Types of Web Sites - Oakland Schools Moodle

Website Domain
Advocacy/Organizational Web Pages - URL usually ends in .org
An Advocacy or Organizational Web Page is usually sponsored by an organization, often a non-profit. The
purpose of the page or site is to influence public opinion about a particular cause or issue. Some pages may
contain bias. (examples: iste.org; ncda.org; onlineonetcenter.org)
Business/Commercial/Marketing Web Pages - URL usually ends in .com
A Business/Commercial/Marketing Web Page is usually sponsored by a commercial enterprise. The purpose
of the site or page is to try to sell a product. (e.g.: Microsoft.com; careerbuilder.com)
Informational Web Pages - URL usually ends in .edu or .gov or .mil
This Web Page is often sponsored by an educational institution (.edu), a government agency (.gov), or the
military (.mil). The purpose of the page or site is to present factual information. These are usually a good
source of reliable and accurate information. (examples.: bls.gov/oco/; Oakland.edu)
News Web Pages - URL usually ends in .com
A News Web Page is usually sponsored by a commercial news agency. The purpose of the page or site is to
present current factual information. (examples: freep.com; jobmarket.nytimes.com)
Personal Web Pages – URL endings vary, depending on where the page(s) are hosted
(.com, .edu, .net, etc.). The word Users or Members or a tilde (~) is frequently embedded in the
URL signifying a personal page.
A Personal Web Page or Site is created by an individual who may or may not be affiliated with a larger
institution. It might not be a reliable source of information. (example: cs.jhu.edu/~scott/)
Sites in Countries Other Than the U.S. – URL contains the specific country’s Internet twocharacter country code (Examples:.ca for Canada; .mx for Mexico; .au for Australia; .fr for France)
Refer to http://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/websoft/wwwstat/country-codes.txt or
What types of Web sites might be appropriate for you to use to find information?
What societies, organizations, or groups might have information
on your careers on their Web pages?
Using Technology in Career Exploration
Instructional Module 8.1 Resource
What would their domain
extension most likely be?
Oakland Schools
Revised April 2007