AWARD PRESENTATION SPEECH SPEECH 101 YOUR TOPIC A special occasion speech is a speech of celebration. For your special occasion speech, you will present an award to a famous person, living or dead, renowned for his or her accomplishments in a particular field. Be imaginative as you brainstorm to whom you would most like to present an award. Consider individuals who have achieved greatness in music, art, theater, politics, sports, business, education, science, or any other field that interests you. HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR SPEECH The guidelines for an award presentation are on pages 296-297. Obviously, you should name the award. Then you should state the importance of the award. This should include: 1) an explanation of why the award is given, 2) the history of the award, 3) how often the award is given, and 4) who has won in the past 5) the reason for this presentation. Describe the recipient’s accomplishments and achievements, making it clear with testimony, examples, and anecdotal material why this person is deserving of the award. You may either invent the name and nature of the award or use a real award (e.g., the Pulitzer, an Academy Award, or the Medal of Honor). If you choose to present an award that is real, you will research its background and present real, not made-up, facts about the award. You will also need to carefully research and document the individual’s accomplishments and achievements. This part of your presentation should not sound like a laundry list; rather, through careful choices from your researched material, you will paint a picture of an individual worthy of your award. REQUIREMENTS Use two sources for this speech, and incorporate at least one visual aid into your presentation. The ceremonial speech should be 3-5 minutes and is worth 100 points. The written assignment is a typed Works Cited page that cites your sources using MLA documentation and is submitted on the day you present your speech. Remember, this is a speech to celebrate and entertain, so have fun with this assignment! AWARD PRESENTATION SPEECH SPEECH 101 NAME____________________________________ CONTENT TIME_______________ Possible pts. Earned pts. Names the award 5 _________ Discusses the importance of the award (why it is given, its history, how often it is awarded, and who has won in the past) 15 _________ Describes the achievements that contributed to the person receiving the award, using testimony, examples, and anecdotal material 35 _________ Includes a visual aid carefully incorporated into the speech 15 _________ Length (3-5 minutes) and effective use of voice, posture and gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and language 20 _________ Typed Works Cited page 10 _________ TOTAL POINTS 100 _________ DELIVERY/WRITTEN COMMENTS: