D&T insert for Generic booklet BDB100

PGCE Primary School Direct
The Bridge Teaching School Alliance
Guidance for Candidates
2014 Entry
Mission Statement
"Edge Hill University is a higher education institution seeking to provide an innovative,
high quality and inclusive learning experience underpinned by a commitment to the
advancement, dissemination and application of knowledge. Edge Hill University is
dedicated to developing individuals as skilled and autonomous learners in challenging
and supportive environments."
Equal Opportunities
Edge Hill University aims to provide an institutional environment which is welcoming;
and which values and affirms the positive contributions of all its members.
Edge Hill University seeks to identify and to eradicate any practices which promote
racism, sexism or homophobia or which discriminate against people with disabilities,
or from particular socio-economic backgrounds, or because of their age.
We ask everyone to be aware of their behaviour at all times so that we can continue
to develop an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome”.
Alternative Formats
This booklet is available in alternative formats or larger font. Please contact the
Admissions Office on 01695 650950 to request a copy.
Learning Support Needs
Students with disabilities or specific learning difficulties, please refer also to section 6.
This is a one year course for graduates that wish to achieve Qualified Teacher
School Direct students will be trained jointly within the cluster of schools and Edge
Hill University. Trainees on the programme will receive a comprehensive training
programme with the schools involved providing specific training on a number of areas
including assessment, phonics, Early Years Foundation Stage, curriculum design,
mathematics and SEN/D.
As you are aware it is our intention to recruit those candidates who have the potential
to be outstanding primary teachers, applicants for the 2014 intake will be involved in
a rigorous selection process over one day including:
Subject knowledge multiple choice test
Academic writing task
Observation of you managing a group of learners
Short interview
Good Luck in your interview
Lisa Murtagh, Head of School Direct Programmes
Edge Hill University
Congratulations on reaching the interview stage for a School Direct place with Edge
Hill University and The Bridge Teaching School.
We hope that the successful candidates will enjoy working alongside our staff in our
friendly and supportive schools.
We look forward to meeting you at interview and to working with you in the future.
Gary Morrissey
The Bridge Teaching School Director
Introduction and Arrival
The Structure of the Day
What to Bring with You
Preparation for Your Interview
Students with Disabilities or Learning Difficulties
Selection Guidance
Interview Outcomes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Full time Programme
2.3 Course Details and Awards
2.4 Full time PGCE outline calendar
Appendix: Information Update Form
Congratulations, you have successfully reached the interview stage.
A significant number of applications have been considered by school colleagues and
we wish you well as you progress further through the competitive selection and
interview process.
The Bridge Teaching School Alliance works in Partnership with Edge Hill University
to provide candidates the opportunity to gain a Primary PGCE (Post Graduate
Certificate in Education) through School Direct.
The alliance involves twenty schools all of which have significant experience in
delivering outstanding Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in partnership with Edge Hill
The schools who would be involved in delivering the training include,
Woodfield School
St Mary Magdalene Academy
Shaftsbury High School
New North School
Robert Blair School
Drayton Park School
Christ the King School
Poole’s Park School
North Islington Nursery School
Winton School
Ashmount School
St John Evangelist School
Ambleside Children’s Centre
Hungerford School
Samuel Rhodes School
Tavistock Children’s Day Unit
The Village School
Oak Lodge School
Phoenix School
Castelbar School
This is a one year course for graduates that wish to achieve Qualified Teacher
School Direct students will be trained jointly within the cluster of schools and Edge
Hill University. Trainees on the programme will receive a comprehensive training
programme with the schools involved providing specific training on a number of areas
including literacy, phonics, early years, the creative curriculum, differentiation,
planning for mixed age classes, supporting children who have English as an
additional language, intervention programmes, modern languages and forest
As you are aware it is our intention to recruit those candidates who have the potential
to be outstanding primary teachers, applicants for the 2014 intake will be involved in
a rigorous selection process over one day including:
 Subject knowledge multiple choice test
 Academic writing task
 Observation of you delivering 20 minutes of a planned lesson in class
 Short interview
Enjoy the day
Gary Morrissey Teaching School Director
The Bridge London
Your interview will be held at:
The Bridge Training & Consultancy Centre
251 Hungerford Road
N7 9LD
Telephone: 020 7619 1000
You should aim to arrive at The Bridge by 9.00am and directions can be found at.
If you have any queries about the day please contact:
Proposed Schedule of the Day
There are several aspects to the process so individual timetables will be distributed
on the day but it is expected that the last activity will be completed by 15.30.
A typical day will look as follows
09.00- 09.30
Registration and admissions staff check qualifications.
09.30 – 15.30 Welcome and overview of the programme
Subject knowledge tasks
Academic writing task
Classroom Experience
Individual interviews
We will provide lunch so if you have any specific dietary requirements do please let
us know in advance.
