
CDC February 2007
Glossary of Medical Terms for DHCS
Please note: word in bold is correct medical term, word in italics is common usage expression
Adapted from the website,, sponsored by the
European Union and Heymanns Institute of Pharmacology
abdomen , gut (pop)
abdominal , gut-related (pop)
aberrant , irregular (pop)
abortion , abortion (pop) , termination of pregnancy
abrasion , graze (pop)
abrupt , sudden (pop)
abscess , abscess (pop), boil
abstinence , going without (pop)
accumulation , build-up (pop)
acidosis , high blood acidity (pop)
acne , acne (pop)
acuity , sharpness (pop)
acute , severe (pop)
adenitis , gland inflammation (pop)
adenoma , non-cancerous tumour (pop)
adhesion , sticking (pop)
adnexitis , fallopian tube/ovary inflammation (pop)
adverse , harmful (pop)
aerobic , with oxygen (pop)
aetiology , study of disease cause (pop)
affinity , attraction (pop)
agalactia , not producing milk (pop)
agent , substance (pop)
aggravation , worsening (pop)
aggregation , joining (pop)
agitation , anxiety (pop)
CDC February 2007
AIDS , Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, causes by Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV)
akinesia , lack of movement (pop)
albumin , water-soluble blood protein (pop)
alcoholism , alcoholism (pop)
alimentary , digestion-related (pop)
allergen , substance causing allergy (pop)
allergic , allergic (pop)
alopecia , baldness (pop)
ambulant , walking (pop)
amenorrhoea , lack of periods (pop)
amino acid , protein building block (pop)
amnesia , amnesia (pop), loss of memory
anaemia , anaemia (pop), low haemaglobin
anaerobic , without oxygen (pop)
anaesthesia , deadening of sensation (pop)
anaesthetic , drug to deaden sensation (pop)
anal , anal (pop)
analgesic , pain-killer (pop)
anaphylactic , severe allergic response-related (pop)
anastomosis , connection between two vessels or tubes (pop)
anatomical , body-related (pop)
aneurysm , swelling in artery wall (pop)
angina pectoris , angina (pop), heart/chest pain
anorectal , back passage-related (pop)
anorexia , anorexia (pop) , lack of appetite
anoxia , total lack of oxygen (pop)
antacid , indigestion remedy (pop)
anthelmintic , anti-worm drug (pop)
antibiotic , antibiotic (pop)
antibody , antibody (pop)
anticoagulant , substance that prevents blood clotting (pop)
anticonvulsant , substance to stop convulsions (pop)
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antidepressant , tranquilizer (pop)
antidiabetic , diabetes drug (pop)
antidiuretic , substance to slow urine formation (pop)
antiemetic , substance to stop vomiting (pop)
antiepileptic , epilepsy drug (pop)
antifungal , fungus-killer (pop)
antihistamine , antihistamine (pop)
antihypertensive , high blood pressure drug (pop)
antiinfective , disinfection (pop)
antiinflammatory , substance to reduce swelling (pop)
antimicrobial , substance to kill microorganisms (pop)
antimycotic , fungus treatment (pop)
antipruritic , itch treatment (pop)
antipsychotic , tranquilizer (pop)
antipyretic , fever treatment (pop)
antiseptic , antiseptic (pop)
antispasmodic , spasm treatment (pop)
antithrombotic , blood clotting treatment (pop)
antitussive , cough medicine (pop)
antiviral , virus treatment (pop)
anuria , non-production of urine (pop)
anus , back passage (pop), rectum
anxiety , anxiety (pop)
apathy , apathy (pop)
aphasia , stroke (pop)
apnoea , stopping breathing (pop)
aqueous , watery (pop)
arrhythmia , irregular heartbeat (pop)
arterial , artery-related (pop)
arteriosclerosis , hardening of the arteries (pop)
arteriovenous , artery and vein-related (pop)
arthralgia , pain in a joint (pop)
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arthritis , arthritis (pop)
arthropathy , joint disease (pop)
arthrosis , joint disease (pop)
articular , joint-related (pop)
ascites , fluid collection in abdomen (pop)
asepsis , cleanliness (pop)
aseptic , clean (pop)
aspiration , breathing in (pop)
assay , analytical test (pop)
asthma , disease which causes narrowing of the upper airways
asymptomatic , without symptoms (pop)
asystole , no heart beat (pop)
ataxia , lack of coordination (pop)
atony , lack of muscle tone (pop)
atopic , allergic reaction (pop)
atrial , heart-related (pop)
atrioventricular , heart-related (pop)
atrium , part of the heart (pop)
atrophy , wasting (pop)
atypical , unusual (pop)
auditory , hearing-related (pop)
auricular , ear-related (pop)
auscultation , listening with a stethoscope (pop)
autonomic , unconscious (pop)
bacillus , bacteria (pop)
balanitis , swollen penis (pop)
benign , non-malignant (pop)
bilateral , two-sided (pop)
biliary , bile-related (pop)
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bipolar affective disorder , manic depression
biopsy , biopsy (pop)
blepharitis , eyelid inflammation (pop)
bolus injection , big injection (pop)
bowels, that which is passed from the back passage
bradycardia , slow heartbeat (pop)
bradykinesia , sluggishness (pop)
bradypnoea , slow breathing (pop)
bronchial , bronchial (pop)
bronchiectasis , widening of the airways (pop)
bronchitis , bronchitis (pop)
bronchoconstriction , tight chestedness (pop)
bronchodilatation , drug to help breathing (pop)
bronchopneumonia , bronchial pneumonia (pop)
bronchopulmonary , chest-related (pop)
bronchus , breathing tube (pop)
bursitis , inflammation of the bursa in the knee (pop)
cachexia , wasting away (pop)
