Lee 1 “It's the first impression and will either open the door or close it.” A first impression, which is making evaluations based on observations in less than thirty seconds, give impressions about an individual even before talking to them. Good impressions can be difficult in cases where the first impression is a bad one. Most times in any interviews such as in businesses and colleges, first impressions can be extremely important in the final results of acceptance or denial. From personal studies backed by scholarly research, not only has first impressions created profiles about the person that may not necessarily be accurate, but shown to be difficult to change. A personal research experiment, which was started on May 7, showed that first impressions form tremendous differences in behaviors of when the individual changes their outfit. The experiment was performed in Seoul subways every weekend with a student of age seventeen wearing headphones with different clothes each weekend while sitting down on a seat in the afternoon of time period two pm to six pm. While the student wore a hoodie and ripped jeans in the first week with large headphones, the same student the next week in the same time period wore jeans with a short sleeved shirt. The question was whether the student would be asked to turn off loud rock music from the headphones from nearby passengers due to their first impression of the student wearing different clothes. It was hypothesized that the student would be asked more when wearing the clothes of a “purer” image with just jeans and a short-sleeved shirt, while passengers may have just moved or ignored the student with a crouching posture, covering the face, and wearing a hoodie with ripped jeans. The results supported the hypothesis with the student wearing more “approachable” clothes being asked to lower the music volume 65% more than the student wearing the hoodie with ripped jeans from a study done to sixty passengers. This showed that the first impression due to the appearance made an impact of decisions done by the public on the subway, and conclusively the public formed different first impressions about the student. In Lee 2 the case of the student wearing nothing to reveal his face, the first impression as told by public interviewees, “diligent at studying” and “responsible.” On the other hand, the same student when wearing ripped jeans with a hoodie to cover his face had shown various first impressions by the public where some stated they believed he was “dangerous” and “lacking proper care by his parents.” The public formed different images of the student that did not necessarily reflect the student’s original behavior. This shows that first impressions can be misleading in the public forming haste opinions based on their impressions of the student. This personal experiment in the subway would have many flaws such as a data sample being too small and the case of different events that may have occurred during the day. It may have been too simple of an experiment to specifically say that first impression had been the main factor in telling the student to turn down the music. But since it showed very similar to many different experiments by researchers, the personal experiment was able to show at least the trend, with first impressions leaving different actions and therefore inaccurate predictions of people’s personalities. These results were only complementary to first impressions of outfits, but have shown to be also true in almost any other case such as posture, voice, hand motions, facial expressions, and even hairstyles. Scholars also supported this result from research in various universities such as NYU and Tufts. Researchers designed an experiment showing the brain activity when the participants formed evaluations on different individuals given twenty written profiles of around twenty individuals with different traits. The profiles with pictures showed scenarios that indicated whether the individuals would show positive or negative traits in their depictions. During the impression formation period of only a few seconds, the participants’ brain activity was observed using an fMRI or functional magnetic resonance imaging. From the participants’ brain activities, the researchers were able to determine whether certain information was important in the formation of first impressions and whether Lee 3 they liked or disliked the specific profiles of the individuals. 1First impressions have shown to create a like or a dislike in a person. Depending on the degree and the various other evaluations, people form first impressions that lead to what actions they would like to take. First impressions may not always be the “correct” impression of people. As studies have shown from research in subways and from professors of universities such as NYU, first impressions have sometimes tended to show rash behavior and perceived certain people to have very different personalities from what they would actually have. In many cases, first impressions are sometimes moderately accurate at predicting a few personality dimensions based on the small about of information, but many times wrong in cases of the people’s extraversion or openness.2 Although some may be confident in their judgments, it did not signal that they could actually make those good predictions. This is stating that people need to be cautions with their first impressions, as it really does take some time to know people and since first impressions are often flawed. First impressions have shown to even create selffulfilling prophecies meaning that first impressions can affect how one treats others, leading to also different behaviors by those who react to them. Had first impressions always been good, many human relationships may have ended up with a better picture. First impressions having a profound influence on the future course of relationships is what many researchers such as Artemio Ramirez Jr. called “predicted outcome value theory.” 