Health Science Exam Three You can write on this exam. Please put

Health Science
Exam Three
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There are 100 questions on this exam. Each question is worth 1point each.
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Multiple Choice Questions. Choose the letter that completes the statement or provides the best answer for each question.
1. Which of the following activities will help lower your risk of CVD?
a. lowering the amount of fat and cholesterol in your diet
b. decreasing sodium intake
c. eating more fruits and vegetables
d. regular exercise
e. all of the above
2. The large artery that receives blood from the left ventricle and distributes it to the rest of the body is called the
a. aorta
b. vena cava
c. pulmonary artery
d. pulmonary vein
e. coronary artery
3. The arteries that branch from the aorta and provide blood to the heart muscle itself are _______________ arteries.
a. pulmonary
b. systemic
c. coronary
d. femoral
e. cerebral
4. After blood flows (passes) through the right ventricle it enters into the
a. aorta.
b. superior vena cava.
c. inferior vena cava.
d. pulmonary veins.
e. pulmonary trunk.
5. The left ventricle receives blood from the ____________.
a. right ventricle
b. right atrium
c. left lung
d. left atrium
e. right lung
6. The tricuspid valve is located between the,
a. left atrium and left ventricle.
b. left atrium and right ventricle.
c. right atrium and right ventricle.
d. left ventricle and right ventricle.
e. is not a valve of the heart.
7. After blood flows (passes) through the left and right pulmonary arteries where does it travel next?
a. right atrium
b. left atrium
c. lungs
d. the entire body
e. superior vena cava
8. Which chamber of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the entire body?
a. right atrium
b. left atrium
c. right ventricle
d. left ventricle
e. none of the above
Health Science
Exam Three
9. Capillaries are
a. important for the exchange of respiratory gases between the blood and the tissues.
b. the largest arteries in the body and are not involved in gas exchange.
c. a system of veins found only in the liver.
d. blood vessels that bring oxygenated blood to the heart.
e. none of the above.
10. All of the following CVD risk factors can be changed, EXCEPT
a. cholesterol levels
b. cigarette smoking
c. family history of CVD
d. physical inactivity
e. none of the above
11. When the heart contracts, called _____, blood pressure _____; when the heart relaxes, called _____, blood pressure
a. diastole, increases, systole, decreases
b. diastole, decreases, systole, increases
c. systole, increases, diastole, decreases
d. systole, decreases, diastole, increases
e. none of the above
12. A coronary bypass procedure is
a. a detection method for all forms of heart disease.
b. a detection method involving the use of a healthy blood vessel to bypass a clogged or narrowed artery.
c. a treatment method which uses an alternate blood vessel to reroute blood flow around a clot.
d. a treatment method which uses a balloon to flatten a plaque(s) in an arterial wall.
e. a treatment method used to treat a hemorrhagic stroke.
13. If a clot forms in one or more of the coronary arteries this will most likely lead to,
a. stroke.
b. an arrhythmia.
c. atherosclerosis.
d. heart attack.
e. all of the above.
14. If a cerebral artery develops a clot resulting in the blockage of blood to an area of the brain, it is appropriately
a. a heart attack.
b. a thrombotic stroke.
c. an embolic stroke.
d. angina pectoris.
e. a hemorrhagic stroke.
15. Angina pectoris is caused by
a. the complete blockage of a coronary artery.
b. a disruption of the electrical system of the heart.
c. a need for oxygen in the heart that exceeds supply.
d. sustained high blood pressure.
e. none of the above
16. If you are a doctor and you are dealing with a patient whom you have diagnosed as having a hemorrhagic stroke,
what approach would you want to avoid when treating the patient?
Health Science
Exam Three
administering a CAT scan
administering an MRI
administering drugs to lower blood pressure
clot-dissolving (blood-thinning drugs)
all of the above should be used when dealing with a patient who may have suffered a hemorrhagic stroke
17. Which of the following exams monitors a person with an electrocardiogram while they perform an exercise to
elevate their heart rate?
a. stress test
b. an MRI
c. angiogram
d. coronary bypass test
e. echocardiogram
18. Atherosclerosis is
a. sustained, abnormally high blood pressure.
b. a condition resulting from the heart’s inability to maintain its regular pumping force.
c. the thickening (hardening) of artery walls by deposits of fatty substances.
d. severe chest pain caused by insufficient blood supply to the heart.
e. abnormal rhythm of the heart.
19. If a subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs, which of the following is TRUE?
a. A blood vessel near the surface of the brain has burst.
b. A blood vessel deep in the brain has burst.
c. A cerebral blood vessel has been blocked by a fatty plaque.
d. A weakened portion of an artery has burst.
e. None of the above are true.
