Approved amendments to the Quality and

Quality and Standards Update
Issue 01 – 2011/12 (May 12)
This document shows the status of all current and ongoing changes to the University’s Quality and Standards framework from 1 September
2011 to 2 May 2012.
Quality and Standards Framework Developments
Versions are published in the Quality Handbook ( Feedback on this document is welcomed and should be sent to Lynne
Braham (
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Table of Contents
Approved amendments to the Quality and Standards Framework ........................................................................................................................ 3
Section B – University Programmes Regulations ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Section C – Quality of Teaching .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section D – External Examining .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section E – Appeal and Complaints............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Section F – Assessment ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Section G – Programme Approval ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Section H - Collaborative Programme Approval ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Section J – Recruitment and Admissions ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Ongoing developments to the Quality and Standards Framework ........................................................................................................................ 9
Section B – University Programmes Regulations ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Section C – Quality of Teaching .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Section I – Programme Monitoring and Review ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Section J – Recruitment and Admissions ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Quality and Standards Framework: Reviews yet to commence .......................................................................................................................... 12
Periodic Review ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Reports approved in 2011-12 session ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Reviews undertaken in 2011-12, reports not yet approved .......................................................................................................................... 14
Reviews scheduled for 2012-13................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Recent Publications ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
QAA............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
HEFCE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Section B – University Programmes Regulations
Quality Handbook
Chapter III - Foundation Degrees
Amends Regulation 31(a) to reflect that each individual module mark shall
be weighted relative to its credit value
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vii)
Chapter IV - Honours Degrees
Reformats reg 10. to enable more specific exemption requests from
elements of the academic framework to be made
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(i)
Chapter V – Postgraduate
Certificate in Education
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vi)
Chapter VI – Postgraduate and
Graduate Certificates
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vii)
Removes the category of pass with distinction when referring only to
module marks (reg. 23)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Amends Regulation 31(a) to reflect that each individual module mark shall
be weighted relative to its credit value
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vi)
Chapter VII – Postgraduate and
Graduate Diplomas
Amends Regulation 38(a) to reflect that each individual module mark shall
be weighted relative to its credit value
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vii)
Removes the category of pass with distinction when referring only to
module marks (reg. 25)
Removes the category of pass with distinction when referring only to
module marks (reg. 25)
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vi)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Amends Regulation 31(a) to reflect that each individual module mark shall
be weighted relative to its credit value
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vii)
Chapter VIII Taught Masters
Introduces a merit award in the Masters stage (reg. 46) for students
commencing a programme on or after 1 September 2012
Updates the regulations to permit a Masters programme involving a
Preliminary Masters stage
Removes the category of pass with distinction when referring only to
module marks (reg. 26)
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(v)
Chapter IX - Research Masters
Chapter X – Masters of Research
(MRes) Degrees
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vi)
Introduces a merit award in the Masters stage (reg.44) for students
commencing a programme on or after 1 September 2012
Removes the category of pass with distinction when referring only to module
marks (reg. 25)
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (f)(i)
Removes the category of pass with distinction when referring to module
marks (reg. 25)
Chapter XIX – Undergraduate
Certificates in Higher Education
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Amends Regulation 37(c) to reflect that each individual module mark shall
be weighted relative to its credit value
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (f)(ii)
Chapter XVIII – Work-Related
September 2012 (to be published
in August)
Changes the name of the Regulations from Flexible Framework to WorkRelated Learning
Makes explicit the requirement to include work-related learning (para.5)
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(ii)
Amends Regulation 33(a) to reflect that each individual module mark shall
be weighted relative to its credit value
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vii)
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
September 2012 (to be published
in August)
Application to collaborative
provision: n/a
Application to collaborative
provision: n/a
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Chapter XX – Undergraduate
Amends Regulation 33(a) to reflect that each individual module mark shall
be weighted relative to its credit value
Approved by Senate, 21 March 2012, min 58 (e)(vii)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Section C – Quality of Teaching
University Code of Practice:
Recognised Teacher Status
Replaces partner institutions with (University) partners
Removes the paragraph on transitional arrangements
makes explicit that Guest speakers must not be involved in any part of the
assessment process or in providing academic/ or personal supervision and/or
support (para. 6)
Revises the Code to reflect the new committee structure
Extends the table in para. 15 to include the required qualifications of staff
seeking RTS to deliver/support the Pre-Certificate stage and the Certificate
Strengthens the requirements for staff seeking RTS via the experience route
(para. 16)
Replaces ‘Full Recognised Teacher Status’ and ‘Limited Recognised
Teacher Status’ with ‘Recognised Teacher Status with or without restrictions’
(paras. 19, 25)
Removes the requirement for programme leaders at FEC partners to report,
to the autumn Joint Board of Studies, details of any training or development
undertaken in the previous year together with confirmation that the partner
institution is satisfied with the ongoing proficiency of all staff with RTS (para.
