DEBAT: Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Contract: 16562/02/I-LG Reference: SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue: 1.0 Date: 14/10/2003 Prepared by: Date: DEBAT Team Checked by: Date: Josiane Denailhac Approved by: Date: Laurent Cohen DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :i Document Status Sheet Document Title Document Reference Number Issue Revision Date 1 0 14/10/03 EAST Language Changes SS/DEBAT/ELC Reason for change First version DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page : ii Document Change Records Document Title Document Reference Number Document Issue/Revision Number Page Paragraph All First version EAST Language Changes SS/DEBAT/ELC 1.0 Reason for change DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page : iii Table of contents DOCUMENT STATUS SHEET ....................................................................................................... I DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORDS .............................................................................................. II TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................ III ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... IV APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................................... VI REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................................... VII 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT ................................................................................................... 1 1.4 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 2 2. EAST LANGUAGES CHANGES ................................................................................................ 3 2.1 VERSION MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Rationale .............................................................................................................................. 3 2.1.2 Changes to the EAST language ............................................................................................ 3 2.2 DEFAULT VALUES ........................................................................................................................ 3 2.2.1 Rationale .............................................................................................................................. 3 2.2.2 Changes to the EAST language ............................................................................................ 3 2.3 CONSTANTS AND STRING CONSTANTS .......................................................................................... 4 2.3.1 Rationale .............................................................................................................................. 4 2.3.2 Changes to the EAST language ............................................................................................ 5 2.4 UNIQUELY IDENTIFYING ELEMENTS ............................................................................................. 6 2.4.1 Rationale .............................................................................................................................. 6 2.4.2 Changes to the EAST language ............................................................................................ 6 2.5 CALCULATION CAPABILITIES ....................................................................................................... 7 2.5.1 Rationale .............................................................................................................................. 7 2.5.2 EAST language changes ....................................................................................................... 8 Array lengths ............................................................................................................ 8 Discriminants ........................................................................................................... 