Unit 1 - San Leandro Unified School District

Unit 1
Match the type of government with the description:
1-__c___democracy a-controlled by a small group of wealthy people
2-__a___aristocracy b-ruled by a king or queen, a single ruler
3-__b___monarchy c-everybody can participate in making decisions
4-__d___oligarchy d-ruled by a small group
Choose the best answer
5. __d___Which of these does NOT relate to the ancient Hebrew culture
a. the torah
b. the 10 commandments c.monotheism d.mohammed
6-.__c___ Which of these does NOT relate to Christianity
a. Jesus
b. monotheism
c. Mohammed
d. equality
7. _d____ Do unto others as they would do unto you reflects which idea
a. help others
b. community spirit
c. consideration
d. all of these
8__a___ A king could claim it was god who gave him his power using this
a. divine right
b. monotheism
d. oligarchy
9 ___a__ What is it called to introduce a mind to new ideas?
a. enlighten b.renaissance c. reformation
10 __c___Which of these is NOT an enlightenment thinker
b. Locke
11 _c____ Creating a legislative, executive and judicial part of government is called
a. checks an d balances
b.federal system
c.separation of powers
12 ___a__Which ancient civilization invented democracy
a. Greece
b. Rome
c. England
d. Hebrews
13 __a___ What do you call the rules for how people get along
a. government
d.Bill of Rights
14__c___ What do you call the rights you have relating the courts and police
a. separation of powers b.social contract
c. due process
15-__b___The tradition of written law began where
b. Rome
16__c___ Which of these is NOT supported by the Judeo – Christian tradition
a.individual worth b.equality
c.monarchy d.community concern
17___a__Which of these caused the colonies to revolt against England
a.frustration over having to pay taxes
b.being forced to move west
c.writing the Declaration of Independence d. losing the American Revolution
Write T or F for True or False
18_t__ In a republic, people elect representatives
19__f_Every country has a written social contract
20_f__All the enlightenment thinkers were pessimists
21_t__The colonies fought England in the American Revolution
22_f__America became a country on August 3, 1776
23_t__During the reign of terror, many people were beheaded
24_f__Less than ½ of the countries in the world are democracies
25_f__Generally, more tyranny means more liberty
Unit 2
True / False.. write either T or F on your answer sheet.
1. t During the renaissance, paintings and sculptures became more realistic
2. t The Catholic church excommunicated Martin Luther
3. f The reformation started in France
4. f Christian Humanists wanted women to be beautiful, charming and good cooks
5. t The reformation occurred in the 1500’s
6. f The 1300’ s is also called the twelfth century
7. t The Black Death refers to a disease called the Bubonic Flu
8. f Almost 80% of Europe’s population died in the Black Death
9. t Flanders was a country in northern Europe, that no longer exists today
10. t English is the vernacular of Rm 211
Match the person with the description
11. Leonardo DaVinci b
12. William Shakespeare a
a. wrote many plays
b. painter, sculptor, inventor
13. Johann Gutenberg d
c. wrote a book of advice for government
14. Martin Luther e
d. his invention changed the world
15. Niccolo Machiavelli c
e. most famous for saying what was wrong
Multiple choice – write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet
16. What new group of people were influential during the renaissance?
a. popes
b. clergy
c. merchants
d. vernacular
17. Which of these is NOT a city-state of Italy?
a. Florence
b. Sienna
d. Papal States
e. France
18. Which of these does NOT show the role of individuality in the renaissance?
a. question those in power
b.each person finding their truth alone
c.listening to priests for answers
d. speaking out against the church
19. Which family was the most powerful in Florence?
a. Erasmus
b. DaVinci
c. Medici
d. Luther
20. Which is NOT a reason the renaissance started in Italy
a. artists were inspired by classical Rome
b. most people were Catholic
c. many believed in the value of individual achievement
d. cities with lots of people
21. The belief in human potential and beauty is called
a. secular
b.humanism c. vernacular
d. perspective
22. Which did NOT happen during the renaissance?
a. merchants became wealthy
b. cities grew and prospered
c. kings sponsored art and architecture
d. the black death killed 1/3 of Europe
23. What invention did the most to make the renaissance grow
a.printing press
b. fax machine
c. perspective painting
24. Interest in the world instead of religion is called
a. humanism
b. secular
c. perspective
d. vernacular
d. vernacular
25. Which of these was NOT taught by Martin Luther
a. only the church can teach about Christ
b. all people of faith are equal
c. salvation is by faith alone
d. the Catholic church was corrupt.
