Josh Yost
Contact: josh.yost@jesamine.kyschools.us
Phone: (859) 887-2421 ext. 3612
The AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of
the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to
psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within
psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and
Required Textbook:
Myers, David G. Myers’ Psychology for AP. New York, Worth Publishers, 2011.
Recommended Resources:
Any of the AP Psychology Review Guides (Princeton Review, Kaplan, etc.)
Additional Resources used in class:
Standard Deviants Guide to Psychology, Video
Free Response 1999-2009. AP Central
Course Outline:
Unit One: 10-14% of the AP Exam
1. History and Approaches (2-4%)
o Logic, philosophy, and history of science
o Approaches
 Biological
 Behavioral
 Cognitive
 Humanistic
 Psychodynamic
 Sociocultural
 Evolutionary
*Read Unit One from textbook
*Quiz covering, “The Science of Psychology”
2. Research Methods (8-10%)
o Experimental, Correlational, and Clinical Research
o Statistics
 Descriptive
 Inferential
o Ethics in Research
*Read Unit 2 from textbook
*Quiz covering, “Measurement and Statistical Methods”
Unit Two: 16-22% of the AP Exam
3. Biological Bases of Behavior (8-10%)
o Physiological Techniques
o Neuroanatomy
o Functional organization of the Nervous System
o Neural Transmission
o Endocrine System
o Genetics
o Evolutionary Psychology
*Read Unit 3A, 3B, and 3C from textbook
*Quiz covering, “The Biological Basis of Behavior”
4. Sensation and Perception (6-8%)
o Thresholds and Signal Detection Theory
o Sensory Mechanisms
o Attention
o Perceptual Processes
*Read Unit 4 from textbook
*Quiz covering, “Sensation and Perception”
5. States of Consciousness (2-4%)
o Sleep and Dreaming
o Hypnosis
o Psychoactive Drug Effects
*Read Unit 5 from the textbook
*Quiz covering, “States of Consciousness”
**Unit One and Two Examination. Exam will contain 100 multiple choice questions (70
minutes) and two Free Response questions (50 minutes)
Unit Three: 15-19% of the AP Exam
6. Learning (7-9%)
o Classical Conditioning
o Operant Conditioning
o Cognitive Processes in Learning
o Biological Factors
o Social Learning
*Read Unit 6 in the textbook
*Quiz covering, “Learning”
7. Cognition (8-10%)
o Memory
o Language
o Thinking
o Problem Solving and Creativity
*Read Unit 7A and Unit 7B in the textbook
*Quiz covering, “Memory, Cognition, and Language)
Unit Four: 13-17% of the AP Exam
8. Motivation and Emotion (6-8%)
o Biological Bases
o Theories of Motivation
o Hunger, Thirst, Sex, and Pain
o Social Motives
o Theories of Emotion
o Stress
*Read Unit 8A and 8B in the textbook
*Quiz covering, “Motivation and Emotion”
9. Developmental Psychology (7-9%)
o Life-Span Approach
o Research Methods
o Heredity-Environmental Issues
o Developmental Theories
o Dimensions of Development
 Physical
 Cognitive
 Social
 Moral
o Sex Roles and Gender Roles
*Read Unit 9 in the textbook
*Quiz covering, “Life Span Development”
**Unit Three and Four Examination. Exam will contain 100 multiple choice questions
(70 minutes) and two Free Response questions (50 minutes)
Unit Five: 18-24% of the AP Exam
10. Personality (5-7%)
o Personality Theories and Approaches
o Assessment Techniques
o Growth and Adjustment
*Read Unit 10 in the textbook
Quiz covering, “Personality”
11. Testing and Individual Differences (5-7%)
o Standardization and Norms
o Reliability and Validity
o Types of Tests
o Ethics and Standards in Testing
o Intelligence
*Read Unit 11 in the textbook
*Quiz covering “Intelligence and Mental Abilities”
12. Social Psychology (7-9%)
o Group Dynamics
o Attribution Processes
o Interpersonal Perception
o Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
o Attitudes and Attitude Change
o Organizational Behavior
o Aggression/Antisocial Behavior
o Cultural Influences
*Read Unit 14 in the textbook
*Quiz covering, “Social Psychology”
**Unit Five Examination. Exam will contain 100 multiple choice questions (70 minutes)
and two Free Response questions (50 minutes)
Unit Six: 12-16%
13. Abnormal Psychology (7-9%)
o Definitions of Abnormality
o Theories of Psychopathology
o Diagnosis of Psychopathology
o Types of Disorders
 Anxiety Disorders
 Somatoform Disorders
 Mood Disorders
 Schizophrenic Disorders
 Organic Disorders
 Personality Disorders
 Dissociative Disorders
*Read Unit 12 in the textbook
*Quiz covering, “Psychological Disorders”
14. Treatment of Psychological Disorders (5-7%)
o Treatment Approaches
 Psychodynamic
 Humanistic Approaches
 Behavioral Approaches
 Cognitive Approaches
 Biological Approaches
o Modes of Therapy
o Community and Preventive Approaches
*Read Unit 13 in the textbook
*Quiz covering, “Therapies”
**Unit Six Examination. Exam will contain 100 multiple choice questions (70 minutes)
and two Free Response questions (50 minutes)
Review for AP Final
Final Exam consisting of a released AP Psychology Exam
AP Psychology Exam (Monday, May 4th, afternoon)
Guided Reading Requirement:
For each chapter, students are expected to complete the vocabulary for a grade that will be assessed
during the days on the reading guide. These may be done either in their notebook as a stand-alone
section, or on note cards.
Quiz and Multiple Choice Exam Grading:
Every quiz and multiple choice exam will be graded using the AP format. Students will be permitted
to use both class notes and reading notes on each quiz (no printed power point notes).
Each multiple choice exam will be worth 2/3 of the total exam score. Total of 100 points.
Free-Response Grading:
Each Examination will include two Free-Response questions which will be graded at 1/3 of the final
score for the total exam score. Total of 50 points, questions may not be equal in value.
The following method will convert a quiz score into a grade.
Composite Score Range
Projected AP Grade
Course Grade
The following method will convert an exam score into a grade.
Composite Score Range
Projected AP Grade
Course Grade