3There also showed a more “literal” truth to the saying “you never get a second change to make a first impression,” suggests many researchers. An psychologist named Bertram Gawronski stated an example, “Scientists Identify Neural Circuitry of First Impressions,” Science Daily, March 13, 2009, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090308142247.htm. 2 Art Markman. “We just met, but I feel like I know you. Do I?” Ulterior Motives, http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ulterior-motives/201002/we-just-met-i-feel-i-know-you-do-i. 3 Ravi Thilaka."First Impression," Medindia - Medical/Health Website. http://www.medindia.net/news/lifestyleandwellness/First-Impression-41580-1.htm. 1 Lee 4 “"Imagine you have a new colleague at work and your impression of that person is not very favorable. A few weeks later, you meet your colleague at a party and you realize he is actually a very nice guy. Although you know your first impression was wrong, your gut response to your new colleague will be influenced by your new experience only in contexts that are similar to the party. However, your first impression will still dominate in all other contexts." 4 According to Gawronski, the human brain has the first impression as an important factor in the impressions later, even when he or she may think it is wrong. In order to prove this and find out the persistence of first impressions, Gawronski and many other researchers showed test participants either positive or negative information about an individual on a computer screen. Then the researchers changed the background color of the computer screen while the participants were given positive or negative information and created impressions about the random person. To their surprise, they found new information had an impact on the participants’ evaluations about the random person only when the person was presented against the background is where the new information was learned. Otherwise, the participants’ reactions were still dominant to the older or first information when the random person was presented against other backgrounds.5 This study showed that first impressions were very persistent even when they were taught new information with different backgrounds. Also, a study of US medical students evaluating professors in 2010 supported the notion that first impressions do last. The author of the research named John A McNulty of Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine asked around 144 medical students to evaluate sixteen professors who lectured during a physiology course. Students were told to Rick Nauert, “Why First Impressions are Difficult to Change: Study,” Sott, January 19, 2011,http://www.sott.net/articles/show/221808-Why-First-Impressions-Are-Difficult-to-Change-Study. 4 5 Ibid. Lee 5 evaluate the professor during the course or after the course, and were allowed to change their minds before finalizing their opinions at the end of the course. In the end, only three percent of the evaluations were not revised before being finalized. As one researcher stated, “Students tended not to change their scores and comments, regardless of the time they submitted their evaluations. Hence first impressions appear to be very important.” 6 Both this study and the one before showed first impressions do tend to stick with people for a long time. Though both had some fallacies such as asking biased questions and creating situations that may have supported a certain idea, these two studies showed tremendous examples of how long first impressions can last. Although there are sometimes events that promote change in thought of another’s personality or trait, first impression tend to always come into mind and play a significant role in the evaluation. Although it may be difficult to change first impressions, studies have shown that first impressions can change. As Gawronski notes, "What is necessary is for the first impression to be challenged in multiple different contexts. In that case, new experiences become decontextualized and the first impression will slowly lose its power,"7 With enough new experiences going against the first impression, first impression can slowly change and form a different general impression. New contexts need to be experienced and challenge the first impression; otherwise, first impression will dominate the new experiences. For example, a student forms a first impression of a waitress to be lazy and irresponsible after the student sees the waitress calling someone on the phone during her work hour. In order for the student to change his or her first impression, he or she needs to see the waitress behaving differently in a different context or place. Maybe outside of work, such as school where the waitress is behaving responsibly in class may change the student’s first impression of her. It cannot just be a single experience, but