Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________ 2nd Poetry Analysis Assessment Section 1: What are these quotes from “On Turning Ten” examples of? 1. “At seven I was a soldier.” a. Personification b. Hyperbole c. Metaphor d. Simile 2. PS R 9.1: Identify and discuss author’s use of literary devices “I walk through the universe in my sneakers.” a. Personification b. Hyperbole c. Metaphor d. Simile No Correctly identifies 1 or 0 Yes Correctly identifies 2 Section 2: How can you relate to or learn from “On Turning Ten”? Write at least two sentences. PS R 11.1 Generalize about universal themes Beginning Response is unrelated to question. Approaching No connection to life or uses < 2 sentences Meeting Connects the poem to personal experiences Exceeding Explains using a general idea about life Section 3: Pick which sentence best describes the theme of “On Turning Ten”: a. b. c. d. The narrator is turning ten. Turning ten is when you begin to change from being an innocent child to a serious adult. A boy went on a walk and saw the bicycle leaned against the garage. As you grow up, you become aware of the pain in the world. List and explain three specific details from “On Turning Ten” that support that theme. 1. 2. 3. PS R 2.3: State theme with supporting details R. 8.1: Draw a conclusion, provide details to support W 2.2: Writes to analyze literary texts W 3.2: Selects details relevant to the topic Beginning No details are provided Approaching Details are not explained Does not draw conclusion, or provides no supporting details Does not explain a theme of the poem No details are provided Conclusion and details summarize poem and do not explain theme Paragraph explains a literal theme Fewer than three details are provided Meeting Identifies and explains related details Selects and supports a significant conclusion from the text Chooses and supports a universal theme Some of the details may be unrelated to topic Exceeding Provides details w/ extensive commentary Selects and supports a conclusion, shows deep understanding of text Explains universal theme w/ commentary Details help support the chosen theme Section 4: Look at “Caged Bird.” Using at least two sentences, describe EITHER how the poet uses rhyme OR the rhythm of this poem. PS W 5.5: Selects sound devices in poetry Beginning Does not identify a rhyme scheme or rhythm Approaching Attempts to identify rhyme scheme or rhythm but might not explain fully Meeting Identifies and explains rhyme scheme or rhythm but lacks specific details Exceeding Clearly explains rhyme scheme or rhythm with specific details Section 5: What might the “caged bird” stand for? Who are the “caged birds” in the world today or in history? PS R 11.1: Generalize about universal themes, human nature, and/or historical and cultural perspectives Beginning Response is unrelated to question, or no response is given. Approaching Summarizes poem instead of generalizing Meeting Connects the poem to history or current life Exceeding Connects the poem to history or current life with significant explanation and details.