September 2012 (to be published
in August)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Approved by ULTAC, 2 May 2012, min 87(b)iv
Section D – External Examining
University Code of Practice:
Boards of Examiners
A programme board, acting on information not available to module boards,
may invite the chair of a module board to consider whether the marks
verified for a specified module(s) were appropriate (para. 9 & 49)
Mandatory requirement for decision making at module boards to be
informed by the relevant module results data (para. 31)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Approved by ULTAC, 2 May 2012, min 87(b)iii
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Section E – Appeal and Complaints
Regulations for the investigation
and determination of complaints
by students
Distinguishes more clearly complaints procedures from Unfair Means
allegations, staff disciplinary and student disciplinary procedures (reg. 2)
Gives specific procedure to anonymous complaints (reg. 5)
Introduces the Director of Student Services as Dean equivalent to oversee
investigation and monitoring of complaints outside of Faculty jurisdiction
(regs. 10, 12e and 14e)
Routes complaints to either the Dean or the Director of Student Services, in
the first instance, to assist in monitoring investigations (reg. 10)
Acknowledges successful localised complaints systems removed of these
procedures (reg. 10)
Allows for an alternative Investigating Officer other than the Head of
Department where it is inappropriate for the Head of Department to
investigate (reg. 11a)
Introduces the right of the Vice President (Education) of Hull University
Union (HUU) to make a similar report to ULTAC on numbers of complaints
and themes involved as made by the Deans and Director of Student
Services, thus acknowledging partnership with HUU (reg. 14d)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Approved by Senate, 2 November 2011, min 20
Section F – Assessment
University Code of Practice:
Assessment Procedures
Version 1 03
Examinations which are centrally organised and held in central examination
venues will be invigilated by a team of people external to the University and/or
postgraduate students (paras.48-49)
A new chapter on checking student identity (paras.55-60)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Approved by ULTAC, 28 September 2011, min 27(b)iii
Version 1 04
Standardised penalties for late submission and overlength assessment (paras.
A new chapter on the use of TurnitinUK (paras. 33-40)
A new chapter on the treatment of students who do not follow the examination
rubric (paras. 66-68)
Explanatory note added to further clarify the role of second markers (para. 41)
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
September 2012 (to be published
in August)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Regulations governing the Use of
Unfair Means
University Code of Practice:
Professional Unsuitability and
Professional Misconduct
University Code of Practice:
Application of the moderation
process on programmes delivered
Approved by ULTAC, 2 May 2012, min 87(b)ii
Requires that the outcome of allegations in partners be recorded on UoH
student records system (para 3(b))
Clarification of examples which may constitute unfair means (para 4(e))
Confirms that software used to identify plagiarism must retain anonymity (para
Introduces a requirement for examiners to forward work suspectedly
plagiarised to the Dean with 4 weeks of the assessment event having taken
place (para 9(d))
Introduces a requirement that separate panels be constituted in cases of
alleged collusion (para 19(d))
Redefines the standard of proof required from ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ to
‘on a balance of probabilities’ (para 21(f), 23(a)(d))
Approved by Senate, 2 November 2011, min 13(i)
Clarification that decision needs to be made whether to pursue an offence
under Unfair Means, Professional Unsuitability or the student Disciplinary
Confirmation that poor Professional behaviour, of a lesser scale than
Unsuitability or Misconduct may be assessed via published learning outcomes
and not pursued under this procedure
Acknowledgement of ‘Regulators’ as well as ‘Professional Bodies’ and the
term ‘fitness to practice’
Clear statement anyone with knowledge of Professional Misconduct or
Unsuitability must write a report to the Professional Lead
Allows the Professional Lead to consider prima facie evidence – and the
possibility of suspension - in consultation with a colleague of equal
professional standing
Introduces agreement between Professional Lead and student of time limits by
which relevant evidence can be obtained
Where the Hearing Committee has determined that Professional Misconduct
or Unsuitability has been established, the Professional Lead shall inform
Senior Management Team and any other relevant external body as required
by parliamentary legislation
Refines the sequence of events and wording to reflect perspective of staff
referring to this document
Approved by ULTAC, 28 September 2011, min 5(c)
Changes Partner Institution to Partner
Clarifies the two part process, scrutiny of assessment task and review of
student output; review of student output previously called scrutiny of the
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Application to collaborative
by partners leading to awards of