calcification , hardening (pop)
calculus , stone (pop)
candidiasis , thrush (pop)
capillary , capillary (pop)
carbohydrate , carbohydrate (pop)
carcinogenic , cancer-causing (pop)
carcinoma , cancer (pop)
cardiac , cardiac (pop), from the heart
cardiogenic , originating in the heart (pop)
cardiological , heart study-related (pop)
cardiomegaly , heart enlargement (pop)
cardiomyopathy , chronic heart disease (pop)
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cardiopathy , heart disease (pop)
cardiopulmonary , heart and lung-related (pop)
cardiorespiratory , heart and lung-related (pop)
cardiovascular , heart and blood vessel-related (pop)
caries , tooth decay (pop)
castration , castration (pop), removal of testicles
cataract , cataract (pop), ocular lens opacity impairing vision
catheter , fine tube, (urine) bag (pop)
catheterization , fitting a (urine) bag (pop)
caudal , nearer the tail (pop)
causal , cause-related (pop)
caustic , corrosive (pop)
cavity , hollow (pop)
cellulitis , inflammation of connective tissue (pop)
cerebellar , brain-related (pop)
cerebral , brain-related (pop)
cerebrospinal , brain and spinal cord-related (pop)
cerebrovascular , brain and blood vessel-related (pop)
cerumen , earwax (pop)
cervical , womb/uterus neck-related (pop)
chemotherapy , chemotherapy (pop)
chicken pox (pop) , varicella
chickenpox/shingles virus (pop) , herpes zoster
chlamydia , sexually transmitted infection
chloasma , dark patches on the face (pop)
cholangiography , bile duct X-ray (pop)
cholangitis , bile duct inflammation (pop)
cholecystitis , gall bladder inflammation (pop)
cholelithiasis , gallstones (pop)
cholestasis , bile flow stoppage (pop)
cholesterol , cholesterol (pop)
cicatrization , scarring (pop)
CDC February 2007
cirrhosis , liver disease (pop)
clinical , clinical (pop)
clitoral , clitoris-related (pop)
coagulation , clotting (pop)
cochlear , acoustic nerve-related (pop)
cognitive , understood (pop)
coitus , sexual intercourse (pop)
cold sore/ genital herpes virus (pop) , herpes simplex
colic (pop) , gastralgia, stomach pain
colitis , colon inflammation (pop)
collection of pus (pop) , empyema
colon and rectum-related (pop) , colorectal
colon inflammation (pop) , diverticulitis
colon enlargement (pop) , megacolon
colonic flora , colon bacteria (pop)
colorectal , colon and rectum-related (pop)
comatose , comatose (pop), in a coma
commensal , microorganism (pop), normally occurring
conception , conception (pop), in the beginning
concomitant , associated (pop)
condyloma , genital warts (pop)
congenital , from birth (pop)
congestion , congestion (pop) , build up
conjugated , joined (pop)
conjunctivitis , eye inflammation (pop)
conservative , not extreme (pop)
constipation , constipation (pop), difficulty passing faeces
contraception , birth control (pop)
contraceptive , contraceptive (pop)
contraction , contraction (pop)
contracture , permanent tissue shortening (pop)
contusion , bruise (pop)
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conventional , normal (pop)
coronary , heart muscle/artery-related (pop)
correlation , association (pop)
cortex , outer layer (pop)
cortical , cortex-related (pop)
corticosteroid , hormone (pop)
cough medicine (pop) , expectorant
cough medicine (pop) , antitussive
coughing up blood (pop) , haemoptysis
cranial , skull-related (pop)
Crohn's disease (pop) , ileitis
cumulative , increasing (pop)
curative , curing (pop)
curettage , D&C (pop) , scrape out contents of uterus
cut into vagina in childbirth (pop) , episiotomy
cut (pop) , incision
cutaneous , skin-related (pop)
cyanosis , bluish skin (pop)
cyclic , regular (pop)
cyst , cyst (pop) , lump filled with fluid
cystic fibrosis , cystic fibrosis (pop)
cystitis , cystitis (pop),infection in bladder or urethra
cystoscopy , bladder examination (pop)
cytotoxic , cancer drug (pop)
D&C (pop) , dilatation and curettage of the uterus
decongestant , decongestant (pop)
decubitus , lying down (pop)
defaecation , emptying the bowels (pop)
defibrillation , restoring heart beat (pop)
degenerative , worsening (pop)
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degradation , break-down (pop)
dehydration , dehydration (pop)
delirium , being delerious (pop)
dementia , losing your mind (pop), mental condition of ‘forgetfulness’
dentition , set of teeth (pop)
depigmentation , loss of normal pigment (pop)
depletion , removal (pop)
depression , depression (pop)
deprivation , loss or lack (pop)
dermatitis , skin problems (pop)
dermatological , skin-related (pop)
desquamation , flaky skin (pop)
detoxication , drug addiction treatment (pop)
diabetes , diabetes (pop)
diagnosis , diagnosis (pop)
dialysis , dialysis (pop), filtering system
diaphoresis , sweating (pop)
diarrhoea , diarrhoea (pop) , frequent bowel motions
diastolic , part of blood pressure (pop)
difficulty in swallowing (pop) , dysphagia
diffuse , widely distributed (pop)
digestive , digestive (pop)
dilatation , stretching (pop)
diphtheria , diptheria (pop)
diplopia , double vision (pop)
disease prevention (pop) , prophylaxis
disease contracted in hospital (pop) , nosocomial
diseased state (pop) , morbidity
disinfectant , disenfectant (pop)
disk-shaped (pop) , discoid
dislocation , moving out of position (pop)
disposition , tendency (pop)
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disseminate , scatter (pop)
dissociation , separation (pop)
