Faculty Activities 2005-2006 May 2006 Cathy Gutierrez Presentations: “Perfecting the Past: Esotericism in the American Renaissance,” Hidden Histories: Eros, Spirit, and Freedom, the Dugan Lectures, Rice University, TX, 2005. “Deadly Dates: Bodies and Sex in Spiritualist Heavens,” Hidden Intercourse: Sexuality in Western Esotericism, Esalen Institute, CA, 2005. Publications: Co-editor, with Hillel Schwartz, The End that Does: Art, Science, and Millennial Accomplishment, volume in the series “Millennialism and Society,” Brenda Brasher, executive editor, Equinox Books, London, 2006. Editor, The Occult in Nineteenth-Century America, The Davies Group, 2006. “Sex in the City if God: Free Love at the American Millennium,” in Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation 15:2 (2005) 187-208. Co-authored, with Eric Casey, “From Eleusis to America: Masonry and the Modern Mysteries,” in The Occult in Nineteenth-Century America, Davies Group: 2006, 214-244. “The Elusive Isis: Theosophy in the Mirror of Millennialism,” in The End that Does: Art, Science, and Millennial Accomplishment, Hillel Schwartz and Cathy Gutierrez, eds., Equinox Press, 2006, 115-133. “The Millennium and Narrative Closure,” in War in Heaven/Heaven on Earth, Stephen D. O’Leary and Glen McGhee, eds., Equinox Press: 2005, 46-58. Rebecca Massie Lane presented "Just Say Yes or No: Implementing an effective acquisition process" in the Ciollections Management Rountable at Virginia Association of Museums in Roanoke, Monday, March 27. Barbara Perry Has accepted a Senior Fellowship at the University of Louisville's McConnell Center for 2006-07; Participated on a panel at the Yale University Law School on women Supreme Court justices; Served as an interviewer for the McConnell Scholarship at the University of Louisville; Raina Robeva · Invited Talks o Biomathematics and Why We Should Teach it to Undergraduates. Presented at the Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology Seminar, Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, January 26, Virginia Tech, VA. o Accepting Biomathematics: The Questions, the Dilemmas, and the Challenges. Presented at the Seminar for Application of Mathematics, University of Virginia, February 28, Charlottesville, VA. o On Gaussian Random Fields, the Markov Property, and Spectral Synthesis in Function Spaces. To be presented at the Mathematics Colloquium, Illinois State University, April 13, IL. · Appointed Mathematics Editor-in-Chief for the Biological ESTEEM project, sponsored by the NSF and the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium http://bioquest.org/esteem/index.php · External evaluator for a ten-year review and self-study of the Department of Mathematical Science, Susquehanna University, PA. March 12-14. Represented Virginia at the Southern Coalition Conference on Civic Education in Louisville. April 2006 Rebecca Ambers Rebecca Ambers has had two papers published recently: Ambers, Rebecca K. R. (2005) “The value of reservoir-bottom field trips for undergraduate geology courses.” Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 53, p. 508-512. Ambers, Rebecca K. R., Druckenbrod, Daniel L., and Ambers, Clifford P. (2006) “Geomorphic response to historical agriculture at Monument Hill in the Blue Ridge foothills of central Virginia.” Catena v. 65, p. 49-60. She has also been awarded a 1-year renewal of her grant from the Jeffress Memorial Trust, entitled "The Influence of Clay Mineralogy and Mineral Cements on Stream Channel Erodibility." Tracy Hamilton Received NEH Summer Stipend. The award will allow her to undertake research in Paris so that she can complete the final draft of her book, entitled The Artistic Patronage of Queen Marie de Brabant (1260-1321). Marie-Thérèse Killiam Marie-Thérèse Killiam's article on Baudrillard's nuclear museum and the end of culture will be published in Volume 3, March 2006 of the review Kritikos. Lynn Rainville Published an article in Reviews of Anthropology titled “People without History: Recent Archaeological Contributions to our Understanding of Ancient Near Eastern History” Gave three lectures in the Midwest as part of the national Archaeological Institute of America lecture series, speaking on Ancient Assyrian Urbanism Gave a talk at a retirement home in Charlottesville, VA