United States History (Period 6) Ms. Wong Room 203 Chapter 7: A More Perfect Union Newspaper Project Project Goal: To understand forces that shaped American government by writing about an important event of the years following American independence. You will research and write about one of these events: the adoption of the Articles of Confederation, the Ordinance of 1785, the Northwest Ordinance, Shays’ Rebellion, or the Great Compromise. For this assignment, you will prepare a newspaper from the late eighteenth century. You only need to do the front page of the newspaper. On that front page, you will write an article about one of the following events: the adoption of the Articles of Confederation, the Ordinance of 1785, the Northwest Ordinance, Shays’ Rebellion, or the Great Compromise. The article must include an appropriate image. You will also provide a bibliography documenting your research. The rest of the page can consist of other articles and images that you believe are appropriate for the time period. I will not be checking their accuracy; I will be focusing on your main article. This project can be done individually or in groups (maximum 3 students per group.) Keep in mind that I will grade your project much more strictly if you do it in a group. Articles must have the essential elements of a newspaper article as discussed in class. Refer to the attached rubrics for more information. Some good sources to reference are: America’s Library: America’s Story: Articles of Confederation: http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/revolut/jb_revolut_2ndcong_1.html National Park Service: Springfield Armory: Shays’ Rebellion: http://www.nps.gov/spar/historyculture/shays-rebellion.htm Ohio History Central: Land Ordinance of 1785; Northwest Ordinance: http://ohiohistorycentral.org/entry.php?rec=1472&nm=Land-Ordinance-of-1785 The Public Broadcasting Service: Chronicle of the Revolution: Northwest Ordinance: http://www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/popup_northwest.html United States Senate: July 16, 1787: A Great Compromise: http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/A_Great_Compromise.htm The Library of Congress: Road to the Constitution: http://myloc.gov/Exhibitions/creatingtheus/Constitution/Pages/Default.aspx This counts as a test grade. When you turn in your project, you will share it with the rest of the class. You will also complete a self- and group assessment. Project Due Date: Thursday, December 18 United States History (Period 6) Ms. Wong Room 203 Newspaper Assessment Rubric: Points 5 4 3 2 Research and Content Style All required elements included; research extremely thorough and accurate; sources relevant and consistently reliable; bibliography lists more than 3 sources and formatted correctly. Article presents in-depth account of event; article extremely well organized; article exceptionally clear, concise and informative; images help readers understand event; article contains few to no errors in grammar, usage, mechanics or spelling; rest of newspaper page is original and clear. Article presents somewhat in-depth account of event; article well organized; article clear, concise and informative; images help readers understand event; article contains few errors in grammar, usage, mechanics or spelling; rest of newspaper page is mostly original and clear. Article presents account of event, but lacks depth; article generally effective but could be more informative or better organized; writing sometimes unclear or wordy; images help readers understand event; article contains occasional distracting errors in grammar, usage, mechanics or spelling; rest of newspaper page is clear. Article presents minimal account of event; article All required elements included; research thorough and accurate; sources relevant and generally reliable; bibliography lists at least 3 sources and formatted correctly. All required elements included; research conducted but sometimes lacks thoroughness or accuracy; most sources relevant and reliable; bibliography lists 3 sources and formatted correctly. 1 or 2 required elements missing; research limited Collaboration and Time Management Project tasks effectively divided and strengths of each group member used well; group collaborates effectively and balances tasks equally in researching, planning and writing article; team organized and demonstrates skillful time management. Task responsibility shared equally; all members participate in researching, planning and writing article; time used effectively. Responsibility for tasks balanced among group members; most members fulfill responsibilities in researching, planning and writing article; time generally productive. Responsibility for task unbalanced among United States History (Period 6) Ms. Wong Room 203 and often inaccurate; sources sometimes irrelevant or unreliable; bibliography lists fewer than 3 sources or provides incomplete documentation for sources. 1 0 3 or more required elements missing; little to no research conducted; source material frequently irrelevant or unreliable; fewer than 3 sources cited or citations incomplete. Article not completed or submitted. missing details or needs improvement in organization; writing frequently unclear or wordy; images not clearly related to event; article contains frequent distracting errors in grammar, usage, mechanics or spelling; rest of newspaper page is somewhat clear. Article’s account of event incomplete or inaccurate; article disorganized or lacking in detail; writing unclear or wordy; images not clearly related to event; article contains errors that interfere with meaning; rest of newspaper page is attempted. Article not completed or submitted; no newspaper page. group members; time productive at times. Responsibility placed primarily on 1 or 2 group members; group members do not use time effectively. Group refuses to meet or cooperate.