distal , further from central (pop)
distension , enlarging (pop)
diuresis , passing more urine than normal (pop)
diuretic , drug to increase urine output (pop)
diverticulitis , colon inflammation (pop)
donor , donor (pop)
dorsal , back-related (pop)
douching , washing out (pop)
duct , passage (pop)
duct narrowing (pop) , stenosis
duodenum , gut (pop)
dura mater , covering of brain and spinal chord (pop)
dysarthria , speech defect (pop)
dyscrasia , bad temper (pop)
dysentery , dysentry (pop), chronic or bloody diarrhoea
dysfunction , malfunction (pop)
dyskinesia , jerky movements (pop)
dysmenorrhoea , bad periods (pop)
dyspareunia , painful intercourse (pop)
dyspepsia , indigestion (pop)
dysphagia , difficulty in swallowing (pop)
dysphoria , anxiety (pop)
dysplasia , abnormality of development (pop)
dyspnoea , laboured breathing (pop)
dystonia , muscle disorders (pop)
dystrophy , growth failure in tissue (pop)
dysuria , painful urination (pop)
E.N.T (pop) , otorhinolaryngology , Ear, Nose and Throat
CDC February 2007
ecchymosis , bruising (pop)
echography , scan (pop)
eclampsia , pregnancy complication (pop)
ectopic , in the wrong place (pop)
eczema , eczema (pop)
effusion , escape of fluid (pop)
ejaculation , ejaculation (pop)
elective , non-urgent (pop)
electrocardiography , heart monitor (pop), ECG
electroencephalography , brain scan (pop), EEG
electrolyte , solution which conducts electricity (pop)
electrophysiological , involving study of electrical phenomena in living bodies (pop)
embolism , sudden blocking of an artery (pop)
embryo , embryo (pop)
emesis , vomiting (pop)
emetic , substance to cause vomiting (pop)
emollient , soothing (pop)
emphysema , chronic airways - lung disease (pop)
empiric , based on experience (pop)
empyema , collection of pus (pop)
encephalitis , brain inflammation (pop)
encephalopathy , brain disease (pop)
endemic , occuring continuously in a population (pop)
endocarditis , heart (lining and valve) inflammation (pop)
endocrine , internal secretion-related (pop)
endogenous , without obvious external cause (pop)
endometriosis , condition related to painful periods (pop)
endoscopy , internal examination using fibre optic tube (pop)
endothelium , lining of heart and blood vessels (pop)
enema , enema (pop), medical treatment given into the anus
enteric coated , coating on tablets (pop)
enteritis , small intestine inflammation (pop)
CDC February 2007
enterocolitis , (small and large) intestine inflammation (pop)
enterohepatic , intestine and liver-related (pop)
enuresis , bedwetting (pop)
enzyme , enzyme (pop)
eosinophilia , increase in white blood cells (pop)
epicondylitis , tennis elbow (pop)
epidemic , epidemic (pop)
epidural , painkiller during childbirth (pop)
epigastric , upper abdomen-related (pop)
epilepsy , epilepsy (pop)
epiphyseal , bone growth-related (pop)
episiotomy , cut to vagina in childbirth (pop)
epistaxis , nosebleed (pop)
erection , erection (pop)
eructation , belching (pop)
erysipelas , skin infection (pop)
erythema , skin redness (pop)
euphoria , euphoria (pop)
evacuation , emptying (pop)
exacerbation , worsening (pop)
excretion , removal of waste (pop)
exfoliation , shedding of cells (pop)
exocrine , glands which secrete outwards (pop)
exogenous , with an external origin (pop)
exophthalmos , protuding eyes (pop)
expectorant , cough medicine (pop)
expiration , breathing out (pop)
extracellular , outside cells (pop)
extracorporeal , outside the body (pop)
extraction , removal (pop)
extrapyramidal , part of central nerve system (pop)
extravasation , escape of blood or fluid into tissue (pop)
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extravascular , outside a vessel (pop)
exudate , leaded fluid (pop)
eye-related (pop) , optic
eye socket-related (pop) , orbital
eye socket-related (pop) , periorbital
eye – retinal nerve disease (pop) , retinopathy
eye infection (pop) , trachoma
eyelid inflammation (pop) , blepharitis
faeces , faeces (pop), bowel motion, passed from back passage
fatal , fatal (pop) , deadly
febrile , feverish (pop)
femoral , thigh-related (pop)
fertility , fertility (pop)
fever (pop) , pyrexia
feverish (pop) , febrile
fibrosis , fibrous tissue formation (pop)
first period (pop) , menarche
fistula , abnormal passage (pop)
flaccid , soft (pop)
flaky skin (pop) , desquamation
flatulence , wind (pop)
foetal , foetal (pop), of the unborn baby
folliculitis , follicle inflammation (pop)
fontanelle , soft spot on top of infant’s head (pop)
fracture , fracture (pop), broken
frequency , frequency (pop)
frequency (pop) , frequency
frequent urination at night (pop) , nocturia
frigidity , frigidity, difficulty having sexual intercourse (pop),
fungicide , fungicide (pop)
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galactorrhoea , excessive milk production (pop)
gangrene , gangrene (pop), necrosis
gastritis , upset stomach (pop)
gastroduodenal , stomach and gut-related (pop)
gastrointestinal , gastro-intestinal (pop)
gastro-oesophageal , stomach and gullet-related (pop)
genital , genital (pop)
genitourinary , genital and urinary organ-related (pop)
geriatric , geriatric (pop)
gestation , pregnancy (pop)
gingivitis , gum inflammation (pop)
giving relief but not cure (pop) , palliative
giving birth (pop) , parturition
gland inflammation (pop) , adenitis
glands which secrete outwards (pop) , exocrine
glaucoma , progressive blindness (pop)
