First Year Experience FYEX 103 - Front Page

First Year Experience at Huntingdon College: FYEX 103
Fall 2009
Instructor: Dr. Erastus C. Dudley
Office: Flowers 107
Office hours: MWF 8:15-9:00, TR 8:15-9:15, and by appointment
Phone number: 4582
Web page:
FYEx 103 Syllabus
Theme: You and your future: why are you at Huntingdon College? What is the purpose
of a liberal arts education for you? If it’s purpose is to prepare you for a career or
profession, why do you have to take all sorts of subjects that you’re not interested in? In
required core classes, you will have to read many texts: why? How are these texts
relevant to your life, to your future? How and where do you and those texts intersect? In
FYEx, we will explore the intersections between your own stories and the stories and texts
you're given in a liberal arts college. Our goal is to help you understand the rationale for
critically reading and responding to varied texts, and to justify the significance of a liberal
arts education to you personally and to your place in the world
Course Description: This class is a one-semester, three-credit hour course required of
first year students. The focus of this course is you, the college student. One of your
challenges will be how to balance academic and extracurricular activities. We will
examine and discuss your expectations of Huntingdon College as well as Huntingdon’s
expectations of you. FYEX is designed to promote your success --both in and out of
college— through the pursuit and understanding of a Liberal Arts education, especially in
reference to the personal (oral communication, self-knowledge and self-discipline), the
intellectual (critical reading, thinking, and writing, computer competence, research and
time-management skills) and the ethical (Huntingdon’s Honor Code, personal values, and
the connection of conviction to action).
Course outcomes:
1. To connect you to the college – to foster relevance of the college core curriculum
(liberal arts and sciences), to promote your involvement in the co-curriculum (out of class
2. To connect your present educational experience to the decisions you make about your
performance in the classroom, as well as to your personal and academic goals.
Course objectives and measurements;
1. to develop critical reading and writing skills that will be measured by class
discussions and writing assignments and/or quizzes.
2. to develop public communication skills that will be measured by an oral
presentation and accompanying paper that demonstrates the research, preparation,
and delivery of a well organized, persuasive, argument which contains effective
supporting materials, and conforms to audience members’ needs and/or expectations.
3. to develop computer competence that will be measured by
assignments and/or examinations that demonstrate
competence in essential computer operations: sending and
retrieving e-mail, preparing documents and reports.
Course policies:
We will be courteous and respectful of each other. Such behavior is essential in a liberal
arts curriculum, where students are encouraged to share ideas, thoughts and feelings. We
are all entitled to our own opinions, whether or not we are in agreement with each other.
Discourteous and/or disrespectful students or guests will be asked to leave the classroom.
Attendance is essential. Attending all classes at Huntingdon College is mandatory. You
are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Repeated unexcused absences will be
penalized. Five (5) unexcused absences will result in your final grade being lowered by
one full letter grade.
There is a distinction between excused and unexcused absences. Excused absences will
not be expressly penalized. Examples of excused absences include
1. school sanctioned events at which the student functions as a representative of the
college (athletics, music performances, field trips, etc.). You must notify your
instructor one week in advance of these absences.
2. medical reasons. Students must fill out an “Excused Absence Form” and illness or
injury must be documented by the school nurse or a physician.
3. family emergency. Students must fill out an “Excused Absence Form” with the
Office of Student Affairs.
4. graduate school or job interview. Students must fill out an “Excused Absence
Form” with approval from the Office of Academic Affairs. Students must fill out
an “Excused Absence Form” with the Office of Academic Affairs.
If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the missed work from your fellow
Simply attending class meetings does not guarantee that you will pass the class; you’ve
actually got to both attend the class meetings and do the work to earn your passing grade.
Furthermore, earning the oral communication grade involves both presenting, listening
and responding to your classmates’ presentations. As such, you are expected to come to
every class, and perform not only as an oral communicator, but as a respectful and
responsive audience member as well.
Lateness must be avoided. If you are unavoidably late to class, come in quietly, and take
a seat near the door so that your disturbance of the class is minimal.
Honor Code: All work submitted must be your own. If you use outside sources, you
must acknowledge them properly. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism. Failing to
place quotation marks around words or phrases copied from other sources, failing to
provide sources for ideas or information that are not considered general knowledge,
turning in work that has been wholly or partly written by someone else- these are all acts
of plagiarism. A punishable offense, plagiarism is both immoral and illegal. If you have a
source in front of your eyes as you write, you need to copy it accurately, put quotation
marks around it, and acknowledge your source. Huntingdon College takes academic
integrity seriously (see Student Handbook). An assignment in violation of the Honor
Code will receive a grade of ‘0’; you may receive a course grade of ‘F’ as well as suffer
further penalties. The matter may be referred to the Judicial Board for further action.
Electronic Devices: Unless there is a situation in which a genuine emergency could take
place, ALL CELL PHONES MUST BE TURNED OFF in the classroom. Unless we are
using them for a particular exercise, all computers and/or electronic devices (blackberries
and the like) MUST BE TURNED OFF and put away. Failure to comply with this policy
will result in expulsion from the classroom.
Grading & feedback: I will provide frequent (timely) student feedback. You are invited
to meet with me during my office hours or at a time that works for both of us. Don’t be
shy: stop by, call, or email me to set up a time for us to talk. If we do schedule a meeting,
please come on time. If you cannot keep our date, please call or email me; another student
just might need than time.
Late work will only be accepted at the discretion of your instructor.
Class participation:
(including quizzes & general assignments)
Computer assignment
Public communication:
(oral presentation = 20%
accompanying research paper = 15%)
Grading Criteria:
A= 90-99: Outstanding work
B= 80-89: Better than competent work
C= 70-79: Competent work
D= 60-69: Work is deficient in form and/or content
F= 50-59: Work is totally unacceptable, seriously deficient.
Support Services for Students with Disabilities:
Faculty at Huntingdon College make every effort to accommodate unique and special
needs of students with respect to speech, hearing, vision, seating, or other possible
adaptions. Please notify the Disability Services Intake Coordinator, Ms. Camilla Irvin
#4577, as soon as possible of requested accommodations.
Required materials:
The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien,
available in bookstore.
The Essential Guide to Rhetoric by Keith
and Lundberg, available in bookstore.
Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Computer Basics
By Michael Miller, Fourth Edition,
(packaged with your computer).
Course Schedule and Assignments:
Assignments are due (should be read or completed by) the date listed below.
The required texts are abbreviated as follows:
The Things They Carried= TTTC
The Essential Guide to Rhetoric= EGR
Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computer Basics= ABG
Week 1. Calendar notes: Add/Drop begins
1) Tues, 8/25: Introduction to class.
Navigating FYEX. Syllabus/class expectations. What is a Liberal Arts Education?
Personal Expectations vs. Institutional Expectations
Station Center/tutoring options, Academic Advisor, Student Information Card
Connecting your time at Huntingdon with career/professional planning
Short oral presentation assignment:
Getting to know you, telling your story: what defines you?
2) Thurs, 8/27: Be prepared to tell your story in a 3-5 minute oral presentation: what
defines you?
8/28 Last day to drop a course; last day to add a course with permission of advisor only.
Week 2.
3) Tues, 9/1: Telling your story, short oral presentations continued
Computer competence exercises assigned DUE NEXT CLASS
including basic skills: sending/receiving email, attachments
EGR: Email, pp. 233-238
Defining plagiarism, plagiarism exercise assigned.
9/2 Last day to add a course with permission of advisor, instructor,
and Academic Dean
4) Thurs, 9/3: Telling your story, cont.
Computer exercises due, must have been received by FYEx instructor
Plagiarism/ Honor Code discussion.
Face Book discussion, exercise.
Week 3.
Labor Day. No classes.
5) Tues, 9/8: Computer competence/ tech team class visits
ABG: Hardware and Software pp. 11-14,
Notebook Computers1 pp. 28-34
6) Thurs9/10: Vietnam introduction/ discussion begins via guest speakers,
documentary film, Tech team class visits continue.
Week 4.
7) Tues, 9/15: Computer Competence continues with tech team visits.
Begin watching, discussing FMJ.
8) Thurs, 9/17: FMJ, written response or quiz on FMJ assigned.
In-service day. No classes.
Week 5. Vietnam experience through Full Metal Jacket and The Things They
MEET IN CHAPEL at 11:30 a.m.: Dr. Rohlig’s lecture
9) Tues, 9/22: FMJ
10) Thurs, 9/24: FMJ
Last chance to withdraw from a class without grade penalty and receive a W.
Written response to FMJ due via Turnitin.
Week 6. The Things They Carried
11) Tues, 9/29: TTTC, pp. 1-61.
TTTC response or quiz assigned
TTTC essay assigned
12) Thurs, 10/2: TTTC & FMJ discussion based on assigned responses or QUIZ.
Week 7. TTTC
13) Tues, 10/6: TTTC, 62-88.
Discussion based on assigned responses.
14) Thurs, 10/8: Visiting Vie Nam Vets (this date will vary per class).
TTTC discussion.
Response #3 assigned.
10/9 In-service day. No classes.
End of midterm grading period
Week 8. TTTC
15) Tues, 10/13: TTTC, 117-178
TTTC essay: draft due.
16) Thurs, 10/15: TTTC 179 ff.