the University
marking process
Adds in definitions and role descriptor for Academic Contact
Includes proformas for tracking purposes
Changes the structure of the code to follow chronological order of the tasks
provision: mandatory
Approved by ULTAC, 28 September 2011, min 27(b)iv
Section G – Programme Approval
University Code of Practice:
Approval of
programmes and modules
The new Code governs all programme approvals, regardless of the extent
or nature of any collaboration
The second significant change is a reduction from three stages of approval
to two; Development Consent (the business case) and Full Approval
(academic approval)
September 2012 (to be published
in August)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Approved by ULTAC, 2 May 2012, min 87(b)i
Section H - Collaborative Programme Approval
University Code of Practice:
Approval of
programmes and modules
See above
September 2012
Section J – Recruitment and Admissions
University Code of Practice
Devolution of Admissions
Decisions to Partner Institutions
Offering Collaborative
University Code of Practice
Equal Opportunities: Admission of
University Code of Practice:
Approval of Collaborative
Provision Publicity and Marketing
Updates the code with reference to the new committee structure
Several amendments for clarity
Approved by ULTAC, 15 Febuary 2012, min 64(b)i
Updates the code to reflect the Equality Act 2010 and the University’s
Equality and Diversity Policy
Approved by ULTAC, 15 Febuary 2012, min 64(b)ii
Requirement for the University Quality Office to approve prospectus entries
relating to programmes leading to an award of the University prior to their
A fixed deadline for feedback on prospectus entries to Partner Institutions.
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Application to collaborative
provision: for information
September 2012 (to be published
in August)
Application to collaborative
provision: mandatory
Approved by ULTAC, 2 May 2012, min 87(b)v
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Section B – University Programmes Regulations
Quality Handbook
Chapter I - Exchange &
Modular Study
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Chapter II - Minor
Chapter III - Foundation
Chapter IV - Honours
Chapter V – Postgraduate
Certificate in Education
Senate, 20 June 2012
Amendment to wording to reflect the introduction
of an international PGCE route that does not lead
to a recommendation for the award of QTS - regs.
7, 22, 27 and 35
Implementation September 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Senate, 20 June 2012
Implementation September 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Senate, 20 June 2012
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Application to collaborative provision:
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Intended final approval –
Implementation date
Implementation September 2012
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Senate, 20 June 2012
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Next stage
Implementation September 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Senate, 20 June 2012
Implementation September 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Chapter VI – Postgraduate
and Graduate Certificates
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Chapter VII – Postgraduate
and Graduate Diplomas
Chapter VIII Taught Masters
Chapter XX – Undergraduate
Senate, 20 June 2012
Implementation September 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Senate, 20 June 2012
Implementation September 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Senate, 20 June 2012
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Application to collaborative provision:
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Implementation September 2012
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Chapter XIX – Undergraduate
Certificates in Higher
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
ULTAC (2 May 2012) recommended to Senate:
Senate, 20 June 2012
Implementation September 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Senate, 20 June 2012
Amendment to the mitigating circumstances
reguation for clarification
Implementation September 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Section C – Quality of Teaching
University Code of Practice:
Peer Observation of Teaching
Working group membership established
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
First reading –
RCPC, 1 Feb 2013
Implementation September 2013
ULTAC, 13 Feb 2013
Application to collaborative provision:
for information
Section I – Programme Monitoring and Review
University Code of Practice:
Standardised Module and
Teaching Quality Evaluation
Draft Code (version 0 01) considered by the Working
Group on Standardised Module Evaluation, 15 May
2012. Code amended (version 0 02)
University Learning and
Teaching Advisory
Group, 18 June 2012
Faculty working group representatives to request views
on the draft Code (version 0 02) from Faculty Learning,
Teaching and Assessment Committees.
RCPC, 17 Sept 2012
Implementation: on approval
Application to collaborative provision:
for information
ULTAC, 26 Sept 2012
Section J – Recruitment and Admissions
University Code of Practice:
Accreditation of Prior
Code reviewed against the principles set out in the
University’s Approach to Quality and Standards.
