Frog Dissection - Depoali Middle School

Frog Dissection
Class #:_______________________
Pre-Lab Questions & Systems
1. What phylum do frogs belong to?
2. List at least three distinguishing characteristics of this phylum.
Name of the system
What does this system do for the frog
What do you expect to see in the
frog as evidence of this system?
Frog Dissection Continued
During Lab Questions
Please follow along as we progress though this lab together. Wait to answer this question until we
get there as a group.
Question and response
1. When you remove the skin you reveal a thin layer of muscle. What system is
this a part of and what do you think muscle in the abdomen helps the frog
2. What system does the liver belong to? What does it do for the frog?
3. What system does the heart belong to? What is its function?
4. What system do the lungs belong to? What is their function?
5. What system do the stomach and intestines belong to? What are their
6. What is the gender of your frog? How do you know?
7. Cut into the frog’s upper leg to reveal muscles and the bone. What are the
functions of these large leg muscles and bone in frog?
8. Explore other parts of your frog if you like then clean up. Make sure you get it
signed off that you have cleaned up as well.
Post-Lab Questions
1. List at least three similarities between frog and humans internal anatomy.
2. What evidence did you see of the nervous system? Why is this system so important for the frog’s
3. Frogs have external fertilization for reproduction. Meaning the female lays the eggs and the
male sprays his sperm over them in the water. What are some disadvantages of this type of
4. Frogs, like all chordates, have an endoskeleton. What are some disadvantages of an
endoskeleton over an exoskeleton? What are some advantages?
5. Some people think it is unethical to kill frogs and other living things for dissections in middle
school. What do you think? Why? (Respond in at least 5 sentences.)