www.tasart.org Texas Association of Schools of Art TASA OFFICERS/AWARDS HISTORY TASA Presidents: 1968-70 Dr. Peter W Guenther, University of Houston 1970-72 Mr. Denny Fraze, Amarillo College 1972-74 Dr. Clarence Kincaid, Texas Tech University 1974-76 Mr. Barry Phillips, Odessa College 1976-78 Dr. Charles McGough, East Texas State University 1978-80 Mrs. Dana Smith, El Centro College 1980-82 Mrs. Jean Laman, Southwest Texas State University 1982-84 Dr. Bruce Turner, Wharton Junior College 1984-86 Mr. Paul Hanna, Texas Tech University 1986-88 Mr. Denny Fraze, Amarillo College 1988-90 Dr. William McCarter, North Texas State University 1990-92 Mrs. Cathie Tyler, Paris Junior College 1992-94 Mr. Terry Morrow, Texas Tech University 1994-96 Mr. Frank Herbert, Kilgore College 1996-98 Ms. Linda Fawcett, Hardin-Simmons University 1998-2000 Mr. Mark Anderson, Texas A&M UniversitY-Corpus Christi 2000-2002 Mr. William Burrell, Amarillo College 2002-2004 Ms. Sharon Seelig, Tarleton State University 2004-2006 Mr. Eduardo Aguilar, Tarrant County College - Northwest 2006-08 Ms. Linda Fawcett, Hardin-Simmons University 2008-2010 Ms. Cathie Tyler, Paris Junior College 2010-2012 Mr. Greg Reuter, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi 2012-2014 Mr. Omar Hernandez – El Centro College TASA Vice-Presidents: 1968-70 Dr. James Miles, Tarrant County Junior College 1970-72 Dr. Clarence Kincaid, Texas Tech University 1972-74 Mr. Arnold Leondar, Tarrant County Junior College 1974-76 Dr. William McCarter, North Texas State University 1976-78 Mr. Francis Witherspoon, Kilgore College 1978-80 Mrs. Jean Laman, Southwest Texas State University 1980-82 Dr. Bruce Turner, Wharton Junior College TASA Presidents-Elect/ Past-Presidents: 1982-84, 1986-88 Mr. Paul Hanna, Texas Tech University 1984-85 Mr. Ronald Sullivan, Del Mar College 1985-86, 1988-90 Mr. Denny Fraze, Amarillo College 1986-88, 1990-92 Dr. William McCarter, North Texas State University 1988-90, 1992-94 Ms. Cathie Tyler, Paris Junior College 1990-92, 1994-96 Mr. Terry Morrow, Texas Tech University 1992-94, 1996-98 Mr. Frank Herbert, Kilgore College 1994-96, 1998-00 Ms. Linda Fawcett, Hardin-Simmons University 1997-98, 2000-01 Mr. Mark Anderson, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi 1999-00, 2002-03 2001-02, 2004-05 2003-04, 2006-07 2005-06, 2008-09 2007-08, 2010-11 2009-10, 2012-13 Mr. William Burrell, Amarillo College Ms. Sharon Seelig, Tarleton State University Mr. Eduardo Aguilar, Tarrant County College Ms. Linda Fawcett, Hardin Simmons University Ms. Cathie Tyler, Paris Junior College Mr. Greg Reuter, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi TASA Secretary/Treasurers: 1968-71 Mrs. Francis Law, Weatherford College 1971-74 Mr. James Wogstad, San Antonio College 1974-76 Mrs. Jean Turner, Texas Woman's College Secretaries: 1976-78 1978-81 Dr. James J Johnson Jr., North Texas State University Mr. Don Wink, Stephen F Austin State University TASA Recorders: 1981-87 1987-90 1990-93 1993-97 1997-2000 2000-2004 2004 – 05 2005 – 10 20010-13 Mr. Robert O'Neill, Lamar University Mrs. Mary Apple, Texas Wesleyan College Dr. Ollie Jensen-Theisen, Northeast Texas Community College Mr. Darold Smith, West Texas A&M University Ms. Sandra Dowd, Navarro College Ms. Rebecca Riley, Kingwood College Ms. Kay Byfield, Northeast Texas Community College Ms. Susan Witta-Kemph, San Antonio College, Alamo CCD Mrs. Carol Flueckiger, Texas Tech University TASA Treasurers: 1976-78 1978-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-94 1994-97 1997-2000 2000-2008 2008-2011 2011-2013 Dana Smith, El Centro College Mrs. Margaret Peavy, San Antonio College Dr. Mary Alice Brumbach, Brookhaven College Ms. Lisa Ehrich, Brookhaven College Mr. Brian Row, Southwest Texas State University Mrs. Sandra