Interview tasks
1. Subject Knowledge Test – 45 minutes
You will complete a written test containing multiple-choice questions each for
English, Mathematics, and Science. It will relate to the knowledge required of
trainee teachers and will be set at approximately Level 6 of the National
Curriculum. This is below the levels required during the programme and
related national assessments, so you will be expected to work quickly and to
score high marks. No spelling aids or calculators will normally be allowed.
how to carry out investigations and
interpret results
 Life Systems (biology)
o the functioning of organisms
 identifying and explaining the author's
o continuity and change
use of certain styles or features
o ecosystems
 explaining the meaning of the whole
 Materials and their Structure
text and individual words
 identifying parts of speech and types of
o particles
o compounds and reactions
 identifying word structures
o changes of state
 Physical Processes (physics)
 identifying errors of spelling, grammar
and punctuation
o electricity and magnetism
o energy, forces and motion
During the rest of your interview you must
o light and sound
also speak and write clearly and correctly,
the Earth and beyond
using Standard English and cursive
You will be given a short text and asked
about the author's use of written English,
2. Academic Writing Test – 45 minutes
You will respond to a short extract providing a written response.
Note dictionaries are not permitted.
3. Classroom Experience
You will need to plan a teaching session to be taught within a mainstream primary
class. If you have a preference for a particular Key Stage or Year Group, you may
certainly make a request which we make every effort to accommodate – but we
cannot guarantee.
The focus and learning outcomes for this session can be chosen by you. You may
bring additional teaching resources and you should plan for the session to take
twenty minutes. You should produce a plan for the session and have copies
available for interviewers.
Enjoy this part of the day, it is your opportunity to demonstrate that you already
possess all the skills and qualities required to be an outstanding primary teacher
4. Individual Interview
This is the final stage of the interview and selection process and is your opportunity
to demonstrate your understanding of the nature and needs of young learners and
your commitment to meeting these needs as a primary teacher.
Photo Identification
You will be required to bring photographic identification (current passport or photo
driving licence) to your interview. Any candidate not able to show photographic
identification on their interview day will not be able to proceed to interview.
Please bring with you original and photocopies of certificates, if already achieved:
a. your degree, or degree equivalent qualification to include a transcript of modules
b. GCSE English Language, Mathematics and Science at grade C or above, or
equivalent qualifications
c. Confirmation that you have passed the national Professional Skills Tests in
numeracy and literacy if already attained. Please see page 12 for further
information regarding the tests.
d. any portfolios, samples of work and other materials that can demonstrate your
suitability for the programme
Admissions staff will check your copied certificates against your originals and sign them
as a true copy to be kept on your file. You will be able to take your original certificates
home with you on the day. Please note, we will not have photocopying facilities
available on the day, so it is important that you bring copies as well as your original
Please note:
If you have changed your name since the certificates were issued,
please provide evidence (e.g. a copy of your marriage certificate, change of
name deed) and advise us of this when you hand in your photocopies
If you do not bring photocopies of your certificates on the day and the
decision of the panel is to offer you a place, we will withhold the offer until
we have verification of your original certificates
For your interview:
 A watch to monitor the time during your written tasks
 A children’s book or object
To give to the Interview Panel at the start of your Interview:
Please put the following information into a clear plastic wallet.
(1) Photographs
Please bring TWO passport-sized photographs of yourself, with your name on the
back. Your interview panel will use one to identify you on the interview day. If you
are successful, the second will be used to identify you during your course.
(2) Information Update
Please complete the Information Update form at the back of this booklet. This will
give your interview panel more information about:
Your Choice of Programme
Section 2 of this booklet describes the Full time programme only.
Subject Specialism
You should have chosen a subject in which you have a genuine interest and
significant personal knowledge and experience. You have to demonstrate that
you have an A level in the subject or significant coverage of the subject in your
Pre-course day
You will be asked to confirm that, if you are offered a place, you will be able to
attend a pre-course day on the dates shown. It will be a condition of any offer
that you attend a pre-course day; if you have a prior, unalterable commitment you
must tell us about it on your Information Update form.
Additional Information
You may add information that was not on your application form.
Partnership Agreement
Training in Educational Settings
 The Partnership team will source all ITT professional practice in school.
 You will be expected to travel to your professional practice venue and you must
be prepared that this may involve travelling some distance. You will be
expected to drive or travel on public transport to your professional practice.
We do provide some reimbursement for travel to and from training. Please see
the Faculty travel policy for more details.
'Where will placements be located?
Based upon your individual training plan a professional practice will be
allocated according to your needs. This means that the periods of professional
practice are not decided on geographical location but on your specific
individual training needs identified in conjunction with a tutor. Therefore there is
an expectation that you will be required to travel to the professional practice.
