doc - Physics

Syllabus for Physics 23 (Spring, 2007) – last updated 02/27/2007
(course website:
Room 203 Physics
Prof. Ronald J. Bieniek
Telephone: 341-4786
Textbook: University Physics (11th edition) by H.D. Young & R.A. Freedman
Online textbook companion websites: ActivPhysics (AP) Online at
Homework assignments are posted at course website at least one week before their indicated due
date, with DQ=Discussion Question and EP=Exercise or Problem at end of indicated chapter.
After a specific homework assignment has been posted on the web, any changes are in RED.
! 0 & 1) Lec (Lecture) - Tues, Jan 9
" Introductory Reading: iii-vi, x-xiii
" Review Reading: Appendix B
" Sec 1.1-1.6
P Course Orientation
P Parameters, Dimensions and Units
- Basic math for introductory physics
- Dimensional Analysis
! 1) Rec (Recitation Section) - Wed, Jan 10
" DQ 1: 1, 8
" EP 1: 6
" Special Homework #1
! 2) Lec - Thurs, Jan 11
" Sec 1.7-1.9, review basic math (algebra, trig,
calculus) if necessary at
" Slight Error at NASA
P Scalars and Vectors
- Magnitudes
- Unit vectors and vector components
- Vector addition
! 3) Rec - Wed, Jan 17
" EP 2: 19, 31, 44bcd, 61, 87
! 4) Lec - Thurs, Jan 18
" Sec 3.1-3.3, 3.5
" AP 3.1, 3.4
" Example of Expert Technique in a 2-D Problem
P Motion in Two (or more) Dimensions
- Position, displacement, velocity, & acceleration
- Components of motion in 2-D
- Projectile motion
! 4) Rec - Fri, Jan 19
" EP 3: 8, 25abc, 60, 73abc, 89a
! 5) Lec - Tues, Jan 23
" Sec 4.1-4.4, 4.6, 5.1 [except Examples 5.1, 5.2,
5.4, 5.5], 5.2
" AP 2.3
" Litany for Force Problems
P Newton's First and Second Laws of Motion
- Force, mass, and weight
! 5) Rec - Wed, Jan 24
" EP 4: 6, 25, 51
" EP 5: 67, 82
! 2) Rec - Fri, Jan 12
" DQ 1: 17
" EP 1: 39, 70, 72
" Special Homework #2
! 3) Lec - Tues, Jan 16
" Basic Math Mini-Test (at start of lecture)
" Sec 2.1-2.6
" AP ( 1.2, 1.7, 1.11
" Official Starting Equations
" Modifications to Kinematics Expressions
" Homework and Boardwork Procedures
" Litany for Kinematics
" Expert Analysis & Technique in a 1-D Problem
P Motion in One Dimension
- Position, velocity and acceleration in 1-D
- Freely rising and falling objects
! 6) Lec - Thurs, Jan 25
" Sec 4.5, 5.1 (Examples 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5)
P Newton's Third Law of Motion
- Action-reaction pairs
- Tilted coordinate systems
! 6) Rec - Fri, Jan 26
" EP 4: 28 [add “c) calculate the normal force
acting on the skier.”], 43, 49
" EP 5: 78ab, 84
Physics 23 Syllabus - 1 (Spring 2007)
! 7) Lec - Tues, Jan 30
" Sec 5.3
" AP 2.1.2, 2.6
P Frictional and Resistive Forces
- Relationship to normal force and velocity
- Applications to physical situations
! 7) Rec - Wed, Jan 31
" EP 5: 24, 30 [but make tabletop make inclined at
angle θ with respect to horizontal], 89
" Special Homework #3ab
! 8) Lec - Thurs, Feb 1
" Sec 3.4, 5.4
P Circular Dynamics
- Centripetal and tangential acceleration & forces
- Force components || & perpendicular to velocity
! 8) Rec - Fri, Feb 2
" EP 5: 46, 53, 114
" Special Homework #4
! 11) Lec - Tues, Feb 13
" Litany for Energy Problems
" Sec 7.1-7.3
P Mechanical Energy
- Conservative and non-conservative forces
- Potential energy and mechanical energy
- Conservation of mechanical energy