9 DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page : iv Acronyms and Abbreviations ADD AMS API AR ATP CA CAID CAO CAOS CDF CDR CEOS CFI CNES COTS CCSDS DEAL DEBAT DEBAT-DM DEBAT-DPE DEBAT-DEQ DEBAT-PPT DEBAT-UT DDR DDU DDF DED DEDSL DEW DIP DJF DUW DW EAST ECSS EO ESA ESRIN ERS ESA EVA FA FAQ FAR FAT Architectural Design Document Archive Management System Application Program Interface Acceptance Review Authorisation To Proceed Control Authority Control Authority Identifier Control Authority Office Control Authority Office System Common Data Format Critical Design Review Committee on Earth Observation Science Customer Furnished Item Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (French Space Agency) Commercial Off The Shelf Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Display EAST Access List Development of EAST Based Access Tools DEBAT Data Modeller DEBAT Data Producer & Editor DEBAT Data Extractor & Querying DEBAT Post Processing Tools DEBAT Utilities Data Description Record Data Description Unit Design Definition File Data Entity Dictionary Data Entity Description Specification Language Data Extractor Wizard Dissemination Information Package Design Justification File Data Update Wizard DEBAT Workshop Enhanced ADA Sub SeT European Cooperation for Space Standardization Earth Observation European Space Agency European Space Research INstitute European Remote Sensing satellite European Space Agency ESA Virtual Archive Final Acceptance Frequently Asked Question Factory Acceptance Review Factory Acceptance Tests DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes FDIR FP FPA GUI HDF HTML HTTP HW ICD IDVP IR ITT JSP KOM MACAO MMI NAS OAIS OASIS OSAT PAP PDR PMP PUS PVL RB RID RTD SCMP SIP SOAP SOW SPMP SRR SVG TM/TC TS UDDI SRD URD WSDL WWW XML XSL XSLT Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery Final Presentation Final Presentation and Acceptance Graphical User Interface Hierarchical Data Format Hyper Text Mark-up Language Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Hardware Interface Control Document Implementation, Diffusion and Validation Plan Interface Requirements Invitation To Tender Java Server Pages Kick Off Meeting Member Agency Control Authority Office Man-Machine Interface Network Attached Storage Open Archival Information System Space Data Modelling Help Tool On Site installation and Acceptance Tests Product Assurance Plan Preliminary Design Review Project Management Plan Packet Utilisation Standard Parameter Value Language Requirements Baseline Review Item Discrepancy Research and Technology Development Software Configuration Management Plan Submission Information Package Simple Object Access Protocol Statement of Work Software Project Management Plan System Requirements Review Scalable Vector Graphic Telemetry / Telecommand Technical Specifications Universal Description Discovery and Integration Software Requirements Document User Requirements Document Web Service Description Language World Wide Web eXtensible Mark-up Language eXtensible Stylesheet Language eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :v Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page : vi EAST Language Changes Applicable Documents Title AD1 ESRIN SOW “Development EAST Based Access Tools” Issue of 1.1 Date Reference 18/03/2002 GSPS-RTDA-EOAD-SW-02-0001 AD2 Fax received from ESA 07/06/2002 IMT-CR/9021/02/I-LG AD3 CS SI Proposal "DEBAT" 21/06/2002 CSSI/111-1/CG/LM/2/453-1 AD4 Minutes of Kick-off Meeting 17/09/2002 /CRR/SS/DEBAT/001 – Space Engineering AD5 ECSS Standards – Software ECSS-E-40B ECSS-E-40B AD6 CS SI Proposal for Phase 2 March 2003 CSSI/111-1/CG/PKV/3/140 AD7 Minutes of Phase 2 Kick-off meeting (Authorisation To Proceed) 30/04/2003 /CRR/SS/DEBAT/006 DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page : vii EAST Language Changes Reference Documents Title Issue RD1 DEBAT - Project Management Plan 1.2 Date Reference 08/07/2003 SS/DEBAT/PMP RD2 DEBAT - Product Assurance Plan 1.2 08/07/2003 SS/DEBAT/PAP RD3 DEBAT – Document Requirements 1.2 10/03/2003 SS/DEBAT/URD RD4 DEBAT – Software Requirements Document 1.1 10/03/2003 SS/DEBAT/SRD RD5 DEBAT – Architectural Design Document RD6 DEBAT – Interface Control Document RD7 The Data Description Language EAST Specification (CCSD0010). Blue Book. 1.1 16/09/2003 SS/DEBAT/ADD 1.1 16/09/2003 SS/DEBAT/ICD 2.0 November 2000 CCSDS 644.0-B-2 RD8 The Data Description Language EAST - A Tutorial. Green Book. 1.0 May 1997 CCSDS 645.0-G-1 RD9 The Data Description Language EAST - List of Conventions. Green Book. 1.0 May 1997 CCSDS 646.0-G-1 RD10 Data Entity Dictionary Specification Language (DEDSL) - Abstract Syntax (CCSD0011). Blue Book. 1.0 June 2001 CCSDS 647.1-B-1 RD11 Data Entity Dictionary Specification Language (DEDSL) - PVL Syntax (CCSD0012). Blue Book. RD12 Data Entity Dictionary Specification Language (DEDSL) - XML/DTD Syntax (CCSD0013). Blue Book. 1.0 June 2001 CCSDS 647.2-B-1 1.0 January 2002 CCSDS 647.3-B-1 User DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :1 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose This document describes the changes made to the EAST language in the frame of the DEBAT project. The proposed changes guarantee an ascending compatibility of the EAST descriptions (previous descriptions are compatible with the proposed changes) and do not make any major change to the main concepts of the current language. These changes are going to be submitted to the CCSDS panel(s) for review/approval. 