There is no set criterion for what is/could is deemed as a reasonable journey
(this could mean several hours travel).
Travel will be via car or public transport (please refer to the Trainee travel and
accommodation policy). It is your responsibility to ensure that you are able to
get to your professional practice by the time required each day. In addition you
should be aware that, we make use of placements located at a distance from
Edge Hill, in areas such as Shropshire and the Isle of Man. If you are allocated
a distance placement we will provide either accommodation or travel as
Please bring a signed copy of the Trainee Partnership Agreement which will be
collected from you (a copy of this is at the back of this booklet)
Additional Documents
You do not need to submit anything else. If you want the panel to consider concise
additional documentation, such as an additional reference, then please include it in
the plastic wallet along with your photographs and Information Update form. It will
not be returned to you.
If you have additional documentation that you want to show to the panel and then
take away at the end of the day, such as a portfolio of experience, then you may
show it during your individual interview.
Time in School
If you are able to spend more time in school before your interview, you should use it
to gather relevant experiences and information. If all your experience has been in
one school or class, try to broaden your experience by spending time elsewhere.
General Reading
You may also need to do some general preparatory reading and research, to develop
your understanding of educational issues and current developments. The following
text is currently used on the PGCE courses and is also a useful introductory reader.
Cockburn A (3rd ed)
Teaching Children 3 to 11: a student's
A read through recent issues of the Times Educational Supplement, or the
educational supplements of broadsheet daily newspapers may be helpful. You might
prefer to use one of the following websites. Don't feel that you have to build up
detailed knowledge of facts and figures, however - we only expect a general
knowledge and awareness of educational issues at the interview stage.
The Times Educational Supplement.
The BBC News site. Click on the Education link.
Ofsted. Click on Publications for on-line reports on
topical issues.
The latest Department for Education thinking.
Browse anything that interests you.
Subject Knowledge Preparation
You may feel that you need to improve some areas of your knowledge in preparation
for the interview test, or at least to reassure yourself that you understand the levels at
which questions will be pitched - i.e. approximately National Curriculum Level 6,
which is the average expected at the end of Key Stage 3. If you use any of the
following resources, you should check its content in relation to the interview test
content outlined in section 1.2.
Most major publishers produce Key Stage 3 revision guides for English, mathematics
and science, as books or as CD-ROMs. These are readily available in shops or from
an internet seller. On-line revision guides and sample questions include:
BBC Bitesize http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/schools/revision
Skool.co.uk (maths and science) http://www.skool.co.uk
The books listed below are currently used as core texts for subject knowledge on the
PGCE course. They go well beyond the levels required at interview, but you may find
them useful. You will certainly need to study them before starting the course.
Mallett M
The Primary English Encyclopaedia
4th Edittion
Understanding and Teaching Primary
Primary Science: knowledge and
understanding 5th edition
Learning Matters
Cotton T (2013)
Johnsey R et al.
Written and Spoken English
You should be able to write Standard English with accurate grammar and spellings,
normally without using a dictionary or other aids. You should normally be able to use
cursive (joined-up) handwriting, with standard letter formations and joins, because
your handwriting will be a model for children in school. Your handwriting does not
need to be beautiful, but it should be legible. You may need to practise it before your
If you normally speak in a local dialect, please be aware that you must demonstrate
throughout your interview that you can use the grammar of Standard English; as a
teacher, you will need to do so when you are in the classroom. For instance, you
should avoid saying such things as "When the children were sat on the carpet." All
accents are acceptable if you speak clearly. If you are unsure about your spoken
English, ask someone suitable to advise you.
Applicants with disabilities or learning difficulties should note that the decision to offer a
place on a course of Initial Teacher Training is made only on the selection criteria
outlined in this booklet. However, you should note the following:
If you normally have additional time for examinations or tests, or large font type, or
any other specific arrangements, please inform the Admissions Office by completing
the online form. Please provide a copy of your LA ‘statement’ or a letter from your
school, college or employer to confirm that additional time for tests is a requirement.
If you require a BSL interpreter, it is important that you tell us about this and that you
allow at least 5 working days for us to locate one for you. Unfortunately, there is a
very limited supply of suitably qualified BSL interpreters and, therefore, the demand
for these is high.
Given the need for all trainee teachers to communicate clearly in spoken and written
Standard English and to have excellent presentational skills, you should ensure that
you have fully explored for yourself any issues in relation to teaching arising from
your disability or learning difficulty, and have thought through any coping strategies
and/or adjustments which will need to be made in the workplace to assist you.
Please note that discussions about adaptations to the workplace would normally
take place after an offer has been made to assist us in placing you in a
school/setting, but you should begin your thinking about this as soon as possible.