glomerulonephritis , acute kidney inflammation (pop)
glossitis , tongue inflammation (pop)
glottis , voice box (pop)
glycosuria , sugar in the urine (pop)
gonadal , testicle-related (pop)
gonorrhoea , gonorrhoea (pop), sexually transmitted infection
gout (pop) , hyperuricaemia, inflammation of a joint related to uric acid accumulation
grand mal , epileptic seizure (pop)
gravidity , pregnancy (pop), number of pregnancies
graze (pop) , abrasion
groin-related (pop) , inguinal
gum inflammation (pop) , gingivitis
gut (pop) , duodenum
CDC February 2007
gut (pop) , abdomen
gut-related (pop) , abdominal
gynaecological , gynaelogical (pop), related to women’s reproductive tract
gynaecomastia , development of breasts in men (pop)
habitual , usual (pop)
haematemesis , vomiting blood (pop)
haematological, blood study-related (pop)
haematoma , bruising (pop)
haematuria , blood in the urine (pop)
haemodialysis , dialysis (pop), filtering of the blood by a machine
haemoglobin , cells in blood that transport oxygen around body
haemoglobinopathy , disease of abnormal haemoglobin
haemolysis , destruction of red blood cells (pop)
haemoptysis , coughing up blood (pop)
haemorrhage , haemorrhage (pop), heavy blood loss
haemorrhoids , piles (pop), enlarged blood vessels around the anus
haemostasis , stopping bleeding (pop)
hallucination , hallucination (pop)
harmful (pop) , adverse
hay fever (pop) , rhinitis
heart and lung-related (pop) , cardiopulmonary
heart and blood vessel-related (pop) , cardiovascular
heart monitor (pop) , electrocardiography
heart muscle/artery-related (pop) , coronary
heart failure (pop) , fluid accumulation in the lungs from ineffective pumping
heart attack (pop) , myocardial infarction
heart inflammation (pop) , myocarditis
heart inflammation (pop) , pericarditis
heavy periods (pop) , menorrhagia
helminths , worm infection (pop)
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hemiplegia , paralysis of one side (pop)
hepatic , liver-related (pop)
hepatitis , hepatitis (pop)
hepatobiliary , liver and bile duct-related (pop)
hepatocellular , liver cell-related (pop)
hepatomegaly , liver enlargement (pop)
hepatotoxic , poisonous to liver cells (pop)
heredity , heredity (pop), can be passed on
hernia , hernia (pop), hole in muscle fibres allowing internal contents out
herpes zoster , chickenpox/shingles virus (pop)
herpes simplex , cold sore/ genital herpes virus (pop)
hiccup (pop) , singultus
high blood pressure (pop) , hypertension
high blood sugar (pop) , hyperglycaemia
high body temperature (pop) , hyperthermia
hirsutism , hairiness (pop)
homogeneous , uniform (pop)
hormonal , hormonal (pop)
humeral , upper arm-related (pop)
humeroscapular , shoulder-related (pop)
hydration , adding water (pop)
hydrocephalus , water on the brain (pop)
hygienic , hygienic (pop)
hyperemesis , excessive vomiting (pop)
hyperglycaemia , high blood sugar (pop)
hyperreflexia , exaggerated reflexes (pop)
hypersecretion , excessive secretion (pop)
hypersensitivity , over-sensitivity (pop)
hypertension , high blood pressure (pop)
hyperthyroidism , over-active thyroid (pop)
hypertrophy , increase in the size of an organ (pop)
hyperventilation , hyperventilation (pop)
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hypochondriasis , being hypochondriac (pop)
hypoglycaemia , low blood sugar (pop)
hypotension , low blood pressure (pop)
hypotensive , with low blood pressure (pop)
hypothyroidism , underactive thyroid (pop)
hypotonia , muscle wastage (pop)
hypotrophy , ageing (pop)
hypovolaemia , low blood volume (pop)
hypoxaemia , blood oxygen deficiency (pop)
hypoxia , tissue oxygen deficiency (pop)
hysterectomy , hysterectomy (pop)
hysteria (pop) , madness, frenzy
icterus , jaundice (pop)
idiopathic , of unknown cause (pop)
ileitis , Crohn's disease (pop)
ileus , intestinal blockage (pop)
immobilization , stopping movement (pop)
immunization , immunization (pop)
impetigo , impetigo (pop)
impotence , impotence (pop), inability to sustain a penile erection
in situ , in the normal place (pop)
inactive , inactive (pop)
inadequate , inadequate (pop)
incision , cut (pop)
inclusive (pop) , inclusive
incontinence , incontinence (pop), inability to control bladder or bowels
incubation , incubation (pop)
induration , hardening (pop)
infarction , heart attack (pop)
infection , infection (pop)
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infiltration , infiltration (pop)
inflammation , inflammation (pop)
influenza , flu (pop)
infrequent periods (pop) , oligomenorrhoea
infuse , pour in (pop)
infusion , transfusion not of blood (pop)
ingestion , swallowing (pop)
inguinal , groin-related (pop)
inhalation , breathing in (pop)
inherent , natural (pop)
initial dose (pop) , loading dose
injection , injection (pop)
inoperable , inoperable (pop)
inorganic , non-organic (pop)
insomnia , sleeplessness (pop)
inspiration , breathing in (pop)
intercostal , between the ribs (pop)
intercourse (pop) , coitus
intermittent , intermittent (pop)
interstitial , in gaps between tissue (pop)
intoxication , poisoning (pop)
intramuscular , within the muscle (pop)
intraocular , within the eye (pop)
intrathecal , within the fluid surrounding the spinal cord (pop)
intravascular , within a blood vessel (pop)
intravenous , within a vein (pop)
intubation , inserting a tube (pop)
invasive , involving an operation or other organs(pop)
