1998 Exam – Question 1
Consider the sampling distribution of a sample mean obtained by random sampling from an infinite population.
This population has a distribution that is highly skewed toward the larger values.
(a) How is the mean of the sampling distribution related to the mean of the population?
(b) How is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution related to the standard deviation of the population?
(c) How is the shape of the sampling distribution affected by the sample size?
1999 Exam – Question 4
A company is considering implementing one of two quality control plans for monitoring the weights of
automobile batteries that it manufactures. If the manufacturing process is working properly, the battery weights
are approximately normally distributed with a specified mean and standard deviation.
Quality control plan A calls for rejecting a battery as defective if its weight falls more than 2 standard deviations
below the specified mean.
Quality control plan B calls for rejecting a battery as defective if its weight falls more than 1.5 interquartile
ranges below the lower quartile of the specified population.
Assume the manufacturing process is under control.
What proportion of batteries will be rejected by plan A?
What is the probability that at least 1 of 2 randomly selected batteries will be rejected by plan A?
What proportion of batteries will be rejected by plan B?
1999 Exam - Question 5
Die A has four 9’s and two 0’s on its faces. Die B has four 3’s and two 11’s on its faces when either of these dice
is rolled, each face has an equal chance of landing on top. Two players are going to play a game. The first player
selects a die and rolls it. The second player rolls the remaining die. The winner is the player whose die has the
higher number on top.
a. Suppose you are the first player and you want to win the game. Which die would you select?
Justify your answer.
Suppose the player using die A receives 45 tokens each time he or she wins the game. How many
tokens must the player using die B receive each time he or she wins in order for this to be a fair
game? Explain how you found your answer. (A fair game is one in which the player using die A
and the player using die B both end up with the same number of tokens in the long run.)
2002 Exam B – Question 2
Airlines routinely overbook flights because they expect a certain number of no-shows. An airline runs a 5 P.M.
commuter flight from Washington, D.C. to New York City on a plane that holds 38 passengers. Past experience
has shown that if 41 tickets are sold for the flight, then the probability distribution for the number who actually
show up for the flight is as shown in the table below.
Number who actually show up
Assumer 41 tickets are sold for each flight.
There are 38 passenger seats on the flight. What is the probability that all passengers who show up for
this flight will get a seat?
b) What is the expected number of no-shows for this flight?
Given that not all passenger seats are filled on a flight, what is the probability that only 36 passengers
showed up for the flight?
2003 Exam – Question 3
Men’s shirt sizes are determined by their neck sizes. Suppose that men’s neck sizes are approximately normally
distributed with mean 15.7 inches and standard deviation 0.7 inch. A retailer sells men’s shirts in sixes S, M, L,
XL, where the shirt sizes are defined in the table below.
Shirt Size
Neck Size
14  neck size < 15
15  neck size < 16
16  neck size <17
17  neck size < 18
A. Because the retailer only stocks the sizes listed above, what proportion of customers will find that the
retailer does not carry any shirts in their sizes? Show your work.
B. Using a sketch of a normal curve, illustrate the proportion of men whose shirt size is M. Calculate this
C. Of 12 randomly selected customers, what is the probability that exactly 4 will request size M? Show
your work.
2003 Exam B – Question 2
A simple random sample of adults living in a suburb of a large city was selected. The age and annual income of
each adult in the sample were recorded. The resulting data are summarized in the table below.
Age Category
Over 60
Annual Income
Over $50,000
A. What is the probability that a person chosen at random from those in this sample will be in the 31-45
age category?
B. What is the probability that a person chosen at random from those in this sample whose incomes are
over $50,000 will be in the 31-45 age category? Show your work.
C. Based on your answers to parts (a) and (b), is annual income independent of age category for those in
this sample? Explain.
2003 Exam B – Question 5
Contestants on a game show spin a wheel like the one shown in the figure to the right. Each of the for outcomes
on this wheel is equally likely and outcomes are independents from one spin to the next.