If you would like any confidential advice or information on Edge Hill University’s
student support services for students with disabilities or learning difficulties, please
do not hesitate to contact the following staff:
Inclusion Team
01695 584190
01695 584746
Email: inclusiveservices@edgehill.ac.uk
Are You Ready for a Primary PGCE?
Assess yourself against the following statements - can you demonstrate at your
interview that they all apply to you?
Do these Statements
Describe You?
Why Do They Matter?
I am enthusiastic about
Children need enthusiastic teachers who will stimulate
becoming an outstanding them to enjoy learning. You need to know that you will get
primary teacher.
personal enjoyment out of teaching, to sustain you through
the very hard work that is involved in a PGCE course and
a teaching career.
I already know a lot about You need to be able to 'hit the ground running' on this
children and primary
course because there is a lot to learn in a short time. You
also need to know what the job of a teacher entails, so
that you can be sure it is the right career for you.
I communicate well and
form good relationships.
You will need to help children to learn and to feel secure in
your classroom, and you will need to command their
respect. You will need to work effectively with
professional colleagues and with parents.
I have good intellectual
and organisational skills.
You will need to learn a lot in a short time. You will need
to make constant, flexible decisions about how to apply
your learning in complex classroom situations. You will
need to organise your time around a busy schedule and to
monitor and plan your own development.
I have good knowledge of You will need to teach English, mathematics, science, ICT,
the subjects of the
history, geography, RE, art and design, design and
primary curriculum.
technology, music, and PE. A good knowledge of English,
mathematics, science and ICT are particularly important.
You must be able to speak and write Standard English at
appropriate times and to read well.
Selection for Interview
To be selected for interview, you will normally have demonstrated that you already
1. A commitment to and understanding of primary education, founded on significant,
recent and relevant school experience.
Candidates for the Full time PGCE should normally have at least 10 days recent
experience in primary classrooms.
2. Suitable personal and presentational qualities, including a good standard of
written English
3. C-grade GCSEs or above in English Language and in Mathematics.
and that you already have, or are in the process of obtaining:
4. A first or second class United Kingdom honours degree
5. A C-grade GCSE or above in combined Science* (single or dual award) or in
Physics, Chemistry or Biology.
6. Two further C-grade GCSEs in National Curriculum subjects.
Equivalent qualifications are accepted in all cases, including Edge Hill University
entry tests in English, Mathematics and Science.
An A level or significant coverage in your degree in the chosen specialism.
The interview panel may ask questions to check how well you meet the above
Criteria for Selection at Interview
You should satisfy the panel in respect of your:
1. Commitment to, experience, aptitude and understanding of primary education,
2. Personal, intellectual and presentational qualities, subject knowledge, skills,
experience and qualities
3. Competences in English, mathematics and science
including the abilities to read effectively and to communicate clearly and
grammatically in spoken and written Standard English
4. Suitability for employment
Further Information
The programmes often have many more suitable candidates than the number of
available places; when selecting from those who meet the criteria, preference will be
given to the strongest candidates.
Successful candidates are normally required to attend a pre-course day before the
programme begins. You should have regular Internet access through a PC. You
must meet statutory requirements for physical and mental fitness to teach and must
not previously have been excluded from teaching or working with young children nor
have a criminal background that might prevent employment as a teacher. You will
need to have passed the Skills Tests in literacy and before starting the programme.
If You Are Successful
You will not be informed of the outcome of your interview on the day. You will be
informed of the decision by the Admissions Office as soon as the University is in a
position to commit to an offer of a place. Please note decisions will not be given over
the telephone – you will be advised in writing only. All decisions will be transmitted to
UCAS which will update your UCAS Track.
If You Are Successful
Edge Hill University, along with all providers of Initial Teacher Training, is not
permitted to make any formal offers to applicants until we receive formal
notification of our student number allocations from the National College for
Teaching and Leadership (NCTL).
If your interview is successful and you are made an offer, you will be notified in
writing. The letter will advise you to login to UCAS Track to check the specific
conditions of your offer. If you have any queries regarding your offer conditions, you
must contact the Admissions Officer immediately and certainly within 14 days of the
date on the offer letter.
Your letter will also identify targets for you to begin to address before you enrol on
the programme.
If You Are Unsuccessful
If you are unsuccessful, we will send you interview feedback with an indication of the
selection criteria that most influenced the decision of the interview panel together
with any other relevant comments and guidance. Admissions tutors cannot offer
you further feedback on your interview. You are welcome to reapply next
academic year. If you choose to do so, you should reflect upon the feedback
provided in order to help you plan what to do so that you can improve your
Professional Skills Tests
As you have applied for an Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programme which starts
after 1st July 2013, you will be required to have passed national Professional Skills
Tests in numeracy and literacy as part of the admissions process.
Passing the tests will be a condition of entry and we will expect applicants who are
successful in obtaining an offer of a place to have passed the tests by the date
specified in the offer letter.