on “Hidden History: Gravestone Variability in Historic African American Cemeteries” Interviewed for the local NPR station (WMRA) on saving historic cemeteries Served on a panel for the American Association of State Colleges & Universities (AASCU) to discuss NEH grant writing March 2006 Lisa Johnston Appointed to the Sophie Brody Medal Award Committee. The committee’s charge is to administer an award to the U.S. author of the most distinguished contribution to Jewish literature (fiction and/or non fiction) for adults published in the U.S. in the preceding year. This committee awarded its first medal at the 2006 American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Barbara Perry Delivered a lecture to 250 audience members and signed books at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta for its Smithsonian Exhibit, "First Ladies: Political Role, Public Image," Presented a lecture to an audience of 250 participants on the modern role of First Ladies to The Woman's Club of Richmond; Was a panelist on "Separation of Powers" at the American Bar Association's Law-Related Education Conference in Phoenix; Spoke on the CCR and the Supreme Court at Sweet Briar Day in Atlanta; Was a guest on the Joy Cardin Show, Wisconsin Public Radio, on the Alito hearings; Was quoted in Marsha Mercer's Media General News Service syndicated column on media coverage of the Supreme Court. Rob Granger An unusual polymeric Palladium (I) di-2-pyridyl ketone complex: Synthesis, X-ray structure, and preliminary CO_2 reduction catalysis studies. Robert Granger, Emma Kate Payne, Nicole Crowder. /Manuscript in Preparation /*(2006 “Homogeneous Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO_2 with the compound Tetrachloro(di-2-pyridylketone)platinum(IV); [Pt(dpk)Cl_4 ].” McCauley, D. L.; Caruso, M. M.; Ciric A.; Conley B. L.; Crowder K. N.; Webb, B. C.; James N. Demas J. N.; Karl D. Sienerth K. D.; Granger*, R. M. /J. Am. Chem. Soc./ Submitted 02/02/*2006*. Analysis of the Micronutrients Copper and Zinc in a Commercial Orchard and Vineyard by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: A Modern AAS Laboratory Exercise. Kathleen M. Wilson and Dr. Robert M. Granger, II*. /Chem. Ed. /*2006 */11/(1)*, *38-40. Synthesis and X-ray structure of a /bis/-(di-2-pyridylketone) platinum(IV) compound; Pt(dpk-O-OH)_2 [PF_6 ]_2. Robert M. Granger, II^† ; Ana Ciric*; Katherine N. Crowder* and Phillip E. Fanwick^¥ . . /Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research/ *2005*, 1, 239. February 2006 John Beck A paper with an SBC undergraduate as co-author was recently published in the Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research. The title is "Herbal Extracts from Cortex Moutan Exhibit Antioxidant Potential, Inhibit Cell-Induced Apoptosis, and Possess Antimircrobial Activities" The authors include: Yang-Hsi Tsai, Jaime L. Heimbegner, John J. Beck, and James E. Turner. The paper is a result of a collaboration between the Beck research labs and VMI biology researchers cadet Tsai and Dr. Turner. The official information is: Tsai, T-H.; Heimbegner, J.L.; Beck, J.J.; Turner, J.E. Herbal extracts from Cortex moutan exhibit antioxidant potential, inhibit cell-induced apoptosis, and possess antimicrobial activities. J. Undergrad. Chem. Res. 2006, 5, (1), 33-40. Pam Deweese DeWeese, Pamela, "Luis Goytisolo" . Dictionary of Literary Biography, V. 322: Twentieth Century Spanish Fiction Writers. Eds. Marta E. Altisent, Cristina Martínez Carazo. New York: Bruccoli Clark Layman Press: 122-131. Deborah Durham Publications: “Did you Bathe This Morning? Baths and Morality in Botswana” Chapter in Adeline Masquelier, ed., Dirt, Undress, and Difference: Critical Perspectives on the Body’s Surface, pp. 190-212. Indiana University Press, 2005. “Just Playing: Choirs, Bureaucracy, and the Work of Youth in Botswana.” Chapter for Alcinda Honwana and Filip de Boeck, eds. Makers and Breakers, Made and Broken: Children and Youngsters as Emerging Categories in Postcolonial Africa, pp. 150-171. James Currey Press, 2005 Book review of Fragmented Worlds, Coherent Lives: The Politics of Difference in Botswana, by Pnina Motzaffi-Haller (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 2002). African Affairs 104, no. 416: 537-538. Papers presented: “Why Villages