91-414 Data Communications II LAB3 Static Routing Sources: Mastering Networks, Liebeherr & Zarki Kurose & Ross Resources: Man pages for route and traceroute (also www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi) www.cisco.com/warp/public/105/5.html for proxyarp information www.cisco.com for Cisco router information www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios121/121cgcr/fun_c/fcd00 2.htm for Cisco IOS (Internet Operating System) Managing the Routers A Cisco router is managed with Cisco IOS. The router has a startup and a running configuration. The startup config is used on reboot and the running config is set to the startup config. Changes made are applied to the running config and will be lost on reboot unless they are saved. We will not be saving changes. Cisco IOS has different modes each with its own prompt. Typing exit, end, or Ctrl-Z exits a mode. Typing ? gives a list of valid command in the mode. Typing no before a command usually negates it. A table with IOS commands is provided following the example. The following configures port 0 with IP address and port 1 with address Router> enable Password: <enable secret> Router# configure terminal Router(config)# no ip routing Router(config)# ip routing Router(config)# interface Ethernet0 Router(config-if)# no shutdown Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# interface Ethernet1 Router(config-if)# no shutdown Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# end 1 91-414 Data Communications II user exec > privileged exec # Limited command set (e.g. ping, traceroute, telnet) No change of system parameters Manage config files, examine router state, reboot To enter from user exec mode: enable Password: <enable secret> Our setup doesn’t need one. To exit: # disable show interfaces show protocols write term Displays current config of router show running-config show config show startup-config reload global configuration (config) # interface configuration (config-if)# router configuration (config-router)# Displays startup config Forces reboot. Discards running config & reloads startup config Change systemwide config parameters To enter from privileged exec mode: # configure terminal Some commands: ip routing Enables IP forwarding ip route Adds route for via to routing table Modify config of an interface To enter from global configuration mode: interface <name> interfaces used in lab: Ethernet, FastEthernet, serial e.g. interface Ethernet0/1 for port 1 of Ethernet card in slot 0 of the router. We will be using Ethernet0 and Ethernet1. ip routing Enables ip forwarding no ip routing Disables forwarding & deletes routing table no shutdown Enables network interface shutdown Disables network interface ip address IPaddress netmask Sets ip address & netmask of interface. Modify config of a routing protocol. Name of protocol is argument (e.g. rip, ospf, bgp) router rip 2 91-414 Data Communications II Static Routing Exercise Reboot the Linux PCs. Save data needed in directory /labdata. Save files to floppy. Submit answers to questions 1-15 via email, hard copy, or floppy. PC1 and PC4 are to be used as hosts. PC2 and Router1 are to be set up as IP routers. All routing tables are configured manually (static routing). Note: On the PCs, eth0 is the port below and eth1 is the port above. Eth0 PC1 Eth0 Eth1 PC2 Hub1 network Ethernet0 Hub2 Ethernet1 Router 1 network Eth0 PC4 Hub3 network Cable as above and use ifconfig to set the ip addresses for PC1, PC2, and PC4. Start ethereal on PC1 From PC1, ping PC2, Router1, and PC4. 1. Save the ethereal output and attach to lab report. 2. Which destinations are not reachable? Set up PC2 as an IP router echo “1” >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward This writes a one to the file. On reboot, it will revert to a 0. Set static routing table entries using route. These will last until the next reboot. Configure the routing entries for PC1 and PC4. You can specify a default route or add separate routing table entries for each remote network. Here’s what to do for PC4. Figure out what to do for PC1 yourself. route add –net netmask gw route add –net netmask gw Configure the routing table entries for PC2, the Linux ip router. 3. Display the routing tables for PC1, PC2, and PC4 with netstat –rn Attach the tables to the lab report. Explain the entries in the routing tables. Connect to the Cisco Router via the console port with kermit. Make sure a serial cable (light blue cable plus adapter) is connected from the serial port of PC1 to the console port of Router 1. The serial port can be ttyS0 or ttyS1. Start kermit on PC1 by typing kermit. Once in kermit, select the ttyS0 (or ttyS1) serial port: set line /dev/ttyS0 3 Disable the requirement for a carrier detect signal: set carrier-watch off Connect to the router: connect (You should have a prompt, Router>. Hit enter.) 91-414 Data Communications II Configure the Cisco router ip addresses You’re connected to the Cisco IOS now. Explore it a bit before continuing. Configure its interfaces with the ip addresses in the set up diagram above. Router> enable Password: Router # configure terminal Router (config)# no ip routing Router (config)# ip routing Router (config)# interface Ethernet0/0 Router (config-if)# ip address Router (config-if)# no shutdown Router (config-if)# interface Ethernet0/1 Router (config-if)# ip address Router (config-if)# no shutdown Router (config-if)# end 4. When you are done, use the following to check the changes and save the output. Attach it to your lab report. Make sure you’ve configured the router addresses correctly. Router# show interfaces Router# show running-config Set the static routing table entries on the Cisco router use route 5. Save the content of the routing table using show ip route and include it in the lab report. - Add routing entries to Router1 so that it forwards for the set up. Routing entries should be made for,, Examples: Add route for network prefix with as next hop address: Router(config)# ip route Add a host route to IP address with next hop Router(config)# ip route (In IOS a host route is identified by a 32 bit prefix. Add the IP address as the default gateway: Router(config)# ip route To delete an entry, use no route: Router(config)# no route 0,0.0 6. If everything is set up correctly, all machines can talk to each other. Verify this with ping. Debug your set up if necessary. Save the content of the routing table and include it in the lab report. 4 91-414 Data Communications II Test routes with traceroute - Start an ethereal session. - Execute a traceroute command from PC1 to PC4 PC1% traceroute 7. Explain the operation of traceroute in the lab report. 8. In your lab report explain how the source and destination MAC addresses are changed (or not) when a datagram is forwarded by a router. Default Routes - On PC1, add a default route with interface eth0 of PC2 as the default gateway. - On PC2, add a default route with interface Etherent0/0 of Router1 as the default gateway. - Start to capture on PC1 (eth0) and PC2 (both eth0 and eth1) with ethereal. - Ping from PC1, a host that doesn’t exist (ping –c 5 9. What is the output on PC1 when the ping is issued? 10. How far does the ICMP Echo Request travel? 11. Which, if any, ICMP Echo Reply returns to PC1? Proxy ARP (EXTRA CREDIT) Routers do not forward ARP Requests (broadcasts), but, if proxy arp is enabled, will respond to an ARP Request if destination device is on one of its connected networks. So, the sending host isn’t aware that a datagram is being routed. To turn on proxy ARP at the Cisco router, use ip proxy-arp. To turn it off, use no ip proxy-arp. - Erase the ARP table and the routing table of PC4. - Set the netmask of PC4 to, so that it belongs to network instead of - Run ethereal on PC4 (eth0), PC2 (eth1), PC1(eth0). Set a display or capture filter to display on ICMP and ARP packets. - From PC4 to PC1, ping –c 2 - Notice that PC4, even though it didn’t have a default route for Router1, was able to talk to PC1 and there was no ICMP network unreachable message. - Disable ARP on both interfaces of Router1. Does the ping still work? - Reset the network mask of PC4 to Reenable proxy ARP on Router1. 12. Explain what happened in your lab report. 5