irreversible , irreversible (pop)
irreversible (pop) , irreversible
ischaemia , inadequate blood flow cutting off supply (pop)
isolate , isolate (pop)
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itching (pop) , pruritus
jaundice (pop) , icterus
jejunum , part of the small intestine (pop)
joint-related (pop) , articular
joint disease (pop) , arthropathy
joint disease (pop) , arthrosis
juvenile , juvenile (pop)
keloid , raised scar (pop)
kidney inflammation (pop) , nephritis
kidney disorder-related (pop) , nephrotic
kidney disease (pop) , nephropathy
kidney blood vessel-related (pop) , renovascular
kidney-related (pop) , renal
kidney failure (pop) , uraemia
kinetic , motion-related (pop)
labile , unstable (pop)
laboured breathing (pop) , dyspnoea
laceration , tear (pop)
lack of periods (pop) , amenorrhoea
lack of muscle tone (pop) , atony
lack of coordination (pop) , ataxia
lack of movement (pop) , akinesia
lacrimal , tear-related (pop)
lactation , milk production (pop)
laryngitis , sore throat (pop)
lassitude , weariness (pop)
latent period , inactive period (pop)
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lateral , towards the side (pop)
laxative , laxative (pop)
laying down (pop) , supine
lesion , injury (pop)
lethal , lethal (pop)
lethargy , lethargy (pop)
leukaemia , leukaemia (pop), cancer of the blood
leukorrhoea , vaginal discharge (pop)
libido , libido, sexual desire (pop)
lice (pop) , pediculosis
ligament , ligament (pop)
lipid , fat (pop)
liquor , liquor , amniotic fluid(pop)
listening with a stethoscope (pop) , auscultation
liver disease (pop) , cirrhosis
liver cell-related (pop) , hepatocellular
liver-related (pop) , hepatic
liver and bile duct-related (pop) , hepatobiliary
liver enlargement (pop) , hepatomegaly
loading dose , initial dose (pop)
lobe , lobe (pop)
lochia , post-birth vaginal discharge (pop)
low blood pressure (pop) , hypotension
low blood volume (pop) , hypovolaemia
lumbago , lumbago, pain in the back region (pop)
lumbar , lumbar , to do with the back(pop)
lumen , inside of a tube (pop)
lung disease (pop) , emphysema
lung inflammation (pop) , alveolitis
lung-related (pop) , pulmonary
lung power (pop) , peak flow
lung capacity (pop) , vital capacity
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luxation , dislocation (pop)
lymphadenopathy , lymph node disease (pop)
lymphoma , cancer (pop)
macule , small, flat spot (pop)
maculopapular , small spot-related (pop)
malabsorption , poor digestion (pop)
malaise , vague illness (pop)
malaria , parasitic disease spread by mosquitoes
malformation , malformation (pop)
malignant , malignant (pop)
mammary , breast-related (pop)
mania , mania (pop)
manic , manic (pop)
manifest , visible (pop)
manifestation , sign (pop)
massive , solid (pop)
masticatory , chewing-related (pop)
mastitis , sore breasts , breast infection(pop)
mastoiditis , ear infection (pop)
maxillary , face bone-related (pop)
maximal , maximal (pop)
maximum , maximum (pop)
mechanism , mechanism (pop)
medication , medication (pop)
medicinal , medicinal (pop)
megacolon , colon enlargement (pop)
melaena , dark, blood-stained stools (pop)
melanoma , aggressive skin cancer (pop)
membrane , membrane (pop)
menarche , first period (pop)
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meningitis , meningitis, infection of the meninges(brain) (pop)
menopause , menopause (pop)
menorrhagia , heavy periods (pop)
menstruation , periods (pop)
mental , mental (pop)
mesenteric , involving the skin attaching various organs to the body (pop)
metabolism , metabolism (pop)
metrorrhagia , breakthrough bleeding (pop)
micro-organism , micro-organism (pop)
microscopic , microscopic (pop)
micturition , urination, passing urine(pop)
migraine , migraine, severe headache with light sensitivity and vomiting (pop)
minimal , minimal (pop)
minimize , minimize (pop)
minimum , minimum (pop)
mobility , mobility (pop)
mobilization , mobilization (pop)
modify , modify (pop)
mole (pop) , benign pigmented skin lesion
monitoring , monitoring (pop)
mononucleosis , glandular fever (pop)
morbidity , diseased state, disease rate (pop)
mortality , mortality, death rate (pop)
mucopurulent , containing mucus and pus (pop)
mucosa , mucus membrane (pop)
mucus , mucus (pop)
multiparous , woman who has had 2 or more babies (pop)
muscle relaxant , muscle relaxant (pop)
muscular , muscular (pop)
musculature , muscles (pop)
mutation , mutation (pop)
mutism , dumbness, inability to speak (pop)
CDC February 2007
myalgia , muscle pain (pop)
mycobacterium , bacteria (pop)
myocardial infarction , heart attack (pop)
myocarditis , heart inflammation (pop)
myopathy , muscle diease (pop)
myopia , short-sightedness (pop)
myositis , muscle inflammation (pop)
narcotic , morphine-like drug (pop)
nasal , nose-related (pop)
nausea , feeling sick (pop)
needing to go to the toilet often(pop) , urgency
neonatal , new baby-related (pop)
nephritis , kidney inflammation (pop)
nephropathy , kidney disease (pop)
nephrotic , kidney disorder-related (pop)
nephrotoxic , destructive to the kidneys (pop)
neural , nerve-related (pop)
neuritis , nerve inflammation (pop)
neurological , nervous system-related (pop)
neuromuscular , muscle and nerve-related (pop)
neuropathy , nervous system disorder (pop)
nocturia , frequent urination at night (pop)
nosocomial , disease contracted in hospital (pop)
