Group Project #2: Historically Famous Composers

VPA Group Project #2: Historically Famous Composers
(50 points)
-Each group will prepare a power point presentation focusing on two historically significant composers
from a specified historical era.
-You will have lab/class time to research, compile, and organize your power point presentation.
-Presentations will be made in conjunction with our study of each historical era.
 Biography: Dates, Locations, Family, Education, Employment, etc
 What genre/style of music is each composer most well known for?
 What was each composer’s main instrument(s)?
 What were their most famous compositions? What makes those compositions significant?
 Any other major contributions or skills other than composing?
 Interesting or significant events that took place during the composer’s lifetimes?
 Miscellaneous/interesting facts pertaining to the composers.
 Pictures
 Audio/video examples of the composer’s music being performed
 Etc. etc. etc.
 You may use reliable Internet sources, textbooks, and encyclopedias to develop your presentation.
 You must include a multiple-choice or “fill in the blank” quiz about your two composers
pertaining to the information in your presentation. 10 questions!
 Your presentation should last approximately 30 minutes. You should have 6-7 slides for each
composer (12-14 slides total). This is ONLY A GUIDELINE!
 50 point project: Grading is based on:
o Inclusion of accurate and relevant information pertaining to each composer
o Inclusion of pictures, audio, video, or other multi-media into your presentation
o Inclusion of 10 point multiple-choice quiz.
o Overall organization and fluency of your lesson
o Length: 30 minutes, (possibly 12-14 slides?)
 Group 1: Giovanni Palestrina and Josquin Dez Pres (Renaissance Era)
 Group 2: Johann Sebastian Bach and Antonio Vivaldi (Baroque Era)
 Group 3: George Frederic Handel and Johann Pachelbel (Baroque Era)
 Group 4: Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri (Classical Era)
 Group 5: Ludwig Von Beethoven and Niccolo Paganini (Classical Era)
 Group 6: Franz Joseph Haydn and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (Classical Era
 Group 7: Peter (Peotr) Tchaikovsky and Johannes Brahms (Romantic Era)
 Group 8: Richard Wagner and Frederic Chopin (Romantic Era)
 Group 9: Claude Debussy and Isaac Albeniz (Impressionist Era)
 Group 10: Maurice Ravel and Ottorino Respighi (Impressionist Era)
 Group 11: Aaron Copland and John Cage (“Modern Era”)
 Group 12: Igor Stravinsky and Leonard Bernstein (“Modern Era”)
 Group 13: George Gershwin and John Williams (Modern Era)