Advanced English 11 Course Overview

Advanced English 11
Course Overview
Ms. Bowers & Miss Bowers
Course Description: Advanced English 11 is an elective that offers a challenging approach to
the study of the language arts. In this course the students will be expected to think, read, and
write critically and analytically. To ensure success, it is essential that each student comes to
class prepared and willing to participate in daily activities.
Class Procedures: The following activities will occur daily or weekly in class:
Journaling – Each student needs to provide loose leaf notebook paper to use as part of the
journaling process that occurs several days a week.
Vocabulary – Each class will begin with two words of the day. The vocabulary words
will be pulled from SAT prep. lists. We will spends a few minutes at the beginning of
each period introducing the words, their parts of speech, definitions and a sentence using
each word in context. Students are to record the words and their definitions in a separate
section of their binder. There will be a quiz every other week, which tests
comprehension of the new words. Twenty new words will be learned each lessons.
Basic Expectations:
 Each student needs to provide a folder or notebook to hold extra notebook paper and
Late homework will result in 50% deduction on that particular assignment if turned in the
next day.
Late projects or essays will result in lowering of the grade by one letter each day.
For makeup work, see Ms. Bowers or Miss Bowers.
If you are going to be absent from class due to an extra
curricular activity, you are required to turn in any assignments that were due that day to
the teacher in the morning or anytime BEFORE you leave for the activity (this includes
doctor, dental, orthodontist, etc. appointments). In addition, you are also responsible for
finding out what you will be missing in class that day, as well as any homework that was
 Plagiarism is a very serious offense that calls for serious disciplinary measures.
Plagiarism comes in the following forms, so be aware (and extremely careful!):
 Copying someone else’s homework or any other assignment
 Copying/printing from the internet and using the material as your own (instead of
giving credit to the author)
 Copying original ideas and phrasing from any other published source and claiming the
material as your own
 Having someone else do your homework
 Resubmitting work you had already completed for another class in a new class
Penalty for Plagiarism: A zero on the assignment as well as a phone call and possible meeting
with parent/guardian.
Grading Policy: Your grade each marking period will be calculated from an average of your
compositions, projects, journal entries, homework, vocabulary scores, and other quizzes, as well
as class participation. Each category may be weighted differently. For example, your
cumulative composition scores may count as 40% of the first marking period grade, whereas
vocabulary quizzes may count as 10% of the marking period grade.
**See students handout book for breakdown of grading scale.
Graduation Project: Each student is required to complete a graduation project by the end of
his/her senior year. We will provide you with an opportunity to complete a project in this class.
The graduation project requires writing, research, and an oral presentation.
Teacher Availability: If you have any questions concerning either your individual progress in
class or an assignment, I am available before school at 7:50 or after school until 4:00 (on most
days). You may also arrange to meet with me during my planning or lunch periods (periods 1 &
Ms. Bowers’s school e-mail:
school contact #: 272-4021
Miss Bowers:
Units of Study: Exploring the Concept of the American Dream through a Study of American
Rhetoric & Composition (an introduction to rhetorical analysis and the elements of style)
Early American Literature (literature of the Puritans and the American Revolution)
The Art of Persuasion (Speech Unit)
Contemporary Novels
Areas of Concern for Written Compositions:
Focus (thesis/controlling idea)
Conventions (spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.)
Both of us look forward to working with each of you this year. Good luck!