1.2 Scope The current paper gives a preliminary vision of these changes. It does not deal with technical implementation issues affecting the tools that support the EAST language. It gives examples that are expected to be self-explanatory. 1.3 Structure of the document This document is structured as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction The current chapter gives the objectives, scope, definitions and structure of the document. Chapter 1: EAST languages changes This chapter describes the changes made to the EAST languages starting from the rationale and detailing the proposed change. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :2 1.4 Definitions Data Model The data model is the name of the DEBAT Data Modeller internal format of a data format description. This internal format (often called IF) contains all the syntactic and semantic information of the data. It is created, modified and read by the DEBAT Data Modeller and is used to generate the EAST and DEDSL description files. IF Internal Format: this is the old internal format used by OASIS (the old Modeller). This file follows an in-house textual formalism that is difficult to read and handle. XML-IF XML-Internal Format: this is the new internal format used by the Modeller to store the data model information under the form of an XML document. EAST description file The EAST description file contains the syntactic information of a data model in the EAST format. This file conforms to the EAST CCSDS recommendation. It is created by the DEBAT Data Modeller and is used by all the other tools to read, generate, extract, check data products. DEDSL description file The DEDSL description file contains the semantic information of a data model in the DEDSL format. This file conforms to the DEDSL CCSDS recommendation. It is created by the DEBAT Data Modeller and is used by all the other tools when the semantic information of a data product are managed. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :3 2. EAST languages changes 2.1 Version management 2.1.1 Rationale The goal of this change is to be able to express the version of the EAST recommendation and of the DEBAT suite of tools in the EAST description. This information is not currently available in the description, and it could be useful for the tools that need to process this information. 2.1.2 Changes to the EAST language This change could be implemented as follows: EAST_VERSION : constant STRING := “1.0”; DEBAT_VERSION : constant STRING := “2.1”; The version of EAST/DEBAT is defined before any constant or type declaration (within the Declaration of Types Section of the logical package) by a STRING constant. Therefore, this change implies the addition of a reserved word EAST_VERSION/DEBAT_VERSION in the language. 2.2 Default values 2.2.1 Rationale The goal of this change is to be able to indicate default values for the variables of the description. This feature is useful (notably for the EAST Data Generator) when generating data conforming to an EAST description (currently, if a value is not set for a specific field, the EAST generator raises and error). NB: This feature has not to be understood as a way to express that if a peculiar field is absent from a data file, it should take the default value. 2.2.2 Changes to the EAST language This change could be implemented as follows: type N1_TYPE is range 0 .. 10 ; for N1_TYPE'size use 32 ; type N2_TYPE is range 0 .. 10 ; for N2_TYPE'size use 32 ; type USER_ARRAY_TYPE is array (N1_TYPE range <> ) of CHARACTER ; DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :4 type A_FIELD_TYPE (N1 : N1_TYPE := 0) is record N2 : N2_TYPE := 1 ; USER_ARRAY : USER_ARRAY_TYPE ( 1 .. N1 ) ; end record ; for A_FIELD_TYPE use record N1 at 0 * WORD_16_BITS range 0 .. 31 ; N2 at 2 * WORD_16_BITS range 0 .. 31 ; end record ; subtype ANOTHER_FIELD_TYPE is CHARACTER range '0' .. '9' ; A_FIELD : A_FIELD_TYPE ; ANOTHER_FIELD : ANOTHER_FIELD_TYPE := '4' ; In this example, the field N2 has a default value 2, and the field ANOTHER_FIELD has the default value 4. When generating data conforming to this description, if no value is set for these fields, the default values will be generated in the data file. The default value can only be of integer, real, enumeration, character or string type. It can also be a constant of the allowed types defined previously in the description. 