Certified Internet Web Master Syllabus
Tuscola Technology
Mrs. Amy K. Schuette
989.673.5300 ext. 349
1401 Cleaver Road
Caro, MI 48723
Certified Internet Web
In this class students will learn the basics of web design. They will focus on XHTML, Internet
fundamentals, Networking fundamentals and Site Development. Many opportunities are
offered for students to get hands-on experience.
CompTIA A+
CompTIA Network+
CIW Associate
CIW Professional
CompTIA Linux+
This is an instructor led course that focuses on hands-on learning experiences. Students also
have the opportunity to use computer based training modules to enhance their learning and
prepare them for industry certifications in many information technology fields.
Internet Business Foundations
Published by: ComputerPREP/ProsoftTraining
Site Development Foundations
Published by: ComputerPREP/ProsoftTraining
Network Technology Foundations
Published by: ComputerPREP/ProsoftTraining
AssessPrep Certification Software
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Keyboarding 40 wpm for 3 minutes with 5 or fewer errors (If unable to attain this speed,
student must complete the Micro Type program during the first semester.
Employability Skills: Resume, Cover Letter, Career Search, Thank-you Letter, Application,
Mock Interview
Telephone Training with help-desk focus
XHTML and Internet Fundamentals
Microsoft Access
Beginning Fireworks and Flash
Key Train
The goal of this course is to prepare students for an entry level Webmaster career and to pass
the CIW Certification exam.
Internet Business Foundations
1. Information Technology and the Internet
Overview of Information Technology (IT)
IT Job Roles
Overview of Networks
Overview of the Internet
Connecting to the Internet
Internet Protocols
Domain Name System (DNS)
2. Web Browsing
Introduction to Web Browsing
Basic Functions of Web Browsers
Installing a Web Browser
Web Addresses
How Browsers Work
Browser Choices
Resources for Technical Data
Browsers in the Business World
Browsing Techniques
Configuring Web Browser Preferences
Configuring Browser Security
Proxy Servers
Troubleshooting Internet Client Problems
3. Multimedia on the Web
Introduction to Multimedia on the Web
Objects, Active Content and Languages
Objects and Security Issues
Introduction to Plug-in Technology
Data Compression and Decompression
Plug-in Installation
Types of Plug-ins
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Types of Viewers
Miscellaneous File Formats
Downloading Files with a Browser
4. Databases and Web Search Engines
Introduction to Data Searching Tools
Overview of Databases
Introduction to Web Search Engines
Registering a Web Site with a Search Engine
Types of Web Searches
Basic Web Searching Techniques
Boolean Operators
Advanced Web Searching Techniques
Using Web Searches to Perform Job Tasks
Unexpected Web Search Results
Web Search Strategies
Citing Copyrighted Web Site References
5. E-Mail and Personal Information Management
Introduction to Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
How E-Mail Works
E-Mail Configuration Requirements
E-Mail Message Components
Creating and Sending E-Mail Messages
Receiving and Viewing E-Mail Messages
E-Mail in the Workplace
E-Mail Problems and Solutions
Personal Information Management (PIM)
6. Internet Services and Tools
Internet Resource Tools
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Managing Downloaded Files
Virtual Network Computing (VNC)
and Microsoft Terminal Services
Instant Messaging
Peer-to-Peer Networks
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
Communicating Effectively over the
Troubleshooting Using TCP/IP Tools
7. Internet Security
Introduction to Internet Security
Malware (Malicious Software)
Virus Detection and Prevention
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Updates and Patches
Screen Savers
List Servers and Listserve Groups
Security-Related Ethical and Legal
8. IT Project Management
Overview of IT Project Management
Project Management Fundamentals
Project Management Skills
Project Management Phases
The Project Triangle
Project Management Software
Creating Project Schedules
Documenting Projects
Planning and Scheduling Meetings
Reviewing Projects
Quality Assurance
IT Business Implications
Project Management Institute (PMI)
Network Technology Foundations
1. Introduction to Networking
 Overview of Networks and Protocols
 Telephony Networking
 Networking Evolution
 Client/Server Model
 Network Operations Center (NOC)
 Networking Categories
 Network Topologies