Applicants who have passed their tests prior to attending an interview should bring
confirmation of the pass to the interview.
Please note the tests do not replace the GCSE grade C equivalence entry
For more information on Professional Skills Tests, visit our website or the Department
for Education website.
Admissions Information
Initial Teacher Training Programmes at Edge Hill University and its partner
institutions are predicated on the principle that as an aspiring teacher you will receive
the highest quality experience at Edge Hill to enable you to have opportunities to be
an excellent teacher. As you study on a programme of Initial Teacher Training at
Edge Hill, you will be placed in settings that will provide you with a depth and breadth
of experience. Edge Hill will provide you with a number of Professional Practice
settings that may be geographically diverse and that will, across the duration of the
programme, provide you with an appropriate curriculum, age phase and learnerbased experience.
If you agree to accept the offer of a place on your chosen programme then it is
essential that you agree to the following criteria:
If you accept the place on the programme offered to you, then you must ensure
that all documentation in relation to you being legally able to train within
educational settings, is provided by you within 3 weeks of you receiving
documentation from Edge Hill University’s Admissions Department.
An enhanced disclosure check will be undertaken through the
Disclosure & Barring Service (previously Criminal Records Bureau) on
all those successful in being offered a place and you must provide
relevant documentation to support this as required.
Ensure that all medical paperwork is completed.
If you have lived abroad for 3 months then you may need to obtain a
criminal record check from the country/ countries that you resided in.
Please contact admissions@edgehill.ac.uk for information.
Please refer to the documentation you will receive from Admissions for further
details on the above requirements.
You will not be able to do any training in an educational setting unless you are:
medically cleared, have DBS clearance processed by Edge Hill, have
successfully completed the national Professional Skills Tests in numeracy and
literacy (see page 15 for further information) and fully enrolled as a trainee at
Edge Hill University.
If your interview is taking place within 10 weeks of the commencement of the
programme then you will have been advised to bring all documentation to the
interview. If your interview is successful, then we will endeavour to process the
DBS check immediately but there is no guarantee that it will be processed in
time for your first placement. If this is the case, then you will supported in
starting your placement later than your peers.
Additional notes to applicants who are subsequently made an offer after
In order to ensure your smooth entry to Edge Hill University and your professional
training programme, it is important that you adhere to the national criteria for entry to
the profession by following guidance notes issued by the DFE/NCTL/UCAS/Edge Hill
University Prospectus and that you are:
able to comply with the requirements of the offer sent to you and any
other requests as soon as they are asked for and certainly by no later
than 31 August or an agreed date
able to meet the national requirements for full clearance to work with
children in respect of the Police Act and the health standards to enter
the profession
responsible for:
completing all forms sent to you and the prompt return of the forms
professional/academic references: Contacting your academic referee,
if requested to do so, to arrange for a reference to be sent or faxed to
the Admissions Unit on 01695 584628. (The decision on your
application will be delayed until we are in receipt of this).
providing the Admissions Unit with academic qualifications or examination results
as soon as they are known.
formal application through UCAS if appropriate
If you are having difficulties locating previous examination results/certificates it is
important that you initiate a search on receipt of the offer either by or through
contacting your previous school/college or the relevant examination boards. Please
be aware that search fees are in place and searches take a number of weeks to
We have listed below some of the examination boards:
Assessment and qualifications Guildford
Alliance (AQA)
Stag Hill House Tel 01483 506506
Fax 01483 300152
e.mail: postmaster@aqa.org.uk
Tel 0161 953 1180
Devas Street
Fax 0161 273 7572
e.mail: postmaster@aqa.org.uk
M15 6EX
Edexcel Foundation
Stewart House Tel: 0870 240 9800
32 Russell Square Fax: 0207 758 6960
Oxford Cambridge and RSA Head Office
Examinations (OCR)
Welsh Joint Education
Committee (WJEC)
1 Regent Street Fax: 01223 552553
e.mail helpdesk@ocr.org.uk
245 Western Ave Tel: 029 2026 5000
Tel: 01223 552552
Fax 029 2057 5994
Failure to comply with this could result in you having to take and achieve a
satisfactory standard in the Edge Hill University equivalency tests for which a fee may
be charged. For more information on the equivalency tests please visit our website.
For applicants who have any doubts about complying with the national requirements
to train as a teacher or Edge Hill University’s offer it is important that you are aware
of the financial and enrolment implications of this when joining the professional
training programme.
Provisional enrolment only will be undertaken
Limited access to IT and other learning facilities
Restrictions in being allowed into schools/settings
Financial support will be withheld
Edge Hill University has the right to cancel an application if it is
subsequently found that information has been omitted or false
statements made on the application form.