The contestant spins the wheel.
If the result is a skunk, no money is won and the contestant’s turn is finished.
If the result is a number, the corresponding amount in dollars in won. The contestant con then stop with
those winnings or can choose to spin again, and his or her turn continues.
A. What is the probability that the result will be a number on all of the first three spins of the wheel?
B. Suppose a contestant has earned $800 on his or her first three spins and chooses to spin the wheel again.
What is the expected value of his or her total winnings for the four spins?
C. A contestant who lost at this game alleges that the wheel is not fair. In order to check on the fairness of
the wheel, the data in the table below were collected for 100 spins of this wheel.
Based on these data, can you conclude that the four outcomes on this wheel are not equally likely? Give
appropriate statistical evidence to support your answer.
2004 Exam – Question 3
At an archaeological site that was an ancient swamp, the bones from 20 brontosaur skeletons have been
unearthed. The bones do not show any sign of disease or malformation. It is thought that these animals
wandered into a deep area of the swamp and became trapped in the swamp bottom. The 20 left femur bones
(thigh bones) were located and 4 of these left femurs are to be randomly selected without replacement for DNA
testing to determine gender.
A. Let X be the number out of the 4 selected left femurs that are from males. Based on how these bones were
sampled, explain why the probability distribution of X in not binomial.
B. Suppose that the group of 20 brontosaurs whose remains were found in the swamp had been made up of 10
males and 10 females. What is the probability that all 4 in the sample to be tested are male?
C. The DNA testing revealed that all 4 femurs tested were from males. Based on this result and your answer
from part (b), do you think that males and females were equally represented in the group of 20 brontosaurs stuck
in the swamp? Explain.
D. Is it reasonable to generalize your conclusion in part (c) pertaining to the group of 20 brontosaurs to the
population of all brontosaurs? Explain why or why not.
2004 Exam B – Question 3
Trains carry bauxite ore from a mine in Canada to an aluminum processing plant in northern New York state in
hopper cars. Filling equipment is used to load ore into the hopper cars. When functioning properly, the actual
weights of ore loaded into each car by the filling equipment at the mine are approximately normally distributed
with a mean of 70 tons and a standard deviation of 0.9 ton. If the mean is greater than 70 tons, the loading
mechanism is overfilling.
A. If the filling equipment is functioning properly, what is the probability that the weight of the ore in a
randomly selected car will be 70.7 tons or more? Show your work.
B. Suppose that the weight of ore in a randomly selected car is 70.7 tons. Would that fact make you suspect that
the loading mechanism is overfilling the cars? Justify your answer.
C. If the filling equipment is functioning properly, what is the probability that a random sample of 10 cars will
have a mean ore weight of 70.7 tons or more? Show your work.
D. Based on your answer in part (c), if a random sample of 10 cars had a mean ore weight of 70.7 tons, would
you suspect that the loading mechanism was overfilling the cars? Justify your answer.
2005 Exam B – Question 2
For an upcoming concert, each customer may purchase up to 3 child tickets and 3 adult tickets. Let C be the
number of child tickets purchased by a single customer. The probability distribution of the number of child
tickets purchased by a single customer is given in the table below.
(a) Compute the mean and the standard deviation of C.
(b) Suppose the mean and the standard deviation for the number of adult tickets purchased by a single customer
are 2 and 1.2, respectively. Assume that the numbers of child tickets and adult tickets purchased are independent
random variables. Compute the mean and the standard deviation of the total number of adult and child tickets
purchased by a single customer.
(c) Suppose each child ticket costs $15 and each adult ticket costs $25. Compute the mean and the standard
deviation of the total amount spent per purchase.
An assignment of probability must obey which of the following?
(a) The probability of any event must be a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.
(b) The sum of all the probabilities of all outcomes in the sample space must be exactly 1.
(c) The probability of an event is the sum of the outcomes in the sample space which make up the event.
(d) All of the above.
(e) A and B only.