 Network Operating System
 Microsoft Windows Servers
 Novell NetWare
 The Need for Protocols
 OSI Reference Model
 Packets
 OSI/RM Protocol Examples
 Major Networking Protocols
 AppleTalk
 Choosing and Combining Protocols
 Local Area Network (LAN)
 Wide Area Network (WAN)
 Network Access Point (NAP)
 Common Network Components
 Transmission Media
 Wireless Network Technologies
 Transmission Types
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 IEEE LAN Standards
 Additional LAN Standards
 WAN Standards
 T-Carrier System
 E-Carrier System
2. TCP/IP Suite and Internet Addressing Introduction to TCP/IP
 Internet Architecture
 Requests for Comments (RFCs)
 Internet Protocols
 Demultiplexing
 Introduction to Routing
 Routing Protocols
 Port Numbers
 Internet Addressing
 Subnet Mask
 Internet Address Classes
 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
 System Configuration and IP Addresses
 Diagnostic Tools for Internet Troubleshooting
3. Internetworking Servers
 Overview of Internetworking Servers
 File and Print Servers
 HTTP Server Essentials
 Database Server
 Proxy Server
 Mail Server
 Instant Messaging (IM)
 Mailing List Server
 Media Server
 DNS Server
 FTP Server
 News Server
 Certificate Server
 Directory Server
 Catalog Server
 Fax Server
 Transaction Server
 The Internet Daemon: inetd and xinetd
 Mirrored Server
 Choosing Web Server Products
4. Hardware and Operating System Maintenance
 Basic Hardware and System Maintenance
 Motherboard
 IRQs, I/O Addresses and DMA
 Mass Storage Device Interfaces
 Network Interface Card
 Common Peripheral Ports
 Power Requirements
 CD-ROM and DVD
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 Client Operating System Management
 Software Licensing
 Partitions and Logical Drives
 File System Types
 File System Management Tools
 Troubleshooting Software
 Remote Management and Troubleshooting
5. Network Security and IT Career Opportunities
 Importance of Network Security
 Defining Security
 Overview of Network Attack Types
 Viruses and Worms
 Defeating Attacks
 Authentication
 Encryption
 Network-Level Protocols and Encryption
 Virtual Private Network (VPN)
 Remote Access Server (RAS)
 Digital Certificate
 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
 Firewall
 Security Zones
 Firewall Topologies
 Security Audit
 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
 IT Industry Career Opportunities
 Technical Concepts and Training
Site Development Foundations
1. Introduction to Web Site Development
Creating Web Pages
Text Editors and Markup Languages
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Editors
Front-End Issues
Back-End Issues
The Habitat For Humanity Web Site
2. Markup Language and Site Development Essentials
 History of Markup Languages
 Web Site Development Principles
3. XHTML Coding
 Introduction to Using XHTML
 Markup Tags
 Document Structure Tags
 Web Site File Structure
 Preparing Your Development
 Environment
 Style Sheets
 Paragraph Formatting and Block-Level Elements
 Text-Level Elements
 Lists
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Good Coding Practice
4. Horizontal Rules and Graphical Elements
Horizontal Rules in XHTML
Images in Web Pages
Special Characters
Specifying Colors
Page Colors and Backgrounds
Specifying Font Information
Web Design Issues
5. Hyperlinks
Introduction to Hyperlinks
The Anchor Tag
Creating Local Hyperlinks
Creating External Hyperlinks
Using Images as Hyperlinks
Creating Internal Links
Managing Hyperlinks
6. Tables
Introduction to Tables
Table and Data Alignment Options
Height and Width of Table Elements
Column and Row Spanning
Formatting Content in Tables
7. Web Forms
Introduction to Web Forms
Web Forms and CGI
The <form> Tag
Web Form Fields
8. Image Techniques
Introduction to Web Image Techniques
Image Maps
Image Transparency
Image Interlacing
9. Frames
Introduction to XHTML Frames
The <frameset> Tag
The <frame> Tag
The Frameset Document
The <noframes> Tag
Targeting Frames with Hyperlinks
Specifying a Base Target
Borders, Margins and Scrolling
Inline Frames
Appropriate Use of Frames
10. GUI HTML Editors
Introduction to GUI HTML Editors
Types of GUI Editors
GUI HTML Editor Functionality
Creating Web Pages with a GUI Editor
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HTML Text Editors vs. GUI Editors
Previewing Pages and Validating Code
Web Site Publishing
11. Advanced Web Technologies
Extending HTML
Server-Side and Client-Side Languages
Server-Side Languages
Client-Side Languages