10/16 In-service day. No classes
Last day to change to P/N grading, audit, and non-credit status.
Week 9. Oral Communication: Advertising & Consumerism
10/19 TTTC essay due on
17) Tues, 10/20: Advertising & consumerism discussion.
Media imagery and method: film
EGR: chapter 1, pp. 3-10.
Oral communication project assigned.
18) Thurs, 10/22: Film & discussion/ Guest speaker/ demonstration of oral
presentation skills. Or film.
EGR: chapter 2, pp.11-23.
Week 10. Public Communication: Organizing your ideas and presentation:
19) Tues, 10/27: EGR: chapter 3, pp. 24-31.
Using Language and Other Appeals.
20) Thurs, 10/29: Jib Fowles’ Advertisings 15 Basic Appeals discussion/ film.
10/30 In-service day. No classes.
Week 11. Public Communication: Persuasive strategies & argument
21) Tues, 11/3: Spring registration discussion.
Student presentations begin.
22) Thurs, 11/5: Student presentations.
In-service day. No classes.
Week 12. Presentations
23) Tues, 11/10: Presentations
24) Thurs, 11/12: Student presentations
11/13 In-service day. No classes.
Week 13. Presentations
25) Tues, 11/17: Student presentations
26) Thurs, 11/19: Student presentations, cont.
Week 14. Thanksgiving vacation. No classes.
11/24 Thanksgiving
11/26 Thanksgiving
Week 15.
27) Tues, 12/1: Reviewing Fyex
28) Thurs, 12/3: Means and methods: studying for final exams.
Week 16. Final exams: 12/7-12/11.
Mon., Dec. 7
Tues., Dec. 8
Wed., Dec. 9
Thurs., Dec. 10
Fri., Dec. 11
8:30–10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m., TR
8:00 a.m., MWF
9:15 a.m., MWF
11:00 a.m., TR
12:30 p.m., TR
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m., TR
2:30–4:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m., TR
10:30 a.m., MWF
2:15 p.m., MWF
1:00 p.m., MWF
All others not scheduled
To help you succeed at Huntingdon, we offer:
The Writing Center
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday nights in Jackson Home 108
Sunday 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. (for first year students)
Monday 6:30- 8:30
Wednesday 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Located in Jackson 108, the Writing Center serves Huntingdon by providing support at all
levels to students working to improve proficiency at skills associated with college-level
reading and writing. The Writing Center offers an active interface between student,
instructor, assignment (the work in progress), and tutor.
Free one-on-one tutoring is available to all Huntingdon students, either by appointment or
on a walk-in basis.
We can help you in a variety of ways:
Developing and organizing essays and papers for FYEx 103, English Composition
103 and 104
Developing and organizing essays and papers from Business, Communications,
English, History, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, and other classes
Learning and reviewing pre-writing methods and skills including brainstorming,
free writing, thesis development, focus, and research methods
Learning and practicing revision methods
Researching documentation methods according to instructor required format
(MLA, APA, etc.)
Ms. Emily Cosgrove, Learning Support Specialist
Dr. Robin Gunther, Director
The Science Solutions Center
Hours—Physical Sciences
Sunday: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Monday: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Hours—Biological Sciences
Friday: 12–2 p.m.
The Science Solutions Center assists students with questions about biology, general
college chemistry, organic chemistry, physical science, analytical chemistry,
biochemistry, and physical chemistry. Physical Sciences is housed in Flowers 326 and
Biological Sciences in Bellingrath 303.
Individualized and group help is offered during the Center’s regular hours, and the faculty
provides regular study sessions in Bellingrath 105 prior to major exams, midterms, and
final examinations.
In addition, help is also provided for students who are:
Studying for the physical and biological (organic chemistry) sections of the MCAT and
Writing application essays for professional schools, graduate or Ph.D. programs, or
summer internship programs
Designing and conducting undergraduate research projects in chemistry and biochemistry
Practicing oral presentations for professional and scientific meetings
Ms. Emily Cosgrove, Learning Support Specialist
Dr. Maureen K. Murphy, Director
Dr. Doba Jackson, Chemistry
Dr. Sean Pucket, Chemistry
Dr. Steven Guthrie, Biology
The Mathematics Center
Flowers 303, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday nights
Sunday: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
The Mathematics Center is located in Flowers Hall 303 and offers personal and group
tutoring for all college math courses. Staffed by the faculty of Huntingdon’s Math
Department, individual and group sessions are tailored to meet the needs of our students.
Help in the following areas is provided:
Math Concepts I and II
College algebra
The calculus sequence
Any upper-level math courses
In addition, students can also receive tutoring in mathematical skills needed for non-math
courses. Appointments can also be made to meet with the Math Department faculty during
their regular office hours.
