《物流经济学》教学大纲 Teaching program of logistics economics 200

Teaching program of logistics economics
1、status,function and task
The concept of logistics has been fully developed and improved since the world war two.
Due to the implementation of Logistics Systematics and Logistics Rationalization, great e
conomic effectiveness has been created. This is another way to creating economic effective
ness after the saving of raw materials and Activation labor. So logistics economics has a
wide application prospects, no matter in Production field, Sales Territory or transportation
field. the Course category of logistics economics belong to specialized course of Logistics
Management major. The purpose of this course is to make the students learn about the ba
sic theories and methods, and treat this single Economic subject behavior as inspecting obj
ect. Prerequisite of this course is Introduction to Logistics、supply chain and logistics man
agement、logistics system theory、 transportation and packaging and so on.
The task of this course is to teach principles and methods in logistics economics, which
include the theory about logistics demand and supply、the decision of logistics market and price、
the price of logistics production factors 、the theory about income distribution and so on. Through
the teaching of this course, we have two aims:
1、knowing the basic concept of logistics economics, mastering the principles and methods in
2、mastering theory about logistics demand and supply、the decision of logistics market and
price、the price of logistics production factors 、the theory about income distribution and so on, for
realizing the value optimization in the whole supply chain consisted of supplier、manufacturer、
distributor and ultimate customer.
Through the learning about this course, student will further comprehend the characteristics
and application of logistics economics and prepare for the subsequent learning about courses of
logistics management.
2. Content and Essential Requirements
(1)Overview of logistics economics (3 class hours)
The concept of logistics economics
Logistics economics studies
Logistics economics research methods
(2) The supply and demand market price of logistics(6 class hours)
Logistics demand and the change of demand
Logistics supply and the change of supply
Logistics supply and demand elasticity
(3) The theory of Logistics demand (6 class hours)
The analysis of logistics marginal utility
No difference curve analysis of logistics
Comment on Logistics demand theory
(4) Logistics production theory (4 class hours)
Logistics production function
Logistics production elements of the reasonable combination
The best combination of logistics inputs
The logistics of the production scale of the reward
(5)Logistics cost theory(4 class hours)
The implication of the logistics cost
Logistics short-term cost
Logistics long-term cost
(6)Logistics market and the decision of price (6 class hours)
Completely competitive market price and yield decision
Completely monopoly market price and yield decision
Monopolistic competition and duopoly price and yield decision
(7)Logistics production elements of the price and income distribution theory(4class hours)
Logistics production resources price and distribution theory
Logistics production elements and the production elements of the demand
Logistics production elements supply and elements of the price decision
3. Period, Mode of Exam and Teaching Material
Period: 32 class hour
Mode of Exam: closed-book exam
Teaching Material: Zhang Xuchang, Logistics economics, China Machine Press, 2005
4.Physical Distribution Economics
Examination outline of《Logistics economics》
1. Approach of Examination
General comment = assignments in ordinary time + grade of final
assignments in ordinary time 30%
grade of final 70%
Attached: Table of Course
Introduction of Logistics
Class hour
Introduction to logistics,Supply chain and logistics management,
Logistics system theory, Transportation and Packaging
Lecture hour
Computer hour
Teaching material, editor and 《Logistics economics》,Zhang Xuchang, China Machine Press,
Note: ratio of in and out of class: 1:1
2. Content of Examination and Proportion of Each Part
(1) The implication of logistics economics (10%)
(2)The logistics of supply and demand theory(30%)
(3)The logistics production and cost theory(30%)
(4) Logistics market and price decisions(15%)
(5)Logistics production elements price and income distribution theory(15%)
3. Type: filling a vacancy, explanation, discourse
4. Mode of Exam: closed-book exam