Baker, Brazosport College Dr. Elizabeth Jones, University of Texas El Paso Mrs. Karmien Bowman, Tarrant County College Mrs. Liz Yarosz-Ash, Midwestern State University Mrs. Carol Fairlie, Sul Ross State University TASA Parliamentarians: 1968-70 Ms. Jean Tilotson 1970-71 Mr. James Wogstad, San Antonio College 1971-73 Mrs. Mimi Stewart, Galveston College 1973-74 Dr. William McCarter, North Texas State University 1974-75 Mrs. Dana Smith, El Centro College 1976-78 Dr. Charles Stewart, Howard Payne University 1978-79 Mrs. Margaret Peavy, San Antonio College 1979-81 Dr. Mary Alice Brumbach, Brookhaven College TASA Newsletter Editor: 1992-94 Mr. Frank Herbert, Kilgore College 1994-96 1996-98 1999-2002 2000-2004 2004-05 2006-10 2010-11 2011-13 Ms. Linda Fawcett, Hardin-Simmons University Mr. William Burrell, Amarillo College Mr. Steve Kramer, Austin Community College Ms. Kay Byfield, Northeast Texas Community College Ms. Victoria Taylor-Gore – Amarillo College Mr. Kurt Dyrhaug, Lamar University Ms. Steffani Frideres, Lone Star College – Tomball Mr. Richard Lubben, South Texas College TASA Webmaster (Board Member): 2002 – 05 2005 – 09 Ms Nancy Wood, SAC-Alamo CCD, San Antonio, TX Ms. Victoria Taylor-Gore, Amarillo College TASA Webmaster (Staff Member): 2009Ms. Victoria Taylor-Gore, Amarillo College TASA Historian (Staff Member): 2010Brian Row, Texas State University TASA Executive Assistant (Staff Member): 2009Linda Fawcett, Hardin-Simmons University TASA Administrative Directors: 1984-85 Mrs. Judi Kaufman, Brookhaven College 1985-87 Don Dillon, Don Dillon Associates 1987-88 Becky Tomlinson, Don Dillon Associates 1988-90 Christopher Boyd, Don Dillon Associates 1990 Joe Reynolds, Don Dillon Associates 1991 Jody Henry, Don Dillon Associates 1991-92 Carl Hamm, Dallas, Texas 1992 Duties Assigned to TASA President TASA At-Large Board of Directors: 1968 Mrs. Margaret Peavy, San Antonio College 1968 Mr. Arlin Peltier, El Centro College 1968-71 Dr. Ralph White, University of Texas-Austin 1968 Dr. Clarence Kincaid, Texas Tech University 1969 Ms. Morna Nation, Wharton Junior College 1970-72 Dr. Peter Guenther, University of Houston 1971-74 Dr. Clark Garnsey, The University of Texas-El Paso 1971 Mrs. Margaret Peavy, San Antonio College 1972-74 Mr. Denny Fraze, Amarillo College 1973-76 Ms. Sharon Griffith, Mountain View College 1973-76 Mr. John O'Neil, Rice University 1973-76 Mr. Karl Umlauf, East Texas State University 1974-77 Mr. Arnold Leondar, Tarrant County Junior College 1974-76 Mr. Francis Witherspoon, Kilgore College 1974-76 Dr. Clarence Kincaid, Texas Tech University 1976-78 Mr. Barry Phillips, Odessa College 1976-79 Mr. Paul Hanna, Texas Tech University 1976-79 1976-79 1977-81 1978-80 1979-80 1979-81 1979-81 1979-81 1980-82 1980-83 1980-83 1980-83 1982-84 1982-84 1983-86 1983-85 1983-86 1984-86 1984-88 1985-89 1985-86 1986-89 1986-88 1986-89 1986-89 1988-91 1989-92 1989-92 1990-92 1991-94 1991-94 1991-94 1991-94 1992-95 1992-95 1993-96 1994-97 1994-97 1995-98 1995-2000 1996-99 1997-2000 1997-2000 1998-2001 1994-2010 2000 - 2003 1998- 2004 1998 - 2002 1999 - 2002 2000 - 2005 Mr. Arthur Koch, Southern Methodist University Dr. Kenneth Prescott, The University of Tx-Austin Ms. Mimi Arnold Stewart, Galveston College Dr. Charles McGough, East Texas State University Dr. Bruce Turner, Wharton Junior College Mr. James Broderick, Texas Tech University Mr. Anthony Jones, Texas Christian University Mrs. Margaret Peavy, San Antonio College Mrs. Dana Smith, El Centro College Mr. Ron Binks, The University of Texas-San Antonio Mr. Edouardo Aguilar, Tarrant County Jr College/NW Mr. Ronald Sullivan, Del Mar College Dr. Kenneth W Prescott, The University of Tx-Austin Mrs. Jean Laman, Southwest Texas State University Ms. Anita Rogers, North Harris County College Mr. Denny