The Admissions Unit is here to help and assist you. If you are experiencing any
difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us:
01695 657143
01695 650955
Edge Hill University makes every effort to ensure that this information is accurate at
the time of printing. Edge Hill University reserves the right to change or discontinue
any course, programme or module, or the specific content thereof or to amend any
other information without notice. Edge Hill University does not accept any liability
arising out of or in connection with any such changes.
Edge Hill University's primary PGCE programmes will train you to teach across the 511 age range, in Key Stages 1 and 2. We aim to train outstanding quality primary
teachers who:
make an extremely positive contribution to the development and wellbeing of
pupils and schools
have excellent subject knowledge and can teach English, mathematics, science,
and ICT
have excellent subject knowledge and can teach a broad range of foundation
meet the Teachers’ Standards, 2012
reflect and further develop during their induction and throughout their
professional careers
We try to enable you to learn an enormous amount in a short space of time by
providing intensive and rigorous programmes, underpinned by outstanding training
from across the Edge Hill University Partnership and quick responses to trainee
feedback. We believe that these are reasons for our programmes' high reputation
and for our trainees' excellent employment record.
Trainees will enrol onto a Postgraduate Certificate in Education that carries 120 Level
7 (Master’s Level) credits. This will lead to Qualified Teacher Status.
Trainees regularly tell us how exhilarating and enjoyable their training has been. It is
not just that they have launched themselves successfully upon a career in teaching,
but also that they have unlocked and developed many talents that they never knew
they had! Teamwork has a high profile on the course; a very strong, supportive
ethos quickly develops amongst students and many lasting friendships are formed.
Trainees also tell us that they value the close support and encouragement they
receive from tutors.
2.2 Full time Programme
Full time: for 1 year
This programme leads to a Primary PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education). It
runs on a fixed timetable, with some flexibility in adapting the content of school
placements to meet your needs.
School Direct
This programme leads to a Primary PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
You will be directly linked to a cluster of schools in which you carry out your
placements. The interviews and choice of candidates are decided by the school with
the support of the University.
Overview of
The Programme
PRIMARY PGCE School Direct
single pathway
Entry criteria
Full time criteria
You will have spent at least 10 days in primary classrooms; you may have been a
classroom assistant.
Length of
1 year
Start of training
Subject Modules
Professional Practice
Final Award
All modules
Taught at The Bridge Training Centre
All placements: minimum 120 days
Fixed dates
PGCE, (Postgraduate)
Recommended for QTS
This is an approximate summary of the programmes; details may vary.
Needs Assessment
Full time PGCE
You will begin a developmental Needs Assessment before you begin your course.
You will analyse your pre-course needs, develop an action plan to prepare yourself
for the course, and compile a portfolio of evidence of your achievements. You will
complete your Needs Assessment in the first week of the course, analysing your
principal development needs at course entry and submitting an Individual Training
Plan that sets out the options you have chosen
Subject Modules
Full time PGCE
You will take all these modules.
 A Personal and Professional Development double module will underpin your
learning in all other modules. You will study how children learn and how their
needs differ. You will develop strategies for the core skills of planning,
assessment, teaching, and class management. You will develop your
understanding of the education system and of the wider professional role of a
teacher in school.
 English, Mathematics, Science, and Technologies for Teaching and Learning
(TTL) modules will prepare you thoroughly to teach the core National Curriculum
subjects. You will learn about the National Curriculum for each subject and how
to plan, teach and assess it across the whole primary age range so that you can
teach confidently and independently in school. You will develop your personal
subject knowledge and use of ICT.
 A Broad Curriculum double module will prepare you to teach the full range of
non-core subjects in the primary curriculum, with the support of an experienced
teacher. It will introduce you to the curriculum and teaching strategies for each
subject and will prepare you to take both a single-subject and a cross-curricular
approach in the classroom and on out-of-school visits.
Professional Practice
Full time PGCE
You will spend 120 days in school. You will take all Professional Practices
described below at fixed times, including one Professional Practice in Key Stage 1
(5-7 years) and one in Key Stage 2 (7-11 years). Flexibility is built into each one to
take account of your individual needs, by varying the pace of your development and
by setting aside time for you to implement your own action plan.
Edge Hill University will choose the schools for your Phase 1A, Phase 1B and Phase
2 Professional Practices; you will be expected to find your own Additional Experience
placements apart from EYFS and SEN/D. It will be your responsibility to travel to
your Professional Practices; we will take account of your circumstances when making
them but cannot guarantee you a convenient location. Most Professional Practices
are in partner schools where a trained mentor will supervise your development,
supported by regular visits from an Edge Hill University tutor. Please see the
additional information in the section below, Training in Educational Settings.
