
Treasures Vocabulary
Smart Start
High Frequency Words—are do the you to come where of little said
one two could some three away our again there they
Unit One
Week 1 David’s New Friends
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
groan—a deep, unhappy sound
excited—thrilled and extremely happy about something that happened
whisper—talk in a very quiet voice
carefully—taking your time and thinking about what you are doing
different—not the same as something else
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—blue even study a nothing from begin go six do of
the they to you
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
attempt eager expert knowledge lesson artist carpenters lessons
Unit One
Week 2 Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
company—someone who is with you for friendship and companionship
delighted – very pleased or happy
enjoyed – got joy or pleasure from something; was happy
share – give some of what you have to others
thinning –becoming thin, less of something
wonderful – very good
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—another move year pick yellow cold instead run
minutes blue even study
Oral Vocabulary (understand the words)
agree appreciate companion fond loyal lair struggled gnawed
Unit One
Week 3 Family Farm: Then and Now
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and understand how to use them)
harvest – farmers gather in a crop
crops – plants that farmers grow to be eaten or sold
regrow – something grows or develops again
machines – devices or pieces of equipment that do jobs
irrigate – to bring water to the land with streams or pipes
settlers – people who make a home in a new land
modern – up-to-date; not old fashioned
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words)-English language understand would across always hold orange
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
bond fatigued reflect relationship resume explorer scouts rodent
Unit One
Week 4 Meet Rosina
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
celebrate –to show something is important in a special way
cultures – the arts, beliefs, and customs of a group of people
deaf – not able to hear
relatives – people who are part of a family
signing – showing words and letters with hands and fingers
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—because off picture English language understand drink
shout friends best under give
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
amusement entertain magnificent remarkable skill defiantly envious
gazed reflection
Unit One
Week 5 My Name is Yoon
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
favorite –a person or thing that you like best
patient – waiting calmly
practiced – doing something over and over again to get better at it
settled – made a place or home for yourself
wrinkled – creases or lines in something
Korea –an Asian country near China
symbols—designs that stand for something else
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—because off picture America world country work house
write can pull long
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
custom journey varied greet liberty citizen ceremony loyal
Unit Two
Week 1 Babu’s Song
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
collection – a group of objects that belong together
concern – something that is important to you
exclaimed –cried out or shouted something with strong feeling
figure – a shape
vendors – people who sell things
illness – a sickness
lard – white, greasy stuff made of melted fat
flourish – a dramatic way of moving your hands
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—America world country island special though don’t
over does up eat like
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
dignity embrace just disposition gracious percussion record
subway studio
Unit Two
Week 2 Dona Flora
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
advice –- something you tell people to help them with a problem or situation
commotion –a lot of loud noise or confusion
rattled – something made quick, sharp noises
respected – looked up to someone; wanted to be more like them
shivering – shaking or trembling because of being cold or afraid
tangled – something that was in a twisted-up mess
stomped – walked loudly or angrily
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—island special though word morning against straight
never buy funny now small
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
complaint nation privilege scent unique barre split
Pas de chat (ballet step)
Unit Two
Week 3 A Tall Tale
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
independence --freedom
landmark – important building or place
state -- one of the parts of a country
government – made up of people in charge of ruling a city, a state, or a
symbol – something that represents or stands for something else
museum – a building where objects of art, science, or history are kept and
displayed for people to see
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—word morning against different number other for who
before school call out
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
brave escape glow prevent surround veered pleaded wailing
Unit Two
Week 4 One Grain of Rice
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
amount – how much there is of something
clever – someone who is smart and learns quickly
collectors – people who gather a certain type of objects
double – twice as much
reward – give someone a gift or honor because he or she did something
store – put something away so you can use it later
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—different number other anything everyone began myself
should girl about grew her
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
conquer exhausted physical energetic hero boastful resolved vain
Unit Two
Week 5 African-American Inventors
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
allowed – let happen, or made something else happen
design – a plan for how to make something
instrument – a tool or machine made for a special purpose
invented – someone made a new thing that did not exist before
powerful – very strong
products – things made by people or machines
inventor – a person who creates new things
slavery – when people are owned and forced to work
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)--anything began everyone building machine scientist my
ten fast way been found
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
devise ingenious investigate superior wits hoaxer reaping
torpedoes barriers
Unit Three