Ms. Emily Cosgrove
Learning Support Specialist
Dr. Sally Clark, Co-Director
Dr. Mark Liatti, Co-Director
FYEX Essay Assignment:
Due in class ____________, 2009 (this is your final, third draft).
Minimum 3 numbered pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 font, one inch margins, stapled or
clipped together.
Your name, the date, and your section should be on each page.
This essay is rooted in your reading of Tim O’Brien’s THE THINGS THEY CARRIED.
This is one of those intersections that comprise the theme for this class. Use your reading
and understanding of the novel –- as well as what you carry-- to respond to one of the
following questions/topics. You may also, of course, use your class discussions, another
novel, a film, a story, etc. in your essay. If you use any source other than yourself (and
common knowledge), make sure to give it credit, to attribute it.
Read them over, think about them, and then respond carefully and thoughtfully to one of
the following. Remember, this is 20% of your final grade.
Possible Topics (more topics will be added relative to what is happening in our
1. O’Brien says they all carried ghosts (10). Discuss what he means. Don’t we all?
Do you?
2. O’Brien writes that “they were actors” (20), using a hard vocabulary to contain
the softness. What does he mean?
Have you witnessed this kind of reactive behavior elsewhere?
3. “The war story is never moral,” says O’Brien. He tells us that he was a coward;
that’s why he went to war (68). Explain what he’s talking about.
4. Is terror or fear the plot motor of this novel? Do you think everything that
happens in THE THINGS THEY CARRIED is motivated by terror or fear?
5. How does O’Brien use symbols or symbolism in his novel? (Examples include
Martha’s white pebble, names like Jimmy Cross). How do we (or just you) use
symbols in our lives?
6. How do the men in the story/stories deal with death? How do we/you?
7. Discuss Tim O’Brien’s theories –scattered, discussed throughout the novel--about
writing, about telling stories. Do stories save us?
8. How does Tim O’Brien’s accounting of war differ from other stories, novels,
films, and poems –especially re the Vietnam War—that you’ve read or seen?
9. After being in Viet Nam, Mary Jane, the perfect girlfriend in “Sweetheart of the
Song Tra Bang,” becomes lethal, a predatory killer: why? Do you think there’s
any significance to the fact that she’s female?
10. According to O’Brien, what’s the relationship (and the difference) between shame
and courage? How does shame affect these soldiers? How important is it to their
performance? What about you? How important is shame to your performance?
11. Does THE THINGS THEY CARRIED shed any light on current or recent United
States military engagements in the Gulf, in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Other FYEx Assignments:
FYEx Persuasive Oral Presentation Assignment:
In a 6-8 minute oral presentation, you will make a persuasive argument, based on your
own research as well as class discussions, about advertising and consumerism. In your
oral presentation, you will relate your understanding of an approved, relevant topic to the
class. Typically, you will want to make your listeners aware of a problem, issue, or policy
that reveals a personal intersection or your opinions re advertising and consumerism.
Your purpose is to engage the attention, attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of your audience
members. Your goal(s) is to (1) create new audience responses, (2) enhance existing
audience responses, (3) change audience responses, or (4) motivate audiences to take
action. Keep in mind that the language you use and how you use it is extremely important
when trying to persuade others. You will be asked to incorporate at least four (4) sources
(from your research) into your presentation (only one of which may be an Internet
source—use of the databases found on the Library’s website are not considered Internet
sources) as a way to augment your argument and credibility. Also, a typed bibliography
(see your instructor for the appropriate format) and a full-content, full-sentence outline or
paper are required for this presentation. More guidelines will be provided in class.
Meet Your Advisor Assignment suggestion
Huntingdon College Plan Of Study: Freshman and Sophomore Years
This assignment asks you to make an appointment to meet with your academic advisor
and “map out” a long-term course plan for your first two years of college.
Plagiarism Assignment
Minding Your Facebook Assignment
Signature Page*
I sign this page in agreement that
1. I have read and understand the course policies and grading outlined in the
2. I realize that if I miss more days than the attendance policy allows, I may fail
the class.
3. I will adhere to the Huntingdon College Honor Code as outlined in the student
handbook (and the syllabus). I fully understand the ramifications of violating
the Honor Code.
4. I will treat everyone in the classroom with courtesy and respect. Such
behavior is essential in a liberal arts curriculum, where students are encouraged
to share ideas, thoughts and feelings. I understand that class members are
entitled to their opinions, whether or not I agree with them. I fully understand
that if I do not behave courteously and respectfully, I most likely will be asked
to leave the room.
(date): ___________ _____________________________________________(student)
___________ _____________________________________________(professor)
*When signed by both you and your FYEX instructor, turn this page into your instructor.