2.3 Constants and string constants 2.3.1 Rationale In the current EAST, constants can appear in several places in an EAST description. They have different meanings and purposes according their location in the description. Constants can appear in the Section for the Declaration of Types. They are declared in this section an can be used: in type or subtype declarations to the specification of range bounds, in constants declarations for the specification of values in record type definitions: in this case they have a special meaning: they are used as end marker for lists. Constants can appear in the Section for the Declaration of Variables. in this case they are also used as end markers for lists. The following examples show how the constants are currently used. a) Declaration of constants in the Section for the Declaration of Types A_CONSTANT : constant STRING := “HELLO” MIN : constant : 0 ; MAX : constant := 500 ; DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :5 b) Use for the specification of range bounds in the Section for the Declaration of Types type INTERVAL is array (MIN..MAX) of CHARACTER ; c) Use in constants declarations for the specification of values in the Section for the Declaration of Types DOUBLE_MAX : constant := MAX * 2 ; d) Use in record type definitions in the Section for the Declaration of Types (as end marker for lists) type CLIENT_ADDRESS is record ONE_CHARACTER : CHARACTER ; END_OF_ADDRESS : constant CHARACTER := ‘$’ ; end record ; d) Use in the Section for the Declaration of Variables (as end marker) PARAGRAPH : SENTENCE; -- SENTENCE is defined previously END_OF_PARAGRAPH_MARKER : constant STRING := ASCII.CR; -- Carriage return The goal of this change is to extend the use of the constants in the Declaration of Types Section and in the Declaration of Variables Section (that is currently limited to the specification of range bounds) to be able to express the fact that a given component of the data description is a constant. 2.3.2 Changes to the EAST language The proposed change consists in being able to specify a constant that is part of the data product, but that has not to be understood and interpreted as a marker indicating the end of a list. To be able to make the difference between a constant and a constant used as end-marker, the keyword "constant" is removed from the description. DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :6 Package logical_ENERGY_SUN_FCSTC000 NULL_CHARACTER : constant STRING := “\0”; type C_STRING is record CHR : CHARACTER; FINAL_ZERO := NULL_CHARACTER; End record; … The FINAL_ZERO field is a string constant set by a string constant name (and it is not an endmarker for a list). In the example, the C_STRING type is a record of two elements (CHR and FINAL_ZERO): it is not a list of CHR elements ended by a FINAL_ZERO element. This is different from the following example where the FINAL_ZERO element is used as a list endmarker. In this example, the C_STRING type is a list of CHR elements that ends with the FINAL_ZERO element. Package logical_ENERGY_SUN_FCSTC000 NULL_CHARACTER : constant STRING := “\0”; type C_STRING is record CHR : CHARACTER; FINAL_ZERO : constant STRING := NULL_CHARACTER; End record; … 2.4 Uniquely identifying elements 2.4.1 Rationale In a description, some records may contain components whose size (for arrays) or existence depends on the value of another component, with a discrete type, called a “discriminant”. If this “discriminant” is not part of the record, it is called a “virtual discriminant”. The goal of the change is to avoid the possible confusion between two components with same name used as “virtual discriminants”: in the current EAST, only the last discriminant encountered before a record is used. This leads to problems, as EAST is sometimes not able to choose the right discriminant. 2.4.2 Changes to the EAST language To deal with this problem, one possible solution is to write the whole EAST path for each virtual discriminant in a description. This information can be written in a comment part of the EAST DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :7 description or, with a modification of the norm, in the declaration of the “virtual discriminant”. In the following example, the first solution is used in the R_3 record and the second one in the R_4 record. In the second solution, each dot of the EAST path is replaced by a double underscore. This second solution also implies a modification of the EAST norm in order to modify the syntax of a discriminant identifier. type USER_SIZE is range 0 .. 10 ; type R_1_TYPE is record NB : USER_SIZE ; end record ; type R_2_TYPE is record NB : USER_SIZE ; end record ; type ELEM_TYPE is digits 2 range 0.0 .. 