Class/Grade: Prekinder 1. What is our purpose? To inquire into the following: • Transdisciplinary Theme Age Group: 4-5 Years School: Colegio Colombo Británico • Central Idea By interacting with each other, human beings learn to acknowledge one another’s emotions and to identify and communicate them which allows them to build relationships. Summative Assessment Task(s): What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the central idea? What evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we look for? Strategy: Tool: Evidence: A Building positive relationship Title: Year: 2011 -2012 Teachers: Fernando Arce, Claudia Ayerbe, Jayá Bookwalter, Pilar Clavijo, Martha Elena Duque, Clara Inés Flecher, Janeth Giraldo, Flor Herrera, Alexander Marulanda, Diana Fernanda Moreno, Yvonne Muñoz, Fabio Ortega, María Alejandra Ossa, Vicente Medina, Martha Inés Parra, Ana María de la Torre, Teresa Velásquez, Margarita Mendoza Proposed Duration: January 11th-June 15th, 2012. Prompt: “ Identify feeling/emotion and corresponds to the expression PYP Planner School Code: 700202 Who we are Menciona más de un sentimiento/ la descripción que hace de los sentimientos corresponde al comportamiento/hace conexiones o transfiere a situaciones de su vida personal Da ejemplos de cómo solucionar/agrega otras acciones que demuestran conciliación C D menciona un sentimiento/ la forma como comunica el sentimiento está relacionada con el sentimiento que expresa/la descripción que hace del sentimiento corresponde a l comportamiento B Muestra cuál es el sentimiento pero no usa la palabra adecuada/la descripción que hace del sentimiento corresponde al comportamiento No es capaz de ponerse en el lugar del otro y habla de ellos en tercera persona/relata la historia y no sale de ahí/la expresión del sentimiento está muy estereotipada y no tiene relación Logra comunicar su sentimiento sin utilizar expresiones hirientes Al reflexionar sobre la expresión de su sentimiento logra reconocer si su reacción puede ser hiriente con su hermana Created: Prekinder Team Comunica su sentimiento sin tener en cuenta el bienestar del otro Latest Revision: 11/20/08 2. What do we want to learn? What are the key concepts to be emphasized within this inquiry? FORM: Emotion and Relationship CAUSATION: Communication CONNECTION: Relationship RESPONSIBILITY: Communication REFLECTION: Emotion What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea? The wide variety of feelings and emotions human beings have Different ways of communicating feelings How the way of communicating feelings affects our relationships Our responsibility in communicating our feelings appropriately What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries? Teacher Questions . How do we express our feelings and emotions? How do others feel when we express our feelings and emotions? How should we express ourselves in order to build positive relationships? Provocation: • The children will be invited to a presentation in the Dome. The teachers will act out as different characters from a Circus. They will show different feelings in different situations. Once finished, teachers will ask the children what they think the new unit is about. Printed 3/8/16 3. How might we know what we have learned? This column should be used in conjunction with “How best might we learn?” What are the possible ways of assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills? What evidence will we look for? 4. How best might we learn? Knowledge: Teachers will be ask children “What feelings do you know?” and will ask the children to draw or write all the feelings they know. Strategy: Open ended task Tool: Anecdotal record Research on: Feelings and emotions: -Classroom teachers will work the feelings in English: sad, cross, surprised, happy, scared, proud, jealous • They will invite children to go to the library and ask the librarian about books related to the topic. (Janeth the librarian will have prepared in advance books, magazines, posters for them to explore). • The children will look in magazines for people’s expressions and make posters related to each one How people can demonstrate feelings and emotions: -Children will inquiry about how their parents and children demonstrate their feelings and emotions through homework. They will register their findings, either drawing or writing and will share with the class Interviews: -Children will go around the school interviewing different people about how they demonstrate their feelings and emotions; i.e. what they do when they feel: sad, cross, scared, etc. They will go with their clipboard to record the information using a feeling chart. Field trip: The children will go to “Esquina Latina” to see a performance called “La escuelita de Oscar Gruñón”. In a class discussion teachers will ask children to choose a character from the presentation and tell the feeling he/she demonstrated, the way he/she did it and its effect on them. Experiments and hands on activities: Artes Visuales: -Los niños crearán un títere utilizando diferentes papeles, tratarán de representar una expresión en su títere. (Alegre, triste, asustado etc.).-Los niños dibujarán y pintarán un rostro, observando las diferentes formas del rostro de sus compañeros y tratando de dibujar una expresión en él. Dance: los niños explorarán y experimentarán las posibilidades y recursos expresivos del propio cuerpo para comunicar sensaciones a través de la Ronda y el juego con movimientos globales y libres asociados a elementos rítmicos. Feelings skit: teachers will act out different situations to the group (negative and positive) in order to have the children identify some reactions and consequences those emotions have.-Children will be asked to play expressing emotions games, in which some children will “act” a feeling and the others should identify it.