Phase 1A – 25 days
This part of your training takes place in high quality schools and introduces you to
practical aspects of the role of a teacher in school, in a highly structured context. It
will help you to build up your confidence in the classroom and to develop your
understanding of teaching and learning processes, related to your studies at Edge
Hill University. You will be placed with a partner wherever possible. You will observe
your class teacher and the pupils, work with groups and steadily take on more
responsibility until you can teach the whole class on your own for at least 6 lessons.
Phase 1B – 35 days
This solo Professional Practice builds on your Phase 1A by enabling you to teach in
a different setting, on your own, for longer, and to a higher standard. You will teach
for up to 60% of the timetable, including group and whole-class teaching. You will
assess children’s learning, evaluate your teaching and plan how to improve them
both. You will carry out directed tasks, including observations across the primary age
range and research into your specialist subject.
Additional Experience – 10 occasional days
You will broaden your experience by visiting other educational settings, such as the
Early Years Foundation Stage (3-5 years), Key Stage 3 (11-14 years), Special
Schools (3-18 years), English as an Additional Language settings, museum
education departments, etc. You will be expected to find your own Additional
Placements, relevant to your needs and interests. You will share your reflections on
these experiences with other trainees at Edge Hill University.
Everyone will undertake an 8 day EYFS experience and 7 day SEN/D experience in
addition to the above.
Phase 2 - 40 days
This solo Professional Practice is the culmination of the programme. It allows you to
demonstrate that you are ready to be recommended for QTS. You will teach and
manage the whole class for approx. 70-80% of the timetable, taking on the full role of
a class teacher, and you will teach your specialist subject with pupils in other classes.
You will make detailed assessments of pupils’ learning and will prepare a report to
Training in Educational Settings
Initial Teacher Training Programmes at Edge Hill University and its partner
institutions are predicated on the principle that as an aspiring teacher you will receive
the highest quality experience at Edge Hill to enable you to have opportunities to be
an excellent teacher. As you study on a programme of Initial Teacher Training at
Edge Hill, you will be placed in settings that will provide you with a depth and breadth
of experience. Edge Hill will provide you with a number of experiences that may be
geographically diverse and that will, across the duration of the programme, provide
you with an appropriate curriculum, age phase and learner- based experience.
If you agree to accept the offer of a place on your chosen programme then it is
essential that you agree to the following criteria:
Ready for Training?
If you accept the place offered to you, then you must ensure that all
documentation in relation to you being legally able to train within educational
settings, is provided by you within 3 weeks of you receiving documentation
from Edge Hill’s Admissions Department.
You are required to complete a DBS and provide relevant
documentation to support.
Ensure that all medical paperwork is completed.
If you have lived abroad for 3 months then you may need to obtain a
criminal record check from the country/ countries that you resided in.
Please contact admissions@edgehill.ac.uk for information.
Please refer to the documentation you will receive from Admissions for further
details on the above requirements.
You will not be able to do any training in an educational setting unless you are:
medically cleared, have Edge Hill DBS clearance, and have enrolled as a
trainee at Edge Hill University.
If your interview is taking place within 10 weeks of the commencement of the
programme then you will have been advised to bring all documentation to the
interview. If your interview is successful, then we will endeavour to process the
DBS check immediately but there is no guarantee that it will be processed in
time for your Phase 1A. If this is the case, then you will be supported in
starting your Phase 1A later than your peers.
Training in Educational Settings
 The Partnership team will source all ITT placements.
You will be expected to travel to your placements and you must be prepared
to travel some distance. You will be expected to drive or travel on public
transport to your Professional Practice.
We do provide some reimbursement for travel to and from training. Please see
the Faculty travel policy for more details.
We have training partnership arrangements in a range of locations and
including the North West, the North East, the Isle of Man, Staffordshire,
Cheshire, the West Midlands including Shropshire and London. We expect
that you will approach each Professional Practice with a flexible and
conscientious attitude, acting with integrity and commitment. We will ensure
that we take into consideration your personal circumstances and needs.
Specialist Subject
You will follow a specialist subject strand at Edge Hill University and in school as part
of your course; pursuing your own interest in the subject area and also helping you to
prepare for an eventual leadership role in school.
You will develop your knowledge of the subject, research the role of a subject leader
and you will observe, assist with and teach appropriate lessons across the age
range. The available options are English, Mathematics, Science and Modern
Languages. You will express preferences at application and interview according to
your qualifications and/or experience, and will be allocated to an appropriate subject.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
A wide variety of strategies are used in Edge Hill University-based modules:
 formal presentations and lectures by tutors
 group and individual work and presentations by trainees
 small-group tutorials
 a range of active learning contexts, including seminars and practical workshops
 directed study, supported by study packages
 independent study
 use of ICT, including Blackboard/ Learning Edge, our VLE
Assessment Strategies
Assessment of Edge Hill University modules is made through a carefully chosen
combination of assignments, presentations, assessed tasks, and audits. Detailed
information is given in a handbook at the start of the course, so that you know exactly
what will be required throughout the year. All assessments are clearly crossreferenced to the relevant Teachers’ Standards and are made on a pass/fail basis
with all modules assessed at Level 7. If any of your work requires improvement, it is
normally returned to you with specific guidance so that you may make the necessary
improvements before a final assessment.