Connecting to a Database
Styling Techniques with CSS
Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
Document Object Model (DOM)
Working with Web Service Providers
12. E-Commerce Practices
Traditional Commerce vs.E-Commerce
E-Commerce Models
Business and Internet Technologies
E-Commerce Information-Formatting
E-Commerce Payment Technologies
Working in a Global Environment
Design Methodology and Technology
1. Overview of Web Design Concepts
Web Technology
The Nature of the Web
Web Design Concepts
New Technologies
Evaluating Your XHTML Skills
2. Web Development Teams
Web Teams and Tasks
Web Project Management
Web Project Collaboration
Your Web Design Portfolio
3. Web Project Management Fundamentals
Web Project Management Phases
Project Documentation and Communication
4. Web Site Development Process
Bottom-Up Approach to Web Development
Understanding the Business Process
Defining a Web Site Vision
From Vision to Strategy
Web Site Specifications
The Metaphor
The Mindmapping Process
5. Web Page Layout and Elements
Web Users and Site Design
Effective Web Page Layout
Branding and the Web
Color and Web Design
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Fonts and Web Design
6. Web Site Usability and Accessibility
Audience Usability and Accessibility
Defining Usability
Web Site Usability Testing
Web Page Accessibility
7. Browsers
Browsers and Navigation
Browsers and Design
Browser Adoption
Major, Minor and Alternative Browsers
8. Navigation Concepts
Why Is Navigation Critical?
Primary and Secondary Navigation
Navigation Hierarchy
Site Structure, URLs and File Names
Familiar Navigation Conventions
Guided Navigation
Navigation Action Plan
9. Web Graphics
Web Site Images
Digital Imaging Concepts
Raster vs. Vector Graphics
Graphics Applications
Image File Formats
Creating and Optimizing Images
10. Multimedia and the Web
Multimedia and Web Sites
Current Multimedia Capabilities
Animation and the Web
Audio and the Web
Video and the Web
Goals of a Multimedia Site
Multimedia Site Design Basics
User Interaction
Selecting Multimedia Elements
11. Ethical and Legal Issues in Web Development
Ethics and Law in Web Development
Ethical Issues and the Web
Legal Issues and the Web
12. HTML and the Evolution of Markup
Function of Markup Languages
SGML: A Short History
What Is HTML?
HTML Goals
The HTML Standard
HTML 1.0 and 2.0
HTML 3.0 and 3.2
HTML 4.0 and 4.01
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Separating Format from Structure in HTML
Extensible HTML (XHTML)
13. XML and XHTML
Pre-Assessment Questions
What Is XML?
XML Goals
What Is an XML Document?
Rules for Well-Formed XML
HTML Transition to XML
What Is XHTML?
14. Web Page Structure — Tables and Framesets
Creating Structure with X/HTML Tables
Diagramming a Basic X/HTML Table
Borderless Web Page Structure
X/HTML Frames and Framesets
The X/HTML <frameset> Tag
The X/HTML <frame> Tag
Targeting Hyperlinks in X/HTML
The X/HTML <noframes> Tag
15. Cascading Style Sheets
Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets
Defining and Using Styles
Changeable Style Attributes
Style Guides
Changes from CSS1 to CSS2
Page Layout with CSS
16. Site Content and Metadata
Written Web Site Content
The <meta> Tag and Document Identification
The <meta> Tag and Search Engines
The <meta> Tag and Delayed File Change
17. Site Development with Microsoft Expression Web —Introduction The Transition
from FrontPage
Microsoft Expression Web
Expression Web Views
Expression Web Menus and Toolbars
Opening Web Sites and Files in Expression Web
Developing W3C-Compliant Code with Expression Web
18. Site Development with Expression Web — Basic Features
Page Layout Options in Expression Web
Creating a New Web Site Using Expression Web
Page Layout with CSS
Inserting Images with Expression Web
Creating Hyperlinks with Expression Web
Creating Image Maps with Expression Web
Adding Navigation with Expression Web
Expression Web's Dynamic Web Templates
Importing Formatted Text with Expression Web
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Importing X/HTML with Expression Web
19. Site Development with Expression Web —Advanced Features
Expression Web Styles
Adding Interactivity to Web Pages
Creating Web Forms with Expression Web
Expression Web Reports
20. Site Development with Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 —Introduction
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
Dreamweaver Layout Options
21. Site Development with Dreamweaver CS3 — Basic Features
Page Layout in Dreamweaver
