SUFAC Agenda
Date: November 14, 2011
Time and Location: 5:30 PM; Senate Chambers; Cartwright Center
I. Call to Order
a. 5:30 PM
II. Budget Hearings for Fiscal Year 2012-2013
a. Cultural Affairs Committee (5:35 – 6:45 PM)
i. Jazz Ensemble – Greg Balfany
1. We perform jazz music consisting of two instrumental ensembles, two
vocal jazz ensembles, and three combos. We perform annually
approximately 25 to 30 services for campus. We do a service event
and we put on a festival that brings people to UW-L to let them know
what we are all about. We do an annual tour as well. We ask for a
1.5% increase that mostly is due to music and publicity costs.
ii. Korean Percussion Ensemble – Soojin Ritterling
1. We have two student ensemble groups on campus. They would like to
secure funds for travel and instruments. The shipping costs a lot
because the instruments are coming from Korea. We would like to use
this money to fix up equipment. We perform a lot on campus and the
surrounding area. During Diversity Month we are also very busy. We
go to a conference every other year in Nashville, Tennessee. SUFAC
helps us tremendously. We also print our programs and posters for our
music. We are asking for a 2.51% increase because the exchange rate
fluctuates every year. We have our regular concert on November 30th
in the Annette Recital Hall, so please come and enjoy.
2. Vo: Have you every thought about submitting a one shot?
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a. Right now it is manageable with the instruments we have, but I
will certainly look to that in the future.
iii. LGBTIAQQ – Will Van Roosenbeek
1. This account does a few things. It allows us to take students to
different conferences. We took students to UW-Plateville for the
Rainbow Rave and the UW System Women’s Studies Conference.
We use money for speaker fees as well and the third area is for food
during welcome week which is continually growing. We also use that
money to provide refreshments for the Rainbow Graduation and it is
an event for the whole community to come together. The cost of travel
and speakers is going up. With the increase, we would like to put
extra money into welcome back week.
iv. Multicultural Events – Antoiwana Williams and Thomas Harris
1. We are responsible for overseeing six multicultural student
organizations. They are all housed in our office and the multicultural
groups put on programs. They benefit from training and leadership
conferences. We feel it is important to work with them as students
leaders to prepare them for when they leave this institution. Travel is
important because they are gaining from the travel and to be able to
bring speakers back. It is important to know that our students do try to
collaborate with other student organizations. With leadership
development we try to do as much as possible to collaborate across the
institution. It is also about the intellectual learning that goes on. The
students and staff think it is important to bring multicultural awareness
to the campus community. We would like to see a 2.51% increase.
We are working on spending this money to better the campus
community. This time I would like to look at the max available to be
able to increase their budget. With the increase it will continue to
allow us to hold events that are free or low cost. It would also
continue to provide some outstanding programming. We try to
maximize our budgets.
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2. Larry: I am not seeing any program revenue?
a. We will have to double check on it.
v. Marching/Concert Bands – Tammy Fisher
1. We are asking for the 2.51% increase. This account encompasses
three major groups. Between three ensembles we serve a large amount
of students. The most expensive to keep is the marching band because
of uniforms, repairs of equipment, and to keep the new equipment
serviced. The upkeep is what is important. Repairs don’t get any
cheaper. We like to bring professional guest artists in to work with our
students and perform with them. Those are the kind of programs that
we have.
vi. Choir – Gary Walth
1. I have brought two of my students with me to show that these students
are interested in benefiting from this money. This increase looks huge
but let me explain. I am very grateful for this group’s work. We have
a crisis situation for recruiting because of the small space that we are
offered. I want you to know that we are surrounded by a very talented
vocal area and we do very well next to these institutions. We end up
having to go to these schools and traveling a lot because our recital
hall is too small. We also feel some of our students need an
international experience. Our budget really jumped there because it
shows the trip to Ireland. We want to do everything we can to show
that UW-L sets a high standard for music. It is for recruiting, travel,
and letting people know that we are still here. We have a large amount
of students who are active in our program and that justify our budget.
2. Larry: When is the trip?
a. Ireland and Northern Ireland on May 15th. We are fundraising
like crazy and have some great contacts.
3. Karlstrand: How many students go?
a. We have about 45 students, give or take a few that may still
change their minds.
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4. Larry: What have you learned from your experience with the choir?
a. Student: I am a music education and music theater major.
