Monthly Report to FVCC Board of Trustees Human Resources

Monthly Report to FVCC Board of Trustees
Human Resources
October 17, 2011
Recent Accomplishments:
Searches complete (subject to Board approval):
o Custodian II : Rick Nelson
o LCC Extended Learning Resource Assistant : Chris Erskine
o Nursing Faculty (SINEW): Laura Hunter
Deb Barrett and Kathy VanBemmel attended advanced training in NEOGOV online
recruiting system, Sept. 28-30. Our electronic recruiting process is working very well.
Negotiated agreement with FVCC Education Association (Faculty Union). Pending Board
WellCheck Health Fair held on campus September 27, sponsored by the MUS Health Plan
and the FVCC Wellness committee.
Inservice Day for all employees October 11.
Flu shot clinic on campus October 18
Searches in progress:
o Plant Biology Instructor, Tenure Track
o Chemistry Instructor, Tenure Track
o Surgical Technology Clinical Coordinator
o EMS Lab Coordinator
Collective bargaining: working toward new contracts.
o Classified Employees
o Adjunct Faculty
Planning for FVCC Employee Holiday Party in early December.
Monthly Report to FVCC Board of Trustees
Management Information Systems – IT
October 24, 2011
The campus data backup system was upgraded to handle more data, faster and in a more
efficient manner at both the backup and restore levels.
The CAMS student records base systems, Student Portal and Faculty Portal were
upgraded, and are currently at version 14.0.3.
Goals and Objectives:
Continue upgrading faculty and staff systems as per the replacement system.
Continued fine tuning and optimization of the campus network and inter-campus bridge
between the Kalispell and Libby campuses.
Monthly Report to FVCC Board of Trustees
Institutional Research
October 17th, 2011
With Jeremy Fritz, helped facilitate several discussions with some of our scholar students
on ideas for cutting the federal debt. We engaged in these discussions at the request of
Senator Baucus. We’ll do a brief write-up of the students’ ideas for the Senator.
Completed the Fall IPEDS surveys.
Submitted FVCC’s Fall enrollment reports to the Office of the Commissioner of Higher
Put together various enrollment reports for college leaders to inform their decision
making regarding possible program creation and/or expansion.
Completed the enrollment trends data for the Art, Theatre, and Geography/Geology
program reviews.
Attended an education and business community regional retreat in Seattle. I will report on
this at the Board meeting.
Gave a presentation on the interface between FVCC and the Flathead Economy at the
October in-service.
Gave a presentation on non-academic assessment at the October in-service and worked
with small groups of college employees as they developed departmental mission
statements, goals, objectives, and indicators.
Met with Cindy Kiefer and Brenda Hanson to discuss input on tax reforms that could
impact our students. Jane will share the input with national education leaders.
Ongoing Initiatives:
Working to finalize data for a “net price calculator” for the college’s website. New
federal regulations require all colleges to have a net price calculator so students and
parents can get a quick estimate of how much it costs to attend college.
Compiling data for FVCC’s Carl Perkin’s grant, which provides support for career and
technical education at the college.
Working on updating FVCC’s strategic plan. The executive staff will give input on longterm planning to me at our October 19th retreat.
Planning to begin working with Chuck Jensen on medium term enrollment projections.
Monthly Report to FVCC Board of Trustees
October 2011
▪ Held a successful Festival of Flavors 2011 with over 800 guests at 13 events. Final
numbers are still being finalized and the Foundation is optimistic we will exceed last
year’s proceeds.
▪ Recruited four student speakers for the 2011 Annual Scholarship Luncheon;
preparations taking place for the Oct. 27 Luncheon which will be followed by a
Foundation Board meeting.
▪ Foundation Review Committee met to make final recommendations for 2012
Enhancement Grant awards.
▪ Foundation Board Development Committee met to plan agenda for annual
Foundation Retreat scheduled for November 3. Themes include review of the
Foundation Investments and the investment policy, the Building Campaign and
faculty presentations.