Creating Image Maps in Dreamweaver
Creating Templates in Dreamweaver
Importing Content in Dreamweaver
22. Site Development with Dreamweaver CS3 —Advanced Features
Rollover Images in Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Web Forms
Dreamweaver Behaviors
Dreamweaver Assets and Library
Editing X/HTML in Dreamweaver
Jump Menus in Dreamweaver
Site Search Forms in Dreamweaver
Adobe Exchange
23. Web Pages with Macromedia HomeSite 5.5
Macromedia HomeSite 5.5
HomeSite Templates
File Management in HomeSite
Tag-Editing Features in HomeSite
24. Image Editing with Adobe Fireworks CS3
Adobe Fireworks CS3
Creating an Image Document in Fireworks
Adding Text to Images in Fireworks
Cropping Images in Fireworks
Image Layers in Fireworks
Image Frames in Fireworks
Transparent Images in Fireworks
Image Slices in Fireworks
25. Multimedia with Adobe Flash CS3
Adobe Flash CS3
Flash Technology Features
Developing with Flash
Flash Shapes
Color and Fills in Flash
26. Multimedia with Flash CS3 —Timeline, Layers, Symbols and Buttons
Flash Timeline
Flash Layers
Saving and Publishing Flash Movies
Flash Symbols
Flash Buttons
Customizing the Flash Library
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27. Multimedia with Flash CS3 —Tweens
 Flash Tweens
 Motion Tweens in Flash
 Shape Tweens in Flash
 Tweening Text in Flash
28. Multimedia with Flash CS3 —Movie Clips
Flash Movie Clips
Adding Sound to Flash Files
Adding Flash Movies to
X/HTML Files
Testing for the Flash Plug-In
Multimedia with Flash CS3 —ActionScript, Masks and Practical Uses
Flash ActionScript
Mask Layers in Flash
Using SWF and SVG Files on the Web
Flash and Accessibility
29. JavaScript and DHTML Fundamentals
Why Script?
JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts
What Is JavaScript?
JavaScript vs. Other Languages
Embedding JavaScript into X/HTML
Using JavaScript to Communicate with the User
JavaScript Functions
Using JavaScript for Browser Detection
Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
30. Plug-Ins and Java Applets
 Plug-In Technology
 Plug-In Installation
 Adobe Shockwave and Flash Players
 Adobe Reader
 RealNetworks RealPlayer
 Rich Media Content
 Creating a Downloadable File
 Introduction to Java
 Java Applets
 Applets and Animation
 Applet Authoring Tools and Resources
31. HTTP Servers and Web Applications
 What Is an HTTP Server?
 Accessing Servers and Services
 Basic HTTP Server
 Administration
 Server-Side Technologies
 Web Servers and Cookies
 Enabling, Disabling and
 Deleting Cookies
 Setting Cookie Files
 XML and Web Applications
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32. Databases
Web Design and Databases
Database Anatomy
Database Queries
Database Management System (DBMS)
Connecting Web Pages to Databases
Database Tools, Products and Programs
33. Web Site Publishing and Maintenance
Web Site Testing
Web Site Publishing
Web Site Hosting
Web Publishing with an FTP Client
Web Publishing with Expression Web
Web Publishing with Dreamweaver
Comparing Web Publishing Tools
Maintaining Web Sites
Web Server and Web Site Security
Students are given enough in-class work time to complete most projects and assignments.
Students will only be allowed to take text books home in the event of an extended illness, or
other teacher approved reason. .
Students will earn a grade for each marking period in the course. The grade will be comprised
of 15% homework, 20% quizzes, 20% labs, 15% projects, and 30% work habits. Students will
be assessed with written and computer based tests and hands-on performance testing.
Grading Scale:
Grade High Value
Grade Low Value
Students can complete the material for the Web Master course during one full school year.
The class will meet every weekday for 2.5 hours during their home schools schedule.
First Marking Period: Keyboarding, Career Planning, Microsoft Access, Fireworks, Flash,
XHTML, Internet Fundamentals, Safety Training
Second Marking Period: Network Technology Fundamentals, Web Redesign Project
Third Marking Period: Site Development, Web Business Project
Fourth Marking Period: Site Development, Ind. Web Projects
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To obtain a Tuscola Technology Center Certificate in the Computer Technology Management
Program a student must have eight or fewer absences for the school year, must score at least
80% or higher on the written and applied SCAT test, and have at least a C+ average for the
school year.
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