Fraze, Amarillo College Mr. Charles Fensch, The University of Tx-El Paso Dr. Bruce Turner, Wharton Junior College Dr. Jarvis Ulbricht, The University of Tx-Austin Ms. Cathie Tyler, Paris Junior College Dr. Margaret Lucas, North Texas State University Dr. Margaret Hicks, Navarro College Mr. Paul Hanna, Texas Tech University Mr. Edouardo Aguilar, Tarrant County Jr College/NW Ms. Linda Fawcett, Hardin-Simmons University Mr. James Broderick, The University of Tx-San Antonio Mr. Frank Herbert, Kilgore College Mr. Mark Anderson, Corpus Christi State University Mr. Brian Row, Southwest Texas State University Mr. Barry Phillips III, Odessa College Ms. Terry Gay Puckett, St. Philip's College Mr. Chuck Fensch, The University of Tx-El Paso Mr. Darold Smith, West Texas State University Mr. David Conn, Texas Christian University Ms. Anita Rogers, North Harris College Ms. Karen Roberson, The University of Tx-Tyler Mr. James Wogstad, San Antonio College Ms. Lisa Ehrich, Brookhaven College Ms. Jayne Duryea, Bee County College Mr. David Willard, The University of Tx-Austin Mr. Richard Hyslin, The University of Tx-Pan American Ms. Sandra Baker, Brazosport College Mr. James Wogstad, San Antonio College Mr. Michael Donahue, Temple College Mr. Brian Row, Texas State University Mr. Eduardo Aguilar, Tarrant County College Ms. Rebecca Riley, Kingwood College Mr. Steve Kramer, Austin Community College Ms. Donna Meeks, Lamar University Ms. Nancy Wood, San Antonio College 2000 - 2005 2001 - 2006 2002 - 2005 2002 - 2005 2005 - 2008 2005 - 2008 2006-2009 2007-2010 2008-2011 2008-2011 2009-2012 2009-2012 2010-2014 2010-2013 2011-2014 2011-2014 2011-2014 2012-2015 2012-2015 Mr. Gary Washmon, Texas Woman’s University Mr. Bob Hext, Sul Ross University Ms. Kay Byfield, Northeast Texas Community College Dr. J. Ulbricht, The University of Texas at Austin Mr. Fred Spaulding, UT Pan American, Edinburg Mrs. Rosemary DesPlas, El Centro College Mr. Greg Reuter, Texas A&M, Corpus Christi Mr. Gary Frields, Stephen F. Austin State University Mr. Bill Simpson, Trinity Valley Community College Mr. Omar Hernandez, El Centro College Mrs. Sandra Baker, Brazosport Mr. Greg Elliott, University of Texas at San Antonio Mr. Kurt Dyrhaug, Lamar University Mrs. Carol Fairlie, Sul Ross State University Mr. Ryder Richards, Richland College Mr. Scott Robinson, Tarrant County College – Trinity River Mrs. Elizabeth Yarosz-Ash, Midwestern State University Mrs. Hollis Hammonds, St. Edward’s University Mr. Eddy Rawlinson, El Centro College AWARD RECIPIENTS: TASA Distinguished Service Award: 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 2000 Dr. Kenneth Prescott, The Univ. of Tx-Austin Dr. Forrest E. Ward, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Dr. Clarence Kincaid (posthumous), Texas Tech University Dr. Mary Alice Brumbach, Brookhaven College Ms. Jean Laman, Southwest Texas State University Dr. Peter Guenther, The University of Houston Mr. Denny Fraze, Amarillo College Mr. Jim Wogstad TASA Artist Award: (Special award for Practicing Artist) 1986 Mr. Bill Bagley, Texas Tech University TASA Artist Award: (Paul Hanna Lecture Series) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Glen Brown, Texas Tech University, “Post-Modernism & the Persistence of the Sign” and Pat Foutcher, University of North Texas, “A Graphic Approach to Package Design: Teaching the Basics of 3-D Design & Construction” Tom Sale, Navarro College, “The Monkey, The Snake, Imagination and the Artist. One Artist’s Impressions on Creativity” Rob Erdle, University of North Texas, “Towards a New Watercolor Landscape, West Meets East, Denton to China” Mr. Drake Gomez, South Plains College, “Content Across Disciplines: A Collaborative Project for 2-D Design” Ms. Patricia Taylor, Southwest Texas State University, “Promises & Pitfalls: Multi-Media in the Art History and Humanities Classroom” Gibbs Milliken, University of Texas, Austin, “New Discoveries in Rock Art in the Venezuelan Amazon” Ms. Tina Fuentes, Texas Tech University, “El Arte de Tina Fuentes” (documentary video) Roger Columbik, Southwest Texas State University, ‘Travel in the Balkans and Bosnia and the Compresson of Culture” Mr Joshua Kight, Austin CCD, “Wood and Words” Haydee Victoria Suescum, San Antonio College, “Salon de Belleza y Estetica Unisex: Vitruvius Woman/ Pantis Vikinis” Jean Laman, Texas State University Kurt Dyrhaug, Lamar University, “iron Man” (documentary video) Elizabeth Yarosz-Ash, Midwestern University, “Celare/Revelare: Ways of Seeing, Large Scale Paintings and other Works by Eiizabeth Yarosz-Ash” Carol Flueckiger, Texas Tech University, “Chances of Rain, Solitude of Self, and Postcards From the Laundry Room” Mari Omori, Kingwood College, “Crossing Boundaries” Barbra Riley & Dr. Pam Brouillard, “Travel and Creativity – The Soul of My Art” Ken Little, University of Texas at San Antonio, “a multi-faceted career” Robbie Barber, Baylor University Claude Van Lingen, Austin Community College 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 TASA Board of Directors Award for “110% Contributions to TASA”: 1987 1988 1989 Mary Brumbaugh, Brookhaven College Jean Laman, Southwest Texas State University Margaret Peavey, San Antonio College (for past help to TASA in its formative years) 2000 Jim Wogstad, San Antonio College, and Denny Fraze, Amarillo College TASA Board of Directors Award for Distinguished Contribution to the Visual Arts in the State of Texas: 1986 1987 1988 1988 1989 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mr. and Mrs. Dishman, Beaumont Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Nasher, Dallas Mrs. Helen DeVitt Jones Mr. and Mrs. John Lott Mr. James A. Michener, Austin Mr. Antonio Garcia, Corpus Christi The Mary Potisham Lard Trust, Fort Worth Mr. Robert L. B. Tobin, San Antonio Homer L. and Jane Walles, Beaumont Mrs. Frances Brown Cowan, Tyler Herbert Holl and Sara Harvey, Denton Arts Council Ms. Roberta Crenshaw, Austin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ladd, Amarillo Anne and Sam Davis, El Paso Ann Moore, McAllen Marshall and Victoria Lightman, Houston Hardy and Betty Sanders, Ft. Worth (Coleyville) Linda Pace, San Antonio 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Dr. Robert & Gloria Fergason, Corpus Christi Richard Robson Brettell, PhD., Dallas Martha Richardson Junction, TX Ellen Nöel, Odessa, TX Dr. James M. Simmons, Beaumont, TX Sallye Keith, Beaumont, Tx William (Bill) P. Wright, Abilene, TX David R. Durham, Abilene, TX Donnie Keen, Austin, TX William and Pam Campbell, Fort Worth, TX Dr. Ricardo Romo, San Antonio, TX TASA Honorary Members: Patsy Nasher Raymond D. Nasher Forrest Ward TASA Emeritus Members: Dr. Clark Garnsey Dr. Kenneth Prescott Mrs. Margaret Peavy Mr. Paul Hanna Dr. Margaret Hicks Mr. Denny Fraze Mr. Jim Wogstad TASA ANNUAL CONFERENCE LOCATIONS: 1968 Austin 1969 Houston 1970 Fort Worth 1971 San Antonio 1972 Houston 1973 Dallas 1974 San Antonio 1975 Fort Worth 1976 El Paso 1977 Austin 1978 Galveston 1979 Dallas 1980 Lubbock 1981 San Antonio 1982 Fort Worth 1983 Amarillo 1984 Austin 1985 El Paso 1986 Beaumont 1987 Dallas 1988 Junction 1st Annual 5th Annual 10th Annual 15th Annual 20th Annual 1989 Austin 1990 Houston 1991 Corpus Christi 1992 Fort Worth 25th Annual 1993 San Antonio 1994 Beaumont 1995 Tyler 1996 Denton 1997 Austin 30th Annual 1998 Amarillo 1999 El Paso 2000 McAllen 2001 Houston 2002 Ft. Worth 35th Annual 2003 San Antonio 2004 Corpus Christi 2005 Dallas 2006 Junction 2007 Odessa 40th Annual 2008 Beaumont 2009 Abilene 2010 Austin 2011 Fort Worth 2012 San Antonio 45th Annual 2013 Houston