9.0 ; type ARRAY_1_TYPE is array (USER_SIZE range <> ) of ELEM_TYPE ; type R_3_TYPE (VIRTUAL_NB : USER_SIZE := 0) is record -- VIRTUAL_NB = R_1.NB ARRAY_1 : ARRAY_1_TYPE ( 1 .. VIRTUAL_NB ) ; end record ; type ARRAY_2_TYPE is array (USER_SIZE range <> ) of ELEM_TYPE ; type R_4_TYPE (VIRTUAL_R_2__NB : USER_SIZE := 0) is record ARRAY_2 : ARRAY_2_TYPE ( 1 .. VIRTUAL_R_2__NB) ; end record ; R_1 : R_1_TYPE ; R_2 : R_2_TYPE ; R_3 : R_3_TYPE ; R_4 : R_4_TYPE ; In the previous example, the size of ARRAY_1 is given by R_1.NB and the size of ARRAY_2 is given by R_2.NB. Before this evolution, the EAST core took R_2.NB for both sizes (because it is the last discriminant encountered before the record containing the array). 2.5 Calculation capabilities 2.5.1 Rationale The goal of this change is to enhance the descriptive capabilities of the language by adding the capability to specify computed values for: DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :8 Array lengths: the size of an array could thus be discriminated by a computed valued involving other fields of the description. Discriminants: the existence of fields could be thus discriminated by a computed value. 2.5.2 EAST language changes Array lengths An example is given in the next figure: In this description, the size of the USER_ARRAY element shall be discriminated by a computed value (N1 + N2). In the current EAST, this is not possible. This capability is implemented in the new EAST. This addition could be implemented as follows: type N1_TYPE is range 0 .. 10 ; for N1_TYPE'size use 32 ; type N2_TYPE is range 0 .. 10 ; for N2_TYPE'size use 32 ; type USER_ARRAY_TYPE is array (INTEGER range <> ) of CHARACTER ; function A_COMPUTED_VALUE return INTEGER is begin return A_FIELD .N_1 + A_FIELD .N_2; end A_COMPUTED_VALUE; type A_FIELD_TYPE (COMPUTED_USER_ARRAY : A_COMPUTED_VALUE:= 0) is record N1 : N1_TYPE; N2 : N2_TYPE; USER_ARRAY : USER_ARRAY_TYPE ( 1 .. COMPUTED_USER_ARRAY ) ; end record ; for A_FIELD_TYPE use record N1 at 0 * WORD_16_BITS range 0 .. 31 ; N2 at 2 * WORD_16_BITS range 0 .. 31 ; end record ; A_FIELD : A_FIELD_TYPE ; DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page :9 Supported operators are: + , - , * , / , ** (exponent), is_odd, is_even, cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan, log, ln, cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh, ( , ) , ! (factorial). Discriminants An example is given in the next figure: FIRST_DATA, SECOND_DATA, THIRD_DATA, and FOURTH_DATA are discriminated by N1 and N2: FIRST_DATA exists if N1 in 0 .. 10 SECOND_DATA exists if N1 in 11 .. 20 THIRD_DATA exists only if N1 is in 21 .. 40 and cos(N2)+sin(N2)=0.4 FOURTH_DATA exists in the other cases In the current recommendation, the discrimination of FIRST_DATA and SECOND_DATA is possible, but the discrimination of THIRD_DATA and FOURTH_DATA is not possible. This feature is implemented as follows: type N1_TYPE is range 0 .. 60 ; for N1_TYPE'size use 32 ; type N2_TYPE is range 0 .. 10 ; for N2_TYPE'size use 32 ; subtype FIRST_DATA_TYPE is CHARACTER range 'A' .. 'Z' ; type SECOND_DATA_TYPE is range 0 .. 25 ; for SECOND_DATA_TYPE'size use 5 ; subtype THIRD_DATA_TYPE is CHARACTER range 'A' .. 'Z' ; subtype FOURTH_DATA_TYPE is CHARACTER range 'C' .. 'S' ; type A_RECORD_TYPE (VIRTUAL_N1 : N1_TYPE := 0, VIRTUAL_N2 : N2_TYPE) is record case VIRTUAL_N1 is when 0 .. 10 => FIRST_DATA : FIRST_DATA_TYPE ; when 11 .. 20 => SECOND_DATA : SECOND_DATA_TYPE ; when others => -- (20 < N1 ) & (N1 <= 40) & (NEW1.N2=3) & cos(N2)+sin(N2)=0.4 DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools EAST Language Changes Reference : SS/DEBAT/ELC Issue. : 1.0 Date : 14/10/03 Page : 10 THIRD_DATA : THIRD_DATA_TYPE ; -- no condition FOURTH_DATA : FOURTH_DATA_TYPE ; end case ; end record ; for A_RECORD_TYPE use record FIRST_DATA at 0 * WORD_16_BITS range 0 .. 7 ; SECOND_DATA at 0 * WORD_16_BITS range 0 .. 4 ; THIRD_DATA at 0* WORD_16_BITS range 0 .. 7 ; FOURTH_DATA at 0* WORD_16_BITS range 0 .. 7 ; end record ; N1 : N1_TYPE ; N2 : N2_TYPE ; A_RECORD : A_RECORD_TYPE ; The condition discriminating THIRD_DATA is expressed in a comment. This part is stored and computed at runtime by the EAST core. The following example presents a record structure that is determined by a Boolean condition. This time the condition is expressed with a function. type boolean is ( FALSE, TRUE ); . . . function A_COMPUTED_CHOICE return boolean is begin return is_even(; end A_COMPUTED_CHOICE; type R1(Virtual_Val1 : A_COMPUTED_CHOICE := FALSE ) is record case Virtual_Val1 is when FALSE => data1 : Data1Type; when TRUE => data2 : Data2Type; end case; end record; DEBAT – Development of EAST Based Access Tools