▪ Building Campaign progress continues with a campaign committee meeting on Oct.
13, a fundraising event at Suzy Williams on Oct. 24 and continued proposals and
visits to potential donors. The POWER OF TEN campaign kick-off for FVCC
Employees was presented at the Oct. 11 In-service.
▪ Trained 30 new Student Ambassadors to assist with Foundation events and friend
Communications and Marketing
▪ Welcomed Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator Katie Fries who joined our
team October 3
▪ Collected data for the college’s new branding initiative during a faculty and staff
focus group we presented during the October 11 In-service
▪ Serving on e2Campus task force; defined user groups and assigned administrators to
manage communications for each user group
▪ Serving on Career Coach Implementation Team; designed logo for new Web site tool
and developed communications and marketing plan to promote the tool
▪ Organized and executed an advertising campaign to promote Festival of Flavors in
the Daily Inter Lake and the Flathead Beacon, both sponsors of the event
▪ Organized and executed public relations and advertising campaigns for the second
part of the first annual President’s Lecture Series
▪ Worked with the Montana press secretary of U.S. Senator Max Baucus to capture the
story of FVCC Scholar students providing ideas that will be given to our nation’s first
Super Committee on how to reduce the national debt
▪ Teamed up with FVCC graphic design student Amanda Haynes to organize and
produce a college-wide “Pink Glove Dance” video campaign to raise awareness of
breast cancer in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
▪ Designed and produced a variety of Festival of Flavors promotional items including
posters, tickets, programs, banners, flyers, postcards, menus and more.
Designed a logo for the theatre department that incorporates the college logo while
identifying them as the theatre.
Produced a variety of posters, flyers and promotional materials for various student
organizations and department.
Designed and produced new “Meet Your Advisor” cards for Title III.
Produced printed materials for the Nursing and Health Sciences Building Campaign
Created materials to promote the “Power of 10” Campaign and employee giving fund
on campus.
Received $10,000 grant from Plum Creek Foundation to support building campaign
Received $132,000 grant from USDA to create curriculum and business plan for
sustainable agriculture program.
Not awarded $14.6 million state-wide TAACCT grant that would have funded reform
of developmental math and initiated new programs.
Submitted grant to Montana Space Grant Consortium to fund partnership between
FVCC chemistry Department and Zinc-Air Inc. in developing research to improve
rechargeability of zinc-air batteries.
Submitted application to MDU Resources Foundation requesting help in building
Submitted pre-application and developing final TIGER grant proposal in partnership
with Flathead County, City of Whitefish, City of Kalispell and KRMC to construct
bike/ped trail from Whitefish to Kalispell. FVCC would also gain a trail across
campus and a bridge across the Stillwater improving connection’s to Evergreen as
part of project.
Helped develop 8 Enhancement grant proposals, submitted to FVCC Foundation by
FVCC faculty and staff.
Web Development
▪ Finalizing the construction, organization and content of new college Web site design;
the campus-wide Web Committee will pilot the new site for several weeks to test
functionality before the site launches in November.
Monthly Report to FVCC Board of Trustees
Instruction and Student Services
October 2011
 Brenda Hanson held two student forums on September 28 and 29 to gather input for the
proposed Student Health Clinic.
 On October 7 Chuck Jensen, Brenda Hansen, Kris Long, Erika DeCree, Laura Hunter,
and Kristen Jones visited North Idaho College’s Student Health Clinic to gather
information for the Student Health Clinic proposal.
 The Early Childhood Center (ECC) raised over $800 during the ECC’s annual bike/trikea-thon for St. Judes Children Research Hospital.
 The Flathead County Health Department had their second information table for the
school year on October 5. They will return on November 2.
 Sponsored by the Multicultural Affairs office, FVCC student and master folder Shuki
Kato presented two origami demonstrations on October 20 & 25.
 Mort Hill and Jeremy Fritz visited local high schools to recruit students for the welding
and NDT programs.