20. Memory loss, paralysis and behavior changes are all associated with
a. heart attack
b. angina
c. stroke
d. arrhythmias
e. atherosclerosis
21. The recommended level of LDL cholesterol for adults is
a. less than 200 mg/dl.
b. less than 100 mg/dl.
c. less than 40 mg/dl.
d. 60 mg/dl or more.
e. none of the above
22. High blood pressure is a health risk when it is
a. high most of the time.
b. the product of emotional excitement.
c. the product of exercise.
d. the product of sexual excitement.
e. none of the above
Situation Question (for questions 23-25) Arnold is 56 years old and considers himself to be in good health. He has a
family history of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. He recently had a routine physical exam. He was told that his blood
pressure was 130/85, his total cholesterol was 210 (LDL was 175 and HDL was 35), and his glucose levels were normal.
Arnold was also informed that his weight of 190 pounds made him about 10 pounds overweight.
23. Arnold’s physician expressed some concern about the results of the exam. What finding is most likely the key
cause of her concern?
Health Science
Exam Three
Arnold’s cholesterol levels
Arnold’s blood pressure
Arnold’s weight
Arnold’s age
24. What is the nature of the physician’s concern?
a. Arnold’s risk for heart valve problems
b. Arnold’s risk for obesity
c. Arnold’s risk for diabetes
d. Arnold’s risk for coronary heart disease
25. Arnold’s physician will likely suggest that Arnold make all of the following lifestyle changes, EXCEPT
a. increasing fiber intake.
b. increasing trans fat intake.
c. increasing physical activity.
d. decreasing saturated fat intake.
Use the following answer choices to identify the numbered parts on the heart diagram below (for questions 26-30).
a. Aorta
b. Superior vena cava
d. Right atrium
c. Pulmonary Trunk
e. Left ventricle
26. Identify vessel 26. B
27. Identify vessel 27. A
28. Identify vessel 28. C
29. Identify chamber 29. D
30. Identify chamber 30. E
31. Which one of the following statements about cancer is FALSE?
a. cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells.
b. cancer has the ability to metastasize.
c. cancer develops after a series of genetic mutations occurs within cells.
d. cancer always takes the form of a tumor.
e. heredity is a common risk factor for many types of cancers.
Health Science
Exam Three
32. The stage of tumor development where at least one cell has sustained one genetic mutation and all of the cells of
this group are reproducing too quickly is called
an invasive cancer
in situ cancer
none of the above
33. _____________ cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths among men and women in the United States.
a. Prostate
b. Lung
c. Breast
d. Stomach
e. Colon
34. A benign tumor,
a. does not invade other tissues
b. metastasizes easily
c. is the most dangerous type of tumor
d. is the same as a cancerous mass
e. c and d only
35. Sarcomas arise from
a. connective tissue
b. epithelial layers
c. blood-forming cells
d. lymph nodes
e. bone marrow
36. Risk factors for breast cancer include all of the following EXCEPT,
a. previous injury to the breast
b. genetic factors
c. early onset menstruation
d. having your first child over the age of 30
e. age
37. Changes in the normal sequence of DNA are called____________.
a. carcinogens
b. mutations
c. oncogenes
d. tumors
e. neoplasms
38. Carcinomas arise from epithelial tissues like______________.
a. cartilage
b. skin
c. blood
d. lymph nodes
e. muscle
39. A unique detection method for prostate cancer that is not common for detecting other types of cancer is a(n),
a. x ray
b. surgery
c. blood test (for PSA)
d. CAT scan
e. none of the above
40. Detecting lung cancer most likely involves the use of,
a. sputum examination or chest x-ray
b. mammography
c. an angiogram
d. echocardiography
e. c and d only
Health Science
Exam Three
41. Risk factors for cervical cancer include,
a. diet
b. older age
c. an HPV infection (human papilloma virus)
d. being sexually active
e. c and d
42. The hormone estrogen does not cause mutations but it can accelerate the growth of a tumor and so it is a type of:
a. cancer promoter
b. cancer initiator
c. oncogene
d. mutagen
e. carcinogen
d. sarcoma
e. benign tumor
43. Cancer of the blood-forming cells is called a
b. leukemia
c. carcinoma
44. A persistent cough, chest pain and recurring chest infections such as bronchitis may be signs of ____________
a. mouth
b. breast
c. colon
d. urinary
e. lung
45. Painful urination and blood in the urine may be a sign of____________ cancer.
a. colon
b. rectal
c. prostate
d. stomach
e. uterine
46. A change in bowel habits or blood in the stool may be a sign of ____________ cancer.
a. prostate
b. bladder
c. colorectal
d. pancreatic
e. stomach
47. If there is no incidence of breast cancer in a woman’s family, it is recommended that she has a mammogram every
year over the age of _______.
a. 20
b. 30
c. 35
d. 40
e. 60
48. Melanoma cancer
a. is the most common type of skin cancer.
b. is the least dangerous type of skin cancer.
c. is a malignant tumor which spreads easily.
d. arises from pre existing acne.
e. is none of the above.