Event A occurs with probability 0.2. Event B occurs with probability 0.8. If A and B are disjoint (mutually
exclusive), then
(a) P(A and B) = 0.16.
(b) P(A or B) = 1.0.
(c) P(A and B) = 1.0.
(d) P(A or B) = 0.16.
(e) Both A and B are true.
A fair coin is tossed four times, and each time the coin lands heads up. If the coin is then tossed 1996 more
times, how many heads are most likely to appear for these 1996 additional tosses?
(a) 996
(b) 998
(c) 1000
(d) 1996
(e) None of the above. The answer is __________________________.
A die is loaded so that the number 6 comes up three times as often as any other number. What is the
probability of rolling a 1 or a 6?
(a) 1/3
(b) 1/4
(c) 1/2
(d) 2/3
(e) None of the above. The answer is __________________________.
Questions 5 and 6 relate to the following: In a particular game, a fair die is tossed. If the number of spots
showing is either four or five, you win $1. If the number of spots showing is six, you win $4. And if the number
of spots showing is one, two, or three, you win nothing. You are going to play the game twice.
The probability that you win $4 both times is
(a) 1/6
(b) 1/3
(c) 1/36
(d) 1/4
(e) 1/12
The probability that you win at least $1 both times is
(a) 1/2
(b) 4/36
(c) 1/36
(d) 1/4
(e) 3/4
Question 7 and 8 relate to the following: An event A will occur with probability 0.5. An event B will occur with
probability 0.6. The probability that both A and B will occur is 0.1.
The conditional probability of A given B
(a) is 0.5.
(b) is 0.3.
(c) is .2.
(d) is 1/6.
(e) cannot be determined from the information given.
We may conclude that
(a) events A and B are independent.
(b) events A and B are disjoint.
(c) either A or B always occurs.
(d) events A and B are complementary.
(e) none of the above.
Experience has shown that a certain lie detector will show a positive reading (indicates a lie) 10% of the
time when a person is telling the truth and 95% of the time when a person is lying. Suppose that a random
sample of 5 suspects is subjected to a lie detector test regarding a recent one-person crime. Then the
probability of observing no positive reading if all suspects plead innocent and are telling the truth is
(a) 0.409
(b) 0.735
(c) 0.00001
(d) 0.591
(e) 0.99999
10. If you buy one ticket in the Provincial Lottery, then the probability that you will win a prize is 0.11. If you
buy one ticket each month for five months, what is the probability that you will win at least one prize?
(a) 0.55
(b) 0.50
(c) 0.44
(d) 0.45
(e) 0.56
A psychologist studied the number of puzzles subjects were able to solve in a five-minute period while listening
to soothing music. Let X be the number of puzzles completed successfully by a subject. X had the following
1. Using the above data, what is the probability that a randomly chosen subject completes at least 3 puzzles in
the five-minute period while listening to soothing music?
(a) 0.3
(b) 0.4
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.9
(e) The answer cannot be computed from the information given.
Using the above data, P(X < 3) is
(a) 0.3
(b) 0.4
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.9
(e) The answer cannot be computed from the information given.
Using the above data, the mean µ of X is
(a) 2.0
(b) 2.3
(c) 2.5
(d) 3.0
(e) The answer cannot be computed from the information given.
Which of the following random variables should be considered continuous?
(a) The time it takes for a randomly chosen woman to run 100 meters
(b) The number of brothers a randomly chosen person has
(c) The number of cars owned by a randomly chosen adult male
(d) The number of orders received by a mail order company in a randomly chosen week
(e) None of the above
Let the random variable X represent the profit made on a randomly selected day by a certain store.
Assume that X is normal with mean $360 and standard deviation $50. What is the value of P(X >$400)?
(a) 0.2119
(b) 0.2881
(c) 0.7881
(d) 0.8450
A rock concert producer has scheduled an outdoor concert. If it is warm that day, she expects to make a
$20,000 profit. If it is cool that day, she expects to make a $5,000 profit. If it is very cold that day, she
expects to suffer a $12,000 loss. Based upon historical records, the weather office has estimated the chances
of a warm day to be .60; the chances of a cool day to be .25. What is the producer's expected profit?
