crucible internet research project honrs

ENGLISH 11 - Honors
RESEARCH: The Crucible and Modern-day Witch Hunts
Research for The Crucible
Arthur Miller wrote the play The Crucible during a very interesting time in our history.
He wrote this play right in the middle of the "Red Scare" during the 1950’s. Senator Joe
McCarthy, who believed that communists were taking over the US government, can be
credited/blamed for starting the Red Scare. Did Joe McCarthy really believe this or was
he trying to take revenge on people he didn’t like? Arthur Miller believed the latter. His
play, The Crucible is a fictional account of a historic event…the Salem Witch Trials. The
plot of this play surrounds a young girl, Abigail Williams, who publicly attacked a man’s
reputation because he scorned her. The townspeople believed Abigail and her 15 minutes
of fame proved to be fatal for those who dared to cross her.
In this project, you and a partner are going to research the historic background of the
Salem Witch Trials.
Directions: I suggest you and your partner divide these topics.
1. Create a section in your notebook titled Research on the Salem Witch-Hunts.
2. For each piece of research, you will use one piece of paper. You will end up with
almost 20 pages of research.
3. Go to the following website
4. Add this to your favorites. This is located on the top of your screen.
5. Go to the Background icon and follow these directions:
1. Hit the The Village of Salem – icon
2. Hit the Timeline icon and summarize the timeline in your own words.
Note the beginning/ending dates. Include at least five events that interest
3. Hit the 17th Century View of Witches – icon
4. Choose one of the articles. Read and summarize the article in your own
words. Make sure you make note of the article’s title at the top of your
notebook page.
5. Hit the Slavery in Salem – icon
6. Hit the Slave Narrative from the 1700’s icon. Read and summarize the
narrative in your own words.
7. Hit the Church and State – icon
8. Hit The Mayflower Compact. Read and summarize.
9. Hit The Accused – icon. Read about Giles Corey and summarize his story.
It is told by his brother, William.
10. Hit the Law and Property – icon
11. Hit the Blue Laws of Connecticut and copy down three of the fifteen laws
that strike you as absurd.
12. Hit the Puritan Society – icon. Choose one of the five icons offered. Title
the section you read/research and summarize it.
13. Hit the Art and Literature – icon
14. Hit the Paintings of Salem and answer the questions listed on the left-hand
side of the page.
15. Go to the Witch Hunts icon and follow these directions:
ENGLISH 11 - Honors
RESEARCH: The Crucible and Modern-day Witch Hunts
Individual Assignment:
Copy this definition of a witch hunt into your notebooks: "The searching out and
deliberate harassment of those with unpopular views." -Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The Salem Witch-Hunt was not the only "witch hunt" in our history. Choose one of the
eight icons offered under “Witch Hunts.” Read about the "witch hunt" you chose and
type two pages, double spaced about it. All in YOUR OWN WORDS.  This work
will not involve a partner. Each of you will turn in your account of modern-day witch
Any work done above and beyond what is expected will be given extra credit. All
assigned work must be done before extra credit will be allowed.
You will submit all your research and written responses in a manila folder.
The completed project is worth two test grades.
Due: Sep. 29, 2009