They allow us to be involved in many different aspects of
music. I have learned how to direct and come to leadership
opportunities like this. I am excited about this tour.
b. Second Student: La Crosse stood out to me because I was
treated like a person and not a number. I have been able to
inspire others through music.
vii. Orchestra – John Seddon (Represented by Tammy Fisher)
1. We have a full orchestra and there is a series of smaller chamber
ensembles. It gives that group a lot of versatility and we receive a lot
of requests for those groups to go out and perform at various public
venues. They have some guest performers lined up as well. For
certain pieces we also need to rent equipment. I felt that the money
last year was left for the next person in line.
viii. Theatre – Laurie Kincman and Joe Anderson
1. Joe Anderson: We produce productions that our students are involved
in. We pick a season by looking at our students and our majors, and
then what would be a good experience for the campus community and
the region as a whole. One thing that hinders us the most is storage
space. We prefer to store and reuse costumes and parts of our set.
Altogether, we try to give our students a broad base of theater.
2. Laurie Kincman: There are three shows that happen in the fall, two in
the spring. There is a balance of shows. We try to point out that we
are trying to bring in money through ticket sales. We raised nonstudent ticket sales. With our storage, we have been told to store off
campus because we do not have the space anymore. We pay to have
permission to do a show and it is not cheap because we pay per
performance. Royalties to do a musical are also pricy.
3. Stanley: What is your projected ticket revenue?
a. Kincman: About $100,000.
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4. Anderson: We try to spread the word and we are competing with a lot
of theaters around the area. In addition, we try to find things that serve
the roles of our women in theater.
ix. Women’s Studies Programs – Jodi Vandenberg-Daves
1. I invited along some students that will more or less answer your
2. Student: This semester we are focusing on gaining more members and
we promote feminism on our campus. We partner with other diversity
groups on campus to bring speakers to our university. We try to raise
awareness to those who may not be women’s studies majors. We are
showing movies that we open up to the whole university. They are
really great ways to get people involved. The budget that we have
shows no increase.
3. Vandenberg-Daves: We are in a transition period and we feel that an
increase is not necessary for this year. However, we plan to remain
very active.
x. Ability Awareness Programs – Thomas Link
1. We bring speakers to campus and that is the largest portion of our
budget. We also do diversity dialogues in classrooms. Everything we
do is to raise the awareness for the rights of people with disabilities.
We really work hard to collaborate with other groups on campus.
CAB in particular is very helpful and we enjoy co-sponsoring with
them. We also co-sponsored with the English department recently.
We did not ask for an increase because I have a hard time asking for
more money when I work with students who operate on a low budget.
xi. International Student Programs – Diane Sasaki
1. Thanks for the opportunity; I am here to answer any questions you
may have. The focus of these programs is to integrate students and
international students together. Some of the experiences are cultural
and we also help provide education across campus. We also have the
International Food Tasting that is usually something we sell out of and
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it is very popular on campus and in the community. At the end of each
semester, we like to have a graduation celebration that allows students
whose families cannot attend graduation to feel that graduation is
celebrated for them and that they have made a large accomplishment.
We are going to try an international book club this year to help reach
out to more domestic students. We cut out our travel fee for the Mall
of America trip. There is in interest in international films and we will
be looking into that.
b. Ten Minute Recess, if time allows (6:45 – 6:55 PM)
c. Organizations Committee (6:55 – 7:25 PM)
i. Distinguished Lecture Series – Larry Ringgenberg
1. So DLS is the organization that brings every other year a speaker to
campus that is designed to support some diversity or different points of
view. This year we brought in Eric Schlosser. This budget is a
straight little increase so that it continues to carryover for the speaker
that will occur two years from now. We try to keep money in the
account so that we are able to do a big name person.
ii. Campus Activities Board – Jamie Satterlee: Financial Coordinator for CAB
1. We bring different kinds of activities for students, staff, and faculty.
The student help we increased to $4,300.00 and the spreadsheet shows
what we are requesting for as far as student help. Our other increases
can also be noted on this spreadsheet. We did the 2.51% increase
across the board. Some things that we do need a larger budget for is
lodging for artists. We have not gotten a raise in quite a few years.
2. Larry: Could you talk a little about Jason DeRulo and how that
help/hindered CAB?
a. I spoke last year about how we would be changing our strategy
to fund our deficit. Last year we ended with a surplus and we
plan to continue with this in the future by bringing in a larger
artist. It is a riskier situation, but it produced good result. This
year we are talking with Mac Miller. We don’t want to bring
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someone that is too risky. We are discussing that tomorrow
night. They may need some additional underwriting so that
they don’t go in the hole. He would cost around $70,000.
iii. Graduate Activities Program – Robert Hoar
1. I am the interim director of graduate studies this year. It’s a pretty
simple request and it serves the two purpose of having a place for
graduate students to come together. The two pieces is travel funds and
then a bit for gatherings here on campus. I think we had some
carryover a year or two ago. The graduate students can request funds
to attend conferences and there is a formula that is applied to their
request depending on what their activities entail. There are four
rounds of this and it is necessary because students do not often know if
their project is far enough along. We have about 33 graduate students
going out to conferences. There are some great stories and the
downside is that a lot of this cost is put back on the students. I am
willing to answer any questions.
