Element Baby Book This project idea was inspired by Lisa Curry's

Element Baby Book
This project idea was inspired by Lisa Curry’s “Adopt an Element Baby Book
project”(http://sciencespot.net/Pages/classchem.html#Anchor4). I have adapted her original project and tailored
it to the 9th grade Integrated Coordinated Science Curriculum.
For this project a group of students (maximum of 3) will adopt an element from the periodic table. I will
randomly choose from elements with the atomic numbers 1-35 and assign to the groups. As a proud parent of
their element, groups will research information on their adopted element to create a baby book documenting
each stage of their elements life.
Element Baby Book Format
_____Cover page – 1 point
Name of element and your name
Decorative cover
_____Page 1 -- This should be written in paragraph form. – 5 points
Name of element (Give your element a first name)
Nickname of element (Symbol)
Birth date (date element was discovered)
Birth weight (atomic mass)
Birth height (atomic number)
Race (type of element)
Attending physician (Discoverer)
Gender (state of matter at room temperature)
Place of birth (country of discovery)
Personality (emotions: boiling point and melting point)
_____Page 2 – 1 point
Fill out birth certificate and have parents sign
_____Page 3 – 2 point
Picture of element
# of protons is body
# of neutrons is legs
# of electrons is arm
Atomic number is head
_____Page 4 – 2 point
Poem about element
_____Page 5 – Draw a picture of all family members like on page 4. – 3 points
Family Name (family or group)
Address (period + discoverer’s last name + drive, lane, circle, court, road, or way)
Brothers and Sisters (Names of family members)
_____Page 6 – 2 point
Picture of element (Bohr model)
_____Page 7 – 2 point
Paragraph about the elements friends (tell about the bonding that this element likes to make and
what happens to its electrons)
_____Page 8 – 2 point
Career of element (what your element will become when grows up)
Picture of career
Group Member Names ____________________________________
Element ___________________________
Element Baby Book
Fact Sheet
Classification (circle one):
My element belongs to the ___________________________ family.
Three Interesting things about my family are:
Origin of Name __________________________________________________________
Discovered by ___________________________________________________________
Discovered in ___________________________________________________________
Interesting Info: May include important uses, interesting facts, common compounds, etc.
**This should not include any information that appears in other places on this project.
Atomic Number
Atomic Mass
# of Protons
# of Neutrons
# of Electrons
Melting Point
Boiling Point
Normal Phase
1. What type of bond do I normally form? ____________________________
2. Explain what my electrons do when I form a chemical bond.
3. Give an example of a balance reaction that I am involved in for a common substance.
Group Member Names ___________________________ Element_____________________________
Project Rubric (This should be attached to your project when you turn it in.)
• Provided basic information ................................. + 10 __________
(All items worth 1 points each)
Atomic #
Atomic Mass
Melting Point
• Other information ............................................... + 8 __________
Nonmetal/Metal/Metalloid (1 point)
Family Name (1 point)
3 Facts about Family (2 points)
Origin of Name (1 point)
Discovery By (0.5 point)
Discovery Date (0.5 point)
6 Interesting Information/Uses (2 points)
• Bonding………………………………………..+4 ___________
Type of bond (1 point)
What electrons do in bond (1 point)
Example Reaction (balanced) (2 points)
* References ......................................................... +3 __________
Minimum of 3 (2 points)
provided required information (0.5 point)
correct format (0.5 points)
• Miscellaneous .................................................... + 5 __________
Typed or Black ink (1 point)
Complete sentences (1 point)
Correct spelling (1 point)
Correct grammar (1 point)
Neat (1 point)
* Element Baby Book…………………………….+ 20__________
See Format Sheet
Total Points = __________ out of 50 = __________%
Boiling Point
Normal Phase