 Heavy Equipment Ops completed the parking lot at Bad Rock Fire Hall and has started
work on the Nordic Ski trail on Foothills Road.
 FVCC Campus Corps team hired for this year includes:
o Carson Booth
Campus Corps Leader
o Kelsey Kerney
Russell Elementary Tutor Coordinator
o Douglas Smith
Upward Bound Coordinator
o Shaunna Ogden
Edgerton Elementary Tutor Coordinator
o Krista Roberts
Campus Chapter Habitat for Humanity
o Lindsay Osler-Caudle
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program Coordinator
o Ruth Rickenbacher
Renewable Resources Coordinator
o Alesia LaRoque
Whitefish Afterschool Program Coordinator
 There are currently 48 members enrolled in Campus Corps, with an additional 30 more
slots to fill prior to or during spring semester.
 In recognition of 9/11 the Campus Core team, plus 10 service learning students,
participated in a build day with Habitat for Humanity.
 For Make-A-Difference-Day on October 22, the Campus Core Team plus numerous
service learning students, worked at Flathead Food Bank and Second Helping Thrift
Store, stocking shelves and sorting clothing and miscellaneous merchandise.
Professional Development
 Brenda Hanson served on a comprehensive accreditation site visit at Lake Washington
Institute of Technology in Kirkland, Washington on October 16-19.
Laurie Peiffer, Brittney Rubalcaba, Erma Clark, Jennifer Simms, and Stephanie Clewis
attended the Montana Association for the Education of Young Children (MtAEYC) in
Bozeman on October 14-15.
Mike McGarvey, Mike McLean, Deanne Brown, Vanessa Botts, and Russ Lamson
attended the Association of Special Programs in Region Eight (ASPIRE) conference in
Salt Lake City on October 8-12.
Carrie Burnham attended the Montana Education Association-Montana Federation of
Teachers (MEA-MFT) Educators Conference in Missoula on October 20-21.
Marlene Stoltz, Sharon Nau, Elizabeth Romain, and Brenda Hanson attend the fall
MACRAO meeting held at FVCC on October 13-14.
The faculty further developed the plan for General Education assessment at the 10/11
Faculty In-service. Faculty worked in groups by Gen Ed category to develop assessment
plans for each of the Gen Ed learning outcomes.
A curriculum mapping training session was held in the Teaching Excellence Center on
9/30. Two faculty members and one advisor learned how to use the Mapping tool in
Emily Jense and Susan Kelly attended an ASTRA workshop in Kansas City, Missouri,
October 17 – 19, to enhance their knowledge of the room scheduling system.
Laura Damon provided Chemical Hygiene training to 20 faculty and staff on campus.
Upcoming Goals/Objectives
 Healthy Lifestyles is helping to facilitate the annual Children’s Halloween Party for ages
4 to 8 on October 27.
 Multicultural Day will be held on November 3.
 The Campus Core Team, in addition to several service learning members, will be
traveling to Billings October 28-30 to attend the fall conference sponsored by Montana
Campus Compact. This year’s theme “Best in Class - Building Engaged Citizens
Conference: The Culture of Service” will provide students and service members the
opportunity to develop leadership skills, cultural awareness and undergo skills training.
Monthly Report to FVCC Board of Trustees
Business Services
October 24, 2011
 Re-configured Institutional Advancement offices.
 Repaired parking lot sink holes.
 Upgraded Ross Hall Computer Sciences Lab.
New Initiatives:
 Ongoing construction of new Maintenance & Storage Building.
 Beginning design phase for new Nursing and Health Science Center.
 New security wall for student records area.
 Starting design for Occupational Trades programs to occupy current Maintenance &
Storage bays in OT Building.
Continuing Education Center
September 2011
Monthly Report to FVCC Board of Trustees
 Facilitated 8,107 hours of continuing education for 683 lifelong learners.