Matter in Africa.” Presentation to Symposium on New Perspectives in Anthropology, Harper’s Ferry, VA, 5 December 2005. “Youth and Citizenship in Botswana.” Session on the body politic in Botswana, organized by Judith van Allen, African Studies Association annual meetings, Washington DC, 18 November 2005. “Apathy and Agency.” For panel on “Rethinking Agency” organized by Deborah Durham and Jennifer Cole, at the American Ethnological Association annual meeting in San Diego, April 7-10, 2005. Rebecca Massie Lane Presented “Internships From Both Sides of Academe” as a member of the conference panel, “The Two Faces of Academic Museums: Addressing Diverse Audiences” at the Southeastern Museums Association Conference October 6, 2005 Served as a grant reviewer for the Museums for America grant competition of the Institute of Museum Services, a federal agency, Washington, DC, January 2006. Attended Arts Advocacy Day in Richmond, Virginia on January 25. December 2005 John Beck Served as a reviewer of "Development of Cathepsin D Inhibitors with New Hydroxyethyl Cyclic Tertiary Amines" by McConnell, R. M.; Trana, C. J.; et al. for the Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research. Chou, S-C.; Everngam, M. E.; Sturtz, G.; Beck, J. J. Antibacterial Activity of Components from Lomatium californicum. Phytother. Res. Oct 2005 (accepted without revisions) Chou, S-C.; Mercier, J. E.; Wilson, K. A; Beck, J. J. Complete Proton and Carbon Assignment of (+)-Catechin via One- and Two-Dimensional NMR Analysis. Chem. Educ. Oct 2005 Also, he has been invited to present a talk on his research entitled "Natural Products Chemistry at Sweet Briar College" at the University of California, Riverside two-day Symposium in celebration of their brand new Chemistry Building Grand Opening December 3rd. The Center for Civic Renewal Kris Ogden and Steve Bragaw attended the Center for Civic Education Project Citizen Coordinator’s conference in Dallas, Texas October 6-10. VALREC hosted an exhibit table at the 41st annual Virginia Social Studies Educators Conference at Hotel Roanoke on November 4. Information on lawrelated education programs was provided to teachers from all Virginia regions. Committed to planning and directing the 2nd annual Center for Civic Education Teachers Institute for Advanced Civic Studies in July 2006. Attended a presentation by Virginia Tech students in Blacksburg detailing a recommendation for the implementation of the Project Citizen curriculum in the local public school district. VALREC provided information and consultation that formed the basis for the presentation. Barbara Perry accepted an appointment by Virginia Chief Justice Leroy Hassell to the Education Task Force for the Commission on Virginia Courts in the 21st Century. CCR will be hosting two of the task force meetings at the Florence Elston Inn and Conference Center in January and February. Barbara Perry’s Constitutional Law students and CCR staff traveled to Washington D.C. on December 6 to hear oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court and meet Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Planned an information session for students with representatives from the University of Virginia’s Sorenson Institute for Political Leadership that will be held on December 8. Barbara Perry was named to the Constitution Day Subcommittee of the American Bar Association’s Public Education Division’s Advisory Committee. Barbara Perry Delivered two lectures at the University of Louisville ("Three Men and a Wall: How Jefferson, Black, and Blackmun Supported Freedom of Religion" and "What's Up with Harriet Miers? Supreme Court Appointments in American History"); Gave the Paul Schupf Endowed Lecture at Cazenovia College in New York ("Inside the Marble Palace: The Ideologies and Personalities of the Supreme Court Justices"); Presented a paper at the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Conference, Hofstra University ("Jackie and Hillary: The Role of the First Lady in the Kennedy and Clinton Administrations"); Appeared on NPR's "Weekend Edition" and was quoted in two New York Times articles, as well as the Kansas City Star, Washington Times, Louisville Record, and Daily Tarheel; Attended meetings of the Virginia Courts in the 21st Century; Attended the