Greetings and Peace to You in the name of Jesus our friend and

Greetings and Peace to You in the name of Jesus our friend and liberating Lord!
These words in the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
are familiar to many. But this line, “Yet knowing how way leads onto way,” gave me pause this week as
I prepared a sermon and anticipate the Season of Lent.
Jesus chose a way when he said no to the offers of power, prestige and mastery in the wilderness.
When he struggled with the powers of this world, he stayed in love with God and that led him into
mission and ministry. Then at his baptism the way he chose continued and he heard God say, “This is
my son and I am so pleased with him.” Then knowing how way leads onto way he went to his
hometown and stood in the synagogue and said God’s presence is with me and God wants me to bring
attention to all of the people you have stopped giving your attention. Then knowing how way leads onto
way some of the people hearing those words got very mad at Jesus and chased him out of town.
In the Season of Lent we all consider how way leads onto way. We are invited to pay attention to the
way God is leading us and the choices we make. There are many things that demand our attention just
like the basic practices of the day. One of the things Jesus’ life expressed was how he took charge of
what he would give his attention to. Jesus was focused and stayed close to God. He decided and he
made the choice. We can too. When you live your life in these 40 days beginning Ash Wednesday
February 13th, plan to give your attention in a new way:
Calling, texting, writing, or emailing an old friend or relative;
Giving more money to someone in need and spending less money on yourself;
Not judging but celebrating with someone else;
Being grateful that you woke up on this side of eternity;
Paying attention to the people you see every day but in a new way;
Remembering to say the words please, thank you, hello, good-bye and I care;
Opening the Bible to Psalm 46 or Psalm 121 or to Matthew chapters 5 through 7;
Praying a hymn like #292 “What wondrous love is this O my soul, O my soul, what wondrous live is this,
O my soul! What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of life to lay aside his crown for my soul.”
Thankful we journey together.