(a) $5,000
(b) $13,000
(c) $15,050
(d) $13,250
(e) $11,450
In a particular game, a fair die is tossed. If the number of spots showing is either 4 or 5 you win $1, if
number of spots showing is 6 you win $4, and if the number of spots showing is 1, 2, or 3 you win nothing.
Let X be the amount that you win. The expected value of X is
(a) $0.00.
(b) $1.00.
(c) $2.50.
(d) $4.00.
(e) $6.00.
Questions 6 and 7 use the following: Suppose X is a random variable with mean µX and standard deviation X.
Suppose Y is a random variable with mean µ Y and standard deviation Y.
The mean of X + Y is
(a) µX + µY .
(b) (µX / X) + (µY / Y).
(c) µX + µY, but only if X and Y are independent.
(d) (µX / X) + (µY / Y), but only if X and Y are independent.
(e) None of these.
The variance of X + Y is
(a) X + Y.
(b) (X)2 + (Y)2.
(c) X + Y, but only if X and Y are independent.
(d) (X)2 + (Y)2, but only if X and Y are independent.
10. Suppose X is a continuous random variable taking values between 0 and 2 and having the probability density
function below.
P(1 ≤ X ≤ 2) has value
(a) 0.50.
(b) 0.33
(c) 0.25
(d) 0.00
(e) None of these.
It has been estimated that about 30% of frozen chickens contain enough salmonella bacteria to cause illness
if improperly cooked. A consumer purchases 12 frozen chickens. What is the probability that the consumer
will have more than 6 contaminated chickens?
(a) 0.961
(b) 0.118
(c) 0.882
(d) 0.039
(e) 0.079
The probability that a certain machine will produce a defective item is 0.20. If a random sample of 6 items
is taken from the output of this machine, what is the probability that there will be 5 or more defectives in the
A professional basketball player sinks 80% of his foul shots, in the long run. If he gets 100 tries during a
season, then the probability that he sinks between 75 and 90 shots (inclusive) is approximately equal to:
(a) Pr ( -1.25 <= Z <= 2.5 )
(b) Pr ( -1.125 <= Z <= 2.625 )
(c) Pr (-1.125 <= Z <= 2.375 )
(d) Pr ( -1.375 <= Z <= 2.375 )
(e) Pr (-1.375 <= Z <= 2.625 )
If X has a binomial distribution with n = 400 and p = .4, the approximate probability of the event {155 < X
< 175} is:
(a) 0.6552
(b) 0.6429
(c) 0.6078
(d) 0.6201
(e) 0.6320
If in the previous question we change the interval to 155 <= X <= 175, the approximate probability is;
(a) 0.4
(b) Larger than that in the previous question
(c) Smaller than that in the previous question
(d) Equal to that in the previous question
(e) May be smaller or larger than that in the previous question
A survey asks a random sample of 1500 adults in Ohio if they support an increase in the state sales tax from
5% to 6%, with the additional revenue going to education. Let X denote the number in the sample that say
they support the increase. Suppose that 40% of all adults in Ohio support the increase. The probability that
X is more than 650 is
(a) less than 0.0001.
(b) less than 0.001.
(c) less than 0.01.
(d) 0.9960.
(e) none of these.
A fair coin (one for which both the probability of heads and the probability of tails are 0.5) is tossed six
times. Use the binomial formula to evaluate the probability that less than 1/3 of the tosses are heads is
(a) 0.344.
(b) 0.33.
(c) 0.109.
(d) 0.09.
(e) 0.0043.
Suppose we select an SRS of size n = 100 from a large population having proportion p of successes. Let X
be the number of successes in the sample. For which value of p would it be safe to assume the sampling
distribution of X is approximately normal?