d. Ten Minute Recess, if time allows (7:25 – 7:35 PM)
e. Student Services and Building Committee – Olivia Boerschinger (7:35 – 8:10 PM)
i. SAC-C Post Season Travel – Sue White
1. It is used for travel to national and regional events. We are asking for
a 2.51% increase. We had students travel throughout the nation for
these events. It is to help them out and they are very successful in
these events. It is just a little bit to help each team out.
ii. Club Sports General
1. We are asking for the 2.51% increase.
iii. Intramural Sports – Sue White
1. We are asking for a 0% increase because we feel it is able to maintain
itself as it is. Much of the money that comes in is for student help with
the intramurals. There are also some minor fees for equipment and
2. Vo: Why did the fringe benefit almost double?
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a. Stanley: It is the fringe rate by student help and that would be
their percentage.
iv. Honors Reception – Sara Olson
1. The Honors Reception is held in the spring to recognize all the
students that receive scholarships. This year we are implementing an
online scholarship system. You will automatically be matched to any
scholarship you are available to apply for. This system will make it
much easier for students to apply for scholarships. It will change to
make things paperless. The annual fee is $8,000 and I am asking for
half of that. The Foundation will pay for the rest. I know it is a big
increase but I think it is something that will benefit the students at our
2. Nelson: Is this running this year or next year?
a. It is suppose to start up December 15th of this year.
3. Vo: How much is the Foundation willing to fund?
a. It was added into the budget and we are hoping that if we are
allowed some support from SUFAC that would help.
v. Publications – Racquet – Mary Beth Vahala and Kelli Ponce
1. We are asking for a 2% increase and the majority of our budget is to
cover printing and student help. We have a new addition for our
online issue and no we are starting to be charged for that.
2. Stanley: Could you talk about your revenue projections?
a. April and Kelli: I think that this has a lot to do with our ad
revenue. In reality, there is a new plan that we are
implementing from last semester.
b. Mary Beth: We are also trying to be realistic about what we
put in the paper and what they are able to collect.
3. Larry: Tell us about the student employment numbers.
a. Kelli: We are trying to have the paper grow. Since last
semester we have cut a lot in pay and still try to be realistic that
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if we want to expand we have to have the manpower so to
4. Karlstrand: Is the online fee something that existed before?
a. Kelli: Before it was a free service, but as it gained in
popularity they started charging.
5. Vo: For the student help, how have you come to that number?
a. April: We pay salaries to editors and per article to our staff
members. We pay our students twice a semester.
vi. Olivia Boerschinger
1. Rykal: How did the committee respond to the Honors Reception
a. It was well accepted, but we wondered how it will be funded in
the following years.
2. Rykal: Do you think that the account is the right representation of
these funds?
I believe so; she did mention how she wishes she could change
the name of the group.
3. Karlstrand: By doing the new program, would the school save any
money with not having people read over the applications?
a. It will save students out of pocket money.
4. Vo: Is this something that will benefit everyone?
a. One of the main concerns is that the group wasn’t consulted
instead of asking up front. It was brought up briefly how they
have already paid the start-up fee.
5. Karlstrand: If it is already being funded through the Foundation would
that change the amount that students are going to have access to for
a. Rykal: I think those funds have to be set aside because they
are coming from other outside gifts.
6. Rykal: What did they think of the intramural sports and those other
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a. They found it logical for all of their budget increases.
b. With the Racquet, no one expressed any concern with the
7. Larry: Have these sports clubs ceased to exist at anytime?
a. Some of them combined I believe.
f. Ten Minute Recess, if time allows (8:10 – 8:20 PM)
g. General Accounts – Student Association CFO (Flexible Timeframe)
1. We have student help at minimum wage, printing, and food service.
We would like to go as paperless as possible.
ii. Student Association
1. We have added a Get Out the Vote Director and so that is an extra
position we are allowing for the fiscal year. This is based on what we
think they are going to work for the professional fees.
iii. Equipment and Supplies – One Shots
1. We are not requesting an increase. This is a flexible number.
2. Larry: Are you okay with putting equipment and contingency in one
a. We could just budget the contingency separately.
III. Review/Discussion of Hearings
a. Rykal: Please think about how you feel about some of the larger increases over the
week. I would really appreciate that.
b. Palmer: I think we should think about the arts compared to what we pay for sports
and to think about that so we are being fair.
c. Karlstrand: The fact that we are looking for and helping them with that especially
and giving them money later I don’t know is they deserve more special privilege.
IV. Announcements
V. Adjournment
a. 8:41 PM
SUFAC 2011-2012