. A. K. Lodhi, Winter Symposium on Photonic –Optoelectronics,
Sanya, China, December 1-2, 2013
204.“50 Years of Physics at TTU,” [Keynote Speech], M. A. K. Lodhi, Symposium on 50 Years of Physics at Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, USA, February
14, 2014
“What is important enough in Interfaith Dialogue for you to have kept at it all these years and is there a memorable event that illustrates that importance?,”
A. K. Lodhi, 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Interfaith Dialogue, Lubbock,
TX, USA, February, 2015
206.“Reclamation of underground logged water and sustainable development,” M. A.
Lodhi, 2nd International Water Conference WATER & SUSTAINABLE
DEVELOPMENT, Islamabad, June 5-7, 2015
207.“Computational cross sections of Bc absorption by hadrons,” M. A. K. Lodhi,
The 6th Asian Nuclear Reaction Database Development Workshop (AASPP
2015, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, September 15-17, 2015
208.“Solar Energy, its Origin and Utilization,” [Invited speech], M. A. K. Lodhi,
BIT’s 5 th
New Energy Forum-2015, Xi'an, China, September 24-26, 2015