(a) 0.01
(b) 1/9
(c) 0.975
(d) 0.9999
(e) All of these.
Suppose we roll a fair die ten times. The probability that an even number occurs exactly the same number of
times as an odd number on the ten rolls is
(a) 0.1667.
(b) 0.2461.
(c) 0.3125.
(d) 0.5000.
(e) None of these.
10. In a large population of college students, 20% of the students have experienced feelings of math anxiety. If
you take a random sample of 10 students from this population, the probability that exactly 2 students have
experienced math anxiety is
(a) 0.3020
(b) 0.2634
(c) 0.2013
(d) 0.5
(e) 1
(f) None of the above
11. Refer to the previous problem. The standard deviation of the number of students in the sample who have
experienced math anxiety is
(a) 0.0160
(b) 1.265
(c) 0.2530
(d) 1
(e) .2070
1. A phone-in poll conducted by a newspaper reported that 73% of those who called in liked business tycoon
Donald Trump. The unknown true percentage of American citizens who like Donald Trump is a
(a) Statistic
(b) Sample
(c) Parameter
(d) Population
(e) None of the above. The answer is
The sampling distribution of a statistic is
(a) The probability that we obtain the statistic in repeated random samples
(b) The mechanism that determines whether randomization was effective
(c) The distribution of values taken by a statistic in all possible samples of the same sample size from the
same population
(d) The extent to which the sample results differ systematically from the truth
(e) None of the above. The answer is
A statistic is said to be unbiased if
(a) The survey used to obtain the statistic was designed so as to avoid even the hint of racial or sexual
(b) The mean of its sampling distribution is equal to the true value of the parameter being estimated
(c) Both the person who calculated the statistic and the subjects whose responses make up the statistic were
(d) It is used for honest purposes only
(e) None of the above. The answer is
The number of undergraduates at Johns Hopkins University is approximately 2000, while the number at
Ohio State University is approximately 40,000. At both schools a simple random sample of about 3% of the
undergraduates is taken. Which of the following is the best conclusion?
(a) The sample from Johns Hopkins has less sampling variability than that from Ohio State.
(b) The sample from Johns Hopkins has more sampling variability than that from Ohio State.
(c) The sample from Johns Hopkins has almost the same sampling variability as that from Ohio
(d) It is impossible to make any statement about the sampling variability of the two samples since the
students surveyed were different.
(e) None of the above. The answer is
In a large population, 46% of the households own VCRs. A simple random sample of 100 households is to
be contacted and the sample proportion computed. What is the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of the sample proportion?
(a) 46
(b) 0.46
(c) 0.00248
(d) 0.005
(e) None of the above. The answer is
In a large population of adults, the mean IQ is 112 with a standard deviation of 20. Suppose 200 adults are
randomly selected for a market research campaign. The distribution of the sample mean IQ is
(a) Exactly normal, mean 112, standard deviation 20.
(b) Approximately normal, mean 112, standard deviation 0.1.
(c) Approximately normal, mean 112, standard deviation 1.414.
(d) Approximately normal, mean 112, standard deviation 20.
(e) Exactly normal, mean 112, standard deviation 1.414.
7. The law of large numbers states that, as the number of observations drawn at random from a population with
finite mean  increases, the mean x of the observed values
(a) Gets larger and larger.
(b) Gets smaller and smaller.
(c) Gets closer and closer to the population mean  .
(d) Fluctuates steadily between one standard deviation above and one standard deviation below the mean.
(e) Varies randomly about  .
Which of the following statements is (are) true?
n even if the population is not normally
The sampling distribution of x has standard deviation 
II. The sampling distribution of x is normal if the population has a normal distribution.
III. When n is large, the sampling distribution of x is approximately normal even if the population is not
normally distributed.
I and II
I and III
II and III
I, II, and III
None of the above gives the correct set of responses.
Suppose we are planning on taking an SRS from a population. If we double the sample size, then
be multiplied by:
(b) 1 2
(c) 2
(d) 1 2
(e) 4