! 11) Rec - Wed, Feb 14
" EP 7: 29, 46, 63, 71
" Special Homework #5
! 12) Lec - Thurs, Feb 15
" Sec 7.4-7.5
P Energy Methods
- Force Produced by Potential Energy
- Graphical Analysis of 1-D motion
- Effect of other work on system
- Nonconservative forces and internal energy
- Conservation of total energy
- Examples of energy transfer and dissipation
! 9) Lec - Tues, Feb 6
" Review Assigned Reading: Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5
P Problem Solving Review for Test
! 12) Rec - Fri, Feb 16
" EP 7: 13 [but make pushing force horizontal and
have the oven initially moving at 4 m/s], 37, 49
" Special Homework #6
! 9) Rec - Wed, Feb 7
" Test 1 Preparation HW
" Test 1 – 5:00 PM (Check Room Assignment)
- Chapter 2:
Motion in One Dimension
- Chapter 3:
Motion in 2 Dimensions
- Chapter 4:
Newton's Laws of Motion
- Chapter 5:
Applications of Force Laws
! 13) Lec - Tues, Feb 20
" Review Reading: 5.5
" Sec 12.1-12.2, 12.4 (through Eq 12.14)
P Universal Gravitation
- Universal gravitation and the gravitational field
- Kepler=s Laws of planetary motion
- Effects near compact objects (e.g., neutron stars)
! 10) Lec - Thurs, Feb 8
" Litany for Work-KE Problems
" Sec 1.10 (scalar product only), 6.1-6.4
P Work of the Physics Kind
- Vector dot product
- Work done by a force
- Work-KE theorem
- Power
! 10) Rec - Fri, Feb 9
" EP 6: 9, 13, 38, 52
! 13) Rec - Wed, Feb 21
" EP 12: 30, 53a (but in terms of earth’s radius RE
& using the fact that our moon’s orbital distance
is 60RE and its orbital period is 27 days), 60
" Special Homework #7.1 (not 7.2, sigh)
! 14) Lec - Thurs, Feb 22
" Sec 12.3, 12.4 (after Eq. 12.14), 12.8
P Gravitational Energy and Space Travel
- Universal gravitational energy
- Escape velocity and black holes
- Minimum energy (Hohmann) transfer orbits
! 14) Rec - Fri, Feb 23
" EP 12: 53, 56a, 63
" Special Homework #8
Physics 23 Syllabus - 2 (Spring 2007)
! 15) Lec - Tues, Feb 27
" Sec 8.1-8.3
" AP 6.1, 6.5
" Litany for Momentum Problems
P Linear Momentum, Explosions and Collisions
- Impulse
- Conservation of linear momentum
! 15) Rec - Wed, Feb 28
" EP 8: 19, 37a [but change start of b) to “b) By
what percentage did the total …”], 60, 72
! 16) Lec - Thurs, Mar 1
" Sec 8.4 (skim for ideas), 8.5-8.6
" AP 6.2, 6.8
P Linear Motion of Systems of Particles
- Which Toolbox: Force, Energy, or Momentum?
- Center of mass motion and rockets
! 16) Rec - Fri, Mar 2
" EP 8: 70, 71, 77, 81, 94, 97a
! 17) Lec - Tues, Mar 6
" Review Assigned Reading: Chs 6, 7, 8, 12
P Problem Solving Review for Test 2
! 17) Rec - Wed, Mar 7
" Test 2 Preparation HW
" Test 2 – 5:00 PM (Check Room Assignment)
- Chapter 6:
Work and Kinetic Energy
- Chapter 7:
Mechanical Energy
- Chapter 8:
Linear Momentum
- Chapter 12:
Universal Gravitation
! 18) Lec - Thurs, Mar 8
" Sec 9.1-9.6 (skim proof of eq. 9-19), 10.3 (thru
Example 10.7)
" AP 7.12
P Rotational Motion and Energetics
- Rotational kinematics
- Moment of inertia & parallel axis theorem
- Rotational energy and rolling motion
! 18) Rec - Fri, Mar 9
" EP 9: 17, 68abcde [note: “acceleration” in d) & e)
means “linear acceleration”], 85
" EP 10: 67, 68 [but change last sentence to: “If the
yo-yo is released from rest, how fast is going after
it has fallen a distance D?”]
