THURSDAY, Oct. 19 - HTH 100: Personal Wellness

Websites for Course Information:
GHTH 100: Personal Wellness
Fall 2006, Section 6: T/TR 12:30- 1:45
HHS 2301
Drs. Jeanne & David Wenos, course instructors.
First 8 weeks Instructor: Dr. Jeanne Wenos
Office Hours: Monday: 11-12, 1-3:00 Tuesday and Thursday: 2-3:00
Office 3115 in Health & Human Services Building
E-mail: (be sure to identify your first and last name, and
class section or time of class when sending an e-mail message).
Second 8 weeks Instructor: Dr. David Wenos
Office: HHS 3113
Office Hours: MW: 12:30; TTH: 9:30
Course Description:
This course is part of the University's General Education curriculum and is
contained in Cluster Five: The Individual in the Human Community.
Package A of Cluster Five consists of two courses which may be taken
concurrently or individually and in any order: GHTH 100A Personal
Wellness and one of the following GPSY 101 General Psychology or GPSY
160 Life Span Human Development.
This package uniquely examines the total mind-body connection by
combining study in psychological human development and individual
overall wellness. This course also is designed to examine lifestyle
behaviors that contribute to health promotion and disease prevention.
Factors such as behavior, self-care and daily decisions contribute to
wellness and influence dimensions of health.
Further information regarding the General Education program is available
at the General Education website.
II. Course Objectives:
Students enrolled in Health 100 will:
1. Examine personal behaviors related to health and wellness
2. Identify the dimensions of wellness and describe the impact of heredity,
lifestyle, and environment on individual well being.
Assess one's overall wellness, interpret the information, and develop and
implement a plan for health enhancement.
Use reputable sources to learn about and evaluate current societal trends in
health and social behavior.
5. Acquire knowledge about health and utilize it to help make meaningful
decisions throughout life.
6. Acquire a conceptual understanding, and vocabulary sufficient to
communicate with the allied health community about health needs.
Recognize and seek solutions for common health problems.
III. Course Evaluation:
1. Online Examinations - There will be a total of four online examinations; all
four are chapter tests, including the final which is non-comprehensive. The
exams are objective in format, such as Multiple Choice and True-False
questions. You will have 75 minutes to access each exam (the amount of
time available during class). If for some reason you experience problems
taking the test, immediately email or call the instructor.
You will find each exam listed under “Assignments” on blackboard, and
each will be visible ONLY during class time on the given dates. It is
imperative that you take the exam on a reliable computer—which means
that you may need to be in a computer lab on campus. Tests will not be
given at times other than scheduled unless previous arrangements
have been made with the instructor. Test scores will be immediately
posted on blackboard.
2. Attendance - Attendance is encouraged but not required. Please do not
attend class if you’re tired or sick—good rule of thumb—attend only if you can
sit up (no heads on desks). Notify the instructor if you have a long-term
illness. A seating chart will be enforced after the second week of class.
Pre- and Post-Testwell Wellness Survey - You will be required to
complete the survey twice; once at the beginning of the semester (pre-test)
and once at the end (post-test). Also, you need to answer questions about
your scores and turn this in as a one-page handout.
 The survey is found on pages 3 - 6 in your Personal Wellness Manual.
 You must turn in Page 7 twice- so make a copy of it before and after
you write on it (you need the scores from the pre testwell to answer
questions on the post testwell).
The questions that you must answer to fulfill this assignment will be posted
on Blackboard under course information.
4. Wellness Passport Assignment - This is a series of 5 assignments
designed for your participation in activities from a pre-selected list of campuswide events. Instructions in your manual are found on pp. 9-11. These
experiences are based on five of the six areas of wellness Emotional,
Intellectual, Occupational, Social, and Spiritual/Environmental. The dates and
description of the activities and events can be found at the following website
address under Events Calendar.
This on-going semester-long assignment requires you to continuously check
the website for posted events. KEEP TRACK OF THE PASSPORT EVENTS
5. Individual Physical Wellness Assignment: 30 hours of fitness recorded by
you! See website and/or p. 3 in manual.
 All 30 hours can be completed at UREC
 Only 15 hours MUST be completed at UREC
 15 hours can come from varsity sports practice, and/or recreation
and fitness activities that you complete outside UREC
 Can only log 3 hours per week, and 1 hour per day of activity.
IV. Grading:
Point Distribution
1. Written Exams
2. Pre Testwell
3. Post Testwell
4. *Physical Wellness Plan
5. Wellness Passport
(5 of these, each worth 10 points)
Total Points Possible
A = 450 - 500
B = 400 - 449
C = 350 - 399
D = 300 - 349
F = 299 or below
*+ and – scores will be given at the discretion of the instructor.