nulliparous , never having given birth (pop)
nutrition , all foods taken into the body (pop)
nystagmus , wonky eyes, cross eyed (pop)
obesity , obesity, very overweight (pop)
obstetric , medical care of women in pregnancy and childbirth (pop)
CDC February 2007
obstruction , obstruction (pop)
occasional , occasional (pop)
occlusion , closed (pop)
ocular , eye-related (pop)
odour , smell (pop)
oedema , swelling due to fluid (pop)
oesophagitis , gullet inflammation (pop)
oestrogen , female hormone (pop)
oligomenorrhoea , infrequent periods (pop)
oliguria , abnormally small urine output (pop)
oophorectomy , removal of an ovary (pop)
ophthalmic , eye-related (pop)
opiate/opioid) , opium-like drug (pop)
opportunistic , disease caused by organisms that are usually held in check by immune system
optic , eye-related (pop)
orbital , eye socket-related (pop)
orchitis , testicle inflammation (pop)
orgasm , orgasm, culmination of sexual excitement (pop)
orthopaedic , correcting deformity (pop)
orthostatic , upright posture-related (pop)
ossicle , small bone (pop)
ossification , bone formation (pop)
osteoarthritis , osteoarthritis (pop)
osteomalacia , bone softening (pop)
osteomyelitis , bone inflammation, bone infection(pop)
osteoporosis , osteoporosis, disease resulting in reduced bone mass (pop)
otitis , ear inflammation (pop)
otosclerosis , progressive deafness (pop)
ototoxic , damaging hearing (pop)
ovarian , ovary-related (pop)
overdose , overdose (pop)
ovulation , ovulation, egg secretion(pop)
CDC February 2007
ovum , egg (pop)
oxygenation , oxygenation (pop)
oxytocic , inducing a baby (pop)
pacemaker , pacemaker (pop)
paediatric , paedriatric (pop)
pain-killer (pop) , analgesic
painful intercourse (pop) , dyspareunia
painful urination (pop) , dysuria
painkiller during childbirth (injected into back)(pop) , epidural
palliative , giving relief but not cure (pop)
palpitation , palpitation (pop)
pancreatitis , inflammation of the pancreas (pop)
papilloedema , swollen optical disk (pop)
papule , mole (pop)
paracentesis , fluid removal by drainage (pop)
paradoxical , paradoxical (pop)
paraesthesia , pins and needles (pop)
parallel , parallel (pop)
paralysis , paralysis (pop)
paralysis of one side (pop) , hemiplegia
paranoia , paranoia (pop)
paraplegia , paralysis (pop)
parasitic , parasite-related (pop)
parity , number of live births
Parkinsonism , Parkinson's disease (pop)
parotitis , swollen glands under chin (pop)
parturition , giving birth (pop)
pathogen , disease-producing organism (pop)
pathological , disease study-related (pop)
CDC February 2007
patient , patient (pop)
peak flow , lung power (pop)
pediculosis , lice (pop)
pelvic , pelvic (pop)
penetration , penetration (pop)
penis , penis (pop)
peptic ulcer , stomach ulcer (pop)
percutaneous , through the skin (pop)
perforation , perforation (pop)
perfusion , through passage of fluid (pop)
perianal , back passage-related (pop)
periarthritis , joint inflammation (pop)
pericarditis , heart inflammation (pop)
peridural , outside the brain/spinal cord (pop)
perinatal , shortly after the birth (pop)
perineal , pelvis-related (pop)
peri operative , immediate pre and post-operative (pop)
periorbital , eye socket-related (pop)
peripheral , peripheral (pop)
peristalsis , pushing of food though the body (pop)
peritonitis , peritonitis (pop)
permeability , permeability (pop)
perspiration , perspiration (pop)
pertussis , whooping cough (pop)
pessary , pessary, medication given into the vagina(pop)
petit mal , minor epilepsy (pop)
phallic , phallic (pop)
pharmaceutical , pharmaceutical (pop)
pharmacological , drug science-related (pop)
pharyngitis , sore throat (pop)
phlebitis , vein inflammation (pop)
phlegm (pop) , sputum
CDC February 2007
phobia , phobia (pop)
photophobia , intolerance to light (pop)
photosensitivity , over-sensitivity to light (pop)
physiological , normal (pop)
piles (pop) , haemorrhoids
placebo , placebo (pop)
placenta , placenta (pop)
pleurisy , pleurisy (pop)
pneumonia , pneumonia (pop)
poison (pop) , toxin
poliomyelitis , polio (pop)
polydipsia , drinking a lot of fluids, excessive thirst (pop)
polyuria , going to the toilet a lot(passing urine) (pop)
posterior , posterior, behind, at the back(pop)
postmenopausal , postmonopausal (pop)
postnatal , postnatal (pop)
postoperative , postoperative (pop)
postpartum , after childbirth (pop)
postprandial , after dinner (pop)
posttraumatic , posttraumatic (pop)
postural , posture-related (pop)
potency , sexual ability (pop)
prebirth (pop) , prenatal
precipitation , precipitation (pop)
preeclampsia , complication of late pregnancy involving hypertension and oedema (pop)
premature , premature (pop)
premedication , premed (pop)
premenstrual , premenstrual (pop)
prenatal , prebirth (pop)
preoperative , before an operation (pop)
prepuce , foreskin (pop)
prescription , prescription (pop)
CDC February 2007
prevention , prevention (pop)
priapism , continuous erection (pop)
primary , first (pop)
primary vaccination , first vaccination (pop)
procedure , procedure (pop)
procreation , procreation (pop)
proctitis , sore anus (pop)
progestogen , female hormone (pop)
prognosis , outlook (pop)
prolapse , prolapse (pop)
proliferation , multiplication (pop)
prophylaxis , disease prevention (pop)
proptosis , protruding eyes (pop)
prostatism , prostate trouble (pop)
prostatitis , prostate inflammation (pop)
prosthesis , artificial limb (pop)
protrusion , protrusion (pop)
proximal , nearest (pop)
pruritic , itchy (pop)
pruritus , itching (pop)
psoriasis , psoriasis (pop)
psychiatric , psychiatric (pop)
psychological , psychological (pop)
psychomotor , involving motor effects of mental activity (pop)
psychosis , mental illness (pop)
psychosomatic , psychosomatic (pop)
psychotropic , mood-altering (pop)
ptosis , droopy upper eyelid (pop)
puberty , puberty (pop)
puerperium , the time required for the vagina and uterus to return to normal after birth (pop)
pulmonary , lung-related (pop)
puncture , puncture (pop)
CDC February 2007
purgative , strong laxative (pop)
purpura , blood spots, bruising and discolouring to skin (pop)
purulent , pusy, infected discharge (pop)
pustular , boil-like (pop)
pusy (pop) , purulent
pyelonephritis , inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis (pop)
pylorus , narrow outlet of stomach (pop)
pyoderma , pusy skin disease (pop)
pyogenic , pusy (pop)
pyrexia , fever (pop)
QRS complex , part of heart monitor readout (pop)
qualitative , qualitative (pop)
quantitative , quantitative (pop)
quiescent , inactive (pop)
racing heart (pop) , tachycardia
radiography , X-ray (pop)
radiological , X-ray-related (pop)
radiotherapy , radiotherapy (pop)
reaction , reaction (pop)
reactivation , reactivation (pop)
rebound effect , rebound effect (pop)
recidivist , person who lapses back into old habits (pop)
recipient , recipient (pop)
rectal , bowel-related (pop)
recuperation , recuperation (pop)
recurrent , recurring (pop)
reduction , reduction (pop)
reflex , reflex (pop)
reflux , return flow back (pop)
CDC February 2007
regurgitation , bringing back (pop)
rehydration , rehydration (pop)
reinfection , reinfection (pop)
relaxant , relaxant (pop)
remission , remission (pop)
renal , kidney-related (pop)
replication , duplication (pop)
reproduction , reproduction (pop)
research , research (pop)
resection , removal of any part of the body (pop)
reservoir , reservoir (pop)
residual , residual (pop)
resistant , resistant (pop)
resorption , resorption (pop)
respiratory , respiratory (pop)
response , response (pop)
restless legs , restless legs (pop)
resuscitation , resuscitation (pop)
retard , delay (pop)
retardation , delaying (pop)
retention , retention (pop)
retinal , eye-related (pop)
retinopathy , eye-disease (pop)
retraction , moving backwards (pop)
retrograde , backwards (pop)
retrosternal , behind the breastbone (pop)
reversible , reversible (pop)
rheumatoid ,inflammation of the joint(pop)
rhinitis , hay fever (pop)
rhinorrhoea , a runny nose (pop)
rhonchus , wheezing (pop)
rickets , rickets, Vitamin D deficiency (pop)
CDC February 2007
rigidity , stiffness (pop)
ringworm (pop) , dermatophytosis
risk factor , risk factor (pop)
routinely , usually (pop)
rubella , German measles (pop)
rupture , rupture (pop)
salivation , salivating (pop)
salpingitis , inflammation of the fallopian tubes (pop)
sarcoma , tumour (pop)
scabies , scabies (pop)
scarring (pop) , cicatrization
scatter (pop) , disseminate
schistosomiasis (bilharzia) , chronic intestinal or bladder infection spread by river snails
schizophrenia , schizophrenia (pop)
sciatica , sciatica (pop)
sclera , white of the eye (pop)
sclerosis , hardening (pop)
scotoma , blind spot (pop)
seborrhoea , oily skin (pop)
secondary , secondary (pop)
secretion , secretion (pop)
sedative , sedative (pop)
sedentary , sedentary (pop)
segment , segment (pop)
selective , selective (pop)
senility , old age, disease of old age infirmity (pop)
sensory , sense-related (pop)
septic , septic (pop)
septicaemia , blood poisoning (pop)
septum , dividing wall (pop)
sequelae , complication (pop)
CDC February 2007
seroconversion , the change of a test from negative to positive, indicating the development of
antibodies (pop)
serological , blood study-related (pop)
serum , serum (pop)
sexually transmitted (pop) , venereal
shock , shock (pop)
short-sightedness (pop) , myopia
shortly after the birth (pop) , perinatal
shunt , bypass (pop)
side effect , side effect (pop)
sigmoid colon , part of the intestine(pop)
significant , significant (pop)
simultaneous , simultaneous (pop)
sinusitis , sinusitis (pop)
skeletal , skeletal (pop)
skin problems (pop) , dermatitis
skin redness (pop) , erythema
skin colouring (pop) , pigmentation
skull-related (pop) , cranial
soft spot (pop) , fontanelle
soft (pop) , flaccid
solution , solution (pop)
somnambulism , sleep-walking (pop)
soporific , sleep-inducing (pop)
sore throat (pop) , laryngitis
sore throat (pop) , pharyngitis
sore bottom (pop) , proctitis
sore breasts (pop) , mastitis
spasm , spasm (pop)
spasmodic , spasmodic (pop)
spastic , spastic (pop)
spasticity , muscle rigidity (pop)
CDC February 2007
specific , specific (pop)
spectrum , spectrum (pop)
spermatogenesis , sperm-formation (pop)
spermicide , sperm-killing contraceptive (pop)
sphincter , ring like band of muscle fibres that control an outlet (pop)
spinal , spinal (pop)
splenomegaly , spleen enlargement (pop)
sporadic , random (pop)
spotting , spotting (pop)
sputum , phlegm (pop)
stasis , keeping in check (pop)
stenosis , duct narrowing (pop)
sterility , sterility (pop)
sterilization , sterilization (pop)
steroid , steriod (pop)
stimulant , stimulant (pop)
stomach ulcer (pop) , peptic ulcer
stone (pop) , calculus
stopping breathing (pop) , apnoea
stopping movement (pop) , immobilization