! 19) Lec - Tues, Mar 13
" Sec 1.10 (vector product), 10.1-10.2, 10.3 (after
Example 10.7), 10.5
" AP 7.10
P Angular Momentum and Torque
- Rotating rigid objects
! 19) Rec - Wed, Mar 14
" EP 10: 3, 19, 63
" Special HW #9
Spring Recess: Thurs - Sun, Mar 15-18
! 20) Lec – Tues, Mar 20
" Sec 10.6-10.7
" AP 7.14
P Conservation of Angular Momentum
- Interacting rotating objects
- collisions of projectiles with rotating objects
! 20) Rec – Wed, Mar 21
" EP 10: 38, 39, 46 [but ball bounces off at 37°
from perpendicular], 91 [but B is initially
counter-rotating with angular speed ½ω0]
! 21) Lec – Thurs, Mar 22
" Sec 11.1-11.3
" AP 7.2, 7.5
P Static Equilibrium of Rigid Structures
- Analysis of equilibrium situations
! 21) Rec – Fri, Mar 23
" EP 11: 11, 13b, 48, 77
Spring Break: Sun - Sun, Mar 25-Apr 1
! 22) Lec – Tues, Apr 3
" Sec 13.1-13.4
" AP 9.2, 9.3
P Simple Harmonic Motion
- Kinematics, dynamics, energetics
! 22) Rec – Wed, Apr 4
" EP 13: 14, 23, 63
" Special Homework #10
! 23) Lec – Thurs, Apr 5
" Sec 13.5-13.8
" AP 9.12
P General Oscillatory Motion
- Simple and physical pendulums
Physics 23 Syllabus - 3 (Spring 2007)
- Damped oscillations and resonance
! 23) Rec – Fri, Apr 6
" EP 13: 49 (but for a solid ball, calculate Ip), 45,
51, 82
! 24) Lec – Tues, Apr 10
" Review Assigned Reading: Chs 9, 10, 11, 13, 14
P Problem Solving Review for Test 3
! 24) Rec - Wed, Apr 11
" Test 3 Preparation HW
" Test 3 – 5:00 PM (Check Room Assignment)
- Chapter 9:
Rotational Motion
- Chapter 10:
Angular Momentum
- Chapter 11:
Static Equilibrium
- Chapter 13:
! 25) Lec – Thurs, Apr 12
" Sec 14.1-14.3
P Static Fluids
- Pressure in a static fluid
- Buoyancy and Archimedes= Principle
! 25) Rec – Fri, Apr 13
" EP 14: 11, 46, 67, 73
! 26) Lec – Tues, Apr 17
" Sec 15.1-15.5, 16.8
" AP 10.2
P Wave Motion
- Transverse and longitudinal waves
- Mathematical description of traveling waves
- Doppler effect
! 26) Rec – Wed, Apr 18
" EP 15: 1, 19 [x=0 is end-point of rope], 54
" EP 16: 41 [but for c) and d), change “stationary
listener” to “man running on the track at 5 m/s
in the same direction as the train when he is”]
! 27) Lec – Thurs, Apr 19
" Sec 15.6-15.8, 16.5-16.7
" AP 10.4, 10.7, 10.10
P Interference Phenomena
- Superposition
- Interference in traveling & standing waves
- Beat phenomena
! 27) Rec – Fri, Apr 20
" EP 15: 53, 66
" EP 16: 31, 64
Physics 23 Syllabus - 4 (Spring 2007)
! 28) Lec – Tues, Apr 24
" Sec 17.1-17.7
" AP 8.7
P Heat Energy and Transport
- Specific heat
- Heat transfer
! 28) Rec – Wed, Apr 25
" EP 17: 53, 70, 78 [but for (c) just compare to
radius of the earth and radius of the sun], 94
! 29) Lec – Thurs, Apr 26
" Sec 18.1, 19.1-19.8
" AP 8.6
P Work in the First Law of Thermodynamics
- Work by a gas
- Energy transformation in thermal processes
! 29) Rec – Fri, Apr 27
" EP 19: 17, 41, 58, 66
! 30) Lec – Tues, May 1
" Sec 20.1-20.7 (but just skim Examples)
" AP 8.12
P Thermodynamic Efficiency
- Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Applications of thermodynamics
! 30) Rec – Wed, May 2
" EP 20: none (!)
" Special Homework #11
! 31) Lec - Thurs, May 3
" Effects of End-Material MiniTest & Final Exam
P Review End-Material Mini-Test & Final Exam
! 31) Rec - Fri, May 4
" End Material MiniTest Preparation HW
! May 10 (Thurs), 8:00-10:00 am
(Check Final Exam Room Assignment)
- Chapter 14 (selected):
Static Fluids
- Chapter 15:
- Chapter 16 (selected):
- Chapter 17-20:
- Chapters covered in the three regular tests
Physics 23 Syllabus - 5 (Spring 2007)