First reading of the revised Code – RCPC, 24 April
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Final reading -
RCPC, 17 Sept 2012
Implementation: on approval
ULTAC, 26 Sept 2012
Application to collaborative provision:
Quality Handbook
Regulations governing
Academic Appeals
Scheduled review against the principles set out in the
University’s Approach to Quality and Standards (201213)
Next stage
Project specification to
be developed
Intended final approval –
Implementation date
Implementation: September 2013
Application to collaborative provision:
University Code of Practice:
Personal Development
Scheduled review against the principles set out in the
University’s Approach to Quality and Standards (201213)
Project specification to
be developed
Implementation: September 2013
Application to collaborative provision:
for information
University Code of Practice:
Placement Learning
Scheduled review against the principles set out in the
University’s Approach to Quality and Standards (201213)
Project specification to
be developed
Implementation: September 2013
Application to collaborative provision:
for information
University Code of Practice:
Annual Monitoring of
Scheduled review against the principles set out in the
University’s Approach to Quality and Standards (201213, 2013-14)
Project specification to
be developed
Implementation: September 2014
Application to collaborative provision:
University Code of Practice:
Partner Quality Enhancement
Scheduled review against the principles set out in the
University’s Approach to Quality and Standards (201213, 2013-14)
Project specification to
be developed
Implementation: September 2014
Application to collaborative provision:
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Reports approved in 2011-12 session
Good practice
Report & action plan approved
Sport, Health and Exercise
The Turnitin Handbook.
15 February 2012, ULTAC, minute 62(b)
30 April 2010
The relationships with University partner institutions delivering collaborative
2 May 2012, ULTAC, minute 81(a)
[action plan]
The project investigating student autonomy.
28 September 2011, ULTAC, minute
Biological Sciences
4 May 2011
The Department’s use of learning contracts and student portfolios, which the
Panel considered to be highly beneficial for student learning.
Centre for Educational
The Centre’s annual Research Student Conference and PhD Experience
10 May 2011
research community.
Scarborough School of
The School’s innovative approach to contextualised learning in Primary Teaching
14 Oct 2011
8 Feb 2012
Research Conference, and other strategies employed to develop a cohesive
Summary report & action plan published
on the portal
28 September 2011, ULTAC, minute
Summary report & action plan published
on the portal
15 February 2012, ULTAC, minute 62(a)
Clarity and effectiveness of the Department’s series of marking criteria for each
2 May 2012, ULTAC, minute 81(a)
Level and each type of assessment.
Return of examination scripts to students during induction weeks as an effective
mechanism for providing examination feedback.
Department’s rigorous system of attendance monitoring in enabling early support
interventions for students experiencing difficulties.
Departmental policy of combining the roles of Progress Officer and Disability
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Tutor which results in prompt and effective support and is highly valued by
Reviews undertaken in 2011-12, reports not yet approved
Intended final approval
Report approved by the Head of Quality and the Review Panel
ULTAC, 26 September 2012
Report approved by the Head of Quality and the Review Panel
ULTAC, 26 September 2012
21 February 2012
Politics and International
12 March 2012
Reviews scheduled for 2012-13
FASS Part-Time Provision
Preliminary meeting held with department
Intended final approval
ULTAC, 13 February 2013 or 1 May
Date of the review confirmed: Friday 30 November
Provisional date: week commencing 3 December 2012
ULTAC, 1 May 2013
American Studies
Provisional date: week commencing 11 February 2013
ULTAC, 1 May 2013 or September 2013
Social Sciences
Provisional date: week commencing 4 March 2013
ULTAC, September 2013
Social Work
Provisional date: week commencing 6 May 2013
ULTAC, September 2013
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final
Migration of the Academic Infrastructure to its new format - UK Quality Code for Higher Education:
General Introduction to the Quality Code
Chapter B7: External examining (December 11)
Part C: Information about higher education provision (March 12)
Chapter B3: Learning and Teaching (closing July 2012)
Chapter B5: Student engagement (closed - for publication summer 2012)
Chapter B11: Postgraduate research programmes (closed - for publication summer 2012)
Consultation on Enterprise and Entrepreneurship education – guidance for UK higher education providers – closed April 2012.
Consultation on a more risk-based approach to quality assurance (closes July 2012)
This document is available in alternative formats from the University Quality Office
Quality and Standards Update: Issue 01 - Sept 2011-May 2012
Version Final