Unit 2: Atomic Structure

Name: ______________________________________ Period: _____
Study Guide: Atomic Structure and Atomic Theory
Vocabulary (attach a separate sheet of paper)
Atomic Theory
Electron cloud
*Democritus/Theory of an atom/indivisible
* Dalton’s Hard-Sphere (indivisible) Model
* Thomson’s Plum- Pudding Model/Divisible Atom
* Rutherford’s Nuclear Model/empty space/Gold Foil experiment
* Bohr’s electron shell/orbital model
* Schrodinger Quantum/Wave-Mechanical Model
* Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment/ charge of an electron
Atomic Structure
Atomic number
Mass number
Atomic mass
Atomic mass unit (amu)
Subatomic Particles
1. What were the results of Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment and how did they affect our perception of the atom?
2. How has the model of the atom changed over time?
3. Describe these atomic theory models and explain how they helped shaped modern atomic theory.
4.Describe the scientific experimentation that led to atomic theory and put the developments/models in order.
5.In the wave mechanical model of the atom, an orbital is a region of space in an atom where there is a _________
probability of finding a(n) ______________________.
Atomic Structure
6. The number of ____________ determines the element. ______________ have approximately the same mass as a
proton. The nucleus of an atom contains ________________ and _______________. It also accounts for most of the
___________ of an atom. Protons have a +1 charge that is equal and opposite of a(n) __________, which has a
charge of ___. In a neutral atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of __________.
7. Which atom has a nucleus that contains 6 protons and 8 neutrons?
8. How many protons are in the nucleus of an atom of uranium?____ Gold? ____ Silver? _____
9. An atom of
contains a total of ___ protons, ___neutrons, and ___ electrons. Its mass number is ___.
10.An atom of X contains a total of ___ protons, ___neutrons, and ___ electrons. What element is it?
11. What is the atomic number of an atom that contains 47 protons, 60 neutrons, and 47 electrons?_______
12. What is its mass number?_________
13. What element is it? ______________
14. What is the atomic number of an atom that contains 19 protons, 20 neutrons, and 19 electrons?_______
15. What is its mass number?_________
16. What element is it? ______________
17.What is the atomic number of an atom that contains 3 protons, 4 neutrons, and 3 electrons?_______
18.What is its mass number?_________
19. What element is it? ______________
20.All isotopes have the same number of ______________ but a different number of _______________.
21. What is the difference between atomic mass and mass number?
22.Rubidium has two common isotopes, 85Rb and 87Rb. If the abundance of 85Rb is 72.2% and the abundance of
87Rb is 27.8%, what is the average atomic mass of rubidium? (Show your work!)
23.Uranium has three common isotopes. If the abundance of 234U is 0.01%, the abundance of 235U is 0.71%, and
the abundance of 238U is 99.28%, what is the average atomic mass of uranium? (Show your work!)
24. The picture shows a model of the element:
A fluorine
B helium
C beryllium
D oxygen
25.Write the isotope notation for this element:
26.Use dimensional analysis to calculate how many 3.2cm long paperclips would
fit the length of a football field (100 yards) if 1 inch = 2.54cm. You must show your
work and record your answer in scientific notation.
27.Convert these from decimal notation to scientific notation:
a. 0000000000000.456701 =
b. 2,598,000,000,000,000,000 = ________________________
28. Convert these from scientific notation to scientific notation:
a. 2.78 x 1011 = _____________________________
b. 6.95 x 10-7 = ______________________________
29.Copy and complete the table below:
# p+
Atomic Number
Mass Number
Atomic Mass