CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL ARROWS CROSS COUNTRY POLICY HANDBOOK 2012 – 2013 The following pages consist of the Policies and Guidelines for Clinton Cross Country. Members of the Cross Country team are expected to adhere to all policies and guidelines herein. COACH'S STATEMENT The sport of cross country running is a unique avenue for teaching our students many important life lessons and values. Among these are Hard Work, Honesty, Tradition, Good Sportsmanship, Teamwork, Self Confidence, Self Sacrifice, Discipline, and Commitment to a Goal. We cannot overlook the importance of these values. A student who learns these ideals through athletics has a distinct advantage in life over someone who does not. More than that, these values and lessons learned through the sport of running are the key ingredients to my personal coaching philosophy. I coach to teach, because I believe in the importance of educating our children, and because I believe in the sport of running. More than anything, I want my athletes to learn these virtues, and the sport of cross country running can help teach them. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM 1. The main objective is to help produce excellent citizens through teaching the values that running cross country instills. 2. To win. The word winning means different things to different people, but the main objective of our program is to produce winners in life. As a program, our goal is to produce district and state champions by pursuing true excellence in each individual who runs for Clinton High School. ACADEMICS 1. Grades will be checked regularly to ascertain eligibility. 2. Student athletes must attend all classes. Truancy will result in disciplinary action or dismissal from the program. 3. Consistently poor conduct or grades may result in disciplinary action or dismissal from the program. PRACTICE 1. BE HONEST WITH YOUR EFFORT. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR EFFORT. WE DO NOT WALK IN RACES, BECAUSE IT IS DISHONEST TO DO SO. Unless directed by a coach, or unless illness or injury forces you to walk, athletes are required to run, not walk their workouts. Athletes who walk or who are unable to complete workouts will not be allowed to attend competitions. 2. All student athletes are expected to attend all mandatory practices! Student athletes are expected to be on time every day. Student athletes are expected to complete their workouts. If possible, we ask that parents make appointments (medical/dental) that do not conflict with practice or competition. 3. Unless you are absent from school, athletes who are injured or sick are still required to dress out for practices and are required to participate in practice to the best of their ability. Injured or sick runners will have an abbreviated workout. 4. If a student athlete is ill, injured, or unable to attend practice or compete in a meet due to extenuating circumstances, he or she must notify one of the coaches prior to practice or competition. Failure to notify a coach will result in disciplinary action, and athletes with an unexcused absence from practice will not be permitted to compete at any level (varsity or sub-varsity) during the week of the unexcused absence. An excused absence is determined by the head coach on an individual basis. 5. All practices are held at Butts Park, Choctaw Trails, Traceway Park, or the Clinton High School Track. Running off campus without a coach’s permission is unsafe and is a violation of the CPSD rules. In addition, all athletes are expected to “check out” with a coach before leaving practice. In other words, don’t “just leave!” A coach will dismiss you from practice. 6. Tardies to practice will result in discipline. Excessive tardies will result in discipline write ups or possible dismissal from the program. 7. Headphones (walkmans, ipods, and other electrical devices) are NOT permitted at practice. GROOMING 1. Jewelry will not be worn during races, this includes sunglasses. 2. Visible tattoos must be covered with athletic tape. DRESS 1. Students are expected to wear athletic gear to daily practice and to competitions. Students who are not appropriately dressed will not be allowed to run. 2. These items should not be worn to practice or competition: Equipment or clothing from another school, equipment of clothing advertising tobacco or alcohol, equipment or clothing advertising pornography. 3. Sandals, flip-flops, or other open toed shoes may not be worn at practices, or at competition until after the team has attended the awards ceremony. CODE OF CONDUCT 1. Be a positive influence on your teammates. Student athletes representing Clinton will reflect good sportsmanship during practice and competition. Absolutely no profanity, derogatory remarks, or disrespect towards teammates, competitors, coaches or school or meet officials will be tolerated. Offensive remarks will result in disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the program. 2. Using Facebook as a mechanism to divide the team will not be tolerated. Making comments about coaches or teammates in a derogatory manner will result in dismissal. Athletes will be held accountable for making poor choices while corresponding with teammates and others on social network sites. 