-Looking at the mirror activity, they have to observe in detail their own grimace and draw themselves. In these activities children will have opportunity to discover some feelings and emotions and the different ways to demonstrate them. What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for the development of the attributes of the learner profile? Transdisciplinary Skills: COMMUNICATION: Non Verbal: L2: kinesthetic communication : En Teatro se plantearán diferentes ejercicios teatrales como el del cine: cada uno entrará al teatro a ver una película que el profesor narrará y ellos deberán expresar con todo su cuerpo eso que les hace sentir la narración. En ella, deberán mostrar diferentes sentimientos y luego, en pequeños grupos realizarán el ejercicio y el resto de los compañeros retroalimetarán la forma como expresaban esos sentimientos. -Speaking: (L1): express logical and clear ideas En clase de Español los niños tendrán la oportunidad de leer textos escritos en los cuales se relatan historias vividas por personajes donde se ven una variedad de sentimientos como son la tristeza, la alegría, el orgullo, los celos y el temor. A partir de las historias se invitará a los niños a pensar en situaciones similares que hayan sido experimentadas por ellos y en las cuales han tenido estos sentimientos. Se motivará a los niños a expresar sus ideas utilizando estructuras tales como “ Yo me he sentido orgulloso cuando”. “Yo me siento feliz cuando” A partir de la lectura de textos y de la observación de las ilustraciones se pedirá a los niños que expresen a través del dibujo la expresión que acompaña el sentimiento de tal manera que pueda ser totalmente entendible para el observador. Se invitar a los niños a observar sus rostros para determinar la expresión que acompaña ese sentimiento. RESEARCH: Collecting data (Interviewing people about expressing emotions) Children will interview people around the school, asking how they express their feelings and emotions. They will register their findings on a worksheet SELF-MANAGEMENT: -Informed choices: SOCIAL: -Resolving conflict: listening carefully to others and accepting responsibility appropriately en Teatro, trabajo se centrará en mostarles a los niños por medio de la actuación una corta escena en la que se observabarán conflictos propios de la edad. Se dejará el conflicto y no se terminará la escena. Ellos en pequeños grupos deberán retomar la escena y entre todos plantear un final que dejará felices a las dos partes. Respecting others: During the different activities proposed, the children will need to show respect to others’ feelings, ideas .Learner Profile: Attributes: Open minded: The children will develop this attribute as they will have to consider others’ ideas when making decisions. They will work in different groups at times and will learn to work as a team Reflective: The children will develop this attribute as they will have to think of the best way to express feelings to maintain or build positive relationships. Communicators: Children will develop this attribute as in different learning experiences they will have to listen to others attentively, look at the people performing, express their ideas and opinions properly Attitudes: Empathy: The children will work in different groups which will allow them know each other better Tolerance: The children will develop tolerance as they will have to consider others’ feelings and ideas that might be different to theirs Creativity: When they perform to their peers, they will have to show creativity on solving the problem properly Skills: During the school year, the children have been observed in their daily interactions with others to handle difficult situations and the way they make decisions. These observations have been registered in anecdotal records. -Resolving conflict: teachers will act out different problematic situations to the children and will ask them what they would do. -Non verbal communication: mimic exercises in Drama class, will allow the teacher know the children’s development of this skill. Strategy: Open ended task Tool: Check list with space to write observations What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we look for? • The wide variety of feelings and emotions human beings have: Activity: children will be interviewed about feelings they know using flashcards with different feelings: Happy (feliz), sad (triste), cross (enojado), scared (asustado), surprised( sorprendido), shy (tímido). Strategy: Selected response Tool: Check list • The consequences of ways of communicating feelings and The ways of communicating feelings and emotions that lead to positive relationships: In the summative assessment of the central idea, the children will be asked to think of ways of communicating feelings that will help to keep positive relationships. Strategy: Performance Assessment Tool: Anecdotal record 5. What resources need to be gathered? What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc. will be available? Experts: Alexander Marulanda, Drama teacher. Pilar Clavijo, psychologist, Caroline Peters Grade teachers involved in provocation, costumes, masks, elements from drama corner in each class. Bibliography: see annex How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the inquiry? Faces with different expressions of feelings hanged out around the class. Created: Prekinder Team Latest Revision: 11/20/08 What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to encourage the students to engage with the inquiries and address the driving questions? Printed 3/8/16 6. To what extend did we achieve our purpose? 7. Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students’ understanding of the central idea. The reflections of all teachers involved in the planning and teaching of the inquiry should be included. Children showed understanding of the central idea as they were able to identify feelings and emotions, and proposed ways to conciliate with others in order to keep positive relationships Children talked about feelings and emotions spontaneously When children read different books or magazines, they saw people’s expressions and they said what feeling or emotion they were expressing This unit helped PK children to learn more from each other and understand the importance of expressing feelings and emotions properly In Spanish class, Samuel Ramirez (RPK): “Esa no es la manera de solucionar un problema” What were the learning experiences that enabled students to: How you could improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would have a more accurate picture of each student’s understanding of the central idea. We should have a different audience for the performances We need to improve the ways of presenting as for example, the children who chose to draw, ended talking about their task We need to include the specialists (Drama, Music, Visual Arts and Dance) in the mentory What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the transdisciplinary theme? The children expressed their feelings and emotions with increasing confidence The children are more conscious of the appropriate ways of expressing feelings Children are communicating their feelings orally To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP? • develop an understanding of the concepts identified in “What do we want to learn?” • demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary skills? • develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes? In each case, explain your selection Concepts: The teachers’ skit learning experience helped the children understand the concepts of “Expression” and “Relationship” as they could reflect after each skit. They could evidence different feelings and emotions expressions and how they affect relationships. Esquina Latina: after the performance children showed a better understanding of the feelings in terms of its demonstration. They were impressed of the way actors put on scene the different feelings. Interviewing people around school: it was evident that children realized that others have same feelings but with different demonstrations. Most of them enjoyed asking questions to others, especially their big brothers, sisters or cousins. Transdisciplinary skills: Non verbal communication: -Trip to “Esquina Latina”: in the performance there was a scene that exhibited non verbal communication in an excellent way; children were really impressed about it. At the end of the show, they asked questions to the Drama teacher about the way they did it and it was a good opportunity to reflect with them about the ideas or feelings we can express with our bodies. Research: Interviewing people around the school and also interviewing their relatives, helped them develop this skill. Resolving Conflicts: during the workshops with the counselor children had the opportunity to work in small groups following instructions as a team, so they had to solve the inherent conflicts are present in a team group decision. In these moments all teachers helped children with questions and interventions to solve the conflicts. L1speaking La lectura de textos permitió a los niños clarificar e identificar algunos sentimientos desconocidos para ellos, así como hacer transferencias de las situaciones de los personajes a experiencias personales donde los niños pudieron comprender la manera en que ellos expresaban sus sentimientos y las consecuencias de esas formas de expresión, a la vez que entendían a partir de las vivencias de los personajes otras maneras de expresar sus sentimientos como son el expresar a través del lenguaje oral lo que les incomoda, alegra o experimentan en una situación. Dance: El trabajo en grupo en círculo sencillos permitió a los niños trabajar en imitación de movimientos de acciones y gestos que realizan los personajes de una determinada Ronda. En pequeños grupos lograron expresar distintas emociones de (Alegría, Tristeza, Sorpresa y miedo) en distintos juegos con y sin estimulo sonoro. Attributes and attitudes: The best experiences for developing the attributes were the reflections done after the skits and the Esquina Latina performance. The children reflected upon the conflicts they could see and came up with different proposals for solving them. Also, within the classrooms we explained to the children what the attributes meant. In some classrooms, teachers used graphic references and stories and in others, the teachers acted out situations to represent them. In daily situations, teachers kept in mind to verbalize the attributes shown by the children. Created: Prekinder Team Latest Revision: 11/20/08 Printed 3/8/16 Created: Prekinder Team Latest Revision: 11/20/08 Printed 3/8/16 8. What student-initiated inquiries arose from the learning? Record a range of student-initiated inquiries and student questions and highlight any that were incorporated into the teaching and learning. Two questions arose in two classes: “Why do people have feelings?” (BPK) “What happens inside the body when we have different feelings?” (RPK) 9. Teacher notes We need to devote more time for the mentory and include all the specialists The experience with Caroline Peters was very good. However, the time was not enough We need to enrich the “Drama” corners with more costumes, wigs, accessories, etc. What student–initiated actions arose from the learning? 1. María José Medina’s mother (BPK) said that her daughter is expressing her anger in a better way. She is going to her room and taking time to calm down then she leaves the room and apologises. 2. Samuel Ramírez (RPK) told a girl in the classroom: “No grites que así no se solucionan los problemas. Puedes hablar”, when the girl was really cross. Created: Prekinder Team Latest Revision: 11/20/08 Printed 3/8/16