26. Luther’s Theses were
a. complaints about the church
c. numbered 1 through 34
27. Luther had how many Theses?
a. about 50
b. about 100
b. mailed to everyone in Germany
d. his way of getting a new job
c. about 200
d. about a million
28. Which is NOT true about the reformation?
a. it started in Germany
b. it made the Catholic church change
c. Martin Luther was the spark plug
d. it ended the Catholic Church in Europe
29. Protestant Refomation is created from the words
a. stand and form b. protest and reform c. prostand and motion
30. The Renaissance
a. lasted throughout the 1400’s
c. influenced the reformation
b.spread all over Europe
d. all of these
d. stand and deliver
Unit 3
1-What did Ptolemy think was at the center of the universe?
a. sun
b. earth
c. the moon
d. Mr. Stevens
2-What do we now know is at the center of the solar system
a. sun
b. earth
c. the moon
d. Mr Stevens
3-Who was the first to see bacteria?
a. Leeuwenhoek
b. Newton
c. Galileo
d. Washington
4-Who realized the sun was at the center and not the earth
a. Ptolemy
b. Copernicus
c. Washington
d. The ancient Cubans
5-Which of these was NOT one of the concepts at the heart of the Enlightenment
a. reason
b. liberty
c. progress
d. theatre
6-Knowing that Hobbes was a pessimist, what did he believe?
a. people are basically mean
b. people are basically good
c. people will usually help others
d. we don’t need government
7-Hobbes wrote a popular book called
a. Leviathan
b. Sea Monster
c. Twilight
d. Constitution
8-Hobbes recognized that a monarchy would do what
a. allow people to vote
b. let everyone participate
c. be orderly
d. keep everyone happy
9-Locke thought people had natural rights which did NOT include
a. liberty
b. life
c. property
d. school
10-Which of these is NOT a philosophe
a. Rousseau
b. Napoleon
c. Montesquieu
d. Locke
11-Because Enlightenment ideas questioned the church they caused what
a. the church to be less important
b. people to go to church more
c. priests to be made into kings
d. churches took over schools
12-Philosophes believed in progress which meant they thought…
a. things used to be better
b. the future looked bright
c. people should try not to change much
d. the world might end soon
13-What was the name of the new artistic style that came out of the enlightenment?
a. non classical
b. retro classical
c quasi classical
d neo classical
14-What did people call popular books written in everyday language?
a. dictionaries
b. encyclopedias
c. novels
d. blogs
15-Which of these was NOT an enlightened despot?
a. Frederick the Great b. Catherine the Great c. Joseph II d. Ivan the Terrible
16-Which of these is NOT a classical composer from the enlightenment period
a. Bach
b. Mozart
c. Beethoven
d. Rachmaninovchosky
17-What is the biggest country in South America?
a. Brazil
b. Equador
c. Alaska
d. Africa
18-Saint Dominigue changed its name after the revolution to
a. Brazil
b. Equador
c. Haiti
d. Toussaint
19-Mexico won its independence from Spain
a. by petition
b. with money
c. in 1965
d. after 10 years of revolution
20-The scientific revolution showed that
a. humans were pretty smart
b. the church was always right
c. kings were the best leaders
d. things were about to get worse
21- Enlightenment thought is a lot like the
a. teachings of Stalin
b. Renaissance thought
c. olden days
d. Rosetta Stone
22-Which of these did NOT help cause the American Revolution
a. Enlightenment ideals of equality and democracy
b. England being unreasonable
c. British troops killing colonists
d. The Ides of March
23-Which came first?