stopping bleeding (pop) , haemostasis
strabismus , squint (pop)
stress , stress (pop)
stria , stretch marks (pop)
stroke (pop) , cerebrovascular accident
stupor , stupor (pop)
subacute , somewhat acute (pop)
subarachnoid , in the brain (pop)
subcutaneous , below the skin (pop)
subjective , subjective (pop)
sublingual , under the tongue (pop)
substance , substance (pop)
CDC February 2007
sudden blocking of an artery (pop) , embolism
sudden (pop) , abrupt
supine , laying down (pop)
supplement , supplement (pop)
suppository , suppository, medication give into the rectum (pop)
suppuration , discharging pus (pop)
supraventricular , above the heart chambers (pop)
surgical , surgical (pop)
suspension , suspension (pop)
swallowing (pop) , ingestion
sweating (pop) , diaphoresis
swelling in artery wall (pop) , aneurysm
swelling due to fluid (pop) , oedema
swollen penis (pop) , balanitis
swollen optical disk (pop) , papilloedema
swollen glands (pop) , parotitis
sympathetic , sympathetic (pop)
symptom , symptom (pop)
symptomatic , symptomatic (pop)
syncope , fainting (pop)
syndrome , syndrome (pop)
syphilis , sexually transmitted genital ulcer disease
systemic , whole body-related (pop)
systolic , part of blood pressure reading (pop)
tachycardia , racing heart (pop)
tear-related (pop) , lacrimal
tendency (pop) , predisposition
tendency (pop) , tendency
tendonitis , inflamed tendons (pop)
tenosynovitis , inflammation of a tendon sheath (pop)
CDC February 2007
teratogenic, producing fetal abnormality (pop)
terminal , terminal (pop)
test , test (pop)
testicle inflammation (pop) , orchitis
testicle-related (pop) , testicular
testicular , testicle-related (pop)
tetanus , tetanus (pop)
tetany , muscle spasm (pop)
therapeutic , therapeutic (pop)
therapy , therapy (pop)
thoracic , chest-related (pop)
thrombosis , thrombosis (pop)
thrombus , blood clot (pop)
thrush (pop) , candidiasis
tic , tic (pop)
tinea pedis , foot infection (pop)
tinnitus , ringing in the ears (pop)
tolerance , tolerance (pop)
tone , tone (pop)
tonic , tonic (pop)
tonsillitis , tonsillitis (pop)
topical , applied to the surface (pop)
torticollis , twisting of head and neck (pop)
toxaemia , blood poisoning (pop)
toxic , toxic (pop)
toxicity , poisonousness (pop)
toxin , poison (pop)
toxoplasmosis , infection from cat faeces (pop)
trachoma , eye infection (pop)
tract , channel (pop)
tranquillizer , tranquillizer (pop)
transfer , transfer (pop)
CDC February 2007
transfusion , transfusion (pop)
transitory , brief (pop)
transmission , transmission (pop)
transplantation , transplantation (pop)
transurethral , through the urine tube (pop)
traumatic , traumatic (pop)
tremor , tremor (pop)
tube , tube (pop)
tuberculosis , infectious disease usually spread by coughing
tumour , tumour (pop)
ulcer , ulcer (pop)
ulceration , ulceration (pop)
unconscious (pop) , autonomic
under the tongue (pop) , sublingual
uniform , uniform (pop)
unilateral , one-sided (pop)
unstable (pop) , labile
upper abdomen-related (pop) , epigastric
upright posture-related (pop) , orthostatic
upset stomach (pop) , gastritis
uraemia , kidney failure (pop)
urethritis , infection in the urethra (pop)
urgency , needing to go to the toilet (pop)
urinary , urine-related (pop)
urinary and genital apparatus-related (pop) , urogenital
urination (pop) , micturition
urine-related (pop) , urinary
urogenital , urinary and genital apparatus-related (pop)
urticaria , hives (pop)
usually (pop) , routinely
uterus , womb (pop)
CDC February 2007
vaccination , vaccination (pop)
vaccine , vaccine (pop)
vaginal discharge (pop) , leukorrhoea
vaginal , vaginal (pop)
vague illness (pop) , malaise
varicella , chicken pox (pop)
varicose vein , varicose vein (pop)
vascular , blood vessel-related (pop)
vasoconstriction , narrowing of the small arteries (pop)
vasodilatation , widening of the blood vessels (pop)
vegetative , without consciousness (pop)
venereal , sexually transmitted (pop)
venous , vein-related (pop)
ventilation , breathing (pop)
vertebral , vertebra-related, small bones in back bone (pop)
vertigo , fear of heights (pop)
viral , viral (pop)
visceral , relating to an organ in the chest area (pop)
vision , vision (pop)
visual , visual (pop)
vital capacity , lung capacity (pop)
voice box (pop) , glottis
voluntary , voluntary (pop)
vomiting (pop) , emesis
vomiting blood (pop) , haematemesis
vomitus , vomit (pop)
vulval , vulva-related (pop)
walking (pop) , ambulant
CDC February 2007
warning senstion (pop) , aura
washing out (pop) , douching
washing (pop) , irrigation
wasting away (pop) , cachexia
wasting (pop) , atrophy
water on the brain (pop) , hydrocephalus
weariness (pop) , lassitude
wheezing (pop) , rhonchus
white of the eye (pop) , sclera
whole body-related (pop) , systemic
whooping cough (pop) , pertussis
wind (pop) , flatulence
withdrawal , withdrawal (pop)
within the fluid surrounding the spinal cord (pop) , intrathecal
within the eye (pop) , intraocular
within the muscle (pop) , intramuscular
within a blood vessel (pop) , intravascular
within a vein (pop) , intravenous
without symptoms (pop) , asymptomatic
without consciousness (pop) , vegetative
woman who has had 2 or more babies (pop) , multiparous
womb (pop) , uterus
wonky eyes, cross eyed (pop) , nystagmus
worsening (pop) , aggravation
worsening (pop) , exacerbation
x-ray (pop) , radiography
x-ray-related (pop) , radiological