49. The American Cancer Society estimates that approximately_________ percent of lung cancer cases can be
prevented by not smoking tobacco.
a. 35
b. 55
c. 72
d. 90
e. 100
50. Which of the following areas of the body will be adversely affected by tobacco?
a. brain
b. stomach
c. reproductive organs
d. brain and stomach
e. all of these areas will be adversely affected by tobacco.
Health Science
Exam Three
51. On average, a regular user of tobacco can go how long between dosages of nicotine before negative effects begin
to happen?
a. no more than 10 minutes
b. no more than 20 minutes
c. no more than 40 minutes
d. no more than 75 minutes
e. no more than one day
52. What is the addictive drug in tobacco?
a. THC
b. benzopyrene
c. eugenol
d. nicotine
e. carbon monoxide
53. Lynette has not had a cigarette for over an hour. Which of the following is she likely to experience?
a. feeling edgy
b. feeling irritable
c. difficulty concentrating
d. cravings for a cigarette
e. all of these choices are correct.
54. The average age for someone starting to smoke is
a. 10
c. 15
d. 17
e. 21
55. The primary reason people continue to use tobacco despite the health risks is because
a. they lack the necessary knowledge to make an informed decision.
b. they have become addicted to nicotine.
c. they do not perceive the risks associated with smoking as serious as the research suggests.
d. the substances carbon monoxide and tar produce extremely pleasurable sensations in the brain.
e. none of the above
56. When particles of tobacco smoke condense, they form a brown sticky mass called:
a. snuff
b. tar
c. nicotine
d. stearic acid
e. nicotine
57. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding nicotine?
a. Nicotine is a powerful psychoactive drug.
b. Research supports the conclusion that nicotine is highly addictive.
c. Nicotine is considered a powerful depressant.
d. Nicotine has the ability to affect one’s mood.
e. Nicotine increases blood pressure and heart rate
58. Smokers who use low-tar or low-nicotine cigarettes will probably NOT reduce the health risks of smoking because
a. they take smaller puffs and take longer to smoke each cigarette.
b. they do not inhale as deeply.
c. tar is not the risky ingredient in cigarettes.
d. they are likely to smoke more cigarettes to maintain blood nicotine levels
e. none of the above
59. ____________ is an ingredient in tobacco smoke that seriously limits the body’s ability to use oxygen.
Health Science
Exam Three
Carbon monoxide
60. Smoking affects hunger by
a. increasing a person’s appetite.
b. depressing hunger.
c. increasing the sensitivity of taste buds.
d. decreasing blood sugar level.
e. increasing the sense of smell.
61. Mainstream smoke is,
a. The smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar, etc.
b. The smoke exhaled by smokers
c. The same as environmental tobacco smoke
d. Not dangerous to those that are exposed to it
e. None of the above
62. Smoking increases cardiovascular risk in all of the following ways, EXCEPT
a. reducing high-density lipoproteins (HDL).
b. increasing blood pressure.
c. increasing heart rate.
d. increasing oxygen in the blood.
e. damaging endothelial cells (cells the line arteries)
63. Which of the following types of alcohol is safely consumable?
a. ethyl
b. methyl
c. isopropyl
d. butyl
e. none of the above
64. A 90 proof beverage is _________ percent alcohol.
a. 9
b. 30
c. 45
d. 90
e. 180
65. Beer usually contains what percentage of alcohol?
a. 3-6 percent
b. 9-14 percent
c. 20-25 percent
d. 35-50 percent
e. none of the above
66. Which of the following does NOT influence how long it takes for alcohol to be absorbed in the stomach?
a. carbonation
b. the time of day that alcohol is consumed
c. food in the stomach
d. the proof of the beverage
e. all of the above choices influence the rate of alcohol absorption
67. Which of the following statements about alcohol is TRUE?
a. The main site of alcohol metabolism is the large intestine.
b. All forms of alcohol are safe for consumption.
Health Science
Exam Three
c. Eating food before drinking increases the body’s rate of absorption of alcohol.
d. All alcohol consumed is eventually absorbed by your body.
68. The main site of alcohol metabolism is in the
a. small intestine
b. stomach
c. colon
d. liver
e. pancreas
69. What percentage of ingested alcohol is NOT metabolized in the liver, but is excreted unchanged?
a. 10-15 percent
b. 15-20 percent
c. 1-2 percent
d. 2-10 percent
e. None of the above
70. Females usually become intoxicated more quickly than males because
a. they have a lower alcohol tolerance.
b. the stomach enzyme that metabolizes alcohol is less active in women than in men.
c. they metabolize alcohol more slowly in the liver.
d. they metabolize more alcohol in the stomach.
e. none of the above.