a. scientific revolution
b. American Revolution
c. French Revolution
d. The Enlightenment
e. The Black Death
f. The Renaissance
g. The Haitian Revolution
h. the invention of democracy
i. The first
Unit 4
1.Which of these is NOT a new invention of the industrial revolution?
a. spinning jenny b. spinning mule c. water jenny d. flying shuttle
2. Enclosures is a new technique that involves….
a. doors
b. fences
c. roofs
d. guard towers
3. Changes in methods of farming could be called
a. industrial revolution
b. transportation revolution
c. communication revolution
d. agricultural revolution
4. Generally, the changes in agriculture meant….
a. higher production
b. lower production
c. the same amount of production d. people moved to the city
5. A tool that would space out crops evenly on a farm was called a
a. seed drill
b. spinning jenny
c. enclosure d. rotation
6. Crop rotation mattered mostly because otherwise….
a. the soil would get ‘weaker’
b. farms would be prettier
c. eating only potatoes would be boring d. rabbits would steal all the carrots
7. Because of better breeding, sheep in the 1700’s
a. lived longer
b. had more fur
c. ate different foods
d. got bigger
8. Fast moving rivers mattered because
a. everyone had something to drink b. they powered factories
c. they reduced air pollution
d. they improved the flying shuttle
9. Which of these is NOT an important factor of production?
a. land
b. money to invest
c. cotton
d. labor
10. Harbors were important because they helped…
a. with getting stuff from far away
b. with selling things from far away
c. became places to sell things
d. all of these
11. The Industrial revolution began in which country?
a. France
b. Spain
c. USA
d. England
12. Textile is a fancy word for …
a. cloth
b. cotton
c. silk
d. agriculture
13.The first engines were powered by
a. gasoline
b. steam
c. animals
d. small children
14. Which of these could not be powered by a steam engine?
a. trains
b. boats
c. planes
d. factories
15. Most engines produce what kind of motion
b. back and forth
d. up and down
e. random
16. Why did people begin moving to cities?
a. jobs
b. for their health
c. to be part of something
d. better food
17. During the industrial revolution, the number of people living in cities
a. got smaller b. stayed the same c. grew d. grew, then shrank, then stayed the same
18. Which of these does NOT describe early cities?
a. crowded
b. dirty
c. safe
d. polluted
19. Workers in cities could expect…
a. to work 14 hour days
b. to live to be 17
c. to work 6 days a week
d. all of these
20. Which of these was the first industry to develop in the USA?
a. trains
b. textiles
c. cars
d. silicon
21. Buying a part of a company is called buying
a. bonds
b. stocks
c. corporation
22. Companies that are owned by shareholders are called
a. corporations
b. conglomerates
c. conventions
d. corruption
23. Put these in the correct order (write the letters on your answer sheet, ex:
a. As industrialization continued, worker’s lives remained poor.
b. Most people grew up and worked on farms
c. Factories developed and offered jobs which encouraged people to move to cities
d. Cities became crowded, dirty, dangerous places.
24. In a system of capitalism, which is the biggest motivator for people
a. greed b. kindness
c. safety
d. brotherhood
25. Karl Marx is mostly associated with which of these?
a. utilitarianism
b. utopianism
c. capitalism
d. communism
Match the word with the definition
26. Urbanization a
a. economic system that emphasizes self interest
27. Crop rotation g b. economic system that emphasizes sharing
28. Agriculture i
c. an economic system created as ‘pure’ socialism
29. Revolution f
d. a part of a company
30. Capitalism a
e. a time of growing cities
31. Communism c
f. to changes completely
32. Socialism b
g. a method used to increase food production
33. Laissez-faire h
h. leaving businesses alone
34. Stock
i. a fancy name for farming
Write True or False on your answer sheet (T and F is fine)
35. f There are no communist countries in the world today
36. f Children were not allowed to work in the early factories
37. f All countries are now industrialized
38. t The agricultural revolution happened before the industrial revolution
39. f Marxism is named for Adam Smith
40. f Early factories were clean, safe places where it was fun to work.