Week 1 The Alvin Ailey Kids: Dancing as a Team
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
effort – the amount of hard work you use to do something
mood – how something makes you feel
perform – to sing or act for people
proud -- having a good feeling about something you did
remember – think about something form the past
ballet – a kind of dancing with poses, turns, and leaps
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—body pretty young building machine scientist much
start which around find no
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
annual anticipate cherish emotion festive chef banquet
compliments beamed
Unit Three
Week 2 Abuelo and the Three Bears
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
argue – give your opinion that disagrees with someone else
arrive – reach, or get to a place
cozy – comfortable or snug
medium – in the middle or average
noticed – saw something
stubborn – not willing to give in change
tucked – pushed the ends of something into place
grumbled – complained about something in a grouchy way
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—body pretty young inside behind happened those what
father ball after old
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
attractive depart exaggerate gesture soothing miniscule scrawny
scrumptious panting
Unit Three
Week 3 Music of the Stone Age
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
impossible – cannot be done
pleasant – something that we like or it pleases us
talent – something you do well
treasures –things that are valuable or have meaning; gold, jewels, paintings
surrounds – is all around or everywhere
unearthed – uncovered or dug up
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—inside behind happened heavy region system this
were better full we boy
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
craft decorate divide precious represents suited gasping lute
Unit Three
Week 4 Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
demand –to ask for something firmly or with force
emergency – an urgent situation that needs fast action
furious – very angry
impatient – not able to handle a delay or a problem calmly
neutral – not belonging to either side in an argument or war
sincerely – saying, doing, or feeling something with honesty
strike – when work stops until demands are met
ultimatum – a threat that something bad will happen if something is not
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—heavy region system carry once talk these first be
their then
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
depend modern operate produce supply lullaby drift wallowing
Unit Three
Week 5 Stirring Up Memories
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
creating – making something new
familiar – something that you know because you have seen or heard it
glamorous – interesting, exciting, charming
imagination – pictures in someone’s mind that are not real
memories – people, places, or events that are remembered from the past
occasions – important or special events
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)-- carry once talk believe built material not five tell
new mother fall
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
coincidence contemplate explain scheme worthy dashed imaginary
shiver spell
Unit Four
Week 1 Head, Body, Legs: A Story from Liberia
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
attached – stuck to something else
delicious – tastes very good
frantically – done in a hurried way with worry or fear
gasped – took a fast and loud breath
swung – moved back and forth
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—believe built material family four hear bring today
place all water or
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
accomplish arduous labor rejoice succeed longhouse partridge
rumbling game
Unit Four
Week 2 Officer Buckle & Gloria
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
accident – something that happens by chance
attention – watch and listen carefully
buddy – good friend
enormous – very, very big
tip – pieces of advice
obeys – someone does something that he/she is told to do
police – people who make sure laws and rules are followed
department – a group or section of an organization or company
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them) –family four hear above color song poor enough also
wish eight people
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
advice hesitate secure panic vowed civilians evidence safeguard
aviation stakeout
Unit Four
Week 3 A Trip to the Emergency Room
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
aid – help or support
heal – get better
informs – someone tells you something
personal – something that has to do with you
serious – something that is dangerous or important
ambulances – vehicles used to take injured people to the hospital
properly – in the right way
patients – people who are staying at the hospital
examine – to check carefully
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—above color song follow near paper sound with air
far along eyes
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)--clever comfort
recuperate sympathy urgent sprinkler walking stick railing harmonica
Unit Four
Week 4 A Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
examines – looks at something carefully
hunger – feels a strong need to eat
mammal – a warm-blooded animal that drinks its mother’s milk and has hair
normal – the regular or healthy way
rescued – saved from danger
young – early time in a life; not old
harbor – a place of shelter near the shore
scientist – a person who studies science
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—follow near paper below city own open read wash
gave sleep and
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
baffled compassion daring lunge survive village whale tide
Unit Four
Week 5 Mice and Beans
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
assembled – put something together
devoured – ate food greedily
fetch – goes after something and brings it back
menu – list of foods that will be served at a meal
simmered – cooked slowly for a long time
casita – a small house
enchiladas – filled tortillas covered with sauce
piñata – a hanging container filled with candy
fiesta – a party
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—below city own among bought decided why ride play
thought early any
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
applause deceive display exquisite vain prepared mumble drapes
ask permission call collect
Unit Five
Week 1 The Tiny Seed
