jeremiah ragadio - Ragadio Dental Group

address and phone upon request
An internship or part-time position in a computer related field.
Cognitive Science Major, Computing Specialization, Naval Science Minor
Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+ Certified Technician
Apple Product Professional, Apple Learn & Earn Program
January 1999
June 2000
Sales Supervisor and Service Technician
UCLA Computer Store
 Achieved “Superior Customer Service Award” twice for outstanding customer service and sales performance.
 Coordinated notebook computer sales to incoming student class of 500+ for the Anderson School of Management.
 Interviewed and screened personnel for store employment.
 Trained new employees on store procedures, conduct, and sales ethic & philosophy.
 Performed opening and closing duties for the computer store.
 Provided technical support and product & sales information to customers.
 Suggested comprehensive solutions to customers regarding various computing scenarios.
 Proposed and implemented new procedures for store employees.
 Researched and recommended new products to store buyer.
 Serviced, installed, and upgraded computer systems, and performed repairs and maintenance procedures.
Lab Proctor
UCLA School of Public Policy & Social Research Computing Lab
 Provided technical support in software/hardware areas for lab of fifty computers and for various departmental users.
 Performed opening and closing duties for the computer lab.
 Suggested new methods and reorganization for the operation of the computing lab.
Computer Systems and Technology Coordinator
UCLA NROTC Battalion
 Restructured and optimized the operation of computing and technological resources for the unit.
 Provided technical support on computer/technological issues for unit members.
 Networked existing computers to allow file, printer, and Internet connection sharing.
 Researched, purchased, integrated, and supported new computing products and technologies for the unit.
 Defined a new technological vision for the unit and redesigned the unit web site and the Technology Team’s goals
and duties to promote the unit’s vision.
Computer & Network Systems Installation Volunteer
San Mateo Union High School District
 Installed a number of computer workstations and network hardware in various classrooms in schools district-wide.
 Provided technical support and training to students and teachers.
Web Designer
UCLA NROTC, San Mateo High School, Personal Site
 Created, designed, and maintained web sites and graphics using advanced HTML authoring tools and graphics
 Worked alone and as a team leader on site design and programming.
Network Engineer
Ragadio Dental Group, Inc.
 Chose software and hardware systems based on research of the group's needs.
 Designed and installed computer network consisting of Category-5 UTP horizontal cabling, modular jacks, and wiring
closet patch panels.
 Configured data servers, print servers, DSL sharing, and TCP/IP networking
 Installed computer systems and dental system software.
 Provided technical support and training for employees.
Computer & Network Systems Administrator
International Programming & Systems, Inc., San Mateo, California
 Managed a Novell/Microsoft computer network of 25 remote and local machines.
 Researched, recommended, and purchased hardware and software technologies.
 Installed, upgraded, and integrated new hardware and software technologies into the system.
 Provided technical support and training for employees.
 Performed troubleshooting and diagnostics.
Windows 2000/NT/95/98/3.1, MS-DOS, Mac OS
C++, Java, HTML, Pascal
HTML, JavaScript, ASP
Novell NetWare, Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, WAN, Internet, HP JetDirect print
servers, Meridian Snap! Server, TCP/IP, Category-5 UTP and termination
Applications: Macromedia Dreamweaver & Fireworks, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Netscape, FoxPro, FileMaker Pro, Cheyenne FAXserve, Lotus Mail,
Cat Soft Serv-U FTP Server
Operating Systems:
Web Authoring: