Comm Tech objectives

1. Student will be able to analyze the communication process, discuss feedback,
problems with communication (three types of noise) where they occur in the
process. Further, students will understand how context and culture affect
Rationale: By understanding how to analyze, evaluate and correct problems in
communication, students will become better communicators. The process of
communication and the communication model will be referred to during the
Example: Students will discuss encoding and decoding of messages imbedded in
the film Casablanca from the contextual framework. Casablanca came out in
1941 and students will have to have a contextual framework concerning the
prevailing attitude in the U.S. prior to our involvement in WWII to correctly
assign meaning to the film.
Key words: encode, decode, sender, receiver, message, channel, feedback,
context, culture, psychological noise, physiological noise, physical noise,
selective attention, selective retention, genre
Instructional method: lecture and student lead lecture
Assessment method: Quiz—M/C, TF, Fill in Blank
Sample question:
Genre is a classification based on a. artistic form, b. producer, c. distributor, d.
actor, e. none of the above
2. Students will be able to understand history of Mass Communication.
• Students will need to know the key inventions and inventors.
• Students should be able to identify trends in the mass communication industry.
• Students will know the major governmental regulations to the communication
Rationale: The importance of studying and analyzing history is to better
understand the present and future of communication.
Key words, concepts, governmental regulation and people: Marconi, Sarnoff,
Armstrong, Edison, Talbot, Morse, Gutenberg, Bell, Radio Act of 1912, Radio
Act of 1927, Communication Act 0f 1934, Telecommunication Act of 1996, VChip, TV Ratings System, HDTV, telephone, telegraph, radio, film, photography,
movable type printing press
Instructional method: lecture with Powerpoint presentation, demonstration of
historical icons of mass media, illustration of how related to today’s technology
Assessment method: Quiz—M/C, TF
Sample question: NBC was founded by a. RCA, b. Lee DeForest, c. Thomas
Edison, d. Edward R. Murrow, e. ABC
3. Use a tool to critically analyze a text.
• Students will use the Media Literacy Paradigm to analyze a text. Text is defined
as any creative work: TV program/episode, animation, cartoon, photograph, film,
music recording, etc.
Rationale: Students will become critically analyze textual information to assign
meaning. This will develop their higher order thinking skills.
Key words: deconstructuralism, paradigm, paradigm effect
Instructional method: lecture, class analysis of several sample texts, class
discussion of analysis findings
Assessment method: Quiz—M/C, TF, Fill in Blank
4. Analysis of comics and animation as a communication medium.
Rationale: Much of the basis for film, television and visual texts fall within the
realm of comics and animation. By analyzing the textural properties of the
mediums, one has a deeper understanding of mass media as a communication
Key terms: fps, plot & story development, character development, classic, early
TV, computer, Late TV, direct address,
Instructional method: lecture with Powerpoint presentation, view sample texts,
discuss historical and context of samples
Assessment method quiz, analysis of various texts in class as group
Sample question: Animated cartoons often a. animate real people or characters in
cartoons; b. use celebrity voices in cartoons; c. make references visually,
audibly, named and unnamed to other programs or movies; d. use music;
e. all of the above
5. Compare and contrast Early animation, Classic animation, Early TV animation,
Late TV Animation and Computer animation.
Key terms repeating backgrounds, full rich colors, lots of detail, great shading and
blending of colors, great character development, weak character development,
rich and deep backgrounds, developed story and plots
Instructional method: lecture over concepts, group analysis of sample texts, class
discussion of analysis findings
Assessment method work in groups to develop a list of traits and characteristics of
each; Quiz—M/C, TF
Sample question: Classic animation has the following
6. Analysis of films, contextually, and technique of film
Key terms:
Instructional method:
Assessment method Quiz—M/C, TF; analyze a film, write paper, create
powerpoint presentation.
7. Understand the language of film
Rationale: students need to know the language of film as a basis for analysis and
creation of texts
Key terms: Long shot, medium shot, close up, high angle, low angle, subjective
shot, film style, TV style, tracking, pan, tilt, zoom, dolly, truck, POV, panoramic
Instructional method: analysis of shots in films, demonstrated with camera
Assessment method Quiz—M/C, TF
8. Understand the oral communication process in a formalized presentation using a
presentation software.
Rationale: Students need to learn how to give presentation successfully
employing and using current technology.
Key terms:
Instructional method: demonstration, show samples of previous works
Assessment method Quiz—M/C, TF; design of presentation
• Students will use Powerpoint to create a presentation to give to class concerning
a film that they viewed on their own time. They will present their analysis to the
This relates to and is an evaluation tool for student mastery in Objective 1—
communication process, Objective 3—analysis of a text; Objective 6—analsyis of
a film contextually and the technique of film and Objective 7 the language of
9. Analyze radio productions, discuss techniques in audio production, create radio
production using the appropriate techniques.
Rationale: Audio is often overlooked production value in television production.
Key terms: Diegetic and non-diegetic audio, natural sound, use of music and SFX
in productions, set mood, intensify action, set locale, set time, build suspense,
bridge, traveling, background
Instructional method: demonstration and listen to samples of previous student
work as well as classic radio productions (Fibber McGee and Molly; Dial M for
Assessment method Quiz—M/C, TF, creation of radio production
10. Recognize the changing business model of the music industry and how the
dynamics can be applied to other communication mediums.
Key Terms
Instructional method:
Assessment method Quiz—M/C, TF
11. Recognize the changing dynamics of television broadcasting such as declining
audiences, ownership, consolidation and how that leads to more control by fewer
corporations and a reduction in viewing options.
Key Terms vertical integration,
Instructional method: lecture and Powerpoint
Assessment method Quiz—M/C, TF
12. Examine the limits of free press as it relates to what is acceptable, legal and moral
to broadcast.
Rationale: Students need to develop an internal code of ethics to guide them in
making decisions that will affect themselves and others.
Key Terms libel, slander, censorship, ethics, First Amendment, right to privacy,
hidden cameras
Instructional method: lecture, show various samples of ethical situations and also
share of ethical cases in the Peoria media
Assessment method Quiz—M/C, TF, Essay