The Postgraduate Certificate in Education award includes 120 credits at Level 7
(Master’s) which can be used to obtain credits towards an MA or other qualification.
The Professional Graduate Certificate in Education award includes 90 or fewer
Master’s credits which can be built upon by subsequent study towards an MA or
other qualification.
On Professional Practices, assessment is made through a combination of
observations of your teaching, examination of your file and discussions with you.
Detailed criteria clearly set out the requirements in relation to the Teachers’
Standards. Formal assessment is on a pass/fail basis; indicative grades and an
interim assessment in each Professional Practice to help you to monitor your own
development and to set yourself targets.
You must pass Edge Hill University subject knowledge tests in English, mathematics,
science and TTL. You must also complete a Career Entry and Development Profile
at the end of your training, together with a TNA, Trainee Needs Analysis. This latter
document helps you to move smoothly into your NQT year.
Full time PGCE
We will make very high demands on you, in order that you will learn to teach the
whole primary curriculum to a high standard and be able to move on to successful
careers. The course is extremely strenuous. The normal working hours for full-time
trainees are from 9 until 6 every day at Edge Hill University, or 8.15 to 4.30 in
school, plus an average of three hours at home every night and one full day at the
weekend, studying or preparing for school. This equates to an average of about 60
hours of training every week. It will require good organisation and commitment, not
just on your part but also from your partner, family and friends. We advise full-time
trainees not to undertake any part-time work while studying for a PGCE and, if you
live more than 30 miles away, to consider taking lodgings in or close to Ormskirk for
the first two terms; our Accommodation Office can provide lists of suitable places.
Support for Trainees
Full time PGCE
If you are offered a place, you will be sent guidance on how to prepare for your
course and how to analyse your achievements and needs in a Training Profile, which
you will continue to use throughout your course. You will be given further guidance
and preparatory tasks at a pre-course day. During your course, you will have regular
meetings with a Personal Tutor, and detailed guidance on how to apply for teaching
2.4 Full time PGCE outline calendars
There is a pre-course day at the beginning of July. The full time year runs from the
first week of September to the last week of June, with two-week vacations at
Christmas and Easter.
Teaching at Edge Hill University is normally from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Several hours of
independent study will be expected every evening and at the weekend. A typical
week’s timetable is:
Personal and Professional Development and English
Maths, Science and TTL
Broad Curriculum (foundation subjects)
Illustrative Outline for the three main Professional Practices *
Please note that you will also undertake 8 days in an EYFS setting and 7 days
In an SEN/D setting. These may be arranged flexibly and at any time during
your training.
PGCE Primary Interviews
Programme and Pathway
For which programme and pathway do you wish to apply?
Full time PGCE
Specialist Subject
Which specialist subject would you prefer to study?
List 3 in order of preference from the four choices below and outline your relevant
Modern Foreign
You will be allocated to a subject at the start of your course. The availability of subjects
may vary.
Personal qualifications/subject
Pre-Course Day
Successful candidates will be required to attend a pre-course day, unless you notify us
now that you already have a prior, unalterable commitment. Please tick the relevant
] I will be able to attend the pre-course day for my chosen programme:
Full time PGCE Tuesday 1 July 2014
I will not be able to attend because… (please explain)
Additional Information
You do not need to write anything here, but you may want to give the interview panel
information that you did not write on your application, such as:
 additional school experience that you have had or planned (give precise details of
where & when)
 additional qualifications or study that you have undertaken
 or any other information that you feel is relevant
Please remove this form from the booklet and put it into a clear plastic wallet.
Add two passport-sized photographs of yourself, with your name on their backs.
You may add other documents such as an additional reference if you wish.
Give the wallet to your interviewer at the start of your interviews.
Trainee Partnership Agreement
Date of interview
It is a priority of the Faculty of Education to ensure all trainees are provided
with a quality placement. To facilitate this, ITT Placements will be allocated
based upon individual training needs, rather than on geographical location.
This means that you may be placed at a remote placement which may require
Edge Hill University to provide accommodation or a distance placement which
means you may be required to travel daily using public transport.
Do you agree to be placed anywhere within the *Edge Hill University
Signature: ………………………………………………………………………….
Signature: ………………………………………………………………………….
(If no please state reasons)
*Edge Hill University Partnership extends across the whole of the North West
as well as other regions including Yorkshire, West Midlands, Wales, Isle of
Man, North East Lincolnshire and all other areas where professional practice
placements are sourced.