American Bar Association's Public Education Division's Advisory Committee meeting and was named to the Constitution Day Subcommittee. November 2005 Reappointed Vice President of Ius Primi Viri, a Rome based international human rights education association and Non-Governmental Organization in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations; appointed IPV’s representative at the New York Headquarters of the UN; represented the Association at Preparatory High Level Segment Roundtable Discussions on the Millenium Development Goals, at the UN in NY, March 16-17: “Eradication of Poverty and Hunger”, “Health and Mortality”, and “Global Partnerships and Financing Development” sessions. Peer reviewer, American Sociological Association anthology of course syllabi on drugs, alcohol, and society. Editorial reviewer, proposal and manuscript for a new textbook on organizational behavior, labor markets, and work (Roxbury Press). Research proposal reviewer for the National Science Foundation. Edited English language manuscripts and publications, as Scientific Collaborator, Centro studi per l’Evoluzione Umana, an interdisciplinary think tank in Rome. Invited plenary speaker at the International Conference of The Social Capital Foundation, an NGO in Belgium, convened in Malta, Sept. 20-23: “Social Capital and Mental Health in Western Societies” and “Social Capital, Anomie, and Economic Efficiency”; chaired 3 paper sessions on Social Networks and on Civic Engagement as a member of the Foundation’s Editorial Executive Board. October 2005 John Beck His group presented the following posters at the 230th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society held at Washington, DC. Aug 27-Sept 1. o For the Division of Agricultural & Food Chemistry as well as the Science Mix: Enhanced antibacterial activity of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) extracts and components when combined with the known antibiotics ampicillin and penicillin. Harvey, S.M.; Heimbegner, J.L.; Beck, J.J. o For the Division of Medicinal Chemistry: Isolation, characterization, and enhanced antibacterial activity of components from Lomatium californicum. Chou, S-C.; Everngam, M.C.; Beck, J.J. o Broader Impacts Showcase--sponsored by NSF: He was given an award from NSF to present a poster on the Broader Impacts of our NSF MRI grant and how we have implemented the high-field NMR into our classes and research at SBC. Manuscript review for the journal Steroids Four new immunomodulating steroidal glycosides from the stems of Stephanotis mucronata. Kay Brimijoin Publications: Differentiation and high stakes testing: an oxymoron? Theory into Practice 44(3), 254-261. Kelley, C. & Brimijoin, K. (2005). The eyes of experience: An English unit on perspective and identify. In C. Tomlinson & C. Strickland (Eds.), Differentiation in practice (pp. 172-216). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Presentations: Brimijoin, K. (2005, June). Preparing preservice teachers for the differentiated classroom. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Summer Conference, New York, NY. Brimijoin, K. (2005, June). Designing comprehensive professional development for understanding by design and differentiated instruction. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Summer Conference, New York, NY. Brimijoin, K. (2005, June). Using ongoing assessment for instructional decision making. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Summer Conference, New York, NY. Brimijoin, K. (2005, June). Using RAFTs in the differentiated classroom. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Summer Conference, New York, NY. John Goulde Completed Korean language translation of Lynchburg City School No Child Left Behind documentation, June 6. 