St Clare’s Catholic Primary School BEHAVIOUR POLICY ‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ John 10:10 ST. CLARE’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL ST. CLARE'S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL. BEHAVIOUR AND DISCIPLINE POLICY. SUMMARY OF MISSION STATEMENT. At St. Clare's Catholic School we believe that every child is made in the image of God, that every child is special, that all are equal regardless of ability, sex, race, creed or colour. It is our mission to create within this school a Christian community living together in a happy, welcoming environment, in peace, justice and love. EXTRACT FROM SCHOOL AIMS. We aim to develop an understanding and knowledge of the teaching of the Catholic Church and its ministry within society. Through our Catholic beliefs, we aim to nurture within children a love of God and an awareness of God's love for each one of us. We will ensure that each child will have experience of forgiving and being forgiven. We will encourage children to accept responsibility for their actions and to apologise when necessary. With the growing awareness of love for all, we will help children towards true respect for the beliefs and cultures of others RATIONALE At St. Clare's we believe that the foundation of our Behaviour and Discipline Policy is to bring children to a realisation and understanding of how being caring and responsible individuals can enrich our lives. When God created people He gave us many gifts including FREE WILL. Through His teachings He gave us guidance on how to use this gift wisely. He endowed each one of us with a conscience in order that we can rationalise our choices. It is the role of the school to assist young people in their understanding of right and wrong and to guide them towards INFORMED CHOICES which will enrich their lives and the lives of those they meet. We hope to guide children towards SELF-DISCIPLINE as this is ultimately the best form of discipline as it involves the child in thinking for themselves, making choices and assessing the consequences. We encourage in everyone an attitude of respect for themselves, for everyone connected with the school and for those who visit the school. We do this in the hope and understanding that this will become a code for all their relationships. Good discipline creates conditions for effective learning and helps to develop in children responsible attitudes and values for life. POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR It has been agreed that at St. Clare's we will adopt a positive approach to behaviour as a means of creating and maintaining a caring and effective learning environment. Children, from their earliest days in the school, will be taught that they can choose to be good, that good behaviour is the norm and that good behaviour makes everyone happy including themselves. SPECIAL NEEDS - ADAPTED PROGRAMMES Very few children should be entirely outside our Positive Behaviour Procedures because of their additional needs. We acknowledge however that, despite our best efforts, we occasionally encounter a child who still finds it very difficult to behave in an acceptable manner. Such children need individual programmes which need to include smaller steps and short term targets. These programmes are supported by relevant outside agencies when necessary. BULLYING AND RACIAL HARASSMENT Incidents of Racism and Bullying, including alleged incidents, will always be investigated and dealt with seriously as both are infringements of:a) an individual's rights b) the high standards we expect BULLYING Bullying is any kind of behaviour that deliberately and repeatedly hurts, threatens or frightens someone else. We will deal with any bullying immediately. Children will be encouraged to talk about bullying openly. They must know that it is important to always tell an adult if anyone is making them unhappy, and they will be encouraged to do so. Parents are encouraged to inform school if they suspect that their child is being bullied. Children involved in bullying will be seen by the class teacher and referred to the Headteacher. The victim will only be named if they wish and they will be offered Learning Mentor support to help them to deal with bullies. The child or children known to be bullying will also be offered support to help them to think of how others feel when they are bullied Parents of both victim and perpetrator will be informed. Parents will be asked to support the school in the handling of such incidents. Persistent bullying will be regarded as a serious breach of our school behaviour code and will be responded to as outlined with below for all persistently inappropriate behaviour RACIAL HARASSMENT We have agreed to adopt Bradford's Guidelines on Procedures for dealing with Racial Harassment. The named person is Mrs M.Newsham. All openly racist incidents or incidents deemed to cause any offence on race or colour grounds will be reported to the Local Authority LUNCHTIME PROCEDURES Each Lunchtime Supervisor will have responsibility for supervising in the dining hall and also in the playground. This will be on a rota basis arranged by the Senior Supervisor. Each class in Key Stage 2 has their own designated member of the lunch time staff to whom they should direct all concerns during lunchtime. Our Behaviour Management system is also used fully during lunch times. Individual children may be awarded a smile by lunch time staff. Also, a whole class may be given a smile, which can be exchanged for a class reward. All members of the dinner staff record incidents of misbehaviour in a centrally accessible book which is monitored by the Head teacher. If necessary, class teachers are notified of any inappropriate lunchtime behaviour and of the choices given and any consequences accrued. If necessary, children will be referred to the Learning Mentor by class teachers when there are concerns about repeated misbehaviour Alternative indoor lunchtime provision is offered to children who find it difficult to adhere to behaviour expectations. This is largely provided by the Learning Mentor. There is also teacher-supervised access to the school library and ICT resources every lunch time for children who are given a pass by their class teachers. Lunchtime supervisors have access to CPD to enable development of behaviour management skills. Where there are regular and repeated infringements of the behaviour rules during lunch times, parents may be asked to come into school to support their child at this part of the day for an agreed fixed period. Persistently inappropriate lunchtime behaviour may also result in parents being asked to take their child home for lunch for an agreed period.