Community Education
Community Lectures
Contract Training
# of Classes
# of students
Total Educ. Hours
Susie Burch, Jodi Smith, Karen Darrow, Pete Wade and Roddy Hill toured Montana Rifleman and
talked with owner Brian Sipe about how the college can meet his workforce training needs.
Susie, Pete and Roddy met with Ryan Zinke and Chris Hyatt of the Montana Firearms Institute to
determine how best to coordinate resources and intentions. After hunting season MFI will be
hosting a firearms industry board meeting, in part to identify workforce needs.
Susie met several times with Montana West Economic Development/Flathead County Economic
Development Association staff and Chris Parson, Small Business Development Center Director, to
discuss how entrepreneurial and small business services are delivered in our region.
Susie, Janice Alexander and David Long met with Zinc Air to coordinate our curriculum with
their workforce skill needs. Student research and internships were discussed with enthusiasm on
both sides. Since this meeting FVCC and Zinc Air have worked together on a grant application.
Susie attended the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for a Competitive Workforce retreat in Seattle with
Lynda Greene (Applied Materials), Darlene Schottle, Brad Eldredge, DeAnn Thomas, Pete Wade
and Bill Nelson. (There will be an oral report on this retreat at the October board meeting.)
Susie met with Jan Shanahan, David Smith, John Rawlings and Colleen Unterreiner to discuss the
Montana Arts Council’s annual Gathering which will be held on FVCC’s campus in late
September, 2012. The Gathering provides a marketing forum for graduates of the Montana
Artrepreneurship Program (gallery owners and commercial buyers are invited as well as the
public). The Gathering also offers professional development opportunities for the artists. FVCC’s
art department will host an open house and a faculty show will be a featured part of the Gathering.
Due to time constraints associated with the accreditation project, Susie regretfully resigned from
the First Best Place Steering Committee.
Jodi Smith arranged a meeting with Mary Kaye Bredesen, Director for the Center of
Excellence in Aerospace and Advanced Materials Manufacturing based at Everett
Community College in Washington. Joining Jodi at the meeting were Kristen Jones, Matt
Springer and Susie. Ms. Bredesen was exploring possible curriculum partnership
Susie, Jodi and Leslie Beard met with Victor Bjornberg, Tourism Development Coordinator
with the Montana Office of Tourism regarding the Montana Superhost annual contract report
and plans for the upcoming year.
Jodi attended an Economic Update/Wealth Management session sponsored by First Interstate
Jodi met with a team from FEMA and ICF International as they scouted the area to plan for
the February Emergency Operations Center/Incident Management Team Interface Course
that will take place on campus and out in the field throughout the Valley.
Jodi participated in committee discussions regarding the implementation of the Career Coach
product with leadership provided by Karen Darrow.
Jodi spoke about time management to the new Leaders of Tomorrow class for their first
Debbie, Leslie R, and Connee Greig had a pre-planning meeting with Matt Springer for the
October math conference if our TAACCCT grant had been successful. Leslie R. did
additional preliminary work (including coordinating potential speakers and contacting invited
participants) on the math summit. Next time we’ll be ready to roll!!
Connee, Debbie, and both Leslies attended a Job Service Employer's Committee workshop
facilitated by Tim Gard on Customer Service.
Debbie prepared promotional materials for the Community Educations’ table at the Kick-off
Event for the Festival of Flavors. Our table highlighted Bill McClaren and his popular
micro-greens class.
Debbie Struck, Leslie Rogers and Susie Burch attended a meeting to hear Director Ken Egan
explain funding opportunities available through Humanities Montana.
Leslie Rogers worked on promotions for fall classes.
Debbie, Leslie R. and Connee met with the United Way committee for the 2011 employee
giving campaign.
Connee continued to work with St. Regis School District regarding online non-credit
registrations. St. Regis S.D. has recognized the convenience and quality of FVCC’s noncredit ed2go online offerings.
Staff worked on coordinating with and preparing for the next speaker in the Presidential Lecture
Series. Deni Elliot, media ethicist and renowned academician, will present Media Ethics for
Everyone on November 1.