2005. Taught Chinese Language and History in Kids in College, June 13-17, 2005. Gave Seminar Lecture: Cultural Exchange Across North Asia, Korea and The Silk Road Seminar, The Korea Society, New York City, July 29, 2005. Gave Seminar Lectures: The Development of Korean Cinema and Confucian Ethics and the Family in Sin Sang-ok’s 1961 Film: The Lodger and my Mother, The Korea Society, New York City, August 1, 2005. Gave Seminar Lectures: The Legacy of Confucianism In North Asian States: The PRC, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and The Legacy of Confucianism in Southeast Asian States: Hong Kong, Singapore-Malaysia, Vietnam, Foreign Service Institute, Arlington, VA, September 28, 2005. Tim Loboschefski Published (with Penberthy, Kalbfleisch, Quigg, Cox, Runyon, & Kovatchev - from UVA) “Encephalographic profiles of children with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A review of the literature.” Current Pediatric Reviews, 2, 117 (in press 2006). Ella Magruder On March 16-19, 2005 Ella Magruder and 5 Sweet Briar College dance majors attended the American College Dance Festival at Virginia Commonwealth University. Ella taught a lecture and workshop on alignment and injury prevention, titled How to Dance a Long Time. Served as a featured master teacher for three-day conference at Temple University, Philadelphia, June 23-27, 2005 for the national conference of the USA chapter of dance and the Child international. She conducted master classes for participants and choreographed a site-specific work for public performance on the final day of the conference. Taught two-week long workshop for gifted and talented students for the Augusta County Public Schools June 20-22, and June 27-July 1, 2005. Augusta's multidisciplinary arts program (dance, music, drama, visual art, and creative writing) focused on the planet earth, the solar system, and outer space. Taught a yoga workshop for Pro Danza Italia/USA in Castiglioncello, Italy on July 12, 2005. Mark Magruder Invited to serve as a featured master teacher for three-day conference at Temple University, Philadelphia, June 23-27, 2005 for the national conference of the USA chapter of dance and the Child international. He conducted master classes for participants and choreographed a site-specific work for public performance on the final day of the conference. In July, taught workshops in modern dance for Pro Danza Italia/USA in Castiglioncello, Italy. He performed his solo Hussar, and Beverly Blossom's solo Last Bow in Montescudaio, Italy on July 15th for an audience of 350 people and in Varaszlo, Hungary on July 21st. August 8-11, 2005 taught dance classes for the two Amherst County show choirs, the Amerechoes and the Belles. For the past year and a half has served as appointed member and volunteer facilitator for the Citizen's Advisory committee for the new Amherst County Comprehensive Plan. Joe Malloy Hosted the 4th Annual VIVA-ILL Forum for over 100 Interlibrary Loan Librarians at the Florence Elston Inn Conference Center, July 15, 2005. Attended the VIVA Workshop on Electronic Resources at Radford University, August 2005. Organized the 5th Annual Fiddle & Banjo Contests for the State Fair of Virginia, Richmond, VA, October 2005. Performed (with Laura Pharis) in the Bramble & Rose String Band for the SBC Arts Day (April), the Chaplain's "Heroes Luncheon" (April), the 2005 Senior Class Wine and Cheese party at Rebec Vineyards (May); and for the Lexington Irish Culture Club (May). Barbara Perry Attended the Congressional Conference on Civic Education in Washington, DC and coled, with Steve Bragaw, the Virginia Delegation. Attended the first meeting of the Virginia Civics Commission in Richmond, on which she serves as an ex officio member. Appointed by Virginia’s Chief Justice Leroy Hassell, Sr., to the Task Force on the Public and the Courts of the “Virginia Courts in the 21st Century” Commission. Named to the American Bar Association’s subcommittee for the “Dialogue on Separation of Powers,” part of the ABA’s new Commission on Civic Education. Spoke, with Steve Bragaw, at Washington, DC’s Cosmos Club to SBC alumnae on “Can the Center Hold? The Supreme Court after Sandra Day O'Connor.” Spoke, with Steve Bragaw, at the SBC celebration of Constitution Day. Appeared on WAMU’s “Kojo Nnambi Show” (circuit courts), WVTF (John Roberts’s appointment), KMOX (twice on Supreme Court appointments); and in the Kansas City Star (Supreme Court appointments). Lynn Rainville Book published, Investigating Upper Mesopotamian Households Using MicroArchaeological Techniques. BAR International Series, No. S1368. Oxford: Archaeopress. Grant, National Endowment for the Humanities Collaborative Research to investigate historic African-American mortuary traditions in Central Virginia. National Lecturer, Archaeological Institute of America, 2005-06. Forthcoming article, “Recent Archaeological Contributions to our Understanding of Ancient Near Eastern History,” a review of three books solicited by Reviews in Anthropology. Article, “Eighth Preliminary Report on Excavations at Ziyaret Tepe, 2004 Season.” Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi Volume 27 (2005). Co-authored with T. Matney. Article, “Archaeological Investigations at Ziyaret Tepe, 2003 and 2004,” Anatolica 31: 20-68. (2005) . Co-edited with T. Matney. The Center for Civic Renewal Planned and hosted Constitution Day events to satisfy a new law mandating that schools receiving federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education must implement an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution. Events included: o A public lecture by Professors Perry and Bragaw titled, “The Supreme Court after Sandra Day O’Connor,” followed by a reception; o Model Citizen workshop for Girl Scout Troop #365, Staunton, VA. Worked with Hampden-Sydney faculty and Co-Curricular life to provide an opportunity for students to attend a public lecture hosted by Hampden-Sydney’s Wilson Center for Leadership in the Public Interest on September 20. Dr. Ruth Wedgwood spoke on Fighting Terrorism within the Law. Dr. Wedgwood is Director of the Diplomacy and International Law Program at John Hopkins University. Secured Project Citizen District Coordinators for five of Virginia’s Congressional Districts. As state coordinators for Project Citizen, CCR is responsible for outreach throughout the Commonwealth to provide information and support to educators who use the Project Citizen curriculum. District Coordinators assist with those responsibilities within their Congressional District. Katie Nieimeier, ’05, represents District 07 for the Commonwealth, a position that coincides with her assignment as a social studies teacher in Henrico County. Contributed to progress for the implementation of the Project Citizen curriculum in a district-wide adoption for Hampton City Schools. CCR is working with the school district’s social studies coordinator and the Youth Civic Engagement Coordinator from Alternatives, Inc. to provide support throughout this process. Served as a clearinghouse for inquiries relating to law-related education in Virginia, addressing questions from various individuals, ranging from local youth organizations to corporate entities. Attended the 3rd Congressional Conference on Civics Education. Professor Perry and Professor Bragaw serve as co-leaders of the Virginia delegation. Other members include Delegate James Dillard (Fairfax), Delegate Robert Tata (Va. Beach), and Beverly Thurston, coordinator of history and social studies for the Virginia Department of Education. Professors Perry and Bragaw accepted appointments to the Virginia Commission on Civics Education and attended the first meeting in Richmond on September 28, 2005. September 2005 John Ashbrook "Self-perceptions, denials, and expressions: Istrianity in a nationalizing Croatia, 19901997," Nationalities Papers, volume 33 (4) (December 2005). John Beck Reviews: For the journal Steroids C-21 Steroidal Glycosides from the roots of Cynanchum chekiangense and their immunosuppresive activities Ornithosaponins A-D, four new polyoxygenated steroidal glycosides from the bulbs of Ornithogalun thyrosides For the Journal of Natural Products Book Review: Mechanisms in Organic Reactions Papers written: Complete Proton and Carbon Assignment of (+)-Catechin via One- and TwoDimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Analysis: A Hands-on Learning Experiment for Upper-Division Undergraduate Chemistry Students. Chou, S-C.; Mercier, J. E.; Wilson, K. A.; Beck, J. J. Submitted to The Chemical Educator. Antibacterial Activity of Components from Lomatium californicum. Chou, S-C.; Everngam, M. C.; Sturtz, G.; Beck, J. J. Submitted to Phytotherapy Research. Herbal Extracts From Cortex moutanExhibit Antioxidant Potential, Inhibit CellInduced Apoptosis, and Possess Antimicrobial Activities. Tsai, Y-H.; Heimbegner, J. L.; Beck, J. J.; Turner, J. E. Submitted to the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Presentation: Isolation, Characterization, and Enhanced Antibacterial Activity of Components from Lomatium