(If the children involved are entitled to free school meals they will be given a packed lunch to take home.) RECORDING BEHAVIOUR The behaviour profile of each child is recorded in their personal Assertive Mentoring file and is reported to parents half termly PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT The school sees behaviour education as a partnership between the child, the parents and the school. We ask all to sign a Home/School Agreement and hope that school and parents can work together in the best interests of the children’s learning and understanding about appropriate behaviour. Parents will be contacted when there are concerns about a child’s behaviour and school expects that they will respond and will be prepared to engage in dialogue to agree strategies to enable understanding of the need to behave in line with the school expectations. OUR BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Behaviour in school is managed in each class using our Assertive Mentoring system. This is described as our ‘123,ABC’ system or also as our ‘Traffic Lights’ system. It is imperative that all adults apply rules and sanctions consistently, whilst ensuring flexibility to take account of individual circumstances. ST. CLARE'S BEHAVIOUR CODE. We will show respect for each other at all times, at work and at play. We will show respect for our school by helping to create a calm peaceful, caring and safe environment. We will show respect for ourselves by taking responsibility for our own actions. ST.CLARE'S SCHOOL RULES. To put our Code in to practice we will follow these school rules: I will be safe and will allow other people to be safe at all times in school. I will have self respect and will show respect to all members of the school community at all times. I will learn and will allow others the chance to learn in all lessons. REWARDS Children seen to be keeping these rules are to be PRAISED and ENCOURAGED whenever possible. Individual children may be rewarded by the class teacher or other adults in the school. This is done through the award of smile cards, which build towards Bronze INDIVIDUAL REWARDS We have agreed that good behaviour should be rewarded. Such rewards will take the form of: Affirmation, praise and encouragement.(KEY TO POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR) Smile cards which accumulate towards bronze, silver and gold awards. Head teacher stickers (only available from the Head) - for excellent behaviour or setting a good example. Bronze, Silver, Gold awards Individual ‘Special Mention’ certificates. Individual rewards may take the form of:- Golden time Badges, stickers, stamps. Letters home from the class teacher for good behaviour.. CLASS REWARDS. Rewards and encouragement will be given by the class teacher for good behaviour from the whole class group. Reasons for the reward may be:The The The The The The whole whole whole whole whole whole class class class class class class working well all morning or afternoon. being well behaved for a period of time e.g. on a school visit. moving around the school quietly. lining up calmly and quietly. behaving well in assembly. being involved in keeping the classroom tidy. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR Where possible inappropriate behaviour should be dealt with quietly and quickly. Where necessary, further discussion may be necessary to help children to understand why their behaviour is not acceptable. CONSEQUENCES Unfortunately there are times when children do not work or behave as we would wish. If a child chooses to break the rules then the consequences agreed under the Assertive Mentoring programme will apply. IMPLEMENTING CONSEQUENCES. Staff will be consistent. Consequences must be provided each time a child chooses to break school rules. Staff will give consequences in a firm, calm manner. The positive effects of consequences can be undermined when adults impose consequences in a hostile manner. After a child receives a consequence, adults will take the first opportunity to recognise something positive the child is doing. Provide an opportunity to talk to children who become upset about what has happened. PERSISTENT MISBEHAVIOUR In instances where behaviour continues to cause significant concern a child may be referred to the Social, Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties service. This would involve full discussion between class teachers, parents and SENCO Where school feels that all measures to secure good behaviour have been exhausted, parents may be asked to meet with the Discipline Committee of the school Governing Body to consider next steps. EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL As a last resort, where behaviour is extreme and other agencies have been involved, it may be necessary for children to be excluded on a temporary or permanent basis. This can only happen with the agreement of the Governing Body This policy was reviewed on This policy was agreed on Signed: Chair of Governors Date Signed: Headteacher Date and will be reviewed again in .