71. At what blood alcohol concentration are you likely to first feel “relaxed”?
a. <0.05 percent
b. 0.10 percent
c. 0.15 percent
d. 0.30 percent
e. Not enough information to tell
72. The amount of alcohol in the blood, which is used as a measure of intoxication, is called
a. alcohol/blood displacement.
b. alcohol impairment measurement.
c. blood alcohol concentration.
d. blood alcohol ratio.
e. the dose-response curve.
73. The rate of metabolism of alcohol
a. is faster in chronic drinkers than it is in occasional drinkers.
b. is faster in occasional drinkers than in chronic drinkers.
c. does not affect blood alcohol concentration.
d. is slower when a person is asleep.
e. is none of the above
74. At what blood alcohol concentration could a person become unconscious?
a. 0.03-0.05 percent
b. 0.10–0.15 percent
c. 0.20–0.25 percent
d. 0.30–0.35 percent
e. 0.40–0.45 percent
75. Alcohol is classified as a(n)
a. depressant.
b. opioid derivative.
c. narcotic.
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Exam Three
d. stimulant.
e. none of the above
76. The connection between the amount of a drug consumed and the drug’s effects is called the
a. therapeutic index.
b. multiple dose relationship.
c. prescription standard.
d. dose-response relationship.
e. blood alcohol concentration.
77. The legal BAC limit in the fifty U.S. states and the District of Columbia is _______ percent.
a. 0.02.
b. 0.05
c. 0.08
d. 0.10
e. 0.20
78. A disease of the liver caused by excessive and chronic drinking is
a. atherosclerosis of the liver.
b. hepatic sclerosis.
c. hepatic myopathy.
d. cirrhosis.
e. obesity
79. Which of the following is the most accurate description of the safe limit of alcohol consumption during pregnancy?
a. no drinking during the first trimester
b. one drink per week during the first trimester
c. one drink per day during pregnancy
d. only table wines can be consumed
e. no alcohol consumed during pregnancy
80. Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning alcohol use?
a. Women should drink 3 to 4 drinks a day.
b. Men can drink as much as they want, as long as it is beer.
c. The liver is the only organ adversely affected by heavy drinking.
d. Any health benefits from alcohol are negated by heavy use.
e. None of the above are true.
81. Which of the following is NOT a common adult pattern of excessive drinking associated with alcohol dependence?
a. regular daily intake of large amounts of alcohol
b. regular light drinking limited to weekends
c. long periods of sobriety interspersed with binges
d. heavy drinking limited to periods of stress
e. none of the above
82. The effects of fetal alcohol syndrome are
a. due to large birth weight of affected babies
b. both physical and mental impairments.
c. estimated to be found in about 1 in every 50 live births.
d. usually reversed by the time the child is 5 years old.
e. mild and do not affect physical or mental development
True/False Questions.
A= True
83. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is cut off. (T/F)
Health Science
Exam Three
84. The most common type of stroke is an ischemic stroke. (T/F)
85. Melanoma usually appears at the site of a preexisting mole. (T/F)
86. Radiation is both a cause of and a treatment for cancer. (T/F)
87. Severe sunburns in childhood are a risk factor for skin cancer in adulthood. (T/F)
88. It is possible to have high blood pressure for years without knowing it. (T/F)
89. The more quickly a drug reaches the brain, the more likely the user is to become dependent. (T/F)
90. Individuals that smoke menthol cigarettes inhale less nicotine than those that smoke non-menthol cigarettes. (T/F)
91. Emphysema is a condition where the airways leading to the lungs (bronchi/bronchioles) become inflamed and start
producing excess amounts of mucus. (T/F)
92. The more education a person has, the less likely they are to smoke cigarettes. (T/F)
93. The surgeon general has concluded that there is no safe level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. (T/F)
94. For most regular tobacco users, sudden abstinence from nicotine produces withdrawal symptoms. (T/F)
95. Scientists have found no evidence to suggest that there is a specific gene that influences the way nicotine is
metabolized in the body. (T/F)
96. Recent neurological studies indicate nicotine acts on the brain in much the same way as cocaine and heroin. (T/F)
97. Giving up tobacco provides immediate health benefits to men and women of all ages. (T/F)
98. Childhood learning disorders are linked to maternal smoking. (T/F)
99. Tobacco includes multiple poisons, including arsenic. (T/F)
100. Cigarette smoke is a complete carcinogen because it acts as both an initiator and a promoter. (T/F)