Identification of Unknown #28 Science and Research 94% Introduction Bacteria are typically considered dangerous, a health hazard, something that causes sickness. Most people who group bacteria into this stereotype do not realize that bacteria are actually ubiquitous, meaning they're commonly found throughout the earth. Not only that, but they are necessary for normal life cycles and evolution to continue, and for humanity to progress on many levels, including biomedical, food-related, natural resources, alternative energy sources, and more (Tortora 2013). In a population that is constantly increasing, the studies above become even more important. An increase in population with the same land size results in increased exposure to disease and increased competition and demand for commodities. Since bacteria can be used as a solution to these concerns, it is imperative that the professionals in these fields have a consistent, reputable reference manual for identification, classifications, and descriptions. The most trusted of this literature is Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (Holt, Kreig, Sneath, Staley, & Williams, 1974). In this experiment, an unknown, numbered bacterial sample was assigned to each student of the BIO208 lab. The student then had to classify the organism's genus and species through a process of tests, gradually eliminating possible organisms (Matthews, 2013). This experiment tested the student's ability to apply learned knowledge from lecture and laboratory in terms of practical laboratory skills and techniques with deductive reasoning abilities, and familiarity with bacteriology reference manuals. Materials and Methods A nutrient agar slant containing an unknown bacterium was coded #28 and assigned to the student. Two more agar slants were aseptically inoculated from this original culture, one to be incubated at 25 degrees C and the other at 37 degrees C. Through the differences of environmental Identification of Unknown #28 temperature during incubation, the bacteria's optimal growth temperature can be determined, further aiding in identification. From these two agar slants, the one exhibiting the most growth was selected for the reserve stock, as a backup culture source, and refrigerated, while the lesser growth slant was utilized for further inoculations as the working stock. These further innoculations of the unknown organism included test tubes of Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (FTM), litmus milk, and a nutrient agar plate (NAP). After culturing the NAP, various characteristics of the bacterial colonies can be observed, further classifying and identifying them. Odors can also be observed from NAPs, since some bacteria produce a foul smell. The NAP was also used for innoculation of an Enterotube II system. This system utlizes 12 characteristic-specific tests with little media in a fast, efficient manner, all contained in one labelled tube (Matthews, 2013). A Gram-stain was conducted to determine the morphological characteristics of the bacteria. No further staining was required. A slide of the bacteria was viewed under the video microscope and an image was captured and recorded with the rest of the data obtained in this experiment. This data was recorded in a descriptive chart and evaluated against the table, Selected Characteristics of Some Bacteria Used Unknowns (Matthews, 2013) and the Bergey's Mannual of Determinative Bacteriology (1974). Results Below, recorded in Table 1 are the biochemical properties and the cultural and morphological characteristics of organism #28, observed from the agar slants, plates, and innoculations. Identification of Unknown #28 Table 1. Biochemical, Cultural, and Morphological Characteristics of Organism #28 Slant properties Moderate translusent, colorless effuse growth Colony characteristics Small, round with raised smooth margins and donvex elevated colonies Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (FTM) Facultative aerobe Optimum Temperature 37° C Litmus Milk Acid production and litmus reduction observed from a creamy, purple/blue texture throughout (on Day 7) Glucose Positive (yellow) Lysine Positive (purple) Ornithine Positive (purple) H2S/Indole Negative Adonitol Negative (red) Lactose Negative (red) Arabinose Negative (red) Sorbitol Negative (red) Voges-Proskauer Negative (beige) Dulcitol/PA Negative (green) Urea Negative (purple) Citrate Positive (blue) Cell Shape Rod Arrangement Chains Gram Reaction Negative Motility Non-motile Identification of Unknown #28 Below in Figure 1 is a Gram stain of the unknown bacteria #28. Figure 1. Unknown #28: Gram negative rods in chain-like arrangment Discussion After the innoculations were completed, an Acid-fast stain was done. This Acid-fast stain had to be prepared twice, because the first prepared slide was too dye-soaked to differentiate cells. The second test turned out sufficient, but still dye-heavy, despite careful timing and conservative dye-application. From this, a Gram-negative bacteria was observed, and captured in image, as above in Figure 1. The innoculations prepared, especially the Litmus milk test, are most informative when observed throughout the innoculation period. This is because certain chemical reactions can occur that re-alter the environment of the culture, possibly altering or omitting important observations (Matthews, 2013). The innoculations prepared in this experiment were only viewed once, seven days after innoculation. Although this did not seem to have an impact on final identification of the organism, if observed throughout incubation, more information and a firmer identification could have been formed. Identification of Unknown #28 Another test, the Enterotube II system, innoculated many medium at once with one swab of culture, then allowed to incubated for a week. From this test, three of the results (lactose, arabinose, and sorbitol) were inconsistent with the organism's final identification and characteristics in the table of Selected Characteristics of Some Bacteria Used as Unknowns (Matthews, 2013). These results are italicized in Table 1. Reasons for this are unknown, but most likely attributed to contamination of the medium. After all other tests were completed, the final identification was between two organisms, both of which had identical characteristics of these three tests. Therefore, the altered results did not affect the outcome of the identification, and the Eneterotube II System did not have to be redone. Conclusions After compiling and analyzing results and notes, the student was able to identify unknown organism #28 as Enterobacter aerogenes. Other than the three tests mentioned above, and italicized in Table 1, all test results and observations of characteristics were consistent with what was outlined in the table of Selected Characteristics of Some Bacteria Used as Unknowns (Matthews, 2013) and in Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (1974). The FTM tube, cell shape, Gram-stain, and the Indole, Voges-Proskauer, and Citrate test in the Enterotube II System proved to be the most significant in determining the organism's identity. The three Eneterotube tests were what differentiated E. aerogenes from Escherichia coli bacterium. The Enterobacterium are a common bacteria who reside in the instestinal track. They attack glucose producing acid or any acid, as well as gas (H2), and sometimes they break down pectin and alginate, as well. This aids in digestion and health of the gut. They can be motile with peritrichous flagella or non-motile, as was this culture of E. aerogenes. This species is non-pathogenic and common, as well as a beneficial cohabitant of the gastrointestinal tract (Holt, Kreig, Sneath, Staley, & Williams, 1974). Identification of Unknown #28 Reference List Holt, J. G., Kreig, N. R., Sneath, P H. A., Staley, J. T., & Williams, S. T. (Eds.). (1974). Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology (8th Ed.). Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins. Matthews, D. M. (2013). Microbiology lab manual. Unpublished manuscript. Russell Sage College, Troy, NY. Tortora, G. J., Funke, B. R., & Case, C. L. (2013). Microbiology: An Introduction (11th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.