V. Required Textbooks:
1. Insel & Roth (2004). Core Concepts in Health, 9th Ed., McGrawHill.
2. GHTH100 -Personal Wellness Course Manual. This manual includes a common
syllabus, outlines and resources for each chapter, plus detailed instructions
for the Pre-Post Testwell assignment and Wellness Passport semester project.
Also, verification pages for the Wellness passport are located in the back of
this manual.
VI. Class Policies
A. Special Assistance. The Office of Disability Services provides academic
accommodations for students. Contact Jackie Rufo, MSC 1009 (5686705, Wilson 107) is the compliance official to contact for services. To
schedule a screening, contact the Learning Resources Center at 568-1759.
*If a modification of the Physical Wellness Plan is needed due to
temporary injury, or inability to complete the assignment as is, please
contact the instructor by email. You may be referred to a professional on
the faculty to devise an alternate activity plan.
B. Food/Drinks: Only drinks with covered or capped containers are
permitted. Please do not eat in class.
C. Assignments: are due at the beginning of class on the dates listed in
this syllabus. Assignments are considered to be past due if received
after class on the due date, or at any time other than at the beginning of
class and on the stated date. When an assignment is turned in after
class or throughout the day, a penalty of 20% of the total points will
be assessed that day, and an additional 20% will be assessed on the day
after. No assignments will be accepted more than one day after
the due date, or if not stapled.
D. Please save individual questions for AFTER class. Before class it
takes a few minutes to get everything (technology) loaded and ready for
Course Overview, Quick Reference Index
Related Information
*Physical Wellness
Assignment: work out at
UREC for at least 15 of
these hours.
*Pre Testwell Survey
and Assignment
(hand-in typed answers to
questions on Blackboard,
and staple pg. 7 to this)
Online Exam 1
Under “Assignments”
on Blackboard
*Wellness Passports
1, 2, 3 (must be
Online Exam 2
Ongoing3 hours/week1 hour/day for
10 weeks
TUESDAY, Sept. 12
Class manual, pp.12 14 & Health Sciences
TUESDAY, Sept. 19
Knowledge of
Assignments &
Chapters 1, 5, & 16
TUESDAY, Oct. 10
pp. 199 - 209
Personal Wellness
Chapters 4,10, & 18
Online Exam 3
Chapters 2, 12, 13
Wellness Passports
3,4 & 5 (must be
*Post Testwell Survey
and Assignment
(hand-in typed answers to
questions, and staple pg.
7 to this)
Wellness Log
Online Exam 4
TUESDAY, Nov. 21
pp. 199 - 209
Personal Wellness
Survey, pp. 3 - 6
Score Sheet, p. 7
Assignment Questions
on Blackboard under
Course Assignments
Typed, format online
(Final, noncomprehensive)
Thursday, Dec. 14
8-10:00 a.m.
Survey, pp. 3 - 6
Score Sheet, p. 7
Assignment Questions
on Blackboard under
Course Assignments
Chapters 14, 15, 17
*All assignments must be stapled in order to be graded.
VI. Tentative Course Schedule:
Aug 29: Explanation of Assignments & Chapter 1 – Taking Charge of Your Health
Sept 5 & 7: Chapter 5-- Contraception
Sept 12: Chapter 16-- Cancer
Sept*14: Guest speaker, Julia Wallace (UREC)
*Pre-Testwell Survey Assignment due at class time (typed/stapled)-Tuesday,
September 12.
>Online Exam 1: Tuesday, Sept 19 over chapters 1, 5, 16 (and knowledge of
Sept 21 & 26: Chapter 4-- Intimate Relationships & Communication
Sept 28, Oct 3 & 5: Chapter 18-- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Oct *10 & 12: Chapter 10—Alcohol (*3 passports due, stapled)
Oct 17: Interrelationships of all 3 topics
>Online Exam 2: Thursday, Oct. 19/ Chapters 4, 10, 18
[2nd Eight Weeks—Switch Instructors]
Oct 24 & 26: Chapter 2-- Stress - The Constant Challenge
Oct 31 & Nov. 2: Chapter 12-- Nutrition Basics
Nov. 7, 9, 14: Chapter 13-- Exercise for Health & Fitness
*3 Stapled Passport dimensions due by class time on Oct. 10, 2006
>Online Exam 3: Thursday, Nov. 16, Chapters 2, 12, 13
Nov *21 & 23: Chapter 14: Weight Management (*2 passports due, stapled)
Nov 28 & 30: Chapter 15: Cardiovascular Health
Dec 5 & 7: Chapter 17: Immunity and Infection
*2 Stapled Wellness Passports Due by class time on Nov. 21, 2006
>Final (non-cumulative) Online Examination: Thursday, Dec. 14 Chapters
14, 15, 17