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
burst – break open
desert – a very hot, dry, sandy place
drifts – is carried through the air or water
drowns – something is covered by too much water and not able to survive
gently – moves in a soft and smooth way
neighbor – a person that is close to another
rays – beams of sunlight
looms – looks large and dangerous
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—among bought decided food together through too
soon more every put so clean
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
appear expect fertile sprout thrive humble forlorn giantess
Unit Five
Week 2 The Ugly Vegetables
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
aroma – a pleasant smell
blooming – a plant that is flowering and growing
muscles – parts of our bodies that move bones
prickly – something covered in sharp points
scent -- smell
trade – exchange one thing for another
Chinese – a word describing something from China
vegetables – plants whose parts are used for food
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—food through together certain field hundred how know
many upon walked gone change
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
abundant conceal edible ripe scrumptious pioneers settler frontier
cider mills
Unit Five
Week 3 Meet the Super Croc
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
ancient – very old
confirm – shoe that something is based on facts
hopeful – think something good may happen
site – the position or location of something
unable – not able to do something
valid – it can be proven
roamed – wandered or moved from place to place
theory – an idea or belief to explain something
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)-- certain field hundred idea often second learn into
until good draw build right
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
harmless immense prior research ruthless exhibit guard
tape measure
Unit Five
Week 4 Farfalina & Marcel
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
fluttered – flapped ones wings to fly
giggled -- laughed
peered – looked over or around something
recognized – knew and remembered from an earlier time
snuggled – was close to someone or something for warmth or protection
vanished – something can no longer be seen
feathers – light, fluffy coverings of a bird’s skin
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)—idea often second group important only want laugh
hurt searching knew very goes
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
develop hatches mature occur sturdy beautiful country ducklings
Unit Five
Week 5 Nutik, the Wolf Pup
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
beloved –dearly loved
glanced – looked at very quickly
gleamed – shown or glowed
noble – someone who has qualities of high moral character
promised – said something will or will not happen
wiggled – moved from side to side in short, quick motions
Eskimo – a group of people who live in the Arctic coastal areas
tundra – a cold, treeless area in the Arctic
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)-- group important only door order remember climbed
use seven light by got I
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
defend encounter located positive react located rumpus snarling
Unit Six
Week 1 Dig Wait Listen
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
beyond – farther along
burrow – a hole or a tunnel
distant – far away in space or time
lengthy -- long
warning – something that tells you to be aware of danger
spadefoot – a kind of toad with smooth skin and feet shaped like spades
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)-- door order remember listen several wind see saw is
me says jump have
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
harsh scenery strategy temperature vast adobe Papagos Yucca
Unit Six
Week 2 Splish! Splash! Animal Baths
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
beasts – animals other than human beings
handy -- useful
itches – feelings on your skin that make you want to scratch
nibble – gently biting something or taking small bites of it
preen – to make oneself smooth, clean, or sleek
puddles – small, shallow pools of water
waterproofs – does not let water get through
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)-- listen several wind area money piece she try green
brought make cut warm
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
affection crave frustrated nourishment seek Kapok tree ancestors
canopy understory
Unit Six
Week 3 A Way to Help Planet Earth
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
conservation – protection of Earth’s natural resources
extinct – no more of that anima on Earth
hardest – most difficult
remains – things that are left
trouble – a problem
environmental – relating to surroundings that effect the living and nonliving
things within them
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)-- area money piece during sure whole made down
done look great live here
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
adjust defeat persuade practical purpose cherish terrain preserve
Unit Six
Week 4 Super Storms
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
beware – be on the lookout for something dangerous
destroy – to ruin it
grasslands – large land areas covered with grass
prevent – to stop something from happening
uprooted – torn or pulled out of the ground
violent—showing great physical force
lightning – a flash of light that happens when electricity moves between
clouds or from clouds to the ground during a storm
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)-- during sure whole complete measure questions shall
keep it was he sit head
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
abrupt accurate overwhelm severe threaten abandon stale varied
Unit Six
Week 5 Pushing up the Sky
***Vocabulary (be able to read the words and know their meanings)
agreed – they thought the same way
gathered – brought together
jabbing -- poking
randomly – made or done by chance, with no clear pattern
signal – a way of showing someone to do something
narrator – person in a play who gives information about the story
scenery—the painted backdrop of a play
costumes – clothes worn by actors in a play
High Frequency Words (be able to read the words and understand how to
use them)-- complete measure questions pulled travel voice grow
kind show help love sing has
Oral Vocabulary (understand the meanings of the words)
capable dazzling deserve phase sphere shilling mince
quince (a fruit) runcible spoon (a sharp-edged fork having 3 broad prongs)