3. No inappropriate loudness will be tolerated. This includes practices and meets, team camps and team buses. Radios are not permitted at practice or competition. 4. Cell phones may not be used at meets until after the awards ceremony. Cell phones may not be used until after practice. 5. Using cameras to take pictures on the school bus while traveling in the dark is not permitted. A warning will be issued for the first offense and a second offense will result in dismissal from the team. This action could result in serious injury for all passengers on board the school bus. 6. Frisbees, footballs, tennis balls and other nuisance items are not permitted at competitions. If a student athlete is found playing with any such item the object may be removed by the coach and returned at the conclusion of the season. 7. Horseplay will not be tolerated. Inappropriate actions will result in possible dismissal from the program. 8. Display of affection are not appropriate and will not be allowed. Infractions will result in discipline. Boys and Girls will NEVER share seats on a school bus at any time. 9. Team camp areas should be reserved for the Clinton Cross Country athletes and parents. Individuals from other teams should NEVER be in this location. TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM MEETS 1. Transportation to and from meets is provided. 2. Students are required to be on time for departures. 3. Students are expected to ride the team bus back to campus after competition. If parents have extenuating circumstances, the student may be released to a Parent. EQUIPMENT 1. Athletes are required to furnish their own: Running shoes (training shoes). Digital running watch Gatorade Or Powerade 2. Suggestions for care and for keeping up with gear: Don’t leave equipment unattended at meets DO NOT DRY UNIFORMS IN THE CLOTHERS DRYER!!! TRAINING ROOM/INJURIES AND ILLNESS 1. If a student is well enough to attend class, he or she is well enough to dress out and participate in athletics to the best of their ability and will be expected to do so. 2. If an injury occurs, first seek medical aid/advice from our Athletic Trainers. Then upon their recommendation, seek the advice of a medical doctor. 3. Do not gather socially in the training room. Do not play in the training room. Be polite and respectful, sign in, get treated, and get out. COMPETITION 1. Before an athlete is allowed to represent Clinton High School in a cross country meet outside of the JPS meets, he or she must meet a minimum standard in practice. Minimum standard for girls is the ability to complete an 8:00 mile. Minimum standard for boys is the ability to complete a 7:00 mile. 2. The head coach makes the final decision on who will run varsity each week. This decision is based on both objective and subjective information, but is ultimately the decision of the head coach. 3. After arriving at the cross course it is important that parents show encouragement to athletes, but do not hinder them from focusing on their race. Runners need to be ready to race 10 – 15 min. before the final call. It would be embarrassing to spend months training for a race and to be disqualified for not reporting to the starting line when given instructions by meet officials. 4. To earn a varsity letter, a runner must be selected to represent Clinton in the MHSAA Championship meet or serve as one of three alternates. * Seniors who have made a sufficient contribution to the team may be considered for a varsity letter even if they do not meet this requirement. TRAINING 1. Success in running is gained through a combination of hard work and recovery. It is vital to get 8 hours of sleep each night, eat nutritionally sound meals and always drink plenty of fluids. A distance runner’s diet should be high in complex carbohydrates (between 300 – 400 grams each day) and protein and low in fats and simple sugars. A non-athlete needs 64 ounces of water a day to maintain hydration, but endurance athletes need more. Proper rest, nutrition, and hydration will make a huge difference in your performance as a runner. Avoid bad habits like eating a lot of junk food and staying up all night. These life styles can lead to decreased performances, illness, and even injury. ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, AND DRUGS 1. Use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs (including steroids) will not be tolerated. Athletes found using these substances will be dismissed from the team and severe disciplinary action will result. 2. If you do not use alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs, but have “friends” that do, we are asking you to reconsider your association with these friend of acquaintances. You can get in just as much trouble as someone who does it, if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. Be a good influence on your friends, and avoid people who are making the wrong decision. If you have any questions or concerns about the cross country program or its policies, please contact one of the following coaches: Geary Howell Boys and Girls Cross Country Assistant Boys and Girls Track & Field Science Department School (601) 924-5656 Bill McIlwain Assistant Cross Country Junior High Track & Field Career Complex School (601) 924-0247 Clinton High School Principal: Dr. Eddie Peasant Athletic Director: Mr. Clay Norton