Chapter 8 - Section 4 Notes

American History 1: Chapter 8 – Section 4
I. Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (TR)
A. Product of NYC aristocratic wealth, education & status
B. Known for extremely charismatic personality and amazingly energetic
C. Impact of North Dakota ranching experience
D. Reputation as a New York reformer and Sec. of the Navy
E. Fame from the Spanish-American War (Rough Riders) ---------- Gov. of New York
F. Republican leaders desire to rid themselves of TR -------------- McKinley’s V.P.
G. Assassination of McKinley (1901) -------------- TR becomes president
II. The Square Deal
A. TR’s desire to regulate big business and protect consumers
B. Threats of federal takeover to end the Pennsylvania coal miners strike (1902)
C. Creation of the Department of Commerce & Department of Labor
D. Regulation of railroads
1. Elkins Act (1903)
2. Hepburn Act (1906)
E. Distinguishing “good trusts” from “bad trusts”
1. Good trusts promote innovation, provide a necessary service/product and
reduce costs for consumers
2. Bad trusts needlessly destroy competition and manipulate prices to hurt
3. Northern Securities case (1904)
F. Protecting Consumers
1. Impact of The Jungle
2. Meat Inspection Act (1906)
3. Pure Food & Drug Act
III. TR’s Impact on the Environment
A. “Rational” use of the environment
B. Created more national parks than any other president
C. National Reclamation Act (Newlands) Act (1902)
IV. TR’s Split with the Republicans
A. Easily re-elected in 1904, chooses not to run in 1908
B. Throws support behind William Howard Taft
1. Taft is a fellow progressive
2. Taft wins election easily due to TR’s massive popularity
C. Massive disagreement of Taft’s policies
1. Payne-Aldrich Act (1909)
2. Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
D. TR runs for president in 1912
1. New Nationalism plan
2. Denied nomination by Republican convention ------------------ TR forms the
Progressive Party (Bull Moose)