Californicum. Chou, S-C.; Everngam, M. C.; Beck, J. J. International Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy, July 2005. Steve Bragaw "Shaded Media? The Strange New World of Electronic "'Citizen Media' and the Future of American Politics" presented as part of the UVA Center for Politics "How to close the Red/Blue Divide in American Politics" Spring Lecture Series at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC, May 12, 2005. "Sunday Morning Wake Up Call with Rick Moore" WNRN Radio (Charlottesville), featured guest discussing Virginia and national politics, May 29. Graduate Fellowship Application reviewer, Jack Kent Cooke Memorial Foundation, Landsdowne, VA, June 15-17. Interviewed for Lynchburg Channel 13 on Virginia primaries, June 14. "Historical Trends in Civics Education" and "Project Citizen and the Virginia Civics SOLs" 90 min presentations delivered to the Virginia Department of Education annual Content Academy, JMU University, Harrisonburg, June 23. "John Marshall and the Politics of Judicial Review" presentation delivered as part of a workshop at the Center for Civic Education's National Coordinator's Conference, Washington DC, June 26. Co-directed with Barbara Perry "The Rivalry that Shaped America" Advanced Civics Institute, at the Colgate Darden Business School, UVA, July 17-22. Grant reviewer for the Youth for Justice program, US Department of Justice OJJDP, August. Manuscript reviewer, Law & Society Review, August. "The Judicialization of Electoral Politics" Panel Chair, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, September 1. "The Politics of Rights" Panel Discussant, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, September 1. Kay Brimijoin Published a book chapter in Differentiation in Practice: A Resource Guide for Differentiating Curriculum, Grades 9-12. Celeste Delgado-Librero Received a publication contract with MRTS for her edition and translation of “The Mirror” of James Roig: An Edition and an English Translation of MS. Vat. Lat. 4806. Barbara Perry A lecture at the New York Historical Society in New York City on New York First Ladies; Presentations at the Supreme Court Summer Institute for Teachers in Washington on Supreme Court appointments, the 10 Commandment cases, and decisions delivered at the end of the Court's term; Co-leadership, with Steve Bragaw, of the National Advanced Civics Institute at the University of Virginia, co-sponsored by the Center for Civic Education and the Virginia Law-Related Education Center; A lecture on constitutional principles and the Bill of Rights to the New England "We the People" Teachers Institute in Newport, Rhode Island; Media interviews with Public Radio in Washington, DC on women and minority judicial nominees; the BBC, Wisconsin Public Radio, and Lynchburg News and Advance on the retirement of Sandra Day O'Connor; the New York Times on the role of Catholicism in presidential politics and Supreme Court appointments; and Virginia Public Radio on the history of the Supreme Court and the nomination of John Roberts; Revision of an article on Thomas Jefferson and freedom of religion requested by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and submitted for publication to the Supreme Court Journal of History. Raina Robeva Published (with B. Kovatchev, K. Penberthy, M. Breton, and D. Cox from UVA) a book chapter: Computational Strategies in the Evaluation of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In: Progress in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Research, pp. 155-187. NOVA Science Publishers, 2005. Raina Robeva and Robin Davies Organized and delivered (with E. Marland and H. Hirst, Appalachian State U., A. Weisstein, Truman State U., and T. Johnson, Beloit College) the workshop “Computational and Mathematical Biology”, sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America and the National Science Foundation, for faculty interested in creating and teaching courses in Mathematical Biology, July 31 – August 6, Harvey Mudd College, CA. Raina Robeva and Tim Loboschefski Published (with J. Penberthy, D. Cox, M. Breton, M. Kalbfleisch, and B. Kovatchev from UVA) the article “Calibration of ADHD Assessments Across Studies: A MetaAnalysis Tool.” Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Vol. 30, No. 1, 31-51.