multiple new experiences that “become decontextualized,” and 6 7 “Study: First impression has lasting impact,” UPI, December 11, 2010. Nauert, “Why First Impressions are Difficult to Change: Study.” Lee 6 force the first impression to slowly lose its power. After a period of time, the first impression will be altered and replaced with new impressions. Although first impressions have been proven to show a wrong image by many researchers, other studies argue against this and show that they may correctly somewhat predict people’s personalities. This was shown by the study about “thin slices” of behavior. The study showed correlation between the first impressions made in the first thirty seconds and a semester long class from the same teachers. The study was done with nine female undergraduates who were shown just thirty seconds of videotape without sound of thirteen different instructors. For each of the instructors, the undergraduates were shown ten seconds of the instructors teaching at the beginning, middle, and end of class. From the thirty seconds total, the nine female undergraduate university students were told to rate the thirteen instructors of fifteen adjectives or dimensions such as professional, honest, and confident. After that, the researchers linked these “thin slices” with evaluations and dimensions given by those who took semester long courses of the same thirteen teachers. The correlation was .76 from the fifteen dimensions from those who made first impressions and those who took classes for a whole semester. This showed that the thirty second “thin slices” were extremely similar to what students concluded from spending a whole semester with the professors. Some first impression dimensions were somewhat shocking as they correlated a bit higher; such as confident, dominant, and optimistic which were on the level of around .8. 8These traits, which can be said to be tremendously difficult from thirty seconds, were proven to also be true with those who took a course for a semester with the professor. These results may show two things: first impressions make lasting impacts on future evaluations of certain people, and/or first impressions are generally accurate with the general population. Due to Harvard University students needing to also have to impress many people 8 Nalini Ambady, Robert Rosenthal, "Half a minute: Predicting teacher evaluations from thin slices of nonverbal behavior and physical attractiveness," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64, no. 3 (1993): 441, http://psycnet.apa.org/journals. Lee 7 and often hold diverse leadership positions, they may have had a better chance at reading emotional cues. While the study is from Harvard University, which has many similarities to other prestigious colleges such as Princeton and Stanford, it does not predict the accuracy of first impressions of the general population. As the study was limited to those who had experience with impressing others in many situations in their lives, it does not accurately represent the population to having accurate first impressions. The main fallacy with this research could have been that participants were able to choose personalities that were simple and that could relate to almost any professor such as confident and dominant. Also due to the student participants having the knowledge that they were to predict the personalities of professors, they may have actually selected certain traits that all professors may have due to the common conception of professor attitudes and personalities. While this research has shown to be valuable showing that first impressions can sometimes predict people’s personalities quite well, most times, first impressions are fallacious and misleading. All in all, first impressions showed to make lasting impacts behaviors and attitudes on the individual. In all parts of society such as school, business, or even buying drinks at a café, first impression plays significant roles in offering images of people, whether it is actually true or not of people’s real traits. People need to be aware that first impressions may truly be false and show false representations of certain people. First impressions can have lasting effects on certain individuals that may last a lengthy period of time and even sometimes, these first impressions may change when there are new experiences in multiple different contexts. Bibliography Ambady, Nalini, and Robert Rosenthal. "Half a minute: Predicting teacher evaluations from thin slices of nonverbal behavior and physical attractiveness." Journal of Personality Lee 8 and Social Psychology 64, no. 3 (1993): 440-448. http://psycnet.apa.org/journals. Nauret, Nick. “Why First Impressions are Difficult to Change: Study,” Sott, January 19, 2011,http://www.sott.net/articles/show/221808-Why-First-Impressions-AreDifficult-to-Change-Study. Markman, Art. “We just met, but I feel like I know you. Do I?” Ulterior Motives, http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ulterior-motives/201002/we-just-met-i-feel-iknow-you-do-i. “Scientists Identify Neural Circuitry of First Impressions,” Science Daily, March 13, 2009, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090308142247.htm. “Study: First impression has lasting impact,” UPI, December 11, 2010. Thilaka, Ravi . "First Impression." Medindia - Medical/Health Website. http://www.medindia.net/news/lifestyleandwellness/First-Impression-41580-1.htm.